Greening Program at Barangay Dagupan Alicia Isabela

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Greening Program @ Barangay Dagupan Alicia Isabela

November 18, 2018 200 trees planted in the area Our Club supports environmental protection and
awareness by providing tree planting activities at Dagupan, Alicia Isabela. Participants from Local
Government Unit of Alicia, Rotarian and residents of the said project area showed their support to
the greening program We, the RC Alicia-Pagay is committed to serve the community through
social awareness by sharing our efforts to mitigate the effect of climate change an its adaptation. It
is not only a one shot planting activity, the Club will visit again the planted plant trees for us to
monitor the development of the project and ensure that those trees will provide us protection from
typhoon, flood, preserve underground water and final output will be clean and green environment.

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