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This survey is conducted to determine the extent of group dynamics of public

secondary schools in Congressional District 5, Division of Isabela. Please answer by putting a
check mark (/) on the appropriate boxes or by filling in the blanks.

Part I. Respondents Profile

Name: (Optional)

Age: 20 - 25 years old 46 – 50 years old

26 – 30 years old 51 – 55 years old

31 – 35 years old 56 – 60 years old

36 – 40 years old 61 – 65 years old

41 – 45 years old

Gender: Male Female

Civil Status: Single Married

Separated Widow (er)

Highest educational Attainment:

Bachelor’s Degree Graduate EdD/PhD graduate

MAEd Graduate others (specify)

Present Position:

T Teacher 1 Master Teacher 1

Teacher 2 Master Teacher 2
c Teacher 3 Master Teacher 3

Grade Level Assignment:

Grade 7 Grade 10

Grade 8 Grade 11

Grade 9 Grade 12

Latest performance Rating:

Outstanding Satisfactory

Very Satisfactory

Length of Teaching Experience:

1 – 5 years 21 – 25 years

6 – 10 years 26 – 30 years

11 – 15 years 31 – 35 years

16 – 20 years 36 years and above

Level of In-Service Training attended:

National District

Regional School

II. Group Dynamics

2.1 Frequency of Manifestation of Group Dynamics

Directions: Please answer all items on the questionnaire by putting a check mark on the
appropriate response on how often you manifest group dynamics. Please be
guided by the legend below.

1 – Not at all (NA)
2 – Seldom (Se)
3 – Sometimes (So)
4 – Often (O)
5 – Very Often (VO)

2.1.1 Leadership and Participation

Leadership and Participation 1 2 3 4 5

1. I suggest new ideas
2. I ask for additional information
3. I provide information
4. I relate personal experiences relevant to the group’s
5. I express my opinion
6. I pull ideas and suggestions together
7. I am friendly and I support of other’s ideas
8. I point out ways to proceed when the group is stuck
9. I am a good listener
10. I make jokes to relieve tension
11. I invite other members to work with me on specific
12. I place items on the agenda for discussion
13. Roles and tasks are shared by members
2.1.2 Communication

Communication 1 2 3 4 5
1. People in the group feel comfortable expressing their
point of view
2. Group members listen to each other’s points of view,
even if they might disagree
3. Group members feel comfortable about expressing their
opinion in group meetings
4. Members’ opinions are listened to
5. Members are willing to listen to other’s points of view
6. I pull ideas and suggestions together
7. I am friendly and i support others’ ideas
8. I point out ways to proceed when the group is stuck
9. I am a good listener
10. I make jokes to relieve tension
11. I invite other members to work with me on specific
12. I place items on the agenda for discussion
13. Roles and tasks are shared by members

2.1.3 Recognizing and Addressing Conflicts and Problems

Recognizing and Addressing Conflicts and Problems 1 2 3 4 5

1. In working together to solve problems, the group has
been able to identify the important issues and generate
several possible solutions
2. I am satisfied with the way group deals with problems
that come up
3. Conflicts were handled by the group well
2.1.4 Decision Making Procedures

Decision Making Procedures 1 2 3 4 5

1. Everyone in the group has a voice in the decisions
2. Good decisions are made
3. It takes too much time to reach decisions
4. Some members of the group hold on to their ideas too
5. Everyone in the group contributes items to the agenda
for meetings
6. Items on the agenda are relevant to work
7. I feel committed to decisions that are made by the group
8. I am satisfied with the way the decision-making process
is working
9. The group is making the necessary decisions in order to
keep the project moving forward

2.1.5 Level of Influence and Power of Self and Others in the Group

Level of Influence and Power of Self and others in the 1 2 3 4 5

1. My opinions are listened to and considered by other
group members
2. No person or group dominate the meetings
3. No individuals talk more at meetings than others
4. No individuals have more influence over the agenda at
group meetings than others
5. No individuals have more influence over the decision-
making process than others
6. I am not bothered that certain individuals have more
influence over the decision-making process than others
2.1.6 Group Meetings

Group Meetings 1 2 3 4 5
1. I encourage participation of all group members
2. I encourage open communication of all group members
3. I recognize possible problems with conflicts with the
4. I help to solve problems that occur between group
5. I help to clarify group meeting goals and tasks
6. I need to move meetings along
7. I find the group meetings useful
8. I enjoy attending the group meetings
9. The group meetings are well organized
10. The agendas of the group meetings are clear
11. We adequately address all of the agenda items at group
12. I am comfortable with the process for placing an item on
a meeting agenda
13. I would like more of a voice in determining agenda items
for meetings
14. I like where our meetings are held

2.1.7 Accomplishements and Impact of the Group

Accomplishments and impact of the group 1 2 3 4 5

1. The group has been effective in achieving its goals
2. The group can have a positive effect on the community
3. The group has chosen important problems to work on
4. I believe that other agencies and groups in our area
know about our group and its initiatives
5. Our group has been effective in informing policy makers
and key government officials about our initiatives
2.1.8 General Satisfaction

General Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5
1. I am satisfied with the general way in which the project
has developed
2. I am satisfied with the rate of progress the project is
making in achieving its goals
3. I am satisfied with the activities of the group during the
past year
4. I am satisfied with the progress of the group during the
past year
5. I am satisfied with my knowledge of the group budget,
resources and how resources are allocated

2.1.9 Personal, Organizational, and Community Benefits of Participation

Personal, Organizational, and Community Benefits of 1 2 3 4 5

1. I have increased my knowledge about important topics
since participating in this group
2. Participating in this group has provided personal growth
for me
3. Participating in this group has made work more
enjoyable for me
4. Participation in this group has increased my
organization’s capacity in one or more areas

2.1.10 Sense of Ownership/Belonging to the Group: Cohesion

Sense of Ownership/Belonging to the Group: Cohesion 1 2 3 4 5

1. I feel I am part of the group
2. I have a sense of ownership over what the group does
3. I have no plans of severing my affiliation with the group
2.1.11 Group Empowerment

Group Empowerment 1 2 3 4 5
1. I can influence decisions that the group makes
2. The group has influence over decisions that affet my life
3. The group is effective in achieving its goals
4. The group can influence decisions that affect the
5. I am satisfied with the amount of influence I have over
decisions that the group makes
6. I can influence decisions that affect my community

2.1.12 Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment 1 2 3 4 5
1. By working together, people in my community can
influence decisions that affect the community
2. People in my community work together to influence
decisions on a state or national level that affect my
3. I am satisfied with the amount of influence I have over
decisions that affect my community
3. Activities for Effective Group Dynamics

3.1 Frequency of Activities for Effective Group Dynamics

Directions: Please answer all items on the questionnaire by putting a check mark on the
appropriate response on how often are activities done for effective group
dynamics. Pleases be guided by the legend below.

1 – Not at all (NA)
2 – Seldom (Se)
3 – Sometimes (So)
4 – Often (O)
5 – Very Often (VO)

3.1.1 Task Functions

Task Functions 1 2 3 4 5
1. Initiating (giving direction and purpose to the group)
2. Information-seeking (making group aware of need for
3. Information-giving (providing group information relevant
to its work)
4. Opinion-giving (providing basis for group decision)
5. Clarifying (eliminating confusion)
6. Elaborating (reducing ambiguity and showing
7. Coordinating (adjusting or harmonizing issues that may
8. Procedure-developing (establishing an order to the
9. Summarizing (showing how ideas are related and
drawing ideas together
10. Philosopher/critic (showing that a particular issue is not
unique and bringing insight from similar experience)
3.1.2 Maintenance Functions

Maintenance Functions 1 2 3 4 5
1. Encouraging (bringing out others’ opinions and giving
others recognition
2. Expessing Feelings (calling group attention to react to
ideas and suggestions made)
3. Relieving Tension (reducing tension and allowing group
to express feelings)
4. Compromising, Harmonizing, Mediating (maintaining
group cohesion and reconciling disagreements)
5. Facilitating (maintaining open discussion and keeping
communication channels open)
6. Setting Standards (making group aware of direction and
7. Interpreting (explaining and ointerpreting what someone
has said)
8. Listening/Following (providing stimulating, interested
audience for others)
9. Testing Agreement (finding out how close group is to
10. Evaluating (keeping group in line with goals and
providing sense of progress)
3.2 Effectiveness of Activities for Group Dynamics

Directions: Please answer all items on the questionnaire by putting a check mark on the
appropriate response on how effective are the different activities for group
dynamics. Please be guided by the legend below.

1 – Not at all (NA)
2 – Seldom (Se)
3 – Sometimes (So)
4 – Often (O)
5 – Very Often (VO)

3.2.1 Task Functions

Task Functions 1 2 3 4 5
1. Initiating (giving direction and purpose to the group)
2. Information-seeking (making group aware of need for
3. Information-giving (providing group information relevant
to its work)
4. Opinion-giving (providing basis for group decision)
5. Clarifying (eliminating confusion)
6. Elaborating (reducing ambiguity and showing
7. Coordinating (adjusting or harmonizing issues that may
8. Procedure-developing (establishing an order to the
9. Summarizing (showing how ideas are related and
drawing ideas together
10. Philosopher/critic (showing that a particular issue is not
unique and bringing insight from similar experience)
3.1.2 Maintenance Functions

Maintenance Functions 1 2 3 4 5
1. Encouraging (bringing out others’ opinions and giving
others recognition
2. Expessing Feelings (calling group attention to react to
ideas and suggestions made)
3. Relieving Tension (reducing tension and allowing group
to express feelings)
4. Compromising, Harmonizing, Mediating (maintaining
group cohesion and reconciling disagreements)
5. Facilitating (maintaining open discussion and keeping
communication channels open)
6. Setting Standards (making group aware of direction and
7. Interpreting (explaining and interpreting what someone
has said)
8. Listening/Following (providing stimulating, interested
audience for others)
9. Testing Agreement (finding out how close group is to
10. Evaluating (keeping group in line with goals and
providing sense of progress)
4. Techniques for Effective Group Dynamics

4.1 Frequency of Use of Techniques for Effective Group Dynamics

Directions: Please answer all items on the questionnaire by putting a check mark on the
appropriate response on how often are techiques used for effectuve group
dynamics. Pleases be guided by the legend below.

1 – Not at all (NA)
2 – Seldom (Se)
3 – Sometimes (So)
4 – Often (O)
5 – Very Often (VO)

4.1.1 Task Functions

Techniques 1 2 3 4 5
1. Proposing tasks, goals; defining problems, suggesting
procedures and solutions
2. Requesting relevant facts/clarification
3. Offering relevant facts, avoiding reliance on opinion
when facts are needed
4. Stating feelings or beliefs and evaluating suggestions.
5. Defining terms, interpreting ideas, identifying issues and
6. Elaborating (reducing ambiguity and showing
7. Coordinating (adjusting or harmonizing issues that may
8. Procedure-developing (establishing an order to the
9. Summarizing (showing how ideas are related and
drawing ideas together
10. Philosopher/critic (showing that a particular issue is not
unique and bringing insight from similar experience)
4.1.2 Maintenance Functions

Techniques 1 2 3 4 5
1. Being friendly, warm and responsive to others; accepting
others’ contributions
2. Expressing own feelings and restating others’ feelings
3. Joking, clowning, break, light and liveliness
4. Offering or accepting compromises; yielding status,
admitting error; conciliating differences
5. Drawing out silent members, suggesting procedures for
6. Expressing the group concern, suggesting tasks, stating
standards and goals for group to achieve
7. Paraphrasing initial speaker
8. Accepting ideas of others; going along with the group.
9. Noting progress, stating areas of agreement, making
tentative proposals for group reaction, asking if
agreement is possible
10. Measuring accomplishments against goals; noting
5. Challenges that Hinder Group Dynamics

Directions: Please put a check mark on the appropriate space corresponding to your
perception regarding the extent of the challenges in school leadership. Pleases
be guided by the scale given below.

1 – Least Serious (LS)
2 – Slightly Serious (SS)
3 – Moderately Serious (MS)
4 – Serious (S)
5 – Very Serious (VS)

Challenges 1 2 3 4 5
1. Dealing with different personalities
2. Dealing with different agenda
3. Poor leeadership
4. Bad communication
5. Lack of Focus
6. Competition gets too serious
7. Loyalty is extreme to a specific group
8. Personal effort is not recognized
9. Bad attitudes of group members
10. Others (please specify)

Personal Circumstances


Date of Birth September 18, 1964

Place of Birth Munoz West, Roxas, Isabela

Home Address Munoz West, Roxas, Isabela

Civil Status Married

Religion Methodist

Name of Spouse Jimmy I. Ocon

Name of Father Ernesto R. Bueno Sr.

Name of Mother Cerila M. Bautista

Educational Background

Elementary Munoz West Elementary School

Secondary Munoz Barangay High School

Tertiary Philippine Normal University

Eligibility PBET

Present Designation Principal

Seminars/Trainings/Conferences Attended:


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