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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 11150 (1993): Construction of concrete barrages - Code

of practice [WRD 22: River Training and Diversion Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 1999 )

Indian Standard
(First Revision J

UDC 627*82*012*4 : 006.76

Q BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1993 Price Groap 6

Barrages and Weirs Sectional Committee, RVD 20


This LRdkuStaRdad (First Rwisiaa \ was adapted hy the Bucea.uaf kvih Standard, a&s the
draft finalized by the Barrages and Weirs Sectional Committee had been approved by the River
Valley Division Council.
Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of our country. For proper development of agri-
culture, we need to ensure irrigation facilities by tapping the river water and taking it to fields through
canals. Diversion of water from rivers is achieved by the construction of barrages and weirs across
them, With increased emphasis on agriculture in our planning, these diversion structures are also
becoming important in terms of their use and money spent on them. A need has thus been felt to lay
down guidelines for the construction of barrages and weirs on permeable foundations as well as
bouldary strata. The design part has been covered in TS 11130 : 1984 Criteria for structural design of
barrages and weirs’.
Some information regarding dewatering methods and sheet piling adopted in the construction of some
important barrages in India are given in Annexes A and B for general guidance.
‘This standard was first published in 1984. The revision of this standard has been taken up to incorpu-
rate the latest practices prevailing m the field.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the resul$of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerrcal values ( revised )‘. The number of signi-
ficant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this
IS 11150 : 1993

Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1 SCOPE cl Cross-section of the river at the proposed
site and at intervals of 50 to 200 m both
This standard covers construction of concrete on upstream and downstream up to at
barrages on permeable foundations including least 600 m from the proposed site;
care and diversion of river during construction.
4 Log cha.rts of bore holes drilled at about
2 REFERENCES 50 to 100 m intervals depending upon the
length of the barrage, along the divide
The Indian Standards listed in Annex C are
walls and under abutments, to a depth
necessary adjuncts to this standard.
of at least 10 m below the deepest river
3 TERMINOLOGY bed level. Such log charts along the up-
stream and downstream cut-off lines should
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the follow- indicate the bottom level of cut-off;
ing deflnition and definitions given in IS 6966
(Part 1 ) : 1989, IS 1191 : 1971, IS 4410 e) Permeability tests conducted for assessing
( Part 3 ) : 1988 and IS 4410 (Part 8 ) : 1968 seepage below the structure for designing
should apply. the scheme for dewatering and planning
of the equipment. The depth of logging
3.2 Dewateriog below divide wall should be as required
by design requirements;
It is lowering of water table to facilitate cons-
truction of the barrage substructure and con- f1 Daily rainfall data in and around the
nected works in fairly dry condition either by catchment area for as many years as
means of well-point system, deep-well pumping, available;
surface or open pumping, or any other method g) Information regarding the river geometry,
and/or suitable combination of methods adopted flood discharges ( with their duration)
to suit the site conditions. The method adopted and corresponding high flood levels, fair
should be such that uninterrupted dewatering is weather discharges and minimum water
possible to keep the water table at least 300 mm levels for as many years as possible prior
below the levels at which permanent works are to construction;
constructed and free flow of particles below the
foundation is prevented. h) Location and accessibility of potential
quarry areas for coarse and fine
4 DATA REQUIRED aggregate;
For efficient and economical construction of j) Working drawings of the barrage and
barrages detailed information with regard to the appurtenant works including details of
following should be made available for excavation, reinforcement, instruments,
construction : embedments and block outs for gates and
hoists, joints, seals, etc;
An index map of suitable scale showing
the proposed site of work with position k) Sequence of construction of various
of important irrigation works, roads and blocks comprising of number of bays and
railway crossing electric transmission, abutments, etc;
rain gauge and discharge observation ml Various constaints on different activities
sites near the barrages site; of construction, such as well, cut-offs,
A contour plan of the area around the pile drying, etc;
proposed site of the barrage with contour
intervals of not more than 0.50 to 1.0 m 11)Inter-dependence of various items so that
there is minimum interference in the
and up to an elevation of 2.50 to 6.0 m continuity of progress;
above the high flood level depending upon
the terrain conditions; it should cover the P) Necessary precautions to be taken for
store yard, labour shed area, colony, protection of season’s works from ensu-
workshop, aggregate processing and ing floods and also freshets during the
concrete batching and mixing plant, etc; working season; and

IS 11150 : 1993

q) Special features of construction of 3 Acquisition of land for works, both for

barrages, if any. departmental and contractor’s colonies;
Location of approved quarries for stone
aggregates and sand should be decided.
5.1 The construction planning of concrete qccess road and power supply for the
barrages is broadly classified as in 5.1.1
quarry,sites should be arranged;
and 5.1.2. m) A well equipped laboratory for sampling,
testing of soils, materials and formulating
5.1.1 Infrasfrzlcture Planning of design mixes for concrete, etc should
‘This includes approach roads, power and water be provided;
supply,, workshop, stores, aggregate processing n) Temporary hospital with medical eqruip-
plant, concrete batching and mixing plants, ment should be provided; and
camps and worksheds and establishment of
other amenities, such as market, fair-price PI Planning for housing of construction
shops, school, medical facilities and other social workers, provision of sanitary amenities
and cultural needs of the field staff and workers. and fuel supply for the colony is necessary
The planning should be carried out to the for preventing deferioration of surrouarl-
extent possible before the work is started, so ing environment.
that the uncertainties and delays in the execu- 5.1.2 Procurement Planning
tidn of work, and precise time estimates for the
job planning could be evaluated. The requisites a>Establishment of magazine of adeqwte
of infrastructure and other facilities should be capacity and procurement of initial
as under: requirements of explosives;
4 Site clearance; b) Establishment of adequate stom,oe of
‘4 Construction of major and medium
access roads to site. These roads should
be black-topped to withstand the traffic
c>Procurement of controlled, scarce anZd
unperishable commodities, such as
intensity of heavy vehicles needed for the cement, sheet piles, structural and re-
execution of works; inforcement steel, aggregates, explosives,
c) The haul roads, required for the disposal etc; and
of the excavated material, should be
constructed after finalising the ,job d) Procurement of necessary construction
equipment, spare parts and accessories.
4 Bridges enroute to site should be designed 5.2 Programme of Works
to cater for loads of construction
equipment, such as shovels, cranes, The programme of works should consist mainly
tippers, etc; nf the following:

e>Adequate power supply from the grid at Bar chart programme for &he project
duration showing the quantities and
points of consumption should be supplied.
A generating station having adequate monthly progress required for various
capacity to meet the power requirements major items of the project should be
of critical items of work, such as dewater- prepared. It would be desirable to work
ing, should be installed at site, to ensure out a master network plan based on
uninterrupted power supply. In case PERT/CPM planning for monitoring the
power supply is not available at site from project and this is to be reviewed before
grid, generating stations to meet the start of every working season or earlier;
peak power requirements for different Based on the project duration and i,rne
construction activities should be set up at analysis of various activities, resource-
site; planning, for example, planning of
fj Water supply for the works; finance, manpower planning and equip-
ment planning for various activities in the
s>Railway siding facilities for loading/un-
loading of heavy machinery and equip- different seasons of work should be
ment, essential commodities, such as prepared;
cement and high speed diesel, should be Manpower planning should indicate :he
arranged at the nearest rail-head to the seasonwise requirement of various
project site; categories of’officers and .staff. &Ionthly,
11)Telephone, telegraph and other communi- daily rated workmen and piecework
cation facilities required for the project labour for the execution of the sea5cn’s
site; programme should also be planned;

IS 11150: lY!u

Equipment planning should indicate the 6.3 The following sequence of construction
seasonwise requirement of various plant should generally be adopted at the various
and equipment with important spares and stages of the construction work:
accessories; and
The requirement of finances for the a) Temporary access bridge should be pro-
vided for transport of man, materials,
season’s work should be worked out by and equipment whenever necessary;
preparing fund-flow analysis and cash-
flow sheets. This would enable the project ‘-‘I The layout of coffer dam enclosure should
authorities to forecast the borrowings, be decided on the site conditions, nature
capital investment and various other of river course, and programme of works
aspects of financing the job. for the season [Reference ,may be made
to IS 9795 ( Part I ) : 1981 and
5.3 Review of Programme and Resources IS 10084 ( Part 1 ) : 1982 1:
It should indicate the following:
cl Dewatering - The following voints should
The budgeted programme of work and be taken care of while dew%ring:
actual progress achievement should be
reveiwed every quarter and monitoring 1) After completing the exacavation
of the resources should be carried out to above the water table dewatering of
obviate the shortfall in progress; the foundations should be commenced
The actual performance of various by well points/open pumps/deepweli
should be compared with pumps and the water table progres-
estimated performance and necessary sively lowered.
corrective measures should be taken to
improve the performance ; 2) In sandy soil well point systems may
be suitable for dewatering. In silty
The budgeted cost of various major items clay foundations strata open pumps
should be compared with actual costs and/or deep well pumps may be suita-
and necessary measures to control the ble. If an impermeable compact
costs should be adopted; shingles+cobble layer is sandwitched
Availability and procurement of essential between sandy layers in. the depth to
materials like cement, steel, sheet piles be excavated, deep-well pumps with
and coarse aggregate; strainer throughout the depth of the
Accessories and spare parts for plant and tubewell will be suitable.
machinery in use; and 3) The bore hole details indicating the
Availability of skilled and unskilled foundation strata, soil characteristic
manpower. namely, grain sizes, distribution, rela-
tive density and permeability should
6 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION be examined before deciding on the
system of dewatering.
6.1 Layout of a typical barrage showing the
various items of works is shown in Fig. 1. To 4) The preliminary requirements of de-
establish the barrage axis as per the approved watering pumps should be based on the
pla.n, puccn axis pillars should be constructed at inflow to the work area, calculated OJI
suitable locations not to be disturbed by the basis of permeability of the strata
construction works and river water level. and closeness of the water source/
6.1.1 Bench mark should be carried to the pro- 5) The designs, installation and operation
jeci area and established at different places of dewatering system should be in
and their locations and values recorded. accordance with IS 9759 : 198 1.
6.2 In order that the final stress pattern in the 6) During dewatering operation, care
completed structures conforms as closely as should be taken to ensure that there
possible to that assumed in the design, it is is no removal of fines from the sub-
necessary that the design organization specify strata that may weaken the founda-
the essential conditions governing the sequence tion.
of construction. The actual sequence should be
subject to approval by the Engineer-in-charge 7) Any seepage of water from the
before construction starts on any of the struc- foundation at local points or springs
tural items of the barrage and this sequence should be taken care of properly so
should not be materially varied without his that there is no piping of the founda-
approval. tion material.

1s 11150: 1993

d) Excavation of the foundation to the to be left in place if their extrac-

barrage profile is to be made either tion is likely to endanger the
manually or by machines in reasonably safety of the structure, due to
dry condition. During excavation, water disturbance of foundation-strata
table should be maintained at a lower during extraction. However,
level than the level at which excavation after completion of the work, the
is being done. The excavated soil should head of the piles are to be cut off
be disposed of either manually or by up to bed level;
machines, to suit site requirements. Tn
vii) Wherever seals are provided and
case, machinery is employed for excava-
tion, final excavation of the lowest layer are to be joined to the sheet piles,
should be done manually to the specified it should be carefully done by
depth; welding and brazing or bolting, as
e) Cut-off walls viii) Since sheet piles are designed to
have hinge action at the top, it
1) Sheet pile cut-ofl walls in non-bouldary should be ensured by provision of
reaches tar paper wherever two pile rows
The sequence of construction should are provided side by side. Cork
be as follows: mastic filter on top may be
provided to take care of uneven
i) After excavation to the final pro- heights and hinge action.
file or very near to the final profile
is completed, driving of sheet 2) Cut-off walls in bouldary strata
piles for cut-offs may be started; The barrage founded on bouldary
ii) Sheet niles should be driven verti- strata should be constructed either
tally in pairs, with bulb forward, with concrete diaphragm wall cut-off
by means of cranes, or pile frames or installation of steel sheet pile cut-
using drop hammers, single/double off in preformed trenches backfilled
acting hammers or vibrosinkers with sand. The sequence of constsuc-
depending on the availability and tion should be as under:
suitabllity of machines with res-
pect to soil characteristics of the i) Concrete diaphragm wall cut-off:
barrage foundation. It may not A) Excavation of the trench for
always be possible to drive the the concrete diaphragm
sheet piles vertically plumb. through sub-soil should be
Whenever the piles lean beyond done with suitable trenching
the permissible limit, suitable taper machine capable of ensuring
piles should be provided to correct that the width of trenches
the verticality; excavated should conform to
iii) Welding of piles prior to driving, the thickness of diaphragm
or welding it1situ to make up the wall,
required length may normally be B) The excavation of the trench
permitted. Driving of welded sheet should be carried out by means
piles of more than 8 m length is, of bentonite slurry circulation
however, not considered safe as method to enable tremieing
weld may give way under high concrete for construction of
driving stresses; diaphragm cut-off. The sides
iv) Cross-sheet piles under double of the trench should be suita-
piers in the raft type design, con- bly maintained before and
necting the upstream and down- during the concrete to prevent
stream cut-offs and sheet piles near any caving-in,
the junctions should be driven with C) After formation of the trench,
proper precautions, as regards the reinforcement cage in accor-
verticality of piles; dance with design requirements
v) Sheet pilling for abutments, return and predetermined panel
walls and flared out walls should lengths should be lower into
be taken up simultaneously, wher- the cut-off trench,
ever possible, to ensure easier and D) The concrete’ of requisite
vertical driving; strength should be placed in
vi) Sheet piles if used for temporary such a manner that the con-
protection works may be permitted crete displaces the slurry an.d




As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
IS 11150: 1993

mixing of concrete with slurry ii) The foundation should not contair.
does not occur. The tremie loose pockets or materials and
should be watertight and they should be watered and com-
sufficiently large to permit pacted to the specified relative
free flow of concrete, and all density, if necessary by vibrc-
. precautions should be taken rotation technique;
to get good quality of iii) Clav Dockets should be treated 35
concrete; spe&ied by the designer. It has
Q The placement of concrete to be ensured that proper drainage
should continue without inter- arrangements in the foundation
ruption until the concreting is according to the designs including
completed up to required inverted filter, wherever indicated,
elevation in the section or are provided and concreting work
panel, of the wall under is taken up; and
construction; iv) Piezometers, pressure cells, Soii-
stress meters, tilt meters and
F) To connect the joints between other instrumentation as specified
the wall panels, shoulder pipe
or any other method as re- should be installed. Care should
commended should be used. be taken to protect these instru-
The joints between the con- ments and their connection;s
crete diaphragm panels should during subsequent operations
be pressure grouted with ( see relavant Indian Standards
cement grout as considered concerning these aspects for
necessary, so as to ensure a guidance j.
continuous unbroken cut-off: Concrete
ii) Sheetpile cut-off in preformed Batching, mixing, placing and protection
?renches backfilled with sand: of concrete shou d be done in accordance
A) A trench along the sheetpile with IS 456 : 1978. Block-out should be
cut-off line, of suitable width provided for embedded parts m accor-
( generally 600 mm wide ) dance with drawing. The following
should be formed by bentonite sequence of operations should be adopted
method as described in 6.3 (e) for various concrete items:
(2) (i) (A) and (B); 1) Pile caps.
09 The preformed trench should i) Pile cap for sheet piles should bz
be back-filled with locally
laid with the concrete floor.
available sand by replacing the
bentonite slurry and the ben- However, pile caps may be cons-
tructed in advance to serve as a
tonite washed out by compres-
sed air and waterjet injected in retaining barrier for taking up
concrete apron blocks;
the backfilled sand; and
ii) Normally the pile caps are taken
Cl Steel sheet pile cut-off should deeper than foundation level and
be installed in the preformed
trench, in accordance with it may be necessary at times that
sequence enumerated in concreting of portion of pile caps
6.3 (e) (1); may have to be done in under-
water condition. This should be
iii) In case of localised rocky strata done in accordance with IS 456 :
being encountered, the excavation 1978. The balance portion of the
should be done by using jumpers, pile cap should be done along
chisels, paving breakers, etc, and with the main structure taking
not by blasting in any case. proper care for treatment of the
-3) Foundation preparation and instrumenta-
tion iii) Dowel bars or if necessary, metal
sealing strips should be provided
i) Once the cut-off walls on upstream for the joints between the pile
and downstream sides of the caps and the barrage floor. The
barrage are installed and pile caps sealing strip, if provided, should
partially completed, the founda- be properly and securely braced
tion surface should be properly with the sheet piles and the con-
levelled, dressed and consolidated; crete should be carefully placed

IS 11150: 1993

against the faces of the vertical 3) Abutmenr andjlared out walls:

joints and the sealing strips so as 9 In case of pile foundations. the-
not to disturb the water seal; and piles should be driven to the
iv) In case of bouldary strata, where founding levels and pile caps and
diaphragm wall cut-off is provided, foundation raft should folIow :.
similar arrangement of dowel bars and
or sealing strip should be provided ii) In case of well foundations. the
to seal the joint between the cut- sequence of construction as eau-
off wall and the barrage floor. merated for divide wall in 6.3 (g)
Rubber, PVC or metal sealing should be adopted.
strips should be provided and
proper precautions should be 3 Divide wall well foundations:
taken while concreting, so as The wells should be sunk to the founding
not to disturb the water seals. levels and the work of barrage bays on
2) Barrage bays, silt excluder and piers: either side of the divide wall should be
taken up after construction of well
9 If it is envisaged to place the con- including well-caps.
crete in barrage bays and piers by
means of cranes, the cranes may h) Cement concretelcolcrete blocks:
be located on the upstream and 1) In case of cast in-situ blocks, alternate
downstream qf barrage. General blocks should be concreted or a pro-
arrangement of location of cranes per pattern of concrete sequence
for placement of concrete is should be established for economicai
shown in Fig. 2; and use of block shuttering. The form-
ii) The sequence of concretmg of work should be so designed that when
various lifts, starting from down- it is stripped off, the required gap is
stream end of the barrage and formed for filiing filter material. For
with continuous pour in suitable casting the upstream protection blocks
layers, or as specified by the shuttering oil should be applied on the
Engineer-in-charge. surface of the blocks already cast.





IS 11150 : 1993

2) Colcreting of cast in-situ blocks 3) BuckfiN of retaining structures

should be permissible. For colcrete
blocks, aggregates should be placed 9 Backfill comprising of earth c’r
into shuttered boxes of requisite sizes rockfill should be placed at
and hand packed before colgrouting. locations indicated in the approved
The proportion of colgrout should be drawings;
as specified by Engineer-in-charge. ii) All backfill materials should be
graded to lines and grades, and
3) To facilitate speed of construction. should be drawn from the excavae-
precasting of blocks may be allowed. ed materials as far as possible; an3 i
) Miscellaneous Works iii) The compacted backfill should be
done in layers not exceeding
1) Construction ofbridge 225 mm with approved type of
i> The bridge over the barrage should pervious soil. The optimum moi+
be either in reinforced concrete ture content and relative density
or prestressed concrete and should should be in accordance with the
be constructed in accordance with approved design/specifications.
approved design and drawings; 4) Corutruction of approach batiks, guide
ii) The sequence of construction of bunds, aj’lux bunds, etc
bridge spans over the completed
barrage piers should be synchronis- 9 The M.ork on the construction ~C7f
ed with the programme of comple- approach, afflux and guide bunds
tion of barrage piers, from either may be taken up from the farther-
bank, and will be mainly dependent ends to suit the construction pro-
on the plant set-up and other gramme of the main barrage; and
infrastructural facilities at site; ii) After completion of retaining
structures, such as abutments,
iii) It may be a possibility in major return walls and flare out walls of
barrages with large number spans, the barrage to the required levels.
to take up construction of bridge the embankments of approach
over the completed piers from one banks, guide bunds and afflux
end as a parallel activity while the bunds should be completed and
work on the balance barrage bays keyed to the main barrage
and piers is under construction. structure according to the approved
While the main barrage and bridge drawings.
over the barrage are being cons-
tructed concurrently, proper k) Head regulators
arrangements for conveying and
feeding of concrete to various The construction sequence of head
placement points should be made regulators should be similar to the COP-
to facilitate speeding-up of work; struction sequence of barrage.

2) Erection of gates and hoists 7 CARE :1YD DIVERSlOX OF RIVER

i) Detailed planning of various 7.1 Appropriate hydraulic model tests may be
activities of erection of hydro- required to be carried out for the barrages to
mechanical equipment should be assess the flow pattern, velocities around the
made so that works on other items nose, afflus in the river, etc so that the magni-
under progress do not hamper; tude of cofistruction and hvdraulic problems
ii) The erection of gates and hoists could be evaluated and corrective steps taken.
can be started aft& completion of
the bridge over the barrage; and 7.2 The programme of construction of riser
diversion work should mainly be determined b;:
iij) Layout of the crane-track for the the availability of working period, likely time
crane to be utilised for erection of that would be required for construction of
hydro-mechanical equipment coffer-dams, associated diversion works and
should be suitably planned so that construction capability.
the other activities on the cons-
truction of bridge go on smoothly 7.3 The period available for construction of
and the portion of the road bridge cofferdams is generally limited and depends on
is also available for haulage of the post-monsoon pattern of the river course
men, materials, equipment, etc and quantum of discharge and programme cf
for other works on barrage. work of various items of permanent nature.

JS 11150 : 1993

7.4 Cofferdam construction for the portions proper positioning of reinforcement. In case of
nearer to the river banks where the velocities raft foundation having two layers of reinforce-
may not be high, may be earthen type coffer- ment, the bottom layer would be laid first and
dams and when the works advance into river concreting done up to appropriate levels. Chair
;aortion, composite type of cofferdams consist- supports are to be embedded in the last lift.
ing of single sheet piles backed with earthen The top reinforcement would then be laid and
embankments may be provided. Suitable pro- concreting done.
tection on the river side be provided to avoid
dislodging of sheet piles due to scour of the soil 8.3 Curing
backing. Curing of concrete should be done in accor-
7.5 The mode of construction of cofferdams dance with IS 456 : 1978.
should be governed by the site conditions and
the extent of earthwork, sheet piling, and other 8.4 Joints
protection works involved and should be For all construction joints, the normal methods
assessed for each project. of clean-up and surface treatment should be
7.6 The construction drawings for the diversion adopted. In the rubber seals, specified form-
a-orks should indicate the suitable provisions works should be provided to support the rubber
for the protection of unfinished work at the seals. Concrete in the vicinity of water-stops
end of construction season, during the floods. should have a slump of 75 to 103 mm to facilitate
easy placement.
NOTE - The design of cofferdams is governed by
many factors namely, design flood discharges, 8.5 Downstream Protection
Mocities, afflux, etc [ see IS 10084 ( Part 1 ) : 1982 1.
7.7 The construction equipment and resources As the downstream inverted filter below the
should be estimated on the basis of the quantum cement concrete blocks is very important as
af work and the availability of time period for measure against piping. it has to be laid with
:he execution of the cofferdams. due care. The gap between the cement concrete
box should also be filled with pervious peastone
8 CONCRETE WORKS or BAJARI. Wherever the downstream bed level
is higher than the level of downstream cement
8.1 Formwork concrete blocks protection, reverse slope not
8.1.1 The formwork should be preferably in steeper than one in five may be provided and it
steel, except for the curved surface, blockouts, may be ensured that some lose stone protection
etc where timber/plywood formwork m?y be is provided for length of not less than 2 m in
adopted. AS repetitive use of forms is envisaged higher bed portion after the reverse slope. For
especially in piers, the formwork should be of handling of the precast blocks, crane gantries
%rn construction to avail of the maximum of suitable capacity should be used. In case of
reuse. Considering tile speed and risks associat- cast in-situ blocks, alternate blocks should be
ed with the construction of works in river bed, concreted or a proper pattern of concreting
the main criteria for forms should be the sequence should be established for economical
functional requirements namely, concrete use of blocks shuttering. If the cement con-
strength, the appearance, tolerances, etc and crete blocks on filter are cast in-situ, 3 mat of
these should be decided to suit the site suitable thickness of dry concrete is to be
conditions. placed over the filter inside shuttering and
cement concrete block may be cast over this
5.1.2 Oiling of the Formwork mat after 24 hours for preventing chokage of
filter by sand-cement slurry leakage. The form-
?u’onstaining form oil should be used for exposed
work should be so designed that when it is
surfaces. For buried surfaces waste-oil available
stripped off, the required gap is formed for
.3t site may be made use of. filling in filter material.
8.1.3 Handling of Fornwork
Forms should be either handled manually or by
means of machines depending on the mass of 9.1 Instrumentation and operation of barrages
panels. should be done in accordance with
8.2 Reinforcement IS 7349 : 1974.

All the reinforcement laid down should be in 9.2 Observation pipes should be installed at
accordance wlth IS 456 : 1978. However, rein- locations indicated in the approved drawings.
forcement around sill beam grooves should not During the construction period care should be
be omitted. Chair support, spacers etc, should taken so as to ensure that the pipes do not get
be provided as a part of reinforcement for damaged or choked.

IS 11150 : 1998

9.3 Grout pipes should be installed in the 9.4 Architecture

foundations of the floors, abutment and wing-
walls ar regular intervals as specified in the Wherever possible, the shapes of the pier ends,
approved drawings. 50 mm G. T. pipes should finish of the abutment, pier, divide walls sur-
normally be used fot such purpose. The pipes faces, etc, can be modified to increase the
should be maintained in vertical position as far architectural beauty of the structure. But
as practicable and ensured that the pipes do hydraulic performance and safety should not be
not get choked. sacrificed.

( Foreword )

;Vame of Works Method of Foundation Strata Maximum Number of

Dewatering Pumps Working1
Sone Barrage in Bihar Well point system Coarse sand 20 No. @ 0.10 m3/s
capacity each
Earakka Barrage in -do- Sand mixed with 50 No. @ 0.15 ms/s
West Bengal clay layers capacity each
Jangipur Barrage in -do- Sandy soil 5 No. @ 0.10 ms/s
West Bengal capacity each
Ghagra Barrage Well point and deep Sandy soil Max discharge 5 ma/s
in U.P. well pump system coarse with diesel and elec-
tric pump
Sharda Barrage -do- -do- Max discharge 4.50 ma/s
in U.P. with mainly deep
\vell electric pumps
Shah Nehar Barrage Pumping from sumps Sand, gravel Total seepage discharge
in Punjab made around the and boulder of 3 to 5 ma/s
pit and supplemen-
ted by few deep

( Foreword )


Depth of Sheet Strata Capacity of Hammer Type of Machines

Piles in tonnes
gtto 8m Sandy soil 3 Vibro-sinker 55 kW
8to llm -do- 3 to 4 Initial 8 m by Vibro-
sinkers and final
11 to 14 m -do- 6 single acting Driving by single
acting drop hammers

IS 11150 : 1993

( Clause 2 )


IS No. Title TS No. Title

456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain 6966 Guidelines for hydraulic
and reinforced concrete ( Part 1 ) : 1989 design of barrages and weirs:
( third revision ) Part 1 Alluvial reaches (first
revision )
1191 : 1971 Glossary of terms and sym- 7349 : 1989 Guidelines for operalian and
bols used in connection with maintenance of barrages and
the measurement of liquid weirs ( jirstrevision )
flow with a free surface
9759: 1981 Guidelines for det\,utering
(first revision )
during construction
4410 Glossary of terms relating 9795 Guidelines for the choice of
( Part 3 ) : 1988 to river valley projects: ( Part 1 ) : 1987 the type of diversion works:
Part 3 River and river Part 1 Coffer dams
training ( jkst revision ) Criteria for design of diver-
( Part I ) : 1982 sion works: Part 1 Coffer
4410 Glossary of terms relating
( Part 8 ) : 1968 to river valley projects:
Part 8 Dams and dam 11130 : 1.984 Criteria for structural design
Sections (first revision ) of barrages and weirs


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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
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