Oral Presentation Persuasive Speech After Task of Persuasive Essays

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Achievement Level

Oral Presentation


Task: ‘Persuasive Speech’

Now that we are done writing our persuasive essays, we will share our findings with our
peers in a sort of persuasive speech. Think about your topic, and try to convince your
audience members to agree with you. Share your findings and your opinions. Your speech
should not be more than 5 min. in length. You may use visuals to help you convince your
audience, but be careful not to be too dependent on your visuals, as it is an ORAL
COMMUNICATION assessment after all. For example, if you create a google slide and
you read it all the time, then you are unable to have effective eye contact with your
audience which is an important communication expectation.

Learning Objective:

 We are learning to give an effective oral presentation using strategies that will
enable us to keep our audience members engaged

Success Criteria:

 Effective eye contact (scan the room)

 Clear and loud voice with expression
 Speaker is not too fidgety (confident and non-distracting body language)
 Speaker is communicating at a good pace (not too slow or too fast)
 Speaker is speaking fluently
 Speaker is well prepared and is not reading their presentation
 Speaker enhances presentation by using techniques such as facial expression,
voice effects and effective movement


Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Expression and expresses and expresses and expresses and expresses and
organization of organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas
ideas and information and information and information and information
and information with limited with some with considerable with a high
(e.g., clear effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness degree of
expression, logical effectiveness
in oral, visual, and
written forms,
media forms

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