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Grade 10 English - Quarter 1 Examination

NAME: ___________________________________ Score:_________

General Direction: Pick the letter that corresponds to your answer in each number, Write the letter on
the space before the number.

For items 1-3: below are terminologies used in the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013. What is being defined in
each number?
A. Bully B. Gender-based bullying C. Social bullying D. Victim
______ 1. Any deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt others to belittle another
individual or group.
______ 2. Any act that humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation
and gender identity.
______ 3. Any student who commits acts of bullying as defined by Republic Act No. 10627.

Read the statements carefully. Find the best answer to the questions in each number.
______ 4. Daedalus and Icarus, Gorgon’s Head, and Orpheus are stories called myths. Which of the following
is NOT a feature of a myth?
A. Characters are gods and goddesses. C. Present a lesson on how to live.
B. Give warning to follow society’s rule. D. Show how gods harm mortals.
______ 5. A story on how fate find its own way. This story from Ancient Greece talks about how a
grandfather tried to evade his fate by placing his daughter and grandson on a chest that was set
adrift upon the sea.
A. Daedalus and Icarus B. Orpheus C. The Gorgon’s Head D. The Life of Pi
______ 6. When Perseus was sent to hunt for the Gorgon’s head, lots of help came along his ways. Who
provided him with the winged sandal he used to reach the island where the gorgon sisters were resting?
A. Athena B. Grey Sisters C. Hermes D. Zeus
______ 7. Orpheus’s music was able to enthrall the beast and even Hades. Such gift of music was said to be
from his mother. Who is the mother of Orpheus?
A. Athena B. Calliope C. Eurydice D. Persephone
______ 8. The lyrics of the song Let It Go Be the good girl you always have to be is one of the lines that show
explicit signals. Which among the following is the meaning of the line?
A. Being good is no longer the trend today. C. Stay sweet and beautiful as always.
B. Stay good and kind just like before. D. You can’t be good forever.
______ 9. The lines, Let the storm rage on, which is another line from the song Let It Go has an implied
meaning. Which among the following is its closest meaning?
A. Let all the bad things happen, let all the worst come at once.
B. Let all the problems come and let it consume the storm.
C. Let the rains and the winds come at once so the rainbow can follow.
D. Let the worse rains and wind storm inside so that it will be over at once.
______ 10. When sending messages, one can be direct or indirect. When a speaker says something and
means more than the words he used, what signal is the speaker using?
A. Explicit B. Implicit C. Non-Verbal D. Verbal
______ 11. What about if the speaker’s message is directly stated in his choice of words and does not need
any non-verbal signals to help deliver his message?
A. Explicit B. Implicit C. Non-Verbal D. Verbal
______ 12. This pronoun tells us that whoever performs the action is also the one on the receiving end of the
action. It can be used as direct object, indirect object or object of preposition in a sentence.
What pronoun is this?
A. Indefinite Pronoun B. Intensive Pronoun C. Reflexive Pronoun D. Reflective Pronoun
______ 13. This pronoun is used for emphasis purposes. It usually follows the noun it emphasizes in a
sentence. Since it is used for emphasis purposes only, it can be omitted in a sentence and won’t
have an effect on the meaning at all. What pronoun is being referred to in this number?
A. Indefinite Pronoun B. Intensive Pronoun C. Reflexive Pronoun D. Reflective Pronoun
______ 14. In the sentence, Four students found themselves locked out of the room when they were late to
class., what kind of pronoun is the highlighted one?
A. Indefinite Pronoun B. Intensive Pronoun C. Reflexive Pronoun D. Reflective Pronoun
______ 15. You were tasked by your teacher to give an oral presentation about the causes and effects of
bullying to kindergarten learners. Which of the following pointers in preparing a visual aid should
you give special attention to?
A. Keep it simple. C. Prepare your visual aids in advance.
B. Make sure they are large enough. D. Use graphics and pictures with effective colors.
______ 16. Below are positive examples of Non-Verbal Communication EXCEPT one. Which does NOT
A. Eye contact B. Folded arms C. Free arms D. Smile
______ 17. Public speaking happens everywhere and anytime. Below are some of the DO’s in public speaking
EXCEPT one. Which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Make eye contact. C. Show confidence.
B. Make you speech interesting. D. Use offensive words.
______ 18. Which of the five senses is used in this sentence? The warm juicy burger felt like heaven on my
A. Sight B. Sound C. Taste D. Touch
______ 19. Which of the five senses is used in this sentence? The thunder clapped loudly shaking the house.
A. Sight B. Sound C. Taste D. Touch
______ 20. How does imagery help us understand a story?
A. By expressing how the author is feeling.
B. By telling the mood.
C. It doesn’t.
D. It helps us see, touch, taste, smell and feel what the character feels and see.

Why is my reflection someone I don't know?// Somehow I cannot hide// Who I am// Though I've tried// When
will my reflection show// Who I am inside?// When will my reflection show// Who I am inside?

______ 21. What can be concluded from the song lyrics above?
A. The persona can not show her reflection.
B. The persona does not have the freedom to be herself.
C. The persona does not know herself.
D. The persona is telling herself that she will hide.
______ 22. Which of the realities in life below was NOT mentioned in the song Reflection?
A. Not all of us have the strength to face anything and be the real us.
B. There are times we try to reconcile what others want for use and what we want for ourselves.
C. There will always be people we’ll meet in life who will judge us without trying to know us.
D. We all have secrets inside us.

TRUE or FALSE. Choose A if BOTH statements are TRUE, B of BOTH statements are FALSE, C if the FIRST statement is TRUE
and the SECOND statement is FALSE and D if the first statement is FALSE and the SECOND is TRUE.

______ 23. All public speaking activities require planning and preparation! Accordingly, public speaking is 90%
planning and preparation and 10% delivery.
______ 24. Public speaking is not just about WHAT you say but also about HOW you say it. Body language
and voice do not affect the message because audience only listens and do not look at the speaker.
______ 25. The moment a speaker stands in front of an audience is the moment he starts sending a message.
A speaker needs not to open his mouth so he could relay his message.
______ 26. Oral Reporting unlike public speaking doesn’t need preparation at all. One can just smile, write and
make the audience laugh to let time pass and that’s it!
______ 27. Graphic organizers, titles, drawings, graphics and illustrations help a lot in one’s understanding of a
text. These are called textual aids.
______ 28. Opinion is a belief or view of someone about a particular thing. Therefore, in a venue where one is
asked to state an opinion about something else, there is no right or wrong opinion.

______ 29. Which of the following quotes about Facebook best match the picture?
A. Facebook is like a jail. You sit around, waste time, have a profile picture, write on
walls and get poked by guys you don’t really know.
B. I’m not addicted to Facebook. I just use it when I have time like lunch time, break
time, dinner time, this time and all the time…
C. Liking your own Facebook status is like giving yourself a high five in public
D. Long time ago I used to have a life until someone told me to create a Facebook

______ 30. Which of the statements below best explains why people get addicted to Facebook?
A. Facebook is the only place I can talk to a wall and not look like an idiot. –
B. If Facebook would pay me for the time I spend on it I would be a billionaire. –
C. It takes discipline not to let social media steal your time. – Alexis Ohanian
D. Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks; it gives us
immediacy, direction, and value as an individual. –David Amerland

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