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Challenge 3
Cambridge Primary Science Challenge Activity Books are the latest addition to the Cambridge
Primary Science course. This is a flexible and engaging course written specifically for the Cambridge
Primary Science Curriculum Framework Stages to 6. The course is based on an enquiry-led approach

focussed on making the pupils think and work scientifically, understanding key concepts and using

scientific research methods to find answers to questions. The language throughout the course is pitched
to EAL / ESL learners with illustrations and diagrams supporting visual understanding and learning.

The Challenge Activity Books are carefully designed to provide extension activities for high-achieving

children who need more challenging activities to stretch their skills above and beyond the standard for
success expected of them in order to meet the Cambridge Primary framework. Challenge Activity Book 3
consists of:
A full range of activities which support the full breadth of
This resource is endorsed for learner support
the Cambridge Primary Curriculum Science at Grade 3
by Cambridge International Examinations
Carefully levelled activities which help stretch and deepen

a child’s mathematical understanding and performance ✓ Provides
 learner support as part of a set of
beyond the standard expected by the framework. resources for the Cambridge Primary Science
Helpful guidance and tips to help explain either to the curriculum framework from 2011
learner or the teacher / parent the key scientific methods

and concepts underpinning each exercise. ✓ Has
 passed Cambridge’s rigorous
quality-assurance process
For the first time, this flexible resource offers motivational
parents a Cambridge way to learn Science at home. ✓ Developed by subject experts
✓ For Cambridge schools worldwide

Cambridge University Press works with Cambridge International Examinations and

experienced authors, to produce high-quality endorsed textbooks and software that
support Cambridge Teachers and encourage Cambridge Learners.
Visit for information on our full range
of Cambridge Primary titles.
Jon Board and Alan Cross
Can you smell the sweet?
4.2 Taste and smell bar chart, tongue, fair test Resources
Put a sweet on the table. Move close enough so You will need fruit-
Favourite salad foods you can smell it. Would you know what flavour it is flavoured sweets
just from the smell? (unwrapped), a
1 Look at these salad foods. Draw and label another salad food of your
You are going to find out from what distance a blindfold and a ruler.
own choice.
person can still smell a sweet and tell you the
flavour of the sweet correctly.
Think: How many people will I test? What will I do to make it a fair test?
1 Write what you will do in four steps.

1. First I will… 2. Then I will… 3. Then I will… 4. Then I will…
tomato pepper lettuce cucumber _________

2 Ask eight people which of these salad foods is their favourite. Note the
answers and put the results on a bar chart.

8 3 Which salad food was 2 Before you start, predict what you think will happen.

7 the most popular? ______________________________________________________________________

_________________________ 3 Carry out your test. Then make a table here to record your results.

4 Which salad food

was the second most


tomato pepper lettuce cucumber You use your tongue
Salad foods we like
to taste and your 4 Which flavour could people smell from the greatest distance? _________
nose to smell. CHECK YOUR LEARNING

I know that I taste with my tongue and smell with my nose.

34 4.2 Taste and smell 4 Our five senses

4.3 Sight investigation 1 Now carry out your own investigation with three different people.
Record the results below. (Use a different colour for each person.)

Can we see to the side?

No, I can’t
see it now.

You will need three
people to help you, an
object to hold and pens.

Look at the picture.
Atif faces forward and

does not turn his head. Riya holds an object at different points and
asks if Atif can see it. After the test, Riya records the result like this.

2 Humans can see forwards. But can we see to the side?

He could see
the bear here.
SA 3

Think about it!

Human babies have quite poor eyesight. Why do you think a baby
does not need good eyesight?

He could not see He could not see ______________________________________________________________________

the bear here. the bear here.

I know that I should care for my eyes. ! Take care of your eyes.
Keep them clean and never
I know that I cannot see all the way look directly at the Sun or
around my head. other very bright lights.

36 4.3 Sight 4 Our five senses

5 Investigating materials 5 . 2 Sorting materials rough, smooth, rigid, flexible,
property, Venn diagram,
hard, absorbent, strong, soft
Line up
The unit challenge Materials can be sorted into groups but they can also be put in order.

The activities in this Challenge unit will extend learners’ knowledge

of the following topics in the Learner’s Book and Activity Book:

Topic In this topic, learners will:

5.1 Properties of materials see Skills Builder, Section 5.1

soft hard

5.2 Sorting materials sort materials by their properties
1 Find some materials and put them in order from rough to smooth.
5.3 Uses of materials draw conclusions from the results of experiments

2 Now order them from rigid to flexible.
5.4 Testing materials investigate the strength of different types of paper
3 Now order them using another property. You could use colour
5.5 Magnetic materials see Skills Builder, Section 5.5 or strength.

Venn diagram

Help your learner TEACHING TIP
1 Choose some materials and sort them into the empty Venn diagram.
In this unit, learners will practise observing and comparing When we measure in
objects (Section 5.2). They will also present results in grams and kilos we LOOK AND LEARN
drawings, bar charts and tables (Section 5.4), draw
conclusions from results and begin to identify simple
patterns (Sections 5.3 and 5.4). To help them:
SA measure the mass of
an object. Try to use this
word. In daily life we use
Venn diagrams
with three circles
can be used to


house brick
the word ‘weight’, but this
1 In Section 5.2, learners will benefit from repeating sort materials.
is incorrect. Weight
sorting activities using different criteria. Ask learners
is correctly measured chalk
to sort objects by size, colour or by how absorbent in newtons.
they are. waterproof
2 In Section 5.4, help learners to check that their test is fair twig
by using the same coin and dropping it the same way each time.

smooth hard
plastic ruler

38 5 Investigating materials 5 Investigating materials

5.3 Uses of materials bridge, mass

The strongest bridge
Akshay’s class are making
model bridges. Some
children have used plastic,
some have used paper
straws and some have used
wood. They are testing the
bridges to see how strong

they are.
They have tested six bridges.

Here are their results.




SA 3000

Mass (g)


2 Think about it! CHECK YOUR LEARNING
List as many properties of metal as you can. I can name the 500
__________________________________________ properties of some 0
Paper Plastic Wooden Paper Plastic Wooden
__________________________________________ materials. bridge 1 bridge 1 bridge 1 bridge 2 bridge 2 bridge 2

__________________________________________ I can sort materials

__________________________________________ by their properties
in different ways.

40 5.2 Sorting materials 5 Investigating materials

1 How many grams (g) of mass did plastic bridge 1 hold? 5 . 4 Testing materials
2 How many grams (g) did wooden bridge 1 hold?
Which paper is strongest when wet?
3 Which bridge was the strongest? You will need a container of water, a ruler, a coin, three plastic cups, some
writing paper, a paper towel and some toilet paper.
4 Which bridge was the weakest?
_____________________________________ 1 Put each piece of paper
5 Which of these materials is the best for a strong model bridge? in water then over the

_____________________________________ top of a plastic cup.

6 Think about it! 2 Look at the picture to

What other strong materials are used to make real bridges? see what to do next.

_____________________________________________________________________ 3 Drop the coin from

higher up each time
CHECK YOUR LEARNING until the paper tears.

I can use a bar chart to answer questions. 4 Write your result in
the table.
I know that the properties of materials make them better for certain jobs.
Now test the other
SA 5
pieces of paper.

Writing paper Paper towel Toilet paper

Height of coin
when paper tears

42 5.3 Uses of materials 5 Investigating materials

Draw a bar chart
1 Use your results from the test to draw

Use a ruler to draw neat bars.

6 Forces and movement
a bar chart in the grid below.

40 The unit challenge

The activities in this Challenge unit will extend learners’ knowledge
34 of the following topics in the Learner’s Book and Activity Book:
Height of coin when paper tears (cm)

30 Topic In this topic, learners will:
28 learn that a push and pull together can make a
26 6.1 Push and pull
twisting or turning force

22 6.2 Changing shape see Skills Builder, Section 6.2
20 compare the weight of different objects and see that

18 6.3 How big is that force?
forces can make things change direction
6.4 Forcemeters see Skills Builder, Section 6.4
12 6.5 Friction compare the friction of different surfaces

6 Help your learner TEACHING TIP
2 In this unit, learners will practise collecting evidence to Help learners to
Writing paper Paper towel
Types of paper
SA Toilet paper answer questions or test ideas (Sections 6.3 and 6.5),
observing and comparing objects, living things and events
(Sections 6.1, 6.3 and 6.5) and measuring using simple
measure carefully by
asking them to check
each measurement to
equipment and recording observations (Sections 6.3 and 6.5). make sure it is correct.
2 Which paper was the strongest when wet?_____________________________
They will also present results, draw conclusions from results
3 Which paper was the weakest when wet?______________________________ and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations
(Sections 6.3 and 6.5). To help them:
4 Think about it! CHECK YOUR LEARNING
1 Discuss with them how to make enquiries fair by only changing one thing each time. In
Why does a paper towel need to be
I can measure carefully. Section 6.3, they should use the same rubber band each time and only change the object.
strong when it is wet? In Section 6.5, they should use the same coin and the same force each time and only
I can show my results change the surface.
in a bar chart.

44 5.4 Testing materials 6 Forces and movement


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