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itive feedback was already enormous and

in most cases the main thing the students

Marija Nuic and the Pole Dance

used to say is that Marija classes were dif-
ferent from all the pole dance classes they
had taken part or even imagined before.

Until that moment Marija had no clear
idea of what was happening but people
said that the conversations in the room
were important and after a while the
students started saying how the lesson
By: Bruna Valverde de Oliveira had helped them in their own personal
life, to love themselves and their bodies
“If you’re feminine you know, some- side while we press pause on our day? It scribes it as “ the reason she was born”. explain to me how these methods work something that is not easy nowadays. join me, she just got naked no problem. I
body might rape you, ” said Marija Nuic was in one of those breaks that I got to Marija decided to leave Croatia after and how they help on the improve- Marija then realized what she could would like to have that freedom. ” Marija
“ So you might as well better cover your- meet Marija, with her contagious smile a very positive experience of her part- ment of people’s lives in different ways. do with the classes that were already mentioned that at times some therapists
self and save yourself from trauma just and the smell of hot chocolate in the air. ner in Canada. They also moved togeth- “Magic happens” she said while try- different and decided to incorporate the will say that if you accept your body well
because it’s not easy. So what we do is I had already read about her and how er and lived for 3 months in Cambodia ing to explain to me the procedures and therapy even more. In her own website, enough, there is no need to love it and
we totally give up on our femininity, she believed that being present/there for teaching English classes before deciding how to have someone trying to explain Marija describes why she decided to in- how she personally disagrees with that
sensuality, sexuality, so many things. Or others was her purpose but it was not to move to Cork. They chose Ireland to what they are is like someone explaining option. For a long time she also did not
again on the other hand like Christianity.
What it did to women and what it did to
until I was walking back home from this
interview that I could understand why.
be their next home because they could
be living in a different country while
what is dance to a person that has nev-
er danced in their life. These procedures “It is crucial for accept her body but began in a simple
way, practicing every day. According to
everything that we are, because you’re not Marija Nuic was born in 1982 in Poze- still being relatively close their family. cannot be explained they have to be wit- every woman Marija it was an arduous process and it
allowed to be sexy and that’s something ga, Croatia, she knew that her goal was Deciding to focus on the therapeu- nessed, you can’t understand unless you was not overnight but today she can say
that’s in our nature. It’s in our blood. to instruct and help people so she grad- tic side of psychology Marija fell in do yourself take part in the procedure. to liberate her that she loves her own body, feels com-
You know it’s just who we are. And then
you’re told no that’s not OK. You should
uated in preschool teaching but soon af-
ter graduating she found her passion in
love with various forms and methods
of therapy including Family Constella-
One of the reasons that drew my at-
tention to Marija was the motivation of
feminine side, free fortable in it and would not trade it for
any other How many of us can say the
feel guilty you should feel ashamed ” psychology, subject in which she decided tions and Core Cellular Healing. In her everything she does, in a genuine way and her sensuality and same ? That is Marija’s goal , after hav-
I met her at a cafe in Cork, we sat at
her favorite place near the window, af-
to do her masters about. Soon after that
she studied to become an Integrative
website she describes them as being
her biggest passions and methods that
it’s easy to realize that she does exactly
what she likes and that her main impulse
sexuality from shame ing gone through all this process of ac-
cepting herself and her body, her sensu-
ter all, how many of us like to watch Psycho-Spiritual Therapist and while completely ¨transformed¨ her life. Dur- is to help people. On her website she says and other unpleasant ality and sexuality what she wants is to
the life of the people running on the out- speaking about that decision she de- ing my interview with her she tried to “ I am here to assist you if you hold any
wounding that is looking for your atten-
feelings, to build her pass on that feeling and this freedom to
other women not only to connect with
tion. I am here to help you to go deeper self-confidence and the world, but especially with yourself.
into the wounds, to slowly release the
pain that created the blockage and was
empower [her] as a I can honestly say that the meeting
with Marija made me question sever-
maybe even created by something very woman. ” al moments of my day in which I doubt
traumatic that happened to someone in myself, on the way home I was feeling
your ancestral line, or in your childhood. vest in this project, “Every day I meet lighter, more confident and hopeful that
I am here to help you heal with love, women who hate or at least do not like it is possible to reach this same level
with connection, with deep believing their bodies or certain body parts, who of security and if she managed to have
in something greater than ourselves. ” have low-self-esteem, who are being crit- that effect on me in just a few hours I
While she was finishing her sec- ical towards themselves, who feel weird do not doubt that it could have much
ond degree Marija began to fall in love and uncomfortable if they are moving greater effects on the women partici-
with pole dancing. She started tak- their pelvis (and our pelvis is the center pating in her new approach to therapy.
ing pole dancing classes three times a connected to our pleasure in life!), who As I said goodbye, I asked Marija what
week until her teacher invited her to are afraid to be themselves. It is crucial she would say to a person who at the mo-
give some lessons when an opportuni- for every woman to liberate her femi- ment its struggling with their own issues
ty opened in the studio. And soon after nine side, free her sensuality and sexu- being body related or not and she said
the invitation Marija decided that this ality from shame and other unpleasant goodbye giving a last advice. “See what
was exactly what she wanted to do. feelings, to build her self-confidence and you’re not happy with your life, and just
Marija was given complete free- empower [her] as a woman. ”. This was find a way to change that. And if you can-
dom to command the classes the way also not an easy and natural process for not change it (because) some changes are
she wanted and at that moment pole Marija, during the interview she told one very hard then find support because like I
dance therapy emerged. Adjusting the of the moments in her life that showed did not do this on my own, I had so much
classes so that she also felt comfortable, her how important is to be comfortable support in my life from my teachers from
without even realizing at the beginning with yourself“ I was spending some time people around me from friends from my
Marija began to merge the two pas- with my brother’s girlfriend. And she was partner Just ask for the support, and you
sions of her life therapy and pole dance. also kind of being my friend. And she said know that the change is possible, believe
Shortly after the start of class, the pos- I’m going to have a shower. I want you to that everything you want is possible. ”

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