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pee MEMORANDUM To 4, All Investigatory Project (IP) entries submitted on or before September 11, 2017 at Dr ReEpUDIC OF the Phaippines: Department of Education esr Mca zo enED SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BULACAN —_srstnuviflorovciron Provincial Capitol Compound, City of Malolos Duy 20 eRATE CBW TE )\ (Mays an il) 151 ,s. 2017 2017 DIVISION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAIR (DSTF) All Public Secondary School Heads Implementing Special Science Classes/ Special Program in Science, Technology and Engineering (SPSTE) Senior High Schools 1. The Schools Division of Bulacan announces the conduct of the Division Science and Technology Fair (DSTF) for School Year (SY) 2017-2018 on September 21-22, 2017 at San Miguel National High School, Scuala St. San Juan, San Miguel, Bulacan with the theme — Environmental Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystem. 2, The DSTF aims to promote Science and Technology consciousness among the youth and identify the most creative/innovative and the best Science and Technology researchers who will represent the Division in the Regional Level STF. The schools are encouraged to promote Science investigatory projects that are related to environmental protection and conservation. 3. Each school could have one participant in each of the different Categories: Science Quiz 7-12, Essay Writing Contest, Poster Making Contest, and On-the-Spot Improvisation (Teacher Team), and SIM (1 teacher participant per grade level). National High School from the different participating schools will all compete in the Division Level and will be considered as the official participants on each category: Life Science Category (Individual) 5. On line submission of the list of official participants using the format at Enclosure No. 7 through the official facebook page of BSSTA must be on or before September 4, 2017. 6, Expenses to be incurred by the participants shall be charged to school’s MOOE, local funds or other sources subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 7. Enclosed are the following documents for ready reference: Enclosure No. 1 Guidelines for the 2017-2018 Division Science Fair and Congress Enclosure No.2 0 ~ Format of Research Paper Enclosure No.3 - Checkpoints for SRC Review and Project Evaluation Form Enclosure No.4 - Contest Matrix Enclosure No.5 =~ ‘Work Committees EnclosureNo.6 0 - SRC Review and Recommendation Report EncosureNo.7 0 - List of DSTF Official Participants 8. Immediate dissemination —— ae ROMEO M. ALIP, Ph.D., CESOV Schools Division Superintendent, 10. 11 2 8. 14, 5 16 7. Guidelines for the 2017 Division Science Fair and Congress | SCIENCE Quiz Participants to the Sclence Quiz are Grades 7-11 (Grade 11-Earth & Life Science Competencies) and Grade 12 (Physical Science Competencies). The contest shall be conducted in a Quiz Show Format The coach of each participant wit bring ive (6) best Multple Choice questons for each category with duplicate copies: Easy, Average, Difficult - with Answer and relerence, and another five (5) best Open-Ended Questions for Clincher or tie breaker ‘category with duplicate copies. References are the K to 12 Leamer’s Material and Teacher's Guide. Each question should be Printed in an 8.5°X 4.3° bond paper. Follow the format below: | Category: EASY. | SCIENCE QUIZ:7 QUESTION: pom> Answer (Wustfication if necessary) Reference: Name of Coach: ‘School: PPaticipants in each level will goto their respective Science Quiz room and are only alowed to get out after the contest. They are ‘ot alowed to talk with their respective Coachvrainer. All coaches, judges and Quizmasters wil proceed to thelr respective conference room. Presided by the board of judges, questions will be collected and screened. The duly registered coach of the contestant is the only person authorized to fle a prot or be {volved in the screening of questions. ‘After the careful deliberation of the coaches and board of judges, collected screened and chosen questions and their answers are Considered and declared as correct and valid that canno! be contested anymore during the quiz proper. There shall be four (4) rounds for all categories: Easy, Average, Dificut, and Clincher. There shall be ten (10) easy questions, five (6) averege questions, and five (5) diffcut questons. All contestants shall answer all questions in the 3 rounds. Each correct answer in evary round will be givan corresponding points, to wit Easy 1 point Average 3 points Difficult 5 points Each contestant wil bring Show Me Board, white board marker (black) and erasor. Each question must be answered within the time allocated for it. Ten (10) seconds for the easy part, wenty (20) seconds for the average questions and thirty (30) seconds for the difficult questions. Quizmaster shall read each question twice and the time shall start only after the quizmaster says ‘GO". However, for problem solving question, student s allowed to write the given values and proceed to computation right away, Tne contestant must write his/her final answer on the Show Me Board. Answers must be wnten in CAPITAL LETTER ONLY. If a ‘contestant wishes to change histher enswer, the former answer should be erased and the final answer is written, Final answer in the problem solving must be boxed. ‘All answers must be spelled correctly to be considered correct. If the answer is a proper noun, capitalization of the first eter of the ‘word is aso a basis in dectarng an answer correct. ‘Questions shal indice the numberof significant figures for numerical answers. Use of calculators isnot alowed. Ater the tine limit has expired, each contestant must show his/her answer to the audience by raising itup before the quizmaster reads the correct answer. The proctors shall read and acknowledge whether the answer of each contestant is correct or not ‘The (otal score of a contestant after three rounds shal be his/her score. The contestant with the highest final soore shall be declared asthe fist place winner, the second highest-second place winner, the third highest-the third place winner, and so on. Incase of ati, the Clincher Round shall be played. it will be a knockout system between or among the contestants with equal ‘scores unt @ winner emerges. The first one who can answer correctly wil be declared the winner. ‘Any DepED personne! related by affiity or consanguinity (up to the second cegree) to any contestant shall be disqualffed in any cf the committees involved in the planning end preparation of questons forthe quiz nor can they act as coach of any contestant. ‘Any violation ofthe aforementioned rules shall cause the disqualifcation of the contestant concerned. l__ ESSAY WRITING CONTEST 1. This contest category is an On-the-Spot Essay Writing Contest. 2. Onlyone (1) contestant per school shal participate in the contest from JHE to SHS. 3. Stand-alone senior high schools are entitled fo have one partcioant only. AU COMETS Sia WING dil Sod UT TUL ISS Ulall JUU WOIUS UN d Pat UCUlal topic. ‘The essay must be written in English. The time allotment for writing is one (1) hour. ‘The criteria for judging are 2s follows. Rhetorical Force - oo 30% “The clay wih which he cenral idea or poh of ew sated and manned the coherence of the

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