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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, shalom, om swastiastu.

buddhaya, salam kebajikan

First, lets thank God, who has given a blessing to us, so we can gather in this place.
Let me introduce myself. My name Ferdi Hermansyah Susanto from Civil
Engineering Department. Now, I would like to give my speech under the tittle of
Kartini and Feminism.

Nowadays, who doesn't know about Kartini? even many foreigners know about her
life story. A smart, brave and tough woman, yeah that's kartini.

For those who still don't know who Kartini is, let me tell you a little about Kartini.

In the past, women in Indonesia were unable to get freedom in various ways. They
may not choose their own mate, even! they may not go to school. In a town called
Jepara, there was a woman named Kartini. There was something special about her.
Why was she so special? let's find out. On one side, just like anoter woman, Kartini
also did not get freedom like women nowadays. But on the other side, Kartini was
not like other women who just kept silent and followed the "rules". Kartini made a
point that was a turning point for the Indonesian female degree at that time. She
founded a school for women.

Of course Kartini‟s struggle was not as smooth as the toll road. Even Kartini's
parents had become a “barrier” for her to equalize women's rights at that time.

We all know… every year, on 21st April, Indonesian people always celebrate Kartini
Day. This celebration is to appreciate the contribution of Kartini in improving the life
of Indonesian women. Kartini Day also reminds us that Indonesian women should
get equal in education, achievement and social life with men. Kartini has inspired us
in supporting the wowen‟s emancipation.

At present, I feel very proud because Indonesia has a Kartini figure as a driver of
women's emancipation which required by every woman. On the other side,i‟m sad
because nowadays Kartini's struggle is almost in vain. Why? It is because many
people don‟t understand what feminism is. They think that feminism is something
wrong. Hundreds, or even thousands of people do. They make a community of anti-
feminism and spread it to society by offering wrong examples of feminism. They
claim that what they do is based on what is in their religion. They argue that women
do not need high education because women should be at home doing housework
and serving their husbands. And what's even sadder is that they come from our
country. I think Kartini would be hurt if she sees this current situation. It's ridiculous,
the heroine of a country is opposed by her own people.

Feminism is defined as “the advocacy of women‟s rights of the equality of the sexes”.
Saying “all feminists hate men” is quite a closed-minded view and I hope you won‟t
let a couple of extremists you see on social media distort your opinion. The point of
the feminist movement has never been to say that women are better than men in any
way, the point is that women and things associated with women have been put in a
lower place than men‟s and this needs to change.

Feminism. The name implies that it is all about women and that only women can get
involved but actually it is the effort of working to make the sexes equal. The name
was created with the aim to bring women up to the same level as men, that is, to
give them the same social, political and economic opportunities. Whereas the
problem with calling it something like „equalism‟ is that it can suggest that men‟s
opportunities should be reduced until the same level with women, but it is totally
wrong. In the past, men level was in “here” and women level was in “here”. Feminism
is not to reduce the men level to “here”, but feminism is to support the women level
to “here” without reducing the men level.

In this modern era, all news becomes easily accessible. Therefore, I invite all of you,
especially Indonesian women to be smarter in facing all things and more open
minded. It‟s important that every decision you make it is one you want to make, not
one you have to make.The last from me, do not let Kartini's struggle only becomes a
fairy tale. Your self-worth is your net worth. We are Indonesia, we are one.

Thank you.

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