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Chapter 4


This chapter is divided into two parts: (1) Descriptive Data Analysis, and (2) Inferential Data


Part One, Descriptive Data Analysis, presents the descriptive data and discusses their respective

analyses and interpretations.

Part Two, Inferential Data Analysis, presents the inferential data and discusses their respective

analyses and interpretations.

Descriptive Data Analysis

Familiarity of ecotourism development initiatives in the province of

Iloilo as assessed by hospitality and tourism practitioners. The data in Table 2 revealed that

hospitality and tourism practitioners were fully familiar of ecotourism development initiatives in the

province of Iloilo when taken as an entire group (M = 4.22, SD = .66) or classified as to categories.

These were the 35-40 years old (M = 4.39, SD = .63), above 40 years old (M = 4.51, SD = .53), male

(M = 4.23, SD = .63), female (M = 4.22, SD = .67), college graduate (M = 4.26, SD = .66), post

graduate (M = 4.32, SD = .47), tour operators and travel agents (M = 4.29, SD = .72), tourism officers

(M = 4.56, SD = .53), tour guides (M = 4.34, SD = .61), more than 6 years in service (M = 4.37, SD =


Those who are below 35 years old (M = 4.08, SD = .66), technical vocational graduates (M =

3.55, SD = .54), those whose affiliation are on accommodation and lodging ( M = 3.78, SD = .52), and

are tourism educators (M = 4.14, SD = .65), rendered less than 3 years in service (M = 4.19, SD = .70),

and are already 3-6 years in service (M = 4.09, SD = .63), assessed their familiarity of ecotourism

development initiatives in the province of Iloilo as moderately familiar.

This was revealed by the obtained means that fell within the 4.21 - 5.00 scale for fully familiar

and between the 3.41 - 4.20 scale for moderately familiar.

Table 2

Familiarity of Ecotourism Development Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and
Tourism Practitioners
Category M Description SD

A. Entire group 4.22 Fully familiar .66

B. Sex
Male 4.23 Fully familiar .63
Female 4.22 Fully familiar .67

C. Age
Below 35 years old 4.08 Moderately familiar .66
35-40 years old 4.39 Fully familiar .63
Above 40 years old 4.51 Fully familiar .53

D. Educational attainment
Technical Vocational graduate 3.55 Moderately familiar .54
College graduate 4.26 Fully familiar .66
Post graduate 4.32 Fully familiar .47

E. Stakeholder’s affiliation
Accommodation and lodging 3.78 Moderately familiar .52
Tour operators and travel agents 4.29 Fully familiar .72
Tourism officer 4.56 Fully familiar .53
Tour guide 4.34 Fully familiar .61
Tourism educator 4.14 Moderately familiar .65

F. Years in service
Less than 3 years 4.19 Moderately familiar .70
3-6 years 4.09 Moderately familiar .63
More than 6 years 4.37 Fully familiar .62

Mean Score Description

4.21 – 5.00 Fully familiar

3.41 – 4.20 Moderately familiar

2.61 – 3.40 Somewhat familiar

1.81 – 2.60 Slightly familiar

1.00 – 1.80 Not familiar

Relevance of ecotourism development initiatives in the province of Iloilo as assessed

by hospitality and tourism practitioners. The data in Table 3 revealed that ecotourism development

initiatives in the province of Iloilo were highly relevant to hospitality and tourism practitioners when

taken as an entire group (M = 4.17, SD = .85) or classified as to categories. These were those who are

below 35 years old (M = 4.05, SD = .88), female (M = 4.15, SD = .87), those who are in the

accommodation and lodging (M = 3.56, SD = .81), are tourism educators (M = 4.06, SD = .84), less

than 3 years (M = 4.16, SD = .88), and have 3-6 years in service (M = 4.01, SD = .81).

Those who are aged 35-40 years old (M = 4.33, SD = .76) and above 40 years old (M = 4.40,

SD = .79), male (M = 4.21, SD = .81), college (M = 4.21, SD = .83) and post-graduates (M = 4.25, SD

= .90), those whose affiliation are on tour operators and travel agents ( M = 4.33, SD = .80), tourism

officers (M = 4.58, SD = .62), and are tour guides (M = 4.32, SD = .83), and has rendered more than

six years of service (M = 4.32, SD = .85), assessed their relevance of ecotourism development initiatives

in the province of Iloilo as extremely relevant.

Meanwhile, technical vocational graduates assessed their relevance of ecotourism development

initiatives as somewhat relevant (M = 3.40, SD = .74).

This was revealed by the obtained means that fell within the 4.21 - 5.00 scale for extremely

relevant and between the 3.41 - 4.20 scales for highly relevant.
Table 3

Relevance of Ecotourism Development Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and
Tourism Practitioners
Category M Description SD

A. Entire group 4.17 Highly relevant .85

B. Sex
Male 4.21 Extremely relevant .81
Female 4.15 Highly relevant .87

C. Age
Below 35 years old 4.05 Highly relevant .88
35-40 years old 4.33 Extremely relevant .76
Above 40 years old 4.40 Extremely relevant .79

D. Educational attainment
Technical Vocational graduate 3.40 Somewhat relevant .74
College graduate 4.21 Extremely relevant .83
Post graduate 4.25 Extremely relevant .90
E. Stakeholder’s affiliation
Accommodation and lodging 3.56 Highly relevant .81
Tour operators and travel agents 4.33 Extremely relevant .80
Tourism officer 4.58 Extremely relevant .62
Tour guide 4.32 Extremely relevant .83
Tourism educator 4.06 Highly relevant .84

F. Years in service
Less than 3 years 4.16 Highly relevant .88
3-6 years 4.01 Highly relevant .81
More than 6 years 4.32 Extremely relevant .85

Mean Score Description

4.21 – 5.00 Extremely relevant

3.41 – 4.20 Highly relevant

2.61 – 3.40 Somewhat relevant

1.81 - 2.60 Slightly relevant

1.00 – 1.80 Not relevant

Inferential Data Analysis

Differences in the assessment of the level of familiarity of ecotourism development

initiatives in the province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism practitioners when

classified according to sex. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test results in Table 4 showed that no
significant differences existed in the assessment of the familiarity of ecotourism development initiatives

in the province of Iloilo amongby hospitality and tourism practitioners when the participants were

classified according to sex (U = 0.043, p > .05).

Table 4

Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U Test Results for the Differences in the Familiarity of Ecotourism

Development Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and Tourism

Practitioners According to Sex

Sig. value
Category N Mean rank Sum of Ranks U
Male 46 75.73 3483.50
0.043 0.966
Female 104 75.40 7841.50

Differences in the assessment of the level of familiarity of ecotourism development

initiatives in the province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism practitioners when

classified according to age, educational attainment, stakeholder’s affiliation, and years in

service. The results in Table 5 showed the differences that existed in the assessment of the familiarity

of ecotourism development initiatives in the province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism

practitioners when the participants were classified according to age ( X2 (2) = 13.382, p < .05.),

educational attainment, (X2 (2) = 9.745, p < .05), stakeholder’s affiliation, (X2 (4) = 28.197), p < .05,

and years in service, (X2 (2) = 5.201, p > .05).

Table 5

Kruskal-Wallis Test Results for the Differences in the Familiarity of Ecotourism Development

Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and Tourism Practitioners

According to Age, Educational Attainment, Stakeholder’s Affiliation, and Years in Service

Mean Sig.
Category N df X2
rank value
Below 35 years old 93 65.58 2 13.382** 0.001
35-40 years old 30 87.58
Above 40 years old 27 96.26

Educational attainment
Technical-Vocational graduate 9 31.78 2 9.745** .008
College graduate 125 78.12
Post graduate 16 79.59

Stakeholder’s affiliation
Accommodation and lodging 30 43.62 4 28.197** .000
Tour Operators and travel agents 30 80.30
Tourism officer 30 100.70
Tour guide 30 83.22
Tourism educator 30 69.67

Years in service
Less than 3 years 51 73.84 2 5.201 .074
3-6 years 47 66.01
More than 6 years 52 85.70
**p < .01

Employing the post hoc analysis using Mann-Whitney U Test, and considering the differences

between two groups, the following assessment of the familiarity on ecotourism development initiatives

in the province of Iloilo were revealed: for age (see appendix E), those who were 35-40 years old (M =

4.39) and above 40 years old (M = 4.51) were significantly more familiar than those who were below 35

years old (M = 4.08); for educational attainment (see appendix F) those who were college graduates ( M

= 4.26) and post graduates (M = 4.32) were significantly more familiar than technical-vocational

graduates (M = 3.55); for stakeholder’s affiliation (see appendix G), those who were tourism officers ( M

= 4.56), tour operators and travel agents (M = 4.29), and tour guides (M = 4.34) are significantly more

familiar than those who were affiliated in accommodation and lodging ( M = 3.78), and are tourism

educators (M = 4.14).

Differences in the assessment of the relevance of ecotourism development initiatives

in the province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism practitioners when classified

according to sex. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test results in Table 6 showed that no significant

differences existed in the assessment of the relevance of ecotourism development initiatives in the

province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism practitioners when the participants were classified

according to sex,

U = -0.345, p > .05.

Table 6
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U Test Results for the Differences in the Relevance of Ecotourism

Development Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and Tourism

Practitioners According to Sex

Mean Sum of Sig. value

Category N U
rank Ranks (2-tailed)
46 77.34 3557.50
0.345 0.730
104 74.69 767.50

Differences in the level of relevance of ecotourism development initiatives in the

province of Iloilo as assessed by hospitality and tourism practitioners when classified

according to age, educational attainment, stakeholder’s affiliation, and years in service. The

Kruskal-Wallis Test results in Table 10 showed that no significant differences in the assessment of the

relevance of ecotourism development initiatives in the province of Iloilo among hospitality and tourism

practitioners when the participants were classified according to age, X2 (2) = 5.492, p > .05, educational

attainment, X2 (2) = 8.549, p < .05, stakeholder’s affiliation, X2(4) = 26.335, p < .05, and years in

service, X2 (2) = 5.108, p > .05.

Table 7

Kruskal-Wallis Test for the Differences in the Relevance of Ecotourism Development

Initiatives in the Province of Iloilo as Assessed by Hospitality and Tourism Practitioners

According to Age

Mean Sig.
Category N df X2
rank value

Below 35 years old 93 69.20
35-40 years old 30 82.65 2 5.492 .064
Above 40 years old 27 89.24

Educational Attainment
Technical-Vocational graduate 9 35.28
College graduate 125 77.35 2 8.549* 0.014
Post graduate 16 83.69

Stakeholder’s affiliation
Accommodation and lodging 30 44.02
Tour Operators and travel agents 30 80.12
Tourism officer 30 98.35 4 26.335** 0.000
Tour guide 30 84.80
Tourism educator 30 70.22

Years in service
Less than 3 years 51 74.19
3-6 years 47 65.89 2 5.108 0.078
More than 6 years 52 85.47
**p < .01

Employing the post hoc analysis using Mann-Whitney U Test, and considering the differences

between two groups of stakeholder’s affiliation for educational attainment (see appendix H) revealed

that those who were tourism officers (M = 4.58), tour operators and travel agents (M = 4.33), and tour

guides (M = 4.32) assessed ecotourism development initiatives in the province of Iloilo as significantly

more relevant than those who were affiliated in accommodation and lodging ( M = 3.56), and are

tourism educators (M = 4.06).

, the results revealed that

Relationship of the familiarity and relevance of ecotourism development initiatives

in the province of Iloilo as assessed by hospitality and tourism practitioners. Table 14 showed

that a highly significant relationship existed between the familiarity and relevance of ecotourism
development initiatives in the province of Iloilo as assessed by hospitality and tourism practitioners, X2 =

4989.141, p = .000.

Table 14

Relationship between Familiarity and Relevance of Ecotourism Development Initiatives in the

Province of Iloilo

Variables Familiarity

Asymp. Sig value


Relevance 4989.141** .000

**p < .01

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