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Plant of woody trunk, thick and high that
branches to a certain height of the ground
forming the glass.

An airplane, also called an airplane, is a
fixed-wing aircraft, or aircraft with
greater density than air, equipped with
wings and a cargo space, and capable of
flying powered by none, one or more

Sentimiento de vivo afecto e inclinación
hacia una persona o cosa a la que se le
desea todo lo bueno.
Ring that is worn on a finger as an
ornament or symbol of a state or position.
Activity in which man recreates, with an aesthetic
purpose, an aspect of reality or a feeling in
beautiful forms using matter, image or sound
Que es capaz de generar su propia fuerza
motriz para funcionar y se desplaza guiado
por alguien.
Large ball filled with air that is used to
play or to practice certain insports
Container for liquids, usually glass or
plastic, tall, cylindrical and with a long
narrow neck
It is called beard, therefore, to the set of
hair whose growth develops from the
beginning of the neck to the area of the
ears, covering the cheeks and the chin.
Know the meaning of kisses. "Kisses act
like a drug and can lead people to have
different sensations, from euphoria to
insomnia or lack of appetite," says Sheril
Kirshenbaum, author of "The science of
kissing: What the lips are telling us "
Two-wheeled vehicle driven by a person,
provided with a handlebar in the front, a
seat for the driver and two pedals that
transmit the movement of the legs to the
rear wheel by means of a chain and a

Whales are the symbol of cosmic waters
and because of their great capacity for
navigation and communication, they are
considered a symbol of security, of
emotions and sensitivity, as well as of
consciousness and nature.

Basketball or basketball is a sport in which
two teams of five players each compete.
The objective is to introduce the ball
(ball) in the basket (basket or basket) of
the opposing team, which is located at
3.05 meters in height.
Football or soccer is a team sport played
between two sets of eleven players each
and some referees that ensure that the
rules are met correctly. It is widely
considered the most popular sport in the
world, as practiced by 270 million people.
Baseball, also called baseball or baseball, is
a team sport played between two sets of
nine players each. ... The team that scores
more runs after the nine (9) episodes,
called innings (or innings) that lasts the
game, is the one that wins.
Covered construction destined to be

Mamífero plantígrado orden de los
carnívoros, gran tamaño, cuerpo macizo,
pelaje largo y abundante, cuello ancho,
cabeza grande, orejas redondeadas, hocico
alargado, cola pequeña, y patas cortas y
gruesas con cinco dedos y fuertes garras;
su andar es lento y pesado; Hay varias
That acts with courage and determination
before risky or difficult situations.
Tranquility, absence of agitation and
nerves in the way of acting
Violent encounter of two or more bodies,
of which at least one is in movement.

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