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Pictures of the Future

The Magazine for Research and Innovation | Special Edition: Green Cities

Green Cities Sustainable Solutions for Buildings, Traffic and Energy

Infrastructures Buildings and Mobility Energy Technologies

Developing solutions that are both eco- Energy-efficient and intelligent Innovative answers for a livable,
nomical and sustainable technologies for tomorrow’s cities low-carbon future
Pictures of the Future | Editorial
A nna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, who was the
Executive Director of the United Nati-
ons Human Settlements Programme (UN-
many rivals to become the European Com-
mission’s “European Green Capital 2011.” It
owes its victory in large part to its extensi-
HABITAT) until 2010, summed up a crucial ve utilization and expansion of renewable
trend of our time when she said, “2007 energies, climate-friendly renovation of
was the year in which Homo sapiens beca- buildings, and systematic expansion of its
me Homo urbanus.” That year marked the local public transport network.
first time in history that the worldwide All of these are areas in which Siemens
number of city dwellers surpassed the is active as a global provider of infrastruc-
number of people living in rural regions — ture services ranging from smart building
and the urbanization process is far from fi- technology (p.32) to sustainable transpor-
nished. It is primarily the cities of the deve- tation solutions, such as driverless subways

Infrastructures Buildings and Energy

A Sustainable Future for Cities Mobility Technologies
Brigitte Ederer is a member of the Managing loping nations and emerging markets that (p.43) and extremely fuel-efficient hybrid 108 Scenario 2020 130 Scenario 2020 158 Scenario 2030
Board of Siemens AG. She has special responsibility will have to absorb almost the entire in- buses (p.45). The company also offers so- Talk of the Town Master of Efficiency The Electric Caravan
for the Economic Region Europe and is Head crease of the global population — approxi- lutions for more efficient energy producti-
of Corporate Human Resources. mately 1.3 billion people — in the next two on, including wind turbines at sea (p.71) 110 Trends 132 Trends 160 Trends
decades. This development poses tremen- and the world's most powerful gas turbine, Urban Nature Simple Steps that Save a Bundle Switching on the Vision
dous challenges for forward-looking and which alone could satisfy the power require-
113 European Green City Index 134 LED Streetlights 164 World’s Largest Gas Turbine
sustainable urban development programs. ments of all Hamburg’s households (p.64).
What Makes a City a Winner? World Heritage in a New Light Unmatched Efficiency
In developing and industrialized countries These examples show that available
alike, the quality of life depends on clean technologies can already help cities move 116 Kopenhagen 136 Networking 166 Virtual Power Plants
water and clean air, efficient transportati- toward their goal of generating zero CO2 Wind, Wood & Two Wheels Plugging Buildings into the Big Picture Power in Numbers
on systems, a climate-conserving energy emissions (p.21). The use of such techno-
supply, and smart building technology. logies is also worthwhile in business terms, 118 Oslo 138 Smart Meters 168 Power Plant Upgrades
In Europe, 73 percent of the population because measures to enhance energy effi- Green Milestones Transparent Network New Life for Old Plants
already lives in cities — in China that figure ciency often quickly pay for themselves. In
is only about 47 percent. How are Europe- other words, they reduce costs and emissi- 120 Paris 140 Facts and Forecasts 171 Offshore-Wind
an cities dealing with this development? ons. For example, in fiscal 2010 alone, pro- Fast Tracks, Bright Lights Greentech in the City High-Altitude Harvest
Siemens commissioned the Economist In- ducts and solutions from Siemens' Environ-
telligence Unit, an independent research mental Portfolio helped customers reduce 121 Study of a Carbon-Free Munich 141 Rail Vehicle Optimization 174 Energy Storage
Paths to a Better Planet Tough Tests for Trams Trapping the Wind
and consulting company, to find an answer CO2 emissions by about 267 million tons.
to this question. The result of its study is That's equivalent to the combined annual
124 Water Purification 142 Mobility Concept Vienna 177 Facts and Forecasts
the European Green City Index (p.13), CO2 emissions of New York, Tokyo, Lon- Singapore: Pooling Resources Exemplary Realization Highspeed for Mobility and Economy
which ranks the European countries' lar- don, Hong Kong, Berlin, and Rome.
gest cities in terms of their CO2 emissions, This is why Siemens has gladly suppor- 126 Facts and Forecasts 143 Metro Nuremberg 178 Power Heat from Biomass
energy supply, buildings, transportation, ted Hamburg’s efforts to publicize innovative Trillions for the Infrastructures Driverless Subways What a Fireplace!
water, air quality, waste disposal/land use, ideas for protecting the environment throug-
and environmental management. The ci- hout Europe. The result is the "Train of Ide- 127 Airports 145 Hybrid Drives for Buses 179 Solar Thermal Power
ties investigated range from Athens to Za- as," an interactive sustainability exhibition Flight from Carbon Dioxide Next Stop: Bonus for Breaking Focus on the Sun
greb, from Paris (p.20) to Istanbul, and from on rails. Six theme-based containers hou-
Oslo (p.18) to Berlin. The index not only sing many exhibits will impressively de- 1 148 Tunnel Safety
provides information about the investiga- monstrate how cities can be designed to Danger Made Visible
ted cities' strengths and weaknesses but be sustainable and offer a high quality of
149 Road Pricing
Cover: Since 2007, more of the Earth’s also aims to support their efforts to beco- life. Here, Siemens will be setting a good
population lives in cities than in rural me more sustainable. The initiative was a example as it quite literally powers the
A Toll Booth in Every Truck
areas. Making our cities more sustai- total success, and similar indices has now Train of Ideas — in the form of an energy- 151 Intelligent Traffic Management
nable is one of our most important also been created for Asian and Latin Ame- saving locomotive from the Eurosprinter 184 Train of Ideas
Faster Commuting
tasks. The Train of Ideas demonstra- rican cities. It will be followed by further indi- family. The locomotive’s technology enables European Tour for more
tes how this can be achieved. It is tra- ces for North America, Africa, and Germany. it to travel the length and breadth of the 152 Electromobility 186 Short Takes
velling to 18 European cities to show- In recent years the Hanseatic city of continent without problems — despite the From Wind to Wheels News from Siemens’ Labs
case sustainability ideas. In 12 of Hamburg has impressively demonstrated many different rail systems in operation. Re- 83 Feedback/Preview
these cities, Siemens will be present. that urban ecological and economic goals gardless of where it stops, this train will 155 Electric Vehicles
can be harmonized. This port city beat symbolize sustainability throughout Europe. Get a Charge!

2 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Pictures of the Future | Green Cities 3
Destinations Train of Ideas

Stops with

Brussels Hamburg Copenhagen Munich Oslo
The Belgian capital has approxi- With approximately 1.8 million in- Copenhagen has about 530,000 in- With some 1.3 million inhabitants, With about 600,000 inhabitants Nor-
mately 1.1 million inhabitants. On habitants, Hamburg is Germany’s habitants and is the capital of Den- Munich is Germany’s third-largest way’s biggest city. The city’s goal is to
its way towards a more sustainable second largest city and has been mark. According to the European city. The southern German metropo- Göteborg reduce CO2 emissions by 50 percent
future, the city is focusing on reduc- named the European Green Capital Green City Index, Copenhagen is lis is aiming to reduce its carbon 06.05.-10.05. by 2030 and 100 percent by 2050.
ing its energy consumption and, by 2011 by the EU Commission. Over currently the most environmentally- dioxide (CO2) emissions by 10 per- Riga Therefor Norway’s capital is on the
extension, its emissions. This will the past years the Hanseatic city has friendly city in Europe. That’s mainly cent every five years and to slash 07.06.-10.06. right track: Today the city already has
apply to both its building sector and successfully demonstrated that eco- due to the number of energy-saving pro-capita CO2 emissions by 50 per- one of Europe’s highest density of e-
to road and rail traffic. Siemens will nomic development and environ- and climate protection measures cent (compared to 1990 levels) by cars. Furthermore, the 250 new sub-
facilitate the city’s efforts to intro- mental protection need not be which the city has introduced. The 2030. At the same time, Munich's way trains in Oslo delivered by Sie-
duce over 300 regional trains, en- mutually exclusive in large cities. overall goal is to become completely municipal utility has set itself the Copenhagen Malmö mens captivate with their environmen-
ergy-saving automated solutions for Again Siemens has helped pave the carbon neutral by 2025 — aided in target of generating enough green 26.04.-29.04. 01.05.-04.05. tal profile and energy efficiency. (p.18)
public buildings (e.g. for Belgium’s way with efficient technology for part by Siemens. This will be electricity to meet all the of city’s
tallest buildings, the Belgacom Tow- public buildings and hotels, as well achieved through the production of power requirements by 2025. With a
ers), and with hybrid buses which as electricity-saving LED technology carbon dioxide-free electricity by portfolio that includes energy-effi-
use up to 40 percent less fuel than that keeps the crypt of Hamburg’s offshore wind turbines, the develop- cient metro trains, high-efficiency
diesel-powered buses do. famous St. Michael’s church beauti- ment of a smart grid infrastructure, hybrid buses, energy-saving building Hamburg
fully lit up. and further research into electromo- technologies and ecofriendly power 15.04.-21.04.
bility together with the Technical generation solutions such as off- Amsterdam Warsaw
University of Denmark. (p.16) shore wind farms, Siemens is help- 15.09.-19.09. 31.05.-04.06.
ing Bavaria’s capital city achieve its
ambitious goals. (p.21)

Antwerpen With 285,000 residents the third
21.09.-25.09. biggest city in Sweden. The city has
Paris Brussels set a target to become by 2020 cli-
01.09.-04.09. 07.09.-13.09.
mate neutral and by 2030 the whole
Munich municipality will run on 100 percent
24.05.-28.05. Vienna renewable energy. Many steps have
20.06.-22.06. already been taken and Siemens has
Zurich helped with for example energy-effi-
cient building systems for office
Nantes 20.05.-22.05.
buildings, schools and residential-
07.07.-10.07. buildings. (p.7)

Barcelona Paris Amsterdam

With about 1.6 million inhabitants, Paris is France’s capital and has about Approximately 2.5 million inhabi-
Barcelona is Spain’s second largest 2.2 million inhabitants. For several tants. Thanks in part to Siemens, the 02.07.-04.07.
city. One of the city’s main goals is years now, the city has placed its sus- city and the surrounded conurbation
to expand public transportation and tainability focus on public transporta- Randstad have already laid the
energy supplies. For instance, the tion and energy-efficient building groundwork for a sustainable urban
city is thinking about to install a so- systems — and has done so with suc- infrastructure. Measures include en- Barcelona Zurich Vienna Warsaw
lution, which can supply the ships in cess. In 2011 the Paris metro turns ergy-saving trams and solutions for 25.06.-29.06. Zurich is Switzerland’s largest city The Austrian capital Vienna has an About 1.7 million inhabitants make
the harbor with electricity from the 111 years old. For 30 years Siemens the environmentally-friendly pro- with approximately 385,000 inhabi- estimated 1.7 million inhabitants the Polish capital the largest city in
city’s power supply system rather has equipped the subway with sig- duction of electricity — whether tants. Its next steps toward becom- and is the country’s largest city. Its the country. What’s more, Warsaw
than from the ships’ own diesel gen- nals and systems that aid subway through biomass, wind or solar en- ing a sustainable city are centered plans to become a “Smart City” with continues to grow, and this will lead
erators. The Catalan capital has al- drivers, resulting in shorter intervals ergy. For instance, the roof of the on expanding public transportation a sustainable infrastructure are to greater energy demands and in-
ready managed to significantly between trains, a higher average Floriade building contains 19,000 and encouraging electromobility. Al- based on solutions such as energy- dustrialization. But the city never-
reduce its energy consumption and speed, and lower maintenance costs. solar panels that generate 2.3 ready today, Siemens technology is saving ideas, smart grids, and elec- theless intends to lower its emissions
emission rates by introducing low- At the same time Siemens technol- megawatts of power. In the future, contributing to reduced emissions tromobility. The first steps have and energy consumption noticeably.
emission hybrid buses, efficient de- ogy is helping to reduce energy con- Amsterdam aims to start operating through improved local trains, guid- already been taken, many of them Warsaw is already proving that these
salination plants for the creation of sumption in buildings, for example one of the most efficient fossil ance and safety systems for road with the help of Siemens. They in- are achievable goals, thanks to con-
drinking water, fully-automated sub- with smart building systems for the power plants in Europe, to reduce traffic, building systems for public clude energy-efficient building sys- structing of Poland’s largest waste-
ways, and the high-speed Velaro E Sofitel Hotel near the Arc de Triom- carbon dioxide emissions, and to buildings, and solutions for efficient tems for schools and swimming water treatment plant, implement-
train, which connects Barcelona phe or a lighting system for the OECD equip public buildings with sustain- power generation. pools, solutions for environmentally ing effective systems for road traffic,
with the capital Madrid. These solu- headquarters that uses up to 70 per- able technology. friendly power generation, and sus- and solutions for the production of
tions all make use of innovative cent less energy than before the re- tainable subway and tram clean energy — all of which contain
Siemens technology. furbishment. (p.20) systems. (p.41) Siemens technology.

4 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Pictures of the Future | Green Cities 5
Pictures of the Future | Short Takes

Savings: Plugging in reduces emissions and cuts costs.

Onshore Power
Sustainability on wheels: The Train of Ideas is a mobile exhibition about green cities.
G ermany’s first onshore electrical power
supply station for merchant ships went
into operation in the city of Lübeck in August
Pioneering project: The new Monte Rosa Hut demonstrates how weather forecasts can be used to save energy.

The Future on Wheels

2008. The facility enables ships to tap into the
local grid for their electricity needs, rather High Savings and the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC). For exam-
ple, the electricity for the water treatment fa-
than producing power themselves with pollu- cility and the lighting is supplied by a photo-

T he European Commission has awarded

Hamburg the title “European Green Cap-
will be able to walk through six exhibition con-
tainers that show the city of the future from
tant-emitting diesel generators. At the heart
of the Siemens solution is the Siplink system,
which makes it possible for the first time to
T he new Monte Rosa Hut in the moun-
tains above Zermatt provides a foretaste
of how smart building systems can help save
voltaic system, which is supplemented by a
small power-heat-unit when necessary. The
hut is equipped with a Siemens facility au-
ital 2011,” thus providing a platform for the a variety of perspectives. The exhibition will link ship and landside power networks, even if costs. Situated at an altitude of 2,883 me- tomation system that takes weather fore-
discussion of environmental issues and urban take visitors from the personal and local lev- their frequencies differ. sw ters, the hut is largely self-sufficient, thanks casts into account, enabling it to cut energy
development between citizens, experts, and el up to a regional and a global perspective, to a concept developed by the ETH Zürich costs by up to one third. sw
the business community. In line with this aim, extending, for example, from the “I” standpoint
Hamburg will launch the “Train of Ideas” in or- (Container 2) through “My World” (Contain-
der to learn from other European cities and er 3) up to “The World of All” (Container 5).
enter into a dialogue with people in Germany As the train’s official Premium-Partner,
and abroad. Siemens also has exhibits in the Train of Ideas.
The train will turn Hamburg into a Green
Capital on wheels, featuring a state-of-the-art,
The company will, for example, present a va-
riety of films that allow viewers to experience
The CO2
interactive exhibition that shows visitors in an
exciting and informative manner how the
the smart grids of the future. At the push of
a button, visitors will be able to see how smart
Catchers An unusual lighthouse: The Turning Torso.
cities of the future may become sustainable
with a high quality of life. Targeted at a gen-
eral, international audience, the exhibition ti-
grids differ from conventional power networks
and what their advantages are.
The Train of Ideas will stop at a total of 18
C oal as a fuel is going to re-
main a cornerstone of the
energy supply for a long time 16,000 LEDs
tled “Visions for Cities of the Future” will pro- cities throughout Europe, including Hamburg, to come. New technologies are
vide a thrilling, easily understandable look at
various topics.
The exhibition showcases more than 100
Copenhagen, Malmö, Oslo, Zurich, Munich,
Warsaw, Vienna, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, and
Amsterdam. In all of these places, Hamburg
Clever: Energy management helps cut consumption. expected to free power station
flue gases of the greenhouse
gas carbon dioxide, thus mak-
T he 190-meter Turning Torso in
Malmö, Sweden, marks a major
achievement. The building’s ambitious
city projects in Europe, presenting them in over
70 exhibits and on 26 touchscreens. Visitors
is planning to cooperate with Siemens to hold
events on the topic of sustainable cities. sw
Smart City ing a decisive contribution to
environmental protection. Ex-
architectural style led the New York
Museum of Modern Art to induct it

E nergy efficiency rises immensely if building

systems such as lighting, heating, and air
conditioning are centrally controlled. An exam-
perts worldwide are working
on concepts for generating
power without releasing CO2
into its Hall of Fame of the world’s 25
most fascinating skyscrapers. Light is
an important design element in the
ple of this is the Sihlcity shopping center and ho- into the atmosphere. Among Turning Torso, and LEDs are used in-
tel in Zurich, where a Siemens energy manage- the methods Siemens is focus- side the building to flood the corri-
ment system controls all of the building ing on is the IGCC process, in dors with a uniform white light. The
technology. Tenants and hotel guests can set the which the CO2 is separated be- Siemens subsidiary Osram installed
room climate as desired. The control system fore combustion, and flue-gas around 16,000 energy-saving LEDs in
uses sensors to determine current demand and purification methods that sepa- the tower, marking the first mass ap-
adjust systems accordingly. It also measures the rate CO2 after combustion. For plication of such technology in archi-
CO2 concentration in the rooms and automati- example, Siemens experts at a tecture. The diodes’ long service life
cally regulates air circulation, thus increasing pilot facility in Freiberg, Ger- also made them financially attractive
Interlocking: The train offers a look into the future. Green containers: The focus is also on nature. energy efficiency by up to 30 percent. sw many, are studying how differ- to the skyscraper’s builders. sw
ent types of coal behave in the
Siemens is developing and testing coal gasifiers in Freiberg. gasifier. sw

6 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Pictures of the Future | Green Cities 7
Infrastructures | Scenario 2020
Parking guidance system Building technology LEDs and OLEDs Power plant technology

13 Masters of Sustainability
The Economist Intelligence Unit
conducted a study to find out
which European cities had done
their „green“ homework best. The
top markets went to Copenhagen,
Oslo and Stockholm

20 To Petit Noir without a Driver

Paris has one of the world’s most
dense subway networks. New
technologies from Siemens are
helping city residents to reach their
destinations even more quickly.

21 A CO2-free Future
Cities today consume 75 percent
of the world’s energy. They are
also responsible for 80 percent of
greenhouse gas emissions. Yet
many existing technologies can
help us make great strides toward
CO2-free cities.

24 Wet Labor
In Singapore, clean water is at the
top of the agenda. Companies
from around the world come to
this small city-state to test their
treatment innovations. This is also
where Siemens coordinates its
worldwide research in this field.

27 Frugal Airports
Airports are the biggest energy
consumers in large cities. However,
relatively simply technologies can
be deployed to significantly re-

Talk of the Town

duce this energy consumption.

2020 J
Municipal manager John Gardiner is an It’s June 2020. Municipal ma- ennifer, you’ll just have to stay for dinner,” apartment — in order to continue their inter-
expert on the efficiency of urban infrastruc- nager John Gardiner is explai- says John Gardiner, looking over the edge of esting scientific discussion. “You wanted to tell
tures. In response to questions from a stu- his glass. “I’m expecting a couple of important me how you managed to more than halve en-
ning to a visiting student how
dent, he explains how the city they live in people who can contribute to our discussion ergy consumption,” Jennifer prompts. “Saving
has dramatically reduced its energy con-
he has improved the quality on environmentally friendly urban planning.” energy is very important, but it’s not every-
sumption while also enhancing the quality of life in his urban neighbor- “Thanks for the invitation,” replies Jennifer thing,” John replies. “A city shouldn’t sacrifice
of life. His apartment, which is also an hood while cutting energy Miles, a student of applied ecology who had any of its charm in the process. Its inhabitants
example of efficiency, is equipped with consumption in half. approached John after he gave a presentation have to enjoy living there.”
energy-saving appliances and a multimedia at an international conference on energy effi- John walks over to the panorama window.
display made of organic LEDs. ciency. She had asked him a few questions, “Some 800,000 people live in my neighbor-
and he had spontaneously invited her to his hood. For years now, it’s been the most popu-

8 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2007 9
Termite towers (left) have been examples of
Infrastructures | Scenario 2020 | Trends
sustainable architecture for millions of years. The
cities of the future are set to follow nature’s lead, as
here, in a vision of Hong Kong’s vertical farms.
lar of the city’s 20 districts. And from up here was not only to be the world’s most energy-
it’s clear why people like it so much.” Jennifer efficient city — we also wanted to provide our
nods. “Do you know where most energy was citizens with the best possible quality of life.”
being wasted ten years ago?” asks John. “In John leans back in his chair. “I’ve also made
power plants?” Jennifer answers. “Back then that a top priority here in my apartment,” he
they had much lower efficiency ratings, and says. “Take the lighting, for example. You have
lots of energy was lost in the form of heat.” “Al- no idea how important lighting is for creating
most everyone gets that question wrong,” says a sense of well-being. That OLED light panel
John, smiling. “A lot more energy was wasted over there is also my home movie theater. And
in buildings due to poor insulation. People vir- the ceiling has a luminescent screen where I
tually threw fuel out the window. In those can make a romantic sunset appear every
days, heating systems accounted for 80 per- evening. You really must stay for dinner.”
cent of household energy consumption! Build- “Um...could be difficult, but now that you
ings were old, smart building technologies mention lighting, were you able to save energy
were practically nonexistent, there were hardly there too?” asks Jennifer, walking toward the
any combined heat and power plants — and window. “Yes,” says John. “Thanks to LEDs,
fuel cell technology wasn’t affordable.” which need less than a fifth of the electricity
“And what did you do about it?” “Financial required by incandescent bulbs or halogen
incentives,” John answers. “For one thing, car- lamps. The price of these tiny light sources has
bon dioxide emissions have been taxed for a fallen significantly. They’re so economical and
long time now. That initially brought some re- have such long lifespans that today we’re even
lief to the homeowners and property owners inserting them into pedestrian pathways to
who had modernized their buildings early on. ensure safety. I’ve got a few of them here in
And we introduced stricter regulations for new the columns and the furniture...”
buildings. Then too, as a municipal manager “Wow,” says Jennifer with a polite smile.
I’ve strongly emphasized performance con- “And what about road traffic? That was always
tracting.” “What’s that?” asks Jennifer. “We ap- the second biggest energy consumer, wasn’t
pointed a team of energy savings detectives. it?” “Here we used a two-pronged strategy,”
They look at all energy users in private house- lectures John. “First, we used taxes and emis-
holds, businesses and public buildings, and sions certificates to promote hybrid and elec-
make recommendations on modernization, tric cars. Then we expanded the public trans-
which they also implement. The biggest ener- portation system significantly. We also
gy guzzlers were motors and ventilation and
air-conditioning technology. Today we mostly
use energy-saving motors, and ventilation sys-
tems now have smart regulation systems. That
cuts energy consumption by more than half.”
converted the entire fleet of city buses so that
they could run on hybrid diesel engines — but
that was just a symbolic measure. The buses and
the subway system accounted for only one per-
cent of the city’s total energy consumption.”
I t would be difficult to imagine a greener city.
Here, the inhabitants all live in one gigantic
building that blends in perfectly with its imme-
diate environment. Construction materials are
all locally produced and fully biodegradable. A
Urban Nature
“How did you get industry on board? Didn’t it “And what was the second step?” asks Jen- sophisticated arrangement of gangways, ven- More and more people are moving to cities, which now account for 80 percent
cost a lot?” asks Jennifer. “That too is a miscon- nifer. “Efficient traffic management,” answers tilation shafts, and layers of insulation ensures of greenhouse gas emissions. To steer this rapid urbanization toward a greener future,
ception,” answers John. “Of course invest- John. “Of course, passenger car traffic has de- an agreeable climate inside, even when out- major cities are increasingly turning to new, energy-efficient technologies.
ments are necessary. But they’re usually bal- creased considerably, thanks to our outstand- door temperature variations are extreme.
anced out quickly by the resulting savings. By ing subway system and the tolls on city traffic, What’s more, it does so without having to con-
the way, that’s ideal for local authorities, which but lots of commuters and suppliers still come sume a single kilowatt- hour of energy. In fact, learn that life in confined spaces and sustainability to tackle the most urgent environmental chal- In Europe, there’s a particularly great need for
usually have tight budgets.” here by car. But now we inform drivers about the building is situated in such a way that only are not mutually exclusive,” says U.S. architect and lenges. These include improvements to local pub- green and liveable cities, as there already live 73
“I can see a power plant in the distance,” congestion risks while they’re still on beltways. its narrow side catches the midday sun, thus urban planner Daniel Libeskind. “Combining lic transport, refurbishment of buildings, and re- percent of the population in cities — compared
says Jennifer. “In my courses I learned that Automatic guidance systems then direct them reducing the effects of solar heating. Deep the two is currently the biggest challenge facing newal of power and water infrastructures. Yet the to around 47 percent in China. The primary chal-
power plants have become increasingly effi- through the city to parking garages.” within the structure itself, residents tend huge urban development.“ battle to limit climate change could be fought lenge for European metropolises is therefore to
cient over the last 30 years.” “That’s right,” says Jennifer’s cell phone rings, interrupting gardens, which provide food for the entire city. In fact, many of today’s megacities are seem- most effectively in large population centers. Cities make existing infrastructures more energy effi-
John. “And thanks to the savings, we were able John’s enthusiastic lecture. “Hi, Mike,” Jennifer Here, the sum total of the greenhouse gases ingly endless concrete jungles that continue to already account for 75 percent of the energy con- cient and environmentally compatible. A study
to revise our requirements planning downward greets the caller and a smile lights up her face. produced by the population is merely the re- devour space and resources. Forecasts indicate sumed worldwide and are responsible for 80 per- by Moran Stanley Investment Management es-
and close down older power plants with high “O.K., great, I’ll come down right away,” she sult of their digestive processes. that the number of megacities - those with at least cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Today, ar- timates the costs for the renewal of the water sup-
emission levels. When we needed new power says and folds up her phone. “John, what Sounds like science fiction? For termites and ten million inhabitants — will increase from 22 chitects such as Libeskind see a gradual change ply up to 4.800 billions € in Europe until 2030 —
plants, we made sure there was a mix of geot- you’ve just said is absolutely true. The auto- other insects, it’s been a reality since the begin- to 26 by 2015. The majority of these are to be in attitude. “There’s a rethink taking place,“ he beyond 1.000 billion € for energy supply and
hermal energy, wind energy and conventional matic guidance system directed my boyfriend ning of time. These ingenious creatures are found in emerging and developing countries, says. “Municipal authorities are now looking at about 3.000 billion € for streets and tracks.
technology. We also ensured that our suppliers to a free parking space right in front of your veritable masters of green urban planning. Their which absorb almost the overall growth of the more sustainable ways of shaping rapid urban- In a report commissioned by Siemens, research
installed the best technology available. Effi- building. I asked him to pick me up.” She nests, which can grow as tall as seven meters, not world’s population between 2010 and 2030 — ization. That creates a lot of potential for inno- and consulting company Economist Intelligence
ciency wasn’t our only criterion for the tur- shakes hands with John and puts her half- only provide a home to millions of fellow insects; about 1.3 billion people. Particularly in those vation.“ The HSBC bank estimates that around 15 Unit has investigated which European cities are
bines; we also had to fulfill strict noise regula- empty glass on the counter. “Thanks for the they are also extremely energy-efficient and built countries sustainability hasn’t always been as- percent of current measures to stimulate the econ- particularly progressive in terms of sustainabili-
tions. Nowadays, people living near a gas drink and all the information. Bye!” in total harmony with nature. In this respect, at signed top priority in the past. Here, the au- omy worldwide are going into green infrastructure ty. “Heading the European Green City Index“ (p.13)
turbine plant hardly notice anything. Our aim Norbert Aschenbrenner least, termites are far ahead of us. “We need to thorities often have limited means at their disposal projects such as energy-efficient building systems. is Copenhagen (p.16), followed by Stockholm,

10 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2007 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009; Spring 2010 11
Copenhagen’s extensive energy conservation
Infrastructures | Trends | European Green City Index
and climate protection efforts make it the most
eco-friendly city in Europe. The city plans to
become completely CO2-free by 2025.
Oslo (p.18), and Vienna. The Danish capital owes Cutting CO2. A study by McKinsey on infra- substances such as methanol, which could be Athens to Zagreb, from Ljubljana to Istanbul, and
its top ranking to a host of energy-saving and cli- structure in London and a study by the Wuppertal used as fuels. from Oslo to Kiev, the study targeted the largest
mate-protection measures, including an efficient Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy Organic light emitting diodes, Osram resear- cities in the countries in question, in most cas-
district heating system, the use of wind power, and regarding a CO2-free future for Munich indicate chers are going to work on, could once be even es their capitals. In order to illustrate their envi-
the introduction of electrically-powered buses in what the necessary sustainable long-term in- used as exterior windows in buildings – the trans- ronmental and climate protection performance
local public transport. These are elements of a plan vestment might look like. Siemens participated parent tiles, enlightening itself, would allow sun- and objectives, each of the cities was assessed
by municipal authorities to turn Copenhagen into in both studies. In London, for example, it light in during the day and then emit light at night. on the basis of 30 indicators divided into eight
a completely CO2-free city by the year 2025. would be possible to use currently-available tech- Meanwhile, other visionary technologies are categories: CO2 Emissions, Energy, Buildings,
already in use. In the city of Regensburg, Ger- Transportation, Water, Air, Waste/Land Use, and
many, for example, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Environmental Governance. The methodology for
The metropolis of Munich could reduce its the street lighting is now provided — as of the the study was developed by the EIU in cooper-
CO2 emissions by 80 to 90 percent until 2058. end of 2009 — by highly efficient LEDs supplied ation with independent urban experts and
by Siemens’ Osram subsidiary, which use only Siemens. “The result is the European Green City
around half as much power as conventional street Index — a ranking of the most important Euro-
Why it Pays to be Green. The example on nology to reduce energy consumption, water con- lamps (p.34)). Further more: In many cities pean cities that is unique in terms of its broad
Copenhagen illustrates that environment and the sumption, waste, and emissions by over 40 around the globe, Siemens is equipping traffic scope,” says James Watson, managing editor of
economy need not be mutually exclusive. On the percent by 2025. What’s more, it would be pos- light systems with state-of-the-art light-emitting the study.
contrary, energy efficiency measures generally sible to do so without negatively impacting the diode (LED) technology that consumes 80 to 90 “The European Green City Index provides in-
pay for themselves quickly — above all in the field lifestyles of the city’s residents. The investment percent less electricity than conventional traffic sights into the strengths and weaknesses of each
of building technology and urban public trans- required over 20 years would be equal to less lights, and also lasts at least ten times longer. The city,” says Stefan Denig, project manager at
port (p.30 onward). than 1 percent of London’s annual economic out- investment pays off, as a large city with around Siemens. “In this manner, it supports the efforts
The following example illustrates the type of put. 700 intersections can save €1.2 million each year of these cities to develop more effective climate

Energy-efficient buildings offer the quickest route to

reducing cities’ greenhouse gas emissions — here

What Makes a City a Winner?

savings that modern infrastructure solutions Madrid’s Torre de Cristal. But also LEDs, for example in energy costs just by replacing the lights. In this
can generate: The ratio between a country’s in traffic lights, or modern trains are energy savers. era of tight budgets, LED traffic lights offer a per-
gross domestic product — adjusted to take pur- fect example of how ecological and economic
chasing power into account — and the energy goals can be achieved simultaneously.
it consumes is a rough measure of how effi- Munich, for its part, could reduce its CO2 emis- Technically, cities could therefore soon be en-
ciently that nation utilizes energy. If we set the sions by 80 to 90 percent by 2058 (p.21). Here ergy-saving champions. But sustainability contains The European Green City Index, a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit in cooperation with Siemens,
value for Germany at 100, the U.S. and China have the emphasis is on measures for increasing en- more than just energy-saving technology. Solu- published in December 2009, compares the environmental compatibility of 30 European cities. Top-
values of about 70 and Russia has 33. In other ergy efficiency. The list includes heat insulation tions for a sustainable transport have to be es- ping the list is Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen.
words, if the U.S., China, and Russia managed to and heat recovery systems in buildings; the ex- tablished, too — for example for the foodstuff-
use energy as efficiently as Germany, that alone ploitation of energy-saving electrical devices transport. Today, oranges end up not only in local
would reduce worldwide energy use by 15 per-
The situation is similar for carbon dioxide emis-
and lighting systems; more extensive use of bus-
es, trains, and electric cars; the construction of
combined heat and power plants and renewable
markets but often on supermarket shelves 1,000 km
away. On the way there, they produce tons of CO2.
According to scientists such as Dickson De-
T he facts speak for themselves: Half of the
world’s population lives in cities, and in Eu-
rope, where urbanization is even further ad-
question gives us ample reason to take a closer
look at Europe’s major cities. What efforts are they
making to conserve resources? How are they try-
protection measures, and it also helps with pri-
oritization of environmental activities.” Most
important, however, is the fact that the study al-
sions. Here the values are 147 for the U.S., 179 energy facilities; and the transmission of low-CO2 spommier, the time has come for city planners vanced, 73 percent of the population are city- ing to prevent environmental damage, reduce CO2 lows the cities to learn from each other, some-
for China, and 291 for Russia. In other words, for electricity over long distances. not least of all to turn to the example of termites dwellers. This situation has significant environ- emissions, and maintain urban areas as places thing that is well worth the effort. Whether it’s
the same amount of GDP, the U.S. generates 47 There’s certainly no lack of creative ideas be- in the long term in order to ensure sustainable mental consequences because urban centers ac- worth living in? What exemplary environmental Europe’s largest biomass power plant in Vienna,
percent more CO2 than Germany, China 79 per- side the solutions already mentioned about urban development. In harmony with nature, sky- count for 75 percent of global energy con- protection projects are they carrying out? the continent’s most modern offshore wind
cent more, and Russia 191 percent more. If these how to realize this vision of the green city. scrapers in the megacities of the future would sumption and 80 percent of the greenhouse gas To answer these questions, Siemens com- power facility in Denmark, the recycling lottery
three countries succeeded in reducing their rel- Siemens researchers have plans for a special fa- then be able to serve as tremendous greenhouses emissions generated by human activity. Cities thus missioned the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), system in Ljubljana, free rental bikes in Paris, land-
ative emissions to Germany’s level, global CO2 cade coating that exploits the principle of pho- in which vegetables, fruits, grains, and poultry offer the potential of playing a greater role an independent research and consulting firm, to fills with methane production facilities in Istan-
emissions would decline by approximately 20 per- tosynthesis. Like plants, buildings would then be are grown exclusively for local use. than ever in the battle against climate change. compare the environmental performance of 30 bul, or buses equipped with systems that cause
cent. able to convert carbon dioxide from the air into Florian Martini/Sebastian Webel How are cities dealing with this responsibility? The major cities in 30 European countries. From traffic lights to turn green faster in Tallinn, the

12 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009; Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 13
In Stockholm, 68 percent of residents ride
Infrastructures | European Green City Index
their bicycles to work. Berlin (right) modernized
most of its buildings in accordance with
strict energy efficiency criteria after 1990.
study focuses attention on interesting projects in buildings. Berlin also launched a public-private cent of Amsterdam’s drinking water is lost due
each city that can serve as model for the others. energy partnership program for its public build- to leaky pipes. In addition, the city’s ever-present
ings, with companies including Siemens. The pri- water meters motivate users to conserve. Ams-
Some Key Findings from the Study: vate firms in these partnerships assume the mod- terdam can also be proud of its high recycling rate
‘ Copenhagen is the greenest city in Europe (see ernization costs and pay back their up-front in- — one of the reasons it finished first in
p.16). The host city of the 15th UN Climate vestments based on the energy savings achieved. Waste/Land Use. A total of 43 percent of all mu-
Change Conference held in December 2009 Stockholm stands out by virtue of its exempla- nicipal waste, double the European average, is
performs very well in all eight categories. Second ry energy-efficiency guidelines and construction separated and recycled in the city — while
place in the overall rankings is Stockholm, and of houses and residential areas that use very lit- most of the remainder is used to produce
Oslo finishes third (see p.18), followed by Vien- tle energy. These houses have a total energy con- enough energy to supply 75 percent of Amster-
na and Amsterdam. sumption of less than 2,000 kilowatt-hours per dam households with electricity. Just one percent
‘ In general, the Scandinavian cities earn the year, despite the city’s cold climate. of the city’s waste is disposed of in landfills.
highest rankings in the index, which should
come as no surprise, given that environmental pro-
tection has been a popular cause in the region for Scandinavia has invested in environmental protection
many years. The fact that Scandinavian countries for years — resulting in top rankings in the Index.
are very affluent helps as well, and cities in the
region thus make the most of their financial pow-
er to promote investments in environmental ‘ Stockholm also came out on top in the Trans- ‘ Vilnius is the top-ranking European city in the year. What’s more, environmental awareness is level of affluence. For example, nine of the more affluent cities such as Paris, London, and
protection measures. Energy-saving buildings, ex- portation category. Thanks to a perfectly struc- Air category. In addition to its very low levels of increasing. Of the 30 European cities studied, cities that made it to the Top 10 have above- Madrid. Berlin also shared the best ranking in
tensive public transport networks, and energy pro- tured bicycle path network, 68 percent of the city’s exhaust gas and emissions, the Lithuanian cap- 26 have developed their own environmental average gross domestic products (GDPs). the Buildings category with Stockholm. Vilnius,
duction from renewable sources, especially wind residents ride their bikes to work, or walk — three ital also emphasizes expansion of green areas and plan. Half of the cities also have firm, feasible These cities not only have better, more envi- with the sixth lowest GDP in the index, leaves
and water, are widespread throughout the region. times the average of other European cities. An forests — within and outside the city. Vilnius’ top CO2-reduction targets. Copenhagen is planning ronmentally-friendly infrastructures than are all other cities behind in the Air category and
‘ Eastern European cities are generally rated be- additional 25 percent of the population uses the ranking in the Air category is also due to its small to be completely CO2-free by 2025, and Stock- found in less affluent cities; they also are pur- has the best overall ranking (13th place)
low average in the Green Cities Index, with the public transport system. The Swedish capital also size and lack of heavy industry. holm intends to do the same by 2050. Still, all suing more ambitious climate and environ- among the Eastern European cities.
highest-ranked city, Vilnius, the capital of Lithua- relies on state-of-the-art technology for its pub- the cities are facing major challenges. For ex- mental protection goals — a surprising result A lot of this has to do with people, however.
nia, finishing in 13th place in the overall index. lic transport system, which includes ethanol-pow- Focus on Environmental Protection. Most ample, on average, renewable energy sources given the fact that affluence and a higher level The environmental protection efforts of individual
This result is in part due to the relatively low gross ered buses and intelligent traffic guidance sys- of Europe’s major cities are already leaders in account for only around seven percent of their of development are often associated with urban residents add up. The more residents get
domestic product in the region and its history — tems that ensure smooth traffic flows. environmental performance. Nearly all the 30 total energy supply — well under the EU tar- higher energy consumption and emissions. involved, the better a city’s ranking in the Euro-
after all, environmental protection was consid- ‘ Amsterdam led the field in the Water and cities studied — which together have almost get of 20 percent by 2020. Less than 20 per- pean Green City Index. This opens up interesting
ered unimportant for the most part during the Waste/Land Use categories. Average water con- 75 million inhabitants and average per capita cent of the waste in the cities studied is cur- Getting Involved. But money isn’t everything, possibilities for getting urban populations involved
Communist era. The latter fact is reflected in the sumption in the 30 cities studied is more than 100 CO2 emissions of 5.2 metric tons — lie below the rently recycled, and one of every four liters of as Berlin and Vilnius impressively demonstrate. when it comes to climate and environmental pro-
region’s high energy consumption, particularly cubic meters per capita per year, but residents of average emissions figure for all EU countries, water is lost through leaky pipes. Despite having the ninth-lowest GDP of all 30 tection.
by buildings and other outdated infrastructures. the Dutch capital only need 53 cubic meters. This which is 8.5 metric tons. The top city, Oslo, pro- Clearly, one of the key indicators determin- cities, Berlin still managed to finish eighth in One option here is citizen participation as it’s
But Eastern European cities generally perform is in part due to low water losses — only 3.5 per- duces only 2.2 metric tons of CO2 per capita and ing a city’s ranking in the index is its relative the overall rankings, ahead of other large and being practiced in Brussels, which launched an
above average when it comes to local public trans- initiative known as Quartier Durable (sustainable
port. The percentage of people who use public neighborhood). The initiative calls on residents
transport to get to work in Kiev, for example, to develop green ideas for their neighborhoods.
which took 30th place in the index, is the high- Gross Domestic Product: Ranking of Europe’s- The most promising ideas receive technical and
Oslo, Norway
est among all the cities studied. A Major Factor Affecting the Ranking Greenest Cities 3
7 Helsinki, Finland financial support from the city.
‘ The top-ranked city in the CO2 Emissions and 2 Raising awareness of environmental and cli-
Energy categories is Oslo. The Norwegian capi-
of almost all European Cities Stockholm, Sweden
23 Tallinn, Estonia
mate-change issues and providing information
tal benefits here from its use of hydroelectric pow- 100 European Green City Index Score 15 Riga, Latvia are also indispensable elements in the battle
er to generate energy. Overall, renewable sources against climate change. “Many decision-makers
already account for 65 percent of the energy con- Copenhagen, Denmark 1 13 Vilnius, Lithuania still don’t realize that investments in energy-ef-
90 Value
Norm Copenhagen Dublin, Ireland 21
sumed in Oslo, which is also pursuing the very Vienna
Oslo Amsterdam, Netherlands ficient technologies tend to pay off financially,”
ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 50 80 Berlin Zürich Helsinki London, United Kingdom 11 5 8
says Denig. Whether it’s better building insulation,
Brussels 16 Warsaw, Poland
percent by 2030. In addition, the city is encour- Paris Berlin, Germany energy-saving lighting systems, or efficient
London Brussels, Belgium 9 30
aging more extensive use of district heating sys- 70 building management systems — most of these
Madrid 24 Prague, Czech Republic Kiev, Ukraine
tems and hybrid and electric vehicles. Oslo also Vilnius Riga Rome Paris, France 10 technologies require a higher initial investment,
Vienna, Austria 20 Bratislava, Slovakia
operates a climate and energy fund financed by 60 Warsaw 4 but it’s one that pays off in the form of lower en-
Budapest Lisbon 17 Budapest, Hungary
Bratislava Zürich, Switzerland 6
means of a local electricity tax. The fund has been Tallinn Ljubljana Athens Dublin
ergy costs throughout product life cycles (see Pic-
50 Prague 26 Zagreb, Kroatien
used to support a large number of energy effi- Ljubljana, Slovenia 28 tures of the Future, Spring 2009, p. 35). “What’s
Istanbul 27
ciency projects over the last 20 years. Bucharest, Romania more,” says James Watson, “if most of the resi-
Belgrade Zagreb Belgrade, Serbia
‘ First place in the Buildings category is shared 40 Bucharest
29 Sofia, Bulgaria dents of a city use public transport, conserve wa-
12 Madrid, Spain 14 Rome, Italy
by Berlin and Stockholm. Following German re- Kiev 25 ter and energy, and make ‘green’ purchasing de-
30 18 Lisbon, Portugal
unification, Berlin modernized a large share of its Per capita Istanbul, Turkey cisions, the change in their behavior can add up
buildings in line with stringent energy efficien- (euros) to far greater results than what can be achieved
cy guidelines. The result is CO2 savings of between 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 22 Athens, Greece with restrictive city regulations.”
one and 1.5 metric tons per year in modernized Karen Stelzner

14 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 15
Support for public transportation,
Infrastructures | Copenhagen
energy-efficient buildings, and a focus on wind
power have turned Denmark’s capital to the winner
of the European Green City Index.
Committed to Wind Power. Aside from rely- alistic. While CO2 emissions in many other cities events planned for the location. A total of 144
ing on its combined heat and power plant, have increased, Copenhagen’s — already low to LED lamps have been installed on the first
Copenhagen also meets some of its electricity begin with — have been cut by 20 percent since floor. Together, the lamps consume 190 watts
needs with wind energy, which today meets, 1990. — only about half as much as conventional
on average, one-fifth of the country’s power The package of measures adopted by Copen- halogen spotlights. In the same part of town,
requirements. The Middelgrunden offshore hagen also extends to transport. Buses on the lighting in one street is also provided by LED
wind farm, located a few kilometers from the city’s downtown routes, for example, are now street lamps from Osram.
city, has been up and running for almost ten electrically powered, which reduces exhaust During the Climate Change Conference, low-
years now. The farm’s 20 wind turbines were fumes and noise levels in the narrow streets. The energy lighting projects could be found through-
manufactured by Bonus, today Siemens Wind city also intends to fit its entire fleet of vehicles, out the city, including a Christmas tree in front
Power. Each of these turbines has a capacity 600 in all, with electric or hybrid drive systems. of City Hall (p. 16). The tree was illuminated by
of two megawatts at full load. Collectively, the
farm can supply around 40,000 households
with ecofriendly electricity. “We intend to turn Copenhagen into a carbon dioxide-
Also nearby are the 48 turbines of the Lillgrund free city by the year 2025.”
offshore wind farm, which was commissioned in
2008. The turbines are clearly visible from the Öre-
sund Bridge, which spans the strait separating And all of Copenhagen’s publicly-owned real es- several hundred LEDs that were connected to ex-
Denmark and Sweden. Lillgrund has a total ca- tate is to be brought up to the latest energy-ef- ercise bikes. The faster people pedaled, the
pacity of 110 megawatts. Siemens installed not ficiency standards. brighter the lights became. During her opening
only the wind turbines but also an associated off- Copenhagen’s approved plan of action for speech, Mayor Bjerregaard jokingly referred to it
shore transformer station, which rises above the achieving carbon dioxide neutrality by 2025 in- as “the world’s greenest Christmas tree.”
waves like a huge drum. The transformer collects cludes construction of a new subway ring, Copenhagen has plenty to do by 2025. It is es-
power from the turbines and feeds it into Swe- which will connect the southern area of the city sential, Bjerregaard explains, that city dwellers
den’s national grid, which is connected to Den- to the rail network by 2018. Already, almost every- back environmental measures. “A lot of our CO2
mark’s. Copenhagen now has plans to build more one in the city lives within 350 meters of a pub- emissions are caused by the people of Copen-
wind farms, in the city and in the Baltic. lic transport station. In addition, a former harbor hagen themselves. If we want to reach our tar-

Wind, Wood & Two Wheels

With its first-place ranking in the European Green City Index, Copenhagen outshines
29 other major municipalities. Its title as Europe’s most environmentally-friendly city is
the result of a wide range of climate-protection measures, such as pellet-powered
district heating, wind parks, bike paths and integrated public transit.

I f there’s one instantly recognizable sign of

Copenhagen’s green credentials its the vast
number of bicycles on its streets. A considerable
The bicycles are a perfect symbol of Copen-
hagen, host of the 2009 UN Climate Change Con-
ference, and of its current standing as Europe’s
power (CHP) plant, rather than having each
household produce its own heat. All in all, while
eliminating the need for private heating systems,
“We have no intention of resting on our lau-
rels,” said Ritt Bjerregaard (top left) , Copenhagen’s
mayor until the end of 2009, at the presentation
area is to make way for a new district by the name
of Nordhavn, with homes for 40,000 people.
Housing is to be built according to high standards
get, city residents will have to change how they
live. Publicity campaigns are one way to en-
courage this, but we also want to make sure the
number of the city’s 520,000 residents are avid greenest city. This honor was conferred back in the city’s CHP plant is 90 percent efficient. of the European Green City Index . She went on of energy efficiency, and the new development people are directly involved in the development
bicyclists, even when clouds are low and the rain December, during the UN conference, when Copenhagen started laying twin pipes for su- to announce an ambitious goal: “We intend to turn itself will provide a balanced mix of residential, of solutions.” With one-fifth of all CO2 emissions
sets in. The city’s broad cycling lanes literally teem Siemens and the UK’s Economist Intelligence Unit perheated steam as far back as 1925, initially to Copenhagen into a CO2-free city by the year office, and retail space. The result will be a com- caused by transport, the plan is to encourage even
with bicycles, bikes with trailers, and even presented the European Green City Index (see p. supply hospitals with steam to sterilize their op- 2025.” pact neighborhood in which people will be able more residents to use their bikes. The city is thus
sporty-looking tricycles complete with trans- 17). Copenhagen’s top position is, of course, a erating instruments. Today, the city has 1,500 kilo- In concrete terms, carbon dioxide-free means to make many of their trips on foot. looking to improve conditions for cyclists even fur-
port box for carrying a child passenger or pack- result of more than bicycles. It was made possi- meters of twin pipes transporting superheated two things. First, reducing the current emissions ther, with facilities such as covered bike paths and
ages. “If you look at photographs from the ble by a package of measures that have placed steam and hot water from the CHP plant to house- level of 2.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide More LEDs and Fewer Cars. Lighting is an bike parks. In fact, as of last fall, there are even
1930s, you see a very similar picture,” says Pe- the city just ahead of Stockholm, Sweden, in the holds and back again. a year by 1.15 million metric tons by 2025 with important part of every city’s carbon dioxide special warning lights set into downtown roads
ter Elsman, deputy finance director of the city of green ranking. For many years, the plant, which also serves measures that either have been already imple- footprint. With this in mind, Siemens sub- to alert truck drivers turning right to the presence
Copenhagen. “Back then, not many people were What makes Copenhagen the leader of the several communities in the surrounding area, was mented or are scheduled. Secondly, offsetting the sidiary Osram has equipped a refurbished of cyclists in their rearview blind spot. If a cyclist
able to afford a car; but today, having a bicycle pack? For starters, its district heating system is fired with coal. No longer. One of the cogener- remaining CO2 emissions by means of projects commercial building in downtown Copen- approaches a the blind spot, the lamps start to
is just part of the Copenhagen way of life. Almost unique worldwide. The system is very efficient ation units is now fired with environmentally- such as new wind farms and the planting of hagen with light emitting diodes (LEDs). The flash. In other words, cyclists are taken very se-
40 percent of the city’s population travels by bike and provides heating for 98 percent of all house- friendly bio material, and a second is scheduled woodlands. As the improvements of recent new lighting will not only trim electric bills, but riously in Copenhagen — another good reason
every day to their place of work or study.” holds by means of a large combined heat-and- to be converted to this fuel in the near future. years show, this ambitious target looks quite re- provide an intimate atmosphere for cultural for switching to two wheels. Tim Schröder

16 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 17
Hydroelectric power plants and an energy-efficient
Infrastructures | Oslo
new metro have helped reduce Oslo’s per capita CO2
emissions to just two tons. Small things such as an LED
chandelier in the city’s Opera House also help.
ings of up to 30 percent,” says Struckl. Sustain- per day for a year now — and that eliminates dimmers for individually adapting the LED
ability and energy efficiency have been top pri- many people’s need to drive.” modules to the most diverse lighting require-
orities in Oslo for some time. In 2002 the city, Another Oslo green milestone is near the ments.” The small LEDs are highly efficient,
which has a population of 550,000, launched city center just a few minutes from the Jern- with an output of 45 lumens per watt as com-
its ambitious Urban Ecology Program to cut banetorget subway station. Resembling a giant pared to a maximum of 12 lumens per watt for
pollutant emissions and improve its citizens’ iceberg transformed into concrete, the new conventional incandescent lamps. At maxi-
quality of life. Among other things, the associ- opera house rises up out of the harbor. The im- mum brightness, the 8,100 LEDs consume just
ated plan calls for a 50 percent reduction of posing building, which opened in 2008, is one 14 kilowatts. They are as powerful as they are
Oslo’s 1990 greenhouse gas emission levels by of the most energy-efficient opera houses in robust, says Johannessen. “On average, only
2030. This green program is already producing the world — a feat made possible in part by an one out of every million LEDs fails during its
results. A sustainability study of 30 European innovative lighting system concept that relies six-year service life, and so far we haven’t had
cities for the European Green City Index (p. 17) on light-emitting diodes (LEDs). “We equipped to replace a single unit,” he says.
ranked Oslo third behind Stockholm and the entire concert hall with LEDs — there’s Johannessen believes Oslo will step up its
Copenhagen. The study even gave the Norwe- nothing else like it in the world,” says Cato Jo- use of energy-efficient lighting in the future.
gian capital a top ranking for CO2 emissions, as hannessen, who is managing the project for Small and flexible LEDs in particular offer great
the city produces only slightly more than two Osram Norway. potential with regard to climate protection —
tons of the greenhouse gas per capita — main- Johannessen is particularly proud of the and not just in magnificent buildings like the
ly because Oslo covers around 60 percent of its eight-ton chandelier that hangs 16 meters new opera house. “Oslo has drawn up initial
electricity requirement with power from Nor- above the seats. “That chandelier contains plans to show that LEDs can also make street-
way’s large hydroelectric plants. 8,100 LEDs,” he says. “We’ve also got special lights greener,” he says. Florian Martini

Paragon of Efficiency

Green Milestones Even a country like Norway can become

greener. Trondheim lies 500 kilometers north
of Oslo. With 170,000 inhabitants, it is the
According to a study conducted for the European country’s third-largest city. In 2001 local au-
thorities declared war on CO2. Since then, the
Green City Index, Oslo is one of the greenest cities
city has introduced a range of green measures
in Europe. The city’s sustainable approach is
— for which it was commended by Norway’s
made possible by numerous environmentally- Environment Ministry in 2008. The target is a
friendly technologies, some of them from Siemens. 20 percent reduction in CO2 emissions com-
The latter include an economical subway and pared to 1991 levels by the year 2012. To help
high-efficiency lighting in the opera house. to achieve this goal, Trondheim authorities in-
tend to expand local public transport and improve the energy efficiency of the city’s buildings. There
is a lot of potential in the latter area according to a joint study conducted by Siemens, the city au-

M ost people wouldn’t be thrilled about

having to get underneath a subway
train. But Tor Hasselknippe views it as a wel-
and sends the electricity it produces back into
the grid.”
Hasselknippe then knocks on the white out-
above ground, which negatively impacts its en-
ergy balance, especially in winter. “The heating
system still accounts for nearly 20 percent of
But there’s still work to be done, so the Ur-
ban Ecology Program, scheduled to run until
2014, also focuses on expanding the local pub-
thorities, and the environmental organization Bellona as part of a pilot project entitled “Energy Smart
City.” The study looks at ways to save energy in the areas of residential and commercial real estate,
street lighting, the power grid, and industry. It shows that by using technology already available,
come challenge. Every day Hasselknippe, a er wall of a car. “The entire shell is made of alu- required energy — so we need to keep work- lic transport network. Studies have shown that Trondheim could cut its energy consumption of five terawatt-hours per year by 22 percent without
technical manager at Oslo’s Vognselskap pub- minum,” he says. “This makes the train ex- ing on that,” says Hasselknippe. Engineers at road traffic is responsible for the lion’s share of compromising the quality of life of its citizens. “We will realize most of these potential savings in one
lic transport company, inspects the Siemens tremely light.” As a result, the new subway Siemens Mobility in Vienna, Austria, are look- Oslo’s CO2 emissions. Despite high tolls for en- or two years,” says Rita Ottervik, Mayor of Trondheim. A good way of cutting power consumption is
trains that since 2006 have gradually been re- trains consume 30 percent less energy than ing at ways to reduce the energy consumption tering the city center, some 360,000 vehicles to install new building management systems that intelligently control lighting, heating, and ventila-
placing the more than 30-year-old subway the old ones. “And that’s not all,” says Has- of heating and climate control systems. “We’ve continue to drive through Oslo every day. The tion systems. In Trondheim’s office properties alone, this would save as much electricity as is con-
trains previously used in the Norwegian capi- selknippe as he climbs into a passenger cabin developed a heating control unit that regulates city government believes that improving the sumed over the same period by 4,000 households. Street lighting also offers big savings potential,
tal. At the maintenance center, the subway and runs his hands over the seat covers. “These the system in line with real-time require- bus and subway system will get more com- despite the fact that the 22,000 streetlamps are already very efficient. Dimming them by 50 percent,
cars are jacked up on rail platforms in a vast textiles are made of a very sophisticated mate- ments,” says project manager Dr. Walter muters to leave their cars at home. Indeed, the for example, would cut their annual power consumption by over five gigawatt-hours (GWh) and save
hall. Technicians work on the underbodies and rial that not only meet all fire protection re- Struckl. “The unit is linked to a carbon dioxide new subway system has already demonstrated around €700,000 a year. Even greater savings could be achieved by upgrading the city’s power grid,
put the finishing touches on the cars before quirements but can also be recycled — which sensor that determines how many passengers that the government may be right. “Polls show where every year five percent of the electricity is lost as heat while being transmitted to the consumer.
sending them out into the city’s approximately is true of 95 percent of the components in are in a car based on the principle that the CO2 that passengers are extremely satisfied,” says Efficient high-voltage systems could cut these losses by as much as 50 GWh, thus saving around
84-kilometer-long subway network. “This is these trains. All of this makes our subway one content rises with the number of people pres- Hasselknippe. “Since the introduction of the €3 million a year. According to Ottervik, before the installation of energy-efficient technology can
one of the electric motors,” Hasselknippe says, of most sustainable systems in the world.” ent.” According to Struckl, the unit can heat up new trains, ridership has increased by around start, it is essential to ensure that Trondheim’s inhabitants back the measures. “We have to encour-
pointing to a large rectangular block under- air from the outside in line with actual heating 10 percent to 73 million in 2008.” He thinks age our citizens to save energy,” she says. Here too, Trondheim is on the right path. The project has
neath one of the cars. “The complete drive unit Heating on Demand. It isn’t always easy to needs. By contrast, conventional systems con- even more people will switch to the subway in been publicized in a wide-ranging campaign since Fall 2009. Energy saving is being promoted in the
of a train has an output of 1,680 kilowatts and combine sustainability with the effective oper- tinually heat subway cars, regardless of the future, especially now that intervals be- media, at symposia, in school competitions, on buses, and in messages printed on roadways.
is also very energy-efficient. When the driver ation of the new subway. For one thing, whether or not passengers are on board. “Our tween trains have been cut in half. “Trains have
brakes, the motor goes into generator mode around 80 percent of Oslo’s subway system is technology should generate heat-energy sav- been running every seven minutes 20 hours

18 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 19
The Metro is Paris’ most important mode of
Infrastructures | Paris | Study of a Carbon-Free Munich
transport. Glass walls between platforms and trains
and new Siemens driverless systems will increase
throughput on overloaded lines.

C ities are attractive places to live. They

promise work, a vibrant cultural life, and a
host of leisure activities. All of which is very
sumption and 80 percent of greenhouse gases,
not least carbon dioxide (CO2). As such, they
are storing up trouble for themselves, since ex-
true of Munich, Bavaria’s capital. From here, it’s perts expect cities to be seriously affected by
only a short hop to go climbing or skiing in the climate change. Shanghai, for example, is like-
Alps, to reach crystal-clear lakes, or to drive to ly to suffer from storms and heavy rains, and
Italy and the Mediterranean. Little wonder Germany’s Federal Environment Agency pre-
then that Munich is one of the few cities in dicts that by the end of the century Munich
Germany that is set to grow in the coming will see a significant increase in the number of
decades. Although an exception in Germany, hot days and “tropical” nights each year.
the city is, however, very much in line with the Is there any good news about cities? Well,
trend toward ever-larger metropolitan areas. yes. The very fact that they are not only the
In the world’s newly industrializing and de- biggest culprits in climate change, but that
veloping countries people flock to cities in they are so concentrated offers a good oppor-

Fast Tracks, Bright Lights Paths to a Better Planet

Paris has one of the world’s densest and oldest subway networks. Automation Cities are responsible for four fifths of all greenhouse emissions. That means that effective steps to cut
technology from Siemens is making the system more energy efficient. emissions in urban areas can have profound effects on the environment. A new study based on the city of
Meanwhile, light sensors are helping buildings to cut power consumption. Munich shows how a major metropolitan area could make itself virtually carbon-free within a few decades.

I n Paris the air is burning — literally. As you stroll

through the city, it’s impossible to miss the
many small mushroom heaters blazing away on
One way of raising throughput is to reduce in-
tervals between trains. This is now being done
on Line 1 — the oldest and, with 750,000 pas-
lighting system from Siemens’ subsidiary Os-
ram was installed. The system comprises
around 1,000 lamps with sensors that deter-
search of work and education and in hope of a
better life. And in 2008 a watershed was
reached. For the first time ever, half of the
tunity to tackle the problems they cause, since
the key levers for climate protection have their
biggest impact here. The major metropolitan
the question that has occupied researchers
from Germany’s Wuppertal Institute for Cli-
mate, Environment and Energy with the sup-
café terraces and inside poorly-insulated brasserie sengers a day, one of the most frequented mine how much light is actually required and world’s population lived in cities. By 2050 this areas of the world are thus in a unique position port of Siemens in 2009. Their study “Munich
conservatories. Even though they only burn for routes — in a joint project between the Paris trans- then tailor the lamps’ output accordingly. The figure is forecast to grow to 70 percent. This to lead the way to more environmentally- — Paths toward a Carbon-free Future” presents
a few hours a day during the chilly months of the port authority RATP and Siemens. In fact, Siemens lamps have replaced conventional ceiling light- will result in huge urban sprawls that consume friendly modes of living and doing business. a detailed look at what the city can do to mini-
year, each one of them generates as much car- has been supplying the Paris Metro lines with sig- ing that provided each workstation with con- resources and pollute environments. How can a modern city, despite population mize its environmental footprint between now
bon dioxide per year as a mid-sized automobile. naling technology and advanced driver assistance stant illumination throughout the day. When- Although metropolitan areas cover only one growth, reduce carbon emissions without hav- and 2058. The study concludes that it is possi-
Yet who would be so mean as to forbid the systems for the past 30 years. Now there are plans ever employees leave their offices for a longer percent of the earth’s surface, they are respon- ing to compromise on living standards or risk- ble to transform a city like Munich into a practi-
Parisians to use their patio heaters? After all, when to introduce driverless trains on Line 1 — with period, the lights now go off automatically. sible for 75 percent of the world’s energy con- ing a slowdown in economic growth? This is cally carbon-free area. This, it says, will require
temperatures fall, how else can they enjoy a pe- Siemens technology. Similarly, when it’s cloudy and less natural light close cooperation between municipal authori-
tit noir outdoors, either after work or on the go? At present, stations are being fitted with glass enters through the windows, the lamps auto- ties, energy companies, and the population,
For many Parisians, saving energy is impor- walls to separate platforms from tracks. These will matically brighten. along with a clear commitment to efficient
tant but should not compromise the French way incorporate automatic doors that open to let pas- Independent measurements have shown CO2 emissions Primary energy Munich’s Energy Requirements technologies, ranging from energy-saving re-
from energy sector 40.4 TWh
of life. Public transport is a good example of how sengers safely enter trains. This will help to re- that energy consumption for lighting has fallen frigerators to power plants, as well as a general
8.2m t CO2 per annum in 2008
this can work out. Here, too, comfort is the prime duce maintenance costs and cut the current in- by as much as 70 percent compared to before the per annum willingness to invest in greater use of renew-

Source: City of Munich, 2008; Stadtwerke München; estimates by Wuppertal Institute, 2008
Losses resulting from power generation and
motivation, though there’s good reason for that. tervals between trains from 105 to around 85 sec- refurbishment. Bernard Balia, former head of fa- transmission as well as energy consumption
able energy sources such as wind, solar power,
Only 20 percent of commuters travel by foot or onds, as well as increasing flexibility and reliability. cility management at OECD, was responsible for From coal 7.4 TWh
in the energy sector: biomass, and geothermal energy.
2.4m t 11.4 TWh = 30%
bike, compared to 68 percent in Stockholm. At Such fully automatic subway trains with Siemens- the project. “The system makes us more adapt-
first that seems surprising. After all, there is a wide- technology have been in service on Line 14 of the able. Instead of everyone having uniform light- Cutting CO2 by 80 to 90 Percent. The study
Total energy requirements: 29.0 TWh per annum 1 TWh = 3,6 PJ = 122.700 t SKE
spread network of bike paths in Paris, and autho- Paris Metro for 12 years. With an average speed ing, employees can now help to determine the sketches two alternative scenarios for Munich.
Trade +
rities created a bike rental system in 2007, with of 40 km/h, it is substantially faster than the oth- right amount of light for their needs. And the sys- From natural Natural
Industry Space heating and process heat The so-called “target scenario” adopts the very
gas gas
20,000 bikes at 1,450 automatic stations, all free er lines, which operate at around 25 km/h. tem is economical, since lights only get switched 3.2m t 15.8 TWh 11.8 TWh 7.5 TWh optimistic view that the vision of a carbon-free
of charge for the first 30 minutes. on when they are actually needed,“ he says. future can be more or less achieved over the
Electricity 4,3 TWh
One of the main reasons Parisians prefer not Seventy Percent Less for Lighting. Energy Outside, on café terraces, patio heaters con- 50-year span under consideration in the study.
to use pedal power is the superb subway system saving continues after the daily Metro ride to tinue to singe the Parisian air whether anyone is Households Another scenario — the so-called bridge
From crude 12.0 TWh
right at their doorstep. It is not only one of the work — at least for employees at the Parisian there or not. Perhaps one day they too will be fit- oil Crude oil scenario — is somewhat more conservative
Space heating 9.5 TWh
2.6m t 9.7 TWh
densest metro networks in the world but also, at headquarters of the OECD, the Organisation ted with sensors, allowing them to blaze into life and assumes, for example, that increased effi-
214 kilometers, one of the longest. The first sta- for Economic Co-operation and Development. only when actually needed. After all, when it Electricity 2.5 TWh
ciency in power generation will be offset by
tion opened in July 1900 to mark the World’s Fair. Although parts of the building are 50 years comes to preserving the French way of life, some Renewables 1.0 TWh
rises in demand and that individual transporta-
In fact, many of the stations are showing their age old, it is now able to adapt automatically to small sins should be permissible — if, that is, real Fuel 5.0 TWh tion will remain similar to its present-day form.
Nuclear power 5.3 TWh
and can hardly cope with today’s rush-hour prevailing weather conditions. In the course of crimes against the environment are avoided. 6.5 TWh
Electricity 0.3 TWh
Nevertheless, the results are impressive in both
passenger volumes. general refurbishment, a Dali Multi intelligent Andreas Kleinschmidt cases. The optimistic target scenario predicts

20 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2009 21
Infrastructures | Study of a Carbon-Free Munich

also conform to this standard. This includes the costs of approximately €200 a year per inhabi- othermal systems. The study assumes that central Europe via low-loss HVDC transmission
use of not only the best insulation and vacu- tant — around one third of an average annual electricity will be increasingly generated on a lines. Some of this power could also be gener-
um-insulated windows but also ventilation sys- gas bill. By 2058, however, this additional in- decentralized basis — for example, by CHP ated in low-carbon power plants equipped
tems that recover residual heat from the hous- vestment would be offset by energy savings of plants for individual areas of the city or even with technology for carbon capture and stor-
es’ exhaust air before it is blown outside. between €1.6 and €2.6 billion per year, which micro CHP units for individual buildings, which age.
Based on the above steps, the study finds translates into an annual sum of between supply not only heat but also electricity for res-
that it should be possible to reduce heating re- €1,200 to €2,000 per inhabitant. The refur- idents (Pictures of the Future, Fall 2008, p. 78). Plugging Cars into the Picture. One of the
quirements for existing buildings from the cur- bishment of existing and construction of new According to the study, if all the opportuni- most striking changes investigated by the
rent figure of around 200 kilowatt-hours per housing in line with the Passive House stan- ties to save electricity were rigorously exploit- study is the massive shift to electric cars. It is
square meter per annum (kWh/m2a) to be- dard would — according to the study — result ed — from stoplights to tumble driers — the likely that by the middle of the century most
tween 25 and 35 kWh/m2, while new housing in energy savings of more than €30 billion by
will require only between 10 to 20 kWh/m2a. 2058. Moreover, this scenario also applies to
At the same time, new buildings are to be other areas, since the study comes to the con- Improving the energy efficiency of buildings will cost
fitted with solar power systems, so that most clusion that measures designed to enhance ef- €13 billion but result in energy savings of €30 billion.
of them will be able to cover their remaining ficiency generally pay for themselves over their
energy requirements autonomously and even lifetime.
feed excess energy into the grid. In order to en- power consumption of a city like Munich could car trips in the Munich area will be made in
sure that the energy efficiency of most build- Home Power. Of course, insulation is by no be largely satisfied by renewable sources. The electric vehicles. For longer trips, people will
ings is raised to the requisite level over the means the end of the story. More has to be study assumes that the city will continue to ob- probably still use hybrid or highly efficient
next 50 years, the rate at which such refurbish- done if CO2 emissions are to be cut to almost tain electricity from larger power plants in the diesel or gasoline cars that consume on aver-
ment is being carried out must increase from zero. Greenhouse gas emissions can also be re- region as well as further afield in Germany and age less than five liters of fuel per 100 kilome-
the current figure of 0.5 percent to 2.0 percent duced by the use of combined heat and power abroad. Such power could be generated essen- ters. The large number of electric vehicles in
that through the implementation of compre- metric tons per capita. Both of the Munich sce- per annum. This means that four times as (CHP) systems. Such heating systems are par- tially by large offshore and onshore wind Munich will also become an important link
hensive efficiency measures the average CO2 narios undercut this target substantially. many homeowners must implement such en- ticularly efficient, since they utilize around farms in northern Europe or by solar-thermal within the power supply chain, helping to
emissions per inhabitant can be curbed by The Munich study analyzes in detail which ergy improvements than is currently the case. nine tenths of the energy contained in their power plants in southern Europe or northern buffer fluctuating loads from photovoltaic and
around 90 percent to 750 kilograms per an- measures will achieve the greatest reduction in The idea of improving the energy efficiency primary fuel. Both Munich scenarios also as- Africa and then transported to the cities of wind sources, whose output of electricity dif-
num by the middle of the century. CO2 emissions and whether they are economi- of a city like Munich on a more or less whole- sume that the use of district heating will rise fers according to the weather and the time of
The more conservative bridge scenario, on cal. Almost half of Munich’s CO2 emissions are sale basis over 50 years sounds like a major from the current figure of 20 percent to 60 day. When power is plentiful (and therefore
the other hand, results in a average CO2 reduc- the result of energy used to heat the city’s challenge. Yet such efforts are worthwhile. Al- percent. This is not an unrealistic proposition. cheap), electric car batteries will serve as an in-
tion of almost 80 percent to approximately 1.3 homes and buildings. Improving the insulation though it is more expensive to build according In Copenhagen, for example, around 70 per- CO2 Emissions termediate storage system. At times of high
metric tons. In comparison, on the basis of the of roofs, facades, and basements would thus to the Passive House standard than to imple- cent of all households are heated this way. demand (and peak rates), they will feed some
by Sector
IPCC World Climate Report of 2007, the Euro- yield significant savings. It is therefore crucial ment the Energy Conservation Act of 2007, Other measures designed to reduce CO2 of their power back into the grid.
pean Union’s environmental ministers came up not to scrimp in this area. In fact, the study as- the additional costs involved in such refurbish- emissions include the use of economical elec- At the same time, better town planning can
Thousands of metric tons CO2 p.a.
with a target of reducing greenhouse gas sumes that the refurbishment of existing hous- ment and the construction of new housing tric appliances and lighting as well as renew- help reduce the amount of traffic in Munich
emissions worldwide by over 50 percent and ing in Munich will conform to the Passive would amount to around €13 billion for the able and low-carbon energy sources such as 8,000 and therefore reduce its CO2 emissions. Both
thereby to an average figure of less than two House standard and that all future housing will entire city of Munich. That would mean extra photovoltaic systems, solar collectors, and ge- scenarios are based on reduced travel require-


Sources of Munich’s Energy Mix Munich’s Transport Energy Mix Building Heating by 5,000
-87 % -79 %
CO2 Emissions Per Capita
12.6 % 4,000
TWh per annum 46.5 %
40.3 %
TWh per annum TWh per annum 3,000
Total: Annual CO2 per capita (in kg)
Total: 8.03 Total: Total:
8 18 2,000
7.44 4.32 17.0 7,000
Power generation: Public transport: Percentage of CO2
7 Accounts for 40.3 % of CO2 Accounts for 12.6 % of CO2 16 22 % emissions in
4.00 -32% 1,000
2.75 emissions in Munich (2008) emissions in Munich (2008) Munich (2008) 6,000
1.18 Total: 14 resulting from
6 Total: 3.50 1%
-54% 2.92 heating of buildings: 0
5.28 5,000
0.79 12 46.5 % Reference Target Bridge
5 3.00 -89 % -80 %
Coal-fired power plant with CCS (2008) (2058) (2058)
0.16 Total: 4,000
Solar-thermal electricity generation 2.50 10 -79 % District heating
4 Passenger transport
Wind power on-/offshore Decentralized CHP

Source: Estimate by Wuppertal Institute, 2008

Source: Estimate by Wuppertal Institute, 2008
0.37 8 6,549
2.00 77 % Commercial transport 3,000
Biomass LPT electricity Direct supply of
0.68 6 heat Power and heat from CHP (coal)
Geothermal 1.50 LPT biofuel
Total: 2,000

Source: Wuppertal Institute, 2008

Source: Wuppertal Institute, 2008

2 0.38 LPT fuel (fossil) 3.5 Power and heat from CHP (natural gas)
Hydroelectric 1.00 4
Heat from CHP (natural gas) 750
Photovoltaic MIT electricity 60 %
1 0.28 1,000
0.50 2 Power from CHP (natural gas) 1,300
Decentralized CHP MIT biofuel
20 %
1.44 20 % Power generation (coal with CCS)
0 Centralized CHP 0 MIT fuel (fossil) 0
Direct heat generation (heating oil) Reference Target Bridge
Reference Target Bridge CCS: Carbon Capture & Storage Reference Target Bridge MIT: Motorized Individual Transport Reference Target/ Bridge CHP: Combined heat
(2008) (2058) (2058) (2008) (2058) (2058) LPT: Local Public Transport (2008) (2058) and power Direct heat generation (natural gas) (2008) (2058) (2058)

22 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2009 23
An innovative desalination technology from
Infrastructures | Water Purification
Siemens requires only half as much energy as
the best previous systems to turn salt water
into pure, potable water.
ments. Instead of building shopping malls on plans were ambitious from the beginning, but
green field sites that can only be reached by we’re still growing faster than even we expect-
car, the study favors the creation of urban ed,” says Knauf, the director of the new center.
neighborhoods in which homes, workplaces,
and stores are close to one another. That way, Pure Water for Singapore. That’s not surpris-
many more trips can be completed on foot or ing, given that the Singapore government has
by bicycle. The authors likewise advocate mak- given a boost to international research efforts
ing public transit more comfortable in order to in water processing and treatment technolo-
encourage its increased use. This includes the gies that amazes even veteran R&D experts. As
provision of individual services to inform pas- a result, Singapore is now the global center for
sengers about fares and connections via mo- the water purification industry. It realized Siemens develops high-precision processes for water analysis and purification at its Singapore water lab.
bile terminals. much earlier than others that water technolo-
gy would be a future growth industry. “Singa-
Why Savings Offset Expenses. In addition pore’s government and research institutes In June 2008, Singapore staged the first “In- Hub. “It serves as a confirmation by the world’s
to analyzing Munich as a whole, the study pre- were quicker than their counterparts in recog- ternational Water Week” exhibition that in the leading independent experts that Siemens is
sents a detailed plan of how to improve energy nizing the urgency surrounding water man- future will bring the entire industry together on the right track with its development proj-
efficiency in an actual district on the periphery agement issues and associated technologies, each year. During this year’s exhibition, the Sin- ects,” says Knauf, who is already preparing to
that contains both old and new housing. Here so they are very proactive in promoting them,” gapore government announced it was provid- address the next challenge. His researchers are
a 30-year period is considered. The authors says Loeffler. “That makes Singapore an ideal ing US $3 million in research funding for the now working on a new technique for an ener-
conclude that it would be possible to create a location for us.” “Singapore Innovative Technology Challenge.” gy-neutral and biological waste water treat-
low-carbon neighborhood within this relatively Singapore, as an island nation with an area The goal was to find a technology capable of ment. The decomposition process could be
short period of time. Moreover, they say that of only 700 square kilometers, has had to cope cutting in half the cost of converting seawater managed in such a manner that methane gas
the cost of refurbishing existing structures and with scarce resources for years. That’s why into drinking water. Many companies submit- is created, which in turn could be used to pro-
building new ones in line with the Passive more than ten years ago the government be- ted concepts, with Siemens emerging as the duce electric power. Such a waste water treat-
House standard would be offset by savings in gan to investigate new techniques for safe- winner. Instead of desalinating seawater by ment is energy efficient and creates a mini-
energy that would have been consumed for guarding the water supply for the country’s 5.1 means of energy-intensive heating and vapor- mum of sewage sludge. This is one of the
heating within a 30-year timeframe. The sav- million inhabitants. Among other things, the
ings would be sufficient to fund the creation of
a carbon-free district heating distribution sys-
tem powered by geothermal energy. In other
Singapore: city-state built one of the world’s first large
plants for processing wastewater and convert-
ing it back into drinking water (see Pictures of
A new desalination system from Siemens cuts energy
consumption per m3 processed from 10 kWh to 1.5.
words, investment in a carbon-free supply of
heating would not only reduce emissions sub-
stantially but would also save the district an av-
Pooling Resources the Future, Spring 2006, p. 22). The plant
processed 40,000 cubic meters of water per
day in 2006. Plans call for this figure to be in- izing processes, the Siemens concept involves technology’s most important benefits, as these
erage of €4 to €6.5 million per annum over the creased to 210,000 cubic meters by 2012. channeling water through an electric field. This are the major problems facing water treatment
lifetime of the systems. Singapore has established itself as the world’s “Water Hub” Most of the processed water is used by various reduces energy consumption per cubic meter plant operators.
It must be remembered that private individ- — a perfect place for Siemens Water Technologies, branches of industry that require pure water, of water from the ten kilowatt hours (kWh) “People don’t realize just how much of this
uals and the business sector also have a role to with its worldwide water R&D activities. and Siemens has been supplying the necessary common at conventional facilities to just 1.5 stuff accumulates,” says Knauf. “You need a
play in boosting energy efficiency, since in processing technology. kWh. Even the best of the previous technolo- convoy of trucks just to remove the sludge
many cases it is they who must choose be- gies based on reverse osmosis used twice this. from a single plant.” Before the sludge residue
tween traditional technology and a more effi-
cient but often, at the outset, more expensive
alternative. This applies equally to the con-
T he building on Toh Guan Road is a func-
tional structure with a plain facade, plenty
of parking, and a foyer straight out a typical
12 projects and around 20 processes here —
everything from simulations of fluid dynamics
over biological waste water treatment to refin-
Desalination Power. Recycling is just one
possibility for safeguarding Singapore’s water
supply. Another approach is to use seawater.
“That’s a major breakthrough,” says the manager
Lukas Loeffler. “Because of this development,
we’ll be seeing more seawater desalination in
can even be transported, however, it has to be
dehydrated and often dried in gigantic hea-
ters, which consume a great deal of energy.
struction of housing, electric appliances, and high school. And in fact schoolchildren often ing our advanced membrane technology,” says Here again — as with all other processes relat- the future.” „The procedure for this is currently in the pilot
industrial motors. Yet the study emphasizes visit on class trips. But the people who actually Rüdiger Knauf, who is responsible for world- ed to the water cycle — the key question is: phase, one of the numerous projects on which
that this often involves merely a change in be- study here are older. They are researchers from wide R&D at Siemens Water Technologies. „Be- How can such a system be organized in an in- Hungry Cannibals. Winning the Singapore we are working closely with PUB, the National
havior, not a compromise in the quality of life. around the world who have come to Singa- cause the tightness, we just had to expand our expensive, environmentally sound, and energy Innovative Technology Challenge was a big Water Agency Singapore.“
Frequently it is high costs that prevent a pore’s “Water Hub” to develop solutions to one laboratory by more than 500 square meters.“ efficient manner? To help answer this ques- boost for Siemens researchers at the Water Bernhard Bartsch
wholesale shift in attitudes and the wide- of the century’s greatest challenges — how to A key partner in the Water Hub, Siemens es- tion, Singapore’s government provided innova-
spread use of low-energy technology. And fre- provide everyone with clean water, and to do tablished its global headquarters for water tive companies with $300 million in research
quently this is because consumers fail to ap- so inexpensively, with the minimum of energy technology R&D here in 2007. Siemens Corpo- funding. It also networked the country’s lead-
preciate the potential savings in energy costs and in an environmentally responsible way. rate Technology also operates a lab at the site. ing research institutes and administrative bod-
over a full product lifetime. However, experi- The answer to this question just might be “Singapore will be the center and expansion ies, including Nanyang University, the A*Star
ence clearly shows that people’s behavior can right here in this building, in a large hall that springboard for all our innovation-related ac- development agency, and the Public Utilities
be nudged in the right direction by the use of houses dozens of devices — networks of water tivities,” says Siemens Water Technologies Board, which established the Water Hub. This
appropriate financial assistance and incentives tanks, tubes, hoses, new water purification Managing Director Dr. Lukas Loeffler. The Wa- network has ensured availability of state-of-the-
combined with targeted information cam- technologies and blinking instruments for ter Hub location will thus supplement existing art labs, access to well-trained personnel, and
paigns. The study therefore concludes that analysis. Monitors in the hall display measure- R&D facilities at six locations in the U.S., Ger- opportunities to conduct field tests. Siemens
greater energy efficiency is chiefly interesting ment data, and in one corner a laser camera many, and Australia. The 45 scientists who work has been joined in Water Hub by other compa-
when it makes sound financial sense. And that shoots bright flashes of light through a glass in the new laboratories registered more than 20 nies, and around 400 people now work at the
is almost always the case. Tim Schröder cylinder filled with water. “We’re working on patents after three years of operations. “Our site. An ultraviolet reactor (right) kills germs in water — without chemicals.

24 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2008 25
Siemens is developing measures to save energy
Infrastructures | Facts and Forecasts | Airports
for Denver Airport (below). Thanks to Siemens technolo-
gies, further worldwide Airports have already cut their
energy bill by around 40 percent.

Trillions of Dollars for the

Modernization of Infrastructures
A well-developed, properly functioning infrastructure
is the prerequisite for prosperity and sustainable
growth. Roads in disrepair, data and power networks
ciency of buildings. This is because the largest share by
far — 95 percent — of the energy used to provide heat,
hot water, air conditioning, lighting, and ventilation for
that China will account for approximately 80 percent of
the total infrastructure expenditures in East Asia.
Worldwide, stimulus programs for recovery from the
with inadequate capacity, and defective sewer networks buildings in Europe is consumed by structures that were economic crisis of 2008 with a total volume of about €2
cripple the economy. Modernizing the infrastructure and built before 1980, says an analysis developed by TH Pro- trillion have been announced and are already being im-
providing roads, rail lines, water and power supply sys- jektmanagement GmbH in Berlin. plemented in part. Roughly one third of this sum — €700
tems in emerging economies will require investments to- The U.S. stimulus package — the American Recovery billion — will be in the form of infrastructure invest-
taling $41 trillion worldwide in the next 20 years. That’s and Reinvestment Act — calls for infrastructure expendi- ments, with the rest to be used for measures such as tax
what experts from Morgan Stanley Investment Manage- tures amounting to the equivalent of about €253 billion breaks for private households. For Siemens, analyses
ment conclude in a February 2009 study. for energy, transport, buildings, health, water supply net- show that the market volume relevant to the company in
The European Union sees a need for $900 billion for works, security, and IT. Development of intelligent energy terms of planned spending on infrastructure in the three
expansion of transport infrastructure alone — from high- networks, known as smart grids will be supported along fiscal years from 2010 to 2012 is about €150 billion. The
speed rail lines to satellite navigation. The EU is planning with expansion of high-speed rail lines and digitization of largest share of this total, more than €85 billion, will be
to realize a cross-border network of rail, highway and wa- data and processes in healthcare. spent in the U.S., followed by China with €25 billion and
ter infrastructures by 2020, with a growing number of The government of China has also launched various Germany with about €5 billion. In all these countries,
seaports and airports. A major portion of the stimulus programs for infrastructure measures — with total fund- plans call for devoting major shares of the stimulus pro-
programs intended to invigorate the European economy ing equal to €250 billion, including €166 billion from pro- grams to green technologies. In China the figure is about
in coming years encompasses infrastructure projects for grams that existed before the economic crisis, and €84 52 percent, in Germany it amounts to 60 percent, and in
transport and communication networks, energy effi- billion in the form of additional economic stimulus ele- the U.S. it adds up to 31 percent. Based on Siemens’ cur-
ciency, building modernization, and hospitals. These ments. China is earmarking €73 billion for development rent share of the global market, calculations indicate that

Flight from Carbon Dioxide

measures add up to a total of about €42 billion in Ger- of the nation’s rail system alone. Also slated for extensive the markets served by Siemens could generate a poten-
many, France, and Italy. upgrading are the drinking water and waste removal in- tial contract volume of approximately €15 billion for the
The single most important factor in reducing energy frastructures in Chinese cities and the energy efficiency of company, including about €6 billion, or 40 percent, for
consumption and costs will be improving the energy effi- buildings. Market experts from Morgan Stanley predict environmental technology. Sylvia Trage

Rising energy prices, growing environmental awareness, and increasingly stringent legal requirements
are forcing airports to sustainably reduce their energy consumption. Solutions from Siemens demon-
$41 Trillion Will Be Needed for Infrastructure Stimulus Spending strate the kinds of energy savings that are possible if complex airport infrastructures are looked at
9.04 holistically. Siemens already serves as an energy manager at many airports worldwide.
Expenditures between 2005 and 2030 Approx. €700 billion Approx. €150 billion

Siemens’ markets
Trillions of U.S.$ affected by stimulus


D enver International Airport is a majestic fa-

cility. The roof of its passenger terminal is
adorned with 34 pinnacles made of translucent
by 10 percent and electricity consumption by 12
percent. For its study, BT examined the terminal,
waiting halls, and office and equipment buildings.
as the use of alternative energy generation sys-
tems. These can achieve immediate high carbon
dioxide reductions, but pay for themselves only
1.08 26 U.S. 85
Teflon as a tribute to the nearby Rocky Mountains. Along with energy-saving considerations, the after a long period. To help the airport operator
0.94 With 51 million passengers in 2008 [2010 num- study also took into account the impact the pro- with its decisions, the study lists the cost of each
13 China 25
0.43 0.43
3 Germany 5 bers are available from ACI], the airport is one of posed measures would have on the environment, individual measure, as well as the associated en-
14 Remaining the world’s busiest. Its passenger traffic is the operating capacity, and on passenger comfort. ergy reduction and its amortization period.
North America Europe
Source: Morgan Stanley, “The Infrastructure Opportunity, 2009”

countries 35
11th-highest in the world, and its number of The study produced a total of 26 proposals, A good example of how to achieve a major ef-
Share of
0.51 250
flights is the fifth-highest. However, its complex the most effective of which involve measures that fect at relatively low cost is offered by systems
in green infrastructure also makes it a huge consumer of would address heating, cooling, ventilation, that control terminal ventilation in line with uti-
4.97 Asia/Oceania infrastructure
energy. In 2007 it used 216 millions kilowatt lighting, and baggage transport systems, which lization. The installation of these systems, which
Brazil 60 hours (kWh) of electricity, or more than 4 kWh together account for more than 80 percent of to- employ CO2 sensors and intelligent ventilation
0.23 0.18 0.31 0.14 Germany 18 per passenger. tal energy consumption. “Naturally, airports are control units, would cost $215,000 — but would
Italy 16
Middle East In early 2008, the airport’s operating company looking to achieve extensive savings in terms of lead to annual energy-cost savings of $425,000.
Source: Siemens, June 2009

Spain 10
1.46 Water ($22.61 trillion) France 8 therefore asked Siemens’ Building Technologies not only costs but also energy consumption and Such an investment would thus pays for itself af-
0.54 Energy ($9.00 trillion) UK 3 (BT) division to draw up concepts to cut airport carbon dioxide emissions—and to do so as sim- ter only six months. Another relatively simple way
0.23 0.31
0.08 0.02 Highways / rail ($7.80 trillion) India 5 energy consumption. In mid-2009 BT released a ply as possible and at a low level of investment,” to save energy is to install energy-saving lamps
Government funding
for infrastructure Rest of world 77
Central/South America Africa Air / sea transport ($1.59 trillion)
in stimulus packages
study offering optimization proposals aimed at says Uwe Karl, head of Airport Solutions at BT. and LED lighting systems. Lights in the passen-
reducing the airport’s overall natural gas demand There are also more expensive measures, such ger terminal at Denver International are left on

26 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 27
Infrastructures | Airports

18 hours a day, seven days a week; those in the tems to function in line with ambient light con- being taken at Detroit Airport, where Siemens has pacity at Münster/Osnabrück Airport since 2001.
parking garages and on the runways and apron ditions and the utilization of specific areas, you been serving as an “energy manager” since Here, savings were achieved with systematic op-
burn even longer. Use of energy-efficient light-
ing systems could reduce electricity consumption
by more than 11 million kWh per year, which, giv-
can cut costs substantially.”
The second area addresses the use of re-
newable environmental-friendly energy sources
2001. “Our objective here is to increase the com-
fort and safety of existing systems and reduce en-
ergy and maintenance costs — and to do so with
timization. The operation of the cogeneration
plant, for example, was continuously improved
in response to the prices of electricity and nat-
In Brief
en the U.S. energy mix, corresponds to around such as wind, biomass/biogas, geothermal as little expenditure as possible,” says Karl. The ural gas. Many unnecessary lights were shut off
10,000 tons of CO2. Another measure involves sources, and fuel cells. “Here, decisions have to airport operator therefore sought out a compa- completely, incandescent bulbs were replaced
the provision of heat and hot water using bio- be made based on individual circumstances,” says ny that had the comprehensive expertise that was with LEDs, and the switch points of the lighting
mass, which can cover all requirements in the Uwe Karl. “Denver’s airport covers almost 140 necessary and could also offer energy perform- circuits were optimized with respect to time and
summer and serve as a supplementary energy square kilometers, for example, making it by far ance contracting. With this form of financing, the brightness. More and more people are moving to cities, PEOPLE:
source in the winter. Installation costs for such the largest in the United States in terms of vendor contractually guarantees the savings, de- Siemens BT is also active at Stuttgart Airport which now account for 80 percent of greenhouse City-Studies:
a system would total approximately $3.5 million, area; so it makes sense to consider the use of bio- cides which measures will be implemented, where it is responsible for efficient energy man- gas emissions. To steer this rapid urbanization to- Karen Stelzner, Siemens Issue Management
while savings would add up to almost $500,000 mass/biogas and wind energy.” The Siemens study and finances them. In return, the saved energy agement on the basis of values calculated from ward a greener future, major cities are increa-
per year, with an associated CO2 reduction of thus proposes such measures as well. costs are paid to the vendor until its expenses for the counting pulses of roughly 500 water meters singly turning to new, energy-efficient technolo-
around 7,000 tons. Such a measure would pay The third area focuses on solutions in the fields financing, planning, and monitoring are paid in full. and 400 heat and cooling meters. The setpoints gies of a sustainable urban development. (p.10) Copenhagen:
for itself after about seven years. as well as the controller settings from the au- John Finnich Pedersen, CC Denmark
After conducting a detailed analysis of the pro- tomation and field level are also documented and The European Green City Index, a study by the
posals, the Denver International Airport operat- A CO2-free airport is possible if a facility’s complex processed by the airport’s energy management Economist Intelligence Unit in cooperation with Tanja Thorsteinsson, CC Denmark
ing company will decide which measures it will infrastructure is looked at holistically. system. In addition to monthly, quarterly, and Siemens, compares the environmental compatibi-
implement, and at which times. The fact is that yearly reports, hourly values also play a key role lity of 30 European cities. Topping the list are for
airports need to take steps to increase their en- in assessing the efficiency of the systems. The pro- instance the Scandinavian Copenhagen and Oslo. Oslo and Smart City Trondheim:
ergy efficiency, since their complex infrastructures of power generation, alternative energy, baggage With energy performance contracting, the cus- gram for analyzing the energy data compares cur- (p.13, 16, 18) Gry Rohde Nordhus, CC Norway
make them major energy consumers. After all, and freight logistics, IT services, and building tech- tomer doesn’t have to spend any of its own mon- rent values with the building’s numerical mod-
thousands of airports around the world are nologies. The goal here is to manage the many ey, but benefits from the savings once the in- el. Energy savings of up to 40 percent can thus Paris has one of the world’s densest and oldest Christian Jahr, CC Norway
used by billions of passengers and airport em- energy-hungry systems in use with the help of vestment has been paid off. The operator of De- be achieved. subway networks. Automation technology from
ployees every year. In addition, studies conducted intelligent IT solutions aligned with airport troit Airport assessed numerous energy service These examples illustrate how major energy Siemens is making the system more energy effi-
by Airports Council International (ACI), the In- processes, and to regularly monitor and compare companies, and two remained in the running fol- savings can be achieved through smart mod- cient. Meanwhile, light sensors are helping buil- Paris:
ternational Air Transport Association (IATA), and energy consumption over time. “Many airports lowing the call for bids. Siemens offered the low- ernization and optimization. At the same time, dings to cut power consumption. (p.20) Valérie Rassel, CC France
the International Civil Aviation Organization have distributed and independent systems, how- est price and guaranteed the greatest energy sav- more pleasant temperatures and lighting plus bet-
(ICAO) show that passenger volumes are rising ever, which makes it difficult to gain a good ings — and was awarded the contract. ter air quality make the time spent at airports Cities are responsible for four fifths of all Catherine Mach, CC France
at a consistent average rate of between 3.5 and overview,” Karl explains. Here as well, the key is In addition to new centrifugal chillers, pumps, more comfortable for passengers and employees. greenhouse emissions. That means that effective
5.8 percent per year. to implement intelligent controls that eliminate lines, and flow sensors, the control equipment In new buildings, the energy required for heat- steps to cut emissions in urban areas can have
the problem of constant energy consumption. was also replaced. A new computer control sys- ing and air conditioning can be reduced by up to profound effects on the environment. A new Waterhub Singapur:
IT Solution for Energy-Hungry Systems. tem is the new nerve center of the system. Ad- 40 percent just through architectural measures study based on the city of Munich shows how a Dr. Rüdiger Knauf, Industry
“Our energy-saving measures are implemented Investments that Pay for Themselves. The ditionally, the lighting systems were modernized and new insulation and ventilation concepts. CO2 major metropolitan area could make itself virtu-
in three areas,” says Uwe Karl. The first area in- comprehensive analysis of energy consump- and numerous smaller measures were imple- emissions can be reduced by 70 percent or ally carbon-free within a few decades. Most of the
volves finding out which devices can be turned tion patterns at an airport forms the basis for the mented. The cost of the complete energy- sav- even more if alternative energy sources, such as technology that’s needed is already available — Energy-saving Airports:
off or modernized, as old machines are often the generation and implementation of energy- sav- ing project totaled $15 million. The project re- wind, solar, and hydroelectric are used to gen- and putting it to work would save money. (p.21) Uwe Karl, Industry
biggest energy wasters. It therefore makes sense ing measures by specialists. This is the approach duces energy costs by 23 percent each year, which erate the required energy, if geothermal energy,
at any airport to use energy-saving lamps that op- corresponds to an $2 million in savings. biomass and biogas, and cogeneration are used, Singapore has established itself as the world’s
erate in accordance with ambient light conditions if equipment is replaced with devices that use lit- „Water Hub“ — a perfect place for Siemens Water Links:
and utilization requirements. “In many cases you’re Siemens is responsible for the efficient energy How to Exploit Savings Potential. Siemens tle energy, and if this equipment is operated only Technologies, with its worldwide water R&D acti-
dealing with just one main switch for all the management of the Airport Stuttgart (below). Building Technologies is also active as an ener- on an as-needed basis. vities. Working with local partners, the company Green City Indices:
lights,” says Karl. “But if you optimize lighting sys- In addition to monthly, quarterly, and yearly gy manager in Germany, having served in this ca- “A lot can be achieved if you look at an airport is developing energy-efficient water treatment
reports, hourly values also play a key role for and its complex infrastructure from a holistic per- technologies there. (p.24)
reducing the consumption. spective,” says Karl. Siemens is in an ideal posi- Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environ-
tion to do just that, as it can serve as a single Rising energy prices, growing environmental ment and Energy:
source for all the required services and solutions awareness, and increasingly stringent legal requi-
needed by airport authorities from its various rements are forcing airports to sustainably reduce
Groups. This brings the green, i.e. CO2-free, air- their energy consumption. Solutions from Siemens Studie München:
port almost within reach, which is the stated goal demonstrate the kinds of energy savings that are
of Airports Council International (ACI), an inter- possible if complex airport infrastructures are loo- projekt/Carbon_Free_Munic.pdf
national association of airport operators with 567 ked at holistically. Siemens already serves as an
members operating in more than 1,650 airports energy manager at many airports in Europe and
in 176 countries. “If the political and public en- US. (p.27)
vironment demanded it, CO2-neutral airports
could already be in operation today. Even the CO2-
free airport does not have to remain a vision if
we take advantage of all the opportunities avail-
able to us,” says Karl. Gitta Rohling

28 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities 29
B u i l d i n g s a n d M o b i l i t y | Scenario 2020

32 Intelligence is their Model
Buildings are coming to life.
Thanks to automated manage-
ment systems that ensure optimal
lighting and ventilation via sophis- Air-flow simulations for Membrane filters for Small home energy units Light sheets and empyreans Gas and odor sensors for build- Intelligent meters for flexible
ticated sensors, building energy optimized climate conditions drinking water purificationv for cogeneration made of organic LEDs ing management systems heat and electricity rates
consumption can be reduced im-
mense. The pays are based on en-
ergy savings – as Siemens is aready
demonstrating with its Perform-
ance-Contracting. Pages 32, 36

38 Meters that Stabilize the Grid

By allowing customers to benefit
from flexible electricity rates, in-
telligent meters can reduce grid
loads and save users money.

49 A Toll Booth in Every Truck

Road pricing for trucks, phased
traffic lights, hybrid buses and dri-
verless subways are major trends
that are set to transform the way
we travel. Pages 43, 45, 49, 51

52 From Wind to Wheels

Electric cars could play a stabi-
lizing role in tomorrow’s power
grid, as mobile electricity storage
units. Siemens is investigating how
vehicles, the grid, and renewable
energy sources interact.

55 Get a charge!
Siemens researchers are develop-
ing technologies that will make it
possible to recharge electric vehi-
cles in just a few minutes

Master of Efficiency
2020 F
Fun Jie Fan explains to his friend Tan Xiao Summer 2020. Efficiency planner un Jie, I’m thrilled — it’s exactly as you de-
the sophisticated efficiency features of a
Fun Jie Fan is showing his friend scribed it on the phone,” says Tan Xiao,
high-rise in a district of London that he who clearly cannot believe what his friend Fun
and mentor Tan Xiao his latest
helped modernize. Now that the project has Jie Fan, a famous efficiency planner in Eng-
been completed, residents are not only puri-
successfully completed project — land, has done with the smallest neighbor-
fying their own wastewater but also need to the modernization and efficiency hood of the british capital London. “This neigh-
buy 90 percent less drinking water. The use optimization of a district in London in borhood is really thriving and beautiful now,”
of distributed power systems has also low- which Tan Xiao lived for many Tan remarks. “There’s no noise, no smog,
ered their dependence on externally-pro- years before moving to Beijing. you’ve got a light rail system instead of all
duced energy to practically zero. those cars, and there are parks where streets
used to be. I can hardly recognize it any more.”

30 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2008 31
Efficient building technologies save money and
Buildings and Mobility | Scenario 2020 | Trends
reduce the burden on the environment. In London,
such technologies reduce the amount of CO2
emitted annually by millions of tons.
Fun Jie grins sheepishly. “I’m pleased to hear This motivates the building’s occupants to re- stances tend to limit buildings from achieving
those words from you, my friend,” he says. duce their energy consumption. The city gov- maximum energy efficiency. That has to
“Another thing that makes me proud is that the ernment is even thinking about running a change,” says Brickmann.
government has acknowledged the success of competition for a prize for the most efficient Electricity-saving technologies and equip-
our pilot project by awarding us new contracts building.” Tan looks a little confused. “But what ment with quick amortization due to low oper-
for the gradual modernization of the rest of about in the summer, when the air condition- ating expenses have already been developed,
the city.” ing is running in all of these buildings all day? and, for the most, part they are already avail-
“A city of 12 million consisting of… Fun Jie, Is the energy they produce themselves enough able on the market (see Pictures of the Future,
please excuse me, but I’m an old man and I for- to cover demand?” he asks. Spring 2007, p. 86). Simple measures such as
get things quickly,” Tan says. Fun Jie laughs. “We came up with solutions for that issue as the correct setting of the technical facilities
“You mean energy-self-sufficient buildings — well,” Fun Jie replies. “For example, the win- and electricity-saving lighting based on ener-
like the one we’re standing in front of now.” dows don’t open, which means no hot air from gy-saving lamps or LEDs can dramatically in-
The two men look up at the skyscraper outside can get into the building. Instead, out- crease building efficiency. Other measures in-
above them. “The government issued strict side air is channeled through ducts into the clude equipment for combined heat and
guidelines,” Fun Jie explains. All the energy basement, where it cools off before being fed power that generates electricity and heat on
used by every building has to come from re- into the ventilation system. We’ve also got site, as well as solutions that utilize sensors
newable sources, and each building also has to small sensors that create a balanced climate by and building management systems, for in-
purify its own water and reduce its need to buy adjusting temperature, light, and fresh air lev- stance, to ensure optimal air and light condi-
drinking water from external sources by at least els precisely to predefined values. For lighting, tions automatically.
90 percent. The government also wanted the we use both efficient LEDs and OLEDs, which
neighborhood to have a better quality of life.” are flat, luminous, flexible plastics that can illu- Big Savings. How effective can the installa-
“But I know this building from back when I minate entire walls inside a building. So, as tion of energy-saving technologies be for a
used to work in the area,” says Tan. “It looks you can see, despite all the conservation meas- major city? In London, for instance, buildings
the same — only the glass facade is darker.” ures we’ve taken, no sacrifices were made in account for two thirds of the city’s total CO2
“That’s because of the solar foils mounted on terms of comfort or convenience. Our auto- emissions. But by 2025 the British capital could
the front of the glass,” Fun Jie explains. “The matic fresh air intake system makes for an ide- cut its CO2 emissions by ten million tons by im-
foils not only produce electricity but also cool al climate, and this has led to greater produc- plementing currently-available technologies.
the building by shading it from the sun. But tivity among office workers. The effect is Associated energy savings alone would be suf-
you’re right — you can’t see most of the tech- further enhanced by air flows that were opti- ficient to pay for nearly 90 percent of the solu-
nology we use because it does its work inside mized using simulations. To ensure that the air tions used.
the building. For example, we’ve got an anaer- in the building remains either warm or cool for In Sydney, Australia, the office complex at
obic biogas plant that transforms organic the longest possible time — depending on the 30 The Bond, illustrates the extent to which
waste into combustible gas that’s used to fire season, of course — all the floors were fitted emissions can be decreased using a combina-
Buildings account for about

Simple Steps that

the cogeneration units we installed in the of- with a combination of a double-layered facade tion of energy-saving measures. Optimal air
fices and apartments, which in turn generate and vacuum windows. In the winter, we also 40 percent of energy con- conditioning inside the office complex is
electricity and heat.” While Fun Jie continues use special heat accumulators installed in the sumption worldwide, and ap- achieved through integrated building manage-
his explanation, Tan makes a discovery as he ceilings. These absorb heat during the day and proximately 21 percent of all ment systems and a specialized cooling system

Save a Bundle
looks at the upper floors of the skyscraper. “Am emit it again at night.” greenhouse gas emissions. that works with cold water instead of an air
I seeing things?” he says. “Every other floor is “And how have you reduced the residents’ conditioning unit. The complex produces
Simple measures can make it
missing on the top stories of the building.” need to buy drinking water from outside?” Tan around 30 percent less greenhouse emissions
“Oh, sorry,” says Fun Jie, “I almost forgot asks. “Oh, that’s simple,” says Fun Jie. “We uti-
relatively easy to save at least than conventional office buildings of a similar
that. We gutted some of the floors at the top, lize proven membrane technology that we’ve a quarter of energy in most size and has correspondingly lower energy
left the elevator shafts in place, statically stabi- been employing for years. This technology is buildings. costs.
lized the free-standing floors, and installed now so versatile that we can desalinate and Abu Dhabi would like to prove that it is pos-
flat-lying windmills that optimally harness the purify water from the nearby sea without us- sible to save even more. In 2016 solar sails
wind up there to produce electricity. In this ing much energy at all. We no longer use with solar panels will provide shade and gener-
sense, the building is also a power plant that steam here but instead desalinate the water ate electricity at the same time for the newly
not only meets its own energy needs but also
transfers power to the local grid. For example,
if a building like this needs more electricity
with the help of the membranes.” Tan makes a
face. “So that’s why I had that stale taste in my
mouth after I had a drink of water.” “What do
M any a reader may have been astonished
by an article about the future of con-
struction in a July 2008 issue of the German
energy supply, while industry and transport ac-
count for approximately 30 percent. The corre-
sponding figures for greenhouse gas emissions
“However, many building owners are con-
cerned by the initial investment for installing
efficient solutions. They often prefer less ex-
established Masdar City, which will boast a
population of 50,000. Narrow shaded alleys
will provide natural cooling, and electric trains
during peak hours than it can produce, it sim- you mean?” Fun Jie says with a look of surprise. current affairs magazine Der Spiegel. It in buildings, industry, and transport were 21, pensive technologies that consume more ener- will almost make cars unnecessary. The Emi-
ply obtains the energy from the surplus in oth- “Fun Jie, you haven’t changed a bit,” Tan claimed that “buildings are climate killer Num- 34, and 14 percent respectively. The rest was gy,” explains Ulrich Brickmann, an expert on rates’ ambitious target is to create a CO2-neu-
er buildings. This system actually reduces the laughs. “Even after all these years, it’s still so ber One, worse even than the huge fleet of due to agriculture and forestry (see Pictures of energy efficiency solutions for buildings who tral city.
neighborhood’s need for externally-produced easy to pull your leg. By the way, all this tech- cars on the road worldwide.” To laymen this the Future, Spring 2007, p. 83). works at the Siemens Building Technologies These examples illustrate the growing
energy to more or less zero. We also installed nology talk has made me hungry — let’s go get might seem to be a bold theory, as up to now The good news is this: Buildings have the (BT) division in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. awareness of buildings’ potential for cutting
special meters on each floor. Anybody who’s something to eat. Hey, I see someone selling cars and factories have been branded as the greatest energy-saving potential. The 2007 re- With regard to residential buildings, an addi- energy costs and protecting the environment
interested can simply push a button on one of food from a grill over there — fired up with main energy gobblers. The facts, however, tell port of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- tional factor is that the person who usually has — not least because efficient solutions are ex-
these meters and see not only how much elec- good old charcoal. He must be the only one a different story. High-rises, residential build- mate Change (IPCC) estimates that more effi- to make the investment — the landlord — is periencing increased demand due to rising
tricity has been consumed but also how much left in the neighborhood who’s still producing ings, old buildings, office buildings and the like cient technologies could reduce CO2 emissions not the one who will benefit from reduced ad- prices for raw materials. Political decision-mak-
has been transferred — and sold — to the grid. greenhouse gases.” Sebastian Webel burn up around 40 percent of the total primary from houses by up to 40 percent by 2030. ditional costs, i.e. the tenant. “These circum- ers are also backing legislation that promotes

32 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2008 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2008 33
Buildings and Mobility | Trends | LED Streetlights

the efficient use of energy. For instance, from

2009 on, all houses in Germany will require an
Energy Performance Certificate that docu-
With this success in the bag, Siemens is
looking for partners and platforms with which
it can continue to promote energy efficiency to
A stroll after dark in the historic city center of
Regensburg, Germany, raises a question. Do
modern LED streetlights fit in harmoniously in the
est systems based on mercury vapor lamps, LEDs
could reduce energy consumption by up to 80 per-
cent, says Fiegler. “And LEDs can be combined
ments their energy consumption. This, in turn, the public. One platform that the company is narrow medieval lanes of a World Heritage Site with control systems that can exploit their ide-
is expected to put pressure on building owners already involved in is the EU’s Green Building city? The light comes from quite a variety of lamps. al dimming characteristics,” he adds. “But the key
whose prospective tenants will be comparing Program, which has been in operation since Some alleys are bathed in a yellowish, almost oth- factors for LED use in long-term street lighting will
the energy costs of different properties. 2005. Through the program, the European erworldly light. Then, just a few steps away, nar- be standardization and modularization, for in-
In January 2008 the European Union (EU) Commission gives advice on energy efficiency rowly-focused light cones create a pattern of light stance in the form of exchangeable light mod-
also put forward a package of laws in its “20- to the owners of commercial premises all over and darkness on the cobblestones. Illuminating ules.” Osram, in cooperation with international
20-20 to 2020,” legislation according to which Europe and works with them to develop action narrow lanes, streets and squares are cylinders committees, is moving forward in these areas.
the EU should reduce greenhouse gas emis- plans for greater energy efficiency. The aim is with many tiny points of light — lamps with light-
sions by 20 percent by 2020. At the same time, to reduce their use of primary energy by at emitting diodes (LEDs) developed by Osram Cutting Costs in Half. Procurement costs for
the total proportion of renewable energy least 25 percent. If a participant reaches this Opto Semiconductors. The lamps were manufac- LED lamps, however, are two to three times as
should increase to 20 percent and energy effi- target, it is awarded the status of a Green tured by Siemens in Regensburg and are designed high as those of conventional light sources.
ciency should rise by 20 percent. Building Partner, which it can use in its own to be screwed directly into the streetlight sockets. The amount cities could save by using LEDs de-
In Brickmann’s opinion, however, such po- advertising. By now, more than 70 European Up to 54 individual LEDs fit into one cylinder. pends on the technologies they are currently
litical leverage is not enough to introduce effi- companies and institutions have joined the The warm light cast by LEDs on the city’s his- using. Experts forecast, on average, a 50 per-
ciency solutions in buildings. “Saving energy program as building owners. toric facades makes the city appear every bit as cent reduction in electricity use and amortiza-
through technologies that require a high initial As one of more than 30 “backers of technol- picturesque by night as by day. The alleys are also tion periods of between ten and 20 years. To
investment is often a real dilemma for the ogy” for the Program, Siemens has committed more brightly lit, with hardly any dark corners. ease the transition, Osram is developing “con-

World Her itage in a New Light

Streetlights that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) cut electricity
consumption by up to 80 percent. Not only are LEDs efficient;
their light can also be optimally directed.

Low energy consumption can be achieved New LED street lamps from Osram light
by all, regardless of age, whether at the Regensburg’s historic center. The lamps cut
Berlin University of the Arts (left) or Masdar itself to supporting a plan for promoting the That’s because many of the LEDs create long light ventional lighting. LEDs are immediately bright lm/w. “However, sodium’s energy efficiency electricity consumption by 80 percent and have
City in Abu Dhabi (right). Green Building Program. Siemens informs cones along the narrow streets, while a few also when turned on and can be continuously comes at a cost. The quality of light is inferior,” twice the lifespan of conventional lamps.
building owners about the program and helps focus light downward. The LEDs that light the op- dimmed down to full darkness. With many oth- says Matthias Fiegler, who is responsible for Os-
participants to successfully implement their ac- posite walls are adjusted to use only 30 percent er lamps, the gas discharge that produces light ram’s global product portfolio for outdoor light-
managers of public buildings. They need new tion plans with the aid of technologies and En- of the electricity required for lighting sidewalks. stops working if it drops below a certain level. And ing. People often find it difficult to recognize col- tracting models” in cooperation with munici-
system solutions to cut their electricity bills ergy Saving Contracts. This is another reason why the lamps require only in the future it will be possible to automatically ors and contrasts in yellow light, which also of- palities, energy providers, and financing part-
and to take pressure off of their budgets, but in “The program allows us to kill two birds 40 watts compared to the 90 watts required by regulate the color of LED streetlights by, for ex- ten gives them an uneasy feeling. This is why ners like Siemens Financial Services. Such
many cases they can’t get over the investment with one stone,” says Brickmann. “For one their predecessors. “Another advantage of LEDs ample, mixing light from a white LED with that these lamps are less suitable for residential areas. models enable cities to use energy savings to
hurdle,” he says. thing, our Energy Saving Contracts generally is that their light can be directed at specific points,” of a red one. All this makes the little diodes ide- Among conventional technologies, ceramic pay for the investment in installments. Osram
allow us to fulfill the Green Building Initiative’s explains Dr. Martin Moeck, Project Manager at Os- al partners for smart controls. Their longevity also metal halide lamps are now leading the way. The also plans to cut lamp costs by half, so that the
Selling Efficiency. An answer to the energy- energy-saving criteria from the outset. For an- ram. “This isn’t possible with conventional lamps, makes them very attractive for municipalities. At powerful beams of white light produced by purchase prices of future LED systems will be
investment challenge is Siemens’ combination other, the EU is offering our partners an incen- so they often have to be overly bright in order to over 50,000 hours of light, their service life is these lamps reproduce colors very well. They are at most only 50 percent more than those of
of consulting, installation service, and financ- tive — their environmental activities can be illuminate areas they otherwise couldn’t reach. twice that of conventional lamps, and they mostly used in areas requiring a tremendous conventional lighting systems.
ing models. Here, the customer does not need publicized with the help of the Green Building LED lamps can focus their light more effective- need to be replaced only every ten years. amount of light, such as stadiums. Today’s LEDs, Many projects are now being financed through
to make any preliminary investment. In stead, Certificate.” ly, so they’re a lot more energy-efficient.” Alfons Energy-efficient street lighting has become an with their 100 lm/w energy efficiency and a col- funding programs, as is the case in Regensburg.
it pays for improvements over a contracted pe- The Berlin University of the Arts and Italian Swaczyna, Head Construction Manager and Di- important issue in many cities — especially fol- or rendering index of 80, are almost on a par with The city won first prize with its LED lighting concept
riod based exclusively on energy savings. By banking giant UniCredit are two of the most rector of the Civil Engineering Office of the mu- lowing the European Union’s regulation that in ceramic metal halide lamps. The index measures in Germany’s “Energy-Efficient City Lighting”
way of such so-called Energy Saving Contracts, prominent partners to hold the certificate nicipality of Regensburg, also likes the new 2009 heralded the end of incandescent lamps. The the extent to which a lamp can reproduce colors competition. It will therefore receive a refund of
Siemens has renovated over 1,600 buildings to thanks to Siemens. After a comprehensive lamps. “The LEDs have reduced light pollution, regulation will also progressively phase out less ef- in comparison to natural daylight (index 100). 60 percent of the costs incurred if it replaces all
date in Germany alone. According to Brickmann, “technology facelift,” the bank’s headquarters meaning light that used to glare into residents’ ficient streetlight lamps by 2015, including wide- Nevertheless, there‘s still room for improve- 250 lanterns in the historic city center with LEDs
this has been a huge success. “We have invest- in Milan today uses up to 32 percent less elec- windows or up into the sky,” he says. ly-used mercury vapor lamps, which only deliver ment with LEDs. Researchers hope to achieve 150 within two years. In the future, Regensburg’s soft
ed in efficient technologies with a contract val- trical energy per year. These and a lot of other LEDs stand out due to their high energy effi- 50 lumens of cool white light per watt (lm/W). lm/w and are working on reaching a color ren- LED lighting will enchant visitors and inhabitants
ue of around €120 million in total, thus saving examples show that energy-efficieny truly pays ciency and their light’s excellent color repro- An alternative is the high-efficency sodium dering index of 90. All in all, LEDs offer the great- at night — while using only half as much electric-
over €160 million in energy costs,” he says. off. Sebastian Webel duction. And they can do much more than con- lamp, which illuminates many highways with 120 est potential for savings. Compared to the old- ity as it did in the past. Christine Rüth

34 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2008 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 35
In the future, buildings will actively
Buildings and Mobility | Networking
participate in the grid. In Masdar City
(small pictures) narrow spaces between
and under buildings will enhance cooling.

T he environmentally-friendly city of the future

is being built in a desert in the United Arab
Emirates. Not far from Abu Dhabi, workers
dict demand, and thus offer new products, in-
cluding dynamic rates, which can change every
15 minutes.
years,” says Dragon. “We therefore need inter-
faces that allow control systems to communicate
with one another.”
from all over the world are building Masdar City. Entire grids will benefit as it will be easier to Software solutions that address this challenge
When complete, the city is expected to have spread energy consumption. In fact, experts pre- are being developed by Siemens Building Tech-
50,000 inhabitants, meet its energy require- dict a savings potential of up to 20 percent. nologies under the name “Total Building Solu-
ments entirely from renewable sources, and pro- Small cogeneration plants in buildings (Pic- tions” (TBS). Here, a variety of systems are be-
duce zero carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse tures of the Future, Fall 2008, p. 78) could also ing linked into one unit. They include building
gas (Pictures of the Future, Fall 2008, p. 76). Pow- be better integrated into power networks in the control and security technologies, heating, ven-
er is to be generated primarily by solar-thermal future. “If electricity demand is high, a co- tilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, room au-
power plants and photovoltaic facilities. generation plant will deliver energy to the net- tomation, power distribution, fire and burglary
City planners expect improved efficiency to work, while the waste heat will be fed into a lo- protection, access control, and video surveillance.
offset the high cost of implementing advanced cal heat storage system or into the thermal ca- “Only if all of these systems harmonize per-
energy solutions. In fact, the energy required per pacity of the building,” predicts Christoff Wittwer fectly can their economic potential be fully re-
from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy alized,” says Dragon. “Whether in a stadium, an
Systems (ISE) in Freiburg, Germany. “This heat office complex, a hospital, a hotel, an industri-
can be used later by residents.” al complex or a shopping mall — TBS will ensure
Well-insulated water tanks capable of acting that the facility is working productively, users are
as heat stores are already available. In contrast, being reliably protected, and energy is being used
heat storage based on phase change is still at the optimally.”
R&D stage. Here, for example, surplus heat is
used to melt a salt. Later, when demand for heat Large Savings Potential. The amount of en-
increases, the melted salt releases its stored ergy that can be saved through the intelligent
heat and solidifies. Yield is very high: “These types networking of power utilities and consumers
of cogeneration plant have an overall efficien- varies from case to case. However, experts
cy of over 90 percent,” says Wittwer. “In terms generally agree that savings of 20 to 25 per-
of primary energy, that’s much more productive cent are realistic. “This figure fluctuates de-
than large-scale fossil fuel power plants that don’t pending on the type of building,” says Dragon.
exploit waste heat.” “Shopping malls and office buildings often
have a savings potential of up to 50 percent.
Managing Demand. Conversely, consumers For hospitals, we’re talking about five to ten
can also selectively switch off devices at peak percent.” These differences depend on how

Plugging Buildings times to ease network loads. The key is to know

when rates are lower. For example, washing
machines and driers can be run at night when
buildings are used. For instance, in Europe
many shopping malls are open ten to 12 hours
a day and closed on Sunday. But a hospital op-

into the Big Picture electricity is cheaper. But which hours offer the
best prices? “Many appliances are already capa-
ble of determining this through signals in pow-
er lines,” says Dragon. “On and off times can be
erates around the clock. “That’s why hospitals
don’t have much scope for saving large amounts
of energy. The heating can be turned off in an
office but not in a hospital,” says Dragon.
determined by a smart meter.” Advanced technologies not only save ener-
Around 40 percent of the energy consumed worldwide is used in buildings to provide heating and This scenario would give utilities the advan- gy in hot and temperate zones; they can also do
lighting. But in the future, intelligent building management systems will ease the load on power and tage of being able to manage demand within so in icy areas. Take the new Monte-Rosa Hut of
heat networks — and even feed self-generated electricity into the grid. their networks. It would also help them to pre- the Swiss Alpine Club, for instance, which is
vent sudden peak loads from occurring — for ex- perched at an altitude of 2,883 meters. It is large-
ample, when large numbers of consumers turn ly self-sufficient — thanks to sophisticated
on appliances at the same time. building technology and components supplied
However, consumers would have to consent by Siemens (p.7). Power is supplied by a pho-
Masdar resident is projected to be only one fifth measures are expected to dramatically reduce Masdar is, of course, unique. After all, how ciency at Siemens’ Building Technologies Division to having their appliances turned on or off by a tovoltaic system, supported when necessary by
of today’s consumption. that figure in Masdar. often do you have the opportunity to build a com- in Zug, Switzerland. “Intelligent electric meters – utility depending on the network’s load — a cogeneration unit.
This goal can be achieved if forward-looking Masdar, which was developed by Sir Norman plete city with a focus on minimizing its envi- the smart meter – will usher in a lot of change based on the premise that they would be pay- In order to maximize efficiency, the building’s
planning and modern technology complement Foster, is scheduled to be completed in 2016. If ronmental footprint right from the start? How- in this area.” ing less for their power. Ultimately, both parties control system will use weather forecasts and in-
each other. In line with this philosophy, buildings it proves a success, urban developers and architects ever, intelligent building management tech- These small boxes will not only measure en- have an interest in a flat load curve, which is formation on guest bookings, thus helping it to
in Masdar will be built close together, thereby from around the world may orientate their nology is in demand everywhere. In industrial- ergy consumption, but will also be able to achieved by leveling demand over each 24-hour coordinate its power and heating systems as well
providing each other with shade and thus re- plans according to the technologies that prove ized countries, for example, buildings are being communicate with household appliances and period. as energy storage and applicate power de-
ducing air conditioning requirements. In addi- themselves here. Siemens is involved in the proj- transformed from mere energy consumers to ac- utilities (p. 38). Starting in 2010, a European The challenge is to coordinate each building’s mand. A smart algorithm will periodically cal-
tion, buildings will be built on concrete pedestals, ect. “The Masdar initiative is not only a fascinating tive participants in the electricity market, where Union directive and legal regulations in Germany sub-systems with one another and control their culate the best end temperature, so that the de-
thus helping to maintain cool temperatures by project; it also fits in very well with our energy they offer self-generated power for sale. “More will require all new and modernized buildings to communication with their surroundings. In other sired room climate can be realized with the least
allowing air to circulate beneath them. Today, 70 efficiency program and the solutions offered by and more buildings have photovoltaic or small be equipped with smart meters. Customers words, all isolated solutions should be combined. resources — thereby ensuring that not even the
percent of the energy consumed in Abu Dhabi our Environmental Portfolio,” says Tom Ruyten, wind power plants on their roofs,” says Volker will have better insight into their electricity costs, “That is not a trivial matter because these sys- smallest amount of energy is wasted.
is used to cool buildings. Planned architectural who manages Siemens’ activities in Dubai. Dragon, who works in the area of energy effi- while utilities will be able to more accurately pre- tems have developed independently over many Christian Buck

36 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 37
Smart meters enable consumers to monitor
Buildings and Mobility | Smart Meters
and manage their power use. Utilities also save
money and, for the first time, gain detailed
insight into network dynamics.
“The near-real-time transmission of data ample, has been able to automatically carry regions are now being supplied with electricity
from households, special contract customers, and out 210 million meter readings. The initial in- for the very first time. A total of 150,000 vil-
the power distribution structure gives us the kind vestment of €2.1 billion can be amortized rel- lages in India alone will be hooked up to the
of insight we need as to what’s going on in the atively quickly through savings of around grid over the next few years. As smart metering
grid,” says Arbon Energie’s Knaak. “This allows €500 million per year, while service costs per technology will be used here from the start, inte-
us as a supplier to make more precise forecasts customer and year have been reduced from grating it into existing systems won’t be a prob-
of peak load times, and thus plan more effi- €80 to €50. lem.
ciently.” Arbon residents are the first in Switzer- EnBW ODR, which supplies electricity to the More developed markets — like Brazil, for ex-
land to know exactly how much electricity region east of Stuttgart, Germany, is now re- ample, where the vast majority of households
they’re using every month, instead of having to placing its conventional meters with Siemens already have electricity — will have to modernize
pay estimated fees, as was the case in the past,
and then receiving a huge bill at the end of the
year. So living in the dark about one’s own elec- Completely new business models based on smart
tricity consumption will soon no longer be an is- metering will arise in coming years.
sue, at least not in Arbon.
The benefits that smart energy meters offer
utility companies go far beyond improved grid AMIS units along with the complete meter data their systems to reduce electricity theft and in-
load planning. For one thing, the manual read- management system. Ninety percent of the com- crease supply reliability. Smart meters will thus
ing of conventional meters is subject to errors pany’s new meters communicate with a central also be installed in many areas in these markets.
that generate additional costs, such as the server that processes the huge amounts of Finally, in many of the most developed countries,
need for a second readings. data, with most of this data transfer occurring legislation enacted as part of electricity market
These require disproportionate amounts of via power line communication — in other deregulation is leading to the rapid introduction
time and energy in comparison with standard words, the grid itself. of smart meters. The European Union, for ex-
reading trips. Smart meters, on the other hand, Siemens prepared itself well for such new ample, has an energy efficiency and services di-
are read automatically. “On average, around three types of cooperation models for smart metering rective that stipulates that all conventional me-
percent of the readings of conventional meters systems by partnering with U.S.-based eMeter, ters be replaced by smart meters by 2020. In-

Transparent Network
Power companies worldwide have begun installing electronic smart meters that allow
customers to monitor consumption practically in real time and thus conserve energy.
Such companies benefit from better grid load planning and lower costs. Siemens offers
complete solutions that include everything from hardware to software.

W hen asked about the electricity meters in

the Swiss municipality of Arbon, Jürgen
Knaak, head of the local power utility, Arbon En-
and such information only shows the sum of the
electricity used over a specific period of time.
Having such data made available in some-
just substitute a digital display for mechanical
cogs; they also automatically forward con-
sumption data to a control center and have a
are erroneous and need to be repeated,” says Dr.
Andreas Heine, head of Services at Power Dis-
tribution. “Smart meters reduce this error rate to
one of the world’s leading providers of meter data
processing services. Such partnerships require
a high degree of flexibility, however, since the
deed, all new buildings built today have to have
such meters.
According to Knaak, smart meters represent
ergie AG, says, “It’s time to get out of the dark!” thing closer to real time would conserve re- feedback channel.” Among other things, this en- nearly zero. So, if you’ve got an area with a mil- business logic behind smart metering projects just a small component of a much larger project:
What Knaak is referring to is the fact that for a sources, as consumption could then be flexibly ables suppliers to send price signals to customers, lion customers, you can save more than €1.6 mil- differs greatly from region to region. By 2030, the smart grid. With this energy network, it will
very long time nearly all electricity customers and adjusted, prices for consumers lowered or raised who can then reduce consumption during peak lion per year, which corresponds to 53 percent global electricity production is expected to in- be easier to incorporate renewable sources of en-
suppliers around the world have suffered from in line with peak loads, and power generation times in order to save money. of the previous cost for readings.” crease by 63 percent over its 2008 level to ap- ergy.
a huge lack of information. Consumers know capacity stepped down when less electricity is One smart meter now on the market is the proximately 33,000 terawatt hours (TWh). In addition, electricity storage will one day play
nearly nothing about their electricity consump- needed. AMIS model from Siemens. It got installed No More Flying Blind. Most smart meters Whereas today’s poorer countries are expected a major role here and with improved network load
tion habits, while suppliers know very little about Meters capable of such real-time data deliv- 20,000 times until today. Some 100,000 of which are now being used in highly developed coun- to expand their annual production by around four planning it will be possible to reduce the oc-
the state of their grids at any given — including ery were not available to the average con- are scheduled to be installed in Upper Austria by tries, with dozens of projects currently under percent, electricity production in the most de- currence of the sort of major blackouts that have
such basic information as whether loads in sumer until recently — but now, more and more early 2012 (see Pictures of the Future, Fall way in the U.S. and Europe. Direct economic veloped regions will grow by only about 1.3 per- caused havoc in Europe and the U.S. over the last
certain sections are dangerously high, or whether power suppliers are installing smart meters 2008, p.63). More and more residents of Arbon benefits are generated in such nations mainly cent per year. few years. “Without smart meters, there would
the supply voltage has dropped dramatically in that electronically measure electricity con- in the Alpine country Switzerland, on the shores through a decrease in blackouts and efficiency never be a smart grid,” says Knaak. “Together with
particular areas. That’s because data from elec- sumption. Alexander Schenk, head of the AMIS of Lake Constance will also soon be enjoying the gains in service processes. By installing Time for Smart Meters. Completely new Siemens, we, in our little town of Arbon, have
tricity meters generally doesn’t become available Business Segment at Siemens’ Power Distribu- benefits offered by the Siemens intelligent elec- around 30 million smart meters with feedback grid structures are now being set up through- laid part of the foundation for this flexible net-
until months after power is actually consumed, tion Division, explains. “Smart meters don’t tricity meter. channels, Italian energy supplier ENEL, for ex- out large parts of India and China, and many work of the future.” Andreas Kleinschmidt

38 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 39
Whether in an ice chamber (below left), under UV
Buildings and Mobility | Facts and Forecasts | Rail Vehicle Optimization
exposure, or undergoing passenger simulations
using heated pads, Vienna’s trams are subjected to
extreme tests to optimize their systems.

I t’s a summer day and Vienna's trams are

packed. The air conditioning is running full

Huge Growth Market for Green blast. “In extreme cases, heating, air condition-
ing, and ventilation systems (HVAC?) can ac-
count for 30 to 40 percent of a tram's energy

Urban-Infrastructure Solutions use,” says Dr. Walter Struckl, an expert on sus-

tainable public transport systems at Siemens.
That's ample reason to think about energy con-
servation. But how can climate control be
made energy efficient while at the same time
keeping costs under control and satisfying pas-
C ities are growing at a breathtaking pace worldwide.
More than half of the world’s population already lives
in cities, and this figure is set to grow to 70 percent by
efficient technologies. Using Munich as an example, the
Wuppertal Institute and Siemens conducted a study that
showed that energy-efficient solutions could transform a
conditioning, and efficient heating systems. According to
the BMU, these measures would suffice to give the global
market for building systems a major boost and increase its
sengers? Since March 2010 the Ecotram re-
search project has looked at this challenge. In-
2050. This trend is creating huge challenges for city man- city with some one million inhabitants into an almost volume by more than €400 billion by 2030. The Federa- volved are Siemens, the Vienna University of
agers, who will have to greatly expand municipal infra- completely CO2-free area (Pictures of the Future, Spring tion of German Industries (BDI) expects the worldwide Technology, local Vienna transport-related com-
structures because 6.4 billion city residents will need elec- 2009, p. 6). Major reductions in CO2 emissions could be market for power plant technology to grow by five to ten
tricity, water, and transportation services in 2050, achieved by expanding local mass transit systems and in- percent a year. Demand is particularly high for more effi-
compared to 3.3 billion today. At the same time, cities will troducing technologies such as state-of-the-art building cient and low-CO2 plants. At the same time, the global
have to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 emis- systems, traffic management systems, and electric vehi- market for renewable sources of energy is expected to
sions. At present, they already account for 75 percent of cles. Growing demand for electricity could also be met in grow three-fold or even six-fold over the next 15 years,
the energy consumed worldwide and are responsible for an environmentally-friendly manner by boosting energy expanding from €45 billion to as much as €250 billion.
80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Climate protec- efficiency. The systems that could be employed here To create “green” cities, city managers will have to in-
tion measures thus promise to be particularly effective in range from combined heat and power plants to smart vest huge sums in complex projects. Because municipal
cities — and will open up market opportunities for green grids and techniques for transmitting electricity with min- budgets will often not suffice for such tasks, cities will
urban-infrastructure solutions. imal losses. have to work with private investors. Each year, the private
The potential in this regard is huge. After all, a large The German Environmental Ministry (BMU) estimates sector accounts for up to 15 percent of the investments
part of the infrastructure in emerging markets and devel- that the global market for environmental technologies will made in infrastructure projects worldwide. Such invest-
oping countries will have to be completely renewed, as more than double between now and 2020, to over €3 tril- ments are frequently made in the form of public-private
these countries account for 95 percent of the world’s pop- lion. This development will be boosted by the financial cri- partnerships (PPP), whereby companies not only supply
ulation growth. Many industrialized countries will also sis. For example, London-based investment company products and services, but also conduct project manage-
have to modernize their infrastructures. Business consult- HSBC estimates that around €300 billion or about 15 per- ment and provide long-term financing for a part of the
ing firm Booz Allen Hamilton estimates that the world’s cent of the amount being spent on economic stimulus costs. Siemens’ energy-saving performance contracting
cities will have to spend around €27 trillion over the next programs worldwide is flowing into the creation of green represents a special kind of PPP. Here, the use of environ-
25 years to modernize and expand their infrastructures. infrastructures, with about 68 percent of this sum being mental technologies is financed solely through the sav-
Of this amount, €15 trillion will be spent on water man- invested in energy-efficient technologies. ings achieved in energy costs. To date, Siemens has imple-
agement systems, €6 trillion on power grids, and €5 tril- The energy-savings potential from buildings is particu- mented more than 1,900 such projects for buildings

Tough Tests for Trams

lion on road and rail networks. larly large, as they account for about 40 percent of global worldwide with guaranteed savings of €2 billion and a re-
To allow cities to satisfy their infrastructure needs in a energy demand. Around 30 percent of this demand could duction of 2.4 million tons of CO2. For the affected cities
climate-friendly manner, they will have to employ energy- be eliminated through improved insulation, controlled air- this means greener buildings — for free. Anette Freise

How can you reduce the electricity use of a tram’s climate control system without making the
The Global Market for Environmental Economic Stimulus Programs Include vehicle less comfortable? Siemens and its partners in the Ecotram research project are develop-
Technologies will Grow to over €3 Trillion €300 Billion for Green Solutions Worldwide ing effective energy-saving measures that require no sacrifices in terms of passenger comfort.

Billions of euros, by sector Total market in 2007: €1,383 billion Billions of euros, by sector
Total market in 2020: €3,138 billion
Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Buildings Low CO2-emission
Sustainable water management Water 46 vehicles
Sustainable mobility Renewable 26 14 11 panies, the rail infrastructure company, and cli- hours of electricity per year. The Ecotram proj- air-conditioning to its surroundings and cool
Environmentally-friendly energies 615 335 53 1030 energies mate control system manufacturer Vossloh ect would like to reduce this figure. Günter less in tunnels, are on trial. Carbon dioxide
and energy storage Other
Resource and material efficiency Kiepe. The project will run for 18 months and Steinbauer, the managing director of the city's sensors for air regulation, since CO2 content
Recycling economy is being funded by Austria’s Climate and Ener- transportation authority, anticipates at least a provides an indication of how many passen-
155 94 35 538 2020 56
Total: €300 billion
gy Fund. The partners cover all pertinent tech- 10 percent reduction. Applying that figure to gers are on board also seem promising to
nologies – from air conditioning units to cli- the city's 300 modern trams would allow an- Struckl. He's also thinking about the color of
matic test labs and the production and nual savings of over 3,000 megawatt hours. the light used to illuminate the trams – that’s
Source: BMU, Roland Berger

2007 operation of rolling stock. Thereby the railways’ This corresponds to the electricity consumed important for the felt temperature. “Using the
efficiency together with their systems should be by 1,200 households. type of lighting provided by LEDs, for example,
300 805 analyzed and – where possible – optimized. Ecotram partners plan to study the effec- would conserve a lot of energy because it
Source: HSBC

Power grids Rail systems

200 361 63 84
Climate and ventilation systems for a state- tiveness of 20 energy-saving ideas. For exam- would enable you to alternate between warm
of-the-art tram use about 100,000 kilowatt ple, forward-looking regulators which adapt and cold-white colors as needed,” Struckl says.

40 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 41
Driverless subway trains entered service in Nurem-
Buildings and Mobility | Rail Vehicle Optimization | Driverless Subways
berg in summer 2008. Today, the seats with the best
views of the tunnel are the most popular ones. The
trains are monitored from a control center.
Climatic Chambers for Trams. Rail Tec Arse- ranging from — 20 to +32 °C. Tram doors have adding that this can be solved by optimizing
nal is a unique climatic test facility for rail vehi- been opened and closed during tests, and dif- the control software.
cles. Experts have fitted Vienna's latest ferent speeds have been simulated to account
tramway model with measurement systems at for the fact that heat escapes to the outside On-the-Job Testing. After leaving the test fa-
the facility, which is co-owned by Siemens (see more rapidly at higher speeds. Heating pads cility in May 2010, Ecotram entered regular
Pictures of the Future, Spring 2009, p. 4). In were put on the seats to simulate body heat service for several months of evaluation. Dur-
the site's two chambers (100 and 34 m long) and a varied number of passengers. As during ing that period, its sensors have been collect-
entire trains are exposed to extreme weather normal operations, the climate control and ing data 24 hours per day. Photoelectric de-
conditions. Here, giant rotors generate air- ventilation systems automatically adjusted vices register the number of people entering
streams, and powerful halogen lamps simulate temperatures to target values. Richter continu- and leaving the tram at each stop. Passenger
hot summer days. Technicians can alter humid- ally monitored external and internal tempera- comfort has been measured by analyzing tem-
ity, and even make it rain or snow. Even a ture, wind speed, sunlight, and the power in- perature, air velocity and carbon dioxide con-
storm is possible, which is also used by com- put of climate control and ventilation com-po- tent (Pictures of the Future, Spring 2006, p. 68).
petitive athletes like the ski jumpers from the nents. “For the first time we are seeing how While the tram is in service, Kozek is devel-
Austrian national team in the climate test labo- much energy individual systems use,” he says. oping a thermal behavior simulation model.
ratory, says Gregor Richter, a project manager Richter has already devised initial energy-sav- It's based on a physical model—for example,
at Rail Tec Arsenal. ing approaches. “Sometimes it gets cooler than heat losses caused by airstreams. Results ob-
Thanks to the facility's weather simulation it should in the trams because the air condi- tained under real conditions will be compared
capabilities, Ecotram has been tested under tioning doesn't step down until it actually reg- with the measurements from wind tunnel
typical Vienna conditions, at temperatures isters temperatures that are too low,” he says, tests. Data from the field tests will help the
program simulate operation, including tunnel
segments, tram stops, and varying passenger
counts. The completed software will send
Mobility Concept Vienna trams on virtual runs and calculate the impact
on use and comfort.
Siemens will be able to use the model to
Vienna, the Danube metropolis, is a model city for demonstrate which measures are most eco-
modern mobility. This is established by the research nomical. “I expect that this will help to provide
report “Vienna: A Complete Mobility Study” carried evidence against the preconception that ener-
out by the UK transport consultants MRC McLean gy efficiency drives up costs and reduces com-
Haze. According to this study, Vienna, already a key
transport and logistics hub at the heart of Europe, is
currently reaping the rewards of a long-term strategy
that embraces all modes of transport. What’s more,
fort,” says Struckl. “The model will also boost
energy transparency under a range of condi-
tions. Many tram operators scale their systems
in line with extreme situations such as a rush
Driverless in Nuremberg
the city plans to expand its public transport infra- of festival-goers in the summer, but forget that
structure while assigning a low priority to automobile the tram has to pay for the overweight for the
More and more driverless trains are travelling through Europe’s cities. These trains run at short-
traffic in the city center and promoting the interests of cyclists and pedestrians. Vienna is putting a rest of the year” he says. er intervals, while at the same time increasing flexibility and reliability. Siemens is providing
consistent focus on the expansion of the urban public transport (ÖPNV).“The study shows how suc- The results will be incorporated into an eco- the technology, systems and trains worldwide. Also in Nuremberg, where the subway system is
cessful Vienna has been in implementing an efficient transport strategy that could serve as a model tram prototype in the follow-up project Eco- the first in Germany which use trains without drivers.
for cities everywhere,” says Dr. Hans-Jörg Grundmann, CEO of the Siemens Mobility Division, in refer- tram II as of October 2011, and will be com-
ence to Vienna’s “Transport Master Plan 2003,” which covers the period until 2020. Today, the Aus- pared to the projected energy savings.
train capital has 227 kilometers of streetcar tracks, one of the largest streetcar networks in the world. Passenger reactions will then show if all the
The transit network run by transport operator Wiener Linien is over 960 km in length, including 116 work was worth it. “The key is to save energy in
subway, streetcar, and bus lines with 4,559 stops, from which any location in the city can be reached
within 15 minutes on foot. On weekdays, public transport accounts for up to 35 percent of total traf-
fic, one of the highest mass transit quotients in the world. Vienna plans to increase this share to 40
such a way that nobody notices,” says Struckl.
What might the energy-efficient streetcar
of the future look like? “The trend is toward
S ündersbühl subway station in Nuremberg:
a red and white test train pulls in. You get
on and the train heads out. At first, it looks like
Exhaustive training is devoted to operations
such as automatic starting, braking, and pre-
cise stopping, opening the doors, securing the
don, and — since 2006 — Turin for more than
25 years. Nevertheless, what Siemens did in
Nuremberg was unique. The new U3 line ran
percent by 2013 with capital expenditures of €1.8 billion, some of which will be used to extend exist- high-efficiency climate control and ventilation any other modern subway train. But then you tracks, switching and automatic coupling as initially on part of the route used by the con-
ing subway lines and to build new streetcar lines in outlying districts. Siemens is supporting this ef- systems, lightweight design, and onboard en- take a second look and notice that there’s no well as putting trains into and taking them out ventionally operated U2 line. This means that
fort by providing high-speed trains, 40 subway trains as well as the associated control signaling. Fur- ergy storage,” says the mobility-expert Walter driver’s cab. All you see is the subway tunnel of service. Final test operations have been run- conventional and driverless subways shared
thermore, Vienna ordered 300 ultra-low-floor streetcars, which Siemens is delivering to the city’s Struckl. “The latter involves regaining energy stretching out ahead of the train’s windshield. ning since November 2006 — in close harmo- one and the same route. No other subway in
transport operator at the rate of 15 to 20 per year. Last but not least, Siemens is supplying a system released by braking and waste heat from cli- “The view from the front car is the only visible ny with the future timetable, but as yet with- the world had such mixed operations of trains
to control traffic lights on the basis of traffic volumes, with a view to smoothing traffic flow and to mate control units. This is already possible in difference for a passenger traveling in a driver- out passengers. Official commissioning took with and without drivers till this time.
preventing gridlock. In addition, the system for controlling traffic lights and the overall traffic man- some places. That's why the intelligent power less train,” says Georg Trummer, who heads place on June 14, 2008. The Nuremberg project was pioneering in
agement system, which 200,000 commuters benefit from daily, regulates transportation throughout grids now being developed in conjunction Siemens’ activities in Germany’s first driverless At the end of 2001, the city of Nuremberg another respect as well. In January 2010, the
the metropolis. The system is fed by traffic data, most of which is collected by Siemens’ sensor solu- with renewable energy systems are a key issue subway. Trummer’s team managed the imple- and VAG Nürnberg — the local public transport U2 line was also converted to driverless opera-
tions. With the Siemens complete mobility approach, different transport systems can be networked for rail traffic. If you combine all possible ener- mentation of the project together with the operator — decided to equip the U3, and later tion over its entire length, thus ending the
with one another as effectively as possible. The “Ptnova” pilot project, which can connect all ticket ma- gy-saving measures for the vehi- cle and infra- many test-drives. And today, the driverless sub- the U2, subway lines for driverless operations. mixed operation. And all of these changeovers
chines, ticket printers, and point-of-sale systems, is helping to automate all sales-related processes such structure, tram energy consumption could be way – known as Rubin (Realisierung einer auto- Automated subway systems are nothing new. took place without any interruption of normal
as ticketing, customer management and the administration of season tickets. Nikola Wohllaib cut in half by 2030.” matischen U-Bahn in Nürnberg) – has revolu- Driverless subway trains have been operating subway service. “Nobody’s ever done that be-
Christine Rüth tionized Nuremberg’s transit. in European cities such as Lille, Toulouse, Lon- fore,” says Trummer as he opens a door at the

42 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009; Fall 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2008 43
The first City Hybrid buses from MAN are now
Buildings and Mobility | Driverless Subways | Hybrid Drives for Buses
on the road in Munich. Equipped with drive
technology from Siemens, they use up to 30
percent less fuel than conventional buses.
end of the platform. Behind the door are key putting additional trains into service, for exam- This wasn’t possible in Nuremberg due to
components of the ATC (Automatic Train Con- ple for major events. “Although investment the former mixed automatic/driver operation,
trol) system developed by Siemens: computers costs are higher, the new system is more eco- and because the platforms of some stations
for the routes and the signal boxes. These com- nomical. One reason for this is that it takes less are curved,” explains Trummer.
puters continually exchange data with those in time to get trains moving in the opposite direc- Absolute safety is ensured by video moni-
the higher-level control system, as well as with tion at terminal stations, which means we toring and a new high-frequency transponder
train computers, via fiber optic cables and induc- need fewer trains and we don’t need to hire system that sends a dense grid of sensing
tive loops embedded in the tracks. The data in- additional personnel,” says Konrad Schmidt, beams out over the tracks from transmitter
cludes the train’s destination and speed, track who headed the project for VAG Nürnberg. and receiver rails installed underneath the
switching information, and the side of the train
that will face the platform in the next station.
Nuremberg was the first place where conventional
Digital Drivers. An onboard computer (Auto- and driverless subway trains shared a track.
matic Train Operation) in the subway train it-
self uses this data to control the entire driving
process. A second computer (Automatic Train Experience in other cities with automated platform edge. If a person or object falls onto
Protection) monitors the actions of the first systems has confirmed this. In Paris, for exam- the track or between a train coupling, the sys-
and makes corrections if necessary. The ATC ple, where Metro line 14 has been in driverless tem will immediately stop all trains in the area.
system registers all train movements via a re- operation since 1998, the system has proved Solid sills extend from doors when trains are in
transmission channel, which means it always itself primarily through improved capacity and stations to ensure that no one can get caught
knows where each train is at any given mo- safety. As a result, the Paris Metro’s historic in the gap between train and platform.

ment and how fast it is moving. The latter ca-

pability is made possible by Siemens’ two-car
train sets equipped with navigation units and
Line 1 was also to automated by 2010. Anoth-
er driverless subway line was under construc-
tion in Barcelona, and a third took shape in Ui-
When it’s time to go, an infrared sensor in
the rubber edges of the door halves registers
even the slightest pressure — the seam of a
Next Stop: Bonus for Braking
transmission and reception antennas, among jeongbu, Korea — all of them with technology coat stuck in between is all it takes to keep the With a view to helping big cities get a handle on their traffic problems while reducing fuel
other things. Thanks to these, the ATC system from the Siemens Mobility Division. train from leaving the station. The control cen-
can monitor and control subway train move- The VAG Nürnberg control center is located ter monitors train-car interiors via video cam-
consumption, engineers are working on environmentally-compatible means of mass transit.
ments completely autonomously. just a few kilometers from the line U2 and U3. eras. Passengers who activate an alarm are au- Buses, for instance, could operate more efficiently if their diesel drives were supplemented
Passengers need not be aware of any of Staff at the space center-like facility can moni- tomatically put into direct contact with the with an electric motor that charges itself with braking energy. With its highly efficient “ELFA”
this. What they will be aware of, however, is tor all automated operations on computer control center via digital voice radio. Control hybrid drive, Siemens now has a leading role in hybrid bus technology.
that the train begins moving smoothly as if screens in semicircle formation and on large center staff can immediately dispatch mainte-
guided by a magical hand, brakes slightly, then wall monitors, so that they can intervene in nance or rescue services to the train.
accelerates once again to its top speed of 80 the event of an emergency. In such a case, the “In general,” says the former leader of the
kilometers per hour, and seems to float to a various computers will provide diagnostic in- overall project, Trummer, “the trend in Europe
stop at the next station. “The trains travel at an
optimal speed in accordance with the time-
table and the distance between the stations.
formation and video images. Control center
staff can then take over control of the system.
The control center also monitors messages
is toward fully automated systems — at least
for closed systems like subways. Unlike street-
cars or buses, subway trains don’t have imme-
I f it were up to the environment, the good
old combustion engine would have been put
out to pasture long ago — for a number of rea-
the human respiratory system. But there is an-
other reason for retiring the combustion en-
gine. More than half of the world’s population
than the equivalent figure for a full car. Many
people already use buses to get around big
cities, and not just in developing countries,
That’s one reason they drive so smoothly,” from the safety systems, which represent diate contact with street traffic, which means sons. For example, the unbridled use of gaso- already lives in cities, and traffic is becoming where a privately-owned vehicle is a luxury.
explains Trummer. The result is greater com- pioneering joint developments from Siemens it’s much easier to monitor and secure them.” line and diesel fuel is depleting oil reserves. denser and denser. This, in conjunction with Even in industrialized nations like Germany,
fort, along with a unique view into the subway and Honeywell. “Normally, automated sub- The “driverless future” is already reality in And, of course, engine exhaust contains car- environmental concerns, explains why even buses account for roughly half of all public
tunnel. Other benefits of the driverless system ways are equipped with platform doors Nuremberg — and the seats with the best view bon dioxide, which is heating up the earth’s at- more buses will have to take to the streets in transportation — every second mass transit
include shorter train intervals — 100 seconds that block the dangerous area at the edge of the tunnel are the most popular ones. mosphere. And let’s not forget the fact that the future. After all, fuel consumption per pas- kilometer is driven by a bus. The more densely
instead of 200 — and the possibility of quickly of the platform until the train has stopped. Dagmar Braun fine particulates and oxides of nitrogen irritate senger in a full bus is as much as one-third less populated big cities become, the greater the

44 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2008 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 45
Too quiet? Some passengers still react skeptically
Buildings and Mobility | Hybrid Drives for Buses
when a silent bus approaches. Nevertheless, the
City Hybrid isn’t just quiet. It is also economical
and comfortable.
desire for clean and quiet vehicles. London, for 2015, this alone would represent tremendous
example, has been restricting access to its demand for the vehicles. “Interest around the
downtown since 2003. There and in Stock- world is already extremely high,” says Schmidt.
holm, Sweden, cars have to pay a toll, and gas- “In fact, we can hardly keep up with orders.”
guzzlers are charged an extra levy. In Munich, Siemens in Nuremberg is working with numer-
Germany, trucks are no longer permitted to ous bus manufacturers, with ELFA orders com-
drive in the inner-city zone. It’s very plausible ing not only from MAN, but also from Mer-
that many communities will decide to issue cedes, Belgian commercial vehicle
even stricter emissions regulations for inner manufacturer Van Hool, and Indian transporta-
cities in the future. tion giant Tata Motors.
In such a case, only extremely fuel-efficient
vehicles or vehicles with electric drives would In Use around the World. Wrightbus, a bus
be permitted to travel in city center areas. But manufacturer from Northern Ireland, has or-
buses drive two to three hundred kilometers a dered Siemens’ drive technology for double-
day and thus require many times more energy decker buses in London. When London Mayor
than an electric car. “A battery capable of pow- Boris Johnson presented the plan for the new
ering a bus all day long is still very heavy and vehicles in May 2010, he raved not only about
expensive,” says Manfred Schmidt of Siemens the slick design, but also about “innovative
Industry’s Drive Technologies division in green technology.” Johnson said that London-
Nuremberg, Germany, where electric drives ers would have every reason to be proud of
are developed. their new, fuel-efficient, and quiet means of
That’s why Siemens is putting its faith in the transportation.
hybrid bus. Hybrid means the combination of a He predicted that hundreds of these hybrid
combustion engine with an electric drive. The buses would be ferrying passengers around
bus doesn’t have to be plugged in, though. the streets of the United Kingdom’s capital in
Whenever the driver steps on the brakes, the the future. ELFA buses are now in operation
energy that would otherwise be lost as heat is throughout Europe in Spain, Belgium, the
fed into an electrical storage system. This is the Netherlands, and Italy. In addition, they can
same principle that hybrid cars have been us- also be seen in Turkey, the U.S. and Brazil. In
ing since the late 1990s. Germany, Hamburg’s municipal transport com-
Schmidt is convinced that “hybrid technolo- pany is planning to deploy ELFA-based Mercedes
gy makes even more sense in a bus than it hybrid buses that use a combination of batteries
does in a car.” Not only is a bus in operation all and fuel cells. Beginning in 2020, every new bus
day long, it also spends between 25 and 40 in Hamburg is to be a hybrid model.
percent of its time standing still at bus stops “The development of Emission-free inner
and red lights. It is thus constantly braking and city areas is a political issue,” says Schmidt. In
this case, even garbage trucks would be suit-
able candidates for the hybrid drive. MAN al-
teries. When the UltraCap is depleted, the constraints. “As a result, up to two-thirds of the together” by a combining gearbox. If synchro- ready developed a 12-ton truck with a 220-hp
A hybrid bus emits up to 26 tons less carbon dioxide diesel engine springs to life and powers a gen- valuable braking energy is wasted and the sav- nous machines based on permanent magnets four-cylinder engine and 60 kW electric motor.
per year than a conventional bus. erator, which in turn produces electricity for ings effects are relatively slight,” says Schmidt. are used instead, less electricity has to be fed The vehicle is primarily suited for longer distri-
the energy storage unit. A hybrid bus of this With a serial hybrid bus, on the other hand, into the machine to generate the magnetic bution runs with frequent stops. And Faun, a
type can generally drive an average of 200 me- fuel savings as great as one-third can be field that then turns the motor. This reduces German company, offers a garbage truck with
starting. For the latter, buses can use stored What makes ELFA, as the Siemens drive ters from a bus stop before its UltraCap is emp- achieved — with a corresponding reduction in losses, the machine has a higher efficiency and ELFA. The “Rotopress Dualpower” is currently
braking energy to quietly accelerate without technology is known, so special is its serial hy- ty. The UltraCap is then ready to store all of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Depending on transfers more energy to the axle, which results hauling waste to a disposal facility in Leipzig.
producing any emissions. brid solution. With the parallel hybrids typically energy generated during the next braking the number of hills and bus stops on a route, a in an additional 10 percent savings of diesel “Hybrid buses,” says Schmidt, “are just a
MVG, Munich’s public transport company, used today, both a combustion engine and an phase. Added up over the course of the day, typical bus consumes between 40 and 60 liters fuel. In addition, such a setup also reduces wear. stop along the way to zero-emission transpor-
currently operates two hybrid buses on its electric motor drive the axle via the drive shaft. that amounts to major fuel savings. of fuel per 100 kilometers. Assuming roughly Granted, a hybrid bus is still more expensive tation.” After all, the goal is zero-emission traffic.
routes. One of these is the Lion’s City Hybrid But with a serial hybrid the drive shaft is turned 60,000 kilometers per year, this amounts to than a conventional diesel bus that costs Schmidt sees two possible ways to achieve this:
from MAN, for which Siemens supplies the drive solely by the electric motor that preferentially More Storage. Hybrid technology enables 30,000 liters of diesel fuel. With a hybrid, how- around €250,000. Schmidt estimates the with battery-powered buses, whose energy
technology. “We want to test and compare dif- draws its energy from a storage device called more braking energy to be fed in than is the ever, this figure is just 20,000 liters. Because added cost for the hybrid bus to be around storage devices are charged at the terminal
ferent hybrid buses,” says Herbert König, who an UltraCap — a high-performance capacitor case with conventional parallel systems “be- the combustion of one liter of diesel fuel pro- €100,000. However, he is convinced that station or at the depot, or with a hybrid model
heads MVG. “By doing so, we are supporting installed on the roof of the bus. The UltraCap’s cause the dimensions of the electric motor can duces 2.6 kilograms of carbon dioxide, a hy- economies of scale resulting from mass pro- that uses both a battery and a fuel cell for motive
the manufacturers as they strive to develop high energy density and high efficiency make be larger,” explains Schmidt. When a bus brid bus can save around 26 metric tons of car- duction will cut the added cost in half, in power. The fuel cell would be used to charge
this innovative vehicle technology.” Drivers and it superior to a conventional battery (see brakes, it typically provides around 150 kilo- bon dioxide each year compared with a which case the price would be only about the battery during operation. However, Schmidt
passengers are enthusiastic everywhere hybrid Pictures of the Future, Fall 2007, p. 74). watts of power. In a parallel hybrid drive, the conventional bus. 20 percent above the normal price. is reluctant to predict when and where which
buses are in operation. There is no reving up The UltraCap can therefore store a lot of en- electric motor is too small to deal with this lev- Siemens engineers employ a trick to throt- The subject of hybrid buses is picking up buses will be used. “Whether hydrogen or elec-
noise while the bus is starting off, and in con- ergy in a small package. It is also largely main- el of power. Typically, it can only handle be- tle back this diesel fuel consumption even fur- steam. If the Chinese capital city Beijing man- tricity is ultimately used as fuel will depend on
trast to the sometimes jerky ride typical of con- tenance-free and has a substantially longer tween 50 and 80 kilowatts. Ultimately the mo- ther. The drive typically includes two three- ages to follow through on its announcement how and where we produce our electricity in the
ventional vehicles, hybrid buses seem to glide. service life than conventional lithium-ion bat- tor cannot be made any larger due to space phase, asynchronous machines that are “linked and replace half of its bus fleet with hybrids by future,” he says. Jeanne Rubner

46 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 47
Cameras that combine thermal and video images can
Buildings and Mobility | Tunnel Safety | Road Pricing
identify otherwise invisible sources of danger. CT
researchers (right) check the functions of an RFID chip
designed to detect trucks carrying hazardous freight.

C hristoph Wondracek needs just a few

moves to start the system. First he uses
suction cups to fasten a small non-descript box
to the windshield, after which he inserts a plug
into his vehicle’s cigarette lighter. “Now we can
get going,” he says as he turns the key. The car
Wondracek is now driving through the streets
of Vienna is a laboratory on wheels. Siemens is
using the vehicle to test its latest ideas for mak-
ing future road traffic more economical and
more environmentally friendly.
“This onboard unit contains all the technol-
ogy we need,” Wondracek explains. The unit’s

Danger Made Visible

navigation system utilizes satellite signals to
pinpoint the vehicle’s current location, and
then sends the positioning data to a central
computer via GSM technology familiar to cell
phone users. This technology can be employed
Trucks with defective engines, faulty brakes or hazardous freight can trigger an inferno to set up a highway toll system for trucks or an
in a tunnel. Siemens researchers are investigating hoe to use RFID technology, video analysis, inner-city congestion charge system for reduc-
and thermal imaging cameras to spot vehicles that are at risk. ing traffic during rush hours.
Siemens is developing these state-of-the-
art solutions in Vienna, Austria, where it oper-
ates a Toll Systems Competence Center that it

T he driver of the tanker truck doesn’t know

that he’s heading for disaster. He’s unaware
that the braking system on one of his rear
with a 3D image, after which an analysis pro-
gram searches for anomalies that could indicate
components susceptible to fire, such as wheels,
The CT team is particularly proud of its newly
developed RFID transponder system’s ability to
meet extremely high demands. The chip can
established in 2006. “We were already working
on toll systems before that,” says the center’s
director, Dr. Karl Strasser, “but developments
wheels is blocking and beginning to glow red brakes, axles or engines. It does this using transmit its signal to the unit’s reading device didn’t start moving toward extensive complex
hot. There’s a tunnel coming - in three kilome- knowledge gained from models that provide in- over a distance of around 50 meters - and send systems until a few years ago.” That’s why
ters - but the potential catastrophe doesn’t have formation on things such as how hot one axle the data at least twice within two seconds. Siemens is utilizing the center as a base for
a chance to unfold thanks to safety systems that may get in relation to the others. In a next step “Conventional passive radio chips without a pooling the required expertise from through-
have already detected the rolling time bomb Siemens researchers will test whether infrared built-in energy source have a range of only six out its worldwide organization. As a result, ex-
and triggered an alarm in the tunnel operator’s images alone are able to discover risky parts meters,” says Daniel Evers, an RFID expert at CT. perts from the fields of satellite navigation,
control center. such as tires, brakes and axles. Dr. Andreas Hut- “That’s why we use an active chip that has a mobile data transfer, traffic guidance, and oth-
This is still a future vision. Nevertheless, the ter, an expert in real time image processing: built-in battery and transmits in the high-fre- er areas are now working together in Vienna.
three-year research project “Protection of Critical “This might reduce costs significantly.” quency range of 2.45 gigahertz. To ensure the Research at the center’s labs is both virtual
Bridges and Tunnels on Roads” (German The situation becomes high-risk when it battery lasts as long as possible, the transmitter and physical. Specialists not only design on-
acronym: SKRIBT) is moving closer to making comes to material transports. Some materials in the transponder sleeps until it’s woken by a board units that incorporate the latest naviga-
this vision a reality. Ten partners from govern- like gasoline may only be transported through radio pulse issued by the reading device at the tion and data transfer technologies but also
ment agencies, industry, and research institutes, certain tunnels. Although trucks carry orange checkpoint.” To ensure this is the case, Siemens develop software that enables the reliable col-
including Siemens Corporate Technology (CT) stickers bearing coded information on how dan- researchers employ an encryption technique lection of hundreds of thousand of data sets.
and the Mobility Divison, are participating in the gerous their freight is. But it can’t be controlled they previously developed for passive RFID chips Whenever an urban congestion charge or
project, which is being funded by the German automatically and reliably if they only travel (Pictures of the Future, Spring 2009, p.45). “Pre- highway toll system is being planned any-
Ministry of Education and Research. through specified tunnels. However, using vious solutions needed too much energy,” says where in the world, technicians in Vienna go
Most major accidents in tunnels are caused
by trucks with burst tires or defective engines.
That’s why Alla Heidenreich, infrastructure proj-
Siemens’ RFID-Chips (Radio Frequency Identifica-
tion) information on the load can be selected.
Hermann Seuschek, an IT security expert at CT.
“However, our cryptochip is so energy efficient
that the transponder can run for at least three
to work on customized solutions that are in-
cluded in the company’s bids. A Toll Booth in
ect manager at Siemens CT, has been working
with her team since 2008 on two safety systems
that can identify defective trucks and those
transporting hazardous materials - before they
Transmission-Enabled Stickers. Such a sys-
tem would function roughly as follows. When a
truck transporting hazardous materials passes a
reading point approximately three kilometers
years without needing a replacement battery.”
Research activities were followed by road
tests in mid-2010, when Siemens researchers
installed truck detection system components at
No Toll Plazas Required. Strasser’s core team
comprises 40 specialists. Once a project is up
and running, the teams are expanded to in-
clude experts from related areas. The acid test
Every Truck
enter a tunnel. The researchers, who are from before a tunnel, its cargo data would be regis- the Aubinger Tunnel near Munich. Plans call for involved the introduction of a state-of-the-art Siemens is developing a toll collection system that
Munich and Princeton, New Jersey (USA), came tered by the RFID system and forwarded to a the tunnel safety system to be tested until the truck toll system in Slovakia in the spring of
utilizes state-of-the-art satellite technology. The system
up with the idea of combining video images control center. Only one truck would be permit- end of July 2011. “Up until now, activities have 2010, for which Siemens supplied the onboard
with thermal imaging technology to determine ted in the tunnel at a time. Should an accident focused on improving safety within the tunnel,” units and software. “One hundred of our peo- opens the door to flexible, real-time, international tracking
if certain vehicle components are overheating. A occur, firefighters would tackle the blaze using says Heidenreich. “But in the future, we’re going ple refined the various technologies before the and charging of commercial vehicles depending on their
video processing program linked to surveillance precisely the right extinguishing agent. Any to be able to detect and prevent danger before a system was launched,” Strasser reports. route, weight, and emissions, thus helping to reduce
cameras identifies a passing truck. truck attempting to enter a tunnel with prohib- vehicle gets there. Video, RFID, and infrared Toll fees in Slovakia vary depending on congestion and increase safety.
The thermal image of the truck, which is ited freight would be stopped by a red light in technologies will play a key role in this process.” whether a truck travels on a major highway or
recorded using an infrared camera, is linked front of the entrance. Rolf Sterbak a state road. In similar projects, such as in the

48 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 49
Buildings and Mobility | Road Pricing | Intelligent Traffic Management

Czech Republic, toll plazas used to be set up demonstrations with his vehicle and its equip- And the same goes for thousands of other work,” explains Dieter Geiger from Siemens’
along roads in a complicated and expensive ment. France is planning a toll system similar cities. Around the globe, metropolitan areas Mobility Division. “Factors include road capaci-
process. Devices at the plazas receive a mi- to the one in Slovakia, as are Poland, Slovenia, are growing so fast that a large portion of their ty, weather and population and traffic density.”
crowave signal transmitted via a small box in
vehicles that use the roads.
But in Slovakia, Siemens embarked on a dif-
the Netherlands, and Belgium. “Demand is so
high we can barely keep up with the work,”
says Wondracek.
infrastructure can’t keep up with traffic vol-
ume. But intelligent toll system technology of
the type Siemens offers can help cities flexibly
Tolls that Shape Behavior. Another trial be-
ing carried out by Siemens — this one in Den
Faster Commuting
ferent approach — one that, for the first time, Haag in the Netherlands — shows how pre- The average driver in Germany spends 60 hours a year in
made it possible to eliminate the high level of cisely traffic flows might be controlled in the traffic jams, and much of it takes place in cities. Engineers at
investment required for toll plazas. Instead, A minor alteration to central computer software is all future using toll system data. Siemens has
Siemens are developing advanced information systems and
trucks that travel on toll roads must now be equipped several hundred passenger cars with
equipped with an onboard unit like the one in
it takes to expand the toll system to additional roads. an onboard unit in a test designed to simulate traffic light management systems that reduce congestion.
Wondracek’s car. This system can precisely the influence tolls have on driving behavior.
measure the distance traveled, and thus the Highway toll systems are one of two areas manage traffic in response to real-time de- Do, for example, test subjects avoid rush hours
amount each shipping company will be that Siemens experts in Vienna specialize in; mand, and thus reduce travel times while cut- to reduce their tolls? Do many of them switch
charged for each vehicle. There are other po-
tential benefits. For example, a country could
decide to track the exact location of shipments
the other is city toll systems, the most well-
known of which is to be found in London.
Every vehicle that enters the center of the UK
ting air and noise pollution.
There are a number of customized city toll
systems from Siemens. One involves dividing a
to public transport?
“I believe this is the wave of the future,”
says Dr. Alexander Renner, head of Develop-
E nvironmentally-compatible mobility is a
primary concern for transportation plan-
ners in the northern German city of Münster.
minutes in line with traffic levels, which are
measured using induction loops. “Every traffic
light responds to induction loop data and
of hazardous goods or animals in real time. capital now has to pay a flat fee. As a result, city into segments and charging drivers a set ment at the Vienna Competence Center. “If cer- The city has started to modernize its traffic switches to red, for example, if no cars have
“The flexibility of this technology is unri- traffic congestion in the City declined by ap- fee to enter each one. This setup is similar to tain roads became expensive during peak traf- light control system, parts of which are several passed from a certain direction for a given peri-
valled,” says Wondracek. For example, an on- proximately 26 percent shortly after the sys- the system used in London. It’s also possible to fic periods, we could ease congestion. That in decades old. City planners would like to create od of time,” explains Mück. “At the same time,
board unit can be programmed in line with a tem was introduced, and public transport has charge tolls based on the number of kilometers turn would speed up traffic flows and lower the perfect “green wave,”: “Fewer stops mean Motion MX also tells each traffic light how
truck engine’s emission class and whether or become a more attractive option. This, in fact, driven. That’s the principle behind the on- emissions.” The onboard unit Wondracek is us- long it should remain switched to green and
not a trailer is being used. The toll fee can then was precisely the effect officials wanted to board-unit system. The third possibility is a ing on his trip through Vienna demonstrates how long the cycle should take in between two
that such technically-complex solutions can al- green lights in the same lane.”
ready be implemented today. Münster Moves Faster Achieving a green wave was a complex
Back in his office, Wondracek points to a mathematical optimization task for Mück. “It's
An Affordable Track-and-Charge System screen. “The onboard unit sent my trip data to Traffic light stops about minimizing waiting times and the num-
for all road users
this computer,” he says. The system software ber of stops,” he says. Even if vehicles can only
Satellite-based toll system ETBO* Central computer can reconstruct the route down to individual 35 -26 % -37 % drive in two directions along a route with ten
32 -13 % -38 %

Source: Ruhr University Bochum, Lehrstuhl fur Verkehrswesen

Identifies Route? lanes, thereby providing the basis for toll calcu- 30 traffic lights, there are so many possible ways
vehicle Road and vehicle type? lation. Nor is privacy a problem, according to of changing the green phases, waiting times,
Satellite Hazardous materials?
= Charges Wondracek, because all data is sent to a cen- 20
and other variables that it would take the
ID tral computer that collects the information in 28 20 26 22
world's best computer millions of years to cal-
accordance with the onboard units’ anony- culate all the combinations of solutions.
mous registration numbers. This computer for- This is why other control systems haven't
Truck with wards only information on the number of kilo- differentiated between cars on the main route
onboard unit Virtual toll plaza 0
meters driven on toll roads to a second Morning peak Afternoon peak and vehicles on side streets, to simplify the
computer center, which then calculates the toll 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. math involved. To ensure that drivers on the
Source: Siemens AG

for the user based on the device number. With fixed-time control With adaptive main route can travel unimpeded, Mück's team
“Our goal is to merge the different systems With conventional control developed a new method. “To do that, you
optimization Reduction in %
Route is determined and achieve European-wide compatibility over need to depict the cars together as a group at
*”Electronic Tolling Back Office” computer
the next few years,” says Renner. Satellite- several signaling stations,” he says.
A satellite-supported onboard unit (left) enables a toll based systems could play the key role here. “In A study by Ruhr University in Bochum, Ger-
system to calculate the length of trips not only on the long run, every car and truck will be reduced fuel consumption, air pollution, and many showed that the new system reduces the
be adjusted according to the vehicle’s impact major highways but also on minor roads. combination of the first two in which individu- equipped with an onboard unit,” Renner says. noise. Creating a wave of green lights is essen- time drivers lose at traffic lights on Albersloher
on the environment and road surface. A simple alized tolls are charged depending on the time At that point, many of the different approach- tial for sustainable urban traffic management,” Weg by up to a third and that, on average, 20
alteration to the software on the central com- of day, type of vehicle, and route . es used today will be combined into a single explains Jürgen Mück, a technical cybernetics to 30 percent of the traffic light stops during a
puter is all that’s required if a government de- achieve. In addition, Siemens has provided the Which system is the best? Siemens and the system, which means the same devices used engineer at Siemens Mobility. trip can be eliminated. Public transit also benefits
cides to extend the system to other roads. London congestion fee authority with an auto- Technical University of Denmark (DTU) used to determine highway tolls for trucks will also The city decided to test the system on Al- from the system, because transit buses can now
The Slovakian system has been successfully matic license plate recognition feature and var- various traffic parameters to simulate three toll do the same for city toll systems and those bersloher Weg, a major thoroughfare with 24 stick to their schedules even during rush hour.
launched and 220,000 onboard units ious communication and computer systems system options for Copenhagen. The result is a used for bridges, tunnels, and mountain pass traffic light intersections along a 6 km route According to Mück, the control system could
equipped with Siemens technology are now (for more, see Pictures of the Future, Spring special “Eco Care Matrix” that allows re- roads. Because Siemens’ system can be used that had already been outfitted with Siemens' cut CO2 emissions by several hundred tons a
on the road in that country, which has to ac- 2007, p. 28). searchers to determine which system is best across borders, drivers won’t need a different Sitraffic Motion MX adaptive network control year. “A cautious estimate revealed that between
commodate a high volume of international Strasser’s business trips to major cities for the environment and which one is the most onboard unit for each country. “It will thus be system back in 2008. “Now, however, a mathe- 25,000 and 30,000 stops are eliminated on
transit traffic. Domestically-registered trucks around the world have given him a sense of economical. The researchers found that both possible to regulate personal transport so that matical method is being used here for the first workdays.” As a result of this success, Münster
have a built-in onboard unit, while trucks pass- just how important such systems are. “Take the combined system and the distance-based it is more economical and less polluting,” says time to calculate a green wave. It's a key inno- is equipping another main road with the adap-
ing through are issued a mobile device at the Paris,” he says. “There’s so much traffic in the version produced the best result forecasts at a Renner. “Moreover, the combination of differ- vation that sets us apart from our competi- tive control system. Using adaptive control, Mo-
border. “This is a breakthrough,” says Won- center of that city that the average traveling relatively short amortization period for the ent features in a single system will make life tors,” says Mück. tion MX is now also smoothing the flow of traf-
dracek, who has already been invited by gov- speed is now as low as it was when the streets Danish capital. “The results differ from city to easier than ever before as far as drivers are As an “adaptive” control system, Motion MX fic in other cities, including Warsaw, Vilnius, and
ernments all over Europe to carry out driving were filled with horse-drawn carriages.” city, however, because many factors are at concerned.” Kilian Kirchgeßner adjusts traffic light intervals every five to 15 parts of Copenhagen. Ute Kehse

50 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 51
Tomorrow’s electric vehicles will redefine mobility.
Buildings and Mobility | Electromobility
Not only will they recharge in only minutes at fast-
charge stations. They will also function as mobile
power storage units for the smart grid.
400 volts. Charging times will depend mainly on one of the key challenges for electromobility — arate buildings. After all, if 10,000 vehicles si-
what type of output the outlet offers. Develop- and not just in Denmark. After all, drivers will want multaneously tap the grid for 20 kW each, the re-
ers expect to see an initial charging power of to recharge their electric vehicles at any location sulting required output will be 200 MW — a medi-
around 10 kilowatts (kW), and up to 43 kW over — be it a garage, supermarket, or company park- um power plant.
the medium term, which corresponds to a charg- ing lot. In a manner similar to cell phone invoicing,
ing time of between 20 minutes and two hours. the electricity used will be billed by a provider. Batteries on Wheels. The energy specialists for
Charging will take place via an electrical con- However, for such a system to work it will be nec- “Inside Car” and “Outside Car” are currently par-
nection under the fuel tank flap. essary to identify the vehicle and exchange ticipating in Denmark’s EDISON project, which
In the spring of 2009 at the Geneva Motor data between its onboard electronics and the stands for “Electric vehicles in a Distributed and
Show in Switzerland, Ruf and Siemens present- charge pump. Integrated market using Sustainable energy and
ed a Porsche 911 Targa-styled model that had Siemens is pursuing the development of Open Networks.” EDISON, the world’s first and
been converted into an electric car known as the electromobility through a comprehensive ap- most extensive project of its kind, will bring a pool
eRuf Roadster (see Pictures of the Future, Spring
2009, p. 96). This vehicle, with a capacity of 270
kW of power, impresses with high acceleration Siemens covers all facets of electromobility — from
and impressive torque right from the start. vehicle technology to power grid integration.
Whereas a combustion engine needs some time
in order to fully develop its power, an electric mo-
tor delivers its full performance immediately. proach involving not only automotive engi- of vehicles to power outlets and connect them
The eRuf Roadster is a demonstration vehicle neering — as is the case with Roadster and Storm- to the fluctuating power of the wind. The asso-
that shows just how chic electromobility can be. ster — but also systems for connecting vehicles ciated technology for vehicles and the grid will
Still, because the model was developed in only to the power grid. Here, both the charging be developed and prepared for use in 2011.
three months, its individual components were not process and communications are being ad- Practical testing will begin in 2011 on the Dan-
all part of a new component approach but instead dressed. Siemens refers to these two areas as “In- ish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. There,
represent a combination of available standard side Car” and “Outside Car.” “We’ve started our test vehicles will be charged with wind power
components. “Within the ongoing project of the own corporate project named ‘Smart Grid Ap- from the public grid. When demand in the grid
German Environment Ministry (BMU) ‘emotion plications and Electromobility’,which covers all rises — at breakfast time, for example — parked
without emission’ the new eRuf Roadster mod- facets of electromobility,” says Richard Hausmann, cars will feed electricity back into the network.
el will have optimally matched components,” says head of the cross-sectoral project. Meanwhile The Danes are hoping that a fleet of thousands
Prof. Gernot Spiegelberg, head of the concept de- across the group, more than 300 experts from all of vehicles will be able to offset fluctuations in
velopment Electromobility at Corporate Tech- sectors and Corporate Technology are address- the wind-power supply in the near future. Instead

From Wind to Wheels

Industrial companies and energy suppliers are working closely together to make the vision of electric
mobility a reality. Along with automotive engineering, the focus here is on the interaction between ve-
hicles, the power grid, and the technologies needed for storing and bidirectionally transmitting energy
derived from renewable sources.

W hen the west wind rises and the North Sea

begins to churn and send its heavy break-
ers crashing against the dunes of Jutland, thou-
to send this surplus electricity to neighboring
countries — and pay for doing so.
It is therefore not surprising that Denmark is
and Siemens is providing support as a develop-
ment partner in two areas: connecting vehicles
to the grid and automotive engineering.
nology (CT). Such components include a fast-
charge unit and precisely tuned components for
motor control, and charging electronics. A small
ing the issue. This does not only apply to elec-
trocars, but especially to charging infrastructure,
the modernization of the power grid, and the
of having separate electricity storage units to
buffer against the fluctuations, the cars and their
batteries would provide additional storage ca-
sands of windmills go into action on the Danish a pioneer in the development of storage tech- Road to the Climate Summit. For example, to- test fleet of the eRuf Roadster 2 will be completed communication of all components with one pacity, which is why EDISON will focus on
coast. Today, 20 percent of Denmark’s electrici- nologies to accommodate excess electricity, gether with Ruf, a German company that spe- in May 2011. another. It will, for example, be necessary to in- achieving a bidirectional flow of electricity from
ty is produced by wind power, making it the world with researchers focusing mainly on the batter- cializes in custom vehicles, Siemens presented stall systems that can accommodate the total elec- the grid into vehicles and back. The results
leader in this area, and this figure is set to rise to ies used in electric vehicles. Current plans call for three electrically-powered Stormster automobiles Standardized Charging. At the UN Climate tricity requirements of the individual vehicles in could be significant. If, for instance, 200,000 ve-
50 percent by 2025. Still, the good feeling one out of ten cars in Denmark to run on elec- at the UN World Climate Change Conference in Change Conference in Copenhagen, the eRuf public areas such as inner-city parking garages hicles, each rated at 40 kW, are connected to the
about so much renewable energy is dampened tricity from wind power in ten years. Although Copenhagen, Denmark, in December 2009. Stormsters were charged with wind power and and sports stadiums. This means several dozen grid, a total output of 8 GW would be available
by the fact that when the wind blows too this goal may seem ambitious, given that there These vehicles are based on the Porsche Cayenne used in a shuttle service between the conference such transformers have to be linked via medium- at short notice — more than Germany requires
strongly, the wind-turbine rotors already gener- are hardly any electric vehicles on European roads chassis and have an integrated charging system, center and the airport. The Stormster concept in- voltage switchgear. Having several thousand cars as a cushion against consumption peaks.
ate more electricity than Denmark’s grid can han- today, Denmark is moving ahead rapidly with elec- including electronics, with which they can be cludes a “power pump” from Siemens that com- parked in one place will require major facilities, In addition to Siemens, the EDISON consor-
dle. Until now, Danish power utilities have had tric mobility through a broad range of projects— charged from any power outlet that provides 230– municates with the vehicle’s electronics. This is and these will perhaps have to be installed in sep- tium includes the Technical University of Denmark

52 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 53
Below: Prof. Gernot Spiegelberg hooks up an electric
Buildings and Mobility | Electromobility | Electric Vehicles
car with a charging station in a Siemens lab. The
charging process of the battery is closely monitored by
the electromobility-experts.
(DTU) and its Risø-DTU research center, as well
as Denmark’s Dong Energy and Østkraft power
utilities, the Eurisco research and development
in mind, Holthusen and his colleagues are work-
ing on a fast-charge function that operates with
much higher voltages and currents — initially with
various new components for different drive sys-
tems will be integrated into the e-cars and then
tested. The ideas range from central-motor, au-
S parks can sometimes fly in the Siemens En-
ergy Sector labs in Erlangen and Fürth,
both of which are located in southern Ger-
center, and IBM. In the EDISON project, various 400 volt and 63 ampere. Holthusen’s approach tomatic two speed gear box to a double-motor many. When several hundred amps flow
working groups are responsible for developing is considered to be realistic since every household with a so-called Torque Vectoring. These concepts through testing systems consisting of large in-
all the technologies needed for electromobility. already has a 400 volt connection. opens a new dimension in driving dynamics. verters, capacitors, and transformers, techni-
Here, Siemens is mainly responsible for fast- Holthusen: “We go a great deal further in our The double-motor concept uses an electron- cians have to be extremely careful — in order
charge and battery replacement systems. tests, however, in order to determine what’s pos- ic control system that ensures optimal propulsion to protect not only themselves but also the
“Siemens’ portfolio already contains many com- sible,” says Holthusen. More specifically, he of the right and left wheels, which are exposed components they’re testing.
ponents that we are now adapting and repro- wants to raise charging power to as much as 300 to different loads in a curve. It’s thanks to this phe- “We develop stationary direct-current (DC)
gramming,” says Sven Holthusen, who is re- kW so that batteries can be recharged in six min- nomenon that a driver can still handle a vehicle chargers with an output of between 12 and
sponsible for the EDISON project at Siemens’ En- utes. Electrics would then be on a par with con- perfectly in extreme situations. With a central mo- 100 kW,” says Dr. Heike Barlag, who manages
ergy Sector. ventional vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries with such tor concept, all the power must be transferred via the tests. “The devices are designed for trac-
fast charging capability are expected to be ready a bulky and heavy differential, which adds tion batteries in electric vehicles.” Barlag’s
Contaminated Grid? One of Holthusen’s jobs for market launch in the near future. However, weight to the car. With the double motor concept, goal: A charging unit for use at highway rest
is to study how the grid will be affected when mil- new battery technologies will have to be devel- however, a small control unit is all that’s need- stops or parking lots that all drivers will be able
lions of electric vehicles are plugged into it and oped if a car is to be charged in as little as three ed to send commands by wire to the individual to use safely and easily as a filling station.
disconnected every day. He is therefore carrying minutes. electric motors. “Here, we’re using components that Siemens
It’s already clear to Spiegelberg what will hap- normally manufactures for industrial applica-
pen next. “The coming years will see the devel- tions and are finally adapting them to our re-
We can’t even begin to imagine the type of revolution- opment of electric vehicles whose four wheels quirements,” explains Barlag.
ary breakthroughs that electromobility will lead to. will each be equipped with their own small drive But why DC? Wouldn’t a conventional alter-
nating current (AC) socket like those found in
households suffice? “No, because charging
times would be much too long,” the project
manager says. A normal 230 volt,16 amp Euro-
pean household socket supplies an output of
around 3.7 kW. That would take more than
eight hours to charge a 30 kWh traction bat-
tery — in other words, overnight. This would
be sufficient for an average electric car to trav-
el up to 200 km - is enough for city use but not
for longer trips.
Automakers around the world are trying to
increase the charging power of chargers in
electric vehicles — for example, through the
use of currents of up to 63 amp (44 kW). This
With the eRuf-Roadster, Siemens and the German would enable a 30 kWh battery to be charged

out his research at the Risø research campus,

which has its own electricity grid. “This enables
us to monitor the effects of such a situation on
car manufacture Ruf are demonstrating just how at-
tractive electric cars can be. When used as grid-con-
nected storage units, they can even earn money
with their batteries.
unit,” he says. These motors will recover brake en-
ergy and eliminate the need for a large central
motor and the transmission and axle shafts, there-
in less than 45 minutes. “Basically, charging
with AC from a plug is feasible for everyday
use,” says Sven Holthusen, a Siemens product
manager specializing in electric mobility infra-
Get a Charge!
a small scale,” he explains. In this context, by creating more space. structures. Automakers have announced that
It still takes hours to recharge an electric-vehicle battery.
things become particularly tricky if harmonics oc- Moreover, unlike axle shafts, electronic com- they will begin introducing electric vehicles in
cur when batteries are hooked up to the 50 hertz Siemens’ testing activities are not limited to ponents can be installed anywhere in the car and large volumes by 2014. When they do so, such
Obviously, at the charging stations of the future, this
grid, as these can resonate and unbalance the grid Denmark, of course. The company’s researchers don’t necessarily have to be located near the elec- technologies will usher in a new age. process will need to be much faster. Siemens researchers
frequency. Such disturbances, which are re- are also active in Germany where, for example, tric motors. This will offer designers complete- are therefore developing devices that will make it easy for
ferred to as “grid-quality contamination,” can lead they are working with Harz.EE.mobility in a ly new possibilities for things like side-mounted Energized Tanks. AC technology also has drivers to recharge their car batteries within minutes.
to failure of the entire network if large waves form. project designed to determine how distributed wheels that also hold the drive units. In addition, drawbacks. For one thing, the inverters it re-
There are no quick fixes for such a scenario yet, wind, solar, and biogas power systems can be bet- vehicle entry and exiting could be facilitated in quires become larger and heavier as output in-
but Holthusen is working on answers. In his tests, ter aligned with the grid. large multi-passenger cars by removing the cen- creases, which in turn drives up energy con-
he connects up to 15 batteries, each of which Therefore Siemens supplies for example a ter console and installing active fold-out seats. sumption and operating costs. That’s why
weighs 300 kg and has an energy content of 25 charging point, the energy management, the in- In general, the interior could be completely re- Siemens is pursuing a different goal, namely kilowatts, which means an electric car could be which is why today’s standard batteries with
kilowatt hours (kWh). By comparison, a mid-range tegration of the electrocars into the smart grid designed and made even safer — for example, that of having vehicles “fill up” directly with DC recharged in only a few minutes.” an energy capacity of 30 kWh are only charged
vehicle requires around 18 kWh to travel 100 km. communication solutions. by getting rid of the hard steering column and rather than converting AC inside the vehicle to However, this puts a great strain on the bat- at a rate of 1/3 C per hour. In this case, that
Holthusen then uses software to measure how replacing it and the pedals with levers or joysticks the DC. The heavy equipment required for AC- tery - the higher the charging power, the faster means a power of 10 kW, which increases the
the batteries affect the grid and to cushion the Where Motors Are Going. While the eRuf Road- for operating the car. Completely new func- DC conversion would be housed in the charg- the electrons and ions in the battery move charging time to three hours.
results of connection. ster 1 was a concept car, the Roadster 2 will be tionalities are conceivable. It is hard to imagine ing station itself. Holthusen explains the bene- around. Cells begin to heat up, increasing Holthusen: “We need batteries that are de-
Another major obstacle to electromobility is produced for a test fleet as part of the BMU-pro- what type of revolutionary breakthroughs elec- fits of this approach: “It enables us to achieve power losses . Rising temperatures then dis- signed for higher temperatures, exhibit lower
the length of battery recharging times. With this ject “emotion without emission”. In this process tromobility will lead to. Tim Schröder very high charging powers of several hundred rupt the chemical processes in the battery, power losses or have better cooling properties.”

54 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 55
Buildings and Mobility | Electric Vehicles

Such developments will take some time to Researchers are therefore testing the most electricity from pumped storage or gas-turbine It remains to be decided which communica-
achieve, according to experts. Until the break- diverse types of charging techniques, one of power plants. “Different ideas are being ex- tion channel will be used to exchange data be-
through comes, Siemens researchers are look-
ing to further optimize the charging process —
for example, by participating in a Danish re-
which is known as pulse charging. The battery
is charged at a high current for a short time, af-
ter which the heated cells are cooled down
plored to address this problem,” says
Holthusen. “For example, we could use a setup
in which several DC charging stations are not
tween chargers and batteries. There are basi-
cally three possibilities. The first involves the
CAN (Controller Area Network) bus technology
In Brief
search project known as EDISON. The acronym and the charging process begins anew. “Our directly connected to the grid but instead oper- already used in cars to digitally link their con-
stands for “Electric vehicles in a Distributed and rapid charging tests in Risø will show us if we ate via a large interim battery that acts as a trol devices. The second option is to utilize a
Integrated market using Sustainable energy can save time and transfer a higher output buffer. This solution would make DC charging communication standard known as Powerline
and Open Networks.” with pulse charging, or whether a continuous more expensive, however. So we’ve got a lot of Communication (PLC), which would allow per-
Other EDISON project partners include the charging curve would be better,” says Barlag. development work to do, especially because tinent information to be transmitted “piggy- Buildings account for about 40 percent of energy PEOPLE:
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and its ”We’re hoping to achieve a charging rate of we still have almost no standardized proce- back” on the charging current by low or high- consumption worldwide, and approximately 21 per-
Risø research center, as well as Denmark’s two to three C.“ dures and technologies for DC charging.” Stan- frequency signals of up to 30 MHz. cent of all greenhouse gas emissions. However, the Performance-Contracting:
Dong Energy and Østkraft power utilities, the Siemens is now testing this concept in sev- implementation of a number of simple measures Ullrich Brickmann, Industry
Eurisco research and development company, eral projects, including one since September can make it relatively easy to save at least a quarter
and IBM. The goal of the partnership is to de- Communication between external charging units and 2010 with BMW and the Munich municipal of energy in most buildings. And in the future, intel-
termine how frequently unused wind energy a vehicle’s battery management system will be a must. utility. For this project, a prototype DC charging ligent building management systems will ease the LED Regensburg:
unit is being used with a modified BMW 1 Se- load on power and heat networks—and even feed Dr. Martin Möck, Osram
ries model. self-generated electricity into the grid. (p.32, 37)
The third option is wireless communication
via a system such as Bluetooth. “We’re looking Streetlights that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) Buildings in a Smart Grid:
into all of the possibilities,” says Barlag. “The cut electricity consumption by up to 80 percent. Volker Dragon, Industry
standardization commission will decide which Not only are LEDs efficient; their light can also be
one will ultimately be utilized, but Siemens al- optimally directed, as an example in Regensburg
ready has the expertise required for all three shows. (p.35) Smart Meters:
technologies.” Alexander Schenk, Energy
Despite the extensive work being carried Power companies worldwide have begun instal-
out on charging technologies with cables and ling electronic smart meters that allow customers to
plugs, specialists like Barlag and the members monitor consumption practically in real time and Ecotram Vienna:
of her team are also exploring other charging thus conserve energy. Such companies benefit from Walter Struckl, Industry
techniques, such as battery replacement at fill- better grid load planning and lower costs. Siemens
ing stations, a process that could be carried out offers complete solutions that include everything
by robot-controlled devices within just a few from hardware to software. (p.38) Hybrid buses:
minutes. Siemens experts already have a con- Manfred Schmidt, Industry
cept for such an approach. To reduce traffic-related pollution in cities, engi-
neers are developing green mass transportation sys-
Electricity in the Air. It’s also possible that tems. In particular, buses could operate more effi- Satellite-based toll systems:
the electricity needed for recharging tomor- ciently if their diesel drives were augmented with Christoph Wondracek, Industry
row’s cars might be delivered wirelessly — in electric motors. Siemens engineers are also develo-
other words, inductively via electrical and ping smart solutions that reduce traffic congestion
magnetic fields. while preserving the environment. These solutions Electromobility:
One of the things being tested in the EDISON This is already possible at the low powers include toll systems that utilize cutting-edge satellite Prof. Gernot Spiegelberg, CT
project is how wind energy can be integrated into that are needed to recharge electric tooth- technology to reduce traffic in metropolitan areas.
in Denmark can be temporarily stored in elec- the power grid. Electric car batteries could dards will be required, however, if DC charging is brushes, for example. Holthusen also finds this (p.43, 45, 49, 50) Michaela Stolz-Schmitz, Energy
tric car batteries and later returned to the grid. be the ideal intermediate storage medium. to become the established international norm. idea appealing because inductive charging
Siemens is responsible here for fast charging Siemens is therefore working with the auto- would be much more convenient for drivers, Industrial companies and energy suppliers are
technologies, among other things. mobile industry in various standardization who would no longer have to handle plugs and working closely together to make the vision of elect-
Managing Charging Peaks. In addition to commissions. Among other things, these bod- could enjoy the benefits of a largely automat- ric mobility a reality. Along with automotive engi- LINKS:
Battery Management. The experts who determining how quickly batteries can be ies focus on safety concepts designed to pre- ed charging procedure. neering, the focus here is on the interaction bet-
work for Barlag and Holthusen enjoy ideal test charged, Siemens researchers are also striving vent drivers from starting their vehicles or On the other hand, this alternative is ex- ween vehicles, the power grid, and the technologies Rubin Nuremberg:
conditions at Risø. “We can test all components to evaluate what effect charging will have on pulling out plugs during the charging process, pensive compared to the plug-in model. “There needed for storing and directionally transmitting
individually in a closed power grid,” Barlag ex- the grid infrastructure. This is important be- for example. The key thing here is that com- still aren’t any sufficiently advanced solutions energy derived from renewable sources. (p.52)
plains. “We want to find out which charging al- cause the German federal government expects munication between charging units and vehi- for higher outputs in the kilowatt range,” says Osram Opto Semiconductors:
gorithms can be used to optimally charge bat- one million electric vehicles to be on the road cle batteries should function properly. For ex- Barlag, “but we’re working on initial ideas in It still takes hours to recharge an electric-vehicle
teries in various states,” she says. That’s by 2020. Because these cars will obtain their ample, the charger needs to know what power the lab.” These ideas are already flowing into battery. Obviously, at the charging stations of the
because the speed at which a battery can be energy from the power grid, there’s a risk that level the battery can handle — information the “Contactless Charging of Battery-Electric future, this process will need to be much faster. Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel:
charged depends on both the charging power load peaks will occur — for example when that it will receive from the battery manage- Vehicles” project with BMW. The project is fo- Siemens researchers are therefore developing
and the state of the battery, whereby a com- hundreds of vehicles simultaneously recharge ment system. This procedure therefore also cusing on the development of inductive charg- devices that will make it easy for drivers to recharge
pletely discharged battery can generally ac- fat airports or stadiums. To ensure the power needs to be standardized, given the variety of ing stations that are scheduled to undergo their car batteries within minutes. (p.55)
commodate a higher power than one that is grid doesn’t fail, energy suppliers will have to electric vehicles that will be on the road in the testing at the end of 2011 in Berlin.
partially charged. compensate for such peaks with expensive future. Rolf Sterbak

56 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities 57
E n e r g y T e c h n o l o g i e s | Scenario 2030

64 Colossus with a world record
The world’s largest turbine en-
tered trial service in December
2007. It will help to ensure that
the power plant in Irsching achie-
ves a record-braking efficiency in

66 Virtual Power Plants

In order to link decentralized pow-
er plants and renewable energy
sources to the power grid, they
are being integrated into power
station networks.

68 Fine-tuning Power Plants

There are hundreds of fossil fuel
power plants throughout the world
that can dramatically increase their
efficiency by modernizing. Siemens
has the necessary solutions at the

74 Trapping the Wind

In the future, fluctuations in wind
power will have to be balanced
by storage systems in order to
prevent power grids from being
overloaded. One option could be
gigantic underground hydrogen
storage centers.

79 The Desert lives

The goal of the Desertec initiative
is to help Europe meet its future
energy requirements by supplying
solar power from North Africa.
The necessary technology exists
already today.

Morocco in 2030. Karim works

as an engineer in the world’s
The Electric Caravan
Harvesting electricity in 2030. A solar ther- largest solar thermal power
mal power plant in the Moroccan desert cov-
ers 100 square kilometers, which makes it
plant, which transmits energy
from the desert to faraway
the world’s largest installation of its kind.
Using HVDCT lines, the electricity is transmit-
ted as direct current at 1000 kilovolts to the
Europe. Every evening he takes T he reflected image of the man walking past
the glittering parabolic mirrors is oddly dis-
torted. It wanders like a mirage through the
doesn’t want to miss the daily evening show.
Before the sun sets he wants to reach the hill
above the “frying pan” — his colleagues’ name
missed in the five years since he was sent here
to help manage the world’s biggest solar ther-
mal power plant.
coast, where it transforms salt water into the time to admire the sunset seemingly endless row of mirrors, stops briefly for a huge solar thermal installation in the Mo- Together with his colleagues, he lives and
pure drinking water. From there, it is trans- above the countless rows of and then continues on its way. There’s not a roccan desert. works in a small settlement on the edge of the
mitted across the sea to Europe, where it breath of wind, and even though the sun is In the glow of sunset, the level field of installation. With the help of thousands of sen-
provides clean power to many countries.
parabolic mirrors. But today now low, the temperature is still over 30 de- countless mirrors is transformed into a sea of sors, solar thermal power experts here monitor
he’s not doing it alone. grees Celsius. Karim is in a hurry, because he red flames. It’s a spectacle Karim has never yet the power plant, which covers 100 square kilo-

58 Pictures of the Future | Green Cities Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 59
More and more electricity will be generated
Energy Technologies | Scenario 2030 | Trends
in the future. However, old grids can scarcely
handle the electricity generated today.
Electric “gridlock” is a real threat.
meters. As soon as these tiny digital assistants power plant produces enough electricity to sup-
register a defect, Karim and the rest of his ply all of Morocco. My job is to make sure
maintenance crew go to work. everything runs smoothly.”
Karim, a true son of the desert, moves Hussein looks down at the installation,
through the heat very slowly and carefully — which is starting to glow red in the sunset. “A
and in contrast with his European colleagues, power plant? I’d say it looks like a work of art
who rush around sweating, his shirts always re- created by some crazy European.”
main dry. But now he too is in a hurry, and he’s Karim grins. “You’re not too far off the mark.
relieved when he has reached the garage with This technology was in fact developed in Eu-
the off-roaders. rope. Installations like this one are being built
Trained as an engineer, Karim is a calm and all over North Africa. They’ve been going up for
deliberate man. He seldom uses bad language years. The mirrors automatically swivel so that
— only in the rare cases when there isn’t they’re always facing the sun. They capture the
enough sugar in his tea or when one of his col- sun’s beams and focus them on a pipe that is
leagues has forgotten to “tank up” the off- filled with a special salt. The salt is heated to as
roader, as has just happened. much as 600 degrees Celsius and generates
The electric vehicle wasn’t plugged into an steam, which in turn drives a turbine that pro-
electrical socket — sockets that are supplied duces electricity.”
with power from the solar thermal installation. Hussein points to the west, where the sun is
Nevertheless, Karim gets into the driver’s seat dipping beneath the horizon. “And what hap-
and presses the starter button. The vehicle’s pens after it gets dark?” he asks. “The power
150 kilowatt electric motor starts up with a soft plant is equipped with storage systems that
purr. A pictogram on the control panel indicates contain the same kind of salt that’s in the
that the battery only has 10 percent of its full pipes,” explains Karim. “This salt stores so much
capacity. When fully charged, the vehicle has a heat that the plant can also produce electricity
range of 350 kilometers — and ten percent is at night.”
not enough to get him up the hill. The nomad looks thoughtful. “But what do
But the off-roader is equipped with a small, we need all that electricity for?” he asks.
highly efficient gasoline engine for emergen-
cies, which works like a generator and gives the
vehicle an additional range of 300 kilometers.
And the gas tank is still full. Karim is satisfied,
steps on the gas pedal, and the off-roader jolts
“There’s only dust and gravel here wherever you
look, and Casablanca is far away.” Karim points
to a gigantic high-voltage overhead line leading
northward from the installation through the
desert until it is lost from sight. “We use some
Our power grids are facing new
challenges. They will not only
have to integrate large quantities
of fluctuating wind and solar
Switching on the Vision
power, but also incorporate an
off almost silently along the sandy trail toward
the hill.
The final meters are the most difficult ones.
of the power to change seawater into drinking
water,” he says. Hussein nods. This makes sense
to him.
increasing number of small,
decentralized power producers.
M otorists who venture into the maze of a
major city are part of a larger whole. Tens
of thousands of vehicles stream along highways
for the general distribution of power to popu-
lation centers or large industrial sites, where, de-
pending on the region, the voltage is stepped
wind farms much more energy than can be used
is pumped into high voltage network in stormy
weather, while supply cannot be guaranteed on
The electric off-roader pushes through the sand Karim likes explaining things to people and Today’s infrastructure is not up from all directions and find their way through a down again to between six and 30 kV for the calm days. In addition to being able to accom-
with great effort, but eventually it reaches its is now hitting his stride. “But we also sell a lot to this task. The solution is to de- dense network of roads. But keeping that net- medium-voltage grid. This is followed by local dis- modate a fluctuating supply of wind-generat-
goal. Karim climbs out of the vehicle and hur- of it at good prices to European countries that velop an intelligent grid that work flowing is no easy task. Already hopelessly tribution. Here, substations reduce the voltage to ed electricity, tomorrow’s grids will have to in-
ries to the top of the hill. The sun has already want to become less dependent on oil, natural clogged under the best of circumstances, such 230 and 400 volts and send the power into the low- corporate a growing number of small, regional
keeps electricity production and
reached the horizon, and the temperature has gas, and coal. The energy is transported to networks can easily face gridlock. All it takes is voltage grid, which feeds consumers’ outlets. power producers. “The generation of electrici-
dropped noticeably. A gentle breeze is coming them via electricity highways like this one. It
distribution in balance. a few fender benders — to say nothing of cir- ty will become increasingly decentralized, in-
from the sea. But Karim doesn’t notice it, be- works like a caravan — the electricity travels cumstances such as a subway strike or a snow Needed: Electricity Highways. Until now, corporating small solar installations on rooftops,
cause he now smells something burning. across distances as great as 3,000 kilometers to storm. As a result, sooner or later, every city gov- electrons have flown relatively smoothly biomass plants, mini cogeneration plants and
Nearby he finds a small campfire. In front of European cities that use enormous amounts of ernment must decide whether to expand its through Europe’s grids, despite the fact that much more,” says Dr. Michael Weinhold, CTO of
it sits a nomad holding a teapot above the power. However, by transmitting it at 1,000 transportation infrastructure or face collapse. many of the continent’s power lines are now Siemens Energy. “As a result, the previous flow
crackling flames. The old man greets him with kilovolts hardly any electricity is lost in transit.” The situation with our power grid is similar. over 40 years old. Gridlock is inevitable, how- of power from the transmission to the distribu-
the traditional “Salam” and motions for him to Karim sips his tea with satisfaction. “The Electricity flows on copper “highways” from ever, as traffic continues to increase. Accord- tion grid will be reversed in part or for periods
come closer. Karim hasn’t seen any nomads in desert holds our past and also our future,” he power plants to centers of demand. Along the ing to the International Energy Agency, the of time in many regions.” According to Weinhold,
this area for a long time now — but he knows muses. “In the old days we pumped petroleum way, it passes through various “road networks” European Union generated roughly 3,400 ter- our grid infrastructure is not yet prepared for that.
that they’re always on the go. He gives the old out of the ground and today we’re harvesting that are separated by substations. These facili- awatt hours (TWh) of electricity in 2008. This Grid operators and governments agree on
man a friendly nod and sits down beside him at solar energy.” ties function as traffic lights or railroad switch- is expected to reach 4,500 TWh by 2030. how the challenge should be met. In addition to
the campfire. The old man lays a hand gently on Karim’s es while also adjusting the electricity before for- In addition, the energy mix is getting more a massive expansion of electricity highways, the
“My name is Hussein,” says the nomad as he shoulder. “The sun gives us everything we need warding it to the next grid. In the highest volt- environmentally friendly. In 20 years, some 30 grids must undergo a fundamental change.
hands Karim a glass of tea. “What brings you to stay alive — our forefathers already knew age alternating current lines, electricity flows at percent of the world’s electricity is expected to “Right now they are not very intelligent,” says
here?” Karim shovels several spoonfuls of sugar that,” he says with a smile as he hands a warm 220 to 380 kilovolts (kV) across hundreds of kilo- come from renewable sources. Today the figure Weinhold. “The level of automation for the sys-
into his tea. He points down the hillside. “Do blanket to his guest. “But the night is coming meters from power plants to substations, where is only 18 percent. But as the percentage of elec- tem as a whole is very low.” The low-voltage dis-
you see those countless mirrors that are just on quickly. Here, take this. In spite of your gi- the voltage is reduced to 110 kV before the elec- tricity generated by renewables grows, so does tribution grid, in particular, is often a total
now reflecting the last rays of the sun? They are gantic power plant down there you’re shivering tricity is then fed into the what is called the dis- the instability of the network (p.71). Because eco- mystery to utilities. Because it includes hardly any
generating electricity from the sun’s heat. This like a sick camel.” Florian Martini tribution or high-voltage grid. This grid is used friendly electricity is primarily generated by components capable of communication in its

60 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 61
Most of tomorrow’s electricity will be generated
Energy Technologies | Trends
from renewables such as wind. With HVDC tech-
nology, the power can be transmitted over long
distances (here an 800 kV transformer).
present configuration, a lot of important infor- could be used to transport enormous quantities
mation remains concealed, such as the actual of solar energy from Northern Africa to Europe,
amount of energy being used by consumers and as described in the Desertec project. “Electricity
the condition and efficiency of the line system. will draw the world together,” predicts Weinhold.
According to an Accenture study, up to ten In addition to new electricity highways, to-
percent of energy disappears from the grid ei- morrow’s grid will need more buffers to stop it
ther due to inefficiency or electricity theft with- from bursting at the seams. Intermediate stor-
out being noticed by power providers. In large age is needed for the excess power fed into
cities in some developing nations, as much as 50 the grid by fluctuating energy sources (p.74).
percent of electricity disappears this way, and Traditionally, this has relied on pumped stor-
power providers are often unaware of outages age power plants, but there is hardly any ca-
— at least until the first complaint is received. pacity for further expansion in Central Europe.
With a view to heading off impending prob- As a result, wind farms will either have to be
lems, in 2005 the European Union came up with shut down to prevent them from overloading
a concept, which it called the “smart grid” — a the grid during periods of overproduction or
vision of an intelligent, flexibly controllable producers will have to pay someone to take
electrical generation and distribution infra- the electricity.
structure. “The energy system plus information One future solution could be electric cars,
and communications technology all enter into which temporarily store excess energy and lat-
a symbiosis in the smart grid,” says Weinhold. er return it to the grid when needed — at
“Not only does this make the grid transparent and a higher price (p.52). For example, 200,000
thus observable, it also makes it easier to mon- electric cars connected to the grid could make
itor and control.” Governments and companies eight gigawatts of power available very quick-
are committing large amounts of money to en- ly. That would be more than is currently re-
sure that this vision becomes reality. The U.S. De- quired in Germany. As part of the EDISON
partment of Energy, for instance, has provided Sebnem Rusitschka of Siemens Corporate Virtual Networks. Another component of age grid needs to be reinforced and an additional mission system in China with a voltage of 800 project, in which Siemens is also participating,
roughly $4 billion in subsidies for smart grid proj- Technology is also convinced that tomorrow’s grid the smart grid is the “virtual power plant” 850 kilometers of lines need to be erected by kV into operation. Since the end of 2010 the sys- testing will begin on the electric cars concept
ects in the U.S. German energy utilities are plan- will have to be smart. As part of the E-DeMa (de- (p.66). Here, the idea is that small energy pro- 2015 simply to transmit the wind energy that will tem transmits electricity generated at hydro- and other solutions in Denmark in 2011.
ning to invest roughly €25 billion in smart grid velopment and demonstration of locally-pro- ducers such as cogeneration plants, wind, so- be generated in Germany. electric plants with a record voltage of 800 kV It is abundantly clear to Weinhold that we are
technology by 2020. Key components for the duced energy marketplaces) project, which is sub- lar, hydro or biomass plants, which have previ- across a distance of 1,400 kilometers by 2010. moving full speed ahead into a new era. “Just yes-
power grid of the future are already available and sidized by the German federal government, ously fed their power into the grid individually Super Grids. The steadily increasing distances Weinhold believes that these electricity highways terday the big issue was oil, but climate change
have even been installed on a limited basis in Rusitschka is responsible for developing the in- and inconsistently, could be connected to between power generation sites and consumers will not only cross borders in the future, but will is moving things in a different direction,” he says.
some countries. One example is smart meters — formation and communication interface be- form a virtual network. “This would allow must also be bridged. One element of a solution link entire continents. “We will see the estab- Weinhold believes that we are currently on the
intelligent, electronic electric meters. tween smart meters, the system for meter data them to bundle their power and sell it in a to this problem could be high-voltage direct cur- lishment of super grids in regions that can be in- threshold of a new electric age. Electricity is in-
“Smart metering is a key technology for the management, and the electronic marketplace. marketplace that is inaccessible to small sup- rent (HVDC) transmission, which is capable of terconnected across climate and time zones,” he creasingly becoming an all-encompassing energy
smart grid,” says Eckardt Günther, who heads the “Among the things we are investigating is how pliers,” says Günther. The grid would benefit transporting large amounts of electricity across says, adding that this would allow seasonal carrier. This is good for the climate, because elec-
too. “Consolidated into a virtual power plant thousands of kilometers with low losses. Siemens changes, times of day and geographical features tricity can be generated ecologically and trans-
and acting as a flexible unit, small plants has put the world’s highest capacity HVDC trans- to be used to their optimal benefit. Super grids mitted very efficiently. Florian Martini
“In the future, electricity highways will not just cross could make balancing power available and
borders but will link entire continents.” thus help to stabilize the grid,” says Günther.
Balancing power is provided in addition to the
base load to cover peaks in demand. As this The Smart Grid will Optimize Interconnections between Producers and Consumers
Smart Grid Competence Center at Siemens En- these digital links need to be configured, i.e. what type of power requires power plants that can
Smart Smart grid Smart
ergy in Nuremberg, Germany. “With smart me- data should be transmitted and how can we ob- begin producing energy quickly, the price for a generation consumption
tering, energy providers and consumers can for tain useful information from it,” she explains. The kWh of balancing power is much higher than
the first time record in detail where and how interfaces will connect both private and com- for a kWh of base load power. Base load power
much electricity is being used and fed into the mercial electricity customers within model re- is generally provided by the workhorses of Solar power Call center
grid.” The advantage is obvious: If electricity con- gions to an electronic marketplace and link them power generation — coal-fired or nuclear CRM etc.
sumption is precisely recorded, flexible rates can to energy traders, distribution grid operators, and power plants that run around the clock.
be used to match consumption to supply. This other participants. The project is scheduled for Stability will be crucial to tomorrow’s grid. But Industrial
Wind power System Energy Distribution Meter data
lowers electric bills and CO2 emissions. In con- completion in 2012. Rusitschka believes that proj- intelligent systems alone will not be enough to Asset consumers
integrity management management management
trast, at present if more electricity is being ects like E-DeMa will boost the smart grid’s manage the large amounts of energy provided management
protection systems (EMS) systems (DMS) (MDM)
consumed than was forecast, the production of prospects. “The technology is available and it by the growing numbers of wind farms or solar- Distributed
electricity must be increased. Shedding some works,” she says. This is shown by the project of thermal power plants. “There is also work to be energy HVDC and Substation Distribution Smart meters
light on the distribution grid isn’t the only ad- the Energy AG Upper Austria, which gets sup- done on the hardware side,” says Weinhold. “We resources FACTS automation automation and demand
technology and protection and protection response
vantage associated with smart meters. “Smart ported by Siemens, apart of provision of control need to greatly expand the number of power
meters heighten energy use awareness and help and supervisory techniques, with more than lines, as physics limits the transmission of elec- Electric cars Electric cars
to better control it,” adds Günther. “In addition, 20,000 intelligent electricity meter. With these, the trical energy to wires or cables.” (batteries) (batteries)
they are a prerequisite for actively participating Energy AG will provide an electricity tarrif which According to the German Energy Agency Transmission grid Distribution grid
in electricity markets.” arrange different price brackets in 2011 (p.38). (DENA) study, some 400 kilometers of high-volt-

62 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 63
After assembly at Siemens’ gas turbine plant in
Energy Technologies | World’s Largest Gas Turbine
Berlin (below), the world’s largest gas turbine
hits the road. Right: The turbine arrives on a
flatbed trailer at its destination.
ten years, more than 800 Siemens employees to test all systems. It seemed like a final check be- ers: a 300 micrometer-thick undercoating directly
from around the world were involved in the de- fore a space mission—and the countdown was on the metal and a thin ceramic layer on top of
velopment and subsequent testing of this mas- under way, with ignition scheduled for mid-De- that, which provides heat insulation. The blades
terpiece of engineering. cember, 2007. are also actively cooled, as they are hollow inside
“Block 4 is our project at the moment,” says There’s good reason for Siemens’ and E.ON’s and are exposed to cool airflows generated by the
Winter. Siemens will use the existing infrastruc- decision to use the giant turbine: “The price per compressor. The blades at the front also have fine
ture here, purchase gas from E.ON-Ruhrgas, megawatt of output and efficiency correlate with holes, from which air is released that then flows
and sell the electricity it produces at the plant. the size of the turbine—in other words, the big- across the blades, covering them with a thin in-
That was not that important in 2007, however, ger it is, the more economical it will be,” explains sulating film, like a protective shield.
as the turbine first had to be tested over the fol- Willibald Fischer, who is responsible for devel- As turbine blades spin, massive centrifugal
lowing 18 months. To this end, the unit has been opment of the turbine. forces come into play. The end of each blade is
equipped with 3,000 sensors that measure just
about everything modern technology can register.
The turbine can produce enough electricity to supply
Efficiency Record. Winter points to one of the the population of a city the size of Hamburg.
walls and explains that it is the connection to the
air intake unit, which will draw in fresh air from
the outside. Equipped with a special housing, fil- Engineers at Siemens Energy overcame two exposed to a maximum force of 10,000 times the
ters, and sound absorbers, the unit channels in challenges while designing the turbine. They in- earth’s gravitational pull, which is the equivalent
800 kilogram of air per second when the facili- creased the amount of air and combustion gas- of each cubic centimeter of such a blade weigh-
ty operates at full capacity. But it will be worth es that flow through the turbine each second, ing as much as an adult human being. Now the
the effort because the gas turbine and a down- which causes output to rise more than the loss- blades on the giant turbine in Irsching contain al-
stream steam turbine will set a new world es in the turbine, and they raised the tempera- loys that have mostly been grown as single crys-
record: This technology reduces the fuel costs on ture of the combustion gases, which increases ef- tals through the utilization of special cooling
processes. They are therefore extremely resistant
to breaking, as there are no longer any grain bound-
aries between the crystallites in the alloy that can
rupture. Engineers also optimized the shape of
the blades with the help of 3D simulation pro-
grams, whereby the edges were designed to keep
the gap between the blades and the turbine wall
as small as possible. As a result, practically all the
gas passes across the blades and is utilized.
Each off the measures produces only a frac-
tional increase in operational performance. But
taken together they add up to a new record. Fi-

Unmatched Efficiency nally the 18-month trial period proved that

everything worked as planned. The go-ahead for
the launch was given in August 2009.
Meanwhile engineers installed an additional
steam turbine on the shaft at the end of the gen-
The world’s largest turbine, with an output of 375 megawatts (MW), entered trial service erator. The turbine makes use of the generator’s
in December 2007. In combination with a downstream steam turbine, it will help ensure 600°C gas to generate steam in a heat ex-
that a new combined cycle power plant achieves a record-breaking efficiency of more than changer. Only through this combined cycle
60 percent when it goes into operation in 2011. process can the energy in the gas be so effectively
exploited as to achieve the record efficiency of
60 percent. Thereby the Irsching 4 power plant

I n 2007, residents of the town of Irsching in

Bavaria, came out in large numbers to witness
the traditional raising of their white and blue may-
trance to the town, which they renovated as a pre-
cautionary measure prior to the turbine’s arrival.
The world’s largest turbine, which was built
Siemens has now built a combined cycle plant
at the Bavarian facility (Block 5) for E.ON
Kraftwerke GmbH. The plant includes two small
average by one third compared to the currently
installed fleet of gas and steam power stations.
At the same time, compared to the average coal-
ficiency. “It’s tricky when you send gas heated to
1,200 to 1,500 degree across metal turbine
blades,” says Fischer, “that’s because the highest
will set a new world record for efficiency and en-
vironmental friendliness when it commences op-
eration in the summer of 2011.
pole. Three weeks later, they appeared in droves at Siemens’ Power Generation plant in Berlin, trav- gas turbines and a steam turbine. Siemens has fired plant, the new facility in Irsching can reduce temperature the blade surfaces are allowed to be The turbine is also slated to be used at a num-
again — this time out of concern for the pole, as eled 1,500 kilometers to get to Irsching — initially also built the plant’s new Block 4, where the gi- CO2 emissions by nearly two thirds. What’s exposed to is 950 degrees, at which point they ber of other locations besides Irsching. In 2013,
an oversized trailer had shown up carrying a new by water to Kelheim, where it was loaded onto ant turbine is used. The new turbine’s output of more, the turbine can be started up within five begin to glow red. If it gets any hotter, the ma- six of the record-setting systems will be operat-
turbine for the town’s power plant. The residents a truck for the final 40 kilometers. This odyssey 375 MW, which equals that of 17 jumbo jet en- minutes from standby mode and delivers full out- terial begins to lose its stability and oxidizes.” ing in Florida, where Florida Power & Light is mod-
were worried that the turbine, which measured was undertaken because the only way to test such gines, is enough to supply power to the popu- put after just 15 minutes. This makes it ideally suit- ernizing its power plants in order to achieve net
13 meters in length, 5 meters in height, and a powerful turbine is to put it into operation at lation of a city the size of Hamburg. ed for offsetting the natural fluctuations asso- Ceramic Coating. Siemens engineers have savings of almost $1 billion over the life cycle of
weighed 444 tons, could pose a threat to their a power plant. “It was a nice coincidence that the At the same time, the turbine’s size and ciated with the rapidly growing sector of re- been creative in tackling this problem. One the turbines. A company in South Korea also ordered
beloved maypole. This was not the case, however; energy company E.ON was planning to expand weight (444 metric tons — as much as a fully fu- newable energies such as wind and solar. thing they did was lower the heat transfer from one of the turbines in early 2011, making the sys-
specialists supervising the transport were actu- the power station in Irsching,” says Wolfgang Win- eled Airbus A380 jet) have earned it an entry in There was still plenty of work to do even af- the combustion gas to the metal by applying a tem a very successful export item for increasing sus-
ally more concerned about a bridge at the en- ter, Siemens project manager in Irsching. Guinness World Records. Over a period of about ter the plant was built in 2007, as technicians had protective thermal coating consisting of two lay- tainability. Bernhard Gerl

64 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2007 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2007 65
Hydroelectric plants in Germany like those at
Energy Technologies | Virtual Power Plants
Ahausen and Niederense (below) have been in
operation for decades. They are now enjoying new
significance as part of a virtual power plant.

T he many hiking trails around the village of

Niederense in the state of Westphalia, Ger-
many, offer tranquility, bird songs, the Möhne
was 8.6 megawatts. Meanwhile, further plants
like cogeneration units or emergency generators
were added. The bundling of the distributed gen-
As part of a virtual plant, even small energy producers
can sell their power on the electricity market.
River and unspoiled nature. As idyllic as this set- erating plants has established a key prerequisite
ting is, a small hydroelectric power station for new forms of marketing. “Individually, such
built in 1913 does not look out of place here. plants are too small to market their capacities total power available. Even weather data is fac- with the control center via wireless communica-
With an output of 215 kilowatts, the facility is through energy traders on the energy ex- tored into the energy management system to pro- tion modems. The advantage of this approach is
one of the region’s smaller power plants. Yet its change, or as a balancing reserve for load fluc- vide a forecast of the power available from sources that it requires no costly cables or rented landlines.
Siemens-Halske generators have been tireless- tuations to power grid operators,” says Kramer. with fluctuating availability, such as wind and sun. The virtual plant is highly distributed. Its DEMS
ly producing electricity for nearly 100 years. And “To market electric power on the energy markets Before a quotation is placed on the energy computer is in a control center in Plaidt near
now these hardworking old-timers have become for minute reserves — the power that must be market through an energy trader, it is checked Koblenz, the operator stations are located at ano-
a key part of a much larger, innovative high-tech available on demand within 15 minutes — a vir- and approved by the portfolio manager. Once it ther site near the headquarters and the power plants
plan. Since October 2008 they have been in- tual power plant is required to have a minimum has been approved and accepted by the market, are in the Sauerland and in the northern Ruhr area.
terconnected with eight other hydroelectric capacity of 15 megawatts at present.” Today, DEMS generates an operating schedule for the In spite of this complex mix, no standards exist
plants on the Lister and Lenne Rivers in a rural since the nine-member virtual power plant individual power plants in the virtual plant. The yet for distributed power plant communications.
part of Westphalia known as Sauerland as part does not reach that level, a part of it feeds its schedule specifies exactly when and how much “Uniform interfaces and protocols have yet to be
of ProViPP, the Professional Virtual Power Plant energy into the grid in accordance with Ger- power must be available from which plant. defined,” says Werner, who points out that
pilot project of RWE (a power plant operator) and many’s Renewable Energy Law (EEG). Following “DEMS does such a good job of modeling that each virtual plant therefore requires tailored so-
Siemens. a planned expansion, however, its power will be its schedules can be run exactly the way it de- lutions. “We need open standards to substantially
Just about everybody stands to gain from the sold directly in the energy market. fines them,” says Dr. Thomas Werner, Product simplify the design of virtual power plants,” he adds.
project — power plant owners, electricity
traders, power grid operators, and of course the
end customer, who could profit from more in-

Power in Numbers
Small, distributed power plants, fluctuating energy sources such as wind and
sunlight, and the deregulation of electric power markets have one thing in
common. They increase the need for reliable and economical operation of electric
power grids. The virtual power plant is an intelligent solution from Siemens.
It networks multiple small power stations to form a large, smart power grid.
Distributed Energy Management System software
shows the current status of all systems included in a
tense competition. The virtual power plant Cool Controls. At the heart of Sauerland’s virtual power plant and generates an operating Lucrative Reserve Power. Existing business
concept complements the big utility companies virtual power plant is Siemens’ Distributed En- schedule (right) for its power generation. This models for virtual power plants already prom-
with their large, central power plants by creat- ergy Management System (DEMS). The sys- schedule is controlled in the demand mode (left). ise attractive profits. As a case in point, power
ing new suppliers with small, distributed pow- tem displays the present status of systems, grid operators need to maintain a constant
er systems linked to form virtual pools that can generates prognoses and quotations, and balance in the power grid despite fluctuations
be operated from a central control station. controls electric power generation as sched- Manager, Smart Grid Solutions at Siemens En- in consumption and electric power genera-
Such a pool can unite wind power, cogeneration, uled. The system overview is subdivided into ergy. No manual corrections are needed. tion. This is where the virtual power plant’s
photovoltaic, small hydroelectric, and biogas sys- producers and loads, contracts, and power Martin Kramer of RWE agrees. “The system is operator can sell reserve power and make a
tems as well as large power consumers such as storage. Conveniently positioned at the cen- working extremely well. Once a schedule has specific capacity available as a minute reserve.
aluminum smelters and large process water ter of the display is the “balance node” (the been generated, the energy management sys- When needed, the purchaser places an order
pumps to function as a single supplier. With the sum of the incoming and outgoing power tem controls the entire process — including the for the agreed-on power for a fee. The seller
Sauerland project Siemens and RWE have must equal zero). Additional information is requirements of the individual power plants — then starts up or shuts down generators as
achieved the technological and economic util- provided on “forecasting and usage planning” fully automatically.” specified in the contract within the agreed-on
ity of virtual power plants and expanded their and “monitoring and control.” As a result, a DEMS was developed by Siemens when it be- timeframe to stabilize the net frequency at 50
knowledge base for further applications. “The portfolio manager can view color bar graphs came evident how the electric power grid and or 60 hertz.
project and the technology worked so well that showing which power stations are currently the electric power market would be affected by Prof. Christoph Weber of Duisburg-Essen
we’ve connected some additional power plants ,” running at peak load or at base load and how increasing supply from distributed and renewable University estimates that an energy trader with
says Martin Kramer, RWE Project Manager for Dis- much power they are producing. energies (Pictures of the Future, Fall 2007, p. 90). a virtual power plant can increase earnings by
tributed Energy Systems. Using plant status information, such as elec- In the background, communication systems several hundred thousand euros by paying less
Externally, the nine small hydroelectric plants tric power output, and combining it with mar- ensure reliable connections between the control to the power grid operator for “compensation
in the project function as a single large one. At ket forecasts, DEMS generates a forecast that also center and individual power plants. Communi- power.” Such payments are due when less or
first, their total initial output for pilot operation takes into account the next day’s prices and the cations devices in power stations link the stations more power is fed into the grid than had been

66 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 67
The average age of steam turbines in the
Energy Technologies | Virtual Power Plants | Power Plant Upgrades
industrialized world is around 30 years. Replace-
ment, upgrading, and new control systems (left) can
boost efficiency substantially.

Advanced IT is the Core Element of a Virtual Power Plant A ccording to Dr. Oliver Geden, an expert for
EU climate policy at the German Institute for
International and Security Affairs in Berlin, ef-
fective climate protection begins when “many
people consume in an environmentally sus-
E tainable way, without having to think twice about
Network Energy Energy
€ what they’re doing.” For this to happen, says
management management exchange Geden, it will take huge structural changes in
Biomass system system Invoicing how we generate and consume electricity, in-
power plant cluding expanded use of renewable energy, and
more efficient conventional power plants.
Communications network Significant progress has already been made
in the construction of new power plants. Over
cogeneration Weather service the period from 1992 to the present, the effi-
power plant ciency of the latest coal-fired power plants in the
Concentrator industrialized West has risen from 42 to 47 per-
Remote meter cent. This amounts to a huge advance in climate
reading protection. For instance, for a 700-megawatt
loads (MW) generating unit, an increase in efficiency
PV system of five percentage points translates into a re-
duction in annual CO2 emissions of around
Wind farm 500,000 metric tons. This is particularly impor-
unit tant for the Middle Kingdom China, where, ac-
cording to the International Energy Agency, one
Distributed mini block-type new coal-fired power plant with an efficiency of
Fuel cell cogeneration and Distributed loads
photovoltaic systems over 44 percent enters commercial service
every month.

specified in the operating schedule. To avoid this, tual power plants could also be “produced”
the electric power producer needs to adhere as from less obvious components, such as by in-
closely as possible to the agreed-on operating terconnecting the emergency power generators
schedule — and that’s the purpose of an ener- in hospitals and factories with the battery stor-
gy management system such as DEMS. An in- age systems common in telephone and Internet
teresting alternative to generating additional
power is for the central control station to briefly
shut down large-scale consumers such as alu-
minum smelters. Another useful alternative is to
sell electric power at the European Energy Ex-
communications centers.
Virtual power plants also have a macroeco-
nomic advantage. “The benefit of a power sta-
tion network extends far beyond its present ap-
plications,” says Werner. At present consumption
New Life for Old Plants
Worldwide, there are hundreds of fossil fuel-fired power plants that could, if modernized, improve
their efficiency by 10 or even 15 percent. Such upgrades would reduce CO2 emissions accordingly,
As part of a virtual plant, even small energy producers which would be a major contribution to climate protection. The biggest potential lies in North
can sell their power on the electricity market. America as well as parts of Europe and Asia.

change (EEX) in Leipzig, provided that the cost rates, for example, global copper reserves will When it comes to upgrading existing power As Ralf Hendricks from Siemens Energy ex- fluctuations. The ability to react rapidly not only an additional 15 to 20 years. As a rule, Siemens
of producing one megawatt hour is lower than be exhausted in 32 years (Pictures of the Future, plants, however, there is still massive untapped plains, the increasing exploitation of alternative secures a power company high prices on the also renews the control system for the turbine
the current exchange price. Fall 2008, p. 22). And if the infrastructures of potential, both in economic and environmental energy sources is also accelerating the pace of power market; an upgraded power plant also set or the power plant as a whole (Pictures of the
There are other uses of virtual power plants, countries such as India and China consume as terms. The average efficiency of Europe’s coal- modernization. “In Europe, power companies reaches its operating point more quickly, which Future, Spring 2009, p. 27). According to Dr. Nor-
as was shown in the case of a municipal power much copper as the industrial countries, short- fired power plants is a mere 37 to 38 percent. have to convert a lot of older combined-cycle pow- cuts CO2 emissions. bert Henkel, responsible at Siemens for the mod-
plant in Germany’s Ruhr district. Augmenting ages and price increases of this scarce metal are Only about one in 10 plants tops the 40 percent er plants from base- to peak-load operation,” says Siemens is a specialist in upgrading steam tur- ernization of fossil-fuel and nuclear power
electric power lines to supply energy for a new likely to occur even sooner. mark. That’s hardly surprising, given that steam Hendricks, who is responsible for so-called lifetime bines, a job that primarily involves replacing the plants, it costs between €20 million and €60 mil-
residential area would have required a large cap- But if newly-industrializing countries base the turbines in Europe are, on average, almost 29 management and thus for power plant upgrades. rotor and the inner casing. The latest in turbine lion to comprehensively upgrade a steam turbine
ital investment. So instead of new lines, the area’s expansion of their energy infrastructures on in- years old. Gas turbines, on the other hand, are The reason for the conversions is that Europe blade technology and enlarged flow areas boost system for a medium-sized power plant. “By mod-
electric power needs were met by installing dis- telligent power grids and virtual power plants that usually of a more recent vintage, with an aver- is ramping up use of land-based and offshore the efficiency and performance of the turbine. ernizing the turbine, we can tease an extra 30
tributed, gas-powered, mini block-type cogen- generate electricity near where it will be used, age age of just under 12 years. Nevertheless, the wind farms. When winds are strong, these In addition, the use of new seals in high- and in- to 40 megawatts out of the plant. As a result, the
eration plants and interconnecting them to i.e. in a distributed system, fewer power lines will German Association of Energy and Water In- farms generate lots of electricity, which means termediate-pressure turbines reduces clearance initial capital expenditure is amortized within just
form a virtual power plant that delivers electric have to be built to transport electricity, and the dustries (BDEW) estimates that around one-quar- conventional plants can scale back output. But losses, which likewise increases efficiency. a few years,” he explains.
power and heating. This made it possible to post- limited copper reserves will last longer. ter of Germany’s power plants will need to be when winds die down, the latter have to be able These measures lengthen the service life of the Power generator Energie Baden-Württemberg
pone a huge investment for several years. Vir- Harald Hassenmüller modernized in the immediate future. to reach peak load rapidly to compensate for load turbine, allowing it to remain in operation for (EnBW), for example, has invested around €30

68 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 69
The construction of the world’s largest offshore wind
Energy Technologies | Power Plant Upgrades | Offshore Wind
farm — the Horns Rev II off Denmark — is a challenge
from the production of rotors and trans-shipment at
the harbor to assembly on the open sea.
million on upgrading its cogeneration plant in to fossil-fired power plants, many of which least-efficient power plants. In Europe, there are
Altbach, near Stuttgart, a measure that will keep were commissioned over the last few decades, over 500 steam turbine plants that are older than
it in action for the next 30 years. Siemens re- most of the world’s nuclear plants date from the 25 years and in urgent need of modernization.
newed the plant’s control systems and upgrad- 1970s and 1980s. “The conventional components This figure includes all the aging plants in Cen-
ed its steam turbine, replacing the blades and of these plants, including the turbines, all need tral Europe and is unrivaled anywhere else in the
seals, which boosted its output by 11 MW. The upgrading at around the same time,” Henkel ex- world. In India, for example, exists a consider-
entire outer casing could be retained. With plains. At present, in a contract awarded by Flori- able modernization need for 200 megawatt-class
around 4,000 operating hours at full load per da Power and Light (FPL), Siemens is overhaul- plants of a similar vintage. Also in China, on the
year, the plant has benefitted from the upgrade ing the generator and renewing a high-pressure other hand, still has a lot of coal-fired power
with a reduction in its annual CO2 emissions of
50,000 metric tons. As a result, the plant is now
classified as one of EnBW’s “green” facilities and may, In Europe alone, there are over 500 steam turbine
if required, rack up additional operating hours. plants that now require modernization.

plants rated at efficiency levels of between 26

and 30 percent. To cover the rapidly-growing de-
mand for electricity from industry and house-
holds, China is currently building a raft of new
power plants, 60 percent of which are ultra-
modern facilities. According to the IEA, China has
been able to radically reduce construction costs
for such plants, which feature extremely heat-
resistant steam turbines, by building a large num-
ber of them at the same time and thus exploit-
ing the effects of standardization. China, which
tends to close unprofitable power plants rather
than upgrade them, has been decommissioning
around 50 GW of older fossil generating capacity
since 1997 — a process that is due to be com-
pleted by 2010.

Rewarding Efficiency. Back in Europe, pow-

er companies in the western member states
are rapidly upgrading their facilities. In this
sector, climate protection is still largely a cor-
porate affair. Unlike its stance on the automo-

High-Altitude Harvest
bile industry, the European Union is prepared
A new control system and upgraded steam turbine to let market forces, rather than regulation,
from Siemens boost output at EnBW’s cogeneration bring about power plant modernization. That
North America’s power plants are even old- plant in Altbach, Germany by 11 MW and reduce said, climate expert Geden foresees a major
er than Europe’s, with an average of 34 years for CO2 emissions by 50,000 metric tons a year. upheaval in the power plant market from
steam turbines in the U.S. and Canada, and 17 2013 onward, when CO2 emission certificates Siemens is building the world’s largest offshore wind farm 30 kilometers from the Danish coast.
years for gas turbines. Siemens is involved in a in this sector will all be auctioned. The project is both a technical and logistical challenge because the individual components
number of major upgrades in this area. Some of turbine and two low-pressure turbines at the St. Power companies will therefore have to pay are huge, weigh dozens of tons, and must operate flawlessly in the windy North Sea — even
these cover more than just the turbines: Siemens Lucie nuclear plant in Florida. This will increase for a percentage of their CO2 emissions through during a hurricane. What’s more, they have to do all this for 20 years or more.
renewed the complete control system for a num- the output of each of the two reactors by 100 the purchase of emission certificates. An ex-
ber of plants, including a coal-fired facility in Car- MW. In addition, Siemens is installing new ception, however, has been made for many Cen-
neys Point, New Jersey, a combined-cycle plant
in Redding, California, and combined-cycle in-
stallations in Syracuse and Beaver-Falls, New York,
high-pressure turbines and modernizing the gen-
erator at FPL’s Turkey Point nuclear plant, which
will boost its output by around 100 MW. Both
tral and Eastern European countries, giving
them until 2020 to catch up.
During this time, the most efficient power
A nybody visiting Jesper Møller at his fa-
vorite workplace needs to have a head for
heights, good sea legs, and no inclination toward
1,500 rpm. The generator is hidden at the back
and can produce 2.3 megawatts (MW) of elec-
trical power once the wind speed exceeds
The North Sea swell is lapping at the foundations
60 meters below. At the same time, the struc-
ture sways lightly in the wind — despite its
all of which are being fitted with the SPPA-T3000 projects are scheduled for completion by 2012. plants will set the benchmark there too. Power claustrophobia. Secured with ropes, we climb nar- eleven meters a second — but only if no visitors weight of over 300 tons. “It’s designed to do that,”
web-based instrumentation and control system. With the exception of France, which gener- plants meeting this standard will receive emis- row ladders and ride unsteady freight elevators are present in the nacelle. “When anyone is vis- says Møller, “because flexibility is what provides
This system integrates the power plant and tur- ates the lion’s share of its power using nuclear sion permits free of charge. Emissions trading in order to get to the top of a windowless tow- iting, the wind turbines are switched off for safe- our wind power plants with their tremendous sta-
bine control functions in a common, easy-to-use plants, the energy mix in Europe still includes a will thus ensure that old power plants become er. On arrival, Jesper Møller invites his guests into ty reasons,” says Møller, who heads Offshore bility. Even severe storms haven’t caused any
platform. For the operators of Carneys Point, for major share of coal. This applies particularly to increasingly unprofitable. And once the last in- the inner sanctum: the approximately six me- Technology at Siemens Wind Power division in problems.” Møller presses a switch and two roof
example, this will provide greater flexibility to tai- Central European countries, including Poland, efficient plant has been decommissioned, each ter-long cylinder that forms the head of a wind Denmark. However, this is small consolation for wings open up above the nacelle to unveil a view
lor operation of the individual generating units which meets over 90 percent of its power electricity consumer will have become a little bit power plant. A neon tube lights up the long shaft visitors. Even though you are standing on a se- of the North Sea. Dozens of wind turbines extend
to actual demand, along with greater reliabili- needs from coal. easier on the environment — without even think- containing the gearbox, which transforms the cure grid, you can’t help but feel there’s very lit- out in a row toward the horizon like a string of
ty and reduced maintenance costs. In contrast At the same time, these countries have the ing about it. Katrin Nikolaus rotation of the blades into a generator speed of tle between you and the abyss beneath your feet. pearls. Some are rotating energetically in the

70 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 71
Energy Technologies | Offshore Wind

breeze; others are waiting to be commissioned, World Record for Wind Power. Such su- seven percent. Perhaps the figures aren’t so experts can detect anomalies and prevent dam- a kind of “sandwich.” The bottom and top sec- transports its freight, which weighs over 1,000
while a few more are mere foundations pro- perlatives are nothing special by Denmark’s surprising when you consider that Denmark is age from occurring. tions are subsequently joined and a vacuum is tons, 50 kilometers to Horns Rev II.
truding out of the sea. Horns Rev II is the name standards because they are already multiple a windy country and enjoys only ten calm Only the most observant visitors notice that created inside. From his nacelle 60 meters above the North
of this wind farm, which is situated on a sand- world record holders. This small kingdom is days a year. On really windy days, the wind- the nacelle and blades incline slightly upwards The vacuum sucks liquid epoxy resin through Sea, Jesper Møller has spotted the Sea Power. “It
bank about 30 kilometers off the Danish coast. not only the largest producer of wind power mills can produce half of the country’s elec- at an angle of seven degrees “We have to main- the fiberglass mats and the balsa wood. Here, takes six to eight hours to completely assemble
The park is still under construction but when plants, but also generates 20 percent of its en- tricity, and on a stormy night, this figure can tain a safe distance between the blades and the the resin finds its way through all of the layers a wind power plant,” the wind power-expert says.
completed in Fall 2009, it will be the largest off- ergy requirements with wind power. In com- even rise to 100 percent. mast,” says Møller. “They are so flexible that they and evenly joins the two sides of the blade. Fi- The assembly ship’s crane lifts the steel tower,
shore wind farm in the world. A total of 91 tur- parison, Germany, has so far only managed However, this bounty of green energy does bend inward considerably in stormy conditions.” nally, the blades are “baked” in a gigantic oven the nacelle, and finally the rotor onto a yellow
bines from Siemens will then be able to pump at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius for pedestal — a steel foundation that was driven
around 210 MW of electrical power into the net- Robust Blades. Søren Kringelholt Nielsen eight hours. 20 meters into the sandy seabed some time ear-
work — enough to supply over 136,000 house- “Repairs on the open sea cost about ten times as and his 800 employees at Siemens Rotor Blade “At the end of this process we have a seam- lier. The components are then bolted together
holds with electricity. much as repairs on land.” Manufacturing, which is located 230 kilome- less rotor blade with no weak points,” says by hand.

have its downside. Because such plants rely

How to Become a Windmill Builder on the wind, long-term energy production
plans are out of the question. As a result,
these white giants can play only a limited role
In August 2009, Siemens opened one of Europe’s when it comes to meeting the fluctuating de-
most up-to-date training centers for wind energy mand for grid power. In contrast, other types
in Bremen, Germany. Aptly named the Wind Pow- of power plants, such as gas and cogeneration
er Training Center, it has a floor area of about plants, can be run up or run down according
1,100 square meters, and is situated between the to demand. That’s why, the
European and Industrial harbors of the north Ger- state-run network operator, uses a sophisticat-
man Hanseatic city, where it serves primarily as a ed energy management system that is partial-
training center for service technicians. Prospec- ly based on several weather forecasting sys-
tive assembly workers are not only offered theory tems to get the best out of variable wind
courses covering the construction and operation energy.
of wind power plants, but are also given the op- In order to quickly respond to fluctuations,
portunity to carry out practical maintenance excess wind-generated electricity is diverted ters away in Aalborg, ensure that the huge A wind turbine produces enough energy to boil six
work on real objects. to Norway’s pumped storage power plants to blades are flexible. All the blades for the Euro- liters of water in just one second.
A hall measuring about 600 square meters forms be used later during calm weather. Although pean market are produced here. The floor of
the heart of the building, which houses a 2.3MW currently capable of coping with peak loads the factory is covered with neat rows of the gi-
wind turbine from Siemens, a simulator for the and stabilizing the network, this arrangement gantic rotor blades, each of which is bigger Nielsen. Weaknesses are unacceptable because “Naturally, this is possible only with good
control technology, ladder constructions, a scaf- may not be equal to future demands — partic- than the wing of a jumbo jet. The surface of maintenance costs must be kept to a minimum weather. As soon as the height of the waves ex-
folding, and crane and tower models. “In this El- ularly as the Danish government plans to sub- the blades is so smooth that you can’t see or during the 20 years in which the blades must ceeds 1.5 meters the work is called off. And this
dorado for technicians, our employees can stantially expand its use of wind power in feel a single seam, while the edges at the tips withstand wind and weather. “Repairs on the can happen quite often on the North Sea,
demonstrate their knowledge of the technical coming years. And that’s just fine as far as are nearly as sharp as knives. Despite their open sea cost about ten times as much as repairs which is renowned for being rough,” says
processes in a wind turbine, as well as the rele- Møller is concerned. He has been building size, the aerodynamic blades can be bent by on land,” says Nielsen. To further increase their Møller. He points at an old ferry that is anchored
vant safety aspects of wind turbine construction, wind farms for the last ten years and has de- several centimeters using nothing more than resilience, all the blades are equipped with a light- not far from the wind farm. “That’s our so
management, and servicing — all in a practical veloped a special bond with his turbines. “Al- your hand. ning conductor. “Statistically, each blade will be called hotel ship. It’s home for the workers who
setting,” says project manager Nils Gneiße. though the work is routine,” he says. “I experi- “This apparent fragility is deceiving,” says struck at least once by lightning.” are responsible for the installation and cabling
“Thanks to this experience, they will be able to ence something special every time I ascend a Nielsen, who heads Rotor Blade Manufactur- of the wind mills. They spend two weeks at a
perform maintenance work for customers faster windmill and look out over the North Sea.” ing in Aalborg. “The blades are extremely ro- Swimming Packhorse. By the time a blade time here at sea.”
and more efficiently.” Wind power plant opera- Just in front of him, the huge 45-meter rotor bust. Imagine placing a mid-sized car at the begins its life on a mast at Horn Rev II, it will In contrast, stays in the nacelles above the sea,
tors particularly benefit because the maintenance blades stretch into the sky, their tips roaring end of a three-kilometer beam. The forces that have an amazing journey behind it. First of all, which are far from comfortable, are of course
requirements and costs fall, while the reliability through the air at 220 kilometers per hour and are being placed on the other end of the beam blades are strapped onto articulated trucks for much shorter. The limit is three days. In case evac-
of the turbines increases. producing enough energy to boil six liters of wa- are the same as those a rotor blade needs to the 280-kilometer journey to Esbjerg harbor, uation is impossible in the face of a rapidly-de-
According to Gneiße, the ten-meter turbines, which weigh some 80 tons, are more than just training ter every second. Depending on the strength of withstand during strong winds,” explains one of Siemens’ transport hubs for wind farms veloping storm, each tower is outfitted with
objects that provide hands-on experience. “With the help of these turbine nacelles, we want to in- the wind, it’s possible to alter the white blades’ Nielsen. in Europe. emergency storage facilties for fresh water and
crease safety for our technicians,” he says. That’s why the training program offers emergency exercis- angle of attack so that they operate in the most The secret of the blades’ stability can be found Here, the individual blades are attached to ro- energy bars.
es under real-life conditions — up to now a first for this type of training center. “Regardless of efficient manner. in the 250-meter-long production hall where they tors and loaded — together with the nacelles and On the other hand, there are visitors who have
whether an employee becomes stuck during maintenance work or simply gets cramps — at a height of The 82 ton-nacelle can also turn on its own are manufactured using “Integral Blade Tech- the masts — onto the “Sea Power,” an assembly climbed the tower with Jesper Møller who have
a hundred meters even minor incidents are considered emergencies that call for swift action,” says axis in the wind — courtesy of a computer-con- nology,” a patented process (see Pictures of the ship that transports the components of three sep- indicated that they would rather stay a little
Gneiße. Along with training facilities in Brande, Denmark, Newcastle, UK, and Houston, Texas, the trolled system. A host of sensors, both inside and Future, Fall 2007, p. 60). What’s remarkable is arate wind power plants to their destinations in longer because, even when there is no emer-
center in Bremen covers global training needs in terms of wind power. Every year some 1,000 techni- outside the compartment, continuously meas- that the rotor blades are manufactured as a sin- the North Sea. Gigantic cranes lift the 60-ton ro- gency, the cramped nacelle seems preferable to
cians, most of whom will come from Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean region and the ure the vibrations of the machine parts. Using gle component without seams — a method that tors onto the deck of the ship, stacking three huge the idea of climbing back down to a swaying boat
Asia-Pacific region, are to be trained here, as are Siemens customers. Sebastian Webel this data, experts from Siemens can remotely rec- only Siemens has mastered. At the start of the propellers per rotor on top of one another, be- at the foot of the mast — especially when you’ve
ognize when a problem is brewing, because each process, workers roll out long alternate layers of fore placing the tower sections and the nacelle forgotten your seasickness pills.
unusual reading triggers an alarm. In this way fiberglass mats and balsa wood in a form to make beside them. This swimming packhorse then Florian Martini

72 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 73
Pumped-storage power plants are used to
Energy Technologies | Energy Storage
stockpile surplus power (here an 80 MW plant in
Wendefurth, Germany). Underground storage
systems (below) could also be a solution.
Oversupply can likewise pose problems. Ger- age facility is capable of supplying power in will take another route when it encounters an
many’s Renewable Energy Act stipulates that Ger- the GW range over a period of several hours. obstruction,” explains Dirk Ommeln from EnBW.
man network operators must give preference to In fact, more than 99 percent of the energy-
power from renewable sources. But an abun- storage systems in use worldwide are pum- Batteries and Compressed Air. Other major
dance of wind power means that conventional ped-storage power plants. industrialized countries such as the U.S. and
power plants have to be ramped down. This ap- Germany’s largest pumped-storage power China also make significant use of pumped-
plies particularly to gas- and coal-fired plants, plant is in Goldisthal, about 350 km southwest storage power plants. In addition, major ef-
which are responsible for providing the inter- of Berlin. The facility has an output of 1,060 forts are being made to find alternative meth-
mediate load — in other words, for buffering pe- megawatts (MW) and could, in an extreme sit- ods worldwide. The best-known of all
riodic fluctuations in demand. For the power uation, supply the entire state of Thuringia electricity storage devices is the rechargeable
plants assigned to provide the base load — pri- with power for eight hours. In all, 33 pumped- battery, which can be found in every mobile
marily nuclear power and lignite-fired plants — storage facilities operate in Germany, providing phone and digital camera. Although the
ramping up and down is relatively complicated a combined output of 6,700 MW and a capaci- amounts of energy involved here are tiny by
and costly. ty of 40 gigawatt-hours (GWh). Each year, they comparison, this has not stopped some coun-
On windy days, this can have bizarre conse- supply around 7,500 GWh of so-called balanc- tries from using batteries as a cache facility for
quences. For example, it may be necessary to sell ing power, which covers heightened demand at the power network. “In Japan, for example,
surplus power at a giveaway price on the Euro- peak times — in the evenings, for example, when this method is used practically throughout the
pean Energy Exchange (EEX) in Leipzig. In fact, people switch on electric appliances and lights. country,” says Dr. Manfred Waidhas from
the price of electricity may even fall below zero. The energy held in reserve by pumped-stor- Siemens Corporate Technology (CT). “Batteries
Such negative prices actually became a reality age power plants can be called up within a mat- the size of a shipping container can store
on May 3, 2009, when a megawatt-hour (MWh) ter of minutes. about 5 MWh of electrical energy and are in-
was briefly traded at minus €152. In other In Germany, however, simply increasing the stalled in the grid close to the consumer.”
words, the operator of a conventional power number of pumped-storage power plants isn’t They are used as an emergency power supply,
plant chose to pay someone to take the power such a simple option. There is a lack of suitable as a reserve at times of peak load, and as a
rather than to temporarily reduce output. locations, and such projects often trigger buffer to balance out fluctuations from renew-

Comparative Energy Stored per Unit of Volume

kWh/m3 0 100 200 300 400

Trapping the Wind

power plant1
Compressed air 2.7
1 Height difference: 100 meters
energy storage2 3
pressure: 2 MPa (= 20 bars)
pressure: 20 MPa, efficiency 58%
Lead-acid battery 70

NaS battery 150

Power produced from renewable sources such as wind and sunlight is irregular. Experts
are therefore looking at ways of storing surplus energy so that it can be converted Lithium-ion battery 300
back into electricity when required. One option is underground hydrogen storage, Hydrogen storage3 350
which is inexpensive, highly efficient, and can feed power into the grid quickly. Source: KBB Underground Technologies GmbH

T he wind blows when and where it will, and

it rarely heeds our wishes. These days, that
can have a serious impact on our power supply,
setter, but has now been pushed into second
place in this particular world ranking by the U.S.
Although this is all excellent news as far as
The ideal solution is to cache the surplus elec-
tricity and feed it back into the grid as re-
quired. The power network itself is unable to as-
Storing Power with Water. By far the best
solution is to cache the surplus electricity and
then feed it back into the grid whenever the
protests. As a result, Germany’s power plant op-
erators coordinate their activities with their
counterparts in neighboring countries. Energie
able sources of energy. Sodium-sulfur batter-
ies, which have an efficiency of as much as 70
to 80 percent, are used for this purpose.
to which wind energy is now making an in- the climate is concerned, it presents the power sume this function, since it is a finely balanced wind drops or skies are cloudy. Here, a proven Baden-Württemberg (EnBW) in Karlsruhe, for ex- Similarly, in a method known as V2G (vehi-
creasingly important contribution. In 2007, companies with a problem. Wind power isn’t al- system in which supply and demand have to be method is to use pumped-storage power ample, uses pumped-storage facilities not only cle to grid), electric vehicles could also serve as
wind power accounted for 6.4 percent or 39.7 ways generated exactly when consumers need carefully matched. If not, the frequency at plants. Whenever demand for electricity falls, in Germany, but also in the Vorarlberg region of local cache facilities for electricity in the future,
terawatt-hours (TWh) of gross power con- it. As a rule, wind generators produce more pow- which alternating current is transmitted deviates the surplus power is used to pump water up to Austria. Norway, too, which has a long history provided they are connected to the grid via a
sumption in Germany, and this proportion, ac- er at night, and that’s exactly when demand bot- from the stipulated 50 hertz, falling in the case a reservoir. As soon as demand increases, the of hydropower, is now looking to market its po- power cable. Although their battery capaci-
cording to a projection by the German Renew- toms out. With conventional power plants, out- of excess demand, or rising in the case of over- water is allowed to flow back down to a lower tential for electricity storage. However, the cap- ty is small in comparison with the amounts of
able Energy Federation (BEE), could rise to as put can be adjusted in line with consumption, supply. reservoir — generating electricity in the ital expenditure for doing so would be sub- energy required in the grid, the sheer number
much as 25 percent (149 TWh) by the year 2020. merely by burning more or less fuel. With fluc- Both scenarios must be avoided, as there process by means of water turbines. It’s a stantial. Such a project would involve more than of such vehicles and the relatively high powers
By then, Germany should have wind farms tuating sources of energy, however, this is only would otherwise be a danger of damage to con- beautifully simple and efficient idea. Indeed, just laying a long cable to Norway. The grid ca- involved — e.g. 40 kilowatts (kW) per vehicle —
with a total output of 55 gigawatts (GW), com- possible to a limited degree. And that goes for nected devices such as motors, electrical appli- pumped-storage power plants have an effi- pacity at the point of entry in both countries could make up for this. “As few as 200,000 ve-
pared to 22 GW at the end of 2007. both wind and photovoltaic power, which, ac- ances, computers and generators. For this rea- ciency of around 80 percent, reflecting the would also have to be increased in order to avoid hicles connected to the grid would produce 8 GW.
Germany already accounts for approximate- cording to the BEE, will together account for sev- son, power plants are immediately taken offline proportion of energy generated in relation to bottlenecks in transmission capability. “Such a And that’s enough balancing energy to im-
ly 20 percent of the world’s total wind power gen- en percent of gross power consumption in Ger- whenever an overload pushes the grid fre- the energy used in pumping the water to the step would be necessary because electricity al- prove grid stability,” says Prof. Gernot Spiegel-
erating capacity. Until recently, it was the pace- many by the year 2020. quency below 47.5 hertz. top reservoir. At present, no other type of stor- ways looks for the path of least resistance and berg from Siemens CT.

74 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 75
Energy Technologies | Energy Storage | Facts and Forecasts

“On the other hand, we need to remember Wolf from Siemens Energy Sector in Erlangen, weather situations and seasonal fluctuations —
that such batteries will be relatively expensive Germany, leakage is not a problem. “Typically, will be under €0.10 per kWh. In contrast, the cost
due to their compactness, safety specifications,
and low weight,” warns Dr. Christian Dötsch from
each year, less than 0.01 percent is lost,” he
say. “This is because the rock-salt walls of such
of CAES is estimated to be around €0.20 per kWh.
At the same time, underground hydrogen stor-
Highspeed for Mobility
the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, caverns behave like a liquid, and any leaks seal age facilities can help cover short-term peaks in
Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT) in
Oberhausen, Germany. “What’s more, their
service life — the number of times they can be
up automatically.” For this reason, says Wolf,
any of the caverns already used for the short-
term storage of natural gas would also be suit-
demand and therefore boost the existing capacity
provided by pumped-storage power plants.
Siemens has been conducting research into
and Economy
recharged — is still very limited. At present, the able for hydrogen. this technology for the last four years, and most
extra recharging and discharging for the purposes Around 60 caverns are now under con- of the components required, including the elec-
of load balancing would seriously reduce battery
struction in Germany. “If we were to use only 30
of these for hydrogen storage, we would be able
trolyzers and gas turbines, are now available —
as are safe caverns for hydrogen storage. Engi-
G lobal demand for energy will continue to rise
sharply. The International Energy Agency (IEA) esti-
mates that global energy consumption will be around 36
tricity consumption could likely rise by around 70 percent
by 2035, with most of the increase to be accounted for by
emerging markets such as China. Many homes and of-
operation by as early as 2015. A study conducted by the
investment bank HSBC in 2010 estimates that the market
volume for electric vehicles will total $473 billion by
Another concept is to warehouse potential ki- to cache around 4,200 GWh of electrical ener- neers from Siemens are currently working on percent higher by 2035 than it was in 2008. This develop- fices around the world are still heated with gas or oil. If around 2020. By that time, there will be 8.7 million pure
netic energy underground by a technique known gy,” Wolf points out. Hydrogen has such a high higher performance electrolyzers and gas tur- ment is being driven by expanding economies in the electricity is to be produced in the future with low CO2 electric cars and 9.2 million plug-in-hybrids on the road.
as compressed air energy storage (CAES). This energy density that as much as 350 kilowatt-hours bines that are specially modified for use with hy- emerging markets in particular, as well as by world popu- emissions, though, it makes sense to implement the nec- The key to launching the new age of electricity is to
involves pumping air, which has been pressur- (kWh) can be squeezed into every cubic meter drogen. “The first patent applications have al- lation growth. Fossil resources are limited, however, and essary heating system upgrades in older buildings by in- ensure rapid de-carbonization of power generation. The
ized to as much as 100 bar, into underground cav- of available storage space. This significantly ex- ready been filed, and a larger-scale pilot plant using them to provide energy causes the biggest share of stalling electrical systems, according to the DPG. Because IEA anticipates that the share of the world’s electricity pro-
ities such as exhausted salt domes with a volume ceeds CAES (2.7 kWh/m3) and is only matched could be up and running within three to five CO2 emissions. of this — and also due to higher demand for electrical de- duced with coal, gas, and oil will fall from 68 percent to-
of between 100,000 and a million cubic meters. by lithium-ion batteries. years,” says Wolf. The IEA believes this dilemma can be solved through vices in countries outside the OECD — annual electricity day to about 55 percent by 2035. During the same peri-
“This compressed air can be used in a gas tur- Whenever the demand for electricity rises, hy- Hydrogen has other advantages too. Apart more efficient use of energy and greater utilization of consumption in buildings will rise by 1.5 percent between od, the proportion of power from renewable sources
bine,” says Waidhas. “You still need a fossil fuel drogen is removed and used to power a gas tur- from storing energy for generating power or electrical power in applications where fossil fuels contin- now and 2035, despite energy conservation measures. including water, wind, and the sun will rise from 19 per-
such as natural gas, but energy is saved because bine or a fuel cell. “At present, underground hy- heat, it can also be mixed with syngas (synthe- ue to dominate — assuming such electricity is produced The share of global final-energy consumption accounted cent to 32 percent. And these forecasts are reflected in
the compressed air for combustion is already drogen storage is unmatched by any other en- sis gas) — from, for example, biomass plants — without emissions. “We believe electricity produced from for by electricity will then likely rise from 27 percent today the outlook for the market: Siemens experts believe that
available.” ergy-storage system,” says Wolf. “Each cavern is to produce fuel in a biomass-to-liquid (BtL) renewable sources will be the most important form of fi- to 37 percent. in 2020 more than half of total global investment in the
nal energy in the future,” says Prof. Ulrich Wagner, mem- The potential for using electricity in automobiles is power plant market will be accounted for by renewable
ber of the Executive Board of the German Aerospace Cen- also tremendous: “Electric mobility can reduce petroleum energy facilities. HSBC expects the global market volume
ter (DLR). The range of future application possibilities for consumption and prevent emissions of climate-damaging for low-CO2 energy production to increase from $422 bil-
clean electricity is enormous, from household appliances, CO2 and other pollutants, provided no fossil sources are lion in 2009 to $1.043 trillion in 2020.
lighting, and machines to heat pumps, desalination facili- used to generate the electricity,” according to the DPG. Alongside hydropower, the main sources of CO2-free
ties, and electric vehicles. A study conducted by the Ger- The German government plans to put one million electric electricity in the future will be energy from the wind —
man Physical Society (DPG) in 2010 concluded that “elec- vehicles on the road by 2020, and have five million in op- and to a lesser extent solar energy. HSBC expects that in
tricity is easy to generate and transmit, and it can also be eration by 2030 (including plug-in hybrids equipped with 2020 the wind-power industry will boast the lion’s share
used very conveniently and flexibly.” The IEA adds that for both an electric motor and a combustion engine). Plans in of the renewable energy market with a stake of $285 bil-
“no other form of final energy” will there be such a sharp the U.S. and China are even more ambitious. Both of lion. Solar power will follow with a $116 billion share of
increase in demand as for electricity. In fact, global elec- these countries want to have one million electric cars in the market. Anette Freise

2020: Nearly 18 million new 2020: More than $1 trillion for low-CO2
electric vehicles worldwide energy production worldwide 2009 2020e
Biofuels 18 93
in thousands of units Pure electric vehicles in billions of US$ Heat from renewable sources 8 368
In the future, electric vehicles could provide Plug-in hybrids CCS 0 7
temporary storage of electricity, which could be 5 Nuclear power 192 368
657 Electricity from renewable sources 203 544
There are two CAES pilot projects worldwide: fed back into the grid as required, thereby process. “Hydrogen gives us a whole range of op-
the first went into operation in Huntorf, Germany, improving the network’s stability. tions, and significant progress has been made 2020e

Source: HSBC

Source: HSBC
9,226 2009
in 1978; the second in McIntosh, Alabama, in here in recent years,” says Stephan Werth- 2020e
1991. The basic idea behind CAES is simple, but schulte, an energy expert from management con- 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
there are drawbacks. “In both projects, the gas capable of providing more than 500 MW for clear- sultants Accenture.
turbines are custom made, and that kind of spe- ly more than a week in base-load operation. That’s By way of example, he points to an exciting
cial development costs money,” says Waidhas. the equivalent of 140 GWh. By way of compar- pilot project in Brandenburg, Germany. In April Declining share of fossil energy sources in % Wind power to cover over half
“CAES only gives you storage capacity of around ison, all the pumped-storage power plants in Ger- of this year, Enertrag, a company specializing in the world renewables market
in the global electricity production mix
3 GWh.” many only have a combined capacity of 40 GWh.” wind-power generators, laid the foundation
Solar PV 2 Geothermal 1
What’s more, underground hydrogen storage fa- stone for a new test facility in Prenzlau. This will Sea 0 Geothermal 0.3 Wind 1 Sea 0 CSP 1 Wind 8 in billions Geothermal 23 Wind 285
Hydrogen: Ideal Storage Medium? An in- cilities can supply power quickly to the grid and are be the world’s first hydrogen-wind-biogas hybrid Biomass and waste 1.3 Biomass of US$ Water (“small hydro”) 49
Coal 41 Water 16 Coal 32 and waste 4
teresting alternative to the methods already as flexible as a combined-cycle power plant. power plant capable of producing hydrogen from Water 16
Biomass 71
mentioned is hydrogen storage. Here, surplus Hydrogen also compares well in terms of surplus wind power. The hydrogen will be used 2008 2035e 2020e
electricity is used to produce hydrogen by costs. According to a study by the German to power hydrogen vehicles or mixed with bio-
Nuclear 14
means of electrolysis. The gas is then stored in Association for Electrical, Electronic & Informa- gas to produce electricity and heat in two block-

Source: HSBC
Solar 116

Source: IEA
underground caverns at a pressure of between tion Technologies (VDE), the costs of long- type cogeneration plants with a total output of Oil 5.4 Gas 21 Oil 1 Gas 21 Nuclear 14

100 and 350 bar, where, according to Erik term storage — to compensate for unfavorable 700 kW. Christian Buck

76 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2009 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2011 77
Solar thermal power plants with parabolic mirrors
Energy Technologies | Power and Heat from Biomass | Solar Thermal Power
that track the sun are an established technology for
the production of electricity. Below: Siemens’ Lebrija
1 pant near Seville.

T he King of Sweden expressed his pride

when the Igelsta biomass power plant en-
tered service in Södertälje, west of Stockholm
regions, the overall efficiency of this technolo-
gy is unbeatable (Pictures of the Future, Spring
2010, page 32). Like Igelsta, more and more of
emission-trading system are other mechanisms.”
This means that users of fossil fuels are subject
to three different disincentives in Sweden. The
in March 2010. “The time has never been bet- these plants are using biomass as a fuel. Swedish carbon tax was introduced in 1991
ter for an investment like this,” stated Carl XVI Mats Strömberg, the project manager re- and currently adds about 50 percent to the
Gustaf. “The plant we have built sets an exam- sponsible for the development of the power cost of each kilowatt of energy produced with
ple for Sweden, for Europe and for the whole plant at power company Söderenergi, had al- fossil fuels. And when the EU-wide emission
world.” Compared with a conventional power ready worked on a similar project in Gävle, north trading system was introduced, the carbon al-
plant fired by fossil fuels, the new biomass fa- of Stockholm. As in Södertälje, a Siemens SST- lowances allocated to electricity producers
cility saves as much carbon dioxide as is emit- 800 steam turbine is in use there. Three quar- covered only some 70 percent of their require-
ted by 140,000 cars per year. To promote ments; they had to buy the rest.
green energies, the Swedish government de- Since 2003, in parallel with these restric-
cided in favor of the “carrot and stick” approach Waste wood is the most important fuel at Sweden’s tions, Sweden’s national electricity certificate
Södertälje power plant, where a steam turbine from
Siemens sharply cuts carbon dioxide output.

What a Fireplace! Focus on the Sun

system has also been in force. Such certificates
are allocated for free to producers that use re-
newable energies (one certificate for each
MWh produced). All suppliers of electricity
must acquire such certificates in line with their
In order to accelerate a planned phaseout of coal and gas, Engineers have been striving to generate power from solar thermal
total sales of electricity. The quota is set by the
Sweden utilizes market-oriented incentive systems and innovati- state and increases over time; for 2010 it is
energy for a century. Now, the technology is finally about to come
ve technologies. The country’s biggest biomass power plant 17.9 percent. The certificates are freely traded; of age. With the acquisition of Solel, Siemens has become a market
was recently opened in Södertälje. A Siemens turbine is helping their prices rise as demand increases. leader at the cutting edge of several key solar-thermal technolo-
to enhance its efficiency. In this way, the “invisible hand” of the mar- gies: parabolic mirrors, receiver tubes and steam turbines.
ket is used to promote those types of green en-
ergy that can be produced most economically.
years ago. Economic incentives for renewable
energies and financial sanctions for conven-
tional technologies make the construction of
ters of the fuel for Igelsta consists of biomass,
mainly residual products from forest clearing;
the other quarter consists of recovered waste
But not all emission-free technologies are part
of the national certificate system. Nuclear
power and existing large hydroelectric plants
T here is nothing more powerful, the saying
goes, than an idea whose time has come.
Solar thermal technology — the generation of
Shuman’s attempt, the Israeli company Luz de-
veloped new parabolic trough power plants.
Nine plants from this period are still generat-
of electrical power. It was depressing to see
how this technology suddenly lost support.”
But Brenmiller was persistent. In the course
new coal-fired power plants unprofitable. materials from offices, shops, and industry. are excluded, for example. Haglund sees this energy from the heat of the sun — has tried to ing energy today in California’s Mojave Desert. of a buyout, Luz became Solel, one of the lead-
Swedish utilities reacted quickly by investing in From this fuel mix, the plant produces 200 state regulation in Sweden as a model to be get off the ground three times already. In But as the price of oil began to fall again, inter- ing suppliers of components for power genera-
power plants that burn biomass or waste in- megawatts (MW) of heat and 85 MW of elec- emulated. “The state stepped in and removed 1912, the American Frank Shuman built a par- est in solar thermal systems also waned. Power tion systems using concentrated solar power
stead of fossil fuels. tricity. “Siemens made the best offer in Gävle an assumed market dysfunction, the relative abolic reflector system in Egypt that was ex- station projects were postponed or canceled, (CSP) - and Brenmiller became CEO. In the first
Sweden’s targets are ambitious. By 2020, and Igelsta,” says Strömberg. “Performance is underpricing of fossil fuels. The results speak pected to produce 55 kilowatts (kW) of power. and Luz went bankrupt. six months of 2009, Solel posted sales of al-
fossil fuels are to be eliminated from electricity the key aspect, because the power plant is de- for themselves. Without this system, Igelsta “Twenty thousand square miles of collectors in Now, almost 100 years after Shuman’s first most $90 million. Then, in late 2009, Siemens
generation. But nature is helping here. Hydro signed to operate for 40 years. Our efficiency would most likely have been designed to burn the Sahara,” he wrote, “could permanently project, the day finally seems to have come for purchased the company. With its staff of more
power already covers nearly half of Sweden’s gains over that period will be enormous.” gas rather than wood waste,” he explains supply the world with the 270 million horse- solar thermal technology. Avi Brenmiller is one than 500, Solel subsequently became Siemens
electricity needs; nuclear power provides a sig- In 2003, a system of trading in green certifi- With their biomass-enthusiasm, the Swedes power it needs.” But the world did not wait; it of the authors of this success. He remembers Concentrated Solar Power Ltd. Brenmiller’s
nificant share; and two percent was generated cates was introduced in Sweden, promoting are both pioneers and traditionalists. During needed more and more horsepower and in- well the disappointments of the past decades: dream has come true.
by wind turbines in 2009. More than eleven the use of renewable energies and making fos- excavation for the Igelsta power plant’s foun- creasingly drew its power from oil and other “In the 1980s, I was working on special coat- Now, thanks to the acquisition, the key
percent is generated in combined heat and sil fuels more expensive. “These certificates are dations, workers found a Stone Age fireplace. fossil fuels. Solar thermal energy seemed to ings for the receiver tubes in which thermal oil components, systems and solutions for solar
power plants (CHP) and this proportion is ex- one of the regulatory measures applied to the To keep themselves warm, the people are burn- become a footnote in the history of power is heated with concentrated solar energy. Our thermal power stations covering the entire
pected to rise to 15 percent by 2015. Waste energy mix,” says Jan-Erik Haglund, environmen- ing wood just as their ancestors did thousands of generation. It was only the huge increase in vision at the time was to master the whole chain conversion chain can be supplied from a single
heat is used in industrial processes or fed into tal manager at Söderenergi. “A carbon tax and years ago. But thanks to the technology, they are the price of oil in the 1970s that aroused new — in other words, everything from the capture source. Siemens Renewable Energy Division
district heating systems. Particularly in cooler the consistent application of the pan-European doing it efficiently. Andreas Kleinschmidt interest in the technology. Sixty years after of solar energy and the steam cycle generation offers everything from parabolic mirrors to

78 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Fall 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 79
Energy Technologies | Solar Thermal Power | Solar Thermal Power With parabolic mirrors, getting just the right curve
is essential to maximizing efficiency. Meticulous
quality control takes place in a plant in Israel,
helping to ensure at least 25 years of operation.
steam turbines. “This vertical integration is es-
Im Fokus:
Are Hot Stuff sential,” says Brenmiller. “The most important
driver for maximizing efficiency is the perfect
interaction of all components.”

A Vision Becomes Reality. A power plant to

consist mainly of Siemens components is now
being built in Lebrija, Andalusia. The plant il-
lustrates what a visionary project called De-
sertec might one day look like (see Pictures of
the Future, Fall 2009, p. 19). The vision of the
Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii) is ambitious.
It calls for a network of solar thermal power
plants and wind farms in the Mediterranean
region, the Middle East, and in North Africa to
not only meet local demand, but to generate
15 percent of Europe’s electricity require-
ments. The industry consortium driving Dii, “The most important objective for the com- Siemens Corporate Technology. This will help The individual mirrors that make up para-
which began its work in 2009, is currently de- ing years is to further reduce the cost of elec- us to further enhance the technology. We ex- bolic troughs are manufactured near the town
veloping economically viable strategies for the tricity produced at CSP plants,” says Eli Lipman, pect to be able to achieve not only an efficien- of Nazareth in the north of Israel. Siemens
construction of a network of plants. Vice President of Research and Development at cy of more than 25 percent at peak load but project manager Ehud Epstein puts on safety
Construction work on the Lebrija 1 CSP Siemens Concentrated Solar Power. “The real also an average overall yearly efficiency of goggles that protect his eyes from flying
plant in southern Spain began in 2008. The breakthrough for solar thermal technology will more than 16 percent.” shards and opens a second button on his shirt.
majority of its most important components are come as soon as it allows power generation at The closer he gets to the oven, the hotter it
shipped from Israel and arrive at Cádiz harbor. competitive prices — in other words, when it Perfect Curves. Other components influence gets. At approximately 1,500 degrees Celsius,
The contents of the sea-freight containers des- can do without subsidies.” the economic efficiency of solar thermal pow- the special-purpose silicate in the oven melts
tined for Lebrija, however,are sensitive. Up to The influence of the receiver tubes on the er plants as well. By using larger parabolic mir- into glass. “At other times, glass for armored
7,000 mirrors arrive each week. Almost overall efficiency of a solar thermal plant is rors, for instance, fixed costs per square meter vehicles is made here. We do a separate shift
170,000 are needed to fit out what will soon greater than that of any other individual com- can be driven down. Additional mirror-related for parabolic mirrors,” says Epstein. “In this
The Das
principle of der
power generation
is simple.
ist einfach:
Energy from
Die Energie
the sunder
ei- – be a 50-megawatt (MW) power plant. All in all, ponent. One priority is therefore to make this improvements will help to reduce the final cost case, we use glass with a low iron content. This
or indirekt
ein Wärmeträgermedium
a heat transfer medium.
– Wasser.
The water
to steam,und
steam the mirrors account for approximately six per- link in the chain even more efficient. At the of energy based on initial investment, opera- ensures that they absorb only a minimal
a turbine
mit hohem
at high
eine Turbine
(see Pictures
an (Pictures
of the Future,
of the Future,
Fall 2009,
p. 23).
S.23). mirrors
focus cent of the plant’s total cost of almost €300 end of 2009, Siemens Concentrated Solar tions and maintenance, and the cost of capital. amount of solar energy and therefore reflect
the bündeln
needed sunlight
das Sonnenlicht
onto a small
auf kleiner
in order
to achieve
um ausreichend
receiv- million. Receiver tubes - pipes that receive so- Power introduced what is currently the most “By combining our strengths and optimizing most of it.” The hot liquid glass flows out of the
er tube
In der
is fixed
in theder
of a row
of concave
ist einmirrors.
A liquid
tubes aseine
a lar radiation from the mirrors and transfer it to efficient receiver on the market. Its efficiency the solar field and power block subsystems we oven over steel rollers in a river of molten light.
transfer medium
das Wärmeträgermedium,
— synthetic oil and derzeit
molten meist
salt are
the most commonly
flüssiges Salz.
to- Es a fluid - are another major expense. derives from a combination of high solar ab- are using an additional lever to raise the effi- Sheets measuring 1.6 by 1.7 meters in diame-
The heat
auf knapp
400 Grad
is heated
to –approximately
Flüssigsalze erlauben
400 degrees
— moltenvon
zu 550 The components are assembled on-site in sorption and reduced thermal loss. The latter is ciency of CSP facilities,” says René Umlauft, ter are broken out, ground down at the edges
Grad und arbeiten
of up to 550
and –are
gibt dann
Hitze an—Wasser
and inab,
a second
das verdampft
step releases
und die Lebrija in a specially-built hall. “When we ar- dependent on the extent to which absorbed CEO of the Siemens Renewable Energy Divi- and then heated again. The glass sheets are
the Turbine
heat via und
a heat
to water,
which turns to steam and ultimately drives a turbine. rived, we found a cotton plantation at the site,” solar energy is re-radiated. The improvement is sion. “It’s our target that the costs of producing placed on stainless steel mats and then passed
The Die
a considerable
Einfluss on
efficiency of theder
is there-
forscht says Siemens Concentrated Solar Power Vice partly due to special thin film coatings, ex- electricity in solar-thermal power plants should through another oven that was specially built
an einer
on further
der Hightech-Rohre
to these high-tech
Oberstes Ziel ist es, President Moshe Shtamper, who is responsible plains Lipman: “We can now capitalize on syn- not exceed the market price of electricity in the for this purpose. Here, in the course of about
The highest
viel Sonnenstrahlen
priority is absorbing
zu absorbieren,
as much solar
zugleich eine
as possible
while simultaneously
der im Träger- for the construction of the thermal solar facili- ergies in research and development with mid term.” 1.5 hours, they slowly take on the desired
of the heat
zu verhindern.
in the transfer
Aufbau der
the receivers
is com- ty at Lebrija 1. His project team first had to re-“The
die Beschichtung.
coating is crucial:
layers ofunterschiedlicher
various materials,
including aunter
anderem ein
Keramik- move the cotton and then have drains laid in
the re-radiation
losses,” says
die Vice
President of Research
Lipman, Leiter
at Siemens
für Forschung
Con- und the marshy delta of the Guadalquivir River.
Solar Power,
is enclosed
bei Siemens
Eli Lipman.
in a glass
wird cylinder,
The heat Solar
von einemand
in the space
Das Wärmeträgermedium
flows through a stainless
in betweenim
is a vacuumbefindet
that further
ein Edel-
ein Vaku-
Now there are concrete pillars extending down
as far as 40 meters into the ground, and the
Israel: Perfect Place for PV
das die Abstrahlung reduziert. 6,048 parabolic troughs are mounted on top
A receiver
Ein Receiverrohr
tube is therefore
ähnelt similar
damit einem
in principle
to a greenhouse.
Möglichst viel
maximum soll
dringen, of these. Each trough consists of 28 individual Israel is an ideal location for harvesting the sun’s energy — not only in the form of solar thermal
but the heat
aber nicht
not get
Je besser
this iseffizienter
und mirrors that focus light onto the receivers. The power plants, but also with photovoltaic systems that promise big yields. Siemens has taken a 40-
the profitabler
more efficient
Hitze bringt
aber auch
great heatmit
der steigen- parts are now being put together in the assem- percent stake in Arava Power, Israel’s leading developer of photovoltaic systems. Siemens is also the
den Temperatur
As temperature
sich die unterschiedlichen
the various materials
used forverschieden
the receiverstark
Art bly hall by former plantation workers. Using general contractor on a project to build the first PV power plants in the desert — including one at
A sort of
das Metallrohr
mit the
with theverbindet,
outer glassgleicht
pipe flexibly
die dabei
for hydraulic hoisting cranes, they are combining Kibbutz Ketrua in the south of Israel. Here, in this desert region between the Red Sea and the Dead
the Spannungen
resulting stresses.
flexibel aus. individual mirrors to create parabolic troughs, Sea, the conditions for solar power couldn’t be better. In 2011, the Kibbutz Ketrua could be feeding
The Das
are ist
der derzeit
the most
ones onauf
In aFür
50 eine
MW which are then transported to the solar field by energy from a five-megawatt photovoltaic facility into the grid. Apart from solar panels themselves,
use of this
model instead
sein Einsatz
of conventional
im Vergleich
zu herkömmlichen
would meanReceivern
yield an extra
MWh a tractor and trailer. There, cranes hoist the which are being supplied by Suntech, almost all the components of this first plant will come from
per Ertrag
year, orvon
etwa power
6.500 Megawattstunden
for an additional 1,500
pro Jahr,
Strom fürThat
a five-percent
Haushalte. Das
in- ent- two-ton troughs into position. Siemens. Mike Green, Chief Electrical Engineer at Arava Power, is proud to be a pioneer for green en-
in the
of the plant
as a whole
just fromder
gesamten Anlage
to the–receiver.
allein durch Verbes- The plant will go online in 2011 and, with ergy in Israel. “My big hope is that this will mark the beginning of a lucrative future for renewable
serungen am Receiver. the help of a steam turbine from Siemens, is energy in Israel,” he says.
expected to supply over 50,000 Spanish Siemens’ Lebrija 1 plant in southern Spain is
households with electricity (see box). designed to generate electricity for at least 25 years.

80 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010 81
| Solar Thermal Power Pictures of the Future | Feedback

curved shape needed for perfectly focusing so-

lar radiation. “During this stage, it’s important
Would you like to know more
In Brief that there be no stresses left in the material
that could later lead to fractures. After all, we
guarantee a service life of 25 years.”
about Siemens and our latest
A single parabolic trough consists of 28 in-
dividual mirrors. Since the trough must be able
to reflect sunlight in such a way as to perfectly
focus it on a nearby receiver tube, each mirror
Our power grids are facing new challenges. PEOPLE: must have a curvature of a fraction of a degree
They will not only have to integrate large quanti- in order to minimize scattering losses. What’s We would be glad to send you more information. Please check the box next to
ties of fluctuating wind and solar power, but also Gas turbine Irsching: more, the mirrors themselves must absorb as the publication you wish to order and the language you need, and fax a copy
incorporate an increasing number of small, de- Gerda Gottschick, CC Energy little solar radiation as possible. As is the case of this page to +49 (0)9131 9192-591 or mail it to: Publicis Publishing —
centralized power producers. Today’s infra- with receiver tubes, coatings play a key role in Susan Süß — Postfach 3240, 91050 Erlangen, Germany, or e-mail it to pub-
structure is not up to this task. The solution is to terms of maximizing desirable characteristics Please use „Pictures of the Future, Special
develop an intelligent grid that keeps electricity Virtual Power Plants: and minimizing undesirable ones. Thus, Ep- Edition Green Cities 2011“ as the subject heading.
production and distribution in balance. (p.60) Dr. Thomas Werner, Energy stein’s team ensures that a silver solution, as well as a coating of copper and several layers Book Life in 2050 — How We Invent the Future Today.
of corrosion-inhibiting paint are sprayed on the Order from: (€19.95)
The world’s largest turbine, with an output of Power Plant Modernization: back of each mirror Epstein walks past a long
375 megawatt (MW), has entered trial service in Dr. Andreas Feldmüller, Energy line of finished mirrors. Depending on how Book Innovative Minds — A Look Inside Siemens’ Idea Machine.
December 2007. In combination with a downst- they are standing, he seems to become either Order from: (€34.90)
ream steam turbine, it will help ensure that a Dr. Norbert Henklel, Energy widened to comical proportions or extended
new combined cycle power plant achieves a re- vertically into a skinny giant with thin limbs. Available issues of Pictures of the Future:
cord-breaking efficiency of more than 60 per- “This is my hall of carnival mirrors,” he jokes. Pictures of the Future, Fall 2010 (German, English)
cent when it goes into operation in 2011. (p.64) Offshore Wind: “After a long day, you just have to stand in Pictures of the Future, Spring 2010 (German, English)
Henrik Stiesdal, Energy front of the right one, and suddenly you’ve Pictures of the Future, Fall 2009 (German, English)
Small, distributed power plants, fluctuating gotten rid of all those extra pounds for a few Pictures of the Future, Spring 2009 (German, English)
energy sources such as wind and sunlight, and seconds. That puts you in better spirits.” Pictures of the Future, Fall 2008 (German, English)
the deregulation of electric power markets have Energy Storage: Pictures of the Future, Spring 2008 (German, English)
one thing in common. They increase the need Erik Wolf, Energy Competitive Production. While some solar
for reliable and economical operation of electric thermal power plants have entered service in Pictures of the Future, Special Edition Green Technologies (English)
power grids. The virtual power plant is an intelli- Spain and the U.S. state of Arizona, plans are
gent solution from Siemens. It networks multi- Biomass Igelsta: only now being made for the first facilities in Further information
ple small power stations to form a large, smart Lynne Anderson, Energy Israel. “The irradiance data for Israel are per- about Siemens’ innovations is also available on the Internet at:
power grid. (p.66) fect. The whole Negev Desert is an ideal area (Siemens’ R&D website)
for CSP plants,” says Brenmiller. “And if the (weekly media service)
Power produced from renewable sources such LINKS: plants were also equipped with gas turbines, (Pictures of the Future on the Internet; downloadable;
as wind and sunlight is irregular. Experts are the- you could generate power competitively right also available in Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Turkish)
refore looking at ways of storing surplus energy Webpage Power Plant Irsching: now in Israel, even without any subsidies.” The
so that it can be converted back into electricity downstream steam turbine in such gas-solar I would like a free sample issue of Pictures of the Future
when required. One option is underground hy- hybrid power plants can be powered by solar Booktip Life in 2050. We are standing at the dawn I would like to cancel my Pictures of the Future subscription
drogen storage, which is inexpensive, highly European Energy Exchange: heat, and by the waste heat produced by the of a new era. Our planet’s energy supply must be My new address is shown below
efficient, and can feed power into the grid gas turbine. This means that the power plant placed onto a new footing. In the year 2050, there Please also send the magazine to…
quickly. (p.74) can also generate electricity during the hours will be almost as many people living in cities as the (Please check the respective box(es) and fill in the address):
Webpage Söderenergi: of darkness. At least for a transitional period, entire world’s population of today — and, for the first
Engineers have been striving to generate solar energy and fossil fuels will coexist to time ever, there will be more senior citizens than chil-
power from solar thermal energy for a century. site.aspx maximize each other’s strengths. However, the dren and young people. As we confront challenges
Now, the technology is finally about to come of energy mix as a whole will increasingly shift like these, the creativity of researchers and engineers
age. With the acquisition of Solel, Siemens has Siemens Solar Power: toward renewable energies, Brenmiller be- is more essential than ever before. Solar power plants Title, first name, last name
become a market leader at the cutting edge of lieves. If for no other reason, this development in the desert, floating wind turbines, computers ser-
several key solar-thermal technologies: parabolic generation/renewables/solar-power will definitely take place simply because of ving as medical assistants, robots in homes, electric Company Department
mirrors, receiver tubes and steam turbines. (p.79) dwindling oil reserves. In retrospect, then, it al- cars with sensory abilities — all this is almost within
Siemens Wind Power: most seems an irony of history that solar ther- reach at laboratories throughout the world. In his Street, number mal technology should have made one of its book Life in 2050, Ulrich Eberl has assembled the
generation/renewables/wind-power grand entrances right at the start of the oil most important knowledge that has appeared in the ZIP, city
age, approximately 100 years ago. After all, it publication Pictures of the Future over the past de-
is now making another, just as that particular cade and describes, in clear and vivid terms, the Country
age appears to be nearing its twilight. trends that will shape our lives as we approach the
Andreas Kleinschmidt year 2050. Telephone number, fax or e-mail

82 Reprinted (with updates) from Pictures of the Future | Spring 2010

Publisher: Siemens AG
Corporate Communications (CC) und Corporate Technology (CT)
Wittelsbacherplatz 2, 80333 Munich, Germany
For the publisher: Dr. Ulrich Eberl (CC) (Tel. +49 89 636 33246)

Editorial Office:
Dr. Ulrich Eberl (ue) (Editor-in-Chief)
Sebastian Webel (sw) (Managing Director)
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Additional Authors in this issue:

Dr. Norbert Aschenbrenner, Bernhard Bartsch, Dagmar Braun, Christian
Buck, Anette Freise, Bernhard Gerl, Harald Hassenmüller, Ute Kehse,
Kilian Kirchgeßner, Dr. Andreas Kleinschmidt, Florian Martini, Katrin
Nikolaus, Gitta Rohling, Dr. Jeanne Rubner, Dr. Christine Rüth, Tim
Schröder, Karen Stelzner, Rolf Sterbak, Dr. Sylvia Trage

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