Democracy in Pakistan Hopes and Hurdles - Jahangir's World Times

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Democracy in Pakistan Hopes and hurdles

Written by: Asim Raza on March 22, 2018.

1. Introduction
2. An Overview of Political History of Pakistan

Inception of Pakistan and initial problems

The game of musical chair during the first eleven years

Imposition of martial law by Ayub Khan

Secession of East Pakistan

Democratic Pakistan in the 70s

Overthrow of democratic government by General Zia-ul-Haq

Miracles of 58-2(b) in the 90s

Entry of Pervez Musharraf and partial restoration of democracy

Charter of democracy

Revival of democracy

3. Hopes Pertaining to Democracy in Pakistan at the Moment

Very promising and high

4. Factors that Indicate Promising Future of Democracy in Pakistan
A. Political Factors

Emergence of new national-level political parties

Successful completion of democratic tenures in the last decade

Increasing political awareness among the masses

Improved voter turnout in 2013 elections

Responsible role of politicians

B. Social Factors

Improving literacy rates

Increasing role of women in political, economic and social sectors

Presence of wide-awake and relatively independent media

Apparently more responsible role of judiciary

C. Administrative Factors

Engagement of military in counterterrorism activities and on eastern border

More professional and cautious approach of military leadership

Revival of the institution of local government

Improving situation of national integration

D. Economic Factors

CPEC-related projects and funds

Improving economic indicators

5. Hurdles in the Way of Democracy in Pakistan

A. Political Hurdles

Weak role of Election Commission of Pakistan

Absence of true democratic spirit in political parties

Lack of public interest in electoral process

Irresponsible and short-sighted role of opposition

B. Social Hurdles

Illiteracy and poverty

Class disparities and gaps

Backwardness of women

Irresponsible and motive-driven role of media

C. Administrative Hurdles

Clash of institutions

Corrupt, unpatriotic and unprofessional role of bureaucracy

Inequitable development and growth

Poor performance of democratic governments

D. Economic Hurdles

Deteriorating situation of economic growth

Persistently-rampant corruption

Increasing foreign debts

Destabilization of currency

6. Recommendations for the Best Handling of Hurdles

a. Devising sharply-focused, meticulously-planned and thoroughly-integrated policies

b. Tapping of indigenous mineral, geographical and human resources to enhance the availability of funds
with the government

c. Unfaltering, inflexible and incorruptible role of judiciary

d. People-oriented, sharply-focused and highly- equitable performance of democratic governments

e. Strengthening of local government. system, regular conduct of intra-party elections and holding of
political activities at educational institutes to promote new leadership

f. Professionally mature, responsible and objective role of media

g. Initiation of scrupulously-designed poverty- alleviation programmes

h. Structural reforms, institutions buildings and use of technology for the eradication of corruption

I. Introduction of civil service reforms to improve the bureaucratic structure

7. Conclusion

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