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Grammar Reported speech 1 Look at these two sentences from Listening Part 2. What do you think Julie's aunt's and sister's exact, words were? 1 She said she was afraid she'd get too nervous and be unable to speak when they asked her questions! a Tm aftaid Pl. get too nervous and be uneble to speak when they ask me questions)’ 'b "Tmafraid | got too nervous and was unable to speak when they asked me questions!’ 2 My elder sister, who was only 11 at the time, told her she should go because it was the chance ofa lifetime, 2 "You'll go because it’s the chance of a lifetime. b "You should go because it’s the chance ofa lifetime. [Tense changes in reported speech lithe reporting verb (seid, told, admitted, waned, ete) is in the past, we tend to change the original verb to @ past form] 1s well. Here are some changes we make: present simple | ‘live in Berlin’ | She said she lived in > past simple - Berlin. present ‘Tm watching | He said he was continuous» | TV! watching TV. past continuous | present perfect ‘Ive seen the | She said she had seen past perfect _ film akeady’ _| the film already. pastsingle> | ‘Imissed the | He told me he had pastperfect__| concert" missed the concert. will would | ‘iphone you | She promised she soon! would phone me [We also change these modal verbs can could | ‘lean She said she could understand understand German German, but |_| but she couldn't can't speak it’ speak it. may might | ‘may give the | Sam suggested he book ta John’ | might give the book to John. “Tonya said she had to must hadto ‘must cook [We do not change these modal verbs in reported spee: Jcould, waula, should, might, ought ta andl used tc M1 would prefer to study in London.’ She said that she lwould prefer to study in London, Just can change to had to: "You must read this text for the next lessan.'-> My teacher told me | had to read the text for the following lesson. JBut we don’t change must when: Js it's negative: "You mustn't tell Katya our secret > Ana told Stefan he mustn't tell Katya their secret. ls it expresses a deduction: ‘Arturo must still be asleep’ > She sale that Arturo must sill be asleep. INote: Ifthe reporting verb is na present tense, no tense [changes ere necessary: ‘il help you with your homework’ Le She says she'li help me with my homework [Questions in reported speech JTo report @ question, we make the following changes. > We change the word order in the question to the same as a normal sentence. J+ Wo make the same tense changes as in reported speach (Gee above). J» We use the sane question words (when, how, ete) J» We use a full stop (), not a question mark (2) "How long have you baen living in Landon?" She asked me hew long | had been living in London “When can [phone you?’ > Abdullah asked Megdi when hho could phone him. b> We co net use the auxiliary verbs do, does and dlc the {question has the same form as 3 normal sentence: What time does the lesson start?’ Ludrnila asked what time the lesson started. We use ifr whether with Yes/No questions ‘Can | come to your party?" > Aniela wanted to know whether she could come to our party. fe often use these verbs and phrases to introduce reported] uestions: ask, wonder, went to know, enquire For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so tat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. ‘You must use between two and five words, including the word given, 1 ‘Last night | saw a fantastic film’ said Phi PREVIOUS. Phil told me that the 2 fantastic film 2 ‘Vl return quite late from the theatre tonight’ seid Elena, BACK Elena warned me that quite late from the theatre that night 3 ‘Iwon'tbe late for the show/ sald Lucy. ARRIVE Lucy promised she sa. sara tie for the show. 4 "You can't borraw my camera, Mike,’ said hs father. ALLOWED Mike's father told him he. 5 ‘I know | got several answers wrong in this exercise,’ Hannah said MISTAKES his camera, Hennah admitted thet she inthe exercise 6 ‘really enjoyed the play/ Katie told George. FOUND Katie told George that she vey enjoyable. B Circle the correct form of the verb in italics in each of 1 Anyway, when she was asked, she just refused to even consider /even considering it. 2 Well, he saw his opportunity and offered to 90 / going con the show himseli 3 He had to ask the producer do you have /if they'd got a spare one atthe studio he could borrow. 4 Infact, I don't think we've ever had an encyclopedia in the house, though | suggested to buy / buying ene for the occasion. 4 Complete these sentences by writing the verb in brackets in the correct form in the gaps 1 She admitted «.-n---(stea) the watch 2 Susan accused Brian of ~~ lie 3 Mark's mother agreed .enn--n-(buy) him anew car 4 The children apelogjsed for (break) the window. 5 Peter has invited me ann this summer (visit him in Switzerland 6 Ewan persuaded his mother nanm-nnn (buy him a new bike. 7 Karen has promised, (visit me after the B | would recommend (install new computers inthe office. 9 Can remind everyone {send} me an email if you'te not coming to class next week? 10 Martin warned me wenn (Nt use) the machine, 5 For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so ‘that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. ‘You must use between two and five words, including. the word given, 1 "You really should see that ilm, Pablo his friend said ADVISED Pablo's friend the film. 2 'Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon?” said Marie. SUGGESTED Mate nnn ft@ENOON, 3 ‘Don't leave che light on when you goto bed) my father said to me. SWITCH My father the light when I went to bed. 4 ‘Don't forget to post the letter’ Silvia told Natasha, REMINDED SIV vnnnsnnnnnnenthe letter 5 "You haven't been paying attention to me;' aur teacher toldus, ANY (Our teacher accused us. monotice of him, 7 6 "Vil try as hard as | canto pass the exam said Paola. BEST Paola promised werennnnnnnnnsto pass the exam, Reading and Use of English | Part 1 4 Work in pairs. You are going to read an article about how people make money from YouTube. Before you read, discuss these questions. * What things do you most enjoy on YouTube? ‘+ Why do many people prefer YouTube to watching television? 2 Read the article quickly. How do people make money on YouTube? Geeks, musicians, teenage boys In their bed-ooms ~ (0) snore. can now become a global internet sensation and a millionaire in the (1) a... In between the amusing videos ‘of animals doing strange things and skateboarding accidents, people are building (2) .n.-m by uploading videos. (3) usa yeas, there have been many success stores of People who started at home with Just a webcam and have now hhuge followings. With over 100 millon visitas to YouTube every ‘month, advertisers have started (4).......0 the mast popular Video makers to take advantage of ther loyal (5) last year, “YouTuber' Michael Buckley (6)...... that he was making ‘ver $100,000 a year fram YouTube advertisements alone. The YouTube payment sysiem works on a pay-per-click basis Effectively, the amount of money you (2)... I determined by the number of views you get A video of around a milion views, wiih is (8) about a thousand dollars For popular YouTubers, may bring in adapted from the Daily Mail * Read the titlo and the text quiekly to get a general idea of what its about. » Deal with the gaps one by one. Read carefully before and after the gap. The words in each option will be similar in meaning, but only one will ft correctly into the gap. * Check that the word fits into the sentence ‘grammatically by looking at prepositions and other ‘grammatical structures. * you are not sure which option is correct, reject the options you think are wrong and choose from the others * When you have finished, read the whole text quickly again to check your answers 3 For questions 1-8, read the article again and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. O Asomeone Garyong) Ceveryone Dall 1 Away Bprocess Crethod DO manner 2 Avwork Bjobs Careers. Doccupation 3 Arecont Blast. = Cpast_ = ilatest 4 Aaiming ——_Bdirecting Cfocusing Dppointing 5 Apublic Bpeople Cwatchers D spectators & Ainformed told Graminded_D announced 7 Acain Bpy Cumin Dean 8 Aconventional Btypical C traditional D everyday 4 Now check your answers to Exercise 3 by using these clues. This phrase means ‘one thing happens 95 ¢ result of the other’ ‘This willbe 2 part of their whole working life Notice the santence uses the present perfect. Only one option is followed by this prepesition. Lookloack to the vocabulary section in this unit. ‘This means he has seid it publicly. The wrong options all need an object. 7 The correct answer is @ collocation with ‘money! 8 This is normal for popular YouTubers,

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