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We know that in case of Internal Combustion engines, combustion of air and

fuel takes place inside the engine cylinder and hot gases are generated. The
temperature of gases will be around 2300-2500°C. This is a very high temperature
and may result into burning of oil film between the moving parts and may result it
seizing or welding of same. So, this temperature must be reduced to about 150-
200°C at which the engine will work most efficiently. Too much cooling is also not
desirable since it reduces the thermal efficiency. So, the object of cooling system is
to keep the Engine running at its most efficient operating temperature. It is to be
noted that the engine is quite inefficient when it is cold and hence the cooling
system is designed in such a way that it prevents cooling when the engine is
warming up and till it attains to maximum efficient operating temperature, then it
starts cooling. To avoid overheating, and the consequent ill effects, the heat
transferred to an engine component (after a certain level) must be removed as
quickly as possible and be conveyed to the atmosphere. It will be proper to say the
cooling system as a temperature regulation system. It should be remembered that
abstraction of heat from the working medium by way of cooling the engine
components is a direct thermodynamic loss.


It is a building design approach that focuses on heat gain control and heat
dissipation in a building in order to improve the indoor thermal comfort with low
or nil energy consumption. This approach works either by preventing heat from
entering the interior (heat gain prevention) or by removing heat from the building
(natural cooling). Natural cooling utilizes on-site energy, available from the
natural environment, combined with the architectural design of building
components (e.g. building envelope), rather than mechanical systems to
dissipate heat. Therefore, natural cooling depends not only on the architectural
design of the building but how it uses the local site natural resources as heat sinks
(i.e. everything that absorbs or dissipates heat). Examples of on-site heat sinks are
the upper atmosphere (night sky), the outdoor air (wind), and the earth/soil.


Most modern internal combustion engines are cooled by a closed circuit

carrying liquid coolant through channels in the engine block and cylinder head,
where the coolant absorbs heat, to a heat exchanger or radiator where the coolant
releases heat into the air (or raw water, in the case of marine engines). Thus, while
they are not ultimately cooled by the liquid, because of the liquid-coolant circuit
they are known as water-cooled. In contrast, heat generated by an air-cooled
engine is released directly into the air. (Direct Cooled Engine) Typically this is
facilitated with metal fins covering the outside of the Cylinder Head and cylinders
which increase the surface area that air can act on. Air may be force fed with the
use of a fan and shroud to achieve efficient cooling with high volumes of air or
simply by natural air flow with well-designed and angled fins. In all combustion
engines, a great percentage of the heat generated (around 44%) escapes through the
exhaust, not through either a liquid cooling system or through the metal fins of an
air-cooled engine (12%). About 8% of the heat energy finds its way into the oil,
which although primarily meant for lubrication, also plays a role in heat dissipation
via cooler.




Various research carried out in past decade shows that heat transfer through
fin depends on number of fins, fin pitch, fin design, wind velocity, material and
climate conditions.

Hardik D. Rathod, at.el. [1] have numerically analyses different types of fin
for their heat transfer rates between 60 km/hr to 100 km/hr and found better heat
transfer rates for waving shaped fin than straight one.

Arnold E. Biermann and Benjamin Pinkel [2] obtained heat transfer

coefficient over a range of air speeds from 30 to 150 miles per hour from tests in a
wind tunnel of a series of electrically heated finned steel cylinder, which covered a
range of fin pitches from 0.10 to 0.60 inch, average fin thickness from 0.04 to 0.27
inch, and fin width from 0.37 to 1.47 inch. They concluded that the value of
surface heat transfer coefficient varies mainly with air velocity and the space
between fins. The effect of the other fin dimensions is small.

J.C. Sanders[3] carried out the cooling tests on two cylinders, one with
original steel fins and one with 1-inch spiral copper fins brazed on the barrel. The
copper fins improved the overall heat transfer coefficient from the barrel to the air
115 per cent. They also concluded that in the range of practical fins dimensions,
copper fins having the same weight as the original steel fins will give at least 1.8
times the overall heat transfer of the original steel fins.

Denpong Sood [4] compared the heat transfer performance of

various fin geometries. These consist of plate fins or pin fins, which can be round,
elliptical, or square. The plate fins can be continuous (parallel plates) or staggered.

The basis of comparison was chosen to be a circular array of 1mm diameter pin
fins with a 2mm pitch. The ratio of solid to fluid thermal conductivity for
aluminium and air is quite high, around 7000, permitting the fins to be modelled as
isothermal surfaces rather than conjugate solids. The CFD simulations were carried
out on a two-dimensional computational domain bounded by planes of symmetry
parallel to the flow. The air approach velocity was in the range of 0.5 to 5 m/s. The
staggered plate fin geometry showed the highest heat transfer for a given
combination of pressure gradient and flow rate.

Fernando Illan [5] simulated the heat transfer from cylinder to air of a two-
stroke internal combustion finned engine. The cylinder body, cylinder head (both
provided with fins), and piston have been numerically analysed and optimized in
order to minimize engine dimensions. The maximum temperature admissible at the
hottest point of the engine has been adopted as the limiting condition. Starting
from a zero dimensional combustion model developed in previous works, the
cooling system geometry of a two-stroke air cooled internal combustion engine has
been optimized in this paper by reducing the total volume occupied by the engine.
A total reduction of 20.15% has been achieved by reducing the total engine
diameter D from 90.62 mm to 75.22 mm and by increasing the total height H from
125.72 mm to 146.47 mm and the aspect ratio varies from 1.39 to 1.95. In parallel
with the total volume reduction, a slight increase in engine efficiency has been

Bassam A and K Abu Hijleh [6] investigated the problem of cross-flow

forced convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder with multiple, equally
spaced, high conductivity permeable fins on its outer surface numerically.
Permeable fins provided much higher heat transfer rates compared to the more
traditional solid fins for a similar cylinder configuration. The ratio between the

permeable to solid Nusselt numbers increased with Reynolds number and fin
height but tended to decrease with number of fins. Permeable fins resulted in much
larger aerodynamic and thermals wakes which significantly reduced the
effectiveness of the downstream fins, especially at θ < 90°. A single long
permeable fin tended to offer the best convection heat transfer from a cylinder.

Masao[7] investigated effect of number of fin, fin pitch and

wind velocity on air-cooling using experimental cylinders for an air-cooled engine
of a motor-cycle in wind tunnel. Heat release from the cylinder did not improve
when the cylinder had the more fins and too narrow a fin pitch at lower wind
velocities, because it is difficult for the air to flow in to the narrower space
between the fins, Therefore, the temperature between them increased. They have
concluded that the optimized fin pitches with the greatest effective cooling are at
20 mm for non-moving and 8mm for moving.

Han-Taw Chen and Wei Lun Hsu [8] used the finite difference method in
conjunction with the least-squares scheme and experimental temperature data to
predict the average heat transfer coefficient and fin efficiency on the fin of annular
finned tube heat exchangers in natural convection for various fin spacing. The
results show that the h value increases with increasing the fin spacing S, and the fin
efficiency decreases with increasing the fin spacing S. However, these two values
respectively approach their corresponding asymptotical values obtained from a
single fin as S→∞. The fin temperature departs from the ideal isothermal situation
and decreases more rapidly away from the circular centre with increased fin



An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert one form

of energy into mechanical energy. Heat engines, like the internal combustion
engine, burn a fuel to create heat which is then used to do work. Electric
motors convert electrical energy into mechanical motion, pneumatic
motors use compressed air, and clockwork motors in wind-up toys use elastic
energy. In biological systems, molecular motors, like myosins in muscles,
use chemical energy to create forces and eventually motion.



The word engine derives from Old French engin, from the Latin ingenium–
the root of the word ingenious. Pre-industrial weapons of war, such as catapults,
trebuchets and battering rams, were called siege engines, and knowledge of how to
construct them was often treated as a military secret. The word gin, as in cotton
gin, is short for engine. Most mechanical devices invented during the industrial
revolution were described as engines - the steam engine being a notable example.
However, the original steam engines, such as those by Thomas Savery, were not
mechanical engines but pumps. In this manner, a fire engine in its original form
was merely a water pump, with the engine being transported to the fire by horses.

In modern usage, the term engine typically describes devices, like steam
engines and internal combustion engines, that burn or otherwise consume fuel to
perform mechanical work by exerting a torque or linear force (usually in the form
of thrust). Devices converting heat energy into motion are commonly referred to
simply as engines. Examples of engines which exert a torque include the familiar
automobile gasoline and diesel engines, as well as turbo shafts. Examples of
engines which produce thrust include turbofans and rockets.

When the internal combustion engine was invented, the term motor was
initially used to distinguish it from the steam engine - which was in wide use at the
time, powering locomotives and other vehicles such as steam rollers. The term
motor derives from the Latin verb moto which means to set in motion, or maintain
motion. Thus a motor is a device that imparts motion.

Motor and engine are interchangeable in standard English. In some

engineering jargons, the two words have different meanings, in which engine is a

device that burns or otherwise consumes fuel, changing its chemical composition,
and a motor is a device driven by electricity, air, or hydraulic pressure, which does
not change the chemical composition of its energy source. However, rocketry uses
the term rocket motor, even though they consume fuel.

A heat engine may also serve as a prime mover - a component that

transforms the flow or changes in pressure of a fluid into mechanical energy. An
automobile powered by an internal combustion engine may make use of various
motors and pumps, but ultimately all such devices derive their power from the
engine. Another way of looking at it is that a motor receives power from an
external source, and then converts it into mechanical energy, while an engine
creates power from pressure (derived directly from the explosive force of
combustion or other chemical reaction, or secondarily from the action of some
such force on other substances such as air, water, or steam).


Simple machines, such as the club and oar (examples of the lever), are
prehistoric. More complex engines using human power, animal power, water
power, wind power and even steam power date back to antiquity. Human power
was focused by the use of simple engines, such as the capstan, windlass or
treadmill, and with ropes, pulleys, and block and tackle arrangements; this power
was transmitted usually with the forces multiplied and the speed reduced. These
were used in cranes and aboard ships in Ancient Greece, as well as in mines, water
pumps and siege engines in Ancient Rome. The writers of those times, including
Vitruvius, Frontinus and Pliny the Elder, treat these engines as commonplace, so
their invention may be more ancient.

According to Strabo, a water powered mill was built in Kaberia of the
kingdom of Mithridates during the 1st century BC. Use of water wheels in mills
spread throughout the Roman Empire over the next few centuries. Some were quite
complex, with aqueducts, dams, and sluices to maintain and channel the water,
along with systems of gears, or toothed-wheels made of wood and metal to
regulate the speed of rotation. More sophisticated small devices, such as the
Antikythera Mechanism used complex trains of gears and dials to act as calendars
or predict astronomical events. In a poem by Ausonius in the 4th century AD, he
mentions a stone-cutting saw powered by water. Hero of Alexandria is credited
with many such wind and steam powered machines in the 1st century AD,
including the Aeolipile and the vending machine, often these machines were
associated with worship, such as animated altars and automated temple doors.

Medieval Muslim engineers employed gears in mills and water-raising

machines, and used dams as a source of water power to provide additional power
to watermills and water-raising machines. In the medieval Islamic world, such
advances made it possible to mechanize many industrial tasks previously carried
out by manual labour.

In 1206, al-Jazari employed a crank-conrod system for two of his water-

raising machines. A rudimentary steam turbine device was described by Taqi al-
Din in 1551 and by Giovanni Branca in 1629.

The Watt steam engine was the first type of steam engine to make use of
steam at a pressure just above atmospheric to drive the piston helped by a partial
vacuum. Improving on the design of the 1712 New comen steam engine, the Watt
steam engine, developed sporadically from 1763 to 1775, was a great step in the
development of the steam engine. Offering a dramatic increase in fuel efficiency,

James Watt's design became synonymous with steam engines, due in no small part
to his business partner, Matthew Boulton. It enabled rapid development of efficient
semi-automated factories on a previously unimaginable scale in places where
waterpower was not available. Later development led to steam locomotives and
great expansion of railway transportation.

As for internal combustion piston engines, these were tested in France in

1807 by de Rivaz and independently, by the Niépce brothers. They were
theoretically advanced by Carnot in 1824. In 1853–57 Eugenio Barsanti and Felice
Matteucci invented and patented an engine using the free-piston principle that was
possibly the first 4-cycle engine.[13]

The invention of an internal combustion engine which was later

commercially successful was made during 1860 by Etienne Lenoir.

In 1877 the Otto cycle was capable of giving a far higher power to weight
ratio than steam engines and worked much better for many transportation
applications such as cars and aircraft.


An engine can be put into a category according to two criteria: the form of
energy it accepts in order to create motion, and the type of motion it outputs.



Combustion engines are heat engines driven by the heat of
a combustion process. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE

The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a
fuel (generally, fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion
chamber. In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the
high temperature and high pressure gases, which are produced by the combustion,
directly applies force to components of the engine, such as the pistons or turbine
blades or a nozzle, and by moving it over a distance, generates mechanical work.

An external combustion engine (EC engine) is a heat engine where an
internal working fluid is heated by combustion of an external source, through the
engine wall or a heat exchanger. The fluid then, by expanding and acting on
the mechanism of the engine produces motion and usable work. The fluid is then
cooled, compressed and reused (closed cycle), or (less commonly) dumped, and
cool fluid pulled in (open cycle air engine).

"Combustion" refers to burning fuel with an oxidizer, to supply the heat.

Engines of similar (or even identical) configuration and operation may use a
supply of heat from other sources such as nuclear, solar, geothermal or exothermic
reactions not involving combustion; but are not then strictly classed as external
combustion engines, but as external thermal engines.

The working fluid can be a gas as in a Stirling engine, or steam as in a steam

engine or an organic liquid such as n-pentane in an Organic Rankine cycle. The
fluid can be of any composition; gas is by far the most common, although even
single-phase liquid is sometimes used. In the case of the steam engine, the fluid
changes phases between liquid and gas. AIR-BREATHING COMBUSTION ENGINES

Air-breathing combustion engines are combustion engines that use

the oxygen in atmospheric air to oxidise ('burn') the fuel, rather than carrying
an oxidiser, as in a rocket. Theoretically, this should result in a better specific
impulse than for rocket engines.

A continuous stream of air flows through the air-breathing engine. This air is
compressed, mixed with fuel, ignited and expelled as the exhaust gas.

Typical air-breathing engines include:

 Reciprocating engine
 Steam engine
 Gas turbine
air breathing jet engine
Turbo-propeller engine

 Pulse detonation engine

 Pulse jet
 Ramjet
 Scramjet
 Liquid air cycle engine/Reaction Engines SABRE. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS

The operation of engines typically has a negative impact upon air
quality and ambient sound levels. There has been a growing emphasis on the
pollution producing features of automotive power systems. This has created new
interest in alternate power sources and internal-combustion engine refinements.
Though a few limited-production battery-powered electric vehicles have appeared,
they have not proved competitive owing to costs and operating characteristics. In
the 21st century the diesel engine has been increasing in popularity with
automobile owners. However, the gasoline engine and the Diesel engine, with their
new emission-control devices to improve emission performance, have not yet been
significantly challenged. A number of manufacturers have introduced hybrid
engines, mainly involving a small gasoline engine coupled with an electric motor

and with a large battery bank, but these too have yet to make much of an inroad
into the market shares of gasoline and Diesel engines. AIR QUALITY

Exhaust from a spark ignition engine consists of the following: nitrogen 70
to 75% (by volume), water vapor 10 to 12%, carbon dioxide 10 to
13.5%, hydrogen 0.5 to 2%, oxygen 0.2 to 2%, carbon monoxide: 0.1 to 6%,
unburnt hydrocarbons and partial oxidation products (e.g. aldehydes) 0.5 to
1%, nitrogen monoxide 0.01 to 0.4%, nitrous oxide <100 ppm, sulfur dioxide 15 to
60 ppm, traces of other compounds such as fuel additives and lubricants, also
halogen and metallic compounds, and other particles. Carbon monoxide is highly
toxic, and can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, so it is important to avoid any
build-up of the gas in a confined space. Catalytic converters can reduce toxic
emissions, but not completely eliminate them. Also, resulting greenhouse gas
emissions, chiefly carbon dioxide, from the widespread use of engines in the
modern industrialized world is contributing to the global greenhouse effect – a
primary concern regarding global warming.


Some engines convert heat from non combustive processes into mechanical
work, for example a nuclear power plant uses the heat from the nuclear reaction to
produce steam and drive a steam engine, or a gas turbine in a rocket engine may be
driven by decomposing hydrogen peroxide. Apart from the different energy source,
the engine is often engineered much the same as an internal or external combustion
engine. Another group of non combustive engines includes thermo-acoustic heat
engines (sometimes called "TA engines") which are thermo-acoustic devices which
use high-amplitude sound waves to pump heat from one place to another, or
conversely use a heat difference to induce high-amplitude sound waves. In general,
thermo-acoustic engines can be divided into standing wave and travelling wave



Given that the majority of engines for which a speed is defined rotate,
engine speed is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). Engines may be
classified as low-speed, medium-speed or high-speed, but these terms are always
relative and depend on the type of engine being described. Generally, diesel
engines operate at lower speeds (~1500–4000 RPM for an automotive diesel)
compared to gasoline engines (~2200–6000 RPM for an automotive gasoline
engine). Electric motors and turbo shafts are capable of very high speeds (~10,000
RPM or more), generally constrained only by the bulk modulus and intended
service life of the parts constituting the rotor, which must bear the brunt of
the centrifugal force.

3.5.2 THRUST
Thrust is the force arising from the interaction between two masses which
exert equal but opposite forces on each other due to their speed. The force F can be
measured either in newtons (N, SI units) or more rarely in pounds-thrust (lbf,
imperial units).

Depending on the type of engine employed, different rates of efficiency are

For heat engines, efficiency cannot be greater than the Carnot efficiency.

In the case of sound levels, engine operation is of greatest impact with
respect to mobile sources such as automobiles and trucks. Engine noise is a
particularly large component of mobile source noise for vehicles operating at lower
speeds, where aerodynamic and tire noise is less significant. Generally speaking,
petrol (gasoline) and diesel engines emit less noise than turbo shafts of equivalent
power output; electric motors very often emit less noise than their fossil fuel-
powered equivalents. Thrust-outputting engines, such as turbofans, turbojets and
rockets emit the greatest amount of noise because their method of producing thrust
is directly related to the production of sound. Various methods have been devised
to reduce noise. Petrol and diesel engines are fitted with mufflers (silencers); newer
turbofans often have outsized fans (the so-called high-bypass technology) in order
to reduce the proportion of noisy, hot exhaust from the integrated turbo shaft in the
exhaust stream, and hush kits exist for older, low-bypass turbofans. No known
methods exist for reducing the noise output of rockets without a corresponding
reduction in thrust.



SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer aided design (CAD) and

computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program that runs on Microsoft
Windows. SolidWorks is published by Dassault Systèmes.

According to the publisher, over two million engineers and designers at

more than 165,000 companies were using SolidWorks as of 2013. Also according
to the company, fiscal year 2011–12 revenue for SolidWorks totalled $483 million.


SolidWorks Corporation was founded in December 1993 by Massachusetts

Institute of Technology graduate Jon Hirschtick. Hirschtick used $1 million he had
made while a member of the MIT Blackjack Team to set up the company. Initially
based in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States, Hirschtick recruited a team of
engineers with the goal of building 3D CAD software that was easy-to-use,
affordable, and available on the Windows desktop. Operating later from Concord,
Massachusetts, SolidWorks released its first product SolidWorks 95, in November
1995. In 1997 Dassault, best known for its CATIA CAD software, acquired
SolidWorks for $310 million in stock. Jon Hirschtick stayed on board for the next

14 years in various roles. Under his leadership, SolidWorks grew to a $100 million
revenue company.

SolidWorks currently markets several versions of the SolidWorks CAD

software in addition to eDrawings, a collaboration tool, and DraftSight, a 2D CAD

SolidWorks was headed by John McEleney from 2001 to July 2007 and Jeff
Ray from 2007 to January 2011. The current CEO is Gian Paolo Bassi from Jan
2015. Gian Paolo Bassi replaces Bertrand Sicot, who is promoted Vice President
Sales of Dassault Systèmes’ Value Solutions sales channel.


SolidWorks is a solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature-

based approach which was initially developed by PTC (Creo/Pro-Engineer) to
create models and assemblies. The software is written on Parasolid-kernel.

Parameters refer to constraints whose values determine the shape or

geometry of the model or assembly. Parameters can be either numeric parameters,
such as line lengths or circle diameters, or geometric parameters, such as tangent,
parallel, concentric, horizontal or vertical, etc. Numeric parameters can be
associated with each other through the use of relations, which allows them to
capture design intent.

Design intent is how the creator of the part wants it to respond to changes
and updates. For example, you would want the hole at the top of a beverage can to
stay at the top surface, regardless of the height or size of the can. SolidWorks
allows the user to specify that the hole is a feature on the top surface, and will then
honor their design intent no matter what height they later assign to the can.

Features refer to the building blocks of the part. They are the shapes and
operations that construct the part. Shape-based features typically begin with a 2D
or 3D sketch of shapes such as bosses, holes, slots, etc. This shape is then extruded
or cut to add or remove material from the part. Operation-based features are not
sketch-based, and include features such as fillets, chamfers, shells, applying draft
to the faces of a part, etc.

Building a model in SolidWorks usually starts with a 2D sketch (although

3D sketches are available for power users). The sketch consists of geometry such
as points, lines, arcs, conics (except the hyperbola), and splines. Dimensions are
added to the sketch to define the size and location of the geometry. Relations are
used to define attributes such as tangency, parallelism, perpendicularity, and
concentricity. The parametric nature of SolidWorks means that the dimensions and
relations drive the geometry, not the other way around. The dimensions in the
sketch can be controlled independently, or by relationships to other parameters
inside or outside of the sketch.

In an assembly, the analog to sketch relations are mates. Just as sketch

relations define conditions such as tangency, parallelism, and concentricity with
respect to sketch geometry, assembly mates define equivalent relations with
respect to the individual parts or components, allowing the easy construction of
assemblies. SolidWorks also includes additional advanced mating features such as
gear and cam follower mates, which allow modeled gear assemblies to accurately
reproduce the rotational movement of an actual gear train.

Finally, drawings can be created either from parts or assemblies. Views are
automatically generated from the solid model, and notes, dimensions and
tolerances can then be easily added to the drawing as needed. The drawing module

includes most paper sizes and standards. (ANSI, ISO, DIN, GOST, JIS, BSI and


SolidWorks files (previous to version 2015) use the Microsoft Structured
Storage file format. This means that there are various files embedded within each
SLDDRW (drawing files), SLDPRT (part files), SLDASM (assembly files) file,
including preview bitmaps and metadata sub-files. Various third-party tools
(see COM Structured Storage) can be used to extract these sub-files, although the
sub files in many cases use proprietary binary file formats.


Solid works is a software tool that is used right from the conceptualization of
the design until the final manufacturing of the product. As the world's leading tool
in designing, it supports interactive learning of 3D modeling. The implementation
of such software can lend several benefits to the users, such as:

 Shortened Design Cycle

 Increased Productivity of Engineers and Designer
 Faster Deliver Innovative Products

SolidWorks is what we call a "parametric" solid modeller used for 3-D

design. Parametric means that the dimensions can have relationships between one
another and can be changed at any point during the design process to automatically
alter the solid part and any related documentation (blueprint). AutoCAD, however,
is primarily a 2-D design tool with some, but limited 3-D capabilities. It is very

simple compared to any parametric solid modeller (although 3D is improved in
AutoCAD 2007). Autodesk (the manufacturer of AutoCAD) makes a product that
is nearly identical to SolidWorks, called Inventor, which is a parametric program
for design of solid parts and assemblies.

SolidWorks is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program that

runs on Microsoft Windows. SolidWorks files use the Microsoft Structured storage
file format. This means that there is various files embedded within each SLDDRW
(drawing files), SLDPRT (part files), SLDASM (assembly files), with preview
bitmaps and metadata sub-files. Various third-party tools can be used to extract
these sub-files, although the sub-files in many cases use proprietary binary file
formats. SolidWorks is a parasolid-based solid modeller, and utilizes a parametric
feature-based approach to create models and assemblies. Parameters refer to
restrictions which values determine the shape or geometry of the model.
Parameters can be either numeric, such as line lengths or circle diameters, or
geometric, such as tangent, parallel, concentric, horizontal or vertical. Numeric
parameters can be associated with each other through the use of relations, which
allows them to capture design intent.

AutoCAD is, just like SolidWorks, a Computer Aided Design software

application for 2-D and 3-D design and drafting. AutoCAD was one of the first
CAD programs to run on personal or home computers, notably the IBM personal

At that time, most other CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or

mini-computers that were connected to a graphics computer terminal for each user.
Early releases of AutoCAD used basic entities such as lines, poly-lines, circles,
arcs, and text to ultimately construct more complex objects. AutoCAD has since

started to support custom objects through its C++ Application Programming
Interface (API).

Modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basic solid modelling and 3-D tools.
With the release of AutoCAD 2007 improved 3D modelling saw the light, which
means better navigation when working in three dimensions. It also became easier
to edit 3-D models. The mental ray engine was included in rendering and thus it
was now possible to do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced parametric
functionality and network modelling. At this moment, AutoCAD only runs under
Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
AutoCAD can run on an emulator or compatibility layer like VM-ware
Workstation or Wine, although various performance issues can arise if you work
with 3-D objects or large drawings.

Choosing a system that works for you depends solely on the type of work
you want to do. Many experts say that SolidWorks is more effective when working
on 3 dimensional designs and that AutoCAD is the way to go for 2 dimensional


 User friendly (Easy to learn)

 Integrated to different other software's like SOLID CAM, ANSYS.
(Direct import and export of the file can be done easily)
 Complex motion analysis can be done.
 Realistic rendering can be obtained but not that good as Catia.
 Complex surfaces can be Designed and their patterns can be viewed.

 A proper estimation of Cost report and durability of the given product
can be obtained.
 Weldments is an additional added feature then other software's


 Few modules like Ergonomics is still missing.

 Drawing and drafting particular product is still to basic level.


 solidworks is used internationally by millions of companies

 The software grants the designer, ability to import data, store it securely
while maintaining flexibility and accessibility
 Designers and engineers categorize SOLIDWORKS as an innovative way to
accept project challenges


Ansys is an American public company based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.
It develops and markets engineering simulation software. Ansys software is used to
design products and semiconductors, as well as to create simulations that test a
product's durability, temperature distribution, fluid movements, and
electromagnetic properties.

Ansys was founded in 1970 by John Swanson. Swanson sold his interest in
the company to venture capitalists in 1993. Ansys went public on NASDAQ in
1996. In the 2000s, Ansys made numerous acquisitions of other engineering design
companies, acquiring additional technology for fluid dynamics, electronics design,
and other physics analysis.

The idea for Ansys was first conceived by John Swanson while working at
the Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory in the 1960s. At the time, engineers
performed finite element analysis (FEA) by hand. Westinghouse rejected
Swanson's idea to automate FEA by developing general purpose engineering
software, so Swanson left the company in 1969 to develop the software on his
own. He founded Ansys under the name Swanson Analysis Systems Inc. (SASI)
the next year, working out of his farmhouse in Pittsburgh.

Swanson developed the initial Ansys software on punch-cards and used a

mainframe computer that was rented by the hour. Westinghouse hired Swanson as
a consultant, under the condition that any code he developed for Westinghouse
could also be included in the Ansys product line. Westinghouse also became the
first Ansys user.

The first commercial version of Ansys software was labeled version 2.0 and
released in 1971. At the time, the software was made up of boxes of punch cards,
and the program was typically run overnight to get results the following
morning. In 1975, non-linear and thermo-electric features were added. The
software was exclusively used on mainframes, until version 3.0 (the second
release) was introduced for the VAXstation in 1979. Version 3 had a command
line interface like DOS.

In 1980, Apple II was released, allowing Ansys to convert to a graphical

user interface in version 4 later that year. Version 4 of the Ansys software was
easier to use and added features to simulate electromagnetism. In 1989, Ansys
began working with Compuflo. Compuflo's Flotran fluid dynamics software was
integrated into Ansys by version 5, which was released in 1993. Performance
improvements in version 5.1 shortened processing time two to four-fold, and was
followed by a series of performance improvements to keep pace with
advancements in computing. Ansys also began integrating its software with CAD
software, such as Autodesk.

In 1996, Ansys released the Design Space structural analysis software, the
LS-DYNA crash and drop test simulation product, and the Ansys Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulator. Ansys also added parallel processing support for
PCs with multiple processors. The educational product Ansys/ed was introduced in
1998. Version 6.0 of the main Ansys product was released in December
2001. Version 6.0 made large-scale modeling practical for the first time, but many
users were frustrated by a new blue user interface. The interface was redone a few
months later in 6.1. Version 8.0 introduced the Ansys multi-field solver, which

allows users to simulate how multiple physics problems would interact with one

Version 8.0 was published in 2005 and introduced Ansys' fluid-structure

interaction software, which simulates the effect structures and fluids have on one
another. Ansys also released its Probabilistic Design System and Design Xplorer
software products, which both deal with probabilities and randomness of physical
elements. In 2009 version 12 was released with an overhauled second version of
Workbench. Ansys also began increasingly consolidating features into the
Workbench software.

Version 15 of Ansys was released in 2014. It added a new features for

composites, bolted connections, and better mesh tools. In February 2015, version
16 introduced the AIM physics engine and Electronics Desktop, which is for
semiconductor design. The following year, version 17 introduced a new user
interface and performance improvement for computing fluid dynamics
problems. In January 2017, Ansys released version 18. Version 18 allowed users to
collect real-world data from products and then incorporate that data into future
simulations. The Ansys Application Builder, which allows engineers to build, use,
and sell custom engineering tools, was also introduced with version 18.


The ANSYS Mechanical software suite is trusted by organizations around

the world to rapidly solve complex structural and thermal problems with ease.

Structural mechanics solutions from ANSYS provide the ability to simulate

every structural aspect of a product, including nonlinear static analysis that
provides stresses & deformations, modal analysis that determines vibration

characteristics, through to advanced transient nonlinear phenomena involving
dynamic effects & complex material behavior.

Using ANSYS Mechanical software solutions, you can import geometries of

complex assemblies, optimally mesh them, and apply realistic boundary
conditions. Following these preprocessing steps, you can perform analyses to
assess the strength, vibration, motion and thermal response characteristics of the
system. A variety of graphical tools allow you to easily visualize the results of your
simulation, showing you how best to modify your design and optimize your
product so you can get it to market quickly.

4.2.4 USES

The uses of ANSYS are numerous in number, but finally all of them leads
to one single concept called profitability to the organization.


 ANSYS can import all kinds of CAD geometries (3D and 2D) from
different CAD software's and perform simulations, and also it has the
capability of creating one effortlessly. ANSYS has inbuilt CAD
developing software's like Design Modeler and Space Claim which
makes the work flow even smoother.
 Study the behavior of a system without building it.
 ANSYS has the capability of performing advanced engineering
simulations accurately and realistic in nature by its variety of contact
algorithms, time dependent simulations and non-linear material models.
 Results are accurate in general, compared to analytical model.
 Help to find un-expected phenomenon, behavior of the system

 ANSYS has the capability of integrating various physics into one
platform and perform the analysis. Just like integrating a thermal
analysis with structural and integrating fluid flow analysis with thermal
and structural, etc.,
 ANSYS now has featured its development into a product called ANSYS
AIM, which is capable of performing multi physics simulation. It is a
single platform which can integrate all kinds of physics and perform
 ANSYS has its own customization tool called ACT which uses python
as a background scripting language and used in creating customized user
required features in it.
 ANSYS has the capability to optimize various features like the
geometrical design, boundary conditions and analyse the behavior of the
product under various criterion's.
 Easy to perform ``What-If'' analysis.


 Expensive to build a simulation model.

 Expensive to conduct simulation.
 Sometimes it is difficult to interpret the simulation results.

6061 is a precipitation hardened aluminium alloy and containing magnesium
and silicon as its major alloying elements. Originally called "Alloy 61S" it was
developed in 1935. It has good mechanical properties, exhibits good weldability,
and is very commonly extruded (second in popularity only to 6063). It is one of the
most common alloys of aluminum for general-purpose use.

It is commonly available in pre-tempered grades such as 6061-O (annealed),

tempered grades such as 6061-T6 (solutionized and artificially aged) and 6061-
T651 (solutionized, stress-relieved stretched and artificially aged).


The alloy composition of 6061 is:

 Silicon minimum 0.4%, maximum 0.8% by weight

 Iron no minimum, maximum 0.7%
 Copper minimum 0.15%, maximum 0.4%
 Manganese no minimum, maximum 0.15%
 Magnesium minimum 0.8%, maximum 1.2%
 Chromium minimum 0.04%, maximum 0.35%
 Zinc no minimum, maximum 0.25%
 Titanium no minimum, maximum 0.15%
 Other elements no more than 0.05% each, 0.15% total
 Remainder aluminum (95.85–98.56%)


The mechanical properties of 6061 depend greatly on the temper, or heat

treatment, of the material. Young's Modulus is 69 GPa (10,000 ksi) regardless of

5.4 6061
Annealed 6061 (6061-O temper) has maximum tensile strength no more than
150 MPa (22,000 psi), and maximum yield strength no more than 83 MPa
(12,000 psi) or 110 MPa (16,000 psi). The material has elongation (stretch before
ultimate failure) of 10–18%.

5.5 6061-T4
T4 temper 6061 has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 180 MPa
(26,000 psi) or 210 MPa (30,000 psi) and yield strength of at least 110 MPa
(16,000 psi). It has elongation of 10-16%.

5.6 6061-T6
T6 temper 6061 has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 290 MPa
(42,000 psi) and yield strength of at least 240 MPa (35,000 psi). More typical
values are 310 MPa (45 ksi) and 270 MPa (39 ksi), respectively. In thicknesses of
6.35 mm (0.250 in) or less, it has elongation of 8% or more; in thicker sections, it
has elongation of 10%. T651 temper has similar mechanical properties. The typical
value for thermal conductivity for 6061-T6 at 25 °C (77 °F) is around 152 W/m K.
A material data sheet [13] defines the fatigue limit under cyclic load as 97 MPa
(14,000 psi) for 500,000,000 completely reversed cycles using a standard RR
Moore test machine and specimen.

Note that aluminum does not exhibit a well-defined "knee" on its S-n graph,
so there is some debate as to how many cycles equates to "infinite life". Also note
the actual value of fatigue limit for an application can be dramatically affected by
the conventional de-rating factors of loading, gradient, and surface finish.

6061 is commonly used for the following:

 Construction of aircraft structures, such as wings and fuselages, more

commonly in homebuilt aircraft than commercial or military aircraft. 2024
alloy is somewhat stronger, but 6061 is more easily worked and remains
resistant to corrosion even when the surface is abraded, which is not the case
for 2024, which is usually used with a thin Alclad coating for corrosion
 yacht construction, including small utility boats.
 Automotive parts, such as the chassis of the Audi A8.
 some tactical flashlights
 Aluminum cans for the packaging of food and beverages.
 SCUBA tanks (post 1995)

6061-T6 is used for:

 bicycle frames and components.

 many fly fishing reels.
 the Pioneer plaque was made of this alloy.
 the secondary chambers and baffle systems in firearm
sound suppressors (primarily pistol suppressors for reduced weight and
improved mechanical functionality), while the primary expansion chambers
usually require 17-4PH or 303 stainless steel or titanium.
 The upper and lower receivers of many non mil-spec AR-15 rifle variants.
 Many aluminum docks and gangways are constructed with 6061-T6 extrusions,
and welded into place.
 Material used in some ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chambers
 Many parts for remote controlled model aircraft, notably helicopter
rotor components.

6061 is highly weldable, for example using tungsten inert gas welding (TIG)
or metal inert gas welding (MIG). Typically, after welding, the properties near the
weld are those of 6061-T4, a loss of strength of around 40%. The material can be
re-heat-treated to restore near -T6 temper for the whole piece. After welding, the
material can naturally age and restore some of its strength as well. Most strength is
recovered in the first few days to a few weeks. Nevertheless, the Aluminum Design
Manual (Aluminum Association) recommends the design strength of the material
adjacent to the weld to be taken as 165 MPa/24000 PSI without proper heat
treatment after the welding. Typical filler material is 4043 or 5356.

6061 is an alloy used in the production of extrusions—long constant–cross-
section structural shapes produced by pushing metal through a shaped die.

6061 is an alloy that is suitable for hot forging. The billet is heated through
an induction furnace and forged using a closed die process. This particular alloy is
suitable for open die forgings. Automotive parts, ATV parts, and industrial parts
are just some of the uses as a forging. Aluminum 6061 can be forged into flat or

round bars, rings, blocks, discs and blanks, hollows, and spindles. 6061 can be
forged into special and custom shapes.


Physical properties

Density (ρ) 2.70 g/cm3

Mechanical properties

Young's modulus (E) 68.9 GPa (9,990 ksi)

Tensile strength (σt) 124–290 MPa (18.0–

42.1 ksi)

Elongation (ε) at break 12–25%

Poisson's ratio (ν) 0.33

Thermal properties

Melting temperature (Tm) 585 °C (1,085 °F)

Thermal conductivity (k) 151–202 W/(m-K)

Linear thermal expansion

coefficient (α) 2.32×10−5 K−1




A fin is a thin component or appendage attached to a larger body or

structure. Fins typically function as foils that produce lift or thrust, or provide the
ability to steer or stabilize motion while traveling in water, air, or other fluids.


 Annular fins

 Curved fins

 Circular fins

 Rectangular fins

 Triangular fins

 Trapezoidal fins

 Pin fins


In thermal engineering, an annular fin is a specific type of fin used in heat

transfer that varies, radially, in cross-sectional area. Adding an annular fin to an
object increases the amount of surface area in contact with the surrounding fluid,
which increases the convective heat transfer between the object and surrounding
fluid. Because surface area increases as length from the object increases, an
annular fin transfers more heat than a similar pin fin at any given length. Annular
fins are often used to increase the heat exchange in liquid–gas heat exchanger



To derive the governing equation of an annular fin, certain assumptions must

be made. The fin must have constant thermal conductivity and other material
properties, there must be no internal heat generation, there must be only one-
dimensional conduction, and the fin must be at steady state.

The governing equation for heat transfer of an annular fin:


The maximum possible heat loss from an annular fin occurs when the fin is
isothermal. This ensures that the temperature difference between the fin and the
surrounding fluid is maximized at every point along the fin, increasing heat
transfer by convection, and ultimately heat loss Q:

The efficiency ηf of an annular fin is the ratio of its heat loss to the heat loss of a
similar isothermal fin:


In the study of heat transfer, fins are surfaces that extend from an object to
increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing
convection. The amount of conduction, convection, or radiation of an object
determines the amount of heat it transfers. Increasing the temperature gradient
between the object and the environment, increasing the convection heat transfer
coefficient, or increasing the surface area of the object increases the heat transfer.

Sometimes it is not feasible or economical to change the first two options. Thus,
adding a fin to an object, increases the surface area and can sometimes be an
economical solution to heat transfer problems.


To create a tractable equation for the heat transfer of a fin, many

assumptions need to be made:
1. Steady state
2. Constant material properties (independent of temperature)
3. No internal heat generation
4. One-dimensional conduction
5. Uniform cross-sectional area
6. Uniform convection across the surface area


Open cavities are defined as the regions formed between adjacent fins and
stand for the essential promoters of nucleate boiling or condensation. These
cavities are usually utilized to extract heat from a variety of heat generating bodies.
From 2004 until now, many researchers have been motivated to search for the
optimal design of cavities.

6.5.1 USES

Fins are most commonly used in heat exchanging devices such as radiators
in cars, computer CPU heatsinks, and heat exchangers in power plants. They are
also used in newer technology such as hydrogen fuel cells. Nature has also taken

advantage of the phenomena of fins. The ears of jackrabbits and fennec foxes act
as fins to release heat from the blood that flows through them.

6.2 Aluminium heat sink with 6.3 Aluminium heat sink with
low efficiency cooling fins high efficiency cooling fins














CURVED Minimum 2.880e+002 0.000e+000 0.000e+000
FINS Maximum 5.000e+003 1.093e+001 5.612e+004
ANGULAR Minimum 2.843e+002 0.000e+000 0.000e+000
FINS Maximum 2.000e+003 3.883e+000 6.243e+001


Design of fin plays an important role in heat transfer. There is a scope of

improvement in heat transfer of air cooled engine cylinder fin if mounted fin’s
shape varied from conventional one. Contact time between air flow and fin (time
between air inlet and outlet flow through fin) is also important factor in such heat
transfer. Wavy fin shaped cylinder block can be used for increasing the heat
transfer from the fins by creating turbulence for upcoming air. Improvements in
heat transfer can be compare with the two model of the engine fins geometry by
CFD Analysis and its flow characteristics are studied for all the geometries it is
found that the curved fins provide better result when compared with the angular



1. D.G.Kumbhar, et al. ―Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Study

of Convective Heat Transfer Augmentation from Horizontal
Rectangular Fin by Triangular Perforations‖, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (2009).
2. P.Agarwal, et al. ―Heat Transfer Simulation by CFD from Fins of an Air
Cooled Motorcycle Engine under Varying Climatic Conditions‖,
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (2011).
3. Yoshida Masao, et al. "Air-Cooling Effects of Fins on a Motorcycle
Engine." Nippon Kikai GakkaiRonbunshu B Hen (Transactions of the
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Part B) (Japan) 17(9): 2324-2330. (2005).
4. Biermann, A. E. and B. Pinkel.‖ Heat Transfer from finned metal cylinders
in an air stream‖, NACA Report No.488.
5. J.C.Sanders, et al. ―Cooling test of an air-cooled engine cylinder with copper
fins on the barrel‖, NACA Report E-103.
6. DenpongSoodphakdee, et al. "A Comparison of Fin Geometries for
Heatsinks in Laminar Forced Convection Part 1 - Round, Elliptical, and
Plate Fins in Staggered and In-Line Configurations", The International Journal of
Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging 24(1). (2001).
7. Fernando Illan and M. Alarcon . "Optimization of Annular Cylindrical and
Spherical Fins in an Internal Combustion Engine under Realistic
Conditions." Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 2. (2002).


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