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Literature Matrix

Bibliograph Objective factors/ Methods Major findings Recommendation
y variables s
Blom, K. to cause Key words: Methods Further
(2015). outbreaks all Sanitation, Papers were found in research is
Drainage over the world Drains, PubMed and Google needed to
systems, an to improve Outbreaks, Scholar starting 1907 explore how
occluded sanitation. Infections, using key words such as aerosols
source of to contain the Resistance, sanitation, infection, produced with
sanitation emergence of Pathogens transmission, drains, or without
related increasing sinks, outbreaks, faulty drainage
outbreaks. A resistant drainage systems, systems can
rchives of Microorganism sewage, wastewater be
Public s. treatment plants, disseminated
Health, 73(1) to inadequate bacteria, virus, by existing
, 8. sanitation and resistance, antibiotics, ventilation
Retrieved maintenance. biofilm, infection system and
from: prevention, and health cause disease.
K Blom - care associated In the case
Archives of infections. The fact that with the SARS
Public contamination on outbreak, it
Health, 2015 surfaces, transmission of was clearly
- pathogens, and shown that the
archpubliche infections must be spread of the
alth.biomedc prevented not only in virus health care but also in containing
industry and in the aerosols
community led to that created from

Your Research Title Here| 44

experiences from these the drains was
disciplines were facilitated by
explored if useful also to the ventilation
health care. Internet was system.
searched to find news
from community cases
and guidelines on what
conditions and
requirements that e.g.
food industry must
comply with as well as
workers at risk of
exposure to sewage.
Guidance documents
were found at the
databases of e.g. World
Health Organization,
Health and Safety
Executive (UK), Centers
for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC),
Atlanta, GA and quality
management systems
were found by searching
God Manufacturing
Practice and hazard
analysis critical control
points (HACCP). Also,
regulations from
authorities such as

Your Research Title Here| 45

Protection Agency were
considered to be
relevant to assess the
risk to be exposed to
sewage. The search
outcome, 71 references,
is summarized in this
review and describes
aspects that support the
finding that drainage
systems if not properly
installed or designed and
maintained shall be
considered as
hazardous that may
cause infections and
emergence of pathogens
armed with additional
resistance and virulence
as well as other
diseases e.g. allergies
against mold.
Adequate sanitation is
fundamental and a
prerequisite for safe life
and productivity. In
contrast, malfunctioning
sanitation has been
reported to cause

Your Research Title Here| 46

outbreaks all over the
world. In areas with no
sanitation, diarrheal
mortality is high and has
been shown to decrease
by 36% after
interventions to improve
sanitation. Often,
infections are faeces
associated and when
present in wastewater
and sewage sludge
poses a high risk of
infection upon exposure.

Your Research Title Here| 47

Bibliography Objective factors/ Methods Major findings Recommendation
variables s
Fazeli, H. R., complement Volunteered Local of the Floods are Researchers
Said, M. N., traditional Geographic study: Malaysia known as followed three
Amerudin, S., & documentation Information Respondent: frequent and methods for
Rahman, M. Z. systems and to (VGI), Web 2.0, Flood hazard the most validation of VGI;
A. (2015). A tackle their Flood Hazard maps are one devastating they used data
study of temporal, Mapping main part of soft events mining approaches
volunteered spatial, or cost- engineering in worldwide. which use data
geographic related flood hazard Maps become mining techniques
information limitations, a management the common to filter VGI, such
(VGI) possible and are element for as reputation
assessment approach can necessary for identification of analysis, the group

Your Research Title Here| 48

methods for be the use of emergency flood prone of researchers used
flood hazard user-generated response and for areas, VGI data to filter
mapping: A content (UGC), long term flood preparation of out VGI by using
review. Jurnal such as ambient disaster emergency different type of
Teknologi, 75(1 geographic management. response, and geostatistical
0). information Sampling: cluster design of flood analysis. The last
Retrieved from: (AGI) Statistical test: protection and one has focused
HR Fazeli, MN (Stefanidis et preciption flood proofing on cross validation
Said, S al., 2013) or measures. of VGI by
Amerudin… - volunteered People are first authoritative data
Jurnal …, 2015 geographic line of defense to estimate the
- information against flooding. reliability of VGI.
jurnalteknologi. (VGI) The main All the studies (Goodchild, purposes of a failed to reach fully
2007). flood hazard automated method
map is to show to filter out VGI in
the extent of timely manner
flooding under a
given scenario
and provide
information for
evacuation, it
can also be
used as a
basis for
integrated flood
risk assessment
as well as

Your Research Title Here| 49


Bibliography Objective factors/ Methods Major Recommendatio
variables findings ns
Lee, E. H., & to reduce urban Keywords: The respondents: The flooding Follow up research
Kim, J. H. (2017). flooding by urban flooding; urban people volume of based on these
Design and combining decentralized outlet operation findings is planned
operation of structural and non- reservoirs; locale: south is generally including the
decentralized structural inlet/outlet korea smaller than operation of
reservoirs in measures in a operation; inlet that of current multiple detention
urban drainage target watershed in design research design: operation. The reservoirs,
systems. Water, Seoul, South Drainage systems and exceptional determination of
9(4), 246. Korea. its role in sanitation cases arise monitoring nodes
Your Research Title Here| 50
Retrieved from: related outbreaks are based on two using entropy, and
EH Lee, JH Kim - evident but still reasons; the integrated
occluded once it has
Water, 2017 - been installed. This
frequency of operations between current review applied rainfall river and urban
evaluates if drainage data and drainage systems.
systems can cause reserve gradient
infections and thus be of some sewer
of clinical concern.
data collection
tool: when flooding
occurred in the
watershed, were
used to identify the
maximum flooding
nodes. Based on
the historical data,
node 550 was
found to be the
maximum flooding
node and was
selected as a
monitoring node.
To summarize,
nodes 550 and 560,
and the inlet node
of the Daerim DR
were selected as
monitoring nodes.

statistical test:

Your Research Title Here| 51

method used in
the study:
Flowchart for new
detention reservoir
(DR) operation and
inlet design

Bibliography Objective factors/ Methods Major Recommendatio
variables findings ns
Kourgialas, N. N., & In order the most Local of the study: All these
Karatzas, G. P. prone flooding Keywords:
Greece adaptation
(2017). A national areas to be artificial neural
scale flood hazard
policy 3
identified, seven networks, GIS,
mapping factor-maps (that
Respondent: ANN approaches can
methodology: The agricultural and and GIS be incorporated
are directly related
case of Greece– to flood generation) urban flash into a national
Protection and were combined in a floods, flood Sampling: cluster scale flood
adaptation policy GIS environment.
approaches. Science hazard, decision
These factor-maps mitigation Statistical test: support system,
of the Total
are: a) the Flow

Your Research Title Here| 52

Environment, 601, accumulation (F), measures chisquare ensuring 4 the
441-452. b) the Land use (L), sustainability of
Retrieved from: c) the Altitude (A), Procedure: The agriculture and
NN Kourgialas, GP b) the Slope (S), e)
Karatzas - Science the soil Erodibility
map-factors used for the protection
of the Total (E), f) the Rainfall the present study of civilians.
Environment, 2017 - intensity (R), and g) were: the flow
Elsevier the available water accumulation, the
Capacity (C). The land use, the
name to the altitude, the slope,
proposed method is the soil erodibility,
the rainfall intensity,
and the available
water capacity.

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