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The Diagnosis and Treatment of

Heel Pain
Clinical Practice Guideline Heel Pain Panel: James L. Thomas, DPM, Chair; Jeffrey
C. Christensen, DPM, Board Liaison; Steven R. Kravitz, DPM; Robert W. Mendicino,
DPM, John M. Schuberth, DPM; John V. Vanore, DPM; Lowell Scott Weil, DPM;
Howard J. Zlotoff, DPM; and Susan D. Couture

This clinical practice guideline (CPG) is based upon Many patients will have attempted self-remedies before
seeking medical advice . A careful history is important,
consensus of current clinical practice and review of the includin g time(s) of day when pain occurs, current shoe
clini cal literature. The guideline was developed by the wea r, activity level both at work and at leisure, and history
Clin ical Practice Guideline Heel Pain Panel of the Ameri- of trauma. An appropriate physical exa mination of the
can College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. The guideline lower extremity includes range of motion of the ankle
and references annotate each node of the corresponding with special atten tion to decreased range of motion of
path ways. dorsiflexion of the ankle, palpation of the inferi or medial
aspect of the heel, palpation of the medial aspect of the
Heel Pain (Pathway 1) heel , the occurrence of bilateral symptoms, and angle and
base of gait evaluation.
Mechanical factors are the most common etiology of Following physical evaluation, appropriate radiograph s
heel pain. Other causes include traumatic, neurologic, may be considered. Radiographi c identification of a plantar
arthriti c, infectious, neoplastic, autoimmune, and other heel spur indicates that the cond ition has been present for
systemic conditions. Diagnostic testing and treatment at least 6- 12 month s, whether having been symptomatic
must be directed at the correc t causative factors. or not (Fig. 2). As a rule, the longer the durat ion of heel
pain symptoms, the longer the period to final resolut ion of
Mechanical Plantar Heel Pain (Pathway 2) the condition.
Initial treatment options may include nonsteroidal anti-
Mechanical heel pain is one of the most frequent condi- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), padding and strapping
tions presented to foot and ankle spec ialists. Plantar heel of the foot, and corticos teroid inje ction s for appropriate
pain is responsible for the majority of mechanical heel pain patients. Patient-d irected treatments seem to be as impor-
cases. Plantar heel pain is defined as insertional heel pain tant in resolving symptoms. They include regular stretch-
of the plantar fascia with or without a heel spur (Fig. I). ing of the calf muscles, avoidance of flat shoes and
The most common cause cited for plantar heel pain is barefoot walking, use of cryotherapy directl y to the
biomechanical abnormalities that lead to pathologic stress affected part, over -the-counter arch supports and heel
to the plantar soft tissues ( 1- 7). Localized nerve entrap- cushio ns, and limitation of extended physical activities.
ment of the medial calcaneal or muscular bran ch off the Patient s usuall y have a clini cal response within 6 weeks
lateral plantar nerve may be a contributing factor (8- 11). of initiation of treatment. If improvement is noted, the
Patients usually present with isolated plantar heel pain initial therapy program is continued until sympt om s are
upon initiation of weightbe aring, either in the morning resolved. If no imp rovement is noted, the patient should
upon arising or after sitting for a period of rest. The pain be refe rred to a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon.
tends to decrea se after a few minutes, then return s as the The second phase of treatment for the referred patient
day proceeds and time on the feet increases. Assoc iated includes continuation of the initial treatm ent options
significant findings may include high body mass index, with cons iderations for additional therap y: the use of
tightness of the Achilles tendon , pain upon palpation of custom orthotic devices, especia lly in the biomechani-
the inferior heel , and inappropriate shoe wear (12-14). ca lly malaligned patient, the use of night splints to


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