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dt 1 Ti-crw•-33004/94 REGD. NO. D.L.-."3004/94

Zhe Gasette of f.rtdi,a

VTIT II —n 3-71-otr3 (I)

PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (1)

sntlaut gent

O, 5 3 0] int frOrt umx, f1t 21, 1 9 9 4/1rIrciot 30, 1916


fa T. 4.11•7 f7111'7 9"41 .,9197 Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of

1985), the Central Government hereby appoints
Trigit rTT 7r71477 F17111) the 21st day of December, 1994 as the date on
which the provisions of the Act, in so far as they
relate to the West Bengal Administrative Tribunal
fk41, f7,9T37 , 1994
shall come into force.
n't 874 (37 ) - st);if 77;191-91;

4F417THH1985 3797: l4) 717

( 9 8 5 Ti 1 3 ) [No. A 11014 8 1 93-AT]
!T sifith q41-IT * 74 gr) , 994 f')94 w741
k ilfaa § atim-4 arm x xu , 9f977 °Tr"4: 47x
'-filf97u j SI-1Tc.1;9 71 1T I

[Ft . 1 1 0 1 41819 3-7;1

2 11,9 41 , 1994
'.111,147 •;11..;Ti 79TT, Ff7747 afaa
. Th7 .19 . 875 ( Tr) -- -6 , 5•14 9 514ifei -ft 7f4T7rt
MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC wramrpr, 1985 (1985 r 13) qt Mr 35 39‘7171' (2)

GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS t ;47. ki rag aft zr ( I) TM WM. ;if5971.1. a71'

;aim nk f0t0f0'6-47
(Department of Personnel & Trainin
NOTIFICATION 1. 41-67 Rirt t 7I7nT : --(1 T9' fffrnfi irfwa; 4r4
rifgazir rrra a-grriTf4T rtfilwr (•irtftfl atir 71"a70
New Delhi. the 21st December, 1994 444 art' wK MT( 491 *-'t 70) f900. 1 94 k
G.S.R. 874(E).—In exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-section (4) of section 1 of the (2) VaTIO., 111 tictio 9 fir FT en

2905 GI/94

r711 7. (I ) 7t11‘717 T 7 T, 7T 37157ET 77 f77711 7717

2. 717.719(7( ( 1) 197Tft 4, 77 7T fT479t 4
it ft 17719 77 rrf fr4frin rnv A R:r3-3 wrcff
*Flan r.
TT 77717 Olt

(*) TITIkTri A 471717f 717177Tf, 1985 ( 1985 TT 1 3 ) ( 1) 471 ft arT- Tka37 it j F7n war fit Tl 47
41777 ,t; , 141F77 Mt

"9417 a 459-7 4+04 T17. 7FeT7 PL , In- er.

(17) ( 2 ) Aar "*. 4•44 n3-'< TT et 7177 717 4-<
faftrar rarrT 7T f9t W.T7 ft fkrr, rat44 vet
7faarr3re A TRTar Trak stkr4F-47 TfRiff t;
417 7Sf 777 Tzar ft 177 WI 91777 117f7a
.ft 41777 947 7.9i1 13977 k TIVITft 91744T
( 2) Tr !47th ft, 74 star T17 a i k,
akr rift.arfri a rt arrarikTar T crfarrIT4 rs, 9'141';

trt r Vt Tikfnar (3) 5914.44 77 71779' TIT .7111797 71 7119 4r7,

Trar ft
fairyrra: Q3 444 rzrfn. 4tre.:11 T Tf7ar
3. 344--Ta-r3 7r-A 7,7 Pi 377 *7.71771774 wr fiirrr er 9 #1^ 47 t I • •-cf 77. 77 77 iT 7act frftcertar
314 Trimr(ri 71,7 9. -:,71 I 77• 7717 044 Tf In c-17 - mart 71 Tit (t am a is fattc-rr sTittTliT ft
APT 777 4. ) 114 31-17 7787 730 200-7500 - 250 - 8000 .6.77 fi f717.17 771777 7TzT 77177 ir it Vii;
474717 A 397 9ii4I7 777
( 4) 77 it (CT ,;1715 0' 49 *t Tri ft fir vtin 4
5TRT 9T9 it 7741 f34 it TraftT 77 9171774 a.Fth';
• 47., 1.4 1774 7477 71 71 751, 1E7 91 Tr Trar * itt 4
f4ap4 44 Tarr A t fr7 P1771 • 77T7DITST
( 2) 41-a( 795T, Tf1s7(4 PT filt 747T7 91977 * T1T7
f-rirr trrr 71 71 kth7 7(7797 711 Pit 7177 77.T.17 9471 714.-71...911 T THTF T4 7177171 77 77717 T7k A 44-40
7dr4 iTT 4 fit rzt 71' 11 0;9 371 4r 17717, 7T 791, 77 719TITT it 9779 7715 TT T1771 ft f7T1 it 7174
41471341 4f47414fa 4 Irk-TT % 914747 is A rt Tar TT 774717. trrr
197 4;471, 7r vi 7717 * kr-frifr *fa a T7 Tyr t
94'79' kr-awrar--ra wk-af44 -4 f rfra4 ft f47, "mark" 4
T7 laTT P, WI 797 777 TT 17777 $",T 771
77717*77- rarkmar Trr arrk irk itk w'Avr: TT 4 &IT fn TT
fi 4 77% 7T7T 71R7 7r sar4 ¶r 7114 Tr# 474
Tr fwer 719597 71777 rarr
amt Tr rafarrir 7177 f7f7 # frerr*
rat arrr Aar-tkr4 rkriTr. TIT itt f, I*9 NT 7 74-
(3) arla*Tur R 44743 77T7f7 711 Frrlifrff 77, 75777,
ara * 4717 91777, it T9' 7M-7 TA T-7 e
S1111 7T ill 7757 771. 977 T 771 .5911.17 Tri?21l Tl .41irt
. ci7 ft 99 9W 7-€4 i1'i *74 r ,1T7T7
4. TroT7T.t. 77T-T9794, 7715717 417 7177 777 477 771777 417 17717 0 ft 171777 ( 2)
1 179 9 77 7T fT
13;f1 Tel Cr: 49Tf 77T 977 T74 * .', 47a-' *1 7300-201
k Trim Wr Trea 01:'1, frt., 4m-t, Trar wra. ft itt
750 0- 2 50-80 0 0 7,.313rT 377 TV: ft 14447 4 In 743 it rk 44*4 fn. 4 TIT* it ret I
_tr< * fir "T" ITRITTfTif it 401;i4-

( 4) 77717 7T 7741/OTT 417 947 17 1417T3 5791

5. rra; .•493-RaTar, 7711711' 717 . 79 177 9779 773 ft 04:41( aafin- 74r T 717777 it 91;97 it
* 977 1..91 7,17 . 77 TT! srf4Trear* 4-Tr Trra wT3 f g*T-r-< n
97.7 17't 77 .191 171-1 ( ) ft 7417 5s t7 pW3ir1 4(1r t,
7300-200-7500-2508000 E. 7T 744. *77 k k'k 7T7#-7 77 777 Tfit 1174* ati f*kr Tr-r-
414 ft 344 714 art 4:7a,i 4-c*p: win (w) Tfarinif TT 7777 air P;IITT
Airthirr t.
Tzar 477 7-77 4797 7 tit-a-77%7V 347 1441 rnar
6. 7777 ft 777 4 fk7171 77 47 417 A kr-f4Tf4-- (
47 474 * ITT artr4 Tarr mfarre tram ak --< TWAT
mnr, rt-1 771•571T 71 fat 47,77, r viirerftr u trrre trr TT3 ft far! 7n717174' #E717 atfwnirr gmr I
Tl 7Till7 TT 47717 177777 7r fTit 7)77 77.7i< ft krir4 Tar
Tr, embnif A Mit f4=;tT7 4 T4 Trak 47T 4 19117 k kr 9. — ( I) 371 ,:747 it ink =NTT * 444 ir" TIT-
AT Ink Iva •1419197 Ice 7et4 RTrarrakr er parr 4, Off # f SF#T: 571/7 777 47 :Tait filar:
in ft
TT A fn-,44 Inc mrir t, Rfk-r-cor
arrar3 m 431aarr
R.FraAar 46414 Tt 1-Tfr v-tarit it 41-4 "7" * er7T 11 (V) TIT Q111 747 'TT re tier--
* 77'979 71 ,:91.9* 47T TrTiT 71771
( I ) 7r7 ITT7,7 4 air TT f TIT 4-1I t, 7T

(2) 3r-444 ( 2 ) T 77t TT 7177 411 177f7a7 757TT, (2) 374r73 ( 2) * Tir4
-71777 it al7T 9'a
7TITS77T kr ( ) 74r1 9111 47T 1917 Ink( * torror Tfurrcr 4 Irk 77 # M71. Tarr t
74T7 3117 3I7T7 777 70-74 TT n74/7 =.1-7;

( 2) 9* 9'9617 7.227.T 777117 7774 ft f97 774T7 77,

(2) Trrna ( 1 arair4 544.7 rrl* 19' I'M 77 kf97 arr4
WI 77)1 sk-T TT "3 TT 4 kr fora- 4t M. omfr art= virT741.
t-94-4-r 4-t 9791 Aar-fn-FT Aga a-1t:1 rar frvii
4 47t 74 TT 7774 •7 Mk 177 hut 1717 it Vfa7777 7T7
ITTTrt 'S̀2a7 7777• , Aft rtf et 4: 97T.,-T 977777
. 977 T73
3, 50 0 V44 71.77 11 ft rfti iriff
T7T7 j• TTIT
[4r4 11--SPTS 3(i)] tiff TT TT STMT117,1 3

7.71 riTf9,7r t-9. 1":4711; f7Fri Siff

lard 17. S1* f.1774 fit 4 if 16 if f, it n4 t era 1,q
tr ) iSO4 4t,74, 7l Tlf771(71
;tufbrff ffirrff Tr wiTr oft wit am- ti 771177 TT 477 Tfi TWIT 31777 717715547t air
9 writ *74 itt, arc* it tit fr tfT fit 517'i .7=4 TT 717 04 att &Rot MIR F5tarifri4 (kaf
Triq MT :ant** f77 fati*4 4w* al xtf4i44 xrfafrifif, 1954 1954 TT 28) TITT. 777 FtAffirffq 41174147
31v4 Ii tifir* 93 ('Tim 1477) f9•151, 1956 if inn 4-49* iirciU
iritr cl 44iia
io. 4fam f*fa--walf 94twa 'TT 7777 4fata tafit R Erna
f**-Ft qx whiaia m« **-74-t xirat 34T k*T1 7511 it 771* TS- "IT?: 79-477 T.r7 q71. , 77r777 7I Er7 TTSM r 471
1974 qx mtrixot 4fata f4f4 (49-114 iaLar) 1944, t 7771, fa** fu za. faifiii 4 *Lit cifs.4445' 34d7 rei t, .411 ,c1-1
1960 * 774t ST7 PlIfirTi TM 7714f77 777 it *7177 41474.7 777 FIT it 71117717.7T 711 7'7147
917 14741 3:111 9ffk411 Ora 14547i1 d r wrqift
iffs 777(71, 77777 147 qr r 7147 .44441. fang
19. fvrt) 1- 7 TI71 r a - *5:4717 tr*.in at
51$149-4 eIT f*41 r=4741:47 71711 17-4717 f*aq) * f*-4t 345741 17.41 77 77 777 * ' 5MI1 7* 5157
aim 477 i 7777 77 %I a* *if f 771 SITT 171T711 . glfitt*) fTal it fair fwrfaff *x4 if arfaa; I
OW.* 4. ir a %TR ft *19.4 i it* a 77r*t 99, it
[4. q. - 11014/7/93-Rai
aiat 1.V9T - TW774ai, 777147 *71r 11T 731 aT 541-41-
itimf* * f44. sfrgeft !era) surf* *ay Fif9
gTrif cr± ref* *ea. *Th t '1 4 *Pi
Trfiricot awit 411114 1 441f74 912 e 4 *
f77, d 1471 it W71, 1777 we. ar 771461417
fit \Ire 4t "IT 7fl •414114 •11• 1,-Fati &Rig, New Delhi, the 21st December, 1994
iTTE*54 *
1956 ii 14481 k, 07f776a 777777 717 'Th-7
411 *wart iiqr G.S.R. 875(E).-In exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (c)
12. Tett itt*t form* - rIri'TM 41. of sub-section (2) of section 35 of the Adminis-
et 34:1 V11 1141-ff stiT *Mt OTT 77 7360-200 - 7500- 50- trative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985), the
8000 31.44 zrt reTi) Ttr( fir 49"7,TN. "TM ark *74.11 FTWT Central Government hereby makes the following
4/517 "W" 97rf 77Mf774717 ar 6 7777 11•FT rules, namely :-
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) 'These
13. 717-4r777- (1) 344,-5;3, ,711111 ,5- 77 77=7 ¶ T7 4 71E-
rules may be called the West Bengal Administra-
7T7I if far* SOT, a7147, 771777%Ti ar-i i T44 V. 117174
irtip: em 44a-444 9 fair 97)
tive Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and Con-
FTS7 4 TITT7**7 17971 fiT
itions of Service of Chairman, Vice-Chairman
qt 9ef4 '4r4 914 431 Irntffif 523 Tr 77717 8'i7r I
a d Members) Rules, 1994.
. TIT 47777 *1 117f57 17 (1) %
(2) 77 17E4 7577 2 arTIVIN ) They shall come into force on the date of
761-4 14E7 7r7 5'2m Iiig ,144.(T lif wTTIT 7191 4157 their ublication in the Official Gazette.
?ITV 344i15 991 i+470' t 71 74 ,fri a*q. * 4 Vick!'
'nitions.-(1) In these rules, unless
* 4444L TWIT 4-V51 51115141 511F5 fag/ ai <1;`111
the con xt otherwise requires,
3. re Trizailvioar aT TIF,Fa Wifit1 f9-410.1*T V5:44 ir51,1
(a) et" means the Administrative Tribu-
11 574 vfinitir 4 Tam t 97. a*, wfillt9f4, gifffi-49. Tit
nil till yin
n•s Act, 1985 (13 of 1985);
vilf171* 15 , 41:4 iT 7T1171 774 in
NonIT 51t1117. ;Icis -4 fwri xi* in ?at env. I (b) "Go ernment" means the Government
of -st Bengal;
14. 114117 'ifam - 11s515r, d'i+.a5i 511 FtT45 eti
wr7 T 15491 TT .87731 Q 717 (c) "Tribu I means the West Bengal
tGPe 14441
Adminis ative Tribunal.
15. Mn
Tat 343r2 TIT Fif-ard. - ,;nzr1r. rtt EITL (2) The words aid expressions used in these
iT51,7 4.4 fa14111 34011L eit 4t4r1i<4 11frat5ii air, ei t*Frmn
rules and not defined, but defined in the Act
M41147 sriftzffff ari Vtnphilt 7'T 4777 k 75 7 1 7
shall have the meanin - respectively assigned to
them in the Act.
16- 9:11:451 ar 35117 -41" F7 it 1494 7n -41141 ,11* 3:141-ff

1167-1(if thsfili 4- 1741 71* 4r, t14, 3. Pay.-The Chairma shall receive a pay
;4115111OR 5tt 71751 i
qnpfrff *rfaidigi nf',wioi * ***if of rupees eight thousand p s a special pay of
ee tWt
firsi f m 7777 tit .d .1,1 reir Retr95 rupees five hundred per me sem; a Vice-Chair-
aT 3575115T *
TT 28) irrt 321*
man shall receive a pay of ru ees eight thousand
'611 4114M (kiar xinif-41111, 1954 ( 1954
and a Member shall receive pa in the scale of
Erdla ant ttaf*z
5474 4q t94) 4 Rs. 7300-200-7500-250-8000 p mensem;
al 4R)qr u - 41141c14 fi tfl4M ;VW:fie **4 4 an
041 1 v** awiri 9, itaifiaf*, gstrat 77 77777 4s 77 Provided that in the case of an pointment as
‘44) 9taf4 it 4afst * fly; s.a Frtit xrrf ex. (rt4 Chairman, Vice-Chairman or a mber or a

person who has retired as a Judge of High Court or Member, shall be entitled to leave as
or who has retired from service under the C:mral follows :-
Government or a State Government and who is
in receipt of or has received or has became enti- (i) earned leave at the rate of 15 days for
tied to receive any retirement benefits by way every completed calendar year of ser-
of pension and or gratuity or both, employ.r's vice;
contribution to the Contributory Provident !and (ii) half-pay leave on medical certificate or
or other forms of r tirement benefits, the if ire- on private affairs at the rate of 20
mentioned pay shall e reduced by the gro->s
days in respect of each completed
amount of pension or ension equivalent of gra
Year of service and the leave salary
tuity or employer's con ibution to the Con_nbu- for half-pay leave shall be equivalent to
tory Provident Fund or ry other form of retire- half of the leave salary admissible dur-
went benefits, if any, dr n or to be drawn by ing the earned leave;
him, but excluding pensio equivalent of retire-
went gratuity, drawn or to ,e drawn by him (iii) leave on half-pay can be commuted to
full pay leave at the discretion of the
4. Dearness Allowance.—T Chairman, a Chairman or the Vice-Chairman or the
Vice-Chairman and a Member s all receive dear Member concerned, provided it is
ness allowance appropriate to t it pay at the taken on medical grounds and is
rates admissible to Group "A" • ulcers of the supported by a medical certificate from
Central Government drawing pay in the scale of the competent medical authority;
Rs. 7300-200-7500-250-8000 and a:. e.
(iv) extraordinary leave without pay and
5. City Compensatory Allowance.— e Chair- allowances upto a maximum period of
man, a Vice-Chairman and a Member :hall re- 180 days in one term of office.
ceive City Compensatory Allowance app priate
to their pay at the rates admissible to Grou. "A" (2) If the Chainnan, a Vice-Chairman or a
Member is unable to enjoy full vacation on
officers of the Central Government drawin b pay account of his occupation with the Tribunal, he
in the scale of Rs. 7300-200-7500-250-8000 or
shall be entitled to add the unenioyed period of
above. vacation to the leave account.
6. Retirement from parent service on appoint
ment as Member.—(1) The Chairman, a Vice- Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub-rude
Chairman or a Member who, on the date of his "Vacation" means the vacation of 30 days in
appointment to the Tribunal, was in service each calendar year observed by the Tribunal.
under the Central Government or a State Govern-
ment, shall seek retirement from such service (3) On the expiry of his term of office in the
before his appointment to the Tribunal and, in Tr una I, the Chairman, a Vice-Chairman or a
r shall be entitled to receive cash equiv-
the case of a sitting Judge of a High Court, who Me e leave salary in respect of the earned
is appointed as Chairman or Vice-Chairman, his alent
service in the Tribunal shall be treated as actual leave sf anding to his credit, provided that the
quantu of leave encashed under this sub-rule
service within the meaning of paragraph 11 (b) and sub-r le (2) of rule 6 shall not in any case
(i) of Part `D' of the Second Schedule to the exceed 24 days.
(2) On such retirement as is provide (4) The • airman or a Vice-Chairman and
sub-rule (1), the Chairman, a id for or Member shall .e entitled to receive the dearness
allowance as a. issible on the leave salary
Member- under sub-rule ( ) at the rates in force on the
(i) shall he entitled to receive pension and date of the relinq ishment of the office in the
gratuity in accordance with the Tribunal;
retirement rules applicable to him;
Provided that he all not be entitled for the
(ii) shall not be allowed to carry forward city compensatory all wane or any other allow-
his earned leave but shall be entitled to ance on such leave s Lary.
receive cash equivalent to leave
salary. if any, in accordance with
the rules applicable to him prior to 8. Leave sanctioning authority.—The Chair-
his retirement. man shall be the authori , competent to sanction
leave to a Vice-Chairman and to a Member and
7. Leave.—(1) A person, on appointment in the Governor shall be theuthority competent to
the Tribunal as the Chairman or Vice-Chairman sanction leave to the Chai an.
[WM 11-Nv3 3(i )j 411".75 Tf LIAM . tigraTtur 5

9. Pension.—(1) Every person appointed to use of an official residence of appropriate type,

the Tribuna as the Chairman, a Vice-Chairman subject to availability, on payment of licence
or a Membe shall be entitled to pension : fee at the rates prescribed by Government from
time to time.
Provided th•t no such pension shall be pay-
able — (2) When the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or a
Member is not provided with or does not avail
(i) if he has .ut in less than two years of himself of the official residence referred to in
service w h the Tribunal ; or sub-rule (1), he may be paid every month an
allowance of an amount equal to fifteen per cent
(ii) if he has be removed from an office
of his pay.
in the Tribun 1 under sub-section (2)
of section 9 o the Act. (3) Where the Chairman, a Vice-Chairman
or a Member occupies an official residence
(2) Pension under sub-r e (1) shall be beyond the permissible period, he shall be liable
calculated at the rate of Rs. $0 per annum for to pay additional licence fee or penal rent, as
each completed year of service .nd irrespective the case may be, and liable to eviction in accor-
of the number of years of service s the Tribunal dance with the rules of the Government.
the maximum amount of pensio shall not
exceed Rs. 3,500 per annum : 14. Facility of conveyance. — The Chaim- im a
Provided that the aggregate amount o pension Vice-Chairman and a Member shall be entitled
payable under this rule together with annum of to the facility of staff car in accordance with the
any pension including commuted portio' of Staff Car Rules of the Government.
pension (if any) drawn or entitled to be d wn
while holding office in the Tribunal shall of 15. Facilities for Medical Treatment.—Jhe
Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a Member shall
exceed the maximum amount of pension pre
be entitled to Medical treatment and hospital
cribed for a Judge of a High Court.
facilities as are admissible to an officer of the
10. Provident Fund.—The Chairman, a Vice- corresponding status in the Government.
Chairman or a Member shall be entitled to subs-
cribe to the Provident Fund at his option and, 16. Conditions of service of sitting Judges of
in the case of his so optima, shall be gov:rned High Court appointed as Chairman or Vice-
by the provisions of the General Provident Fund C 'rman.—Notwithstanding anything contained
(Central Services) Rules, 1960 : in t se rules, where a sitting Judge of a High
Provided that if the Chairman or a Vice-Cn lir- Court is appointed as the Chairman or a Vice-
man or a Member was the Judge of a High Court Chairn in of the Tribunal, the service conditions
or was a Member of an All-India Service imme- as conta •ed in the High Court Judges (Condi-
diately before his joining the Tribunal, he shall tions of S rvice) Act, 1954 (28 of 1954) and
be governed by the rules which. were applicable the rules de thereunder shall apply to him
to him immediately before joining the Tribunal. upto the dal of his superannuation as a sitting
Judge of the h Court. Thereafter, he shall
11. Travelling allowance.—The Chairman. a be governed 11 these rules for the remaining
Vice-Chairman or a Member, while on tour or
on transfer (including the journey undertaken to period of his to re as Chairman or Vice-Chair-
join the Tribunal or on the expiry of his term man. as the case may be.
with the Tribunal to proceed to his home town)
shall be entitled to the travelling allowance, daily 17. Notwithstandi g anything contained in
rules 4 to 16 of thes rules. the conditions of
allowance, transportation of personal effects and service and other perq isites available to the
other similar matters at the same scales and at Chairman and a Vice- hairman shall be the
the same rates as are prescribed in the High Court same as admissible to a rving Judge of a High
Judges (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1956. Judges
Court as contained in the High Court
12. Leave Travel Concession.—The Chair- (Conditions of Service) Ac 1954 (28 of 1954)
man, a Vice-Chairman or a Member shall be en- and High Court Judges (T Yelling Allowance)
titled to the leave travel concession at the same Rules, 1956.
rates and at the same scales and on the same
conditions as are applicable to Group "A" Offi- 18. Residuary provision.—T' e conditions of
cers of the Central Government drawing pay service of the Chairman, a Vice Chairman or a
in the scale of Rs. 7300-200-7500-250-8000 or Member 'for which no express prevision is avail-
above. able in these rules shall be deter *fled by the
Every person rules and orders for the time being applicable to
13. Accommodation.—(1) officers of corresponding pay levels .elonging to
appointed to the Tribunal as Chairman. Vice-
Chairman or a Member shall be entitled to the the Indian Administrative Service.

19. Powers to relax ules.-The Central Gov- (or) asT.TzZra,IlztaiT,alnf€uiu 9-44 t

ernment shall have the Qwer to relax the provi- erfTlufs4 T e al 4117-714777 71 4foriN4
sions of any of these rules respect of any class api aid ar irtafan 4 7,-9* k
or category of persons to whom these rules apply. 3. 4144 ,,•1 T71 4147--eiTrn t 018-4 aka kkat:
[No. A-110147n93-AT] 4771 7777.474 gaET 174T 4/47ti 4e1firT, 714
SNIT. SARITA PRASAD, Jt. Secy. 41t 41 TIM 4 471Tir 1144.1144 TIT& T7444 :

. Tf aftt f* •V7rif3 144474:1114, Triarfkai,
;tar azika Sara az 3.4014 f*;:q *ITT 6-41ar *kit 4:1471
7# 21 144441 , 1994
4. 4174744 T7144 444 41477.--(1) 419-0484 t 47444
IR. TT. N. 876(7):-.-4 7/17 44.443, 47179•341/4401
Tfriqf /144 464777 47T 4 wrftift 419toi 7rti 71awa €4 4
*farypt 1985 (1985 *413) *7 417.1 35 41 7ITTITICT (2)
474 4147 414ITT (1) /141
sfif414 14.41 4115147/ 412:7 WTI 1 4 •074.,It *1 ZIT 4144414
44(4) 43 (4)414 43 (4)
8810 t, am 474-44 447 *74i faa fair a 04 aneaTa it8aFt aptr
51717 17.149711 TT 7i1171. T.44 g4,1441/144-14-34
414747T8*7 c frn: 0trar 77 4144374 444 47 *ref TfwIt
1. aTeita 474 71441444.--(1) n f88ai W7 41444 9777 47T agyiTT C147 41444 I
(Si.) •71 1994 t I
417941 Tara SMIt1111. letirrOTAZTNi
(2) 4419747 (1) T 4414 ,4 4144* Mit *TT
(2) k 479134 441477 Fr areRg fir SPT till 1 41741 T4994; 4fta, fa/49a 8,991 fi 847791 1417 et, 454-8-8r-
#49-*r tart 4 414 0 *ft4 PThn 14777.314&411 I
2. 41444414,:--44 fa** 4, 44 7T f* 7,744 ;4771.

741414 a t-7. 31 (3) 77 7445141 a8.94 4 414* tt, 44t ITTTIT /RT
(47) "41414741" 4 441771f14 4r4TITT krf9f8alt 1985 41444111744T k *4
4 04.4 0 7190- *-19f4a8: 4,1444, f*:8-8:'
aTiral t, arkfara 4E44 4 carra1 818,1( t fa*rii iffka faa
(1985 Tr 13) 4fr1T7 t,
it ack* stakTif TT T41 tral fear er, e1. Aw:4rr
(4) "44144477 " 4 4faaa9r 4Ftfa7t. 1961 (1961 T7
23) *4athif q gala 1491 aparath 4 9 -1 *it , r 94* if 4Fa9 t
tai q--(t ;mail fit 488- f-5.
8rfaaaar 414siA t varaii it 9)189 aro =84;4 4177 474447 fit wkrff
, TrfrifTiff
srfazd wraa *--4-k it a80: Z 4:08-r k
(7) '44-44/71 ' if 1447 44444 /ITT 4 Oft ar
(4) 44868) Ord 44;14 am 747 24 .r.,4 tart 747`
4Tr7 fir. kriata aT W kraa atk a f9 -9 ara*
c1911;411 3W 3 4 11717 1z 7.4 1r fag Fr. 1114.4 T9. 7114 it 41441
aa if snt-a-fa: 1474 vat 4'14 4.714a 41949
't €4 14 c rA tv< gm 77414914 it 944 4 ma 51141 TT4
"411444T' 4 /ITT IS % 47174 37194717 ttt til=kst 474 4ia0-4 4I& 74747 RY'r
4741 434 -ifler *Taira t,
(5) •141111{ ( 1 ) it uct ( a) it f.Nr 476 * E.?7
(4.) '411547 ” 4 an IS 4 47574 4177474 fir 14377 477 t7 u1. grfaaa*:
krriaa arryka t, (w) tr* 4 gin akf4aui it a* ma 149:*( CI
( ) "ark" 4 aa Malt 4 3rna.; aaa arafra arika 9kaa 471 1 7474 cF1 za*r art
air! araar Ft-q 1.q gzaara srl*fa it 8948 4
(u) 47944 ” 4 45444 Of/ IITITT 41444 t,
yak kaag Fails arar Q ftt am% 4 n*r
(w) faD 444-0ta " fir ajr 44 jnrr at 8-40 317-7411 al fir f t; 74
461414477, 1961 ( 1961 47 25) 4 t,
(4) fte 4#44 a*tr t fag; ad *WY fir
(g) "fafff-T afafaliz" 4 4ar 44147 0444 t, at raft -
it af9f9f9c4 al t74I 411444 4.N4 Ttk -t f4ggs
I:ft 4 ITT it agar =kr wral9fwa T447 t, er 17714n 7. 4/11471 ,
n' T$ I 471 TriAn
ak, at ar cat maa
Mu/ Ezifirttit fi
(4) "If9IIii " 4 rflrfa. vfian 4T TrfurrroT fi 417-
faqir alka 44k49 W44 1471 47Q I
03 critr?
flAr 4797 414 4447 fiTTITT--(1)
(n diTF4F4T7" 4 :ffIR]kT 4f-f,24 .4,- 444
3. 41;141 TT LT
77144414 aT 441 49 gra 1194 4 if 14.114 41171477 4474-741, yea*
41. 947 411T 4FITTI177 an t 144 1194 27 * 3rtak:44
. a,: at 8180.1 lazif*a: cht9r fags a, sit la fwai 4717
(2) * %rim afiag44 *198/41 ate 719:t 477
C 391 ult atoit4 a* terra; ICItir
719999IfTcf fT4 4T AT& t,
(2) afa FiakEr 4t 1/211444 1774 arar wraT 4;7*

(3) . 31777" & 4f9t9444 ert. am: ar€84±47 t, 471 4 aca4trn fv:rr Aiwa arK 34 aF 7114 fat 41777I I

(3) 714 4414i 41 4774 of.-177 Tan ardi t 107 Oz-

(a) "alit.8: arkaa" 4 481:r ark at tat vt:a fitaariQai
Tra aft da-ollicch srffa 414917 31441 4414714
abria t Tr /ITT 29 alt 449141 (1) 74 3141177 (2) 47,474 TT4 71471 aft(
* MITT 414T-4171 ¶1 377144 ei Mlhr t, qyt t pi as it cr4wrz-
zffq u.4- 1 aft 3thatfrf 441447 441 tat 414447 4r3 it
vo "vitt-cur 4 /ITT 4 Ti 443771 (2) 44177 r:znfq4 1:1 4? * far* ark,* fii 3777 1447 477.117 47 4477 TT 7
41744T 477T4 11411 ,IFFT Olt *Ur 441,441 tr* 4441
[mm 11-93 3 (1)] VITtff rT tT#117 WIRS1Tr# 7

(4) ufa maw g4fn 1v ( 3) i 3111:## 34971# ATM * I 1 . Crf•..TrLIT era art id rag al-F Frifgrert rt
wtat #2.- tiarrk 4 lvito. 79-1. k 2f7WTT aFr Argif Mt7 • - -
at #9#4 Fa, #1#4, 32ft4T PT! #T#19' trip.-ec A4 it
( 1 ) SATS t1.51S Siff rt FrfAta gfiRlIT ATI 15 5N5STT.
OTT WT. aim 317 979-r7. qfwff rc at I
em Frrumnirr srer* strati? 0 fatafain igNit 4 4 ft:;#
(s) .i4ft1 444 ( 4) mir9. SAJIT-c i 4TIktf * rt€Z #I4 TITT (#9.)<4 'Tr wmijr :--
*NI 141, rkit. mam i 15 rtt *AWL rt Agir
(i) Tre4-4'w i mgrrtr 4 g-r gift4A ar 1ta.3 i Firm 4
Neer 44 97 frf#4#74 afft# 4T1TT I ntr,
6. 1:11### 551-57 9143 Tr x'717 - XT#13 tfw tall *ITTF
WM rTIT, 919.t,71 I
(ii).ittitft4A-Atc.1. gm,

( 2) wry Si
...F MT Sit t u lqfff grin rati
ritt7 4)#--T 47 rim Tro. fm! m? Sieff
• 1:11# 50 50:1 (Sara tai) et 04 gtrtir tt r n az fvvalq ttrereri 4FFft
. mural e Pei glim(gr rt Ffitt
mat 4149 *gm matt 157.,51 TIST
;#7179, 4T1T 1-d,1•9 Fri # 3t9 rt Argil. .

'17;3 #7,1 01172 9T UT ti 9#7 4 its* olf-4ff err treitT ( 3) tr#97, orvfdg4 (1) A fetgra 47 04 r. 41,
fa-E4 ### #I#79 Tra 47 911T d 9 .Thr 104 RRI't air 447 ally: '39* Nai47414 551 Tri Kra aft' aru
#14 417f gi-rg wit U1( I aRRafsit sag a''41# trr,, N44 girrr fe ttriaa
fit Frnt 0 414-1 . syttfatif f-Tt STS efff 4, N4* 47-
s. trligm n . Fg--( I) NA a * tr#17 raga.
44 fat:g Pk( ants kit St Tit uft t t TIfEITtgi fit
FA, m sraT7 min 4 (ttg 341=i4-.4% magi fir 15P4S 5ffril
ufn alt ftrat-caT SIWTh. el, 1T(Tt I
* Trim tent. : d49lad f97111 71191,11 I ftit *e q. qgtrifn
Ng Agit! Acd4 99914, fag flrPi! gegg #T#7,t %U (4) At Ac4lfL4 fit ttsgrgia- 4 irfaw e, gem
FrmF 4 efts fat a I9,91 I W-4-4"-f mina a r fruit 1:11qPI "tit fit MITT 'Tr FTOTISS*
famPirtad tit A ngtriCittr .
( 2) 7ft 49#:4 #, trAtt i P1v till I 04
,r ai mi4ir a,i1pecl th 3tetli Frfair grfaagr
' ( i) It, it 561iT SIST511 44 cri SOT Frmtig * 1Sq 5 wit
* fm(agre Attica totfir trigtag,q1 et I (47 wit);
( 3) eft 49;1c9‘ UM 19 ran' %77‘9' *-114
* tit tem ;ant Tr f357 * faq man sear st I am (ii) mitrq agg- efa 4 0 tag t. Attu tfiEgn
MId 14, '4 414 114, I FIT 4 ?gig 1ST EMT 19 * Stff 4A'.3 avflair (a) * tzt.n4 Nattr 4, ge 91t171 9)5
• ftr r?1,1 t Sty SS 5174 2 nir (al gat) 0 t04 tit evNa agT4g7 ti4 4 Fr4rfa* nig trfq 1-4S41
• kOr 511944 47 i9-51, 111 197, •-1991”14 !O4 R7114 4 414 et( 551975111 trarftra e I

( 5) ,s9i99 1-1 ( 4) Warn Slif4iTTif T1 MATT ZIT

9. MOW( * 9W S4r #1# a-rag 4f4-44( sfigrer mfg--
(i) get:* FtRc-r* erir (7 073 grpt -A et ?nit fm7 ‘11-9:4 =1 fqg mfr Frig* ;m ortatcw (hig 55117 T.- TS
2f1i fit S59,14 I
fattag c1n :--

(i) utt min 0 ge i Ala int* fay 4119:4 TITS ( 6) ‘F`trala (r) I (s) I fcril gra * S er,
fTar 4m , 0677'7 fir 73 SMITS n,171 till fT tiler TT 111SIT rt 11 -5119.
gaff azufvul TK #4979. SI 4 511M Stt t, 9-11 11/z SS firm]
(ii) 4
. 4 St SPET445 rt elt Alt 5,11-47 gm XISST t 1a fwg . rk Frier fr Srk1.4 Fir (1i-4r'
Agit, q reg
?TIT St -311-5 NS* Alf ;Fin it WS Mt 1P111 Tyr art i iii r wr76. iv TS Ac-en( T5 min 0
gat 0 trI41.4 4e A 4 -
g t :

(iii) a-Fait *I straforgi wk-7. Prat sit Trrart-4 aR t4grg Si ST Stt Tt ST1/11 44
(2) 44-1-t441 (I) 4 Nina 0 IAA trfiant Frr
nr': * f441 NiE1-4911 N991 FIST "T" 5t1ITT11- era
(i) win A gam 0 S*7 477 at, gra at. Art
•1“.1111- ar 151791- dt I
tglgsrgt tr it 9rtr TT el,
( 3) re 511-eiff ftif tiTTST err SlIS fir t, art
(ii) mina fit qam aR 9t4t3 a.4 qrfiTTra TK 4 W5 at
i11 OTT-Si TT 4 writ grfin e7-4 gt7(-
of t fin km vrim mfrs fen it Nei faTz
A' Wr 41194-1 f1 gtat Tt Siftrrt 111944 Tina. fegr ggr

Frii Sugar Feign( gm tern fen Alcif t, aef

arfattor rr il Baran get e ail g f* fig
tr4-* gig FIAT, Fr1 4 1,(4/1.4 `9t1-la 91411" tart wrigtfl Tr Win 0 rig( Tt gralqql rrg
10. (.4;:gb ?let gig tqat 4y vratin 44ifrg:I ¶1 34 A mfirif am, fait n min t
eta( itri nit g*gi 7* 4 (TN* Ftrogil fit 4 -ttr 9 STEM] art( 4414( Ta
19. r 9Trftg
gri ue ain f* 4 Frstg (737k ki,R,Tit-in srfata-fits fen A re

12. 7M1747 lm dT-7. 3717 717 Tr ITTI7 P4771 (2) 771. 9.73/4:7 it 43447 43 surfrif It FM-4 17,T. 3?777
4r1and a1 trf. 7,711 r:TT71' 77 44 7.4371 34 Tarn t3.4:
ui*r 7 f77 Orr,* IT 7t47.4 77 rrirtr 77 77P*4* 7f7 17,77
1) 4r4*: 477,0 it 47:44;7 Tr 3f4.7*7 TT91 917,71r Tr .6):13 04*-777 ti 47 rtztram *-3. 44r 'ii ki T
ae 3t 5077 V 171 it 91477 T 7r=r air vrk.,4
ft zri4-47471 Rrfl rt it 41347 704 fir zu?. It Tr 77 /
w sr)* 7a 7191:77 it 477 7f771 177 77,f747 kill 7m rt , 5119.7 71IWITTI 7ITT, 4T1I, ttk 77 77=i76 ttk A f*zfr
n 4 tfargr 7 717 T,T77 Ti771 7ifT 1 miin ;47T 1.14.147 ftm int zrt 47 ftrz zpr i a1. 7Ft47*.7
4 7647077 77777Pii F ft474.7 Er* 74 Tr, Sr-T qqA in 44743 tnr f1. att 77 IT
(2) 777741 771)177 (1)
77M7 mart 74* 17 37t NTT. 44t aT in 4:413.7 tr.
797 V rt-47 414 it On m 34-i 7fra747t 77, 7f7 VI <T.
M TM. 3117 7T 4 - :7 97 wit T0:407 T77 T Fa"( fn 1717
7MITT 3117 15717 10117 TT 7791 7F7377:1 a 3r r- 3 7-7117 I
. r
( 3) 7fra4774 4744if n )7747-7, 4734 74, 11.7 177 471 337n
57:77 I1. 1117 7M7 Saar# ik47 77f3 j1. .4 ft
it 4707 it ann a i 771.7 T717 it 7911.71 TILT{
an 9,aM 4,* 747%ft It fan *run 7411 V 77 7T41, 77.71 7,4
13. TRTIf i 7749 3717 11717 TT 577:97TF77 1 r 7 , 77 ,41 741 7c7f)777 m 774 ifTVIT 7117 1g7 T FIST 71 77=7
7f777777 72rsrt 7t IA4:77 1 it 71777T T7 77111- TIT T7T7 it *7 rrtit
‘ rr
3414ift4 4A7 t3, ft trf4*-4.7 kit 47 4
J. t T - 44 it nit 3:447 TT-
14 911477 7 V 47* 1--VISITIMIT 1119111717. 9777 41747 77T, it /177 T7 377)rr: Tt ztrzycr 7471 717111 fT T777 ii
*9-tnt u 41.-Prilf44 4.74n: . 71417 IT 31t 7f3)35333i P, 313 7TP( in 4473r4 -6-4 791
f7 xn-ri: a1 419111 fr 77'79 7f7 11(9711 71 TITT 77 IT
4731, 43-4 frit 447 7firn i7r t 7P73 7, 7, 0777131 4344.7 it it .-tr. 7177 TR 777777 7IT *13 7131747
Pit 3f4.1).41, 7t 147.4r4 P. fat* trrirr 37T 719tPT177 7T41 9f T97 77 T fir/ 971 ),7 71 7777i
.tht i it 4** 43**-9-t § ft4 14.44. P7-17 'ma V m71f-44
TT97 977777 Trin fr 9.1 9 fzir q74 T*.9. rrT r IS. 51r177. Tr 7717 :-7faT 7.5r frPr fPnti 77, it 75

7i*114111 fit 7hr I

413:4 tr3 to4411;9r 7 14.411- 433 rn 3777737 Tt Tr7473.
437874 977 117711 1
15. P33/44-44 rrz fiFana7 .--(1) tea T7.7 3titTff 77797 it
l*Trt -s-TIT, 19. 517777 44 7,r9IPATT far WM 417 77 171P7 77111
9, 111"; 7f7,7 rnT :VT :H971 ;711 )));rit 3r17, H I 44ri't
37f7777 77 73MT 571377 f7P7.71 77 IT ,Mr111 )(U 7i 77 M1lt-
1X'+4=11 791,447 Orr. * 47. 417 77711 1
1117 V 757 737 TM 7799 1771 0 75.1741 rfry, 717k 777.
(2) :rut 7177,91 397 -3Th 13133i-3 37T434--3 71f19 7777 177,77
, 7.,14 if 117T /111 777 731717 11771
20. driktfl TT *r777 :--1314-73* 7 14.4 37143. a1 f-tir
478,77477 fait m @1 A7ar'ra t 75'7734 art 77 FTT-.7.9
(3) 7fat J.* ..*:• 371:1/ 3( (I) 417 371777 (2) * 777 i F-47t 9717Fr7r 7f97:177 4* 77177 fi ff77,
t it F9-7, .;3373)1. 33Tn trn) tr. ))) 3th ritfri*
r 31393 f-477, a1. zrit I
t P-3G 4737 4.4147 Ttk a win trim
21. 3 41 .. 11 TT 17177717 T7 itirki. f474r 71711 --1771. 7f717
17V7T I-11477 31tr • - 9
71T+1 71177 51-T=TT: 71717 514791 V 3117 (7r91;44) 774f T7
IS. 511 T-IIT f7191711
(1) TV 1.0:14 itr 57714. 7 F,7* f144 7m7117 fit ITT 77 1 7f7777 itIft Ti T.1111 717TTM f17:97711 7q1731
ITTPFT ftrft 7r4 4.4 fart* f33 179: 57971. s7177 711, If I

711 frr 7r: n T aroma V 4441; 47 f3cr itrr, 7.73 Tr 73-

47- 22, 54-71777/77 T f717:iverr *(77. .--ft4r aiai 7r433
4tran. 444' K71" 77111 mfirt, T.17 77f7kT79.77. 7797 77M77 iT 4***3 4t3t fa rtC7rtT f33, 33E. tr) 3 33ut-
44114.4 7 Trim prrfn it 34747 3r zrittr' 1933rg, 4-7:t 47.- •
fr7 4:4:t it 44314 I
• it trrarl ct f7fm497 T7 77771
23. 711 37177 3177
777747 It 1444r :-93144747 ftk
(2) TTIT 591-7177 T N'.7 71177 T7 f7711 w1/47 in zn. 144 7757 k 447.41. it 74% 3344fi it 44
777 t 311( trl=iIT 77T 77719 774717 M91 5MITT7M kg t14 T 1313 TIT .177 771 u 711 7747 41-14414 It into; It
717 s 4.1T7 77. 9717577 .
7797 PFTT 71:77 ;)&33r. 197777 7f77 77 777 kTa tqf 761377 333 It fr,
2443 e:T4 TT art ..`1 ,4 ,11..5 7 f77 '17)37 i-T9m TT. 717777 57977T zrr wrzfra43 gl
• erri-c*i. '.,7 art 7e477f7t7 Tc7 t
5utr71T 477 3TirK 4774-fi
fT7 fAI:117 07111 24. reg d,iirir 7f7f3T TT 71)711T7T7 1-( I) fT717
f7fa r74-4441. .47 .7t f97(rFri7 *17
737 7177T7 fa*
17- WT P75 7717 5777%. .-( I) 7 1Tr al114
17e7 7.nrrrtr MIT 5773777 7771 t. rirtkpit 7T %id
T-411 7 r97 1.4777 Ti471.1 sr 77 (1 141. 1777 WM MeV TT <17 74777 nt. *rrt,gri a t 41447 7f -tu7 733 It fffu, 7771.7
141917 ff77. f197Tt 1911)
1e TT Trt ot, 57:77 311:5•1. it 117711
fTFIT` 715 1)7191 13133 k:rt T 7191 Top;
• 1x7 r iT 41-4 TT 734*77 t:r47 t tr. retrff Inan. 3tt
trat q1. 7fa7-007 viTk TETN-:0, 1 71firT TITTTt Tt Teri **. (2) IT 1714 7777CM 71. 1774 171477 7,1777):47/7 7 777

STr m it 77M7 7711 T7* 47477 Tr f717177 TITITVIT ; f I- T t, 777 3 IT rfiz,.,;t4 443,47 urq fa 474.43
brit ri--wix 3( ] )] 113T4 W tiaaa . 91/5(1111 9

(3) 7T rdii1 35fl,116--) 47 747 W 41 4 7147 -4.F. i f- zir f4itrr 77.44 *7474 7-7,4 r fRafafaa 4.14444 444
, 4 7,-r
Ta' fiftrw ww oif tam as 67 ft 7t744:5.7 474447 (P1,5(4--
777 4 44-7744- 7 447r4r 7747 7 471
(i) 741 7744 4717 977 4747747 f7-444 4717 47177
( 4) 741 Tr4qft1a f 1 o crf 7fre.T ..,1'.19P: 7747 w1 t, 4774 477;
4p74 Tfq 4447, 74r 74-94-4 stir< ftw% cf.Re%wc% kaiW «t,
(ii) 5c61-C6 7fmtiri 147 71k 444 7747 411747
t-At5T-c sit% ZIWFO' fff 17147 ofttri. 94-7r4.77 44 47.4. f4-74, 7[4
wi Mw 3%-ttlit 01-97, BtX rfa4-77 4-,f4t7 7fr-
474474 am 444't wi

wit zrT ft.trr TTRT T.4114:1 g .rzrzr-itzT zrz Tws --TFT 51W17
(iii) 717774 m g97 147 117 144i 712119 or tit-
(WIT i f91.7 417174491 * A-174K ii147 774 ir 77,7
W.61 ,
(s) 37(-9717 ( 4) it erica. q,1116-5-ff 175/W7 41 71-5]-7-
5-‘17 40Fi79.71 49.171 AIi?rT I
( iNt ) fa r1
, i 7.415. (5 r, 7747 ql ma
W451t11 r Tilt 0 TFINT f9515. omit aft 136.0
(6) ix wit Wtt leg oqao791 fctir 7fsgI i fifx -x tit rmit, ,[aT-(Tr ;
fitfix % ,,or as w% kit 0 97 77 74-4 47747
tit „RI it% MITT% Witt foe 9.e aura-rix *747 47 (v) wriecrii 4 1%41 wsta-rf%-w tirrinor fx%T..3. fir;
rcr74 4mfcrc err 311R t4 99.9.Y9rfR 112 mF33orV ti
f(9197 wiwiw %14 ,,-...c IT TT? ft/TT A64.111 (vi) tviiiiwtr% award C X.T7fUl T't writ k4 TT
25. Tff1TWor WIT Wit Tfitif wfic tit
fail eifn, of tlaf9.a, sotiv (vii) xfox.T% tftwkwri in kiwi% w74 it 330r '00-t;
Fri: 47PM, 11U77T
r. r7r w'tq ife fw.-th arriqr 773 ffw, ififtw 10.30
(viii) wx•raft rrr sra vikftwitit Cr mritx 4 4ifiTicrt
wi rig 4 5 . 30 al. 1Ft1 1197 491 19n 1 C sir
or 4 01,1%tir twrtfqx
Trrot.ii wr 9.3 T4t3T1 xrc't Pow w4 k fie it
wrir as rw fw 0.0 il7:41174-U ;TN
24471 q1-11 it 419.7 triwit Ti f917d1<4 47797;
C 4.00 al sitnx7 rigW1W, 4711, 9f 4914911

(ix) WI' roo-oTt try to- wrfuntrt r wfx-car 4 %I-4-
26. Titii-Wvf 0( "50 wi
W it ttXxi %Tor ,
‘.21TWWV1 W1Winf tr% X74-791;
171. f4rU
611 TT
fie 9e fwt mew i 372 Kri Tarrinrixt 11. co wi (x) wr3aa i 4f1/4-% w,04i ern-7 47 ITETTiff 41%14%
gaTA- 1.30 SN -1 ww3frc 2.30 fl ;16 0.17 4 4. 30 strict-1rat iftErt% i fic sari-IF X1 , 7 X797
371 Clg PTI I
(xi) att. %Tr stftitx 4% k tti trr%vr
27. tr4F4;.14- *1 71.71/11 3717 era-- 1 ) Xf9WCIT 3fititc el. 91991 U97 s4 ,91.4197 Atttg1174 t ft, ara-
tit ..77, 51fWeiff 4 70I1 6;4 ira rat W, 4-1 A d cwr 3Tf 7ww-r fiodtt not, 4%
9.4 w fiat 57Itft'9. X1X11.77‘17 TiXT Art„
(xii) marl %ft; Tx-tit 4 XITIU
, Trit7 U4T

9.)7 6-91, 1 faun W59T I

( 2) exitwrc wittrui Taxitwx fwir Fri 97 471U47 34177
, 4fIx 99ciiT -475-TUci
29. 47.1
girl ft-it if w1, fair fixt sr r 71X--i% TR-1 79-9 I
ten efirt k7g;i4 11X7 TX f4f9f9"IE
in sittr fa -t 4111 9efF517. t, Tx-TfiTTI7 it wit) 1.ld
FT Frkwr
30. taw trinft 3fYc 40.111i:twt fig %mixt --
79tUX7IT 477R
. F.,19; at9-49. tx&T it< twit it 0 )
( 3) .7977-#119. 4, TT-Tilt-VT 9.r M-751. Ti77
w'rc tftwict-r of000lftif Tit( au rriaffzai k- fie alma;
fmciii 4 tirfirxx tfixtrr W.T alt wit( aft
tar jn'ft it %Ts- 4w fafottz wt I
errefw. C ter 9.r fhir slf coft 3111: riftf94X-9. 9Th
979.4 fir Fit-iri
31. few Notfitrai afte wtowt ifiTietit i fig tyrrw-
ST9U-di Tifirtra 9-70T
--rnuftfw, 31,77*fafQ 311-UT91
( 4) -TrAt5R, PTIFFT'1.7 Tar it W441. Wow% 4, of WT,01-fx% 21527
tilt r7.177T ei
1111 k'Fft

(5) trtEirt , g°,7ET . 0;77 19.47 W1119WF wr fait fobt ii *X rt. m WR tor tip irk
(i) 7fX an TM t
wcfr%c-xt Naar 71.937-7 Mk1VITT 3417 alt orT,0tfx%
-.TE 4 Tr%%, Th-.9.?7 3117
tr.‘ C ifixt%'w 47% trIFTIT I
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erwri-7 ti
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(faun 24 ifu7)
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I. 7:177 fafir ,311E19-Ril TT Fig fItlEfT)I 3fr thtTT TT kfAtc.)TITTI fTt'T

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(i) 7nTri
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( ii) 1797 TT 974 f-TTTMIT rrq
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( vii) r f9- 7779, Tift t, P;f9fratit

4 (TT( 7Ttill frith-IT) qt, AtitT9I a,cir fT Ir-Tfit TrIfyit WTI! at ij leff7..-4( t,

3. qiu frif4 , q;11. rt vru 737.-Ti.f9.417-q ir 74 4 it Tit, Tft7fIT9I

ITIFTT =rig ;FITT Tr7/tT/7 fro, 7T4 TiT91 fMf 17,4 er
f91-19-f. * 9479 qz ar arzrk 4f9f749. t

4. TIT TitE;:.-T:Tt" CT-ITT M14 =TWIT ftfTTI TIT Pita EITh7frft f4fTT
av q4.4 4 it . 1.,tirftt.d I367 9"). TiTtFITTTI rr
91TT I

(f9fa ,T.Lifrrfc) graf7r9 7;a? fT 3717 11 fligfratit lit 441714 7r9Tra M.TT
fm-r77 77TTr-T fcf f*-4); 9vit t 919-Tiit -
97. 1 t f744 f91997 TT k :399
(974) Tr 71,14-e?*7.137 7 Kr stii n ri I

: rf:r rq


*7.ft9 Turr4F99: crtr*77r
[urir rte a ( 'TT TT tr-mT7 . w=TT517.14

NOTIFICATION (n) "Tribunal" means the West Bengal Ad-

ministrative Tribunal established under
New Delhi, the 21st December, 1994 sub-section (2) of Section 4:
GSR 876(E).—In exercise of the powers confer- (o) the words and expressions used in these
red by sub-section (1) read with clauses (d), (e) rules and not defined but defined in the
and (f) of sub-section (2) of section 35 of the Ad- Act. shall have the meanings respectively
ministrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985), assigned to them in the Act.
the Central Government hereby makes the follow-
ing rules, namely:- 3. Language of the Tribunal.—The language of
the Tribunal shall be English.
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These
rules may be called the West Bengal Administra- Provided that the parties to a proceeding before
tive Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1994. the Tribunal may file documents drawn up in
Bengali, if they so desire;
(2) They shall come into force on the day of
their publication in the Official Gazette. Provided further that a Bench may, in its discre-
tion permit the use of Bengali in the proceedings
2. Definitions.—In these rules, unless the con- but the final order shall be in English.
text otherwise requires;
(a) "Act" means the Administrative Tribunals 4. Procedure for filing applications.—(1) An
Act, 1985 (13 of 1985); application to the Tribunal shall be presented in
Form I by the applicant in person or by an agent
(b) "advocate" means an advocate entered or by a duly authorised advocate to the Registrar
in any roll under the provisions of the or any other officer authorised in writing by the
Advocates Act, 1961 (25 of 1961); Registrar to receive applications or be sent by re-
gistered post with acknowledgement due addressed
(c) "agent" means a person duly authorised to the Registrar.
by a party to present an application or
reply on its behalf before the Tribunal. (2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be
presented in three complete sets in a paper-book
(d) "applicant" means a person making an
torm along with one empty file size envelope bear-
application to the Tribunal under section ing full address of the respondent.
(e) "application" means an application made (3) Where the number of respondents is more
than one, as many extra copies of the application
to the Tribunal under Section 19;
in paper-book form as the number of respondents
(f) - Form" means form Annexed to these together with the required number of empty file
rules; size envelopes bearing the full address of each res-
(g) "Government" means the Government of pondent shall be furnished by the applicant;
West Bengal; Provided that where the number of respondents
(h) "Legal Practitioner" shall have the same is more than five, the Registrar may permit the ap-
meaning as is assigned to it in the Advo- plicant to file the extra copies of the application at
cates Act, 1961 (25 of 1961); the time of issue of notice to the respondents.
(4) The applicant may attach to and present
(1) "Legal representative" means a person
with his application a receipt slip in Form II which
who in law represents the estate of the
deceased;- shall be signed by the Registrar or the Officer re-
ceiving the application on behalf of the Registrar
(j) "Registry" means the Registry of the Tri- In acknowledgement of the receipt of the applica-
bunal or of the Bench of the Tribunal as tion.
the case may be ; (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
(k) "Registrar" means the Registrar of the rules (1) to (3). the Tribunal may permit:—
Tribunal and includes any officer to
whom the powers and functions of the (a) more than one person to join together
Registrar may be delegated under sub- and file a single application-if it is satis-
rule (2) of rule 27; fied, having regard to the cause of action
and the nature of relief prayed for, that
(1) "section" means a section of the Act; they have a common interest in the mat-
(m) "Transferred application" means the suit ter; or
or other proceedings which stand t - ans- (b) An association representing persons desi-
ferred to the Tribunal under sub-section
(1) or sub-section (2) of Section 29; rous of joining in a single application to
tile such application, provided that the

application shall disclose the class, two) which shall be payable in court fee sti ps
grade or categories of all the persons on affixed on such application.
whose behalf the application is filed. 9. Paper book, etc. to accompany the applica-
tion.—(1) Every application shall be accompanied
5. Presentation and scrutiny of applications.—
by a paper book containing:—
(1) The Registrar or the officer authorised by him
under rule 4, shall endorse on every application (i) a true copy of the order against which the
the date on which it is presented and shall sign the application has been filed;
endorsement. (ii) copies of the documents relied upon by
the applicant and referred to in the ap-
(2) If, on scrutiny, the application is found to
be in order, it shall be duly registered and given a plication ; and
serial number. (iii) an index of the documents.
(3) If the application, on scrutiny, is found to (2) The documents referred to in sub-rule (1)
be defective that the defect noticed is formal in may be attested by an advocate or by a Gazetted
nature, the Registrar may allow the partly to rec- Officer or by a Group 'A' Officer of the Govern-
tify the same in his presence and if the said defect
is not formal in nature, the Registrar may allow ment.
the applicant such time to rectify the defect as he (3) Where an application is filed by an agent,
may deem fit. documents authorising him to act as such agent
(4) If the applicant fails to rectify the defect shall also be appended to the application.
within the time allowed under sub-rule (3), the Provided that where an application is filed by
Regsitrar may, by order and for reasons to be re- an advocate, it shall be accompanied by a duly ex-
corded in writing, decline to register the applica- ecuted `Vakalatnama'.
tion and inform the applicant accordingly.
10. Plural remedies.—An application shall be
5) An appeal against the order of the Registrar based upon a single cause of action and may seek
under sub-rule (4) shall be made within 15 days one or more reliefs provided that they are conse-
of such order to the Tribunal whose decision there- quential to one another.
on shall be final. 11. Service of notices and processes issued by
6. Place of filing application.--All applications the Tribunal.—(1) A copy of the application in
shall be filed with the Registrar. the paper-book form shall ordinarily be served on
each of the respondents by the Registrar in one of
7. Application fee.—Every application filed the following manners:—
with the Registrar shall be accompanied by a fee
of Rs. 50 (Rupees fifty) which shall be paid in (i) by hand delivery (Dasti) through the
applicant or through a process server; or
court-fee stamps affixed on the application.
(ii) by registered post 'with acknowledgement
Provided that where the Tribunal permits a sin- due';
gle application to be filed, either by more than one
person or by an Association, the fee payable shall (2) Where notice issued by the Tribunal is ser-
be rupees fifty. ved by the party himself by 'hand delivery' (Dasti),
he shall file with the Registry of the Tribunal the
8. Contents of application.—(1) Every applica- acknowledgement, together with an affidavit of ser-
tion filed under rule 4 shall set forth concisely un- vice.
der distinct heads, the grounds for such applica-
tion. Such grounds shall be numbered consecutive- (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
rule (1) the Registrar may, taking into account
ly. Every application, including any miscellaneous the number of respondents and their places of resi-
application shall be typed in double space. dence or work and other circumstances, direct that
(2) It shall not be necessary to present a sepa- notice of the application shall be served upon the
rate application to seek an interim order or direc- respondents in any other manner, including any
tion if the application contains a prayer for an in- manner of substituted service, as it appears to the
terim order or direction pending final disposal of Tribunal just and convenient.
the application. (4) Every applicant shall pay a fee for the
service or execution of processes in respect of an
(3) An applicant may, subsequent to the filing application. where the number of respondents
of an application under section 19, apply for an exceeds five, as under :—
interim order or direction. Such an application shall,
as far as possible. be in the same form as is pres- (i) a sum of Rs. 5 (Rupees five) for each
cribed for an application under section 19 and respondent in excess of five respon-
shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 2 (Rupees dents; or
pm 3(i)] sin?: TT 1491UPTI 15

(ii) where the service is in such a manner Provided that if, at any time, the Chairman
as the Registrar may direct under sub- of the Tribunal is satisfied that circumstances
rule (3) such a sum, not exceeding exist which render it necessary for him to hold
the actual charges incurred in effecting the sittings of the Tribunal at any place other
the service, as may be determined by than Calcutta, he may hold the sittings at any
the Registrar. such place.
15. Decision on applications.—(1) The
(5) The fee for the service or execution of Tribunal shall draw up a calender for the hearing
processes under sub-rule (4) shall be remitted by of transferred cases and shall, as far as possible,
the applicant in the form of court-fee stamps. hear and decide the cases according to the
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in
sub-rules (1) to (5), if the Tribunal is satisfied (2) Every application shall be heard and
that it is not reasonably practicable to serve notice decided, as far as possible, within six months
of application upon all the respondents, it may, from the date of its presentation.
for reasons to be recorded in writing, direct that (3) For purposes of sub-rules (1) and (2),
the application shall be heard notwithstanding the Tribunal shall have the power to refuse an
that some of the respondents have not been-served adjournment of hearing and to limit the time for
with notice of the application : oral arguments.
Provided that no application shall be heard 16. Action on application for applicant's
unless, default :-
(0 notice of the application has been serv- (1) Where on the date fixed for hearing of
ed on the Government if such Gov- the application or on any other date to
ernment is a respondent ; which such hearing may be adjourned,
(ii) notice of the application has been serv- the applicant does not appear when the
ed on the authority which passed the application is called for hearing, the
order against which the application Tribunal may, in its discretion, either
has been filed ; and dismiss the application for default or
hear and decide it on merit.
(iii) the Tribunal is satisfied that the interests
(2) Where an application has been dismiss-
of the respondents on whom notice of
the application has not been served are ed for default and the applicant
adequately and sufficiently represented appears afterwards, the Tribunal shall,
if it is satisfied that there was sufficient
by the respondents on whom notice of
the application has been served. cause for his non-appearance when the
application was called for hearing,
make an order setting aside the order
12. Filling of reply and other documents by the
respondents.—(1) Each respondent intending to dismissing the application and restore
the same.
contest the application, shall file in triplicate
the reply to the application and the documents 17. Hearing on application ex parte.—(1)
relied upon in paper book form with the Registry Where, on the date fixed for hearing of the
within one month of the date of service of the application or on any other date to which such
notice of the application on him. hearing may be adjourned, the applicant appears
and the respondent does not appear when the
(2) The respondent shall serve a cony of the application is called for hearing, the Tribunal
reply alongwith documents as mentioned in sub- may, in its discretion adjourn the hearing or
rule (1) on the applicant or his advocate, if hear and decide the application ex-parte..
any, and file proof of such service in the Registry.
(2) Where an application has been heard ex
(3) The Tribunal may, on application by the parte against a respondent or respondents, such
respondent, allow the filing of the reply after the respondent or respondents may apply to the
expiry of the period of one month. Tribunal for an order to set it aside and if such
respondent or respondents satisfy the Tribunal
13. Date and place of hearing to be notified.— that the notice was not duly served, or that he
The Registrar shall notify to the parties the date or they were nrevented by any sufficient cause
and the nlace of hearing of the application. from appearing when the application was called
for hearing. the Tribunal may make an order
14. Sittings of the Tribunal.—The Tribunal setting aside the ex-parte hearing against him or
shall ordinarily hold its sittings at Calcutta. them upon such terms as it thinks fit, and shall

apfb)int a day fo: )rot ecling with the arplica- (4) A register of all the registered clerks mall
be maintained in the office of the Registrar and
lion : after registration of the clerk. the Registrar
Provided that iwhece the ex-parte hearing of shall direct the issue of an identity card to him
the application is of such nature that it cannot he which shall be non-transferable and shall he pro-
set aside against ore respondent only. it may be duced by the holder upon request by an officer
set aside against all or any of the other respon- or any other employee of the Tribunal.
dents : (5) The identity card mentioned in sub-rule
Provided further that the Tribunal shall not (4) shall be issued under the signatures of a
set aside ex-parte hearing of an application Deputy Registrar of the Tribunal.
merely on the around that there has been an irre-
(6) Whenever a legal practitioner ceases to
gularity in the service of notice, if it is satisfied employ a registered clerk, he shall notify the
that the respondent had been duly served with fact at once to the Registrar by means of a letter
the notice of the dale of hearing and had suffi- enclosing therewith the identity card issued to
cient time to appear and answer the applicant's such clerk by the Registry, and on receipt of
claim. such letter the name of the said registered clerk
Acton:n-item of ap t ffication.—The Tribu- shall be struck off from the register.
nal may, on such terms as it may deem tit and
25. Working hours of the Tribunal.—Except
at (any stage of a proceeding. adjourn the hear- on Saturday. Sundays and other public holidays,
ing of the application. the office of the Tribunal shall, subject to any
B. Order to be signed and dated.—Every order made by the Chairman, remain open daily
order of the Tribunal shall be in writing. and shall from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. but no work, unless
be signed turd date' by the Members constituting it is of an urgent nature. shall be admitted after
the Bench. 4.00 p.m. on any working day.
20. Publication of orders.—Such of the orders 26. Sitting hours of the Tribunal.—The sitting
'he Teibiinal. as are deemed fit for publication hours of the Tribunal (including a vacation
in any authoritative report or the press. may be Bench) shall ordinarily be from 11.00 a.m. to
' (cd for such - publication such terms and con- 1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. subject to
s as the Tribunal mar lay down. any general or special order made by the Chair-
21, Communication of order.; to the Trani man in this behalf.
Every order. :iia.ssecii on an application shall 27. Powers and functions of the Registrar.—
to the applicant and to ths‘ ( 1) The Registrar shall have the custody of the
respondent(s). either in person or by registered records of the Tribunal and shall exercise such
post, free of cost . other functions as may be assigned to him under
these rules or by the Chairman.
22. Pas- for inspection of recrds.—No fee shall
he charged for inspecting the records of a pend- (2) The Registrar may, with the approval of
ing ann'ieation by a partii. thereto the Chairman delegate to the Deputy Registrar
any function or power required by these rules to
23. Orders and directions in certain cases — be performed or exercised by the Registrar.
The Tribunal may intake such orders of give such
directions as it may consider necessary or Ja.(pc- (3) In the absence of the Registrar. the
ffient tc aive effect to its orders or to prevent Deputy Registrar or any other officer of the Tribu.
aba e of its powers or to secure the ends of justice nal authorised in writing by the Chairman in this
24, Registration of legal practitionefs behalf, may exercise and perform all or any of
rips —(t A clerk employed by a legal macti- the rowers and functions of the Registrar.
loner and permitted as such to have access to the
records and to obtain copies of the orders of the (4) The Registrar shall keep in his custody
the official seal of the Tribunal.
i'rffiaina.l. in which the legal practitioner ordinarily
ieractises shall be 'crown as a - registered clerk". (5) The Registrar shall, subject to any general
nr special direction by the Chairman, affix the
(21 A legal nractitioner desirous of registering official seal of the Tribunal on every order,
his rich shall ana'ca an application tri the Regis-
notice or other process.
tering in Form IF
time (6) The Registrar shall have the power to
(3) A legal rractitionar shall ha _ a_ authorise in writing the affixing of the seal of the
registered clerks unless the
not more than tv Tribunal on a certified copy of any order of the
Registrar by general or special order otherwise

28. Additional powers and duties of Regist- (x) to receive applications for the substitu-
rar.—In addition to the powers conferred else- tion of legal representatives of the
where in these rules, the Registrar shall have deceased parties during the pendency
the following powers and duties subject to any of the application;
general or special order of the Chairman, name-
ly:— (xi) to receive and dispose of applications
for substitution, except where the sub-
(i ) to receive all applications and other stitution would involve setting aside an
documents including transferred appli- order of abatement; and
(xii) to receive and dispose of applications
(ii) to decide all questions arising out of the by parties for return of documents.
scrutiny of the applications before they
are registered; 29. Seal and emblem.—The office seal and
(iii) to require any application presented to emblem of the Tribunal shall be such as the Gov-
the Tribunal to be amended in accord- ernment may specify.
ance with the Act and the rules; 30. Dress for the Members and Staff of the
(iv) to fix, subject to the directions of the Tribunal.—The dress for the Members of the
Tribunal, dates of hearing of applica- Tribunal (including Chairman and Vice-Chair-
tions or other proceedings and issue man) and the Officers and other employees of the
notices thereof; Tribunal shall be such as the Chairman may
(v) to direct any formal amendment of
records; 31. Dress for the Legal Practitioners and Pre-
senting Officers.—A legal practitioner or, as the
(vi) to order grant of copies of documents case may be, a presenting officer shall appear
to parties to the proceedings; before the Tribunal in his professional dress, if
(vii) to grant permission for inspection of re- any, and, if there is no such dress,—
cords of the Tribunal; (i) if a male, in a closed collared coat or
(viii) to dispose of all matters relating to the in an open collared coat with white
service of notices or other processes. shirt, trousers and a tie;
applications for the issue of fresh
notices or for extending the time (ii) if a female, in a saree or in any other
therefor; dress in while or any other light colour.
(ix) to requisition records from the custody F. No, A-1101418193-ATI
of any court or other authority; SMT. SARITA PRAS AD. ft. Secy. (AT)
(See Rule 4)

For use in Tribunal's office



2903 Cr/c;i-3

1. Particulars of the applicant:
(i) Name of the applicant
(ii) Name of Father/Husband
(iii) Designation and office in which employed
(iv) Office address
(v) Address for service of all notices
2. Particulars of the respondent:
(i) Name and/or designation of the respondent
(ii) Office address of the respondent
(iii) Address for service of all notices
3. Particulars of the order against which application is made:
The application is against the following order
(i) Order No.
(ii) Date
(iii) Passed by
(iv) Subject in brief
4. Jurisdiction of the Tribunal :
The applicant declares that the subject-matter of the order against which he wants redressal is within the
jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

5. Limitation :
The applicant further declares that the application is within the limitation prescribed in section 21 of the
Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985.

6. Facts of the case:

The facts of the case are given below:
(Give here a concise statement of facts in a chronological order, each paragraph containing as nearly as possible
a Separate issue, fact or otherwise).

7. Relief(s) sought:
In view of the facts mentioned in paragraph 6 above, the applicant prays for the following relief(s):—
[specify below the relief(s) sought, explaining the ground for the relief(s) and the legal provisions (if any)

relied upon.
S. Interim Order, if prayed for:
Pending final decision of the application, the applicant seeks issues of the following interim order:—
(Give here the nature of the interim order prayed for with reasons).

9. Details of the remedies exhausted:

The applicant declares that he has availed of all the remedies available to him under the relevant service rules,
(Give here chronologically the details of representations made and the result of such representations).

10. Matters not filed or pending with any other court etc.
The applicant further declares that the matter regarding which this application has been made is not pending
before any court of law or any other authority or has not been rejected by any court of law or other authority.

11. Details of Index:

An index in duplicate, containing the details of the documents to be relied upon is enclosed.

12. List of enclosures.
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I (Name of the applicant) S/o, W/o, D/o age

working as resident of
do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 to 12 are true to my personal knowledge and belief and that I
have not suppressed any material fact.

Date :
Signature of the applicant.
The Registrar,
West Bengal Administrative Tribunal.


[See rule 4(4)]


Receipt of the appliciation filed in the West Bengal Administrative Tribunal. Calcutta. by Shri/Smt
working as in the Department cf residing at
is hereby acknowledged.
For Registrar
West Bengal Administrative Tribunal

[See rule 24)


1. Name of legal practitioner on whose behalf the clerk is to be registered.
2. Particulars of the clerk to be registered.
(i) Full Name : Attested passport size
(in capital) photograph to be pasted
(ii) Father's Name:
(iii) Age and Date of Birth:
(iv) Place of birth:
(v) Nationality
(vi) Educational Qualifications:
(vii) Particulars of previous employment, if any:
1 (Clerk above named) do hereby affirm that the particulars relating to me given
above are true.

Signature of Clerk
3. Whether the legal practitioner has a clerk already
registered in his employ and whether the clerk sought
to be registered is in lieu of or in addition to the clerk
already registered.
4. Whether the clerk sought to he registered is already
registered as a clerk of any other legal practitioner and
if so, the name of such practitioner.
I (legal practitioner) certify that the particulars given above are true to the best of my
information and belief and that I am not aware of any fact which would render the registration of the said
(name) as a clerk liable to cancellation.

Signature of the legal practitioner

The Registrar,
Central Administrative Tribunai.

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Maya Puri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, De!hi410054, 1995

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