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2, MAY 2007 553

Negotiating Bilateral Contracts in Electricity Markets

Sameh El Khatib, Student Member, IEEE, and Francisco D. Galiana, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In mixed pool/bilateral electricity markets, partic- the pool price and has no direct physical transmission implica-
ipants can sign forward bilateral contracts several months in tions [11], [12].
advance of its delivery. In addition, generators may sell to and Bilateral contracts are used in electricity markets to hedge
loads may buy from the pool at the spot price through the day-
ahead or balancing markets. Forward bilateral contracts have the
against pool price volatility; however, if improperly chosen, a
advantage of price predictability in comparison with the uncertain contract may actually worsen the benefit since, the eventual
spot price. However, the risk is that such a contract commits random spot price at market-clearing time, may end up being
the partners to a price that may be disadvantageous compared either too high or too low compared to the contract price.
to the spot price. Here, we propose a systematic negotiation Beyond spot price volatility [13], there exist other sources of
scheme through which a generator and load can reach a mutually risk associated with engaging in a bilateral contract, principally,
beneficial and risk tolerable forward bilateral contract, either
physical or financial. Under this approach, the generator and load random generator, and network-forced outages [14], load fore-
respond rationally to a stream of bilateral bids/counter-bids and cast errors, and fuel price uncertainty [15]. The negotiation of a
offers/counter-offers considering their respective benefits while bilateral contract will therefore converge only if both sides can
accounting for the risks incurred by the prediction uncertainty in find a pool/bilateral mix that provides an acceptable compro-
the pool spot price and other market parameters over the length mise between risk and benefit. The literature contains a wealth
of the contract. Each negotiating party can choose its own defi-
nition of risk which can be influenced by regret, value-at-risk or
of approaches to deal with risk/benefit tradeoff, typically as part
dispersion from the mean. Numerical tests show that this flexible of portfolio management [16], [17] and [18]. There is also a vast
negotiating approach can be readily put into practice. body of literature dealing with the broader issues of negotiation
Index Terms—Contract negotiation, forward bilateral contracts, and decision-making under uncertainty [19], [20].
market uncertainty, pool/bilateral electricity markets, regret, risk/ In the area of electricity markets, the use of bilateral contracts
benefit analysis, value-at-risk. to manage the risks associated with nodal price fluctuations due
to transmission congestion is analyzed in [21] and [22]. In [23],
the authors use stochastic optimization to determine the optimal
I. INTRODUCTION price and quantity of retail electricity contracts. The risk is then
N THE restructured power industry, load-serving entities measured as a term in the objective function that the retailer mini-
I and generation companies trade through both bilateral con-
tracts and the power pool [1]–[4] and [5].
mizes to limit its exposure to the volatile spot market. Schmutz et
al. [24] determine the value-at-risk from a portfolio of contracts
A bilateral contract is an agreement between two parties to using fuzzy set theory and scenario construction; Bjorgan et al.
exchange electric power under a set of specified conditions such [25] also begin with a portfolio of potential contracts and develop
as MW amount, time of delivery, duration, and price [6]. Bilat- a technique based on Pareto-optimality to manage the tradeoff
eral contracts can take the form of futures or forward contracts, between expected value and standard deviation of the portfolio
where the former are generally traded in an exchange [7], and profit; Marzano et al. [26] express the portfolio management
can be traded continuously up until their time of delivery. In problem as a dual dynamic program optimization which allows
contrast, forward contracts are typically negotiated directly be- for price dynamics over time. The pool/bilateral tradeoff problem
tween the load and generator with the terms of the contract re- has been addressed in terms of game-theory [27] and stochastic
maining fixed until the time of delivery [8]. optimization [28]. The optimal pricing of forward contract prices
Furthermore, a bilateral contract can be either physical or fi- has also been studied in [29] through an equilibrium model. In
nancial; the former meaning that all the power transacted bi- [29], an optimum forward price is determined by minimizing a
laterally must be self-generated and self-consumed at a pair global objective function of the expected profits and variances
of specified network buses [9], [10]. In comparison a contract of the generators and retailers, while meeting the condition of
is financial if the power transacted need not be self-generated zero net supply of forward contracts. The authors conclude that
and self-consumed but could be transferred up to the short-term forward contract prices will generally exceed expected spot
market-clearing time to another entity such as the pool [5]. Such prices when the demand expected value or volatility are high, a
a contract can be interpreted as a contract for difference that result that is tested by simulated and real data.
simply guarantees the difference between the contract price and The main innovation of this work is to propose a scheme
for a generator/load pair to negotiate a mutually beneficial and
risk-tolerable bilateral forward contract, or to conclude that it
Manuscript received March 7, 2006; revised October 6, 2006. This work was
supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada,
is not in their mutual interest to enter into such an agreement.
and the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies. Paper In contrast to [29], we do not seek a common forward price that
no. TPWRS-00131-2006. meets a market equilibrium condition based on the optimization
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2A7, Canada (e-mail: sameh.elkhatib@
of a global objective function. In this work, during each bilat-; eral negotiation session, we allow the parties wide flexibility to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2007.894858 choose their own risk/benefit measures, under the assumption
0885-8950/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

that, in general, each negotiating party may have a unique in- III. BILATERAL CONTRACT CHARACTERIZATION
terpretation of what risk and benefit imply. The focus of our Whether physical or financial, a bilateral contract is typically
paper is therefore not on predicting how the market might be- negotiated weeks or months prior to its delivery and includes the
have under a common risk aversion rule and optimum forward following basic specifications: 1) starting date and time ( ); 2)
positions, but rather on analyzing bilateral negotiation schemes ending date and time ( ); 3) constant megawatt (MW) amount
between two specified participants, each of which is free to se- over the length of the contract, GD; 4) constant price in dollar
lect its risk aversion and benefit preferences. per megawatt hour ($/MWh) over the length of the contract, ;
The scope of this paper is restricted to forward bilateral con- and 5) range of hours when the contract is to be delivered.
tracts, either physical or financial, between a generator and load In a more general form, the MW amount GD and price
pair. The model assumed by the negotiation process is that the could be time-varying over the contract duration. This gener-
contract is to be delivered in a market where no single partici- alization is, however, not pursued in this paper which aims at a
pant can affect the spot price and where transmission congestion simpler negotiation that can be implemented by the two parties
and losses as well as their associated risks are not considered. independently without the need for complex calculations or the
The sources of risk that affect the negotiated contract are uncer- intervention of a mediator.
tainty in the spot price, fuel costs, load revenue factor and de-
mand. Risk can be measured by any of several well-established IV. UNCERTAIN MARKET PARAMETERS
approaches, namely, standard deviation [25], value-at-risk [13],
[30], [31], or regret [32]–[35]. The uncertain market parameters considered here are the
power plant efficiency and fuel cost coefficients , the load
revenue factor , and the spot prices and load demand levels at
II. BASIS OF RISK/BENEFIT ASSESSMENT APPROACH periodic time intervals, respectively,
and . The time interval index is
There is no unique way to define and assess risk and benefit. defined by sub-dividing the contract length into nc
Not only are the tolerance threshold to risk and its relation to intervals of equal duration (typically one hour).
benefit subjective but so are their definitions, in other words, Each of the above scalar parameters can be a random variable
the quantities that are deemed to constitute risk and benefit may with a discrete probability density function (pdf) defined over
vary from one person to another. a finite range. The spot price pdf’s estimated by the generator
In this paper we consider three approaches to assess the risk and load may be different. In addition, the pdf’s of the time-
of a projected bilateral contract: 1) based on the notion of regret, dependent parameters, and , may vary over the contract
under which the negotiating partner is influenced by the prob- duration to model growing uncertainty with time.
ability that the profit will not be sufficiently close to the best
possible (ideal) value, in other words what it could have earned V. GENERATOR RISK AND BENEFIT
if the market parameters had been predicted exactly at the time
of contract negotiation; 2) based on the notion of value-at-risk, A. Generator Profit
under which the negotiating partner is influenced by the min- Consider a generator with capacity and cost function
imum profit it can earn with a given probability; and 3) based , being the generator MW output at time . The gen-
on the notion of dispersion of the profit under which the negoti- erator must decide whether or not to sign a bilateral contract
ating partner is influenced by the probability that the profit will GD at a fixed price considering that at every time interval
deviate excessively from its mean value. , the generator could also sell power to the pool
The benefit of a bilateral agreement can also be measured through the short-term market. At time , at the uncertain spot
in various ways. One approach is through the expected rate of price , the amount sold to the pool depends on whether the
return, in other words the expected value of the ratio of profit contract is physical or financial as shown next.
to cost, a measure that can be applied in conjunction with any 1) A1-Generation Dispatch With Physical Contracts: Since
of the three risk measures. However, when risk is measured via for this type of contract the generator is obliged to self-generate
regret, the benefit can also be defined by the ratio of the expected its bilateral commitment, the level GD imposes a hard constraint
value of the actual and ideal profits. on the lower generation limit
Whether or not one of the above risk/benefit measures stands
out over any other is a subject of research and even controversy (1)
in decision-making [36], [37]. Decisions based on one risk mea- The generation dispatch at market-clearing under a physical
sure will in general not agree with the conclusions reached when contract is denoted by . If, as an example,
using a different measure. The results section illustrates the type the generator incremental cost takes the form with
of discrepancies that can occur under various choices of risk , then
measures. As this paper is not intended to debate what consti-
tutes a reasonable risk preference, the proposed bilateral nego-
tiation approach has been designed to be implemented under
any of the risk/benefit definitions proposed in the literature. We
also note that during a negotiation different risk/benefit mea-
sures (including a mix of the above three) may be used by each 2) A2-Generation Dispatch With Financial Contracts: Since
party according to how it is influenced by market uncertainty. with a financial contract the generator is not obliged to self-gen-

erate its bilateral commitment, the amount GD does not impose B. Generator Ideal Profit
a constraint on the lower generation limit The ideal profit is the maximum that the generator can earn
by adjusting its bilateral contract amount GD under the ideal
(3) assumption that the uncertain market parameters and are
exactly known at contract negotiation time. The ideal profit is
The generation dispatch at market-clearing under a financial needed when the negotiating generator bases its risk on the no-
contract is denoted by . Again if, as an example, the tion of regret, in other words, if the generator is swayed by the
generator incremental cost takes the form with extra profit it could have earned had it exactly predicted the un-
then certain market parameters at contract negotiation time.
Denoting the generic profit of a generator with either physical
or financial contracts by , the ideal generator
profit can be found numerically for any and , as explained in
if (4)
Section VIII, from

3) A3-Generation Profit With Physical Contract: (7)

With a physical contract, the generation profit is equal
to what it collects from the power sold to the pool, In calculating the ideal profit in (7), the contract price is
, and from the power sold bilaterally, known either as a bid from the load or as a proposed counter-
GD, minus its generation cost offer by the generator during a negotiation session. Note also
that if the contract is physical then the upper limit on GD is
while if the contract is financial then is self-specified by
the generator.

C. Generator Worst Profit

The generator worst profit is the minimum it would earn
after committing to a specific contract if the uncertain
4) A4-Generation Profit With Financial Contracts: The gen- parameters materialized at their most disadvantageous
eration profit with financial contracts is equal to what it collects values. The worst profit is needed when the generator calculates
from its sale to the pool plus the compensation from the load for its risk based on the notion of value-at-risk, in other words,
differences in the pool and bilateral prices minus its total gener- if the generator decision at the time of contract negotiation is
ation cost swayed by the probability that it will be uncomfortably close
to the worst-case scenario.
The worst profit for a given can be found by numer-
ically solving


D. Generator Risk
The risk to a generator of embarking on a bilateral agreement
(6) can be measured in several ways. Here, we examine three alter-
natives all of which fit into the proposed negotiation scheme.
D1-Generator Risk Based on Regret: The difference be-
Observe that the second expression for the generator profit tween the ideal profit and the actual profit
with financial contracts in (6) has the same form as the gen- defines regret. The generator risk is defined
erator profit with physical contracts in (5), the distinction as the probability that the regret exceeds a fraction of the
being in the dispatched value of . In particular, in (6), for absolute value of the ideal profit, where is a self-specified
some time intervals, the profit due to the pool component, measure of the generator tolerance to such regret (the greater
may be negative, something that cannot the tolerance the higher )—see (9), shown at the bottom of
occur in (5) with physical contracts. the page.


D2-Generator Risk Based on Value-at-Risk: The risk here A. Load Profit

is defined as the probability that the profit will be uncomfort- In addition to its contract GD at the price , the load can
ably close to its minimum—see (10), shown at the bottom of also buy power throughout the contract length in the short-term
the page, where is a self-specified measure of the generator market at the spot prices , . If the demand at
tolerance to such proximity. time is with revenue , then the load profit is
D3-Generator Risk Based on Dispersion From the Mean:
The risk here is defined as the probability that the profit will de-
viate below its mean value by an excessive amount—see (11),
shown at the bottom of the page, where is a self-specified
measure of the generator tolerance to such dispersion and where
is the mean value of the profit. An alternative mea-
sure of risk with the same interpretation is through the standard (15)
deviation of the profit , in which case the risk can
be defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the absolute
mean What this equation shows is that the load profit under a phys-
ical contract [first form in (15)] is the same as under a financial
contract [second form in (15)]. This is logical since, in contrast
to the generator, the load, irrespective of whether it signs a phys-
ical or a financial contract, always consumes the same amount
of power.
E. Generator Benefit
B. Load Ideal Profit
If the risk is measured in terms of regret, the benefit can be Synonymous with the generator analysis, the load ideal profit
the expected value of the ratio of the actual and ideal profits is the maximum that it would earn by adjusting its bilateral con-
tract amount GD assuming that the uncertain market parameters
, and are known at contract negotiation time. The ideal load
profit is found by numerically solving

An alternative measure of the generator benefit valid for any

of the three forms is the rate of return, that is, the expected value
of the ratio of the profit to the cost (16)

If the contract is physical, then while if the

(14) contract is financial then is self-specified by the load.

C. Load Worst Profit

The load worst profit is the minimum earned under a specific
contract if the uncertain parameters materi-
The load must also decide on a bilateral price and amount alize at their most disadvantageous values. This is required when
through its own risk/benefit analysis. Note that although the the load decision at contract negotiation time is swayed by the
symbols and GD used here are the same as in the generator probability that it is too close to the worst case scenario. The
case, the two risk/benefit analyses are conducted independently, worst profit for a given can be found by numerically
one by the load and the other by the generator. Thus, the corre- solving
sponding and GD values differ, except when and if load and
generator reach an agreement through the negotiation described
in Section VII.



D. Load Risk
1) D1-Load Risk Based on Regret: Load regret is the differ-
ence between the ideal profit and the actual
profit . The load risk is the probability that
the regret exceeds a self-specified fraction of the absolute
value of the ideal profit—see (18), shown at the bottom of the
2) D2-Load Risk Based on Value-at-Risk: Here, risk is the
probability that the profit will be too close to its minimum—see
(19), shown at the bottom of the page.
3) D3-Load Risk Based on Dispersion From the Mean: Risk
here is the probability that the load profit will deviate below its
mean value by an excessive amount—see (20), shown at the
bottom of the page, where is the mean value of Fig. 1. Generator and load risk for the initial proposed price of 35 $/MWh.
the profit. As in the generator case, a similar risk measure can
be defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the absolute
mean approach for and GD contains two basic elements: 1) each
participant chooses its definition of risk and benefit as well as
the extreme limits beyond which it is not ready to compromise
(21) (these limits are affected by the type of risk measure used but
they all are typically less than one) and 2) the participants en-
gage in an iterative negotiation process under which one partic-
E. Load Benefit ipant offers or bids a contract price and a corresponding range
If the risk is measured in terms of regret, the benefit can be of GD. The receiving party conducts a risk/benefit analysis for
the expected value of the ratio of the actual and ideal profits the current which leads: a) to a new counter offer or bid; b) to
an agreement on a specific value of ; or c) to conclude
that there is no possibility of agreement. These steps are now
(22) described in more detail.

Alternatively, for any of the three risk definitions, the load A. Risk/Benefit Analysis
benefit can be expressed by the rate of return, namely the ex- For a proposed contract price the risk/benefit analysis by
pected value of the ratio of the profit to its payment to the pool either generator or load consists of two steps:
and to the generator supplying GD 1) Compute the respective risk and benefit versus the bilateral
contract amount GD over its feasible range. The various
substeps are detailed in Section VIII.
(23) 2) Identify the acceptable set of GD that meets the risk/benefit
criteria (e.g., Fig. 1). If no acceptable GD range is found,
the analysis rejects the proposed price .

VII. NEGOTIATING A BILATERAL CONTRACT B. The Iterative Negotiation Process

First, it is assumed that both parties have agreed on the po- i) The iterative negotiation process can be initiated by either
tential contract start and end times. The bilateral negotiation the load or the generator.




ii) The participant initiating the process proposes a contract TABLE I

price that meets its risk/benefit criteria over a broad ac- ASSUMED GENERATOR PARAMETERS
ceptable GD range. This price is a compromise between
the participant’s desire to maximize its benefit within its
risk criterion, yet granting enough flexibility to the other
party to accept this proposal or to respond with a reason-
able counter proposal.
iii) The participant receiving the proposal runs its own risk/
benefit analysis and identifies its own acceptable range of
GD. Then it responds in three possible ways:
a) if the two ranges overlap, it accepts the proposal at the
value of GD in the overlapping set that maximizes its TABLE II
b) if the two ranges do not overlap, it rejects the pro-
posal and counter-proposes with a new bilateral price
(higher if a generator and lower if a load) over a new
acceptable range of GD that overlaps or comes closer
to overlapping the range originally proposed;
c) if the two ranges do not overlap and a sufficient
number of iterations have gone by without finding an
overlapping range of GD, the negotiation is halted.


We now describe a typical numerical scheme used by a ne- can be modeled as a uniformly distributed random variable.
gotiating participant when searching for an acceptable range of Both generator and load use the same probability distribu-
GD that meets its specified risk and benefit criterion. The partic- tion to model the spot-price uncertainty.
ular scheme described below corresponds to a generator when • The demand and generator incremental cost also remain
risk is based on regret, but a similar scheme applies to the load unchanged over the length of the contract, but they are
and when the risk is measured based on value-at-risk or disper- known constants.
sion from the mean. • Both load and generator use the rate of return (ratio of the
1) Specify or consider a value of proposed by the load. profit to the cost), as the benefit measure.
2) Divide the random parameters into a discrete set of • The contract is physical. However, in this example, since
samples. From the respective pdf’s, identify a probability the minimum spot price (30 $/MWh) is greater than the
for each sample, . incremental generation cost (20 $/MWh), the results are
3) Divide the generation capacity range into a identical to the case with a financial contract.
discrete set of GD samples.
4) For each sample of the random variables , solve (7) A. Negotiation Example Measuring Risk Based on Regret
over all GD samples to obtain the generator ideal profit Here, the maximum risks accepted by the generator and load
. are both 25%. The steps of this negotiation are as follows.
5) For each sample of GD: 1) After experimenting with several contract prices and their
i) for all samples of calculate the profit corresponding risk/benefit, the load submits a “reasonable”
from (5) if the contract is phys- initial value of 35 $/MWh. From Figs. 1 and 5, the corre-
ical and from (6) if the contract is financial; sponding acceptable GD range is [60, 100] MW.
ii) from (9), calculate the generator risk by summing the 2) Upon receiving the load proposal, the generator finds its
probabilities of all samples meeting the regret own risk/benefit for the proposed bilateral price of 35
inequality. Similarly, from (13) or (14), find the benefit. $/MWh. From Figs. 1 and 4, the generator then identifies
6) Identify the range of GD for which the desired maximum its own acceptable GD range of [0, 35] MW. Since this
regret and minimum benefit are satisfied. interval does not overlap the proposed [60, 100] MW,
there is no agreement at this price.
IX. BILATERAL NEGOTIATION EXAMPLES 3) The generator therefore seeks a counter-offer whose cor-
Two negotiation examples are presented here. In the first, both responding acceptable GD range overlaps the current pro-
parties use regret as their risk measure, while in the second, the posed range. After some trials, the generator counter offers
common risk measure is dispersion from the mean. with a higher bilateral price at 43 $/MWh. From Figs. 2
The data used in both examples are given in Tables I and II. and 4, this higher counter offer yields a new acceptable
Several simplifying assumptions are made about the contract GD range of [56, 100] MW which overlaps the current pro-
type and the degree of uncertainty. posed range of [60, 100] MW.
• The spot price remains constant over time for the entire 4) Upon receiving the generator counter-offer of 43 $/MWh
length of the contract. This spot-price level is uncertain but over [56, 100] MW, the load calculates its risk/benefit for

Fig. 2. Generator and load risk for the counter-proposed price of 43 $/MWh. Fig. 4. Generator benefit for three bilateral prices.

Fig. 5. Load benefit for three bilateral prices.

Fig. 3. Generator and load risk for the agreed-to bilateral price of 39 $/MWh.

that price. From Figs. 2 and 5 this analysis yields a new

acceptable GD range of [0, 7] MW (restricted by the ben-
efit), which still does not overlap the [56, 100] MW range
submitted by the generator. Thus, at this price, there still is
no agreement.
5) The load now counter-bids with a new lower bilateral price,
which as seen in Figs. 3 and 5, at 39 $/MWh yields a new
acceptable GD range of [40, 100] MW thus overlapping
the [56, 100] MW interval submitted by the generator.
6) Upon receiving the load counter-bid of 39 $/MWh over
[40, 100] MW, the generator calculates its risk/benefit for
this price. As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, this analysis yields a
new GD range of [30, 44] MW which now does overlap the Fig. 6. Generator and load risk based on dispersion from the mean for the
[40, 100] MW interval proposed by the load. The generator agreed-to bilateral price 39 $/MWh found using regret as the risk measure.
then halts the negotiation by accepting the latest bilateral
price and by choosing the value of which as
seen in Fig. 4 maximizes its benefit within the overlapping The parties can also evaluate the negotiated contract position
interval. ( , ) from another risk perspec-
The shape of the risk curves versus GD is not always intuitive, tive such as dispersion from the mean. Then, as indicated in
but where possible we have verified their correctness through Fig. 6, the risk would be 29% for the generator and 22% for
independent means, namely, numerically and analytically. The the load. This evaluation could be done at the end of the process
breaks in the curves are due to the various events characterizing or during each negotiation step. It can serve to ensure that the
the possible relative locations of the random parameters with position reached with one risk criterion is not radically different
respect to each other (e.g., the event that versus the event from the position that would be reached with an alternative risk
that ). criterion.

Fig. 7. Generator and load risk for the bilateral price of 34 $/MWh.

Fig. 9. Generator and load risk for the bilateral price of 38 $/MWh.

Fig. 8. Generator and load risk for the bilateral price of 42 $/MWh.
Fig. 10. Generator benefit for three bilateral prices.

B. Negotiation Example Measuring Risk Based on Dispersion

From the Mean
Here the maximum risks accepted by the generator and load
are both 10%. The steps of this negotiation are:
1) The load submits a price of 34 $/MWh. From Figs. 7 and
11, the acceptable GD range is [53, 100] MW.
2) From its own risk/benefit curves (Figs. 7 and 10), at this
price and amount range, the generator cannot meet its risk/
benefit criteria and counter offers with a higher price of 42
$/MWh. From Figs. 8 and 10 the corresponding acceptable
GD range of [60, 100] MW overlaps the current proposed
range of [53, 100] MW.
3) The load calculates its own risk/benefit (Figs. 8 and 11)
and concludes that, at this price and range, it cannot meet Fig. 11. Load benefit for three bilateral prices.
its risk/benefit criteria, countering with a lower price of 38
$/MWh. From Figs. 9 and 11, the corresponding accept-
ableGD range of [58, 100] MW overlaps the current pro- choosing the value of , which maximizes
posed range of [60, 100] MW. its benefit within the overlapping interval.1
4) From its own risk/benefit curves at the current offer (Figs. 9 As in the first example, the parties can also analyze the ne-
and 10), the generator finds an acceptable GD range of [65, gotiated contract position ( , )
100] MW which now does overlap the proposed [58, 100] from another risk perspective such as regret. Then, as indicated
MW interval. The generator therefore halts the negotiation 1At a lower level of benefit, the parties could have reached an agreement in
by accepting the latest bilateral price of 38 $/MWh and fewer steps however their aim here is to secure the highest possible benefit.

expected rate of return. In addition, each party can self specify

how the uncertain parameters such as spot price, fuel price and
demand should be modelled, typically through a probability
The various steps of this iterative negotiation process have
been detailed and illustrated through examples in which the load
and generator converge to a mutually satisfactory bilateral con-
tract after three bargaining sessions.

The authors thank A. J. Conejo from the University of Castilla
La Mancha for his valuable comments and C. G. Quilez from the
University of Sevilla for her help in the numerical testing of the
Fig. 12. Generator and load risk based on regret for the agreed-to bilateral price
negotiation scheme.
of 38 $/MWh found using dispersion from the mean as the risk measure.
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