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Nervous system ( Neurology)

Anatomy of nervous system :-

Consist of :
Central nervous system:
Brain & spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system :
Cranial & spinal nervous
Autonomic nervous system :
Regulating visceral organs.
Function of nervous system :-
1- Sensory function :
Taste , smell , vision sensations
2- Motor function :
Voluntary & Involuntary movements
3- Visceral regulating function :
Regulating the internal organs , glands
4- Associating function :
Memory , intelligence
Knowledge about both anatomy & structure of
Nervous system is very important because there
is a strong correlation between them .
So pathological changes in structure leading to
Modification or loss of function of this part .
The nervous system (centrally & peripherally )
Is highly interactive and integrative , this to
achieve the total coordination of body functions
Which are necessary for survival .
Important technical term :-
Encephalitis : inflammation of brain
Myelitis : inflammation of spinal cord
Encephalomyelitis : inflammation of both brain
& spinal cord
Meningitis : inflammation of meninges
Encephalomeningitis : inflammation of brain &
Its covering (meninges )
Neuritis : inflammation of nerves
Neuropathy : non inflammatory degenerative
Changes of peripheral nerve endings .
Tremors : repetitive twitching of muscles
Spasm : muscular contraction
Convulsions : severe muscular contractions
Aesthesia : feeling ( sensation )
Hyper aesthesia : increase sensation
An aesthesia : no feeling (no sensation )
Coma : loss of consciousness
Paresis : In complete paralysis
Paralysis : complete loss of muscular motor
Paraplegia : paralysis of both hind legs
Hemiplegia : paralysis of ( fore + hind ) limbs
At one side
Manifestations of nervous system
dysfunction :-
1- Abnormal posture & gait
2- Disturbance in sensation
3- Involuntary muscular movement
4- Abnormal mental state
a) Excited state
Frenzy (severe mania )
b) Depressed mental state
5- abnormal behavior
Diseases of nervous system

Acquired Congenital „

Infectious Non infectious Hypoplasia

Trauma Hydrocephalus
Bacterial (listeriosis ) Ischemia Meningeo –
Viral (rabies ) Cerebral anemia encephalocele
Parasitic (toxoplasmosis ) Cerebral hemorrhage Spinal dysgenesis
Fungal (cryptococcosis ) Space occupying
Lesion & neoplasia
B.E.S ( scrapie )
Intoxication as :
organo phosphorus
Diagnosis of nervous system diseases
1- Case history
2- Clinical signs
3- Examination of animal
A)- General physical examination
B)- Laboratory
- Hematology
- Biochemical analysis
- Serology
- C.S.F collection & analysis
C)- Special methods
- Radiology & other imaging techniques
- Electro encephalography

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