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1. Table 2.

16 is an example of a/an o Different mean, median, mode;

_______________________________________ same standard deviation
. C. Which of the following terms
accurately describe the distribution
2. For each of the following variables shown in Figure 2.12?
included in Table 2.16, identify if it is:
Figure 2.12
o Ordinal
o Qualitative
o Quantitative
o Ratio
o Categorical
o Continuous
o Interval Image Description
o Nominal
o ____ Sex o Negatively skewed

o ____ Age o Positively skewed

o ____ Lymphocyte Count o Skewed to the right

B. Which of the following best describes o Skewed to the left
the similarities and differences in the o Asymmetrical
three distributions shown in Figure D. What is the likely relationship
2.11? between mean, median, and mode of
the distribution shown in Figure 2.12?
Figure 2.11
o Mean < median < mode
o Mean = median = mode
o Mean > median > mode
o Mode < mean and median, but
cannot tell relationship
between mean and median
E. The mode is the value that:
Image Description
o Is midway between the lowest
o Same mean, median, mode;
and highest value
different standard deviation
o Occurs most often
o Same mean, median, mode;
same standard deviation o Has half the observations
o Different mean, median, mode; below it and half above it
different standard deviation o Is statistically closest to all of
the values in the distribution
F. The median is the value that: D. 38.35°C
E. 38.5°C
o Is midway between the lowest 11.The median of the temperatures
and highest value listed in Table 2.16 is:
o Occurs most often
o Has half the observations A. 37.35°C
below it and half above it B. 37.9°C
o Is statistically closest to all of C. 38.0°C
the values in the distribution D. 38.35°C
G. The mean is the value that: E. 38.5°C
12.The mean of the temperatures listed
o Is midway between the lowest
in Table 2.16 is:
and highest value
o Occurs most often A. 37.35°C
o Has half the observations B. 37.9°C
below it and half above it C. 38.0°C
o Is statistically closest to all of D. 38.35°C
the values in the distribution E. 38.5°C
H. The geometric mean is the value that: 13.The midrange of the temperatures
listed in Table 2.16 is:
o Is midway between the lowest
and highest value on a log A. 37.35°C
scale B. 37.9°C
o Occurs most often on a log C. 38.0°C
D. 38.35°C
o Has half the observations
E. 38.5°C
below it and half above it on a
14.In epidemiology, the measure of
log scale
central location generally preferred
o Is statistically closest to all of for summarizing skewed data such as
the values in the distribution incubation periods is the:
on a log scale
Use Table 2.16 for Questions 10–13. Note A. Mean
that the sum of the 14 temperatures listed in B. Median
Table 2.16 is 531.6.
C. Midrange
10.The mode of the temperatures listed
D. Mode
in Table 2.16 is:
15.The measure of central location
A. 37.35°C generally preferred for additional
statistical analysis is the:
B. 37.9°C
C. 38.0°C
A. Mean B. Median
B. Median C. Midrange
C. Midrange D. Mode
D. Mode 21.The algebraic relationship between
16.Which of the following are the variance and standard deviation
considered measures of spread? is that:

A. Interquartile range A. The standard deviation is the

B. Percentile square root of the variance

C. Range B. The variance is the square root

of the standard deviation
D. Standard deviation
17.The measure of spread most affected C. The standard deviation is the
by one extreme value is the: variance divided by the square
root of n
A. Interquartile range D. The variance is the standard
B. Range deviation divided by the
C. Standard deviation square root of n
22.Before calculating a standard
D. Mean
deviation, one should ensure that:
18.The interquartile range covers what
proportion of a distribution? A. The data are somewhat
normally distributed
A. 25%
B. The total number of
B. 50%
observations is at least 50
C. 75%
C. The variable is an interval-scale
D. 100% or ratio-scale variable
19.The measure of central location most
D. The calculator or software has
commonly used with the interquartile
a square-root function
range is the:
23.Simply by scanning the values in
A. Arithmetic mean each distribution below, identify the
distribution with the largest standard
B. Geometric mean
C. Median
D. Midrange A. 1, 10, 15, 18, 20, 20, 22, 25, 30,
E. Mode 39
20.The measure of central location most B. 1, 3, 8, 10, 20, 20, 30, 32, 37, 39
commonly used with the standard C. 1, 15, 17, 19, 20, 20, 21, 23, 25,
deviation is the: 39
D. 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 45, 46, 47, 48,
A. Arithmetic mean
24.Given the area under a normal curve, categorical variables.
which two of the following ranges are Age and lymphocyte count are ratio
the same? (Circle the TWO that are variables because they are both
the same.) numeric variable with true zero
points. Ratio variables are continuous
A. From the 2.5th percentile to the and quantitative variables.
97.5th percentile
B. From the 5th percentile to the 3. A. Because the centers of each
95th percentile distribution line up, they have the
C. From the 25th percentile to the same measure of central location. But
75th percentile because each distribution is spread
differently, they have different
D. From 1 standard deviation
measures of spread.
below the mean to 1 standard
deviation above the mean 4. B, C, E. Right/left skewness refers to
E. From 1.96 standard deviations the tail of a distribution. Because the
below the mean to 1.96 “hump” of this distribution is on the
standard deviations above the left and the tail is on the right, it is
mean said to be skewed positively to the
25.The primary use of the standard error right. A skewed distribution is not
of the mean is in calculating the: symmetrical.

A. confidence interval 5. C. For a distribution such as that

B. error rate shown in Figure 2.12, with its hump
C. standard deviation to the left, the mode will be smaller
than either the median or the mean.
D. variance
The long tail to the right will pull the
Answers to Self-Assessment Quiz mean upward, so that the sequence
will be mode < median < mean.
1. Line list or line listing. A line listing is
6. B. The mode is the value that occurs
a table in which each row typically
most often.
represents one person or case of
disease, and each column represents
7. C. The median is the value that has
a variable such as ID, age, sex, etc.
half the observations below it and
half above it.
2. Sex A, D, F
Age B, G, H
8. D. The mean is the value that is
Lymphocyte count B, G, H
statistically closest to all of the values
Sex is a nominal variable, meaning
in the distribution
that its categories have names but
not numerical value. Nominal
variables are qualitative or
9. D. The geometric mean is the value 15.A. The measure of central location
that is statistically closest to all of the generally preferred for additional
values in the distribution on a log statistical analysis is the mean, which
scale. is the only measure that has good
statistical properties.
10.C, E. The mode is the value that
occurs most often. A distribution can 16.A, C, D, E. Interquartile range, range,
have one mode, more than one standard deviation, and variance are
mode, or no mode. In this all measures of spread. A percentile
distribution, both 38.0°C and 38.5°C identifies a particular place on the
appear 3 times. distribution, but is not a measure of
11.D. The median is the value that has
half the observations below it and 17.B. The range is the difference
half above it. For a distribution with between the extreme values on either
an even number of values, the side, so it is most directly affected by
median falls between 2 observations, those values.
in this situation between the 7th and
8th values. The 7th value is 38.2°C and 18.B. The interquartile range covers the
the 8th value is 38.5°C, so the median central 50% of a distribution.
is the average of those two values,
19.C. The interquartile range usually
i.e., 38.35°C.
accompanies the median, since both
12.C. The mean is the average of all the are based on percentiles. The
values. Given 14 temperatures that interquartile range covers from the
sum to 531.6, the mean is calculated 25th to the 75th percentile, while the
as 531.6 ⁄ 14, which equals 37.97°C, median marks the 50th percentile.
which should be rounded to 38.0°C.
20.A. The standard deviation usually
13.A. The midrange is halfway between accompanies the arithmetic mean.
the smallest and largest values. Since
21.A. The standard deviation is the
the lowest and highest temperatures
square root of the variance.
are 35.1°C and 39.6°C , the midrange
is calculated as 35.1 + 39.6 ⁄ 2, or
22.A, D. Use of the mean and standard
deviation are usually restricted to
data that are more-or-less normally
14.B. In epidemiology, the measure of
distributed. Calculation of the
central location generally preferred
standard deviation requires squaring
for summarizing skewed data such as
differences and then taking the
incubation periods is the median.
square root, so you need a calculator
that has a square-root function.
23.B. Distributions A, B, and C all range 3. Epidemiology, as defined in this
from 1 to 39 and have two central lesson, would include which of the
values of 20. Considering the eight following activities?
values other than the smallest and
largest, distribution C has values A. Describing the demographic
close to 20 (from 15 to 25), characteristics of persons with
Distribution A has values from 10 to acute aflatoxin poisoning in
30, and Distribution B has values District A
from 3 to 37. So Distribution B has B. Prescribing an antibiotic to
the broadest spread among the first treat a patient with
3 distributions. Distribution D has community-acquired
larger values than the first 3 methicillin-
distributions (41–49 rather than 1– resistantStaphylococcus
39), but they cluster rather tightly aureusinfection
around the central value of 45. C. Comparing the family history,
amount of exercise, and eating
24.A and E. The area from the habits of those with and
2.5th percentile to the 97.5th percentile without newly diagnosed
includes 95% of the area below the diabetes
curve, which corresponds to ± 1.96
D. Recommending that a
standard deviations along the x-axis.
restaurant be closed after
25.A. The primary use of the standard implicating it as the source of a
error of the mean is in calculating a hepatitis A outbreak
confidence interval 4. John Snow’s investigation of cholera
is considered a model for
1. In the definition of epidemiology, epidemiologic field investigations
“distribution” refers to: because it included a:

A. Who A. Biologically plausible

B. When hypothesis
C. Where B. Comparison of a health
outcome among exposed and
D. Why
unexposed groups
2. In the definition of epidemiology,
“determinants” generally includes: C. Multivariate statistical model
D. Spot map
A. Agents E. Recommendation for public
B. Causes health action
C. Control measures 5. Public health surveillance includes
D. Risk factors which of the following activities:
E. Sources
A. Diagnosing whether a case of investigate this possible outbreak,
encephalitis is actually due to your case definition should include,
West Nile virus infection at a minimum: (Choose one best
B. Soliciting case reports of answer)
persons with symptoms
compatible with SARs from A. Clinical criteria, plus
local hospitals specification of time, place,
and person
C. Creating graphs of the number
of dog bites by week and B. Clinical features, plus the
neighborhood exposure(s) you most suspect

D. Writing a report on trends in C. Suspect cases

seat belt use to share with the D. The nationally agreed standard
state legislature case definition for disease
E. Disseminating educational reporting
materials about ways people 8. A specific case definition is one that:
can reduce their risk of Lyme
A. Is likely to include only (or
mostly) true cases
6. The hallmark feature of an analytic
B. Is considered “loose” or
epidemiologic study is: (Choose one
best answer)
C. Will include more cases than
A. Use of an appropriate asensitive case definition
comparison group D. May exclude mild cases
B. Laboratory confirmation of the 9. Comparing numbers and rates of
diagnosis illness in a community, rates are
C. Publication in a peer-reviewed preferred for: (Choose one best
journal answer)
D. Statistical analysis using
A. Conducting surveillance for
logistic regression
communicable diseases
7. A number of passengers on a cruise
B. Deciding how many doses of
ship from Puerto Rico to the Panama
immune globulin are needed
Canal have recently developed a
gastrointestinal illness compatible C. Estimating subgroups at
with norovirus (formerly called highest risk
Norwalk-like virus). Testing for D. Telling physicians which strain
norovirus is not readily available in of influenza is most prevalent
any nearby island, and the test takes 10.For the cruise ship scenario described
several days even where available. in Question 7, how would you display
Assuming you are the epidemiologist the time course of the outbreak?
called on to board the ship and (Choose one best answer)
A. Endemic curve currently available vaccine, and are
B. Epidemic curve followed to monitor for side effects
C. Seasonal trend and effectiveness of each vaccine, is
an example of which type of study?
D. Secular trend
11.For the cruise ship scenario described A. Experimental
in Question 7, if you suspected that
B. Observational
the norovirus may have been
transmitted by ice made or served C. Cohort
aboard ship, how might you display D. Case-control
“place”? E. Clinical trial
15.The Iowa Women’s Health Study, in
A. Spot map by assigned dinner which researchers enrolled 41,837
seating location women in 1986 and collected
B. Spot map by cabin exposure and lifestyle information to
C. Shaded map of United States assess the relationship between these
by state of residence factors and subsequent occurrence of
D. Shaded map by whether cancer, is an example of which type(s)
passenger consumed ship’s ice of study?
or not
A. Experimental
12.Which variables might you include in
characterizing the outbreak B. Observational
described in Question 7 by person? C. Cohort
D. Case-control
A. Age of passenger E. Clinical trial
B. Detailed food history (what 16.British investigators conducted a
person ate) while aboard ship study to compare measles-mumps-
C. Status as passenger or crew rubella (MMR) vaccine history among
D. Symptoms 1,294 children with pervasive
13.When analyzing surveillance data by development disorder (e.g., autism
age, which of the following age and Asperger’s syndrome) and 4,469
groups is preferred? (Choose one children without such disorders.
best answer) (They found no association.) This is
an example of which type(s) of study?
A. 1-year age groups
B. 5-year age groups A. Experimental

C. 10-year age groups B. Observational

D. Depends on the disease C. Cohort

14.A study in which children are D. Case-control
randomly assigned to receive either a E. Clinical trial
newly formulated vaccine or the
17.A cohort study differs from a case- D. John Snow, Robert Koch,
control study in that: Kenneth Rothman
20.For each of the following, identify the
A. Subjects are enrolled or appropriate letter from the time line
categorized on the basis of in Figure 1.27 representing the
their exposure status in a natural history of disease.
cohort study but not in a case-
control study Figure 1.27 Natural History of
B. Subjects are asked about their Disease Timeline
exposure status in a cohort
study but not in a case-control
C. Cohort studies require many
years to conduct, but case-
control studies do not
D. Cohort studies are conducted Image Description
to investigate chronic diseases,
A. ____ Onset of symptoms
case-control studies are used
B. ____ Usual time of diagnosis
for infectious diseases
18.A key feature of a cross-sectional C. ____ Exposure
study is that: 2. A reservoir of an infectious agent can
A. It usually provides information
on prevalence rather than A. An asymptomatic human
incidence B. A symptomatic human
B. It is limited to health exposures C. An animal
and behaviors rather than D. The environment
health outcomes B. Indirect transmission includes which
C. It is more useful for descriptive of the following?
epidemiology than it is for
analytic epidemiology A. Droplet spread
D. It is synonymous with survey B. Mosquito-borne
19.The epidemiologic triad of disease C. Foodborne
causation refers to: (Choose one best D. Doorknobs or toilet seats
answer) C. Disease control measures are
generally directed at which of the
A. Agent, host, environment following?
B. Time, place, person
C. Source, mode of transmission, A. Eliminating the reservoir
susceptible host B. Eliminating the vector
C. Eliminating the host “determinants” refers to analytic
D. Interrupting mode of epidemiology. So “distribution”
transmission covers time (when), place (where),
E. Reducing host susceptibility and person (who), whereas
D. Which term best describes the “determinants” covers causes, risk
pattern of occurrence of the three factors, modes of transmission (why
diseases noted below in a single and how).
2. A, B, D, E. In the definition of
epidemiology, “determinants”
A. Endemic generally includes the causes
B. Outbreak (including agents), risk factors
(including exposure to sources), and
C. Pandemic
modes of transmission, but does not
D. Sporadic include the resulting public health
E. ____ Disease 1: action.
usually 40–50
cases per week; 3. A, C, D. Epidemiology includes
last week, 48 assessment of the distribution
cases (including describing demographic
F. ____ Disease 2: characteristics of an affected
fewer than 10 population), determinants (including
cases per year; a study of possible risk factors), and
last week, 1 case the application to control health
G. ____ Disease 3: problems (such as closing a
usually no more restaurant). It does not generally
than 2–4 cases include the actual treatment of
per week; last individuals, which is the responsibility
week, 13 cases of health-care providers.
E. A propagated epidemic is usually the
4. A, B, D, E. John Snow’s investigation
result of what type of exposure?
of cholera is considered a model for
A. Point source epidemiologic field investigations
B. Continuous common source because it included a biologically
C. Intermittent common source plausible (but not popular at the
D. Person-to-person time) hypothesis that cholera was
water-borne, a spot map, a
Answers to Self-Assessment Quiz comparison of a health outcome
(death) among exposed and
1. A, B, C. In the definition of unexposed groups, and a
epidemiology, “distribution” refers to recommendation for public health
descriptive epidemiology, while
action. Snow’s elegant work predated individual cases and for resource
multivariate analysis by 100 years. planning.

5. B, C, D. Public health surveillance 10.B. An epidemic curve, with date or

includes collection (B), analysis (C), time of onset on its x-axis and
and dissemination (D) of public number of cases on the y-axis, is the
health information to help guide classic graph for displaying the time
public health decision making and course of an epidemic.
action, but it does not include
individual clinical diagnosis, nor does 11.A, B, C. “Place” includes location of
it include the actual public health actual or suspected exposure as well
actions that are developed based on as location of residence, work, school,
the information. and the like.

6. A. The hallmark feature of an analytic 12.A, C. “Person” refers to demographic

epidemiologic study is use of an characteristics. It generally does not
appropriate comparison group. include clinical features
characteristics or exposures.
7. A. A case definition for a field
investigation should include clinical 13.D. Epidemiologists tailor descriptive
criteria, plus specification of time, epidemiology to best describe the
place, and person. The case definition data they have. Because different
should be independent of the diseases have different age
exposure you wish to evaluate. distributions, epidemiologists use
Depending on the availability of different age breakdowns
laboratory confirmation, certainty of appropriate for the disease of
diagnosis, and other factors, a case interest.
definition may or may not be
14.A, E. A study in which subjects are
developed for suspect cases. The
randomized into two intervention
nationally agreed standard case
groups and monitored to identify
definition for disease reporting is
health outcomes is a clinical trial,
usually quite specific, and usually
which is type of experimental study.
does not include suspect or possible
It is not a cohort study, because that
term is limited to observational
8. A, D. A specific or tight case definition studies.
is one that is likely to include only (or
15.B, C. A study that assesses (but does
mostly) true cases, but at the expense
not dictate) exposure and follows to
of excluding milder or atypical cases.
document subsequent occurrence of
9. C. Rates assess risk. Numbers are disease is an observational cohort
generally preferred for identifying study.
16.B, D. A study in which subjects are 20.C. Onset of symptoms
enrolled on the basis of having or not D. Usual time of diagnosis
having a health outcome is an A. Exposure
observational case-control study.
Source: Smeeth L, Cook C, Fombonne E, Heavey L, Rodrigues LC, 21.A, B, C, D. A reservoir of an infectious
Smith PG, Hall AJ. MMR vaccination and pervasive developmental
disorders. Lancet 2004;364:963–9. agent is the habitat in which an agent
normally lives, grows, and multiplies,
17.A. The key difference between a which may include humans, animals,
cohort and case-control study is that, and the environment.
in a cohort study, subjects are
enrolled on the basis of their 22.B, C, D. Indirect transmission refers to
exposure, whereas in a case-control the transmission of an infectious
study subjects are enrolled on the agent by suspended airborne
basis of whether they have the particles, inanimate objects (vehicles,
disease of interest or not. Both types food, water) or living intermediaries
of studies assess exposure and (vectors such as mosquitoes). Droplet
disease status. While some cohort spread is generally considered short-
studies have been conducted over distance direct transmission.
several years, others, particularly
those that are outbreak-related, have 23.A, B, D, E. Disease control measures
been conducted in days. Either type are generally directed at eliminating
of study can be used to study a wide the reservoir or vector, interrupting
array of health problems, including transmission, or protecting (but not
infectious and non-infectious. eliminating!) the host.

18.A, C, D. A cross-sectional study or 24.A. Disease 1: usually 40–50 cases per

survey provides a snapshot of the week; last week, 48 cases
health of a population, so it assesses D. Disease 2: fewer than 10 cases per
prevalence rather than incidence. As year; last week, 1 case
a result, it is not as useful as a cohort B. Disease 3: usually no more than 2–
or case-control study for analytic 4 cases per week; last week, 13 cases
epidemiology. However, a cross-
sectional study can easily measure 25.D. A propagated epidemic is one in
prevalence of exposures and which infection spreads from person
outcomes. to person.

19.A. The epidemiologic triad of disease 1. Which of the following are frequency
causation refers to agent-host- measures?
environment. A. Birth rate
B. Incidence
C. Mortality rate
D. Prevalence
Use the following choices for Questions 2–4. A. Number of susceptible
1. Ratio students at the ending of the
2. Proportion period (i.e., June)
3. Incidence proportion B. Number of susceptible
4. Mortality rate students at the midpoint of the
2. ____ period (late October/early
# women in Country A who died
from lung cancer in C. Number of susceptible
2004 # students at the beginning of
women in Country A who died the period (i.e., September)
from cancer in 2004 D. Average number of susceptible
students during outbreak
3. ____ 7. Many of the students at the boarding
school, including 6 just coming down
# women in Country A who died
with varicella, went home during the
from lung cancer in
Thanksgiving break. About 2 weeks
2004 #
later, 4 siblings of these 6 students
women in Country A who died
(out of a total of 10 siblings)
from breast cancer in 2004
developed varicella. The secondary
4. ____ attack rate among siblings was,
# women in Country A who died
A. 4 ⁄ 6
from lung cancer in
B. 4 ⁄ 10
2004 estim
ated # women living in Country C. 4 ⁄ 16
A on July 1, 2004 D. 6 ⁄ 10
8. Investigators enrolled 100 diabetics
5. All proportions are ratios, but not all without eye disease in a cohort
ratios are proportions. (follow-up) study. The results of the
A. True first 3 years were as follows:
B. False Year 1: 0 cases of eye disease
6. In a state that did not require detected out of 92; 8 lost to follow-
varicella (chickenpox) vaccination, a up
boarding school experienced a Year 2: 2 new cases of eye disease
prolonged outbreak of varicella detected out of 80; 2 had died; 10
among its students that began in lost to follow-up
September and continued through Year 3: 3 new cases of eye disease
December. To calculate detected out of 63; 2 more had died;
the probability or risk of illness 13 more lost to follow-up
among the students, which The person-time incidence rate is
denominator would you use? calculated as:
Source: Ho AY, Lopez AS, Eberhart MG, et al. Outbreak of cyclosporiasis
A. 5 ⁄ 100 associated with imported raspberries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2000.
Emerg Infect Dis 2002;l8:783–6.
B. 5 ⁄ 63
C. 5 ⁄ 235 11.The fraction 54 ⁄ 79 is a/an:
D. 5 ⁄ 250 A. Food-specific attack rate
9. The units for the quantity you B. Attack rate
calculated in Question 8 could be C. Incidence proportion
expressed as: D. Proportion
A. cases per 100 persons 12.The fraction 50 ⁄ 54 is a/an:
B. percent A. Attack rate
C. cases per person-year B. Food-specific attack rate
D. cases per person per year C. Incidence proportion
10.Use the following choices for the D. Proportion
characteristics or features listed 13.The fraction 50 ⁄ 53 is a/an:
A. Attack rate
A. Incidence
B. Food-specific attack rate
B. Prevalence
C. Incidence proportion
A. ____ Measure of risk
D. Proportion
B. ____ Generally preferred for 14.The best measure of association to
chronic diseases without clear date of use for these data is a/an:
A. Food-specific attack rate
C. ____ Used in calculation of risk
B. Odds ratio
C. Rate ratio
D. ____ Affected by duration of
illness D. Risk ratio
Use the following information for Questions 15.The best estimate of the association
11–15. between wedding cake and illness is:
Within 10 days after attending a June A. 6.1
wedding, an outbreak of cyclosporiasis B. 7.7
occurred among attendees. Of the 83 C. 68.4
guests and wedding party members, 79
D. 83.7
were interviewed; 54 of the 79 met the case
E. 91.7
definition. The following two-by-two table
shows consumption of wedding cake (that F. 94.3
had raspberry filling) and illness status.

Ill Well
Total 54 25
Yes 50 3
Ate wedding cake?
No 4 22
16.The attributable proportion for B. Proportion
wedding cake is: C. Incidence proportion
A. 6.1% D. Mortality rate
B. 7.7% 20.Using only the data shown below for
C. 68.4% deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s
D. 83.7% disease and to pneumonia/influenza,
which measure(s) can be calculated?
E. 91.7%
A. Proportionate mortality
F. 94.3%
Use the following diagram for Questions 17 B. Cause-specific mortality rate
and 18. Assume that the horizontal lines in C. Age-specific mortality rate
the diagram represent duration of illness in D. Mortality rate ratio
8 different people, out of a community of E. Years of potential life lost
700. Table 3.16 Number of Deaths Due
to Alzheimer’s Disease and
Pneumonia/Influenza — United
States, 2002

Image Description
17.What is the prevalence of disease
during July?
A. 3 ⁄ 700
B. 4 ⁄ 700
C. 5 ⁄ 700
D. 8 ⁄ 700
18.What is the incidence of disease
during July?
A. 3 ⁄ 700
B. 4 ⁄ 700
C. 5 ⁄ 700
D. 8 ⁄ 700
19.What is the following fraction?
Number of children < 365 days of
age who died in Country A in
2004 Number
of live births in Country A in 2004
A. Ratio
Alzheimer’s Pneum
Age Group (years) disease Influe
<5 0 37
5–14 1 91
15–24 0 16
<34 32 34
35–44 12 97
45–54 52 1,91
55–64 51 2,98
65–74 3,602 6,84
75–84 20,135 19,9
85+ 34,552 31,9
Total 58,866 65,6
Source: Kochanek KD, Murphy SL, Anderson RN, Scott C. Deaths: Final data
for 2002. National vital statistics reports; vol 53, no 5. Hyattsville, Maryland:
D. 1 − disease attributable to the
National Center for Health Statistics, 2004. vaccine
21.Which of the following mortality 24.To study the causes of an outbreak of
rates use the estimated total mid- aflatoxin poisoning in Africa,
year population as its denominator? investigators conducted a case-
A. Age-specific mortality rate control study with 40 case-patients
and 80 controls. Among the 40
B. Sex-specific mortality rate
poisoning victims, 32 reported
C. Crude mortality rate storing their maize inside rather than
D. Cause-specific mortality rate outside. Among the 80 controls, 20
22.What is the following fraction? stored their maize inside. The
Number of deaths due to septicemia resulting odds ratio for the
among men aged 65–74 years in association between inside storage of
2004 Estimated maize and illness is:
number of men aged 65–74 years A. 3.2
alive on July 1, 2004
B. 5.2
A. Age-specific mortality rate
C. 12.0
B. Age-adjusted mortality rate
D. 33.3
C. Cause-specific mortality rate 25.The crude mortality rate in
D. Sex-specific mortality rate Community A was higher than the
23.Vaccine efficacy measures are: crude mortality rate in Community B,
A. The proportion of vaccinees but the age-adjusted mortality rate
who do not get the disease was higher in Community B than in
B. 1 − the attack rate among Community A. This indicates that:
vaccinees A. Investigators made a
C. The proportionate reduction in calculation error
disease among vaccinees B. No inferences can be made
about the comparative age of
the populations from these July 1, so those women are not
data included in the calculation. It is not
C. The population of Community an incidence proportion, because the
A is, on average, older than denominator is not the size of the
that of Community B population at the start of the period.
D. The population of Community It is a mortality rate because the
B is, on average, older than denominator is the estimated
that of Community A midpoint population.

5. A. All fractions, including

Answers to Self-Assessment Quiz proportions, are ratios. But only
1. A, B, C, D. Frequency measures of ratios in which the numerator is
health and disease include those included in the denominator is a
related to birth, death, and morbidity proportions.
(incidence and prevalence).
6. C. Probability or risk are estimated by
2. A, B. All fractions are ratios. This the incidence proportion, calculated
fraction is also a proportion, because as the number of new cases during a
all of the deaths from lung cancer in specified period divided by the size
the numerator are included in the of the population at the start of that
denominator. It is not an incidence period.
proportion, because the denominator
7. B. The secondary attack rate is
is not the size of the population at
calculated as the number of cases
the start of the period. It is not a
among contacts (4) divided by the
mortality rate because the
number of contacts (10).
denominator is not the estimated
midpoint population. 8. D. During year 1, 92 returning
patients contributed 92 person-years;
3. A. All fractions are ratios. This
8 patients lost to follow-up
fraction is not a proportion, because
contributed 8 × ½ or 4 years, for a
lung cancer deaths in the numerator
total of 96. During the second year,
are not included in the denominator.
78 disease-free patients contributed
It is not an incidence proportion,
78 person-years, plus ½ years for the
because the denominator is not the
2 with newly diagnosed eye disease,
size of the population at the start of
the 2 who had died, and the 10 lost
the period. It is not a mortality rate
to follow-up (all events are assumed
because the denominator is not the
to have occurred randomly during
estimated midpoint population.
the year, or an average, at the half-
4. A, D. All fractions are ratios. This year point), for a total of 78 + 14 × ½
fraction is not a proportion, because years, for another 85 years. During
some of the deaths occurred before the third year, returning healthy
patients contributed 60 years; the 3
with eye disease, the 4 who died, and 11.
the 11 lost to follow-up contributed
18 × ½ years or 9 years, for a total of
69 years during the 3rd year. The total
person-years is therefore 96 + 85 +
69 = 250 person-years.
12.B, C, D. The fraction 54 ⁄ 79 (see
bottom row of the table) reflects the
9. C, D. The person-time rate presented
overall attack rate among persons
in Question 8 should be reported as
who attended the wedding and were
5 cases per 250 person-years. Usually
interviewed. Attack rate is a synonym
person-time rates are expressed per
for incidence proportion.
1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000,
depending on the rarity of the
13.D. The fraction 50 ⁄ 54 (under the Ill
disease, so the rate in Question 8
column) is the proportion of case-
could be expressed as 2 cases per
patients who ate wedding cake. It is
100 person-years of follow-up. One
not an attack rate, because the
could express this more colloquially
denominator of an attack rate is the
as 2 new cases of eye disease per 100
size of the population at the start of
diabetics per year.
the period, not all cases.
10.A. Measure of risk
14.A, B, C, D. The fraction 50 ⁄ 53 (see
B. Generally preferred for chronic
top row of table) is the proportion of
diseases without clear date of onset
wedding cake eaters who became ill,
A. Used in calculation of risk ratio
which is a food-specific attack rate. A
B. Affected by duration of illness
food-specific attack rate is a type of
Incidence reflects new cases only;
attack rate, which in turn is
incidence proportion is a measure of
synonymous with incidence
risk. A risk ratio is simply the ratio of
two incidence proportions.
Prevalence reflects existing cases at a 15.C. Investigators were able to
given point or period of time, so one interview almost everyone who
does not need to know the date of attended the wedding, so incidence
onset. Prevalence is influenced by proportions (measure of risk) were
both incidence and duration of calculated. When incidence
disease — the more cases that occur proportions (risks) can be calculated,
and the longer the disease lasts, the the best measure of association to
greater the prevalence at any given use is the ratio of incidence
time. proportions (risks), i.e., risk ratio.
16.A. The risk ratio is calculated as the mortality rate, despite the technical
attack rate among cake eaters inaccuracy.
divided by the attack rate among
those who did not eat cake, or (50 ⁄ 21.E. The data shown in the table are
53) ⁄ (4 ⁄ 26), or 94.3% ⁄ 15.4%, which numbers of deaths. No denominators
equals 6.1. are provided from which to calculate
rates. Neither is the total number of
17.D. The attributable proportion is deaths given, so proportionate
calculated as the attack rate among mortality cannot be calculated.
cake eaters minus the attack rate However, calculation of potential life
among non-eaters, divided by the lost need only the numbers of deaths
attack rate among cake eaters, or by age, as shown.
94.3 – 15.4) ⁄ 94.3, which equals
83.7%. This attributable proportion 22.C, D. Only crude and cause-specific
means that 83.7% of the illness might mortality rates use the estimated
be attributable to eating the wedding total mid-year population as its
cake (note that some people got sick denominator. The denominator for
without eating cake, so the an age-specific mortality rate is the
attributable proportion is not 100%). estimated mid-year size of that
particular age group. The
18.D. A total of 8 cases are present at denominator for a sex-specific
some time during the month of July. mortality rate is the estimated mid-
year male or female population.
19.C. Five new cases occurred during
the month of July. 23.A, C, D. The fraction is the mortality
rate due to septicemia (cause) among
20.A, D. The fraction shown is the infant men (sex) aged 65–74 years (age).
mortality rate. It is a ratio, because all Age-specific mortality rates are
fractions are ratios. It is not a narrowly defined (in this fraction,
proportion because some of the limited to 10 years of age), so are
children who died in early 2004 may generally valid for comparing two
have been born in late 2003, so some populations without any adjustment.
of those in the numerator are not in
the denominator. Technically, the 24.C. Vaccine efficacy measures the
mortality rate for infants is the proportionate reduction in disease
number of infants who died in 2004 among vaccinees.
divided by the estimated midyear
population of infants, so the fraction 25.C. The results of this study could be
shown is not a mortality rate in that summarized in a two-by-two table as
sense. However, the fraction is known follows:
throughout the world as the infant

Stored maize inside?

27.The odds ratio is calculated as ad⁄bc,

or (32 × 60) ⁄ (8 × 20), which equals
1,920 ⁄ 160 or 12.0.

28.C. The crude mortality rate reflects

the mortality experience and the age
distribution of a community, whereas
the age-adjusted mortality rate
eliminates any differences in the age
distribution. So if Community A’s
age-adjusted mortality rate was
lower than its crude rate, that
indicates that its population is older.

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