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B.E. (Food Processing Technology)
NAVSARI – 396 450

Registration No.: 04 -1310-2012


Name of Student Major Guide

Naik Krishna R. Er. P.S. Pandit






An experiment on ”Design and Development of jalebi making

machine” was conducted at Center of Excellence on Post Harvest
Technology, ASPEE College of Horticulture & Forestry, Navsari
Agricultural University, Navsari during the year 2012 with the
objective for forming jalebi hygienically with better perfo rmance and
efficiency. An experiment was laid out using completely randomized
design along 14 repetitions. The quality parameters viz; moisture
content of maida, batter and jalebi (% wb), sieve size of maida (µm),
diameter (mm)of jalebi and ring were recorded 5.66%, 53.20%,
12.56%, 130μm, 59.51 mm, 5.83 mm respectively. The fat (%), protein
(%), carbohydrate (%) and Calorific value (cal) of jalebi were
recorded 2.46%, 5.05%, 67.23% and 311.62 cal respectively. The
fermentation timeof batter (h), frying time of jalebi (min), temperature
of ghee ( o C), sugar syrup strength( o Brix) and dipping time in sugar
syrup (min) for preparation of jalebi were 18.94 h, 1.63min, 169.75 o C,
65 o Brix and 0.93min respectively. The viscosity, velocity and density
of jalebi batter were 5256.90cSt, 1.27 m/s and 13.11g/cm 3
respectively. The overall acceptability score for treatment T 1 and T 2
was observed 7.33 and 4.78 respectively. The final machine
dimensions were recorded for jalebi master; Diameter of master,
Diameter of master ring was 80 mm and 6.35 mm respectively. The
length and width of arm Plate -1 was 400x250 mm and for arm Plate -2
was 400 x150 mm. the holding capacity of hopper was 2 kg and hopper
height was 327 mm. The DC motor was used which had variable RPM.
The final weight of machine was 60 kg. The overall dimension of
machine was 550x600x550 mm. The time required for 1 kg preparation
of jalebi was reported average 59.18 min in treatment T 2 and average
22.5 min in treatment T 1 . The capacity for jalebi forming in treatment
T 1 28 kg jalebi form in 1 h and in treatment T 2 5 kg jalebi form in 1 h.
The hardness of jalebi were found average 4.57 kg f in treatment T 2
and average 5.7 kg f in treatment T 1 . The fractuability of jalebi was
recorded in treatment T 1 26.87 kgf and in treatment T 2 27.88 kgf. In
total plate count, no microbial load in jalebi was found in both the
treatment T 1 as well as treatment T 2 . The fat (%), protein (%),
carbohydrate (%) and Calorific value (cal) of treatment T 1 and T 2 was
recorded with mean value 2.66% and 4.58%, 5.06 % and 4.31 %,
63.67% and 65.24% and 311.67 cal and 314.55 cal respectively. The
material cost of different parts like; nozzle, master, arm, frame,
hopper, pipping and power source were found Rs 45310. The
fabrication cost of machine like mechanical and electrical were found
Rs 5000. The total cost of jalebi making machine was found Rs 50310.
The production cost of jalebi using manual and machine operation was
recorded Rs. 76.59 and Rs. 86.72 respectively.
The problem related to capacity of machine, flow rate of batter,
choking of nozzle and pippings as well as overall acceptability of
jalebi particularly appearance and texture was observed during the
Er. P.S. Pandit
Assistant Professor,
Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology,
ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry.
Navsari Agricultural University,
Navsari, Gujarat-396 450


This is to certify that the thesis entitled “DESIGN AND


NAIK KRISHNA RAJENDRABHAI in partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY in POST HARVEST


University is a record of bonafide research work carried out by her under my

guidance and supervision and the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the

award of any degree, diploma or other similar title.

Place: Navsari (Er. P.S.Pandit)

Date: 10/12/2015 Major Guide

This is to certify that the whole of the research work

reported in this thesis in partial fulfilment of requirements for the

award of the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY in POST


undersigned is the result of investigation done by me under direct

guidance and supervision of Er. P.S.Pandit, Assistant Professor ,

Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, Navsari

Agricultural University, Navsari and no part of the work has been

submitted for any other degree so far.

Place: Navsari.

Date: 10/12/2015 (Naik Krishna R.)

Countersigned by

(Er. P.S.Pandit)

Assistant Professor ,

Center of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology,

ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry,

Navsari Agricultural University,

Navsari- 396 450


Firstly, I would like to express my enormous indebtedness and deep sense of

gratitude to the MY PARENTS AND MY HUSBAND with whose continous support and
blessing I could able to accomplish my master study.

I owe my deep sense of respect and heart -felt gratitude to my major

advisor Er. P.S. Pandit, Assistant Professor, Center of Excellence on Post Harvest
Technology, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forsetry, Navsari Agricultural
University, Navsari. I am extremely indebted to him for constant inspiration,
valuable advice, constructive criticism and moral support during this programme. I
really appreciate his faith and confidence in my abilities and wholehearted support.

I acknowledge with gratitude an d appreciation, the ready assistance, generous

guidance and useful suggestion of my minor advisor Er.S.P.Shukla , Principal, College
of Agriculture Engineering ,ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, N.A.U., Dediapada.
I thank other members of my advisory committee Er. A.K. Senapati , Assistant
Professor AND Dr.B. K. Bhatt, Associate Professor, NAU, Navsari for their timely
advice which provided me the strength and confidence to move forward with my
research work.

I am also grateful to all staff of Ce ntre of Excellence on Post Harvest

Technology, specially to Mr. J.P. Singh and Mr. Balwant Ahir. I am heartly thanks
to my friend Er. Keyur patel . I am also greatful to the Director of Research and
Dean P.G. Studies, NAU, Navsari for the approval of P.G research programme. At
last a million thanks to God the almighty who made it possible for me to arrive this

Place: Navsari (Naik Krishna R.)

Date: 10/12/2015










1.1 Different name of jalebi in different language 3
1.2 Different name of jalebi in different country 3

4.1 Moisture content of maida, batter, jalebi(%w.b) 40

4.2 Quality parameter of prepared jalebi 40

4.3 Calorific value of jalebi 40

4.4 Process parameter for jalebi forming 42

4.5 Engineering properties of batter 42

4.6 Dimension of different machine part 47

4.7 Performance of jalebi making machine 50

4.8 Organoleptic evaluation of jalebi 52

4.9 Calorific value of jalebi (Fat, Protein and 55

Carbohydrate content)
4.10 Fabrication cost of machine 56

4.11 Production cost of jalebi 57

1. Manual jalebi making method 4

2. Viscosity measurement by ford cup viscometer 29

3. Rheological analysis of jalebi batter 29

4. Jalebi making machine 48

5. Jalebi making machine with power source 48

6. Jalebi forming by manual method and machine method 48



3.1 Diameter of jalebi and ring 26

3.2 Conceptual drawing of jalebi making machine 33


Sr. Drawing No. Description PAGE





5 JMM1 / 005 ARM 2 PLATE IX

6 JMM1 / 006 COVER 1 X

7 JMM1 / 007 COVER 2 XI

8 JMM1 / 008 COVER 3 XII

9 JMM1 / 009 COVER 4 XIII





14 JMM1 / 014 HP 1 XVIII

15 JMM1 / 015 HP 2 XIX

16 JMM1 / 016 HP 3 XX

17 JMM1 / 017 HP 4 XXI

18 JMM1 / 018 HP 5 XXII

19 JMM1 / 019 HP 6 XXIII

20 JMM1 / 020 HP 7 XXIV

21 JMM1 / 021 HP 8 XXV




25 JMM1 / 025 HPM 2 AT MID XXIX




29 JMM1 / 029 LMA30UU XXXIII





























55 JMM1 / 055 VP 1 LIX

56 JMM1 / 056 VP 2 LX

57 JMM1 / 057 VP 3 LXI

58 JMM1 / 058 VP 4 LXII










Symbols Meaning
= is equal to
X is multiplied by
: Colon
() Bracket
; Semi colon
% Per cent
± Plus or minus
/ Per

Abbreviations Meaning
C Degree centigrade
µm Micron meter
C.D. Critical difference
cal Calorie
cm Centimeter
cm/s Centimeter per second
cm2/s Centimeter square per second
CRD Completely Randomized Design
CV Co-efficient of Variation
et al and others
FFA Free fatty acid
g Gram
h Hour
i.e. That is
JMM Jalebi Making Machine
kg Kilogram (s)
kgf Kilogram force
kJ/mol Kilojoule per mole
m.c. Moisture content
m/s Meter per second
M’ Storage modulus
M’’ Loss modulus
m2/s Meter square per second
meq Mili equivalent
min Minute
ml Mililitre
mm Millimeter
N newton
No. Number
Brix Degree brix
Pa Pascal
pH Logarithmic measure of hydrogen ion concentration
ppm Parts per million
r Correlation
rpm Revolution per minute
s Second
S.Em. Standard Error of Mean
SS Stainless steel
viz. Namely
wb Wet basis

Jalebi is the name for deep-fried treat, a little bit similar to funnel
cakes, but smaller and different in flavour. It is used as desert. This sweet is
served as warm as well as cold. It has somewhat crispy and sweet juicy
texture with sugary exterior coating. Another name for this treat is Jaangiri,
but the Jaangiri is made with slightly different ingredients and served with
different sauces. Jalebi is made from white wheat flour i.e. maida and sugar.
It is made by deep-frying of maida batter in pretzel or circular shape, which as
then soaked in sugar syrup.

1.1 Indian Traditional Foods:

An Indian traditional food has a long history and the knowledge of

preparing them passed on from generation to generation. Large numbers of
traditional foods are being consumed by people in different geographical
location in the country. An Indian, sweets and snacks food is on the way of
revolution and has good export potential. Indian traditional sweets are
ubiquitous part of every festival, wedding, religious ritual and are symbol of
joy and pride. The appeal and satiety they often makes them ambrosia for
consumers. Though the market of variety of traditional sweets is widespread
in India, they have not been commercialized due to predominance of
unorganized sector and because of the constraints regarding their shelf life.
The Jalebi is traditional sweet, famous in India and popular in countries
of the Indian sub continent such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal,
Bangladesh as well as many countries in the Middle East and North Africa,
like Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
These Sweets are made primarily in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Festivals
are incomplete without this sweet and scrumptious dish. Not only on Holi,
Diwali or any festive occasions, Jalebi is something which is included in the
regular diet of all the people born with a sweet tooth. Different names of the
Jalebi in different language and in different countries are given in Table 1.1
and 1.2.

In India, Jalebi is serving as the celebration sweet. It is very popular

during national holidays like; 'Independence Day' and Republic Day'. In
Pakistan Jalebi is used as a remedy for headaches, where it is placed in
boiling milk and left to stand for few minute before eating. One of the more
delicious types of them is the sugar dipped, orange Jalebi. In country like
India, Jalebi is most favourite among all sweets. The ‘maida’ consider to be
the main ingredient of Jalebi, is milled, refined and bleached wheat flour. It is
extensively used in baked fast food items. It is made from endosperm of the
wheat grain, while the fibrous apicoat and bran are removed during milling.
Saffron is key ingredient used to prepare Jalebi for getting yellow or orange
colour. Yogurts, water and baking powder are the other primary ingredients
for the preparation of Jalebi batter. These all are mixed thoroughly and then
fermented slightly for a few hours. The batter is then filled in Jalebi cloth
then makes a tight bag (potli). The bag is slightly pressurized and moved in
spiral path to get the desired rings. Formed ring of Jalebi oil or ghee for
getting crispy and slightly Jalebi is fried in hot oil /ghee for getting crispy an
Table: 1.1: Different name of Jalebi in different language

Language Jalebi Name

Hindi Jalebi
Bengali Jilipi
Persian Zulbia
Lurish Zuleybi
Arabic Zalabiyah
Egyptian Moshabbak

Source: Alan Davidson (2014).

Table: 1.2: Different name of Jalebi in different country

Country Jalebi Name

Ancient India Jal-vallika or Kundalika
Maldives Zilebi
Nepal Jeri
Algeria & Tunisia Zlebia or Zlabia

Source: Michael Krondl (2014).

slightly chewy texture. The fried rings are dipped into sugar syrup. In the sugar
syrup citric acid or lime juice, rose water and kewra water is added for the
1.2 How do Jalebi prepared?

Presently the methodology to prepare Jalebi is as follows. In a

large bowl, whisk the mixture of refined flour; yogurt and sufficient water to
make a smooth and pouring consistency batter. Cover and keep in a warm
place to ferment for 24 hours. Then batter should be beated by hands again for
15 minutes. Meanwhile sugar is with mixed water and boiled in a deep non-
stick pan on high stirring continuously, till the sugar dissolved. When the
scum rise to the top, collect it with a ladle and discard. Add saffron and cook,
it again for 1 minute. Stirre, it till the syrup reaches one string consistency.

Simultaneously, heat ghee in a ‘kadai’ or vessel on medium

flame. Pour some batter onto a Jalebi cloth, gather the edges and make a tight
bag (potli). Squeeze and rotate in spiral shape directly into the hot ghee and
deep fry it turn them over gently a few times, till they are evenly golden and
crisp. (Plate:1) Drain the excess ghee from the surface of the Jalebi and soak
it in warm sugar syrup for 2-3 minutes. Take them out of the syrup and serve

1.3 Reason for automation of the Jalebi making process

Now a day’s people are more conscious about their health and
hygiene so they prefer quality food and the place where any kind of food
items to be made should be hygienic. It means that, the product should be free
from all kind of contaminations. Presently Jalebi making process is manual
and unhygienic at manufacturing place. The manual method is skilled labour
intensive. Availability of skilled labour is big problem for this low margin

Plate: 1 Manual jalebi making Method

industry. So, automation is necessary. In manually Jalebi making method the
batter is directly pored and formed in to spiral Jalebi shape in to very hot oil
or ghee at around 250-3000C in the process, the hand of Jalebi maker is just
above the hot oil or ghee. There are many incidence reported about hand burn.
In manual method Jalebi batter is prepared and poured in to cloth, which
stays long period of time as it is. Hygienically not good because after certain
period of time there will be more chance of bacterial growth. Therefore, to
avoid the biological hazards automation is necessary. There is a great demand
of Indian traditional food in international market. Therefore it is the needs to
design Jalebi making machine which can compliance with food safety norms
and improve the capacity. The quality of foods has been defined as their
degree of excellence, and that includes factors of taste, appearance and
nutritional content. As the value of time is increasing day by day, especially
with the working women so the demand for the ready-to-eat traditional foods

1.4Mechanization of the Jalebi processing

A machine is a tool that consists of one or more parts, and uses

energy to meet a particular goal. Machines are usually powered by
mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical means, and are often motorized.
Historically, a power tool also required moving parts to classify as a machine.
Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object
or a system. More formally design has been defined as a specification of an
object, manifested by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular
environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of
requirements, subject to constraint.
The machine design for traditional foods is an exclusive area for
technologists and engineers. Design and development of Indian traditional
foods machinaries incorporating the different branches of engineering such as
agricultural, thermal, mechanical, chemical, electrical and electronic and food
engineering. For design and development of food processing machinaries the
understanding of physical, engineering and thermal properties of foods are
very important. Indian traditional foods are becoming very popular and
increasing in the consumer demand. For high quality and safe product at
affordable cost is the requirement of mechanization. The mechanization of
Jalebi processing, may maintain hygiene and food safety as well as to save
the labour cost and time. The mechanization may improve production
efficiency of Jalebi making and reduce the cost of these delicious Indian
traditional sweet at commercial scale.
By considering the above factor in view, design and development of
Jalebi making machine experiments were conducted with following
1. To develop Jalebi making machine which compliance with food safety
and hygiene.
2. Compare the production efficiency of Jalebi making machine with
manual process.
3. Evaluate the Jalebi making cost using developed machine.


The traditional sweet Jalebi is popular throughout the Indian

subcontinent because of its crisp texture; attractive taste and juicy mouth feel
(Chitale 2000; Berry 1992). A comprehensive review of literature is essential
aspect of any scientific work to provide an insight into the theoretical
framework as well as method and procedure for meaningful interpretation of
the findings. With this aim an effort was made to review the works reported
by various researchers pertinent to various machine design for application to
food processing technology. The characteristics of white wheat flour and
other ingredients used to made jalebi have also been reviewed. The important
quality attributes of jalebi and rheological properties are also presented in this

2.1 Jalebi – Traditional Indian Sweet:

Chakkaravarthi, et al. (2009) studied the rheological

characteristics of jalebi batter. By using the plate - cone geometry of a
controlled stress rheometer they studied the rheological characteristics of
jalebi batter and also investigated the effects of moisture content, curd
addition and fermentation time on flow characteristics including yield stress,
flow behaviour index, consistency index and the apparent viscosity by using a
second order central composite rotatable experimental design. They
conducted that, the moisture content of batter has the most dominating effect
on the rheological parameters. Yield stress, consistency index and apparent
viscosity increased markedly with decrease in moisture content of batter but
the flow behaviour index decreased. The experimental yield stress varied
between 0.31 Pa and 15.76 Pa. The Herschel-Bulkley model, along with
experimental yield stress, is suitable to correlate well (r≥0.967, p≤0.01) the
shear-stress/shear-rate data. The sensory observations on flowability of batters
indicated that moisture content of 53% to 57% needed additional force to
push the batter through an orifice while gravity flow was possible when
moisture content was between 57% and 61%.

Chaturvedi and Pagote (2012) studied the effect of potassium

sorbate on the shelf life of khoa jalebi. They checked out two levels of
preservatives viz. 500 ppm and 1000 ppm with a high moisture barrier
metalized aluminum pouch as packaging materials. They observed the
sensory changes during storage at 30oC along with changes in glycolysis,
lipolysis and proteolysis. There was no significant effect of the preservative
on the changes in colour, appearance, body, texture and moisture content of
the jalebi during storage, but the changes flavour score, pH, FFA and tyrosine
values were significantly retarded by the addition of potassium sorbate. It was
concluded that shelf life of khoa jalebi packed in metalized aluminum pouch
could be enhanced up to 15 days using 500 ppm potassium sorbate and to 25
days by using 1000 ppm potassium sorbate, whereas the jalebi without
preservative kept well for 10 days.

Kumari, et al. (2012) has optimize the khoa jalebi

sweet by changing the proportion of tikhur and khoa and soaking time of
tikhur from 20 to 60 g/100 g of khoa and 2 to 10 h respectively using central
composite rotatable design. They analysed, the raw material tikhur for Water
Absorption Capacity, khoa-jalebi batter for Apparent Viscosity and Yield
Stress as well as the prepared jalebi samples for fat content, Sugar Syrup
Absorption, hardness and sensory parameters. All these parameters were
significantly (p<0.05) influenced by varying tikhur in relation to khoa. The
effect of soaking time on fat content, colour, taste and Overall Acceptability
scores of khoa jalebi sweet was non-significant (p< 0.05) but other
parameters were significantly influenced by it. Optimization by response
surface methodology showed that 47 g of tikhur per 100 g khoa and soaking
time of 5.9 h gave desirability index of 0.79 and Overall Acceptability score
of 7.70 out of 9.0 on hedonic scale which was comparable with market
showing Overall Acceptability score of 7.67.

Pagote and Jayaraj (2012) studied the typical attributes of khoa

jalebi. The sample were collected from Nagpur, Nasik, Indore, Raipur and
Wardha and evaluated for sensory, physico-chemical and textural
characteristics of khoa jalebi. It was concluded that, the khoa jalebi is
traditional Maida Jalebi but possessed thicker coils heavier in nature. The
colour was light brown to dark brown with the soft yet chewy texture. The
number of coils was restricted to a maximum of four and sugar syrup
remained embedded within the coils. The composition of the product varied
widely in moisture, fat, protein, lactose, sucrose and ash contents with the
range of 18.21% - 28.69%, 12.33% - 16.77%, 2.78% - 6.98%, 7.39% -
13.13%,15.20% - 48.07% and 0.60% - 1.29%, respectively. Variations were
also observed in ingredients used for the preparation of khoa jalebi and the
method adopted for manufacture varied from halwai to halwai. They have
suggested for characterization and process optimization for the preparation of
khoa jalebi so that dairy industry can produce this khoa based sweet on large

Singariya and Pagote (2012) studied that diffusion of sugar in the

jalebi coils during soaking using three concentrations of sugar syrup (50
Brix, 60 oBrix and 70oBrix) at three temperatures (50 oC, 60 oC and 70oC).
The jalebi was soaked in sugar syrup for 45 s, 90 s, 135 s, 180 s, 225 s and
270 s and analysed for sugar content. The diffusion coefficients computed
using Crank equation. They also followed the Fick's law for Sugar diffusion
in khoa jalebi which states that higher the concentration, the faster the
diffusion rate. The D-values of sugar diffusion were observed to be 2.332 x
10-4 cm2/sec, 2.999 x10-4 cm2/sec and 4.126 x 10-4 cm2/sec with 50 oBrix, 60
Brix and 70oBrix sugar syrup at 60oC. The temperature effect was maximum
at 50oBrix. Using the Arrhenius equation, the temperature effect was found
marginally different between 60 oBrix and 70oBrix. The activation energies of
sugar diffusion were 11.835 J/mol o K, 6.652 J/mol o K and 6.047 J/mol o K in
50oBrix, 60oBrix and 70oBrix indicating that sugar diffusion required less
energy at higher concentration of sugar syrup.

Geetha, et al. (2013) optimized the production process and

preservation of jalebi using heat-acid coagulum of milk. Chhana jalebi is a
traditional food product containing chhana, maida and sugar. A process was
optimized at 3% fat level in chhana, 1:1 ratio of maida - chhana combination,
45% of water level in batter, 160°C -170°C frying temperature for 2 min,
68°Brix sugar syrup concentration for 1 min soaking time. The composition
percentage of chhana jalebi was 20.23±5.25%, 12.53±0.17%, 5.71±0.202%,
67.11±0.19% for moisture, fat, protein and carbohydrate respectively.
Sensory score of overall acceptability of the product was accomplished as
8.41±0.23 out of 9. Shelf life of the product was achieved around 30 days at
room temperature and more than 60 days at refrigerated condition using
potassium sorbate as preservative. It was also remarked that process
optimization and increased shelf life may be the path to commercialization of
Indian traditional products if suitable packaging and automated machineries

2.2 Fermentation:

Dough fermentation is an important stage in the fermented

products. The most distinctive changes during fermentation is the increase in
the volume of dough. During the fermentation process the force exerted by
the growing gas bubbles deforms the dough matrix which resists the growth
of these bubbles. Therefore, the deformation of dough matrix produced by the
growth of the bubbles is predominantly that produced by an extensional flow.

Nagarjuna and Manohar (1999) studied the rheology and

particle size changes during idli fermentation. Idli fermentation was carried
out in the conventional way in a batter having rice to black gram in the ratios
of 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 at room temperature. The rheology of the product was
assessed using a Brookfield viscometer having disc spindles. Power law
model with yield stress adequately fitted the data. Yield stress values were in
the range of 13±43 Pa and reached a maximum value at 7 h of fermentation.
Flow behavior indices were in the range 0.287±0.605. Flow behavior indices
at 23 h were significantly lower than those at 0 h. Consistency index values,
at any fermentation time, increased as the rice to black gram ratio increased.
Mean particle size ranged from 500 lm to 600 lm and there was no definite
trend noticed with respect to time of fermentation and rice to black gram
ratio. There was a steep change in volume increase after 4 h fermentation. At
the end of the fermentation, diameter and depth of batter deposits in the
automatic idli manufacturing unit. Whereas the depth remains almost same
for the batter types, there was a decrease in diameter as the ratio of rice to
black gram increases.

Blandinob, et al (2002) studied the cereals based fermented

foods and beverages. In this study they focuses first on some of the
indigenous fermented foods and beverages produced world-wide that have not
received the scientific attention in the last decades. The products which were
produced from different cereal substrates fermented by lactic acid bacteria,
yeast and/or fungi included in the study. They also reviewed newly
developed cereal-based foods with enhanced health properties. These
products are often fermented, and have an improved self-life and nutritional
properties in comparison with the raw materials used. The flora responsible
for the fermentation is in many cases indigenous and includes strains of lactic
acid bacteria, yeast and fungi. Singles of mixed cereals sometimes mixed with
other pulses are used, and the final texture of the product can vary according
to the processing and fermentation conditions. Similar fermentation
procedures have been used nowadays to develop new foods with enhanced
health properties, which is a trend likely to continue in the future.

Suyong Lee, et al. (2004) studied the changes in rheological

properties of dough during fermentation at 370C under the effect of ultrasonic
technique. The extensional properties of fermented dough obtained from
tensile tests carried out in a universal testing machine. The velocity and
attenuation of a longitudinal wave (P-Wave) propagated through the dough
samples were measured and analysed to viscoelastic moduli of the dough; the
storage modulus (M’) and the loss modulus (M”). These moduli include both
the bulk and the shear moduli. A wavelet analysis was used to determine the
effect of frequency on ultra sonic – based viscoelastic moduli and the effect of
the fermentation process on the ultrasonic velocity dispersion. A decrease in
ultrasonic velocity was observed with increasing fermentation time.
Ultrasonic waves were strongly attenuated in the dough subjected to long
fermentation time and fermentation had a large influence on the viscoelastic
moduli of the dough. The ultrasonic velocity increased with increasing
frequency, clearly showing the viscoelastic nature of the fermented dough.
The analysis also showed significant ultrasonic velocity dispersion upon
fermentation. Ultrasonic measurements yielded results that agreed with those
obtain from conventional Rheology commonly used to characterize the
extensional properties of dough. Both test clearly showed the loss of elasticity
by the dough samples upon fermentation.
Debasree Ghosh, et al. (2010) studied the idli batter properties
and nutritional improvement during fermentation. Idli batter has been
prepared with the blend ratios of 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 (parboiled rice: black gram).
Physical properties of idli batter which is density, pH and percent total acidity
at different fermentation times and blend ratios were observed in the range of
0.93 g/cm3-0.59g/cm3, 4.21 - 5.9 and 0.44%-0.91%. The flow behaviour
indicated the non newtonian characteristics of idli batter at different period of
fermentation and blend ratios. The chemical behaviour of idli batter has
shown enhanced amount of vitamin B production during fermentation and 7 h
is the recommended time for the production of maximum amount of
vitamin B with the blend ratio of 3:1 and amino N 2 content was
found to be maximum i.e. 3.25% at 25 h of fermentation.
Chakkaravarthi, et al (2012) study the effect of fermentation on
the flowability, pourability and pH of jalebi batter. The flowability and
pourability of batter are crucial for forming jalebi strands during frying.
Flowability and pourability have been determined from simulation studies
based on the movement of batter on an inclined surface and the exit from an
orifice; simple gadgets have been designed to determine these two
characteristics. For these study they have been added curd 0-10%, maintain
moisture content 50-65% and fermentation time has been 0-24 h. Mainly the
addition of curd and fermentation time will affect on the flowability,
pourability and pH. It was reported that, an increase in moisture content
improved the flowability and pourability of jalebi batter but, if increase in
amount of curd and fermentation time then there will be decrease in
flowability and pourability. An increase in added curd and time of
fermentation decreases the pH in a curvilinear manner. Moisture content has a
non-significant effect on pH but it affects on flowability and pourability of
batter. Flowability and pourability decreases when there is an increase in
consistency index or apperent viscosity.

2.3 Deep fat frying:

Indira, et al (1999) studied the kinetics of Deep-Fat-Frying of a

traditional Indian snack; ‘samosa’. Moisture diffusivity, thermal diffusivity,
activation energy for moisture removal, temperature profile during frying and
texture of the casing of the product, as affected by the time of frying and oil
temperature was studied during frying using diffusion model. The casing
moisture during frying operation and the diffusion coefficient was found to be
in the range of 2.62 m2s-1 to 3.42 X 10-8 m2s-1 for the frying oil temperature
from 1550C to 1850C. The activation energy for moisture removal was 14.34
kJ mol-1 in the range of the oil temperature 155 0C to 1850C. Thermal
diffusivity of the product during frying was calculated using the rate of
change of temperature profile at the centre of the product and observed to be
vary from 4.5 X 10-8 m2s-1 to 2.72 X 10-8 m2s-1 in the temperature of 1550C to
1850C. An empirical model was developed to correlate texture of the casing
with that of oil temperature, frying time and product moisture during frying. It
was found to give a good correlation with value of r2 = 0.833 and the
experimental texture parameter.

Mohan Kumar and Ramesh Babu (2007) studied the effect of

frying conditions on quality of fried onion slices. They observed that increase
in frying temperature of onion slices, decreased the frying time and increased
the oil uptake ratio. They also observed that a significant decrease in sensory
scores when frying temperature was above 1800C. Other factors affecting the
quality of fried onion slices were frying medium, slice thickness and initial
moisture content. Post – fry drying was effective in reducing oil uptake
without compromising the sensory scores. Frying medium ratio was important
for uniform colour development and sensory scores. Pre – treatments with
pectin, and carboxy methylcellulose (CMC) decreased Oil uptake ratio.
Carboxy methyl cellulose also improved sensory characteristics with 18%
reduction in oil content as compared to control.

Waghray and Gulla (2010) studied the extend shelf life of

traditional snack foods such as sev and khara boondi using butylated hydroxy
anisole as an antioxidant at 0.1% level. The samples were prepared using
Bengal - gram flour and packed in polypropylene cover and stored for a
period of 4 months. They were examined for the physico chemical and
organoleptic changes during the storage period for 4 months. There was an
increase in the moisture content in sev (2.2% to 3.7%), and in boondi (3.3% to
4.1%). Peroxide value of sev (6.6 meq to 32.7 meq) and boondi (8.5 meq to
33.2 meq) also increased during storage. The increase in sev and boondi
during storage was similar in control and treated samples. The products were
found acceptable only upto 90 days of storage at room temperature and
subsequently they became rancid. The study demonstrates that the shelf life of
traditional snacks can be extended for 60 days to 90 days if treated with
Butylated hydroxy anisol.

Brigatto Fontes, et al (2011) optimized of the deep fat frying

process of sweet potato chips in palm oil or stearin. Sweet potatoes were
washed, peeled, sliced in to 3 mm thickness chips and fried in deep – fat fryer
with palm olein and stearin at the proportion of 1:30. The sweet potato chip
frying process was evaluated according to the rotational central composite
design with two independent variables; Temperature and Frying time,
whereas the moisture content, colour and incorporated oil content as consider
as process dependent variables. The optimum conditions for deep – fat frying
of sweet potato chips in palm oil were found to be 160 0 C temperature with 3
min 30 s frying time which observed to be same for palm and stearin also.
The moisture content and oil content of palm oil as well as palm stearin was
reported to be 7.43% and 14.46% as well as 3.47% and 13.1% respectively.

Ramasamy, et al. (2011) studied the quality parameters of

commercially available popular deep-fried snack-Murukku. Eight samples
(four spicy and four salty) of most commonly consumed deep-fried snacks in
India, Murukku (an extruded strands-like product made from the mixture of
rice flour and black gram dhal flour) were analyzed for moisture, oil content,
CIE instrumental color (L*a*b*), instrumental texture measurement (breaking
strength of Murukku strands), aroma finger printing by electronic nose and
sensory quality. The results indicated that significant variations were
observed in moisture content from (2.21% to 3.35%), oil content (from 30.10
to 34.61%) and textural parameters. Electronic nose technique was found
useful in fingerprinting the aroma pattern of market samples in a short time.
Descriptive sensory profiling coupled with principal component analysis
showed the interrelationship among and between sensory, instrumental,
chemical parameters.

2.4 Design and Development of Machines and Gudgets for Indian

Traditional Foods

Mahapatra and Das (1983) developed a mechanism for

breaking of egg and separating albumen. The egg breaker – separator
developed has two Components, viz. a ‘Breaker Unit’ and a ‘Separator Unit’.
The breaker unit breaks the egg and releases its liquid contents with yolk
intact while the separator unit separates albumen from yolk. The breaker unit
consists of a pair of chain and spockets drives, juxtaposed on a horizontal
plane. The chains are provided with half cups and each half cup with a spring
loaded knife. A pair of half – cups facing each other forms a receptacle for a
single egg. Egg gets cracked when the half – cups move apart on the spockets.
The contents of egg are directed to the separator unit which consists of sheet
metal channel having a rectangular slot. Albumen gets drained through the
slot and the yolk left behind. The equipment could break and separate about
12 eggs per minute with a separating efficiency of 97%.

Karunanithy, et al. (2006) studied on quality and textural

parameters of commercial and machine prepared Rasogolla. Rasogolla was
prepared using mechanical kneader (93.5 cm/sec) and ball former with the
following operating conditions: 200 strokes/min.,5.0 cm stroke length on SS
plain surface with 0% slope was compared with market sample and control.
Rasogolla sample were examined for quality parameters, sphericity, water
activity, chemical composition, evaluated for texture by instrumental means
and sensory quality. Quality and textural parameters of machine made
Rasogolla was comparable with control and market sample. It was concluded
that quality and textural properties of Rasogolla made by using mechanical
kneader (93.5 cm/sec) and a ball former was similar to control and
comparable to market samples.

Olaniyan (2006) developed small scale equipment for

parboiling raw shea nuts. Small scale equipment for parboiling raw shea nuts
was developed from the available local materials. The parboiler was portable
enough for local production, operation, repair and maintenance. The
operational and process performances showed that the equipment can parboil
about 70 kg of raw shea nuts in about 4 h. The final product compares
favourably with that of the traditional product. Therefore, it is readily
acceptable. A cottage shea nut parboiling plant based on this technology can
provide employment for two persons at the same time providing quality shea
nuts at lower cost to shea butter processing industry.

Ukey, et al (2009) studied about design and development of

sapota fruit grader. The divergent roller type fruit grader was found to have a
maximum capacity of 1728 kg/hr. The efficiency of the machine varied
between 51.48% to 89.5%. The best combination of roller speed, its
inclination and roller gap was found to be 223 rpm, 4.5 0 and 38mm to 64 mm,
respectively for highest efficiency of 89.5%.
Gurushree, et al (2010) design and developed chapatti press
cum vermicelli extruder and also evaluated its performance. Sensory
evaluation overall quality scores of 50.15 and 48.4 for pressed chapatis and
rolled chapatis respectively showed that quality of chapatis was not adversely
affected as a result of mechanical pressing. The difference in chapati making
time by manual rolling and machine pressing was 17 s per chapati and was
statistically significant (p< 0.05). The machine produced more number of
chapatis as machine press time per chapati was 12 s compared to 29 s of
manual sheeting time. The observed variation in 1.5 mm thickness and 173.8
mm diameter from chapati to chapati was of the order of ± 0.1 mm and ±1.93
mm respectively. Pressed chapati repeatability results indicated that there was
no significant difference in diameters of the samples. Appearance quality
characteristic scores of 8 and 7 for 2 mm and 3 mm diameter vermicelli
respectively indicated smooth and uniform surface characteristics. Sensory
evaluation of the cooked vermicelli indicated no significant difference
(p>0.05) between 2 mm and 3 mm diameter vermicelli. Cooked weight and
water absorption was observed 72.8 g and 191.2% for 2 mm diameter
vermicelli. While same were reported 51.75 g and 107% for 3 mm diameter
Sonawane, et al. (2011) developed power operated rotary
banana slicer for Nendran and dwarf Cavendish varieties. This banana slicer
mainly consists of feeders for round slicing, cutter, power transmission
mechanism, base support and frame. The power operated rotary slicer with
three blade cutter that was operating at 360 rpm speed was developed to
overcome drawbacks of existing hand or power operated rotary slicers and to
meet the demand of small scale processing industries. This slicer has slicing
efficiency of about a 93–94% with effective capacity of about 100 kg/h for
both varieties. The mean thickness of cut for both varieties was about 2.00 ±
0.194 mm, whereas mean roundness was of 0.84 and 0.70 for Nendran and
Dwarf Cavendish varieties respectively.

This chapter deals with methodology and materials used in design

and development of jalebi making machine. It describes methodology for
determination of properties for jalebi, maida and jalebi batter as well as
design consideration of various components of the machine, constructional
details of developed jalebi making machine and the performance evaluation
of the jalebi making machine.
3.1 Location:
The experiment was conducted at Centre of Excellence on Post
Harvest Technology, N.A.U., Navsari and the machine was fabricated in the
Agricultural Engineering workshop, N.M. College of Agriculture, N.A.U.,
Navsari. The Navsari Agricultural University is located three kilometer away
in the south-west direction from Navsari station (22º -57º) north latitude and
(72º-54º) east longitude at an altitude of ten meters above the mean sea level.
3.2 Climate:
The climate of this place is typically tropical, characterized by
fairly hot and humid summer, warm monsoon season commences from
February end and reaches the maximum by May with temperature ranges
varying from 29.6º C to 37.8º C. Relative humidity during summer varies
from 80% to 89%. By the second week of June, monsoon starts with heavy
rainfall during July-August and ends by October. Annual precipitation varies
from 1117.3 mm to 2207.3 mm and relative humidity during monsoon varies
from 85% to 90% being highly humid. The winter season sets in the end of
October and continues till February, with December- January being the
coldest months. Temperature range during winter varies from 10º C to 23.8ºC.
3.3 Experimental details:
The entire experiment for design and development of the machine
was divided into sections like, jalebi making by manual method and by
machine method.
3.3.1 Materials:
For preparation of jalebi raw materials required were refined wheat
flour, oil, sugar, curd and water. Jalebi batter:
For preparation of jalebi, a primary raw material used was wheat
flour, curd, water. It was conventionally prepared from a thick batter with
54% to 65% moisture content (wb) of wheat flour that undergoes the process
of fermentation usually for 14 to 24 hours after mixing with curd.
Chakkaravarthi et al.(2009). The process of jalebi making includes the
preparation of a thick batter using refined wheat flour (maida), addition of a
small quantity of curd and allowing for fermentation, pouring of the batter in
a skilled manner into the hot oil for frying of jalebi strand-embedded structure
followed by soaking in sugar syrup. Oil:
Commercially available refined edible cotton seed oil was used for
the frying of jalebi and quantity of oil used per batch was 2 litres.
3.3.2 Treatments details:
Jalebi was prepared by the following treatments,
T1 – Manual jalebi making
T2 – Jalebi making by machine
3.3.3 Experimental design:
Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
Number of treatments: two (2)
Number of repetition: fourteen (14)
3.4 Observation:
Prepared jalebi were subjected to following observations:
3.4.1 Quality Parameters for maida, batter and jalebi:
1. Moisture Content of maida (%wb)
2. Sieve size of maida (mesh size)
3. Moisture Content of Batter (%wb)
4. Diameter of jalebi (mm)
5. Diameter of jalebi ring (mm)
6. Moisture Content of Jalebi (%wb)
7. Fat Content of Jalebi (%)
8. Fermentation time for batter preparation of jalebi (h)
9. Frying time of jalebi( min)
10. Temperature of ghee during frying of jalebi(o C)
11. Sugar syrup strength (o Brix)
12.Dipping time in sugar syrup (min)
13.Calorific value of jalebi (cal/100g)
3.4.2 Engineering Parameters:
1. Physical dimension of various components of machine
2. Engineering and textural properties of Jalebi
3. Power consumption of machine
4. Time required for 1 kg preparation of Jalebi forming
3.4.3 Organoleptic parameter:
1. Taste
2. Colour
3. Appearance
4. Flavour
5. Overall acceptability
3.4.4 Economics:
The cost of jalebi making by manual method and by machine
method was calculated.
3.4.5 Microbial analysis of jalebi forming process in both methods:
Total plate count was measured using method of preparation of
Luria Bertani Agar and spread plate Method.
3.4.6 Dimension of machine:
Different dimensions of jalebi making machine were measured like
nozzle, arm, hopper, master and frame.
3.4.7 Performance of machine
1. Time for jalebi forming
2. Capacity of jalebi forming
3.5 Methodology adopted for observations:
For the design of jalebi making by evaluating and observing
jalebi, jalebi batter and maida physico-chemical as well as engineering
parameters for particular product. The machine was developed using
techniques of fabrication and machining, than the dimensions of machine
was determined. The performance of machine for jalebi quality, capacity and
efficiency was compared and statistically analyzed.
3.5.1 Quality parameter of jalebi:
The experimental procedures adopted for measurement of Quality
parameters are described as below. These properties were determined by
using methods suggested by Mohsenin (1986). Moisture content of maida, batter and jalebi:
The moisture content of maida, jalebi batter and jalebi were
determined by using method described by Ranganna, S. (2009). 30g sample
of maida, batter and jalebi were taken in a flat moisture dish and kept in an
oven at 70ºC for 48 hours separately. Samples were dried upto born dry and
thereafter, each sample was weighed. The moisture loss was calculated as per
the following formula and expressed in percent on wet basis.
𝑴𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 (%𝒘𝒃) = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 (3.1)

w1 = fresh weight of sample (g)
w2= dry weight of sample (g) Particle size of maida:
Particle size of maida was calculated as per method described by
Chakroborthy, A.K. (2012). 1000 g of gram flour sample was taken and
poured into the top sieve which had the largest screen openings of 1.8 mm.
each lower sieve in the column has smaller openings than the one above. At
the base is the round pan, called the receiver. The column was typically
placed and shaked the column, usually for 15 – 20 minutes. After the shaking
was completed, the material on each sieve was weighed. The weight of the
sample on each sieve was then divided by the total weight to give a
percentage retained on each sieve. The size of the average particles on each
sieve was analyzed to get the cut - point or specific size range captured on
screen. To find the percent of aggregate passing through each sieve, first find
the percent retained in each sieve.
% 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 (3.2)

W sieve = the weight of aggregate in the sieve, g
Wtotal = the total weight of the aggregate, g
After that the cumulative percent of aggregate retained on each
sieve was found and the total amount of aggregate that was retained on each
sieve was added and the amount in the previous sieves. The cumulative
percent passing of the aggregate was found by subtracting the percent
retained from 100 %.
𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 (%) = 𝟏𝟎𝟎% − 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅% (3.3)
The maximum screen opening at where cumulatively 80% material
could pass through was considered as screen size of maida. Diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring:
Jalebi was purchased from Navsari, Gandevi and Amalsad from 20
different shops and their parameter were measured as under for further use in
design and calculations. The diameters of jalebi and jalebi ring were
measured with the help of electronic digital caliper (Make: Mitutoyo, Model:
CD- 12” C) having least count of 0.05 mm.
The shape of the jalebi was plotted keeping the sweet resting on its
most stable position and then the effective diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring
were measured. (Figure:3.1)

Jalebi ring

Figure : 3.1 diameter of jalebi and ring Fat content of jalebi:

Fat content of jalebi was estimated using method described by

Ranganna, S. (2009). Jalebi sample was taken and crushed to get small
particle size and high surface area. The content was transferred into thimble.
250 ml round bottom flask was taken and added few glass bead. The
extractor was placed in the top of the flask. A little amount of cotton was put
on the extractor and the thimble. Condenser was placed through which
cooled water circulated and heating was started. When the condenser was
started evaporating and extraction was recondensing continue for 14-16
times. Then stop heating and allowed it to cool completely then remove all
the solvent from the extractor with the help of collection flask, cotton plug
and the thimble and finally transfer it to beaker. Then started distillating the
solvent, when 5-10 ml amount was left in the beaker heating was stopped.
The flask was placed in hot air oven at 100º C and remaining solvent in flask
weight was taken. The fat percentage of jalebi sample was calculated by
using following formula;
% 𝒇𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 (3.4)

w = weight of sample (g)
w1= weight of fat (g) Calorific value of jalebi:
Calorific value of jalebi was calculated by determing the total
protein and total carbohydrates of jalebi, and using total fat content of jalebi
as per following equation.
𝑪𝑽 = (𝟗 × 𝒇𝒂𝒕) + ( 𝟒 × 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒊𝒏) + (𝟒 × 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒉𝒚𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆) (3.5)
Protein content and carbohydrate content was determined as per
method describe Ranganna, S (2009) using micro kjeldhald apparatus and
weight difference respectively. Fermentation time for batter preparation of jalebi:
Fermentation of jalebi batter is an important parameter to form
good quality of jalebi. Fermentation time was taken as suggested by
Chakkaravarthi, A. (2012). Five hundred gram maida was taken and add 800
g of water and 4 g of curd mixed as suggested by Chakkaravarthi, A. (2009).
The batter was placed overnight for fermentation. Frying time of jalebi:
Frying time was measured using stop watch (Make: tolexo; Model:
DM92) by having least count of 1 millisecond. Here, after pouring the jalebi
into boiled oil and then after finishing of batter stopwatch was on
immediately. When the jalebi turns to golden yellowish colour stop watch
stop immediately. Time difference was noted as frying time of jalebi. Note
the time for frying of jalebi. Temperature of ghee during frying of jalebi:
Temperature of hot and boiled ghee was measured during frying of
jalebi using digital thermometer (Make: Shenzhen willhi electronics; Model:
WH7860D) having range from 30ºC to 300ºC with least count of 0.5ºC. The
tip of thermometer was dipped into frying oil and the maximum temperature
during frying was recorded. Sugar syrup strength:
Sugar syrup was prepared by dissolving 700 g of sugar into 300 g
of water. When sugar dissolved, the solution was boiled and stirred
continuosly, 0.01% citric acid was added to invert the sugar. Allowed it to
cool down. The strength of sugar syrup was measured using hand
Refractometer (Male: ERMA; Model: C 58-92%). Dipping time in sugar syrup:
Dipping time was measured using stop watch (Make: tolexo;
Model: DM92) by having least count of 1 millisecond. Stop watch was on
when fried jalebi was submerged into sugar syrup. When it was fill that
jalebi has absorbed sugar equally, it taken out, immediately stop watch stops.
The differentiate time was considered as dipping time.
3.5.2 Measurement of engineering parameters:
The engineering parameters such as viscosity of batter, hardness of
jalebi, bulk density of jalebi batter and velocity of batter were measured as
given below. Viscosity of batter:
Viscosity of batter was measured by using the ford cup viscometer
No. 4. (Make: ; Model:). Close the orifice and pouring the known quantity of
jalebi batter in ford cup viscometer. Note down the time in second. (Plate: 2
and 3).
𝑽𝟒 = 𝟑. 𝟖𝟓 (𝒕 − 𝟒. 𝟒𝟗) (3.6)
V4 = kinematic viscosity using orifice No. 4, cSt and t = time in sec Hardness of jalebi:

It is one of the most important engineering parameter. Hardness

was measured by using stainless steel knife (A/039) probe using Textural
Analyzer. Jalebi was put on the platform below probe and height from the
probe to jalebi (15mm), height of jalebi sample (5 mm), speed of probe (1.5
mm/s) and trigger force 0.10 N were used. After the breaking of jalebi, peak
value of force (kgf) was recorded from the software .
Plate : 2 Viscosity measurement by ford cup viscometer

Plate: 3 Rheological analysis of jalebi batter Bulk density of jalebi batter:

To determined the bulk density of jalebi batter were measured by

filling the batter in a container of 40 ml volume without undue pressure and
its weight was measured on an electronic balance (Make:; Model:) having
least count of 1 g. The bulk density was determined as weight of material per
unit volume.
𝝆𝒃= 𝒎 (3.7)

ρb = bulk density (g/cm3)
m = mass (g)
v = volume (cm3) Velocity of batter:
By using the following formula, the velocity was calculated from
the volumetric flow rate, area, flow rate, density and time.
𝒗= (3.8)

Q = volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
A = area (m2)
v = velocity (m/s)
𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆
𝑸= (3.9)

Q = volumetric flow rate
ρ = density
t = time
𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 = (3.10)

m = mass and t = time
3.5.3 Concept for Development of Jalebi making machine:
The design of jalebi making machine was done by considering
following points and with conceptual principles given here under. Point to be considered for efficient jalebi making machine:
1. Machine should be able to form jalebi without much interference of
human energy.
2. Machine should be able to reduce handling time to form jalebi.
3. It should be helpful to provide hygienically produced jalebi.
4. Machine should be suitable for medium scale processing units, having
requirement of more volume of jalebi. Concept of jalebi making machine:
The concept of Jalebi making machine is mainly based on profile cutting
machine. To prepare jalebi by using jalebi batter is primary objective.
Hence, flowing of batter through nozzle can be achieved. For formation of
jalebi, master pin was moved spiral into jalebi master. To develop spiral
movement, master pin was rotate into jalebi master by desire speed of motor.
The movement of all moving parts was to be accomplished using one single
motor of appropriate size (Figure:3.2). Working principle of jalebi making machine:
Jalebi sweets are irregular in size and shape and also the demand for
the Indian traditional sweets are more as compare to earlier days so now
mechanization of any products is become necessary. Jalebi batter is fed through
the material filling unit (Hopper). Switch on the machine. In the machine, the
batter is passed from the transprerant pipe and then to the nozzle. The master
pin is then rotate on to the jalebi master through prime mover and the arms are
also moves same as jalebi master. The nozzles are fitted on plate and this plate
is fitted with the arms so nozzle moves in spiral manner like jalebi master and
form jalebi.
3.5.4 Design and fabrication of various components of machine:
The various components of machine parts like nozzle, jalebi master,
arm, hopper, frame and power source were design as given below. Nozzle:
For the nozzle design, jalebi diameter was taken in consideration and
according to that nozzle has been designed. Jalebi master:
By using the diameter of jalebi and ring, angle of different ring data
quadruple graph was plotted and by using profile cutting machine the jalebi
master was cut out. Arm:
An arm is a structural system that moves to form jalebi from nozzle
units. When master pin moves around jalebi master at that time the arm follow
the movement of pin and from the nozzle batter come out and form shape like
jalebi. The arm was designed on the basis of two link joint structure where
movement of arm rods at both the links facilitates to form jalebi shape. Hopper:
Hopper is a storage device use to dispense jalebi batter through the
use of ball valve to control flow which is made up of stainless steel, by using
data of density of jalebi batter.
hopper stand

supply tubes

supply valve motor

oscilating plate


stand gear


bevel gear

frying pan

Figure: 3.2 Conceptual drawing of jalebi making machine Frame:
A frame is structural system that supports to the feeding assembly,
forming assembly, power transmission system. Frame provides the strength and
firmness to form jalebi operation and stability to moving parts during working.
It is made of mild steel. Power source:
The power consumption of machine was measured using wattmeter
(Make:; Model: ) during the forming of jalebi. The motor of the jalebi making
machine was installed in series of wattmeter. The unit in kWh was recorded
before and after forming of jalebi. It was calculated in terms of kWh/kg of
jalebi. For frying of oil/ghee, electrical resistive induction coil stove was used.
The power consumption of electrical stove was measured by connecting
wattmeter in series. Fabrication of machine:
The jalebi making machine was fabricated at M/S Em. Tech
Engineering, GIDC, Navsari by workshop operations like cutting by profile
cutting concept, screw fittings. The platform of the tool was CNC cut. The
frame and platform was assembled to complete the machine.
3.5.5 Dimension of various parts of machine:
Using the electrical digital caliper (Make: Mitutoyo; Model:CD-12”C)
the dimension of different parts of machine like nozzle, hopper, frame, arm and
master was measured. Nozzle:
Nozzle was designed by measuring the diameter of jalebi ring.
Generally jalebi ring diameter varies between 25 mm to 60 mm. There were
nine nozzles assembled in jalebi making machine. Master:
Jalebi master was main part of the jalebi making machine. The master
was designed by using the diameter of jalebi, diameter of jalebi ring. The
diameter of jalebi was varies between 40 mm to 80 mm then master was
fabricated by profile cutting machine. Arm:
The dimension of arm was decided on the basis of nozzle unit, master
pin and jalebi master. Hopper:
It is a storage device for jalebi batter. The dimension of hopper was
decided on the basis of density of jalebi batter. Frame:
The frame was assembled to complete the machine. It was necessary
to form jalebi in proper manner. The frame supports the feeding unit, forming
unit and power transmission system. So the dimension of frame was decided on
the basis of above three units.
3.5.6 Performance of machine:
The performance of machine was decided by time required to form
jalebi and capacity of jalebi forming. Time for jalebi forming:
The time for jalebi forming was evaluated to prepare 1 kg of jalebi by
measuring time using digital stopwatch (Make: tolexo; Model: DM92) in
seconds. Capacity of jalebi forming:
The capacity of the jalebi forming was measured by the formula
described by Kalaivani, et al., (2012);
𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒋𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒃𝒊 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈(%) = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 (3.11)

W = total kg of jalebi
t = time of jalebi forming
3.5.7 Organoleptic parameters:
Jalebi prepared by the machine as well as manual method were
evaluated for sensory characteristics viz., taste, colour, appearance, texture,
flavour and overall acceptability using 9 – point hedonic scale. Each attribute
were given a separate scores of 9 points. Higher product scoring was treated as
more acceptable from the quality point of view. Sensory evaluation panel
consisted of 10-12 semi trained panelist and the panelist were instructed to
evaluate the sample as per score card (Annexure – I) as per Ranganna, S (2009).
The overall acceptability was calculated by average score rating of taste, colour,
appearance, texture and flavour of the product.
3.5.8 Microbial analysis:
Total plate count was measured using method described as under
(James. M.J.; 2000).
 Preparation of Luria Bertani Agar: 2.5 g of Agar and 2 g Luria
Bertani was added in the flask and 100 ml of volume was made up with
distilled water in ermenlayer flask. Luria Bertani agar medium was
sterilized at 15 psi pressure and 121ºC temperature, and then agar
medium was cooled to 45±1ºC and allowed to solidify.
 Spread plate method: By using sterile pipettes, decimal dilution of 10-2,
10-3, 10-4 of jalebi was prepared by transferring 0.5 ml of previous
dilution to 4.5 ml of diluents (0.85% saline). Pipette 0.1 ml was taken
and spread over agar plate. Petri dishes were inverted and incubated for
48±2 h at 37ºC.
Calculation: All colony forming units (CFU) were counted, including
those of pinpoint size, on plate. Dilution used and total number of
colonies counted was recorded.
3.6 Economics of machines:
The economics of the prepared jalebi by machine method was worked
out by considering the existing rates for the different inputs like cost of raw
materials, operating cost, power consumption cost, cost of machine components
materials, etc. all the cost was converted into fixed cost and variable cost then
cost per unit weight of jalebi. The unit cost was compared with market price
considering production capacity.
3.7 Statistical analysis of Data:
The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design.
The data were collected on quality, engineering and organoleptic parameters of
jalebi which was formed by manual and machine method which have been
represented as mean of fourteen replication of triplicate reading. While, data
collected on quality aspects of fresh product including sensory analysis were
statistically analyzed by adopting analysis of variance techniques as described
by Panse and Sukhatme (1967).The treatment difference was tested by ‘F’ test
of significance on the basis of null hypothesis. The appropriate standard error
(S.Em±) was calculated in each case. The critical difference (C.D.) at 5% level
of probability was worked out.

This chapter embodies the results of the present investigation on

“Design and Development of Jalebi making machine” carried out during the
year 2013-2014 at Centre of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, ASPEE
College of Horticulture and Forestry, N.A.U., Navsari. The results along with
statistical inferences are presented here. The Jalebi making machine was
designed and fabricated to form the jalebi and then evaluated by considering
basic data of physical and mechanical properties of jalebi sweets, food safety
and hygiene. Physical and engineering properties regarding forming operation
were determined and used in the design of various components of jalebi making
machine. The jalebi making machine was evaluated for its performance on basis
of its capacity, jalebi forming efficiency and power consumption with respect to
manual method.
4.1 Quality Parameter for Maida, Batter and Jalebi:
The sample of maida, batter and jalebi were collected from market
and the quality parameters like; moisture content (% wb) of maida, batter and
jalebi, diameter (mm) of jalebi as well as jalebi ring and fat %, protein %,
carbohydrate %, as well as calorific value (Cal) of jalebi were measured and
tabulated in Table: 4.1, Table: 4.2 and Table: 4.3.
4.1.1 Moisture content of Maida, jalebi batter and jalebi:
Moisture content of Maida, Jalebi Batter and Jalebi was measured.
The result was tabulated in Table 4.1. The result revealed that the mean
moisture content (%wb) of maida, jalebi batter and jalebi were
recorded with value of 5.66±0.95%, 53.20±2.18% and
12.56±2.30%respectively. The maximum moisture content (%wb) of
maida, jalebi batter and jalebi were found 6.89%, 56.8% and 15.9%
respectively. The minimum moisture content (%wb) of maida, jalebi
batter and jalebi were found with value of 4.3%, 50.2% and 9.4%
respectively. Similar result was reported by Chakkaravarthi, A (2009)
with value of 50-60 % wb moisture content for batter of Jalebi.
4.1.2 Sieve size of maida:
The mean sieve size of maida was recorded with value
130±1.45 μm. The maximum and minimum sieve sizes of maida were
found 133 μm and 128 μm respectively.
4.1.3 Diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring:
The diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring was tabulated in
Table 4.2. The mean diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring were found
59.51±4.91mm and 5.826±0.48 mm respectively. The maximum
diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring were found 66.1 mm and 6.65mm
respectively. The minimum diameter of jalebi and jalebi ring were
found 53.3mm and 5.18mm respectively.
4.1.4 Fat content of jalebi:
The data of fat content of jalebi was tabulated in Table 4.3.
The result revealed that the fat content of jalebi was found
2.46±0.32%. The maximum and minimum fat content 3% and 2%
respectively. Oil uptake was affected by many factors including oil
quality, temperature, fr ying time, shape, composition, moisture
content and others (Smith el al., 1985, Gamble & Rice, 1988).
Table: 4.1 Moisture content of Maida, Batter and Jalebi (%wb)

Material Min. Max. Mean SD

Maida 4.3 6.89 5.66 0.95
Batter 50.2 56.8 53.20 2.18
Jalebi 9.4 15.9 12.56 2.30

Table: 4.2 Quality parameter of prepared jalebi

Particular Min Max Mean SD

Diameter of jalebi (mm) 53.3 66.1 59.51 4.91
Diameter of jalebi ring 5.18 6.65 5.83 0.48

Table: 4.3 Calorific value of jalebi:

Particular Min Max Mean SD

Fat (%) 2 3 2.46 0.32
Protein(%) 4.58 5.32 5.05 0.22
Carbohydrate(%) 65.43 69.25 67.23 1.30
Calorific value (cal) 303.72 320.78 311.62 4.84
4.1.5 Calorific value of jalebi:

The data of fat content, protein content and carbohydrate

content of jalebi was tabulated in Table 4.3 . The result revealed that
the fat content, protein content and carbohydrate content of jalebi
were found 2.46±0.32%, 5.05±0.22% and 67.23±1.30% respectively.
The maximum fat content, protein content and carbohydrate content of
jalebi were found 3%, 5.32% and 69.25% respectively. The minimum
fat content, protein content and carbohydrate content of jalebi were
found 2%, 4.58% and 65.43% respectively. The Calorific value of
jalebi was calculated using fat content, protein content and
carbohydrate of jalebi and tabulated in Table: 4.3. The calorific value
for jalebi obtained from market was 311.62±4.84 cal. The maximum
and minimum calorific value for jalebi was 320.78 cal and 303.72 cal

4.1.6 Fermentation time for batter preparation of jalebi:

The jalebi batter was prepared by taking maida, water and

curd as per 500g, 800g and 4g respectively for both treatment of
experiment and placed for fermentation. The fermentation time for
batter preparation of jalebi was tabulated in Table 4.4. The result
revealed that the fermentation time of jalebi batter was found
maximum 24h and minimum 14h. The mean fermentation time was found
18.9 ± 3.15 h.
Table: 4.4 Process parameter for jalebi forming

Particular Min Max Mean SD

Fermentation time (hr) 14 24 18.94 3.15
Frying time (min) 1.5 1.83 1.63 0.09
Temp. of ghee ( o C) 165 175 169.7 3.18
Syrup strength ( O Brix) 60 70 65 3.99
Dipping time (min) 0.66 1.16 0.93 0.15

Table: 4.5 Engineering properties of batter

Particular Min Max Mean SD

Viscosity(cSt) 5122.25 5589.92 5256.90 128.47
Bulk density (g/cm3) 10.26 14.63 13.11 1.32
Velocity (m/s) 0.48 1.59 1.27 0.36
4.1.7 Frying time of jalebi:

The data of frying time of jalebi was tabulated in Table 4.4. The
result revealed that the frying time of jalebi was found significantly maximum
1.83 min and minimum 1.5 min. The mean frying time was found
1.63±0.09 min.
4.1.8 Temperature of ghee during frying of jalebi:
The data of temperature of ghee during frying of jalebi was tabulated
in Table 4.4. The result revealed that the temperature of ghee was found maximum
175º C and minimum 165 º
C. The mean temperature of ghee was found
169.7±3.18º C.
4.1.9 Sugar syrup strength:
The sugar syrup strength was tabulated in Table: 4.4. The
maximum sugar syrup strength was found 70 º brix and the minimum sugar
syrup strength was found 60 º brix. The mean sugar syrup strength was found
65± 3.99º Brix. Similar result was observed by Chakkaravarthi, A. 2009 for
strength of sugar syrup with value of 70º Brix.
4.1.11 Dipping time in sugar syrup:
The dipping time was tabulated in Table. 4.4. The mean dipping time
was found 0.93±0.15 min. The dipping time was found maximum 1.16 min and
minimum 0.66 min.
4.2Engineering properties of batter and jalebi:
For good quality of jalebi engineering properties of jalebi batter and
jalebi is necessary.
4.2.1 Viscosity of batter:
The viscosity of jalebi batter was tabulated in Table 4.5.The mean
viscosity of batter was found 5256.90± 128.47 cSt. The maximum and minimum
viscosities of batter were found 5589.92 cSt and 5122.25 cSt.
4.2.2 Bulk density of batter:
The bulk density of jalebi batter was tabulated in Table 4.5.The mean
bulk density of batter was found 13.11±1.32 g/cm3. The maximum and minimum
bulk density of batter was found 14.63g/cm3and 10.26 g/cm3 respectively.
4.2.3 Velocity of jalebi batter:
The velocity of batter under gravity was calculated and tabulated in
Table 4.5. The mean velocity of batter was found 1.27±0.36m/s. The maximum
and minimum velocities of batter were found 1.59 m/s and 0.48 m/s.
4.3 Design of various components of machine:
The design of various components of machine included the
finalization of its components like; Nozzle, jalebi master, Arm,
Hopper, Frame dimension and Power source.
4.3.1 Nozzle:
For the nozzle design, jalebi diameters were taken in
consideration and according to that nozzle have been designed. The
Jalebi ring diameter were measured and found between 3.2 to 4.5
mm. The mean value of this ran ge is 3.85 mm. The available size of
S.S pipe in market nearest to 3.85 mm is 4 mm with the pipe thickness
of 2 mm so the nozzle size was taken 4 mm. The height of nozzle was
taken 150 mm by taking the consideration of fabrication operation and
connection with batter suspension pipe. The drawing was prepared
using the finalized dimension of nozzle as per appendix (Appendix:
JMM 1/042, JMM 1/ASSY 5).
4.3.2 Jalebi master:

From the different sweets shop jalebi were collected and then by
using the electronic digital caliper the diameter of jalebi & jalebi ring, angle of
different ring was measured and by using this data quadruple graph was plotted.
The diameter of jalebi was found 80 mm with ring thickness of 3.85 mm by
considering the drawing of jalebi master was prepared from finalized data of jalebi
ring 4 mm and jalebi diameter 80 mm with 3½ spiral ring. (Appendix: JMM1/027)
4.3.3 Arm:
An arm is a structural system that moves to form a jalebi
from nozzle units. When master pin was moves around jalebi master at
that time arm move and from the nozzle batter was comes out and
form a shape like jalebi. In jalebi making machine there are two arms
which moves master pin clockwise and anti clockwise. The dimension
of arms was designed considering the distance of frame of the machine
i.e. baseline to the centre of frying pan. The dimension of arm 1 plate
was 400x250x150 mm and arm 2 plate was 400x150x120 mm and
thickness of both arms was 5 mm.(Appendix: JMM1/004,JMM1/005).
4.3.4 Hopper:
Hopper is a storage device use to dispense jalebi batter through the
use of ball valve to control flow. Hopper was fabricated by using
stainless steel material. The d imensions of hopper i.e height diameter
are 327×165 mm. Capacity of holding batter is 2kg. Jalebi batter flow
is controlled by ball valve (2 inch) which was fitted at the bottom of
hopper. Material out pipe was fitted with the ball valve which flows
the jalebi batter to Nozzle.(Appendix: JMM1/034, JMM1/035,
JMM1/036, JMM1/037, JMM1/038, JMM1/039, JMM1/040,
4.3.5 Frame:

A frame is a structural system that supports to the

feeding assembly, forming assembly, power transmission system.
Frame provides the strength and firmness to form jalebi operation
and stability to moving parts during working as baseline. It is made
of mild steel. Frame was made up of square mild steel pipes in
rectangular shape. Frame length was decided on the basis of arm
length. The width was decided on basis of width of shaft, width of
arm, width of motor. The overall dimension of frame was
700×600×700 mm. Jalebi making machine is covered by the mild
steel sheet 18 gauges. (Appendix: JMM1/006, JMM1/007,)
JMM1/008, JMM1/009).

4.3.6 Power source:

Jalebi making machine was driven by single phase DC motor. Specification of the
motor is given below
Current : DC
Type : universal single phase
Speed : variable
Volt : 220 V
Mfd By :ESAB India Limited, India
4.4 Fabrication and Dimension of Machine:
The fabrication of jalebi making machine included the finalization of
its components like nozzle, master, arm, hopper, frame, power source and weight
of machine prepared from the drawings (Plate: 4). The dimension of different
Table: 4.6 Dimension of different machine part

Machine part Parameter Dimension

Master a. Diameter of master 80 mm
b.Diameter of master ring 6.35 mm
Arm 1. Arm plate 1
a. Length 400 mm
b. Width 250 mm
2. Arm plate 2
a. Length 400 mm
b. Width 150 mm
a. Length 150 mm
Nozzle b. Diameter 6 mm

Hopper a. Height 327 mm

b. Capacity of holding batter 2 kg
Frame a. Overall length 550 mm
b. Overall width 600 mm
c. Overall height 550 mm
Power source a. RPM Variable
b. Current DC
Weight - 60 kg
machine parts is tabulated in Table: 4.6. The diameter of master and master ring
was 8mm and 6.35mm respectively. The length and width of arm plate – 1 as well
as arm plate – 2 was 400 mm and 250 mm as well as 400mm and 150mm
respectively. The height of hopper was 327mm and the holding capacity of batter
was 2kg. The overall length, overall width and overall height of frame were
550mm, 600mm, 550mm respectively. The variable speed DC motor was used as
power source (Plate: 5).
4.5 Performance of Machine:

The performance of jalebi making machine was evaluated by

measuring the time required for formation of jalebi, jalebi forming capacity,
hardness and fracturability of jalebi as well as quality of jalebi (Plate: 6).

4.5.1 Time for jalebi forming:

The time required for 1kg preparation of jalebi both manual

and machine method is presented in Table 4.7 . It is evident that time
required for preparation of 1kg jalebi was reported average 59.18
min in treatment T 2 and average 22.5 min in treatment T 1 . Jalebi
preparation time in treatment T 2 was observed significantly higher
compare to treatment T 1 with 2.13 CD at 5% probability and 6.71
CV %. This may be due to the jalebi batter flow rate was lesser than
manual method. So higher number of jalebi formed fallen into hot
oil pan by manual method as compared to machine process.

4.5.2 Capacity for jalebi forming:

The capacity for jalebi forming for both methods is presented in

Table: 4.7. It was evident that in treatment T1 28 kg jalebi form in 1 hr and in
treatment T2 5 kg jalebi form in 1 hr. The significantly higher capacity was

Discharge pipe

Arm plate 1 & 2

Plate : 4 Jalebi making machine



Nozzle plate

Plate: 5 Jalebi making machine with power source

Treatment T1 Treatment T2

Plate: 6 Jalebi forming by manual method and machine method

observed in T1 as compare to T2 with 0.03 CD value 5% probability and 9.10

4.5.3 Hardness of jalebi:

The data of hardness of jalebi was tabulated in Table 4.7.

The hardness of jalebi was found average 4.57 kg f in treatment T 2
and average 5.70 kg f in treatment T 1 . Jalebi hardness in treatment T 2
machine method was observed to be significantly low with 0.37 CD
5% probability and 9.31CV% compare to treatment T 1 Manual

4.5.4 Fracturability of jalebi (kg f )

The data of fracturability of jalebi is presented in Table

4.7.The result revealed that the mean f racturability was recorded in
treatment T1 26.87 kgf and in treatment T2 27.88 kgf. Jalebi fracturability was
significantly higher in T2 with 0.29 CD value 5% probability and 1.38 CV% as
compare to T1. So, it is indicated that the jalebi quality is different for
both the treatment and the quality may affect jalebi prepared using
machine method.

4.5.4 Microbial load of jalebi:

The microbial analysis for both treatments was presented in

Table.4.7. In total plate count, no microbial load in jalebi was found
in both the treatment T 1 as well as treatment T 2 . It may be due to
sterilization of jalebi during frying at temperature 175 ºC of oil. So, it
indicated that prepared jalebi by manual as well as machine method
was safe for consumption purpose.
Table: 4.7 Performance of jalebi making machine

Treatment Time for Capacity Hardness Fractuability(kgf) Microbial

jalebi of jalebi (kgf) load
forming forming
(min) (kg/min)
T1 22.51 0.47 5.70 26.87 Nil

T2 59.18 0.08 4.57 27.88 Nil

Mean 40.89 0.27 5.14 27.37 Nil

SEM± 18.33 0.19 0.57 0.51 Nil

CD at5% 2.13 0.03 0.37 0.29 -

CV % 6.71 9.10 9.31 1.38 Nil

4.5. 5Organoleptic evaluation of jalebi:
Organoleptic quality attributes like taste, colour,
appearance, texture, flavour and overall acceptability of jalebi were
evaluated by the panel of judges during the experiment using score
card (Annexure-I).The results of organoleptic evaluation are described
character wise are as below.
The data on sensory evaluation of texture of jalebi is
presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean texture score
of jalebi were recorded 6.73 and 3.84 in treatment T 1 and T 2
respectively. The treatment T 1 was found significantly higher in
texture of jalebi with 0.20 at CD 5% and 4.91 CV%. Appearance:

The data on sensory evaluation of appearance of jalebi is

presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean appearance
score of jalebi were recorded 7.49 and 4.86 in treatment T 1 and T 2
respectively. The treatment T 1 was found significantly higher in
appearance of jalebi with 0.13 at CD 5% and 2.69 CV%. Colour:

The data on sensory evaluation of colour of jalebi is

presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean colour score
of jalebi were recorded 6.68 and 6.76 in treatment T 1 and T 2
respectively. However, non-significant difference was found for
colour score of jalebi between both the treatments.
Table: 4.8 Organoleptic evaluation of jalebi

Treatment Texture Appearance Colour Flavour Taste Overall


6.73 7.49 6.68 6.78 6.74 7.33
3.84 4.86 6.76 6.78 6.68 4.78
5.29 6.18 6.72 6.77 6.71 6.06
1.45 1.32 0.036 0.01 0.03 1.26
CD at 5%
0.20 0.13 NS NS NS 0.25
CV %
4.91 2.69 4.92 3.17 4.83 5.48

The data on sensory evaluation of flavour of jalebi is

presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean flavour score
of jalebi were recorded 6.80 and 6.78 in treatment T 1 and T 2
respectively. However, non-significant difference was found for
flavour score of jalebi between both the treatments.
The data on sensory evaluation of taste of jalebi is
presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean taste score of
jalebi were recorded 6.74 and 6.68 in treatment T 1 and T 2 respectively.
However, non-significant difference was found for taste score of
jalebi between both the treatments. Overall acceptability:
The data on sensory evaluation of overall acceptability
considering of texture, appearance, colour, flavor and taste of jalebi is
presented in Table 4.8.The result revealed that the mean overall
acceptability score of jalebi were recorded 7.33 and 4.78 for
treatment T 1 and T 2 respectively. The treatment T 1 was found
significantly higher in overall acceptability with 0.25 CD at 5% and
5.48 CV%. The sensory evaluation score indicated that the jalebi
quality found to be different for both the treatments particularly in
appearance and texture. It was revealed that using machine the
appearance and texture affected, because of that overall acceptability
reduced for machine method.
4.6 Calorific Value of Jalebi:

The calorific value of jalebi prepared by manual and

machine method is tabulated in Table 4.9. The percent fat, percent
protein, percent carbohydrate as well as calorific value of treatment
T 1 and T 2 were recorded with mean value of 2.66% and 4.58%,
5.06% and 4.31%, 63.67% and 65.24% as well as 311.66 cal and
314.54cal respectively. The calorific value found significant
between both the treatments. This may be due to high absorption of
fat during machine method which actually not required as far as
quality of jalebi is concern. The higher absorption of fat may be due
to higher porosity of jalebi ring after frying. The delay in flow of
jalebi batter has increase the maida protein structure network and
higher porosity. This has not only reduced the hardness of jalebi but
also reduce the fracture in fracturability.

4.7 Economics:

The economics of jalebi are presented in Table 4.10 and

Table: 4.11 for the fabrication cost of machine and production cost
of jalebi respectively. The material cost of different part like; nozzle, master,
arm, frame, hopper, pipping and power source were found 45310 Rs/kg. The
fabrication cost of machine like; mechanical and electrical operations were
found 5000 Rs. The total cost of Jalebi making machine was found 50310 Rs.
The production cost of treatment T1 and treatment T2 was also calculated by
considering the cost of raw material cost, labour cost, fuel cost, depreciation cost
on fixed amount and maintenance cost of machine. The raw material cost for
both treatments was same but the labour cost, fuel cost and depreciation cost
was higher in treatment T2 as compare to treatment T1 which is due to low
Table:4.9 Calorific value of Jalebi (Fat, Protein and carbohydrate content)

Treatment Fat Protein Carbohydrate Calorific

(%) (%) (%) value (cal)
2.66 5.06 63.67 311.67

4.58 4.31 65.24 314.55
3.62 4.68 64.45
0.96 0.37 0.79 1.44
CD at 5%
0.52 0.15 1.32 NS
18.37 4.10 2.63 1.77
Table: 4.10 Fabrication cost of machine

Particular Qty. Rate (Rs/ kg) Amount (Rs)

A. Material cost
a. Nozzle 9 500=00 4500=00
b. Master 1 350=00 350=00
c. Arm 2 350=00 9600=00
d. Frame 4 350=00 3860=00
e. Hopper 1 700=00 8000=00
f. Pippings 21 200=00 8000=00
g. Power source 2 3000=00 6000=00
(per piece)
h. Fittings 5000=00 5000=00
i. Total A 45310=00
B. Fabrication cost
a. Mechanical 2000=00
b. Electrical 3000=00
c. Total B 5000 =00
d. C. Total cost of machine (C= A+B) 50310=00
Table: 4.11 Production cost of jalebi

Particular T1 T2
Raw material cost(Rs/kg)
45=00 45=00
Labour cost (Rs/kg)
2=00 8=00
Fuel cost (Rs/kg)
29=57 31=22
Depreciation on fixed amount (Rs/kg)
0=01 2=30
Maintenance cost (Rs/kg)
0=01 0=20
Total cost of jalebi production (Rs/kg)
76.59 86.72
capacity, used of power source and higher fabrication cost of machine. The
depreciation of machine was calculated by assuming life of machine for 10 years
at 10% salvage value on initial cost for the period of 3 hours per day for 300
days per year. The capacity for treatment T1 and T2 was consider 90 kg/day and
15 kg/day respectively. The maintenance cost was calculated by considering 5%
of depreciation cost. The labour weighs per day was considering Rs 120. The
total cost of production of 1 kg jalebi was Rs 76.59 and Rs 86.72 for treatment
T1 and T2 respectively. Here, the cost of jalebi making using machine was found
higher compare to manual method. This may be due to lower capacity of jalebi
forming in machine method. The problem identified was that the flow of batter
in jalebi making machine was very slow under gravitational force. That needs
corrected by applying external force through pumping using screw pump. The
distance between the hopper outlet and discharge nozzle could be reduced to
increase the flow rate and reduce the nozzle and supply pipe choking problem.
Instead of DC motor alternative mechanism could be apply to reduce the
movementum load. For the use of AC motor which may resulted in reduction of
cost of machine. That will reduce the cost of jalebi making in machine method.

4.8 Future scope of work:

Looking to the results of above experiments the problems identified

with the developed jalebi making machine were; lower capacity, lower flow rate of
batter, unacceptable texture and appearance of jalebi , higher cost of jalebi making
and jalebi production. The changes made for solving the above problem are as
under. The following suggestions were not incorporated in this work due to out of
scope of predecided manuscript.
1. To improve the flow rate of jalebi batter under the viscous laminar flow. The
pumping of the batter should be adopted.
2. To improve the capacity and choking problem related to nozzles and piping,
the distance between discharge nozzle and hopper could be reduced.
3. Two directional movement of nozzle assembly with AC motor should be
used for easy and smooth forming of jalebi with reduction in cost.
4. For improvement in texture and appearance in jalebi the recipe needs
change as per machinability and overall acceptability of consumer.

People are more conscious about their health now a day.

So, they prefer quality food and the place where any kind of food
items to be made should be hygienic. That means food should be
free from all kind of contamination. Presently in most of the
places, jalebi is prepared manually and manufacturing places are

Jalebi is made up from wheat flour. The method of jalebi

forming consists of preparation of wheat flour batter by adding
curd and water and stays it for 14 -24 h for fermentation. Then
pouring the batter in a jalebi maker to obtain jalebi. During this
stage, the jalebi maker is held above the hot frying oil and deep
fat frying of Jalebis are made till the desired colour & texture are
developed, and the product is called Jalebi.

Manual jalebi making is not only tedious and time

consuming, but also it is very difficult to manage labour and
maintain hygiene. Thus, the time and expense in preparing the
jalebi by manual method has somewhat limited the production of
jalebi in commercial aspect. Till date, very little work has been
done for preparing jalebi by machine. So, the present study was
undertaken to develop a semi automatic, high capacity and power
operated jalebi making machine which could significantly
contribute to the food processing industry. So, it is necessary to
design and develop jalebi making machine with the following
1. To develop Jalebi making machine which compliance with food safety and
2. Compare the production efficiency of Jalebi making machine with manual
3. Evaluate the Jalebi making cost using developed machine.

Jalebi making machine was conceptualized on the basis

of various mechanisms like flowing, forming and frying. The
operating capacity of machine was 5 kg/h.

Whole machine was divided into feeding unit, forming

unit and power transmission unit. The main compounds of the
feeding unit were (1) hopper and (2) frame. The second unit i.e.
forming unit, consisted of (1) arm (2) jalebi master and (3)
nozzle. The power transmission uni t which consisted of electric
By considering the quality and engineering properties
of jalebi batter and jalebi, different components of machine were
designed and developed. Jalebi making machine was evaluated for
its performance with regards to its operating capacity, economics
and power consumption.
The brief summaries of results obtained are as

The observation of moisture content of maida (%wb)

5.66±0.95%, sieve size of maida 130±1.45μm. The moisture
content of batter (%wb) 53.20±2.18% was recorded.

The diameter (mm) of jalebi and ring was recorded

59.51±4.91mm and 5.83±0.48mm for sample collected from
market. The moisture content of jalebi (%wb), fat content (%),
protein content (%), carbohydrate content (%) and calorific value
(cal) of jalebi were recorded 12.56±2.30%, 2.46±0.32%,
5.05±0.22%, 67.23±1.30% and 311.62±4.84 cal respectively.
The fermentation time of batter (min), frying time of
jalebi(min), temperature of ghee (ºC), sugar syrup strength(ºBrix)
and dipping time in sugar syrup(min) for preparation of jalebi
were 18.94±3.15 h, 1.63±0.09 min,169.7±3.18 º C, 65±3.99 º Brix
and 0.93±0.15 min respectively.
The viscosity, velocity and density of jalebi batter was
5256.90±128.47 cSt, 1.27±0.36 m/s and 13.11±1.32 g/cm3 respectively.
The overall acceptability score for treatment T 1 and T 2 was
observed 7.33 and 4.78 respectively. The difference of the score
was due to variation in texture and appe arance of jalebi prepared
under beach treatment.s

On the basis of collected data for jalebi dimension and jalebi

preparation method, the machine components were designed, the
drawing generated and fabricated. The final machine dimensions
were recorded for jalebi master; Diameter of master and Diameter
of master ring was 80 mm and 6.35 mm respectively. The length
and width of arm plate 1 was 400x 250 mm and for arm plate 2
was 400 x 150 mm. The holding capacity of hopper was 2 kg and
hopper height was 327 mm. The DC motor was used which had
variable RPM. The final wei ght of machine was 60 kg. The overall
dimension of machine was 550x600x550 mm.
The time required for 1kg preparation of jalebi was
reported average 59.18 min in treatment T 2 and average 22.5 min in
treatment T 1 .The capacity for jalebi forming in treatment T1 28 kg jalebi
form in 1 hr and in treatment T2 5 kg jalebi form in 1 hr. The hardness of
jalebi was found average 4.57 kg f in treatment T 2 and average 5.70
kg f in treatment T 1 .The fracturability of jalebi was recorded in
treatment T1 26.87 kgf and in treatment T2 27.88 kgf. In total plate count,
no microbial load in jalebi was found in both the treatment T 1 as
well as treatment T 2 .

The percent fat, percent protein, percent carbohydrate and

calorific value of treatment T 1 and T 2 was recorded with mean
value 2.66% and 4.58%, 5.06% and 4.31%, 63.67% and 65.24%
and 311.67 cal and 314.55 cal respectively.

The material cost of different part like, nozzle, master,

arm, frame, hopper, pipping and power source were found 45310
Rs. The fabrication cost of machine like mechanical and electrical
were found 5000 Rs. The total cost of Jalebi making machine was
found 50310 Rs. The production cost of jalebi using manual and
machine operation was recorded Rs. 76.59 and 86.72 respectively.

The problem related to capacity of machine, flow rate of

batter, choking of nozzle and pipings as well as overall
acceptability of jalebi particularly appearance and texture was
observed during the experiment.

The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of results of

1. The moisture content of maida (%wb), sieve size of maida (µm)
was 5.66% and 130 µm. The moisture content of batter (%wb)
was 53.20%.
2. The moisture content (%wb), overall diameter (mm) and ring
diameter (mm) of jalebi samples collected from market were
12.56%, 59.51 mm and 5.83 mm respectively.
3. The fat (%), protein (%), carbohydrate(%) and calorific value
(cal) of jalebi samples were recorded 2.46%, 5.05%, 67.23%
and 311.62 cal respectively.
4. In the process of jalebi making in the market average
fermentation time for batter (h), frying time of jalebi (min),
temperature of ghee ( o C), strength of sugar syrup( o Brix) and
dipping time of jalebi were 18.9 h, 1.63 min, 169.7 o C, 65 o Brix
and 0.93 min respectively.
5. The viscosity of batter (cSt), bulk density of batter
(g/cm 3 ),velocity of batter(m/S), hardness and fractuability of
jalebi (kgf) samples were 5256.90 cSt, 13.11 g/cm 3 , 1.27 m/s,
5.14 kgf and 27.37 kgf respectively.
6. The overall dimension and weight of machine fabricated on the
basis of drawing were 550x600x550 mm and 60 kg
respectively. That included machine parts as hopper, pippings,
discharge nozzle and plate, two arm mechanism, jalebi master
and 220 volt variable frequency DC motor. The cost of machine
was Rs. 50310.
7. The capacity of jalebi making of machine was recorded 5 kg/h
which is 5.5 time less compare to manual method.
8. The jalebi made from manual method was found crispier and
soft compare to jalebi made using machine.
9. The calorific value was found higher in jalebi made from
machine compare to manual method.
10. Overall aceeptability was found higher for the jalebi prepared
by manual method.
11. The production cost of jalebi was recorded Rs 76.59 per kg
and Rs 86.72 per kg for manual and machine method
12. The problem related to flow rate of batter, choking of nozzle
and pipping and overall appearance and texture of prepared
jalebi was observed.

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Annexure –I Sensory evalution using 9- point hedonic scale

Sensory score Rating

9 Like extremely

8 Like very much

7 Like moderately

6 Like slightly

5 Neither like nor dislike

4 Dislike slightly

3 Dislike moderately

2 Dislike very much

1 Dislike extremely

Sensory Evolution Card

Name: Date:

Product: Jalebi

You are given two coded samples of jalebi evaluate its quality with respect
to following qaulity characteristics using scale given here under. Give your
perception related score for individual treatment. Do not guess. Your effort will be
useful to us in research and analysis.

Sample Taste Colour Appearance Flavour Texture Overall




1. Dislike extremely
2. Dislike very much
3. Dislike moderately
4. Dislike slightly
5. Nether like nor dislike
6. Like slightly
7. Like moderately
8. Like very much
9. Like extremely Signature:


This is to certify that I have no objection to supply one copy of any part

of this thesis at a time to any scientist through reprographic process if necessary for

rendering reference service either in a library or documentation centre.

Place: Navsari.


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