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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Quotient Rule
MCV4U: Calculus & Vectors
3x 2 + 5
Determine the derivative of f (x) = .
x −1

Using the quotient rule,

Implicit Differentiation (x − 1)(6x) − (3x 2 + 5)(1)
f 0 (x) =
(x − 1)2
J. Garvin 2
3x − 6x − 5
(x − 1)2
Using the product and chain rules,
f (x) = (3x 2 + 5)(x − 1)−1
f 0 (x) = (6x)(x − 1)−1 − (3x 2 + 5)(x − 1)−2
which simplifies to the same after some work.
J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation
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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentation Implicit Differentiation

Consider the line y = 3x + 5, whose derivative is dx = 3. Example
As it is written, the equation of the line is explicitly defined, Determine the derivative of the line described by
since it describes the line entirely in terms of x. 3x − y = −5.
An equivalent equation for the line is 3x − y = −5. This
Take the derivative of both sides, noting that the right hand
time, the equation is implicitly defined, since the function is
side is a constant.
defined in terms of both x and y .
d d
While most functions that we have dealt with up to this dx (3x − y ) = dx (−5)
point have been explicitly defined, some fuctions are d
3 dx d
x − dx y =0
impossible to express explicitly.
d d dy
It is possible to determine the derivative of a function that is Note that dx x = 1 and dx y = dx , so
implicitly defined by using the basic derivate rules that we dy
have established. 3− dx =0

J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation

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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentiation Implicit Differentiation

dy d dy
Isolate dx , which is the derivative that we are looking for. In the previous example, setting dx y= dx obscured the fact
that the chain rule was being used.
dx Consider the process of differentiating y = x 2 .
This is the same answer that we receive when differentiating From the power rule, we know that dx = 2x.
y = 3x + 5. Alternatively, consider y as a composite function, where the
In this instance, implicit differentiation is more work than inner function is u = x and the outer function is y = u 2 .
necessary, but there are other functions for which it is a Then du
= 1 and dy
= 2u.
dx du
time-saver, or where it is the only option.
dy du dy
Using the chain rule, du · dx = 2u · 1 = 2x.
dx =
Note that when calculating dy dx , we find the derivative
  of y
with respect to an “intermediate” variable u dy du , then

multiply it by its derivative with respect to x du dx .

J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation

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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentiation Implicit Differentiation

Example Alternatively, we can implicitly differentiate x 2 + y 2 = 25
Determine the derivative of the circle described by instead.
x 2 + y 2 = 25. d 2 2 d
dx (x + y ) = dx 25
d 2 d 2
It is possible to define a circle explicitly using two equations, dx x + dx y =0
one for the upper semicircle and one for the lower.
√ d 2
At this point, dx x is simply 2x, since we are differentiating a
case, the equations would be y = 25 − x 2 and
In this √
function of x with respect to x.
y = − 25 − x 2 .
d 2
Differentiating the first equation using the chain rule results dx y , however, is a function of y . So to differentiate this
2 − 21 (−2x), or dy = − √ x
term, use the chain rule.
in dy 1
dx = 2 (25 − x ) dx .
25 − x 2
2x + 2y dy
dx = 0
We could repeat the process for the second equation to
obtain dy
dx =
√ .
25 − x 2
J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation
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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentiation Implicit Differentiation

As before, isolate dx to obtain the derivative. Example
Determine the derivative of the hyperbola described by
dy 2x
dx =− 3x 2 − 2y 2 = 4.
=− While possible to isolate y , implicit differentiation is faster.
Notice that in this case, the derivative is expressed in terms
dx (3x − 2y 2 ) = d
dx 4
of both x and y . 6x − 4y dy
dx =0
Therefore, if we wished evaluate the derivative of the dy 6x
dx =
function, we would need to substitute values of x and y , 4y
rather than x alone. 3x
√ =
Also notice, however, that since y = ± 25 − x 2 , then 2y
dy x
dx = ±
√ , which is the same result obtained earlier.
25 − x 2
J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation J. Garvin — Implicit Differentiation
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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentiation Implicit Differentiation

Example The second term is the product of x and y , so we must use
Determine the slope(s) of any tangent(s) to the ellipse the product rule here.
described by 2x 2 + 3xy + 5y 2 = 4 when x = 1. d
4x + 3 dx (xy ) + 10y dy
dx = 0
It is not possible to isolate y in this relation, so explicit 4x + 3 (1)(y ) + (x) dydx + 10y dy
dx = 0
differentiation is not an option.
4x + 3y + 3x dy dy
dx + 10y dx = 0
d 2 2 d
dx (2x + 3xy + 5y ) = dx 4
d 2 d d 2
2 dx x + 3 dx xy + 5 dx y =0 To isolate dx , we need to common factor.

The first and third terms are not a problem, since we have 3x dy dy
dx + 10y dx = −(4x + 3y )
dealt with them before. dy 4x + 3y
dx = − 3x + 10y
4x + 3 dx (xy ) + 10y dy
dx = 0

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fundamental rules of derivatives fundamental rules of derivatives

Implicit Differentiation Questions?

Now that we have an expression for the derivative, we need
to determine any points of tangency.

2(1)2 + 3(1)y + 5y 2 = 4
5y 2 + 3y − 2 = 0
(y + 1)(5y − 2) = 0

Thus, two points of tangency are (1, −1) and 1, 52 .
Substitute these values into the derivative to find the slopes.

dy 4(1) + 3(−1) dy 4(1) + 3 52
=− =− 2

dx (1,−1) 3(1) + 10(−1) dx (1, 2 ) 3(1) + 10 5

= 17 = − 2635

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