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Anasazi Indian Tribe Lesson Plan

Social Studies

Grade Level: 5th Grade

State Standard (s): Geography Strand, Places and Regions: Places are distinctive
because of their physical characteristics (land forms and bodies of water) and human
characteristics (structures built by people).

“I Can” Statement (s):

I can determine what kinds of food people ate in early Western civilizations based on
physical characteristics of the land.

Vocabulary and Definition (s):

Anasazi: ancient American Indians from the Southwest regions

Agriculture: farming


 USA Studies Weekly Week 3 Newspapers

 White Paper Plates
 Colored markers
 Index cards
Lesson Including Engaging Activity:

Teacher will open with a 4:44 video on the History of Civilizations

( . Then the teacher will give background on the Anasazi
tribe, an early Western Indian civilization and introduce the article. The teacher will read
the italicized description below the title.

Students will read the article “The Case of the Disappearing Anasazi” in their USA
Studies Weekly newspapers (Independently or with a partner). When they are finished
reading, they will be asked to talk to someone next to them and discuss the question,
“What do you really think happened to the Anasazi Indians? What makes them unique?”

After discussion, the teacher will explain the plate activity: “Based on the article you
read and discussed with a peer and the pictures found below the article, draw and label
what food you think the Anasazi people would have eaten on the plate with markers.
Minimum of 3 foods. Make sure to put your name on the back. When you are finished,
come get an index card from me and answer the question, “Why did Jackson call the
Anasazi tribe ‘advanced’?”

The students will complete index card question.

Differentiation of Lesson:

Some students may need to read in a group with a teacher.

For students who cannot describe what made the Anasazi people advanced, they can
draw a picture on the index card.

Talking in pairs about the article.

Technology Used: video on early civilizations

Assessment: The index card is the form of assessment. If students answer correctly,
then it is okay to move on to a new topic.

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