8th Grade Achievement Sheet Week5

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Scholar Name:

Date: 11/1-11/4

8th Grade Achievement Sheet

Quote of the week: Individual Goals for this week

Education is not received. It is  Keyon- Tutoring another scholar in math- 20
 Willard- Writing - 20 minutes

 Noelle- Math- 20 minutes

 Imani- Math 20 minutes

 Paris- Math-20 minutes

 Te’anna- Math, Writing- 10 minutes each

Shout Outs!  Breanna- Math- 20 minutes
Breanna! For  Jason- Writing 20 minutes each
working really hard
on your math and Jazmyne- Math- 20 minutes
staying focused during
study hall.  Ms. Amelia- Spanish 20 minutes
You can use this time to rewrite notes, make flashcards, do extra credit
assignments from teachers, work ahead or do extra problems in your
book. You may use the back for writing or see me for a math
Percentages for last
week’s goals:

HW completion %=81 
Supplemental Work
completion %= 33 2/6
% of Scholars with a SPARC
chip= 33

Achievement coach Vote

for Scholar of the Week:
Spend 30 minutes EACH DAY with someone older than you
SPIRIT: Noelle in your family talking about school, your homework, your
friends and/or your goals. This is to be done without


Scholar Name:
Date: 11/1-11/4

Writing Prompt

This week’s focus for our reading prompt focus:

Ability to extrapolate meaning from text and sentence structure.

Study Finds Street Stops by NYC police Unjustified- NYTimes

Tens of thousands of times over six years, the police stopped and questioned people on New York City streets without the legal

justification for doing so, a new study says. And in hundreds of thousands of more cases, city officers failed to include

essential details on required police forms to show whether the stops were justified, according to the study written by Prof.

Jeffrey A. Fagan of Columbia Law School. The study was conducted on behalf of the Center for Constitutional Rights, which is

Creature of suing
Week! the New York Police Department for what the center says is a widespread pattern of unprovoked and unnecessary stops

Creature of Week!
and racial profiling in the department’s stop-question-and-frisk policy. The department denies the charges. The study
Giant Salamander!
examined police data cataloging the 2.8 million times from 2004 through 2009 that officers stopped people on the streets to
Giant Salamanders grow to be almost 5
feet and canquestion
live forand sometimes frisk them, a crime-fighting strategy the department has put more emphasis on over the years. Police
50 years in captivity.
Don’t worry, they onlyRaymond
Commissioner eat fishW.and
Kelly has rejected the accusation of racial profiling, and said the racial breakdown of the stops
They can beracial
to the found in rivers
breakdown of crime suspects. Mr. Kelly has also credited the tactic with helping to cut crime to low
in Japan and in the northern parts of the
levels in the city and with getting guns off the street. But as the number of stops has jumped — to more than
570,000 last year from 313,000 in 2004 — the practice has come under increasing scrutiny, from lawmakers at City Hall and

Albany and from civil libertarians including the constitutional rights center and the New York Civil Liberties Union.

Creature of Week!
Giant Salamander!
Giant Salamanders grow to be almost 5 feet
and can live for 50 years in captivity. Don’t
worry, they only eat fish and crustaceans.
They can be found in rivers in Japan and in
the northern parts of the U.S.

If we meet our goal this week how do we want to celebrate?

My suggestion is__________________________________________.

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