Laguna University: Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna S.Y.: 2018 - 2019

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Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna

S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Role of Parent in Motivating their

Children to get Interest
in Learning

A thesis presented
to the faculty of Laguna University Senior High School,
Santa Cruz, Laguna

In fulfillmentof the requirements

for Practical Research 1 of Laguna University
Senior High School

Mitchelle M. Claros
John Lloyd L. Grajera
Brian M. Laraño
Benjie E. Manalo
Kimuel C. Ramboyong
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019



Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same
as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their
children to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good
life long learner. Children acquire skills at the very early stage of their life if the
parents are responsive and understanding. (Katz et al., 2014)

In order to realize parents are a child’s first teacher and serve as a model for
behavior and provide guidance and support that build a child’s self-esteem and
enhances learning. Schools undoubtedly take a lot of responsibility for preparing
students for their futures; they obviously can’t do it alone. But parental involvement
and support are most vital to a child’s education. Earlier parental involvement
wasn’t given much importance but in this modern century the roles of parents in
their child’s learning have emerged.(Sexana,2014).

Parents have a crucial part to play to ensure early childhood development in

their children. Involved parents can make a positive and lasting impact on their
children’s learning ability. According to the Michigan Department of Education (2001),
school age children spend seventy percent of their waking hours including weekends
and holidays, outside of the school setting. It is not only up to the teacher to educate
the child, but it is integral that parents have an active role as well.
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Background of the Study

Parental encouragement and support for learning activities at home combined

with parental involvement in schooling is critical to children’s education. Parents are
the first and continuing educators of their children. Research also shows that
teacher quality, including standards and training in parental engagement, is
important for facilitating effective parental engagement. The importance of
productive partnerships between students, parents, careers, families, schools and
the broader community in maximizing student engagement and achievement was
recognized by the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and
Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for
Young Australians, December 2008.

The role of the parents to cultivate their Childs to get an interest in learning its
should be provide the basic care and guidance towards to the good behaviour and
general development of their children. According to a research study by Ronald
Ferguson, "Nearly half of a child's achievement in school can be accounted for by
factors outside the school, including parent support." Consequently, the most
important support any child can receive comes from the parents. This support
ranges from being responsible for making sure that the child arrives at school
well-rested, well-fed, and ready to learn, to setting high expectations for their child.
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Theoretical Framework

His research teaches families that every culture is unique in their worldview as
are their ways of solving problems (Brooks, 2011).The emphasis Vygotsky places
on parents as partners in their children life is crucial as he believed that everything a
children learned is through the interactions with “knowledgeable partners” (Brooks,
2011). As we know, a children spends most of their time with their parent(s) during
their early development, therefore emphasizing the importance of modeling positive
behavior for the children. Vygotsky’s theory includes an important theory called the
“zone of proximal development” which looks at the range of actions a children can
perform alone and how a person with a better understanding of the world such as a
parent or teacher, can guide and prompt what the children already knows; helping
the children to learn more about the world around himself/herself (Brooks, 2011).

Family involvement is the strongest predictor of child educational outcomes.

This dimension associated significantly with children's motivation to learn, attention,
task persistence, receptive vocabulary skills, and low conduct problems. Family
involvement in education has been identified as a beneficial factor in young
children's learning (National Research Council [NRC], 2001; U.S. Department of
Education, 2000). It is, therefore, a key component of national educational policies
and early childhood programs. Much of the research on parent involvement, as it
relates to children's outcomes, has emphasized the relationship between specific
parent involvement behaviors and children's achievement.

"When schools, families, and community groups work together to support

learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school
more." That's the conclusion of a recent report from the Southwest Educational
Development Laboratory. The report, a synthesis of research on parent involvement
over the past decade, goes on to find that, regardless of family income or
background, "students with involved parents are more likely to:
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

 Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level

 Be promoted, pass their classes, and earn credits;
 Attend school regularly;
 Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well
to school; and
 Graduate and go on to postsecondary education" (Henderson
&Mapp, 2002).
But if parents have a central role in influencing their children's progress
in school, research has shown that schools in turn have an important part to
play in determining levels of parent involvement (Epstein, 2001).

Conceptual Framework


Lack of Parents Interview Role of Parents in
Motivating their
Guide Question
Lack of Family Time Children to get
Parental Interest in

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study.

The first box on the left side concerns with the input data which includes the
Lack of Parents supports, Lack of Family time, and Parental Involvement.

On the second box concerns with the process data which includes the Interview
and Guide Question.

Lastly, In the third box on the right side concerns with the output data which
includes the Role of Parents in Motivating their Children to get interest in Learning.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to assess the role of parent in motivating their
children to get interest in learning and to answer the following specific questions:

1. What are the insights of parents in motivating their children to get interest in learning?
2. Why is the role of parents important to a children development?
3. Why does the parent need to be involved in child’s learning development?

From the foregoing statement of the problem, the following alternative
hypothesis will be test:

Sub statement of the Problem

1. Does the Selected Parents motivate their children to get Interest in Learning.

Alternative Hypothesis

1. The Selected Parents motivate their children to get Interest in Learning.

Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Objectives of the Study

At the end of this research, the study aimed to find out following objectives:

1. To know the insights of parents of what ways will do to motivate their

children to get interest in learning.

2. To determine why role of is parents important to a children development.

3. To know why the parent needs to be involved in children learning

development. .

Significance of the Study

(In the Significance of the Study, the interest of the examiner is to determine the
ability of the proponent to remain intellectually humble.)

SAMPLE: Currently studies regarding plant diversity of Mt. Banahaw de

Nagcarlan were lacking. Survey and documentation of understory vines was even
scantier. Hence, this study will benefit the following:
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Scope and Limitation

(To specify the scope, the researcher spells out the coverage of the study in
terms of subject, treatment, person involved, date/year covered, research venue,
and issues to which the study is focused.)

Definition of Terms

The terms listed below were operationally defined for the better understanding
of the study;
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019



This chapter contains different literature, studies and researches done by

different researchers across the country and the globe.

Review of Foreign Literature

Review of Local Literature

Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Review of Foreign Studies

Review of Local Studies

Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, data gathering procedures,

processing and treatment of data.

Research Design

(Research design presents the explanation in adopting or developing a

particular research design.)

(The particular method used must be mentioned, whether it is descriptive,

experimental, or historical.)

(Explanation must evolve on the idea that it is the best research design suited
and available for this study and it is the most valid approach that can be adopted.)

Research Locale

(The research venue, researcher must include a road map of the area.)
Laguna Sports Complex, Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y.: 2018 – 2019

Subject of the Study

(The researcher must classify the number of the respondents used in the study.)

Research Instruments

(The method/s used in the research.)

Data Gathering Procedures

(The procedures used by the researchers in data gathering.)

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