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Catholic Social Thoughts and Ethical Principles

1. Respect for the Dignity of the Human Person

- All men are created in the image of God
- Businesses being essentially an expression for human relationship “ for people”
- Profit must not be and excuse for exploiting persons
- Man the center of socio economic activity

2. Priority of Man over Things and the Priority of Labor over Capital
- Man is the “ primary efficient cause” of production
- Man is prior than capital meaning the whole collection of means of production and remains
a mere “instrumental cause”

Ex: kidney selling, face to face, eutanasia, child labor, human trafficking

3. Common Good
- Sum of those social thoughts which favor the full development of the human personality
and is the inseparable from the good of the human person
- This commits public authorizes to respect, regulate and protect and promote human rights

Ex: surrogacy

4. Solidarity
- Each person is linked to the destiny of society itself by the demand of the Gospel to the
destiny of all mankind’s salvation
- Ethical demands require all men groups and communities to participate in the management
of all activities.

5. Subsidiarity ( a complement of solidarity)

- Mandates that social institutions have auxiliary and complementary functions concerning
the tasks and needs of individuals or smaller groups,
- Ex: social institutions should leave to the individuals or groups what they can do by their
own power and assist them where they are unable to accomplish task o, a least a useful
- It protects the human person, local communities and “intermediary bodies” from losing
their legitimate autonomy
6. Universal Purpose of Materials Goods
- The goods of the earth are for the use of everyone in order to satisfy their right to life in
consonance with the dignity of the person and the needs of the family.
- Earthly goods is for all to share

7. Stewardship
- Means that man has a basic natural right to life and must take or it not as an absolute owner
but as a responsible partner

Ex: giving alms, bribery

8. Profit
- Though considered by liberal capitalism as the chief motive of economic activity and
progress, may increase ones’ wealth and may not be distributed equitably

Ex” cutting trees

9. Competition
- A practice that can be exercised through any means and as the supreme law of economic
activity and progress.
- As liberal capitalism would put it, competition may improve the quality of goods but not the
quality of life.

Ex: fur industry

10. Right to private Property

- An absolute right to devoid of social responsibility
Ex: hacienda luisita
- It may result in material advancement for a few but it will not bring peace and prosperity to
the majority

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