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tAlt 1:fo to 110-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

The &melte of ,Zihictia atiMITTur
siTIT II3 3-7T-71Iu3 (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
148] 71i ikrt41 %ATM, Aril 21, 2014/Lowry 30, 1935
No. 148] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014/PHALGUNA 30, 1935

wtzu 4Tri Irett M.% aR arafir tcill * cti WRIT

(i9r(itz9 aik Tritrour Alm) 9TI11 aft R14444 vic4if I
arfkirm (2) 3TRIMWT * araist MT 3TRIT4 Ai1 41 3 *
9- Re 1I, 21 1114, 2014 ‘1 ,-Ifti&I (1) 4 f)14 * ifq4iT Tar
205(31).--Q1q 1.1.<coix, aitz vim tif41Z1 tigteit 1 ftiftr
31t1-4914 3litf4VI1, 1985 (1985 MT 13) * EMT 36 arer *1.4111 * ro7 c04 *Hop< A 1-41,004
(7) We viRitil MT TROT cox . F, xvirtifcr, ift
atfitert (tiqlqi ffitiRq Irftzu) 12444, 2011 WI aft (3) EMT 6 Met ‘Ititoi (3) \iLl<ita 311WR
it;44a9. f7 ftzr4 410 t, 3tek * TRFTi favil
1. (1) 19. qqqI ta,c, ITi 3litiMWT Alrxr 3 w4f)o+1 (1) 4 AflEe Alm 1.11V4 mri
(TWO* fizfik:r vit-zir) 2014 t I appiRki, ogril Tiff vtil4 * fa7 ‘1-1 cI
(2) TTMT3T7 i oratf M). A I ilTfe 7.41 wlift
2. Uzliti(4cti 3TRMPF f4gRzr i 9rozrr) (4) * vo4 -twig * ITU 11Wf,V49.
wf, 2011 (i201 wit *,(4 TIVetlA 34ff Atief M"'6T 7TzIT Trftrft RNARvi wffl4 liact)141 airke *
fOrf 7 * \itiNii (1) * IPTITffs .1)1WZ.go ‘iLiRtm 9-ffia.
3td:WITfiTff RWIT 10. 1TMT 'Aare"( * VMZI
"(130 wwr sivirtAcn 3TRIMTIYF * ti41-4* 1241% aTerlit ftwrry - (1) untAct,
* f'67 ETTRT 6 * w4tiilf (4) * ZOO * 3TpT7 31ftwur 3T T, ETTRT 8 * \ILIUM (2) *
ITRff * TM' -tiunra TiT;ft itZIT NIT ‘31.141ti • * 317TH 71-a1 *11c11
I1 1.1qt.e4 A
3 \iiinger (2) 4 1-414ic wzrff '<IWO A ftijf5tr are * fdtt-IK * * wer
1-4NARA. onort Tru ‘71114 12 7 ‘1-1 ,1 arn1 1-41 ,011or 1101 , 11
TFIU Wtt wleft ri (2) 31RMut * MAU Fir ARM AIR 3 *
3. \ictri fagI1 4, .1WiriT 8 * qi-ifWZgcr ftzTIT nikii;e1if (2) q14,,d wzm * WWI
ataRtufera ftq 31elf1 \JIM!' 31N" WzIff 'Olga t# fkgRzr
3r4ftr * %tip< * f4g RTMI' M-1 illtoiRA
TR. iTe-Tft
Ai% s alafit litiart—(1) c04 co
(3) 'WWI 1.11c011 gRi tiacf 'Tr
. 11 n0-1 1110 #
ailtwuT MT 3T2 1, EMT 8 * \iLitira (2) *
trqfft IT Aivir 3tfit 9-zit-4ff * 124q; f444
* 3T1-#TV 444 lilaw( M).
3 *WIntief (2) 4 ARoc. WZR 1.11"Q
RILORY1 VRT 7R3ft wrcrift
1305 G1/2014 (1)

(4) ‘341*-11-f (3) * NEftff 11 44Dcf 1ut141ef (2) The proposal of the Chairman of the Tribunal
Wit tmerra; .<1.ti4ier * Tr-a. xifgo, wzr9. shall be placed before the Selection Committee
*Ncnix l 3rAftiff referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 3 and the Selection
3tt.R.q@- 1TRff t WPM Committee may make recommendations for
extension of term of appointment of such Members to
trxrd RT454 3Tf iT 1 3T1 Y11 i RPT cr) ,11"1
the Central Government.
(3) The Chief Justice of India shall be consulted in
a149-r 44, tird Teo accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of
trc : Tra f447T, '<I n441 arftv9T f1 tyl im section 6 and the recommendation of the Selection
923(31), ca d 30 RI-P.4K 2011 ixTRT Tr-cfOru Committee referred to in sub rule (1) of rule 3 shall
ft.R. TR el I accordingly be placed before him for his views.
(4) The recommendations of the Selection
Committee, together with the views of the Chief
Justice of India shall be submitted to the competent
authority for orders.
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, the 21st March, 2014 10. Extension of term of appointment of Member
of the State Administrative Tribunal.—(1) The
G.S.R. 205(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by
Chairman of the State Administrative Tribunal may
clause (c) of section 36 of the Administrative Tribunals Act,
recommend the names of the Members with
1985 (13 of 1985), the Central Government hereby makes the
justification for extension of their term of
following rules further to amend the Administrative Tribunals
appointment to the concerned State Government in
(Procedure for appointment of Members) Rules, 2011,
accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) of
section 8.
1. (1) These rules may be called the Administrative
Tribunals (Procedure for appointment of Members) (2) The proposal of the Chairman of the Tribunal
shall be placed before the Selection Committee
Amendment Rules, 2014.
referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 3 and the Selection
(2) They shall 'come into force on the date of their
Committee may make recommendations for
publication in the Official Gazette.
extension of term of appointment of such Members to
2. In the Administrative Tribunals (Procedure for
appointment of Members) Rules, 2011 (hereinafter referred to the State Government concerned.
as the said rules), in rule 7, after sub-rule (1), the following (3) The Governor of the concerned State shall be
sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:— consulted by the State Government and for this
"(1A) For selection of a Member of the State purpose the recommendation of the Selection
Committee referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 3 shall
Administrative Tribunal, the Chief Justice of India
shall be consulted in accordance with the provisions of be placed before him.
sub-section (4) of section 6 and the recommendations (4) After consulting the concerned Governor under
sub-rule (3), the recommendations of the Selection
of the Selection Committee referred to in sub-rule (2)
Committee together with the views of the Governor
of rule 3 shall accordingly be placed before him for his
shall be forwarded to the Central Government and
that Government after consulting the Chief Justice of
3. In the said rules, after rule 8, the following rules shall
India, shall seek the orders of the competent
be inserted, namely:—
"9. Extension of term of appointment of Member of authorities".
[No. A-41013/17/2012-AT]
the Central Administrative Tribunal.—(1) The
Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal may
recommend the names of the Members with justification
for extension of their term of appointment to the Central Foot Note.—The principal rules were published in the Gazette
Government in accordance with the provisions of of India vide notification number G.S.R. 923(E), dated the
sub-section (2) of section 8. 30th December, 2011.

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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