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Culture – it refers to complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes and everything that

a person learns and shares as a member of society.

Diversity – it denotes variety of perceptions and cultures that exist through different groups of individuals which
creates variety of reasoning and understanding.
Political Science – it deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.
Hunting and gathering – a kind of society which the division of labor is based on gender.
Cultural Anthropology – it focuses on cultural differences from time to time.
Linguistics – it traces origin, history and culture through analysis of different languages.
Sociology – Wright Mills said that studying this field can be approached through a macro level of analysis in
order to better understand the human behavior.
Pastoral – they rely on products obtained through the domestication and breeding of animals for transportation
and food.
Industrial – they used advance sources of energy to run large machinery which led to industrialization.
Beliefs – conceptions or ideas that people have about what is true in the environment around them like what
life is or how to value it.
Values – describe the appropriate and inappropriate actions in the community and believed to be
standard of norms.
Ethnocentrism – it is the tendency to see and evaluate other cultures in terms of one’s own race,
nation or culture.
Homo Habilis – species of hominid that are said to be the first one to use tools. They lived in Africa between 1.9
billion and 1.8 billion years ago.
Homo Erectus – it was the first hominid species that was distributed in the “Old World” and was discovered
by Eugene Dubois.
Lizo believes that offering a chicken every Fridays is an act of pleasing the spirits. Dr. Albert studies Lizo’s practice
by comparing his race with other’s race. Is this an effective understanding of lizo?
- No, because examining one’s belief must be studied on the basis of his own culture.

A. If 1st sentence is true and 2nd sentence is false. Identify what makes the sentence wrong.
B. If 1st sentence is false and the 2nd sentence is true. Identify what makes the sentence wrong.
C. If both sentence are correct.
D. If both sentence are false. Identify what makes the sentence wrong.

** C – A). Culture is seen to have the equal value.

B). it rests on the idea that all cultural practices and beliefs are equally valid and the truth itself is
relative, depending on the cultural environment.
** B – A .Taboos are Values that society hold so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgusts.
B). Often times that violator of the taboo is considered unfit to live in that society.
** ? – A). Political identities refers to political aspirations of every states or country.
B). it talks about different political issues faced by different countries of the world.
** C – A). Political science involves relationship between government and its people.
B). Political science is an art of life in the political realm.
** ? – A). Archaeology involves examining relics and infrastructures in understanding the history of civilization.
B). Archaeologists dig up fossils In order to race the reason of origin of a society.
** ? – A). Members of hunting and gathering societies survive through fishing and gathering edible plants.
B). Family determines the distribution of food and how to socialize children.
** ? – A). Pastoral are common in areas where crops can be supported to sustain the animals.
B). They allow job specialization since not everyone is needed to gather or hunt for food.
True – language is a set of symbols whether spoken or written that serves as method of communication and
transmission of culture.

A. hunting and gathering C. pastoral

B. horticultural D. agricultural
C – Robert and Renzo built cages where they placed their chickens and ducks. Every morning, they faced
them with corn and worms. Unfortunately, during winter, the plain where the corns are growing is
easily flooded so they have to move to another plain in order to find new fresh cornfields. There, they
start building their homes and cases again.
A – the tribe of Huiti built their home in a remote area of Congo. At dawn their chieftain orders their men to
prepare their spears and bows and immediately proceed to their destination. By sunrise, they return with
boars and fresh fish. Their women immediately cook the meat and arrange a good meal for everyone.
A – Bonggo and his family along with their relatives live from one place to another along the riverbank.
Husband in their family picks fishes on the shallow part of the river while their wives gather some
cabbages growing nearby. Men eats most of the meal cooked while children only eat a plate from the
food prepared.
D – harata tribe plants crops every rainy seasons and harvests them during spring. But in the time, the fertile
land becomes so depleted that their crops can no longer grow healthy as such their elders recommend
the use of their stored feces from animals and buried them deep in the ground where they start planting
again after a month.
B - The Lisbon’s are outcast Vikings that lived their selves up in different valleys. Using what they learned
from their mother tribe, they cultivated vegetables in order to survive. However, during summer when they
water nearby starts to dry up the Lisbon’s immediately move to another region to find better source of water
in order to sustain their vegetables.
Homo: Man; Bios: life
Ember: Australopithecus; Dubois: Erectus
Australopithecus: Anamensis; homo: Sapien Sapien
Cattle: Southwest Asia; Iron plow: China
8000 B.C.E.: wheat; 5000 B. C. E. horse
Venn diagram compare and contrast the following pairs.
… Xenocentrism vs. Ethnocentrism
…. Hunting and gathering society’s vs. Pastoral societies
… Robust Australopithecus vs. homo sapiens


Can studying culture helps you to understand the complexity of man and become a better member of the
society? Why or why not?

How can anthropology helps in comprehending sociological issues like the society from micro to macro level of

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