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2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.

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Varun Biswas
January 20, 2013 4 minute read

Customize Login Page for 7.0x

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Hi Guys,

With all the new Technology, mobile and cool things kicking, its become di cult to search for “old” stu . I
thought let me share what might be my rst little experiment on 7.0x platform. Pardon my lazyness for not
highlighting everything

Customizing Portal Logon Screen NW 7.01

1. Download Portal Screen par les for customizing 1/8
2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.0x | SAP Blogs

a. Logon to Portal -> System Administrator -> Support -> Portal Runtime

b. Drill down to ‘Test and Con guration Tools’ -> Browse deployment

c. Navigate to pcd ->

d. Click ‘view’ and save the le. It would be saved as ‘’.

e. Rename the le with ‘.par’ extension

2. Customization of Logon par

a. Import the par le into your NWDS        2/8
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b. Open the J2EE perspective for making changes

c. Add Libraries ‘’ and ‘umelogonbase.jar’ to /dist/ PORTAL-INF/ lib. You can get it
from the same par le which you downloaded at step 1.c at the same folder /PORTAL-INF/lib folder. Just to be
sure I copied the entire contents in to dist directory.

d. Edit Images “Branding-image.jpg”, “Branding-image-portals.jpg”, “Branding-text.gif”, “Branding-text-

portals.gif” and “sap_logo.png and saplogo.gif” as per your requirement. For further customization
‘umLogonPage.jsp ‘, ‘umTopArea.txt’ and ‘umContentArea.txt’ can be edited as per requirement. (refer last Image)

3. Deploy Application 3/8
2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.0x | SAP Blogs

a. Export and deploy par le

4. Post activites

a. Create custom authsceme.XML

b. Logon on to Con gtool and go to con guration edit mode. 4/8
2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.0x | SAP Blogs

c. Drill down to Con guration -> cluster_data -> server -> persistent ->

d. Create a
e. Download authscheme.xml, replace “” with your par le name and save as le
named in step 4.d.
f. Upload this le in the node created in step 4.d

g. Go back to the con g tool mdoe and drill don to cluster-data-> Global Server Con guration -> services
-> and change the login.authscheme.definition.file entry, 5/8
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h. Restart server 6/8
2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.0x | SAP Blogs

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SAP Enterprise Portal | logon screen customization | nw 70x | Portal And Collaboration | portal logon screen |

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Former Member

March 13, 2017 at 10:18 am

Hi Varun,

First of all I want to thank you for such a useful blog. You are 100% right , its very di cult to search for old
stu s and I was searching for document like this, Logon page customization for portal version 7.0 is no where
explained in brief.  This Blog is very much helpful for beginners like me. 7/8
2/15/2019 Customize Login Page for 7.0x | SAP Blogs

We have a requirement to change the Branding text in the logon page. The portal version is 7.0 and the screen
is already customized and the customer want to change the  branding text.

I have followed the same steps mentioned by you but in the step 3.Export and deploy par le , nding some
di culties. We have already having the customized My_authschemes.xml le with customized par le name(
so I think no need of performing the step 4) but not getting how to deploy par le. please let me know so that I
can share my .xml le with you for help. Hope you will help me on this. We are nding di culty while deploying
par le in NWDS.



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