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Marco Barone

Justin Powell
The Act

"What Makes an Awesome Leader?"

Building Your Professional
~ Build relationships

~ Focus on your Emotional Intelligence

~ Appreciate others

~Manage your boundaries

~ Avoid gossiping
Understanding Strengths

~ Gives you a better understanding of yourself

~ Keeps you ahead in a lot of things

~ It also helps you to grow

~ Knowing what you can excel at

Working Productively With Others
~Track and limit how much time
you're spending on tasks

~Take regular breaks

~ Set self-imposed deadlines

~ Quit multitasking
Achieving Results With Pressure

~ It is just one of many opportunities

~ Focus on the task, not the outcome

~ Take control

~ Flash back to your past successes.

Building your professional
~ Show respect and kindness

~ Keep your word

~ Go above & beyond

~ Help others

~ Welcome critical feedback

Creating Results You Want
~ Focus on commitment

~ Seek knowledge

~ Make the journey fun

~ Get rid of distractions

~ Don't rely on others

Setting Framework For Success
~Set and cast your Vision

~Set Annual Goals

~Set Quarterly Initiatives that move you toward

accomplishing your goals

~Schedule your weekly activities

ACTIVITY - Minefield
~ The participants are asked to blindfold one team member.
~ Then create a ‘minefield’ of obstacles is created
~ You may only use specified communication techniques
(left, right, forward, & backwards)

~ Participants must guide the blindfolded person through the ‘minefield’

This is great for enhancing communication skills and building trust.

ACTIVITY - Human Knot
This brain teaser depends heavily on how well everyone works together.

● Participants need to stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.

● Then place their right hand in the hand of someone standing across the circle from them.

● Then place their left hand in the hand of a different person

● Then try to untangle without breaking the chain, if broken they must start again.

This is a great problem solving and communication activity.


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