Achievement Shee For Week 5t

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Scholar Name:

Date: 11/1-11/4

7th Grade Achievement

Quote of the week:

The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.
” Tom Bodett
Individual Goals for this week
o Maria: Math (20 minutes)
o Eldora: Reading (20 minutes)
o Kenneth: Math (20 minutes)
o Mehkiya: Reading (20 minutes)

Percentages for last o Jermaine: Reading, Math (10 minutes a piece)

week’s goals: o Kendra: Writing (20 minutes)
HW completion %= 71  o Maesun: Writing (20 minutes)
Supplemental Work
o Tasia: Math and Writing (10 minutes each)
completion %= 66 6/9
BETTER! o David: Writing (20 minutes)
% of Scholars with a SPARC
chip= 11 o Damia: Writing (20 minutes)
o Kaya: Math (20 minutes)
Achievement coach Vote
for Scholar of the Week: o Jamila: Math (20 minutes)

SPIRIT: Jamilla
o Mariah: Math (20 minutes)
ACADMEIC EXCELLECNCE: o Diamond: Reading (20 minutes)
RESPECT: Jermaine o Benjamin: Math (20 minutes)
COLLABORATION: Maya o Maya: Math (20 minutes)
o Jenay: World History (20 minutes)
o Ms. Amelia: Spanish (20 minutes)
You can use this time to rewrite notes, make flashcards, do extra credit
assignments from teachers, work ahead or do extra problems in your
book. You may use the back for writing time. I also have a math


Mariah for
working extra
hard on their
Spend 30 minutes EACH DAY with someone in your family
projects during talking about school, your homework, your friends and/or
community your goals. This is to be done without CELLPHONES, TV,
Scholar Name:
Date: 11/1-11/4

Writing Prompt

This week’s focus for our reading prompt focus:

Spelling and Grammar!

Read this clip from a New York Times article and tell me what you think about
the idea. Would you like for this to happen at your school?

Needing Students, Maine School Hunts in China

MILLINOCKET, Me. — Faced with dropping enrollment and revenue, the high school in this
remote Maine town has fixed on an unlikely source of salvation: Chinese teenagers. Some 200
students are enrolled this year at Stearns High School in Millinocket, Me. In the 1970s, it
had about 700. Never mind that Millinocket is an hour’s drive from the nearest mall or
movie theater, or that it gets an average 93 inches of snow a year. Kenneth Smith, the
schools superintendent, is so certain that Chinese students will eventually arrive by the
dozen — paying $27,000 a year in tuition, room and board — that he is scouting vacant
properties to convert to dormitories. “We’re used to Stearns High School being a small
hometown type of thing,” he said. “The fact that suddenly we might have up to
hundreds of kids from China might change that — in a good way, but we’re also kind of
scared to lose our town.”

Creature of Week!
Giant Salamander!
Giant Salamanders grow to be almost 5 feet and can
live for 50 years in captivity. Don’t worry, they only
eat fish and crustaceans. They can be found in rivers
in Japan and in the northern parts of the U.S.

If we meet our goal this week how do we want to celebrate?

My suggestion is__________________________________________.

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