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(with Credits)-Regular-Semester 2012 Sem IV

Paper-MBA243C-SP 05
Human Resource Development Strategies and Systems

P. Pages : 1 GUG/S/16/5208
Time : Three Hours *0561* Max. Marks :70
Notes : 1. Attempt any five question.
2. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain multidimensional concept of HRD in details. 14

2. Elaborate the comparative study of Human Resource Management, Personnel 14

management and Human Resource Development.

3. Explain the concept of HRD culture. Also discuss the strategies for adopting changes in 14
external environment by HRD Department.

4. Explain the concept of Human Resource system with its significance & Limitations. 14

5. Discuss various steps involve in HRIS. 14

6. What are the various principles of HRD system. Also discuss various HRD intervention. 14

7. Write detail note on Total Quality management. 14

8. What is knowledge management? 14

9. Elaborate the term 'Quality circle'. 14

10. Write detail note on any two. 14

a) HR accounting.

b) HR Research.

c) HR Audit.

d) HR valuation.


GUG/S/16/5208 1 P.T.O

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