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3 Now do these Part 4 questions 1 We'd like all our students to participate in the sports programme. PART We are keen on all Our StUdENS nnn sports programme, 2 Buying the equipment for this sport is cheaper than hiring it. MORE ro buyit, 3 You should have phoned hero tellher the came was cancelled. GIVE ‘You were supposed game was cancelled 4 Mateo managed to win the race, SUCCEEDED Mateo... smo the race. 5 "linever get engry withthe referee again’ said Martin TEMPER Martin promised never again 6 Tanya found windsurfing easy te earn. DIFFICULTY Ta ny cent winds 4 Check your answers by looking at these clues for each of the questions in Exercise 3, the van th® eeuipment for this sport than to ell her che the referee 1 Did you use fixed phrase which means participate? 2 Have you used an opeosite of cheap? Did you use an infinitive or a verb + -ing? 3 Did you use an expression which means phone (give hera.}? 4 Menaged is followed by an infinitive. Is succeeded also follewed dy an infinitive? Do you alsa need a preposition? 5 Can you remember an expression with temper which means became angry? 6 You cannot write did not have any dificult in learning becouse i's seven words Vocabulary look, see, watch, listen and hear AG) casas ner citin toraiomon wad Bot rcetas wobtteat inet nl ber oto eee sports, 2 was. _.down the course, planning my next shot or something, when | these paragliders floating down. B In Fact | emnmnn tO my instructor, Chantal, through an earphone. 4 Itwas generally very quiet, calm and civilised, Coven she raised her voice to shout at oth | keep away from me, And then you really... apt 0 Ter 2circe the correct word in italics in these sentences. 1 | looked at /weiched my watch and saw that itwas time toleave. 2 { really enjoy looking at / watching hoo: films 3 We live near a motorway and can listen to/ hear the traffic non-stop, 4. lve been looking at / watching our holiday photos 5 Did you wateh /see Buckingham Palace when you were in London? 6 She know the policeman was looking / watching what she did hl 7 Ivan was in the kitchen, so°he didn't listen to /hear the talphore vier Mai) 8 Mars locks eee fateringt0/ hearing music on her MP3 player. Bpeaking | Part 3 Work in pairs. Read the examiner's instructions ‘and the speaking task below. Then take about two ‘minutes to do the task together. Vic like you to imagine that your college is interested in getting students to co more spon. Here are some ideas they ere thinking about and a question for you to cicuss, First, you have some time to look at the task. Now ‘alk to each other about why these ideas might encourage students to do more spor. Atalkbya professional footbelier | How could these: activities encourage students to do more sport? aa = A schoo! sports day nescene adventure s Free mnambershi F amon ane at this checklist. Which things did you da? Tak about al ofthe activities. 2 Listen to each other and respond to vihat the other person says sk each other's opinion. — interet exch her. One student ied toapesk much mare than the other. '6 Work in pairs, Follow the examiners instiuctions for) the second part of Speaking Part 3, Now you have about a minute to decide which idea your college should choose. ‘When you discuss the frst part of the task, you needn't talk about all of the options, but you should make suggestions, ask your partner's opinion and respond to your parmer’ ideas, ‘When you discuss the second part of the task, its not necessary to reach agreement, but you should: ® discuss which option(s) to choose and give reasons for choices ® listen and respond to what your partner says. Don’t be afraid to disagree politely — this can load to @ good discussion. 7 Work in pairs. 1 Take about two minutes to do the fist pert ofthis speaking task. I'd like you to imagine that e town wents young people to spend their ‘ree time in ways which are useful for them. Here are some ideas that they are thinking about and a question for you to discuss. Talk to each other about how these ideas would provide useful ways for young people to spend their free time. t Building @ [ Bebe sports centre advanture | and gym spare How would these ideas provide useful ways for young people to spend their free time? Starting cinema and theatre club Organising tips abroad Providing a library 2 Now follow the examiner's instructions for the second part of Speaking Part 3. Now you have a minute to decide which ‘two facilities the town should build. Writing | Part 2 An article 4 Read this writing task and underline the points you must deal with in your answer. is notice on your college noticeboard You see The editors of the college magazine would like contributions to the magezine on the following subject: A great way to keep fit. Describe a sporting activity or form of exercise you enjoy, how you started and why you would recommend it fo other people. The writer of the best article will receive ten tickets to the local cinema, Write your article. 2 Work in pairs. '* Discuss the ideas each of you could express to deal with the paints you have underlined in the task. © Which ideas would you use in your article? 3 Read the article, which was written by Nacho Pallas. ‘© What does he enjoy about his way of taking exercise? Why? oy: rough bu fun SM “eve playing rugby. | started playing the game at schoo! | was just nine years old It was compulsory to do a ‘three afternoons 2 week, and in winter the boys had ‘ay rugby. | immediately found | enjoyed it, despite not sng as big as other boys my age. However, | was quite tic, so | could often run past my opponents and score 1s by being mare agile than them, igh t's quite a rough game with complicated rules, -ceeps you fit because you have to run far 90 minutes, you also have to train several times a week. For people ‘are competitive and enjoy playing in a team, i's great You can play it at any level, but if you want to win & ¥y, You'll need someone to coach you so that you learn best tactics and learn to work effectively together. 1ugh you can sometimes get hurt, | would recommend ‘game to anyone who enjoys ball games, running and ing fit. However, if you decide you don't want to ly play, it's a great sport for spectators as wel. sudy how the words and phrases in itaies in cho's article are used, Then complete these sentences by writing although, however or despite in © gaps _-. the swimming pool is quite fer from where | Iiry0 90 there three times 2 week, 2 _..... being given tickets to the football match, we ded to wateh iton TV. 3 I'd love to be professional footballer, Idon't ink fm talented enaugh, 4 Ho.was very easy totalk to is star per cent of British teenagers dreem of becoming SPOS S125. nan, Vor Few will achiave their amition 6 | won the game sing 2 famous V'd never played badminton 7 fesling very tied, she menaged to finish the 2 didn't enjoy the match, nu Ou opponents: played very well 7 Now write your own answer to the writing task in Exercise 1 * Before you start writing, make a brief plan * Try to use structures and vocabulary you have studied in this Writing section and this unit + Write between 140 and 190 words, + Read through your article when you have finished 10 Improve it and to check it for mistakes. Emre = White a plan before you start writing the article. "= Organise your ideas into paragraphs, and use linking vwords such as: however, despite, in action, for example and on the other hand. Before you wnt: ™ think about what the people reading the article wil find interesting, enjoyable or useful = onite 2 plan by: underlining all the points you must deal with ~ organising your ideas into paragraphs so thet you cover everything you've beon asked to do. Often each underlined point will form the tonic of a paragraph,

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