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Human Resource Management

HRM Final Project

Presented By:

Talha Hameed

Presented To: Sir. Abdul Hameed


First of all we are thankful to Almighty Allah Who gave us

strength for the completion of this project. And secondly thanks to
our respected Sir Abdul Hameed who directed us to focus really
on the HR issues and department in a very effective way.


Ufone is the leading organization in the cellular industry. They have 400 plus employees.
At there head office they had 150 employees. They have 12 branches in different cities of
Pakistan. There is open door policy prevailing at Ufone. They really cares about there
employees and for the improvement of HRD they continuously conducting training
workshops, which are both on the job and off the job. They do there recruitment through
online and also through newspapers. They use both internal and external recruitment. All
the recruitment and hiring is done from the head office.

They are using a HRIS, which is a great sign for any organization especially like Ufone
who are through their expansion. They do screening interviews, employment tests, job
offers etc for the appointment. They also give their new entrants orientation so that they
get familiar with the environment of the organization. The immediate supervisor
evaluates performance. The probation period is 6 months. There are no unions in the

The style of management at Ufone is different from the traditional organizations, Ufone
has adopted participative management. This type of management creates a sense of
ownership among the employees. There are no workingwomen issues in Ufone, and
women consist of 20 percent of total work force of Ufone. The Hr department at Ufone
also manages grievance. Ufone provides perfect environment for employees to work
efficiently to gain experience and to add worth to the organization.

Company Information

Ufone Launched on January 29, 2001, Ufone is a new cellular operator in Pakistan. Pak
Telecom mobile Ltd. offers Ufone services to you, which is a 100% owned independent
subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation Ltd.

Ufone has been a highly successful venture, touching 100,000 subscribers in less than
four months of operation.

Ufone is the only mobile service named after the people it is meant to serve-you. From
the kind of quality you were waiting for, to the price you always wanted to the service
standards you deserved l Ufone is designed to cater to your individual requirements.
Whether you need a mobile phone to enhance your business, or to stay in touch with your
finance or to provide reliable security to your children. Ufone has a package tailor made
to your needs and your budgets. Pakistan telecom mobile limited (Ufone) was
incorporated on July 18 1998 as a public limited company for establishing and operating
cellular mobile services in Pakistan on gsm900 band.
Pak Telecom Mobile Limited is a 100% subsidiary of PTCL. It is one of the major
initiatives taken by PTCL in the process of modernizing its services and expanding its
business to wireless communications. Due to stiff competition in the cellular market,
PTCL has decided to hire professionals from the private sector with relevant experience
to run this company. Through its independent analysis of the cellular market, PTCL has
come to the conclusion that there is still a lot of unexplored potential that can be a
prospective source of benefit for the company.

The environment at Ufone is not like traditional organizations working in Pakistan.
Management of Ufone has created an environment of such a type in which employees can
work efficiently. Therefore they have broken the barriers in the way of communication
between the employees and top-level management. To achieve this objective Ufone has
adopted the policy of open door; due to this approach all the employees working in the
organization have access to the top-level management, which enhances the
communication among the supervisors and subordinates.
In Ufone the concept of participative management is in practice. Which means that
employees have right to participate in the decision making process of the management by
giving their ideas and opinions for the improvement of the organization. This
participation generates a sense of ownership among employees and they feel that they
have enough importance in decision-making process.

Whenever there are low barriers in communication in any organization it leads to prompt
feedback. Participative management decreases employee’s resistance to change that takes
place in the organization, which makes the employees work more effective.

Mission Statement

“To become the best cellular option available

in the country for you.”


To provide Affordable services:

The basic objective of Ufone is to provide affordable services to cellular phone user in
Pakistan. Prior to the Ufone functions all the cellular services companies were foreign
owned and they were providing services at higher cost. But Ufone started its business to
provide these services to the customers throughout Pakistan at affordable rate.

Network throughout Pakistan:

There is not a single cellular company that is providing services throughout Pakistan, but
Ufone has this objective to provide services throughout Pakistan, especially in remote
areas where as yet telephones are not available. So in this regard Ufone have made
tremendous progress, Ufone started its function from Islamabad and now they are
providing services in more than 20 cities of Pakistan.

Best Coverage:

Another objective of Ufone is to provide best coverage throughout Pakistan. In this

connection Ufone is providing coverage in more than 20 cities.

Advanced Services:

Ufone has become the leading service provider in Pakistan, so it is always ahead in
providing special facilities to its valued customers. In this regard Ufone started providing
SMS (Short Messages Service) when it stated its function in Islamabad. Afterward s it
also started Web SMS Chat, WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), Info Service and
International roaming.


Span of management is basically narrow however it depends and varies from department
to department. As in human resource department there is one vice president of human
resource and in total the number of employees are nine.



Vice President

Manager Marketing Manager Finance Manager HRM Manager Customer

Manager IS Manager Engineering

Assistant Managers

Ex. Assistant Managers

Assistant Managers Assistant Managers

Ex. Assistant Managers Ex. Assistant Managers

Ufone started it operation from Islamabad/Rawalpindi in Jan 2001, the vision of the
company is to expand it services across the country. The time of 2 and half year is not so
big but Ufone has made a tremendous effort to provide its services in major cities of the
Ufone has its Head Office in Islamabad and also 12 branches nation wide

Punjab NWFP Sindh Baluchistan

Lahore Peshawar Karachi Quetta

Sialkot Kohat Hyderabad

Gujranwala Sukkher




Every organization has its corporate strategy, which aims at their long-term goals. The
corporate strategy of Ufone is very clear by their objective. The vision of Ufone is to
expand its business nation wide with superior quality of services. In accordance with its
corporate strategy Ufone is expanding its business day by day. Just within two and half
years Ufone have established its 12 branches in different cities of Pakistan. Further more
Ufone is planning to expand its operations in other cities also.


Ufone started functioning from January 2001, which shows that they are new in the
business so that’s why they aren’t been through any major change during this period. And
all the plans are going in accordance with their corporate strategy, which aims at
expansion of services through out Pakistan. The bottom line is that they are going
through hyper expansion.


Ufone has segmented the work into various departments to make the work more
systematic and organized. There are various departments functioning in the organization
with their own systems, following are the departments in the head office of Ufone:

• Marketing Department
• Finance Department
• Human Resource Department
• Customer Care Department
• Information System Department
• Engineering Department

Human Resource Department

Ufone’s human resource department is in the head office, which is in Jinnah Super,
Islamabad.The HR department of Ufone is functioning very efficiently, there are in total
nine employees in which the there is one head who is the Human Resource Development
Manager, Mr, Syed Farhan Mahmood. He is the one who deals with all the matter related
to HR in the organization.
HR department in any organization is very significant, no one can deny from its
importance. Because human beings working in an organization are the most precious
asset of that organization. Ufone also knows that the secret of success of there business
lies in there human resources. The basic and core function of HR Department is to select
and keep the right person for the right job. Because there is a man behind machine.
So the job of HR manager is very critical, the success or the failure of the business
depends a lot on Hr manger. Because HR manger is the person who evaluates people
whether they are fit for the particular job or not
Like every prestigious organization at Ufone HR department is responsible for
implementation off all the policies in the organization. HR department is also responsible
for initiating different types of policies such as,

 Hiring And Firing Policy

 Leave Policy
 Working Hours Policy
 Retirement Policy
 Performance Evaluation
 Training Policy
 Career Counseling

 Grievance Management
HR department at Ufone designs the job, and than according to that hire people who best
fit in that job. Training the employees to make them more efficient and effective is done
by HR department, for this purpose they have to identify the needs and than design the
training to meet the requirements of that need.


The executives with the consent of the employees formulate the policies and that’s why
they haven’t faced any problem during the implementation of those policies. There is no
resistance against the policies because of participative management and this generates the
sense of ownership among the employees. It is the responsibility of the HR department to
implement all the policies.


Job analysis is systematic exploration of activities within a job. It is a technical procedure

used to define the duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities of job. It is proved that job
analysis is almost first activity of HR department to be done. Because on this, pay
packages, compensations, job descriptions, job specifications, job evaluation etc are
made. So at Ufone experts do job analysis. They construct “Job Analysis form”.
There are mostly following methods used to conduct job analysis:

1. Interviews

There are two kinds of interviews in this method i.e. individual interviews and team
interviews. In interview method, a team of job incumbents is selected and interviewed
extensively or simultaneously.

2. Direct Observations

At Ufone direct observation is also done for job analysis. Employees are directly
observed and watched at work that what rather functions they are dong relating to their
jobs? Based on which job analysis is made.

3. Industry Patterns For Benchmark Jobs

Sometimes, in Ufone they just observe the industry and see the duties, accountabilities
etc of a benchmark jobs.


A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder does. How it is done?
Under what conditions it is done. And why it is done? It should accurately portray job
contents. Most organization has a general job description form and Ufone is also having
which Marjory includes,

 Job title
 Duties to be performed
 Distinguishing characteristics of the job
 Authorities and responsibilities of jobholder etc.


The hiring is a very important and crucial thing for any organization because if the
company hires the right number of people at the right time for the right job they can excel
and if there are some loopholes in hiring the company might suffer. For hiring any
employee the attributes mentioned above in selection process are taken into

Ufone’s hiring policy is quite simple, what it does, is this that it first decides about the
existing vacancy that whether a new employee is required or the job could be done with
the existing employees. If the situation would be such then the company decides that
whether the employee should be hired as a permanent full time employee. In case of
hiring recruitment is done which can be of two types:

• Internal Recruitment
• External Recruitment

Internal Recruiting

In internal recruitment employees are recruited from within the organization. They are
using a well-established HRIS system so they have all the information about the
employees and also about the jobs for all the departments. Because all the departments
are integrated so when there is a need of an employee firstly the HRIS checks within the
organization that is there any person which is best suited for the specified post and if any
is selected. There are two major types of internal recruitment as follow
• Promotion
• Job posting for any vacant position

External Recruiting

External recruitment is also done at Ufone. While doing external recruitment HR

department has to see a lot many things like criminal check, health certification reference
checks etc.

While doing external recruitment employees are recruited by giving advertisement in

newspaper, walk in interview etc.


Different jobs have different criteria. There are no hard and fast rules regarding the
selection of an employee but they take into consideration the following during selection
• Education
• Experience (related to work)
• Performance in the previous work
• Domain knowledge
• Abilities


There are different steps used at the Ufone for hiring the employees.
 Screening interviews
 Employment test
 Job offer
 Medical test
 Reference check

Screening Interview:

In screening interviews Ufone actually selects the best résumé’s according to their
objectives, goals, etc. It is the first step in the selection of an employee.

Employment Interview:

After screening interview, candidates are selected for the employment interview in which
the interview maybe structured or unstructured. Generally the structured interviews are
taken from the top management and the unstructured interviews are taken from the
managers, etc.

Employment Test:

Once the candidates pass the interview they are tested for the skills they need. They have
to pass the technical test and then they are judged on the basis of it.

Conditional Job Offer:

There is no such policy as conditional job offer in Ufone.

Job Offer:
After passing through all the steps the candidates selected are offered job.

Medical Test:
Then the employees who are offered jobs they then have to go through the medical test in
which the company makes sure that the employee is not a heart patient or diseased like
sugar, cancer, etc.

Reference checks:
In the last the company does reference check to make sure that what ever the person said
was based on facts, no false information was given in order to fool the employers.


At Ufone orientation is given to the employees. For different sort of jobs different sort of
orientation is given means its not like that during the orientation the new entrant is
notified about the rules and regulations only in fact some time it might exceeds one day
because they basically identifies the training needs of the employees and this orientation
is some what directly related with the training programs.


Probation period at Ufone is 6 months. Usually the employees are given the status of
permanent employees only if they are performing up to the task or the objectives set by
the organization. If an employee is in need of more training they keep him as a temporary
employee and gives him feedback and when he improves he is taken up by the
organization as a permanent one. And if he couldn’t show any improvement then he’ll be


At Ufone the management is also very conscious about the performance of the employee
because they are a service oriented organization, and if the employees are not working
properly the clientele and the goodwill of the organization might suffer a lot. They
usually didn’t fire there employees because they spent a lot on them and do counseling to
resolve their issues, but if the one who is not performing well is fired with a one month
prior notice.

 Performance based
 Tardiness in work


• Working hour’s policy at Ufone is almost the same like other private
organizations i.e., 9:00 am to 5:30 p.m.


As concerns with the leave policy there are different types of leave policies like:
• Annual leaves which are 20
• Medical Leaves are 8
• And the casual leaves are 10 (en cashable).


Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skills for a
definite purpose. Almost every employee hired by an organization will require some
training in his or her job. Some training programs may be more extensive than others, but
all require the trainer to have identified content and subject matter needed in the training
and tasks to be performed on the job to ensure that the training will prepare individuals to
perform the job effectively.

Training policy at Ufone is very good as they buy the need of it and provides training to
all the employees irrespective of their status. Training is provided at all stages to the
employees so that they came to know about their future goals settings. The HR manager
suggests training policy after doing the performance evaluation. The training policy is
done according to the employee needs; these can be on the job training and off the job

Designing Effective Training Systems:

Ufone uses an “Instructional design process” (which refers to a systematic approach for
developing training programs). It consists of the following:

Conducting Needs Assessment:

There are different pressure points that suggest whether training is necessary such as
performance problems, new technology, internal and external customer requests for
training, job redesign, new legislation, changes in customer preferences, new services or
employees’ lack of basic skills. The assessment carried out by Ufone involves:

Organizational analysis
Person analysis
Task analysis

Creating A Learning Environment:

For employees to acquire knowledge and skills in the training program and apply this
information to their jobs, the training program includes specific learning principles.
Following are some of the principles followed by Ufone: Ufone HR management realizes
that employees learn best when they understand the purpose and expected outcome of

training activities. The training objectives have three components and help employees
understand why they need the training:

Employees need to know why they should learn

i. A statement of what the employee is expected to do (performance)

ii. A statement of the quality or level of performance that is acceptable
A statement of the conditions under which the trainee is expected to perform the desired
outcome (conditions
Employees use their own experiences as a basis for learning:

Employees need to have opportunities to practice

Employees need feedback

Employees learn by observing the others

Employees need the training program to be properly coordinated and arranged

Selecting Training Methods

There are different types of training. These types of training differ from each other due to
certain factors. Ufone is also using different places for training which are as following
 In house training program
 On the job training program
 External training program
During the process of selection for the place of training the main thing, which is
considered, is the requirement of training. Because every type of training requires
different atmosphere.


Presentation techniques:
These involve traditional classroom instruction, distance learning and audiovisual
techniques. They are used ideally for presenting new facts, information, different
philosophies and alternative problem-solving solutions or processes. They consist of

Classroom Instruction:
The trainer lectures a group. In many cases the lecture is supplemented with question-
and-answer periods, discussions and case studies. The instructor tries to build active
participation, job-related examples, and exercises into traditional classroom instruction so
that trainees will learn and use the information presented on their job.

Distance Learning:

The Head Office and Branch offices to provide information about new services, policies
or procedures as well as skills training and expert lectures will use it. It involves two-way
communication between people. It includes audio conferencing, videoconferencing and
document conferencing (this allows employees to collaborate on a shared document via

Audiovisual Techniques:

This is a common method used by Ufone that involves overheads, slides and video.
Video is the more popular instructional method. It is being used by the organization for
improving communication skills, interviewing skills and customer service skills and for
illustrating how procedures should be followed. It is usually used in conjunction with
lectures to show trainees’ real life experiences and examples.


There are different methods of training evaluation that are practiced at Ufone. Following
are the methods of evaluation

 Post-training test
 Post training survey
 Post training performance evaluation
This evaluation identifies the effectiveness of the training; it also leads to explore future
training needs. On the basis of post training evaluation the design off training is made in


Some times it become a big issues that a junior is superseded over a senior. That might be
the case here at Ufone because they promote their employees on performance basis. But
according to them as the selection criteria is clear about the selection of an employee so
that problem can be generated only in case of wrong hiring. Otherwise they took the best
from the market that has knowledge about their field. The bottom line is there promotion
policy is simply based on the performance of the employees so there is a pretty tough
competition among the employees and this thing is doing favor for the organization.


Performance evaluation is a process in which the performance of an employee is

observed, that if it is up to the standards or below the standards set by the organization.
At Ufone performance is evaluated on the basis of following
 Goals
 Objectives
 Benchmark

Ufone is at very high scale in evaluating the performance of there employees because of
integrated system. They are using a tailored made software to achieve this purpose. Every
employee organization wide is allotted a user name and password (objectives and goals
are defined for each employee) and there productivity is monitored with the help of
intranet. HR department is also responsible for conducting performance evaluation
process. Immediate supervisor evaluates the performance of subordinates at Ufone.


Rewards are given to enhance the morale of the employees that they can work more
efficiently and effectively. Every organization gives rewards to its employees on
achievement of some goal. At Ufone rewards are also given to the employees on there
performance. Ufone is offering following types of rewards:
 Financial Rewards
 Non financial rewards

Financial Reward:

There are different types of financial rewards offered by Ufone it includes

 Bonuses
 Salary increments

Non Financial Rewards:

Besides financial rewards Ufone is also offering non-financial rewards to its employees
to encourage them. Because they think the organization can grow with fast speed only
unless and until its employees are performing up to the tasks assigned to them. To
achieve this purpose Ufone is offering an environment, which enhances the productivity
of the employees.


Compensation and benefits are very important for any employee. If they are given
properly and according to the market rate then the employee will be motivated and he’ll
try to give his best. At Ufone compensation system is designed with the help of job

evaluation. For making the compensation they are using both point and rank methods
according to the wage survey for benchmark jobs. And for unique positions they have
crafted their own formula.

They are offering

 Minimum wage
 Overtime
 Equal employment opportunities (in terms of equal pay without discriminating
against sex or race)
 Merit pay (payment based on performance)
 Individual incentives (reward for individual performance that can be earned and
 Profit sharing (focuses on individual employee)
they gave these plans on the task basis other than the organizational incentive plans.


Ufone is providing many benefits to its employees in order to boost their morale, reduce
turnover, gain a competitive position, etc. All this is done in order to maintain a high
position in the market and in order to recruit high performing employees. Following are
some of the benefits provided to employees:

• Paid time off

• Vacations
• Holidays
• Tuition Reimbursement
• Pension Plans
• Health Insurance
• Death Benefit
• Salary Advance
• Service Awards
• Provident Funds
• Conveyance allowance


There are no issues what so ever in Ufone about the job security. Yes they are tight on the
performance and if some one is not performing well they take it as dishonesty with
himself and as well as with the organization. And such an employee is fired after giving a
one-month prior notice.


Career planning is done at Ufone. The HR manager performs the role of a mentor, which
helps out the new employee in deciding his ultimate field. They also do career
counseling. Several training programs are practiced for the career development of the


Decision making and planning is basically done by the top management but since Ufone
follows the participative management system that is why they do take advises and
suggestions from lower and top management. This interactive decision making and
planning keeps high morale of employees as they feel as part of the organization.


Giving different benefits and incentives like promotions, increments, rewards, etc
motivates the employees. These different kinds of things actually keep the employees
motivated and boost their morale. They are emphasizing on participative system, which
actually finishes the resistance of employees to the upcoming changes and other things.


The working environment at Ufone is favorable for any employee to work productively;
because it is a service organization there fore they do not have any health issues because
there are no hazards all around. And apart from safety there are no serious issues because
such sorts of machinery, which can cause a workplace injury, are not used at Ufone.

But for the cases of emergencies such as fire, Ufone has taken all the necessary measures
to face such a situation. In respect of health Ufone provides clean water to its employees
at work place.


HRIS is software, which is used to manage the information about the HR inventory. It
contains different modules to deal with different type of information about the employees
such as there date of joining, leave records, compensation and benefits, medical
allowances, rewards, date of termination etc.

At Ufone to keep all this information about human resource a locally developed
information system is used which is customized according to the requirements of the

The reason behind not using the HRIS software of any foreign company is that, most of
those software are not according to the business and the HR requirements of Pakistan
because the HR concept is at its developing stage in this part of world. And another
reason why they are not using the HRIS like People Soft, Oracle Financials, JB Edwards
etc. is the cost factor and the big issue of currency conversion etc.


Grievance management is basically the dispute settlement between the employees and
like every good organization Ufone also do this because they know the importance of
group work. And they call their unit a family.

Grievance is managed on one to one basis at Ufone. First they try to find the root cause
the problem and then after that they try to resolve the issue by simple counseling and if
the issue is still there a formal report has to be filed to the human resource department
and then there is a formal hearing session with both the parties.


It involves leaving a job and work role and making a transition to life without work.
Ufone management has taken a proactive approach on this issue in the following manner:

Pre-Retirement Socialization:

The process of helping employees prepares for exit from work. Management encourages
employees to learn about retirement life; plan for adequate financial, housing and health-
care resources; and form accurate expectations about retirement.

Early Retirement Programs:

These offer employees financial benefits to leave the company. Ufone management has
decided on a lump sum of money and a percentage of salary based on years of service.
Eligibility for early retirement is based on age and years of service.


At Ufone HR practices are functioning very well, they have adopted modern techniques
for management. Anyone can voice his/her opinion and thoughts at any time and
will be taken into consideration by upper management. The HR department is
doing all the things, which are necessary for improving the quality of the HR
development by conducting continuous training and development programs.
Ufone is among the service industries, which value its HR department and are
constantly working towards its improvement by hiring qualified and capable Hr


 Ufone can induct temporary or contract employees as well which will not only
increase their HR inventory but also enhance their marketing representatives.

 They should start installing the ERP modules so that after some time they could
easily handle the whole ERP according to the organizational requirements.

 Employees who have direct interaction with the customers should be evaluated on
360-degree evaluation method as well as their immediate supervisors evaluate them.

 They should conduct some seminars in stress management.

 They must conduct employee safety awareness programs.

 They have to improve the quality of the sub-ordinates.


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