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P3 (MAY-JUNE 2018-19)

Dear Parents,

Here comes Summer-the season of mangoes and lassi………..Allow your children

to enjoy their summer break. They must get proper sleep, eat well and eat
healthy. Give them seasonal fruits and vegetables to savor so that they develop
a taste for them. Teach them to take care of their personal hygiene and look

We are providing you with a few suggestions to help your child make the best
of the vacation. They are as follows -

1) At the start of the holidays, parents must sit down with their children
and collectively write down a list of everything their children might
enjoy doing during their break. These can be basic activities, such as
playing ludo/scrabble, reading a book, or going for a bicycle ride. They
could also be more elaborate ideas such as cooking a fancy dinner, putting
up a play, or practising gardening. Please give them the liberty to choose
activities on their own and do them when they actually feel like doing
them. It’s all right for him to feel bored sometimes too, as it will provide
a trigger for him to take up something on his own without the parents
forcing him to do so. Our role as a parent is to prepare children to take
their place in society. Being an adult means occupying yourself and filling
up your leisure time in a way that will make you happy. If parents spend all
their time filling up their child’s spare time, then the child is never going
to learn to do this for himself.
2) Reading aloud and sharing stories with your child is a great way to
spend time together. Reading and storytelling also helps promote
language, literacy and brain development.

3) Reading isn’t the only way to help with your child’s language and literacy
development. Telling stories, singing songs and saying rhymes together
are also great activities for literacy skills and your child will probably
have a lot of fun at the same time. Sometimes your child might enjoy
these activities more than reading. You might like to make up your own
stories or share family stories. Your child will learn words and
develop language skills from the songs, stories and conversations you
share together. You can read, sing and tell stories with your child in
whatever language you feel most comfortable speaking in.

4) Don’t worry if English isn’t your child’s first language. Knowing another
language will actually help your child learn English as he will learn to
appreciate communication. A good option is to read a book aloud in English
and talk about it with your child in whatever language feels most
comfortable to both of you.
5) Make writing fun by choosing age appropriate activities.
6) Give them reasons to write. Write to each other. Write notes to your
child and leave them in interesting places, like their lunch box. Ask them
to write a reply. Help them email, text or write to family, or friends.
Work with them to put labels on special things – like the door to their
room or their toy box.
Here’s a tip - display their work. Put it on the fridge. Be proud of it.
Share it with others.
7) Encourage writing and talk about their writing
Talk about the letters in your child’s name and where the name comes
from. Help them create a scrapbook with pictures. Encourage them to
write stories under the pictures and talk to you about them. Ask them to
write about pictures they draw - on paper or on the computer. Or get
them to tell you the story and you write it under the picture.
Here's a tip - talk about what your child writes. Be interested. If you
don’t understand what your child’s picture or story is about, ask them to
tell you about it.

8) Mathematics at home
Maths is an important part of everyday life and there are lots of
ways you can make it fun for your child using easy and everyday
activities like preparing and sharing out food, talking about time etc. –
Practise the concepts done in school and then allow him to attempt
the sums on his own. Dodge tables randomly for them to revise their
multiplication tables.

Your children will be taking their first review worksheet in the month of
July. Kindly revise all the concepts done so far.

Let’s join hands in raising polite and kind human beings.

 Asking with a please

 Accepting with a thank you
 Kindly declining gifts
 Interrupting in the right manner
 Asking for a permission with a ‘May I‘’
We have to raise loving and empathetic kids by teaching them to share with all
and care for others. This will make the world a better place to live in.

Have a lovely summer break. We will be there to welcome back your children on
the 2nd of July 2018.

Happy holidays!!!

Anupama Chand

Primary Coordinator



1) Granny’s Day out (NBT)

2) Tortoise Wins again (NBT)
3) Moin And The Monsters by Anushka Ravishankar
4) Barefoot Husain by Anjali Raghbeer
5) जून माह की चंपक पत्रिका



Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions.

A long time ago, there lived a boy called Ma Liang. He was poor and kind. He
wanted to paint beautiful pictures but he could not afford paint brush and
colours. One night, he dreamt that an old man gave him a magic paint brush and
asked him to use that to help the poor. The next morning, Ma Liang woke up
early. He found a golden paint brush shinning on his bed. Now, he could paint
whatever he wanted. He helped his family and other poor people of his village.
They were grateful to him. Soon the news reached the royal palace. The
emperor was a greedy man for wealth so he wanted Liang to paint lots and lots
of gold but he refused as he wanted to paint things only for poor people. The
emperor was furious. He locked up Ma Liang in a dark prison. He took away his
magic paintbrush. He painted many things made of gold but none of his pictures
came to life. The emperor asked Liang to first paint an island, sea and then a
boat. The emperor and his men got into the boat but Liang painted a strong
wind and big waves. The boat rocked up and down. Liang stopped only when the
emperor promised never to be greedy again.

Q.1) Who was Ma Liang?


Q.2) Why could he not fulfil his desire?


Q.3) Whom did he paint for and why?


Q.4) Did the magic paint brush make the emperor’s wish come true?


Q.5) What kind of a person do you think Ma Liang was? Give example to support
your answer.

Q.6)Make sentences with-

a) furious -

b) prison -

c) rocked -

Q.7) Write the synonyms for the given words.

beautiful – ____________ big - _____________

help – _____________ furious - ___________

Q.8) Write the antonyms for the given words.

long - ________________ beautiful - ____________

night - ___________ poor - _______________

morning - _________________ early - ___________

Q.9) Sequence the events of the story in the correct order.

____The emperor wanted Liang to paint for him.

____The emperor and his men got into the boat painted by Liang.

____There lived a poor and kind boy called Ma Liang.

____He helped his family and other poor people of his village.

____Liang also painted a strong wind and big waves to teach a lesson to the

____One night, he dreamt that an old man gave him a magic paint brush to
paint and help the poor.


कविता को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए |


एक शािा पर बैठी मैना, एक शािा पर तोता,

कहााँ बैठते लमिकर सारे , अगर पेड़ न होता ।

पेड़ सभी को सि
ु दे ता है , पर ककसी से कुछ न िेता,

कोई उसको पत्थर मारे , किर भी उसे िि दे ता।

पेड़ सभी को सि
ु दे ता है , दे ता सबको छाया ,

िेककन यह इंसान भिा कम कब काम ककसी के आया।

तेज़ धप
ू में थका मस
ु ाकिर पेड़ के नीचे सोता,

ू ा कहााँ झि
ू ती सखियााँ , अगर पेड़ न होता ।

इसकी शाि पे बैठे पक्षी, लमिकर गाना गाएाँ ,

पिन झम
ू के गीत सन
ु ाएाँ , ताि से ताि लमिाएाँ

इसी पेड़ के नीचे िेिें, दादा के संग पोता।

कहााँ बैठते लमिकर सारे अगर पेड़ न होता ।

आओ हम भी पेड़ िगाकर हररयािी िैिाएाँ ,

रं ग- त्रबरं गे िूि खििाकर,सबका मन हर्ााएाँ ।

िि-िूिों से हरे -भरे हों, काम सभी के आएाँ,

आओ बच्चों ! आज सभी जन पेड़ों सा बन जाएाँ।

कविता कंठस्थ कीजिए

1. पेड़ पर पत्थर कौन और क्यों मारते हैं?


2. पेड़ मनष्ु य को ककस- ककस प्रकार से सि

ु पहुाँचाता है ?

3. ददए गए शब्दों के बहुिचन लिखिए |

एकिचन बहुिचन एकिचन बहुिचन

शािा िता
मािा झि
ू ा
कथा गाना
माता बच्चा

4. ददए गए शब्दों के तुकबंदी िािे जोड़े बनाकर लिखिए |
संग तोता मैना सि
ु िुशहािी झि
ू ा पेड़ रै ना भि
ु ा
पोता दि
ु भेड़ ढं ग हररयािी

____________ ___________ ____________ ___________

____________ ___________ ____________ ___________

____________ ___________ ____________ ___________

____________ ___________


Water Cycle

Water goes,
Round and round,
From the sky,
To the ground,
In a cycle,
You can't see,
Water comes to you and me!
Evaporation is a start,
But it's not the only part,
From sea to sky,
Vapour floats,
But leaves enough to float in boats!
In the sky,
Water cools,
Forming clouds,

Like fish form schools,

Condensation makes it dense,
Like dollars have one hundred cents!
Then it falls, precipitation!
It's like group participation...
Rain and hail,
Sleet and snow,
Water falls,
Plants can grow...

Fills up lakes, and streams, and seas,

We can drink it as we please,
Water used to brush our teeth,
Water wets the coral reef!
Water, water, what we need,
We need water to succeed,
And water cycle keeps it fresh,
Water cycle, you're the best!

कोलशश करने िािों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

हररिंश राय बच्चन


favourite their extended surrounding विद्यािय

famous vacation nuclear paternal सम्मान

different beautiful joint maternal पररिार

because thought grandparents hundred विद्याथी

honest beginning cousin tomorrow तुम्हारा

classroom together niece smallest मश्ु श्कि

dangerous children nephew thousand ददल्िी

cleanliness square tongue उन्होंने दीश्जए

circle rectangle environment संद

ु र अच्छा

yesterday triangle shoulder क्योंकक कराँगा

Stick a copy of this sheet in your English notebook. Learn the words and get ready
for a fun filled spell check after vacation.


Journaling can be a useful activity for children. It gives them a private venue
to keep a daily record of their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and can motivate
children to express themselves more than they otherwise would. However,
children can have short attention spans, and may quickly tire of journaling or
run out of ideas to write about. If you’d like your children to develop a habit of
daily journal writing, plan to provide them with the needed supplies and
encourage them to write through prompts and other fun writing exercises.

1) Provide children with journaling supplies like colour pencil, crayons,

pencils etc. that suit their age. Young children won’t be able to compose
their thoughts in a journal in a traditional sense but will probably be eager
to show you what they have drawn and written in their journal. Allow them
to use invented spellings.
2) Older children will write sentences and use an expansive vocabulary
enriched by experiences and reading of books.

3) Explain to older children that their journal is a safe place for
writing. This means that they can write whatever they please, and it will not
be criticized, corrected, or evaluated.
4) A journal is also a great place to encourage older children to try creative
writing. Ask them to write a poem, a short story, or a one-act play.
5) Give children access to fun writing prompts. Children may be unsure of
what to write when you first start teaching them to journal daily. You can
help overcome this inertia by providing them with writing prompts. These
ideas will give them something to write about and help them feel confident
expressing ideas on the page. You could ask children to write 1 or 2 pages

 Something interesting they saw or heard that day

 A favourite family memory
 Their own daily emotions and experiences
 Their favourite book, movie, or TV show

6) Encourage your children to use new vocabulary.

7) Give your child a daily time to journal. Children will be more likely to
remember to write in their journals if you ask them to do it at a consistent
time every day.

8) Encourage children to re-read their own journal entries. This can be a

valuable practice, especially if your children choose to keep a journal of their
personal insights, emotions, and observations. Revisiting previous journal
entries will allow children to see how much their writing has improved over the
months, and also allow them to how they felt about and responded to forgotten
life events.

We are providing a format which can be photocopied and stuck on the pages of
the journal created by your child. The journal can be created by making a
booklet of A4 size papers of around 10 pages. A list of topics are also being
provided or may be your child wants to write on something which he has
thought about. Let him fill up the page and get started on writing journals. Let
him do it for a period of ten days or even more if he wants to. Allow him to
enjoy the process and not do more than one topic every day.


TODAY IS __________________ (DAY) DATE - ______________







1. Who is the funniest person in your family? Why?

2. Have you ever accidentally hurt someone else’s feelings? How did you
3. Would you rather fly to space or swim to the bottom of the ocean? Why?
4. Would you ever want one (or another) younger sibling? Why or why not?
5. What is your favourite part of the year? What do you like about it?
6. Why is it so important to send thank you notes when you receive gifts?
7. What is something unique to you that no one else can do? Write about
your favourite sport. What do you like about it?
8. What is the best way to keep a secret?
9. Are you more like your mom or your dad? How so?
10. If you could be any book or TV character, who would you choose?

रचनात्मक लेखन
(ककन्ही दो विर्यों पर ४-५ पंश्क्तयााँ स्िैम शीट पर लिखिए।)
क) यदद पेड़ न होता तो…
ि) काश यह मेरे पास होता.....
ग) लमि/सहे िी के साथ त्रबताया गया एक ददन….
घ) मेरा विद्यािय


A sharp axe can chop anything but it rusts if left unused. Similarly, our
brain delivers best if we keep providing challenges to ourselves. Don’t
hesitate to learn new things and practise what you already know.
Remember, ‘Practice makes a man perfect’.

Each day feed your mind with few sums and feel the magic of Mathematics
within your lives.

Do the sums on these sheets only.

Learn the tables of 2, 3, 5 and 10

Q.1) Write the number which is 100 more than:

a) 332 ________
b) 405 ________
c) 642 ________
d) 589 ________
e) 615 ________
f) 709 ________

Q.2) Write the number which is 100 less than:

a) 739 _________
b) 890 _________
c) 834 _________
d) 785 _________
e) 625 _________
f) 935 _________

Q.3) Find the sum of the place value of 6’s in:

E.g. - 676 600 + 6 = 606

a) 866 ____________________
b) 606 ____________________

Q.4) Find the difference between the place value of 8 in:

E.g. - 388 80 - 8 = 72

a) 808 ____________________
b) 881 ____________________

Q.5) Fill in the blanks.

a) The smallest odd number is ________________________

b) The greatest 2- digit even number is _______________________

c) Give the number that comes after 2098 ___________________

d) Give the number that comes before 4019 __________________

e) Which number has 6 thousands and 4 ones? _________________

f) Two thousand nine is one less than _________________

Q.6) Which is a way to make 743? Circle it.

73 tens plus 3 ones

74 tens plus 3 ones

7 tens plus 43 ones

740 tens plus three

Q.7) There are 3 stars in each box and there are 2 boxes. How many stars are
there in total? Write two ways to represent the problem and get the answer.

______ + ______= _________

______ x ______= _________

Q.8) A tripod has three legs. Using this information complete the table below:

No. of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of 3 6

Q.9) A flower has 5 petals. Using this information complete the table below:

No. of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of 5 10

Q.10) Round off to nearest 10 and 100.

Round off to 10 Round off to 100








Q.11) Colour the largest number blue and the smallest number pink.

a) 9003 9130 9821 9128 9009 9812

5613 5420 5375 5289 5280 5614



Q.12) The sum of first five even numbers is _______.

Q.13) Complete the pattern.

a) 2034, 2044, 2054,_______ , _______ , ________

b) 1010, 1015,1020,________ , _______ , ________

c) 3101,3103,3105,________ ,________ ,________

d) 4000,4004,4008,_______ , ________ , _______

Q.14) The difference between the greatest 4-digit number and the greatest 3-digit
number is _________.

Q.15) Smallest 3-digit number + smallest 2-digit number = _________.

Q.16) 4 thousands + 3 hundreds + 2 ones = __________.

Q.17) 4056 - _______ = 3056

Q.18) 3090 is 90 more than __________.

Q.19) 5000 is ________ less than 6000.

Q.20) The double of 250 is ___________.

Q.21) Which is greater? 6070 or 6700 ___________

Q.22) Arrange the given numbers in columns and solve them.

a) 2875 - 737 b) 1985 + 450

c) 1756 - 470 d) 6863 - 2552

e) 2989 +1550 f) 1888 - 456

g) 1982 + 567 h) 2658 - 569

i) 9000-4567 j) 4000-1234

Problem sums (Write statements for each question)

Q.23) A hospital needed 2284 bottles of medicines but received only 1069
bottles from the medical company. How many more bottles are needed by the

Q.24) Reena’s school has 1345 students and Mala’s school has 2456 students.
What is the total number of students in both the schools?

Q.25) Veenu had 3579 stamps of different countries. She gave 1819 stamps to
her friend. How many stamps does she have now?

Q.26) Find the number which is greater than 3210 by 46.

Q.27) In a box, there are 5407 marbles. Some more marbles are added in the
box. If the number of marbles in the box is 6540 now, how many marbles are
added in the box?

Q.28) There were 1567 red rose bushes in the garden. There were 27 more
pink rose bushes than red rose bushes. How many pink rose bushes were in the

Q.29) Priti made 9 bead bracelets. She used 98 beads to make the smaller
bracelets and 176 beads to make the larger ones. How many beads did she use
in all?

Q.30) There are 3346 men, 3145 women and 2985 children in a town. What is
the total population (no. of people) of the town?

Q.31 a).There were 2357 visitors at a fair on the first day. On the second day,
there were 1200 more visitors than the visitors on the first day. How many
people visited the fair on the second day?

b)How many people visited the fair on both the days?

Q.32) A bangle seller had some bangles. He sold 2379 bangles on the first day
and 249 on the second day. How many more bangles were sold on the first day?

Q.33) Write all the numbers which are lesser than 899 but greater than 856?

Q.34) Continue the patterns.

** **** ****** __________ __________

ABC BCD CDE ______ ______ ______

XYZ RST ______ FGH

Q.35) Complete each of the following pattern sequence.

a) 800, 807, 814, ______ , _____ , _____ , _____ , _____

b) 465, 460, 455, _____ , ____ , ____ , _____, ______

c) 250, 240, 230 ,_____ , ______ , ______ , ______ , _____

d) 5271,6271, ________, _________, _______

e) 650, 550, ______, ________, 250

Q.36) Complete the pattern.

a) __________ __________

b) 99, 88, 77, 66, _________, ___________

c) __________ __________

d) 80, 84, 88, 92, _________, ___________

e) __________ __________

f) 480, 460, 440, 420, _________, ___________

g) __________ __________

h) __________ __________

Q.37) Match the given objects with the correct 3-D shape.

cone cube cuboid cylinder sphere


Q.38) Find the number of corners in the given shape.

Q.39) What are the next two shapes?

Q.40) Identify the rule being used for the number of books in the following

a. Increase the number of books by 3

b. Multiply the number of books by 3
c. Increase the number of books by 2
d. Multiply the number of books by 2

Q.41) Find the two missing numbers from the following number pattern. 96, 92,
____, ____, 80, 76, 72
Q.42) Which of the following options show the reflection of the image over the
dotted line?

Q.43) Find the next figure.

Q.44) Number of triangles in the given figure are_____ .

Q.45) Find the next figure.

Q.46) Which of the following pairs show a perfect reflection over the line?

Q.47) Complete the pattern.

Q.48) Consider the following situation and answer the questions.

In a family, there are 6 people- grandfather, grandmother, father,

mother, a boy and a girl. The age of the boy is 2 years. The girl is 3 years
older than the boy. Father’s age is seven times the age of the girl. Mother
is three years younger than the father. Grandfather’s age is thirty times
the age of the boy and grandmother is eleven times the age of the girl.

a) The age of the grandfather is ________ years.

i. 50
ii. 55
iii. 60
iv. 65

b) The difference between the age of grandfather and grandmother is
i. 5
ii. 10
iii. 15
iv. None of these
c) Which if the following statements is true?
i. Age of the mother is 40 years
ii. Age of the father is 48 years
iii. Grandfather is 18 years older the mother
iv. Age of father is 35 years
d) The age of grandmother is ______ less than that of the grandfather
i. 5
ii. 6
iii. 7
iv. 8


Q.1) We should try to help our parents at home.

List the work you do at home. Add to the list jobs you did during the vacations.






Q.2) Sometimes we face an emergency (something dangerous or serious).
Situations arise as the ones listed below.

In such situations, we need quick help. In most parts of the country emergency
helpline services are available.

Who will you contact in your home town in such situations as given below?

a) Someone at home has slipped and fallen and has a broken bone.





b) You missed the school bus that takes you back home.




c) You wake up in the middle of the night hearing shouting noise: ’’thief,

thief, thief” from your neighbourhood.

 Which number would you dial to call the following -

a) ambulance - _____________

b) fire brigade - ______________

c) police - _____________

Outdoor games are always fun. Isn’t it?

Sit and discuss with your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts about their
childhood days. The games they played (traditional). Find out and write about
any 2 traditional games they played. Write the rules to be followed to play
those games and also the steps to play these games.

Do this work on an A-4 size sheet and paste it on a mount board to make a

Play these games with your friends or cousins.


a) Let the children wash their plates after every meal. Children learn
dignity of labour from such activities.
b) Allow your child to play outdoors, get hurt and get dirty. It’s okay for
them to fall down and experience pain once in a while. Comfortable life
within the sofa cushions will make your child lazy.
c) Keep your child away from T.V., mobile phones, computers and other
electronic gadgets. They have their whole life for that.



a) Find out, draw or stick pictures of people who help us under various given
 Some people who make things. E.g. farmer etc.
 Some people who repair things.
 Some people who entertain us.
 Some people provide us their services.

b) Find out about 3 helpers around us and interview them about their work,
family, life and daily routine.

c) Interview a working child. Ask him the following questions and write the
answers on slam sheets in the form of an interview. Paste a photograph of
the child you interviewed.
 Where does he/she work?
 How much is he/she paid?
 For how many hours in a day does he/she work?
 How is he /she treated at his/her work place?


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