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Yxing : Hi cy , how are you .

Cyee Hello yxing , I am fine.

Yxing : I am also fine , But you are looking so worried ?

Cyee : Yes yxing…. , I am really worried about pollution.

Yxing : Oh …. Really pollution is the biggest problem of our earth and

also our environment.

Cyee : Yes yxing ,… You are absolutely right . I am also watch about it in
T.V and also heard about it from my grandmother.

Yxing : Oh.. You only heard about it , but my dear friend I am effected
from pollution . So maybe I have better knowledge and experience
about it. Do you know Cyee. Every month mostly 10 to 15 people, child,
and animals died from pollution, and many people admit in hospitals.
Because they are not safe from pollution.

Cyee : I agree with you, because I am also effected by air and water
pollution. When I went to my uncle home at Delhi. Really Delhi is most
polluted city and there are lots of pollution and the reason of pollution
in Delhi . Because the population there is very high and the vehicle is
available in more quantity. Its all are polluted of our environment and
our health . So “if we don’t take action about it , it will kill us”..

Yxing : Exactly , but cyee … Delhi have not only air pollution there are
also water and soil pollution. Because there are yamuna river and this is
most polluted river in Delhi , and near of the river , mostly people
affected from their pollution. and they have not choice to solve this
problem because many people and government don’t take action . They
always promised to solve this problem but didn't do anything and
pollution level is increasing day by day and its effected of Delhi people by
air pollution.
So it’s a really very bad for our country because our ratio is decreasing.

Cyee : But we know about it very well but we don’t take action on
Yxing : Yes cy , according to me…we should be take action on it. So i
would like to participate in NSS . Because NSS is work for society and our
country and it also makes society aware and its also solve the problem
by unity of NSS. NSS said …. ” Be a part of the solution ‘Not part of the

Cy : Your thought is good, but friend , according to me , for reducing

pollution , We should be grow the plant of the tree. We should reduce
the use of vehicles and use CNG at the place of gasoline and should not
use polythene. And if we take these things in daily routine and follow
them, we will actually be able to reduce the pollution.

Yx : Really friend, Our dialogue conversation will greatly affect the

pollution control and there are many way by which we can reduce
pollution, by recycling ; reusing ; waste minimisation etc

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