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1. Who was Danae's son?

 Apollo

 Hercules

 Perseus

 Theseus

2. Who reigned over Seriphus?

 Polydectes

 Zeus

 Acrisius

 Pegasus

3. How many Gorgons were there?

 four

 three

 six

 five

4. How many snakes each Gorgon had on her head?

 forty

 sixty

 eighty

 hundred

5. What were the teeth of Gorgons?

 terribly long tusks

 needles

 spears

 daggers

6. What were the hands of Gorgons made of?

 gold

 brass

 silver

 copper

7. What happened to anyone who saw the face of a Gorgon?

 became a horse

 turned into dust

 turned into stone

 became a pig

8. Whose head did Polydectes ask Perseus to bring?

 Euryale

 Stheno

 Keto

 Medusa

9. Who came to help Perseus?

 Neptune

 Poseidon

 Uranus

 Quicksilver

10. What did Perseus polish?

 boots

 plate

 shield

 vessel

11. How many eyes the three Gray Sisters had amongst themselves?

 one
 two

 three

 six

12. Who gave the magic wallet, winged slippers and the invisible helmet to Perseus?

 Sirens

 Nymphs

 Pluto

 Mercury
What was the greatest center in Greece for the worship of Hera?

a. Argos

b. Sparta

c. Athens

d. Thebes

For whom did Perseus perform his task of slaying Medusa?

a. Athena

b. Acrisius

c. Proetus

d. Polydectes

What is the Hippocrene?

a. the bag used by Perseus

b. the eye of the Graeae

c. the fountain made by Pegasus

d. the monster sent by Poseidon

What arose from the Gorgon's blood falling upon the land of Libya?

a. the Atlas Range

b. snakes
c. Pegasus

d. Chrysaor

Who accused Bellerophon of trying to seduce her?

a. Phaedra

b. Clytië

c. Sthenoboea

d. Laodamia

For which Danaïd was a spring created near Argos?

a. Hypermnestra

b. Amymone

c. Europa

d. Io

Who was the mother of Perseus?

a. Europa

b. Andromeda

c. Danaë

d. Hypermnestra

How did Zeus seduce her?

a. He locked her in a chest and wouldn't let her go until she said yes.

b. He came to her as a shower of gold.

c. He promised that she would bear a heroic son.

d. He said that he would turn her into a Gorgon.

"Perseus, in his efforts to kill the Gorgon, was given aid by all but one of the following:"

a. the Graeae

b. some nymphs
c. Athena and Hermes

d. Aphrodite and Poseidon

What object was Perseus not given for his quest?

a. "Bubo, Athena's owl"

b. the Cap of Invisibility

c. a scimitar

d. "a bag, or kibisis"

"In order to get information from the three sisters of the Gorgons, Perseus:"

a. stole their magic wand

b. stole their one eye and tooth

c. threatened to do them bodily harm

d. threatened to disclose the secret location of their lair

What creature sprang from the beheaded trunk of the Gorgon?

a. Scylla

b. the Chimaera

c. Pegasus

d. the Hydra

Whose hand did Perseus receive in marriage?

a. Andromeda

b. Cassiepea

c. Io

d. Danaë

What is the fate of Acrisius?

a. He is shown the head of Medusa and turned to stone.

b. He is killed by the sea-monster sent by Poseidon.

c. He escapes the prophecy by going into exile.

d. He is killed by a misthrown discus.

The man who fished Perseus and his mother out of the sea was:

a. Polydectes

b. Acrisius

c. Iolaus

d. Dictys

An oracle told Acrisius that:

a. his daughter was going to murder him

b. his daughter would have a son who would kill him

c. he was going to die on his return trip

d. a man can't be called happy until he is dead

Which is not true of the hero Bellerophon?

a. He killed the monstrous Chimaera.

b. He succeeded in mounting Pegasus but died trying to reach heaven.

c. He did battle with the Solymi and Amazons.

d. He slew the race of Centaurs.

Athena was so taken by the wailing of the Gorgons for their dead sister that she:

a. invented the flute to re-create the sound

b. learned to mimic their sound with her own voice

c. punished them regularly to make them cry

d. always favored Perseus for having made them cry

"According to the Perseus myth, the first coral was created when:"

a. Medusa's head rested on some seaweed

b. the other Gorgons tried to pursue Perseus

c. Andromeda was sacrificed to the sea monster

d. Perseus dropped Medusa's head into the sea

Blood from the head of Medusa dripped on the Libyan desert and became:

a. coral

b. winged horses

c. camels

d. poisonous snakes

The twin brother of Danaüs was named:

a. Nauplius

b. Aegyptus

c. Argos

d. Abas

Bellerophon was sent away by King Proetus because:

a. he had killed the king's son

b. he was caught plotting to take over the kingdom

c. an oracle said Proetus would not prosper as long as he sheltered Bellerophon

d. the queen accused him of trying to seduce her

Forty-nine of the fifty daughters of Danaüs:

a. killed their husbands on their wedding night

b. slept with Heracles on the same night

c. were turned to stone

d. tried to persuade Perseus not to bother Medusa

What belief held by the Greeks is illustrated in this myth?

You can not escape your fate

What is the problem at the beginning of the myth?

King Acricius must get rid of Perceus before his grandson kills him

What characteristic must a hero such as Perceus possess?

Hermes should have a sense of adventure

What detail sets Perceus apart as a hero?

Hermes and Athena seem eager to help Perceus

Why does Polydectes send Perceus to kill Medusa?

Polydectes hopes Perceus will be killed by the Gorgons

What character trait did the Greeks value in a person?

Greeks valued a sense of justice

How does Perceus show that he is not only brave but smart during the battle at the wedding?

When Perceus uses the head of the Medusa, he shows how smart he is

Which character portrayed how the Greeks despised jealousy and envy?

Perceus' stepfather -- Polydectes

Why does Perceus show the Gorgon's head to his stepfather?

Perceus is tired of being taunted by his stepfather -- Polydectes

What did the oracle tell King Acrisius about his daughter, Danae?

Danae was going to die.

Danae would have a son who would kill him

Danae was a demigod.

Danae's son would slay Medusa.

30 Secs2

In what form did Zeus appear to Danae?

A Lightning Bolt

A Shower of Gold

A Normal Human

As Zeus Himself

30 Secs3

Who was Perseus?

Son of Poeisidon and Danae

Son of Hades and Danae

Son of Hermes and Danae

Son of Zeus and Danae

30 Secs4

What did King Acrisius do to Perseus and Danae

Attempted to kill them

Locked them in a tower

Locked them in a chest

Hid them from the Gods

30 Secs5

Who discovered Perseus and Danae after they washed up on the shore?




30 Secs6

What did Perseus promise to give Polydectes?

The head of Medusa

The blessing of his father Zeus

The had of a Sea serpent.

One-thousand gold bars

30 Secs7

What was Medusa?

A Hydra

A Gorgon

A Satyr

One of the fates

30 Secs8

What happens to anyone who lays eyes on Medusa?

They melt

They are blinded


They are turned to stone

30 Secs9

Who did Perseus go to in order to locate the Nymphs of the North?

His father Zeus


The sisters Phorcides

30 Secs10

What did Perseus steal from the sisters?

Their Gold

A magic wallet

Their boat

Their eye

30 Secs11

What did Hermes give Perseus?

A sword

A shield

Winged Sandals

Invisibility Cap

30 Secs12

What did Athena give to Perseus?

A sword

A shield

Winged sandals

The Gift of Knowledge

30 Secs13

What did the nymphs give to Perseus?

Winged Sandals, Sword, Shield

Winged Sandals, Invisibility Cap, Silver Sack

Sword, Shield, Invisibility Cap

Silver Sack, Sword, Shield, Armor

30 Secs14

How many Gorgons were there?

30 Secs15

How did Perseus avoid being turned to stone?

He looked at the Gorgon only through shield

He wore a mask

He blinded himself

He was a god

30 Secs16

What was Andromeda's punishment?

She was killed

She was being sacrificed to Sea Serpent

She was exiled

She was to be married

30 Secs17

This tale gave clues to how the following came about EXCEPT for...

snakes in Africa

the mighty mountains

rocks in the ocean

stars in the sky

30 Secs18
When Perseus returned home what did he do to Polydictes?

He stabbed him

He shot him with a bow

He poisoned him

He turned him into stone

30 Secs19

What became of Medusa's head?

It was thrown away

Perseus kept it in the sack

Zeus destroyed it with thunder

Athena put it on her shield

30 Secs20

What happened to King Acrisius?

Perseus killed him as revenge with head

King Acrisius dissappeared, never to be seen again

Perseus accidentaly killed him in a discus throw.

He was peacefully reunited with Perseus and Danae

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