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To the Historic Preservation Commission September 6, 2017

City of Virginia Beach, Virginia

This is an official request to recommend City Council remove the City’s 27-foot-tall
Confederate monument from the grounds of city hall and cease the use of tax payers
funds to permanently care for, protect and preserve the monument that endorses and
supports the self-proclaimed seditious secessionist and treasonous Confederacy, the
federal government of the United States of America rejected and regarded illegal.
There is nothing inspiring or enjoyable about the Confederacy. “Take It Down”.

The Confederacy Pro-White supremacist movement gear's its appeal and program
to negative racism, reaction, hate, and extremism and represents a philosophy that
is morally indefensible and socially suicidal. It articulates a philosophy which gives
aid and comfort to racist. Its movement and philosophy serve as an umbrella under
which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because
of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every racial ethnic minority
and white person of goodwill to protest against it and to withdraw financial support
from the city and from any Politician that does not publicly disassociate them-self
from it and its philosophy.” “Take It Down”.

The Confederacy was a secessionist slave-holding plantation system that relied upon
slavery, religious persecution, bigotry, assaults, murder, lynching, racial segregation,
oppression, imprisonment, judicial bias, rebellion, intimidation, public and political
economic inequality, discrimination, fraud to suppress voting and extreme violence
against African foreign nationals, immigrants, Jews, their descendants and Catholics,
subjected to terrorism and the evil of so-called White supremacy and nationalism.
“Take It Down”.

Although most white Southerners did not own slaves and considered themselves
more Southern than American, the majority supported the institution of slavery and
benefited in indirect ways from the slave society. The slave society provided a large
class of people ranked lower in the social scale than they.“Take It Down”.

The City’s Confederate statue is an invalid loud expression of governmental racial

hate speech which offends the First Amendment Establishment clause, that prohibits
the government from endorsing or supporting Confederate nationalism above the
United States and respecting its religious doctrine that white people are superior to
those of all other races. “Take It Down”.

The First Amendment mandates governmental neutrality, Council has a sworn legal
duty to reject recognizing, endorsing, supporting, promoting, honoring, maintaining
and preserving Confederacy, its symbols and the rebellious war effort to overthrow
America, taken down by the United States. “Take It Down”.
Confederate monuments, statues, flags, and images have no place on public property
nor in government and the state law, Virginia code 15.2-1812 pertaining to memorials
for war veterans is limited to monuments erected after the law was last amended in
1998 and does not retroactively apply. “Take It Down”.

The Confederate monument represents a symbol of racial intolerance and does not
appropriately reflect the values of diversity and inclusion that make Virginia Beach
a great city today. “Take It Down”.

The American people are hoping the Historic Preservation Commission will finally
recommend the City Council act to remove the statue, that addresses the National
climate of hate crimes, racial discrimination, segregation, terror, treason, and murder
as result of National and Domestic Terrorism and Security challenges, with scores
of innocent Americans subjected to white supremacists intimidation, unlawful acts,
terror, bigotry, racially motivated assaults, assassinations, racial discrimination,
political rebellion, hate and violence in honor of the Confederacy, (its statues and
flags in America). “Take It Down”.

“We cannot continue to publicly endorse, support and glorify a war against the United
States of America that fought in the defense of white supremacy, political rebellion,
slavery, murder, assaults, racial and economic discrimination, segregation, sedition,
and treason”.

"These monuments, symbols, and images of racial intolerance have no place on public
property nor in government and must come down now."

We can remember the divisive chapters in America’s history in a cemetery, museum

or other facilities where they can be put in context and that's where this Confederate
monument belongs. “Take It Down”.

Thanking you in advance,

Mr. Roy L. Perry-Bey

Director of Civil & Political Rights
United Front for Justice
PO Box 1772
Hampton, VA 23669

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