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Diabetes Insipidus
Jane Hvarregaard Christensen*, Søren Rittig**
*Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
**Department of Pediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

INTRODUCTION 1:25,000 and with an annual incidence of approximate-

ly 0.01%.4 Of these, less than 10% are inherited.5
Disorders of water balance are common, and prac- Diabetes insipidus is characterized by the excretion
ticing physicians are often met with complaints of in- of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine under con-
creased urination and thirst. Only a minority of such ditions of ad libitum fluid intake.6–10 Diabetes insipidus is
patients, however, suffers from diabetes insipidus and defined clinically by the following two criteria:
in even fewer the symptoms are caused by genetic
1. 24-h urine volume exceeding 50 mL/kg body weight
defects in any one of the genes being essential in en-
(in children 75–100 mL/kg body weight, due to
suring proper water homeostasis of the human body.
higher water content in their food)
Nevertheless, such patients should be identified and
2. Urinary osmolality < 300 mosmol/kg
subjected to proper clinical and genetic testing in or-
der to secure correct diagnosis and optimal treatment. The polyuria is distinguishable from the osmotic di-
The clinical differential diagnosis of diabetes insipidus uresis of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or other forms of
can be challenging, and there are multiple examples of solute diuresis by the absence of glucosuria and a normal
misdiagnosis, especially when the disease presents in rate of solute excretion (10–20 mosmol/kg per day).
a partial form. Although familial forms of diabetes in- This chapter aims to provide a brief overview of clini-
sipidus were recognized more than 150 years ago, the cal and genetic aspects of different types of diabetes in-
genetic causes have only been revealed in recent de- sipidus and the differential diagnosis and information
cades. At present, genetic testing represents not only an about the indications and practicalities of genetic testing
important tool in the differential diagnosis of diabetes in diabetes insipidus available today.
insipidus, but also a major advance in clinical care, as it
has to some extent eliminated the problem of trying to
identify at birth which offspring are likely to develop TYPES OF DIABETES INSIPIDUS
the disease.
The term “diabetes insipidus” is derived from the Diabetes insipidus can be divided into four different
Greek “diabainein,” meaning to pass through, and from types that are caused by any one of four fundamentally
Latin “insipidus,” meaning tasteless. A distinction be- different defects (Fig. 5.1): 1. pituitary, central, neurogenic,
tween diabetes associated with sweet tasting urine (di- or neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus, the most com-
abetes mellitus) and diabetes associated with insipid mon type, results from a deficiency in the production
(tasteless) urine (diabetes insipidus) seems to have been of the antidiuretic hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP);
firmly established in 1831,1,2 but as early as in 1790, a case 2. renal or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is caused by
of diabetes in which “the urine was perfectly insipid” renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic effects of AVP, for
was recorded in the literature and noted to be “very rare; example, due to impairment of the renal vasopressin
and that the other (read: diabetes mellitus) is by much V2 receptor or aquaporin-2 water channel; 3. primary
the more common.”2,3 polydipsia is due to suppression of AVP secretion as a
The prevalence of diabetes insipidus is yet not clearly result of excessive fluid intake. Depending on whether
established but has been estimated to be approximately the excessive fluid intake is due to abnormal thirst or

Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-800892-8.00005-1

Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
94 5. 
Diabetes Insipidus

but may also involve renal resistance and/or subclinical

deficiency in AVP production.
Complete diabetes insipidus is defined by persis-
tently low urine osmolality (<300 mosmol/kg) during
a fluid deprivation test providing plasma osmolality
rises above 295 mosmol/kg. Partial diabetes insipidus
is defined by a subnormal increase in urine osmolality
(300–600 mosmol/­kg) during a fluid deprivation test
with the same rise in plasma osmolality.4



Neurohypophyseal and nephrogenic diabetes insipi-

dus are in rare cases inherited and thus referred to as
familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (FNDI) and con-
genital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (CNDI or NDI). Based
upon further clinical characteristics and inheritance pat-
terns, FNDI can be subdivided into six different forms
FIGURE 5.1  Four different types of diabetes insipidus. The neu- and NDI into three (Table 5.1). The underlying genetic
rohypophyseal form is caused by a deficiency in the production of the defects have been identified in the majority of these dif-
antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin (AVP) and the nephrogenic ferent forms, and in FNDI they include mutations in ei-
form by insensitivity to the antidiuretic action of AVP. A third type is
ther the AVP gene (Entrez Gene: 551) encoding the AVP
due to suppression of AVP secretion as a result of excessive fluid in-
take (primary polydipsia) and a fourth is caused by increased AVP prohormone (vasopressin-neurophysin 2-copeptin),6 the
metabolism in pregnant women (gestational diabetes insipidus). The WFS1 gene (Entrez Gene: 7466) encoding wolframin19 or
pituitary/neurohypophyseal and renal/nephrogenic types of diabetes in the PCSK1 gene (Entrez Gene: 5122) encoding propro-
insipidus exist in both acquired and genetic (familial) forms. tein convertase 1/3 (neuroendocrine convertase 1).20–22
In NDI, they include mutation in either the AVPR2 gene
due to a psychological disorder, primary polydipsia is (Entrez Gene: 554) encoding the vasopressin V2 receptor8
subdivided into, respectively, dipsogenic diabetes insipi- or the AQP2 gene (Entrez Gene: 359) encoding aquaporin-
dus11,12 psychogenic diabetes insipidus,13,14 and 4. gesta- ­2.8 In the following sections, we will summarize the main
tional diabetes insipidus,15–18which is primarily due to clinical characteristics and genetic aspects of the four
increased metabolism of AVP by circulating vassopres- most common forms of inherited diabetes insipidus:
sinase produced by the placenta in the pregnant woman 1. ­autosomal dominant FNDI, 2. autosomal recessive FNDI,

TABLE 5.1 Overview of the Familial Types of Diabetes Insipidus

Chromosomal Number of
Disease Inheritance pattern location Affected gene OMIM kindreds

FNDI Autosomal dominant 20p13 AVP 125700 >100

Autosomal recessive, type a 20p13 AVP 125700 2

Autosomal recessive, type b 20p13 AVP NR 1

Autosomal recessive, type c 4p16.1 WFS1 222300 >175*

Autosomal recessive, type d 5q15 PCSK1 NR 8**

X-linked recessive Xq28 Unknown NR 1

NDI X-linked recessive Xq28 AVPR2 304800 >300

Autosomal dominant 12q13.12 AQP2 125800 NR

Autosomal recessive 12q13.12 AQP2 125800 NR

NR, not reported; OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/)
* As reviewed by Rigoli et al.19. According to Yu et al.,23 diabetes insipidus occurs in 52.8% of the patients.
** According to Martin et al.21 and Yourshaw et al.,22 diabetes insipidus occurs in at least 8/14 patients.

III.  Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Familial types of diabetes insipidus 95
type c (in Wolfram syndrome), 3. X-linked recessive NDI, and of onset and slow down disease progression.27 In some
4. autosomal dominant/recessive NDI (Table 5.1). middle-­aged male patients, diabetes insipidus symptoms
decrease markedly without treatment and with preserved
AVP deficiency and normal glomerular filtration.28 The
Autosomal Dominant FNDI mechanism of these remissions is currently unexplained.
The familial occurrence of severe polyuria and poly- Consistent with potential loss of AVP-producing magno-
dipsia (up to 28 L/24 h), segregating in an autosomal cellular neurons,9 the hyperintense MRI (magnetic reso-
dominant pattern, and responding readily to exogenous nance imaging) signal normally emitted by the posterior
dDAVP (autosomal dominant FNDI) (OMIM: 125700) pituitary is absent or very small in patients with autoso-
shows several intriguing features that separate it from mal dominant FNDI, at least by the time AVP deficiency
other familial forms of diabetes insipidus (Table 5.2). becomes clinically recognizable. Since the same lack of
Usually, affected family members show no signs of dis- signal is characteristic in patients with NDI,29 the useful-
turbed water balance at birth and during early infancy ness of this investigation in the differential diagnosis is
but develop progressive symptoms of excessive drinking questionable.
and polyuria at some point during infancy or early child- The clinical characteristics of the rare autosomal re-
hood.7 Even at this stage, the deficiency of AVP, although cessive forms of FNDI (type a and type b) and autosomal
marked, is often incomplete, and can be stimulated by recessive FNDI in congenital malabsorptive diarrhea
hypertonic dehydration, leading to concentration of the (type d) (Table 5.1) differ in many aspects from those
urine. This may lead to delayed recognition of the con- of autosomal dominant FNDI, for example, regarding
dition and even misdiagnosis. In the few cases in which age of onset, plasma levels of AVP during fluid depri-
it has been studied by repetitive fluid-deprivation tests, vation, inter-/intrafamily variation, and cooccurrence
AVP production is normal before the onset of FNDI but with a complex picture of other symptoms.21,22,30–32 For a
diminishes progressively during early childhood.7,24–26 thorough discussion of some of these rare conditions we
Once fully developed, the diabetes insipidus with severe refer to Refs [9,21].
thirst, polydipsia, and polyuria (8–20 L/day) is similar Nonsyndromic FNDI has been reported in more
to the diabetes insipidus in other complete forms. In a than 100 kindreds worldwide, and in the majority of
few patients, yet, the AVP deficiency remains partial for these, the disease is caused by mutations in the AVP
decades, even though it is complete in other affected gene (Table 5.1). With only a few well-documented ex-
members of the same family with the same disease caus- ceptions, FNDI is transmitted by autosomal dominant
ing mutation, implying that other factors, genetic and/ inheritance and appears to be largely, if not completely,
or environmental, are in play to modulate the penetrance penetrant with age.33 Based upon the initial report in
of the mutations.27 That could, for example, be differ- 1945 by Forssman34,35 it has been listed in databases
ences between families (and individuals) in their ability/ (OMIM: 304900) that an X-linked recessive form of
awareness to ensure early fluid replacement in affected FNDI exists. However, a reinvestigation, including
children, which would be expected to delay the time genetic and clinical examinations on descendants of

TABLE 5.2 Comparison of Clinical Features in Nonsyndromic Forms of Familial Diabetes Insipidus

Clinical features Autosomal dominant X-linked recessive Autosomal dominant/recessive

Affected gene AVP AVPR2 AQP2

Male:female ratio 1:1 Males only* 1:1

Debut of symptoms 6 months to 6 years From birth** From birth†

Plasma AVP during thirst Low/undetectable High High

Decrease of symptoms at middle age Yes, in some cases NR NR

Antidiuretic response to dDAVP >50% increase in U-osm <50% increase in U-osm <50% increase in U-osm

Extrarenal response to dDAVP (e.g., factor VIII) Normal Reduced Normal

Posterior pituitary bright signal on MRI Lacking Lacking NR

FNDI, familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus; NDI, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; AVP, arginine vasopressin; NR, not reported; dDAVP, desmopressin;
U-osm, urine osmolality; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
* Females may have mild symptoms of diabetes insipidus due to skewed X-chromosome inactivation.
** In some patients with partial (mild) diabetes insipidus debut has been reported later in life.

Debut is usually reported from the second half of the first year or later.

III. Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
96 5. 
Diabetes Insipidus

the original patients, has revealed that the original pa- dimerize properly in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER)
tients more likely had a partial NDI phenotype, and and, as a consequence, is retained by the ER protein qual-
consistent with this the reinvestigated patients actu- ity control resulting in cytotoxic accumulation of protein
ally carried a mutation in the AVPR2 gene (g.310C > T, in the magnocellular neurons that produce AVP (i.e., a
p.Arg104Cys). On the other hand, in another report of misfolding-neurotoxicity hypothesis).6
X-linked recessive inheritance of FNDI (Table 5.1), the
clinical phenotype in one family is clearly consistent
with that of neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus, and
Autosomal Recessive FNDI, Type C
although the disease seems to be linked to the same Autosomal recessive inheritance of FNDI has been de-
chromosomal location as the AVPR2 gene (Xq28), mu- scribed and is by far most common in conjunction with
tations have been found neither in this gene nor in the Wolfram syndrome (OMIM: 222300) (Table 5.1). The
AVP gene.7,36 For a more thorough discussion of this syndrome is a rare, multifaceted, and progressive neu-
rare condition, we refer to Ref. [9]. rodegenerative disease also referred to as DIDMOAD,
Until now, FNDI has been associated with >70 dif- abbreviating its symptom spectrum, including diabetes
ferent mutations in the AVP gene.9 All but one of these insipidus, early-onset, insulin-dependent diabetes mel-
mutations (g.1919 + 1delG) disturbs the coding region litus, progressive optic atrophy, and sensorineural deaf-
of the gene. The type and location of the mutations dif- ness, combined with many other neurological abnor-
fer widely and affect amino acid residues ranging from malities.19 It has been estimated that approximately 75%
the N-terminal residue of the signal peptide (the start co- of patients with Wolfram syndrome present with par-
don), through the AVP moiety and into the C-terminal tial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus at an average
part of the neurophysin 2 domain of the AVP preprohor- age of 14 years (range: three months to 40 years of age).
mone. Of note, however, FNDI has not been attributed This is about the same time as they lose their hearing,
to any mutation affecting solely copeptin, the glycosyl- but after onset of diabetes mellitus and loss of vision.
ated peptide encoded by exon 3. A copeptin mutation The polyuria in Wolfram syndrome is due to a partial
(p.Ala159Thr) has been identified in one family in which or severe deficiency in AVP production,40 and seems to
autosomal dominant FNDI was segregating. It did not, be associated with posterior pituitary degeneration and
however, segregate with the disease and all affected fam- impaired processing of the AVP prohormone.41 In gen-
ily members were heterozygous for another mutation eral, the patients respond well to dDAVP administration.
(p.Gly96Asp) previously reported to cause FNDI. This Accordingly, the diabetes insipidus observed in Wolfram
strongly suggests that the p.Ala159Thr mutation had no syndrome seems to be clinically distinguishable from
pathological effect.37 autosomal dominant FNDI only by its mode of inheri-
There is no real prevalent mutation in the AVP gene in tance, a tendency toward higher age of onset, and most
autosomal dominant FNDI but one mutation is nonethe- obvious by its cooccurrence with a complex picture of
less more frequent than all others, namely, the g.279G > A other symptoms. Besides, in clear contrast to the rather
substitution (predicting an p.Ala19Thr amino acid sub- mild course of autosomal dominant FNDI, patients with
stitution), which has been identified in 11 kindreds with Wolfram syndrome usually die from central respiratory
no known relationship to each other.38 failure as a result of brainstem atrophy in the third or
The genetic basis of autosomal dominant FNDI re- fourth decade of life.
mains unknown in one reported kindred.39 In this ­Chinese Patients with the Wolfram syndrome are often offspring
family, the disease showed linkage to a 7-cM interval on from consanguineous marriages between unaffected par-
chromosome 20p13 containing the AVP gene; however, ents, and they have affected siblings, strongly support-
unexpectedly, no mutations could be found in the cod- ing a recessive pattern of inheritance. Most commonly,
ing regions, the promoter, or the introns of the AVP gene. patients are homozygous or compound heterozygous for
In addition, the coding regions of the nearby UBCE7IP5 mutations in the WFS1 gene located on chromosome 4
gene and the AQP2 gene on chromosome 12 were ana- (4p16.1). Infrequently, mutations in the CISD2 gene can
lyzed, but no mutations were detected. Thus, the cause of also result in Wolfram syndrome; however in these cases
FNDI in this specific family remains unexplained. diabetes insipidus seems to be absent.42
The diversity of the mutations identified in the AVP The protein product Wolframin, encoded by WFS1,
gene in autosomal dominant FNDI could indicate diverse has been shown to play a crucial role in the negative
pathogenic mechanisms. However, the fact that different regulation of a feedback loop of the ER stress–signaling
disease alleles result in rather uniform clinical presenta- network, induced by the accumulation of misfolded and
tions calls for a single unifying explanation. One such ex- unfolded proteins in the organelle. More specifically,
planation suggests that mutations in the AVP gene exert it seems to prevent secretory cells, such as pancreatic
a dominant-negative effect by leading to the production b-cells, from death caused by dysregulation of this signal-
of a mutant AVP prohormone that fails to fold and/or ing pathway.43 It could be that Wolframin plays a similar

III.  Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Familial types of diabetes insipidus 97
role in the AVP producing magnocellular neurons. These have normal physical and mental development47 and
cells may experience ER stress as an effect of the large bio- suggest that the mental retardation reported in the origi-
synthetic load placed on the ER by the exceptional high nal studies probably resulted from repeated episodes of
demands for AVP prohormone production under physi- severe dehydration rather than from pathologies direct-
ological conditions that stimulate the neurons (elevated ly caused by the genetic defect.
osmotic pressure), exactly as pancreatic b-cells during The X-linked recessive and most frequent form of fa-
postprandial stimulation of proinsulin biosynthesis. Loss milial NDI is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the
of Wolframin function under such conditions would lead AVPR2 gene, encoding the renal vasopressin V2 recep-
to unregulated ER stress signaling and probably neuro- tor. Currently, at least 214 putative disease-causing mu-
nal cell death, exactly as has been shown in pancreatic tations in the AVPR2 gene have been identified in more
b-cells.44 This mechanism links directly to the ER stress, than 300 families.7,10,48 Usually, heterozygous females
possibly elicited by the accumulation of misfolded mu- are asymptomatic but may in some cases have variable
tant AVP prohormone in the magnocellular neurons of degrees of polyuria and polydipsia because of skewed
patients with autosomal dominant FNDI. X-chromosome inactivation.47 Recent reports of patients
having mutations in the AVPR2 gene and initially sus-
pected of having FNDI due to in some cases an impres-
X-Linked Recessive NDI sive antidiuretic response to exogenous AVP49 have
NDI is characterized by the same symptoms of diabe- emphasized the importance of genetic testing and have
tes insipidus as seen in FNDI but shows renal insensitivity added to the complexity of clinical differential diagnosis
to the antidiuretic effect of endogenously produced AVP in diabetes insipidus.
as well as to dDAVP treatment (Table 5.2). As mentioned The molecular mechanism underlying the renal
earlier, it is inherited either in an X-linked recessive pat- AVP insensitivity in NDI differs among disease alleles.
tern (in approximately 90% of NDI cases) (OMIM: 304800) Hence, AVPR2 mutations have been divided into five
and caused by mutations in the AVPR2 gene or in an au- different classes according to their pathogenic effect at
tosomal dominant or recessive pattern (in approximately the cellular levels,50 exactly as the system used for classi-
10% of NDI cases) (OMIM: 125800) and caused by muta- fication of mutant low-density lipoprotein (LDL) recep-
tions in the AQP2 gene (Table 5.2). Inherited NDI addi- tors. Most mutations in the AVPR2 gene (>50%) result in
tionally exists in complex forms characterized by loss of vasopressin V2 receptors that are trapped inside the cell
water and ions, for example, Bartter syndrome (OMIM: due to impaired intracellular trafficking, and they are
601678, 241200, 607364, and 602522). These rare variant consequently unable to reach the plasma membrane and
forms of NDI are caused by mutation in genes (KCNJ1, bind the ligand (AVP) (Type 2 mutations). Other muta-
SLC12A1, CLCNKB, CLCNKB, and CLCNKA in combina- tions lead to an unstable mRNA, and thereby no pro-
tion, or BSND) encoding other renal tubular transporters, tein product (Type 3 mutations) or mutant vasopressin
resulting in a disturbance of the inner medullary concen- V2 receptors that reach the cell surface, but either cannot
tration mechanism and thereby polyuria and polydipsia bind AVP (the ligand) efficiently (Type 1 mutations) or
together with characteristic electrolyte disturbances.45 properly trigger an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP
The electrolyte disturbances, however, clearly distinguish (cAMP) production (Type 4 mutations).
these conditions from genuine diabetes insipidus. Treatment of patients with NDI with dDAVP is usually
The clinical characteristics of NDI attributable to mu- not effective, although females having symptoms due to
tations in the AVPR2 or AQP2 gene, regardless of the skewed X-chromosome inactivation and patients with
mode of inheritance or specific mutation involved, in- partial NDI can be alleviated from their diabetes insipi-
clude hypernatremia, hyperthermia, mental retardation, dus by using high doses, possibly because such patients
and repeated episodes of dehydration if patients cannot retain some functional vasopressin V2 receptors. Low
obtain enough water. In contrast to autosomal domi- sodium diets to reduce the solute load to the kidneys
nant FNDI, the urinary concentration defect is present at and treatment with diuretic thiazide eventually in com-
birth, and newborns and infants are especially prone to bination with cyclooxygenase inhibitor (indomethacin)
dehydration (Table 5.2). Furthermore, the clinical picture or hydrochlorothiazide in combination with amiloride
of dehydration is often difficult to interpret at this age represents treatment regimens that to some extent can
(usually manifested as failure to thrive), and therefore relieve symptoms of NDI.8 Novel strategies suggested
severe cases of prolonged dehydration are seen. Mental for the treatment of NDI are: vasopressin V2 receptor
retardation was prevalent in 70–90% of the patients re- antagonists and agonists, pharmacological chaperones,
ported in the original studies of NDI and was thought nonpeptide agonists, cyclic guanosine monophosphate
to be part of the disease.46 However, early recognition of pathway activation, cAMP pathway activation, statins,
NDI based on genetic screening of at-risk children and prostaglandins, and molecular chaperones. For a detailed
early treatment of the disease permit such children to discussion of these approaches, we refer to Ref. [8].

III. Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
98 5. 
Diabetes Insipidus

Autosomal Dominant/Recessive NDI In addition to the renal vasopressin V2 receptor,

which mediates the antidiuretic effect of AVP and
As mentioned earlier, the clinical characteristics of dDAVP, there is evidence for an extrarenal vasopressin
NDI attributable to mutations in the AVPR2 or AQP2 V2 receptor, which mediates extrarenal effects such as an
gene, regardless of the mode of inheritance or specific increase in factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, and tissue-
mutation involved, are similar (Table 5.2). Autosomal type plasminogen activator.52 Although rarely neces-
dominant or autosomal recessive modes of inheritance oc- sary, a dDAVP infusion test can be used to distinguish
cur in approximately 10% of the families with inherited NDI caused by mutations in the AVPR2 gene from other
NDI, with the autosomal recessive form being the most causes (Table 5.2).
common among the two (90% vs. 10%). Typically, these
families have mutations in the AQP2 gene, encoding the
aquaporin-2 water channel. Currently, at least 51 puta-
tive disease-causing mutations in the AQP2 gene have GENETIC TESTING
been identified, mostly in children of consanguineous
parents.8 The four genes associated with the most common
In vitro studies show that different mutations in the forms of diabetes insipidus as described above are the
AQP2 gene have different pathological effects at the cel- AVP gene (autosomal dominant FNDI), the WFS1 gene
lular level. Misfolding of mutant aquaporin-2 proteins (autosomal recessive FNDI, type c in Wolfram syn-
and subsequent degradation in the ER is likely the major drome), the AVPR2 gene (X-linked recessive NDI), and
mechanism underlying autosomal recessive NDI,51 where- the AQP2 gene (autosomal dominant or recessive NDI).
as mutations causing autosomal dominant NDI gener- The AVP gene has three exons covering a 2.2 kb genomic
ally affect the carboxy-terminus of aquaporin-2, causing region at chromosome 20p13, the WFS1 gene spans ap-
misrouting of both mutant and wild-type a­quaporin-2 proximately 33.4 kb of genomic DNA at chromosome
proteins.8 Thus, these mutations probably act by a domi- 4p16.1 and consists of eight exons, the AVPR2 gene has
nant negative mechanism by preventing the normal three exons and two small introns covering a 4.6 kb
­aquaporin-2 protein from reaching the apical surface of genomic region at chromosome Xq28, and the AQP2
the collecting duct epithelial cells. Some of these muta- gene has four exons covering a 8.1 kb genomic region
tions result in a partial NDI phenotype, which has also at chromosome 12q13.12. Thus, all genes involved in
been observed in patients with mutations in the AVPR2 the common forms of diabetes insipidus are relatively
gene. For a detailed discussion of partial NDI in patients small genes with few exons. This makes genetic testing
with AVPR2 or AQP2 mutations, we refer to Ref. [7]. by direct sequence analysis of the entire coding region
feasible in most cases, and clinical molecular genetics
tests based upon this approach are available for all fours
genes (Table 5.3). The same goes for deletion/duplication
CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS analysis (Table 5.3) whereas sequence analysis of select
exons and targeted variant analysis is only available as
Differentiating between the types of diabetes insipi- clinical tests in the case of the WFS1 gene (Table 5.3).
dus is relatively easy if the patient has a severe deficiency
in either the production or renal action of AVP. In either
condition, dehydration induced by fluid deprivation fails
to result in concentration of the urine. Because this result TABLE 5.3 Molecular Genetics Tests Available for the Four Genes
Most Commonly Being Affected in Diabetes Insipidus
excludes primary polydipsia, measuring the urinary re-
sponse to a subsequent injection of AVP or dDAVP will Molecular genetics AVP WFS1 AVPR2 AQP2
differentiate nephrogenic diabetes insipidus from the tests* gene** gene gene** gene**
neurohypophyseal and gestational forms. Neurohypoph- Sequence analysis of NA + NA NA
yseal and gestational diabetes insipidus can usually be select exons
distinguished on clinical grounds. If fluid deprivation re- Sequence analysis of + + + +
sults in concentration of the urine, other tests are necessary entire coding region
to determine whether the patient has primary polydipsia
Deletion/duplication + + + +
or a less severe (“partial”) deficiency in the secretion or analysis
action of AVP.4 The most reliable way to make this distinc-
Targeted variant NA + NA NA
tion is to measure plasma AVP and to relate the results to
the concurrent plasma and urine osmolality during a fluid
NA, not available as clinical tests; +, available as clinical tests.
deprivation and/or hypertonic saline infusion test. A sat-
* According to GTR: Genetic Testing Registry (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gtr/).
isfactory alternative is to closely monitor changes in fluid ** All molecular genetics test approaches are available at a research basis (see contact
balance during a therapeutic trial of dDAVP. information in the last section of this chapter).

III.  Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Genetic testing 99
All molecular genetics test approaches in the relation to Genetic testing should also be considered in all pa-
the AVP, AVPR2, and AQP2 genes are, however, avail- tients with NDI without an identifiable clinical cause re-
able at a research basis. gardless of family history as de novo mutations are not
uncommon. It has not been clear whether patients with
idiopathic neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus should
Which Gene to Test? be tested genetically for de novo mutations in the AVP
Genetic testing of patients with clinical characteris- gene. These patients constitute a relatively large pro-
tics in accordance with nonsyndromic FNDI usually in- portion of neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus cases
volves sequence analysis of the entire coding region of (20–50%), and some occur during childhood.54 In our ex-
the AVP gene, as the large majority of cases have muta- perience approximately 5% of these have abnormalities
tions in this gene. If no mutations are found, it should be in the AVP gene33 and therefore we suggest that patients
considered whether the clinical characteristics and the with neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus occurring
eventual inheritance of the disease in the family is in ac- during childhood, without a family history, and with-
cordance with partial NDI49 indicating sequence analy- out an identifiable cause (e.g., thickening of the pituitary
sis of either the AVPR2 or the AQP2 genes. Since most stalk), should be tested genetically.
NDI cases are caused by mutations in the AVPR2 gene,
molecular genetics testing of a symptomatic individual, Presymptomatic Genetic Diagnosis in FNDI
male or female, usually starts with sequencing of the en-
tire coding region of the AVPR2 gene. If no mutations Once the molecular diagnosis is established in fami-
are found, sequencing of the coding region of the AQP2 lies with FNDI, it is feasible to screen other family
gene should be performed. In children with NDI (male members for the specific mutation in question. This is
or female) from consanguineous parents, sequencing of particularly relevant in infants at risk of inheriting the
the AQP2 gene should be performed first, followed by mutation because presymptomatic diagnosis thereby
sequencing of the AVPR2 gene if no mutations in the is possible, relieving years of parental concern about
AQP2 gene are identified. Genetic testing in syndromic the carrier status of their offspring, as well as repeated
forms of inherited diabetes insipidus involves analysis clinical diagnostic examinations. Usually, the parents
of the WFS1 gene in patients with Wolfram syndrome, request a genetic test already when the children are
and in the rare cases of autosomal recessive FNDI in newborn.
congenital malabsorptive diarrhea (type d), it should
include analysis of the PCSK1 gene. Locus heterogene- Genetic Testing in Individuals at Risk
of Being Carriers
in combination or BSND) in the complex form of NDI,
Bartter syndrome, calls for careful clinical evaluation In all recessive forms of diabetes insipidus (autoso-
and alternative approaches in genetic testing (reviewed mal recessive FNDI, types a–d, X-linked recessive NDI,
in Ref. [53]). and autosomal recessive NDI) testing of relatives at risk
of being carriers would be possible if the mutation has
been identified in the proband. This is particularly useful
Diagnostic Genetic Testing in X-linked recessive NDI both to explain possible mild
There are several reasons why all patients with familial symptoms in female carriers and for genetic counseling.
occurrence of diabetes insipidus should be properly di- Carrier testing in autosomal dominant FNDI is relevant
agnosed using molecular genetics testing. As mentioned due to the age-dependent penetrance whereby presymp-
earlier, there are now multiple examples where genetic tomatic genetic testing is both possible and useful for the
testing resolved the differential diagnosis and changed reasons mentioned earlier.
treatment options. Furthermore, confirming the presence
of a mutation in the AVP gene in patients with neuro-
Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis
hypophyseal diabetes insipidus relieves the physician
from further exploration of the cause of diabetes insipi- Prenatal genetic diagnosis seems not to be indicated
dus, for example, searching for a hypothalamic lesion/ in most forms of FNDI, first of all because it rarely pres-
tumor, testing anterior pituitary function, and so forth. ents at birth whereby the risk of severe central nervous
In NDI, early diagnosis in newborns is essential to en- system complications are low compared with congeni-
sure prompt treatment in order to reduce morbidity from tal NDI, and second because the disease, when fully
hypernatremia, dehydration, and dilation of the urinary developed, is associated with few symptoms that are
tract. Therefore, in all patients with familial occurrence compatible with an almost normal quality of life at least
of diabetes insipidus regardless of age and the results of when treated appropriately. However, it could be indi-
clinical tests, genetic testing should be performed. cated in autosomal recessive FNDI, types c and d, due

III. Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
100 5. 
Diabetes Insipidus

to the severe cause of Wolfram syndrome and congeni- NDI Foundation, Main Street, PO Box 1390, Eastsound,
tal malabsorptive diarrhea. WA 98245, USA; Phone: 1-888-376-6343, Fax: 1-888-376-
In conditions such as NDI that do not affect intellect 6356, E-mail: info@ndif.org; www.ndif.org.
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III.  Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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III. Pituitary

Descargado para Ariana Valentina Andrade Cabrera (ariana.andrade@uninavarra.edu.co) en Fundacion Universitaria Navarra - Uninavarra de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 20, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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