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AJCP / Original Article

Daily Management System of the Henry Ford

Production System
QTIPS to Focus Continuous Improvements at the Level of the Work
Richard J. Zarbo, MD, DMD, Ruan C. Varney, CT, Jacqueline R. Copeland, MT,
Rita D’Angelo, MS, and Gaurav Sharma, MD

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From the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI.

Key Words: Daily management; Lean management; Quality improvement; Henry Ford Production System; Toyota Production System

Am J Clin Pathol  July 2015;144:122-136


ABSTRACT Upon completion of this activity you will be able to:

• define the system of daily management (DM) implemented at Henry
Objectives: To support our Lean culture of continuous Ford Hospital laboratories as it applies to monitoring and improving
improvement, we implemented a daily management system the operations of a clinical laboratory.
• deploy the system of DM to various work cells in the clinical
designed so critical metrics of operational success were the laboratory.
focus of local teams to drive improvements. • determine if existing quality indicators provide timely, objective, and
actionable information.
Methods: We innovated a standardized visual daily The ASCP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing
management board composed of metric categories of Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Quality, Time, Inventory, Productivity, and Safety (QTIPS); The ASCP designates this journal-based CME activity for a maximum of
1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ per article. Physicians should claim only
frequency trending; root cause analysis; corrective/ the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activ-
preventive actions; and resulting process improvements. ity. This activity qualifies as an American Board of Pathology Maintenance
of Certification Part II Self-Assessment Module.
The authors of this article and the planning committee members and staff
Results: In 1 year (June 2013 to July 2014), eight laboratory have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests to disclose.
sections at Henry Ford Hospital employed 64 unique daily Exam is located at
metrics. Most assessed long-term (>6 months), monitored
process stability, while short-term metrics (1-6 months) were “The business of management is to manage. The thing
retired after successful targeted problem resolution. Daily to be managed is work.”
monitoring resulted in 42 process improvements. —Henry Ford (1926)1
Conclusions: Daily management is the key business
accountability subsystem that enabled our culture of Our understanding of the core drivers of success in
continuous improvement to function more efficiently at the the transformation to a culture of continuous improvement
managerial level in a visible manner by reviewing and acting has matured since 2005 through our adaptation of Lean
based on data and root cause analysis. management to the integrated laboratory product line of
the Henry Ford Health System.2-4 This Henry Ford Pro-
duction System has evolved as our business system that
continually produces more than 1,000 process improve-
ments annually by an engaged, problem-solving labora-
tory workforce in four (formerly six) acute care hospitals
and 26 medical centers in southeast Michigan.5 This Lean
cultural discipline, predicated on Deming management
principles, was the foundation on which these standard-
ized laboratories achieved International Organization for

122 Am J Clin Pathol  2015;144:122-136 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

AJCP / Original Article

Standardization (ISO) 15189 accreditation in 2013 as the Materials and Methods

largest ISO-accredited integrated laboratory system in the
United States.6
Numerous work and management systems have been
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
created to sustain our Lean culture, whose credo is “relent-
(PALM) is an integrated product line providing all medical
lessly pursuing perfection.” These include subsystems for
laboratory diagnostic services to more than 2,000 physicians
policy deployment, system-wide education and competency,
across the Henry Ford Health System’s five hospitals (four
plan-do-check-act (PDCA)–based continuous improvement,
acute care, one psychiatric), 26 medical centers, and numer-
nonconformance (deviation) detection, classification and
ous affiliated private practices. The main core laboratories
management, controlled electronic document taxonomy and
management, functional horizontal management, service- are located at Henry Ford Hospital, an 802-bed tertiary care
hospital and academic and research complex located in mid-

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line management review, and daily management (DM).
In any organization, progress toward goal achievement town Detroit that serves as the flagship of an integrated health
can come from above through major executive-directed system. PALM is staffed by 39 senior staff pathologists and
change initiatives and technologic innovations, but progress clinical scientists and more than 700 technical and nontechni-
toward daily goal achievement must come from below by cal staff. The employees of the PALM product line are trained
managers and teams who are empowered and accountable in and pursue the continuous improvement ideals of the Henry
to improve their work product or service. Just how this is Ford Production System, our successful Lean culture founded
accomplished at the level of the work and aligned with the in 2006 and based on an adaptation of the Toyota Production
organization’s goals in a Lean culture is the subject of this System.2,7 PALM is the largest integrated medical laboratory
article. product line in the United States that has been accredited since
The managerial discipline of DM has become a major 2013 to the international ISO 15189 standard for quality and
subsystem supporting our business effectiveness by promot- competence. In January 2013, PALM leadership concluded
ing visual workflow management, local accountability, and that our product line had acquired sufficient cultural stability
daily problem solving within work units. DM now provides in our Lean enterprise through training and experience with
structure for all local area leaders to facilitate numerous, PDCA problem solving that we could enhance our manage-
small team-based continuous improvements through daily ment system and support engaged managers and employees
tactical monitoring of a balanced set of critical metrics in continuous improvement by adding DM as an integrated
focused on internal and external customers. In effect, DM management subsystem.
defines leader standard work and changes the paradigm for
managing. DM is not a mere checklist for managers but Initial Training
rather the business system by which managers connect the In April 2013, the entire medical laboratory leadership
local processes under their control to the higher level busi- (pathologists with directorial responsibilities, managers, and
ness strategic objectives. supervisors) was trained by external consultants in didactic
In DM, both successful process execution and failures and workshop-based learning sessions over 2 days. The first
are made visible so that the entire workforce can par- day of training focused on essentials of devising an effective
ticipate in managing with leaders through process tracking DM-based management system (incorporating Lean concepts,
and addressing small-scale problems through the PDCA choosing and implementing customer-centric metrics, and
improvement process to focus on daily outcomes at their devising a standard work for the gemba— the place where
local level. The visual nature and quantitative exposure of work value is created). The second day of training focused
nonconformances through DM allow the local team to cat- on implementing the DM subsystem (creating DM boards
egorize, prioritize, and test corrections with local resources in each division/section, populating them with actionable
based on root cause analysis and metrics of success. information important in each gemba). The leadership of each
We have learned this approach from the business main core laboratory was tasked with initially selecting at
systems of Toyota and Danaher Corporations and custom- least two customer-centric metrics that fulfilled certain criteria
ized our daily managed metrics under the acronym QTIPS: ❚Table 1❚ that could be a part of DM. Each laboratory selected
Quality, Time, Inventory, Productivity, and Safety. In this metrics that were unique to its own expertise and aligned to
article, we present our standardized approach to DM and customer expectations or monitoring of vital processes.
share examples of successful local problem solving within
and across laboratory units at the level of the work and Initial Design
extending beyond the laboratory’s walls to clinical suppliers During the training workshop, the laboratory leadership
and customers. arrived at a consensus that the PALM product line would

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Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

❚Table 1❚ (I), Productivity (P), and Safety (S). This was abbrevi-
Criteria for Laboratory-Specific Metrics for Daily ated to QTIPS for easy recall. For clarification, the Time
category may include aspects of delivery and service,
the Inventory category may include work in process and
1. The metric should be customer focused—in a hospital setting, instrument downtime, and the Productivity category may
this would imply patient care focused and a reflection of a
laboratory’s value. capture elements related to cost. We concluded that our
2. The metric should be easy and not time-consuming to gather entire spectrum of quality and performance metrics could
and collate.
be accommodated by each of these domains. Each labora-
3. The metric should reflect the process (in)stability in the past 24
hours. tory was then tasked with incorporating at least two of
4. The metric should be amenable to objective measurement and these domains into their local DM board, but there was
not susceptible to personal bias or subjectivity.
no restriction on pursuing a higher number of metrics or

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completion of measures to spell out QTIPS. Managers
work to achieve a visual and paper-based DM system that and work groups were given complete autonomy to select
would be posted in individual workstations or laboratories. meaningful measures of inconsistent performance, in any
It was felt that posting of DM measures at corresponding combination, that would support the team in identifying
workstations would make current work-related information and resolving workplace problems.
available to employees rather than being hidden on a shared
drive and would drive accountability and ownership of local DM Method and Elements
Furthermore, it was consented that each workstation Board Layout for Problem Solving—Rows
or laboratory would define the customer-centric metric and The layout for each measure was standardized into five
individuals (usually the supervisors or senior technologists) rows that promoted visual data display for ready assessment,
delegated with the responsibility of gathering and posting trending, root cause analysis, and corrective and preventive
this information on a daily basis. actions, as illustrated in ❚Figure 1❚.
Each metric had a certain performance threshold that Row 1 was the display of a calendar month superim-
had to be met within a 24-hour period. If this performance posed on one of the QTIPS letters with a circle for each day
metric was met, it would be considered a “success” and, if to be marked as a green day (ie, passed performance) or red
not, it would be considered a “failure” and therefore open day (ie, failed performance) based on the previous 24-hour
to closer scrutiny. This information was to be reviewed performance. No yellow would be used. If the laboratory did
at a fixed time each day as part of a daily gemba walk not operate on a specific day, the circle was colored black.
that included the medical and technical leadership. The This sheet was unmarked at the beginning of the month and
time, location, and number of metrics to be assessed daily was progressively filled out over the month with daily per-
were left at the discretion of local laboratory leadership and formance (red, green, or black). In addition, the row 1 sheet
were subject to factors such as time of the day when infor- also listed information defining the metric and the standard,
mation regarding metrics became available within individual the owner of that metric, and the time of gemba review.
laboratories. Row 2 was the actual the performance of the metric
during the previous 24-hour period. This was commonly
Final Design of DM Display Boards either a laboratory information system–generated report or a
The week immediately after initial training, the leader- manually plotted form that provided information reflecting
ship realized that while laboratories had selected appropriate the performance deviation from standard.
metrics for DM, there was inconsistency in how this infor- Row 3 was a graph of the measure’s performance
mation was collated and displayed on the boards. A uniform trended over an extended period of time (weeks to the cal-
approach to selection of this information and metrics was endar year). This trend was based on information captured
needed, and we therefore embarked on a standardization from row 1.
exercise. Row 4 was composed of two Pareto charts. The left side
was for a generic first-pass Pareto analysis (when and what)
DM Categories capturing the nature/root cause for all failure days. The right
side was a focused Pareto analysis (where and how) reflect-
Performance Domains—Columns ing a deeper dive characterization of a specific root cause on
The performance domains to be covered by our daily the left side that was being actively pursued.
metrics were standardized across the PALM product line Row 5 was divided into two tables. The first table was a
to column headers of Quality (Q), Time (T), Inventory corrective action table that captured the details of immediate

124 Am J Clin Pathol  2015;144:122-136 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

AJCP / Original Article

Visual Management At-a-glance

Q T I P S Daily gemba rounds with workers
Quality Time Inventory Productivity Safety • Each square has all days of the month
(delivery) or work • Color each per performance
in process • Red: Metric failed threshold
• Green: Metric met threshold
Work group specific metrics
• Trend challenging metrics
• Day, week, month, year…
• Blue: Threshold
• Red: Time of failure
• Green: Time passing threshold
Daily, weekly, monthly, annual trends
Pareto Charts, RCA, etc
What When

Why How

Root cause analysis Countermeasures

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Corrective and preventive actions
Assign responsibility and
Corrective Preventive accountability for completion
actions action plan Associated PDCA-A3 projects

❚Figure 1❚ The QTIPS daily management board design elements and content of the Henry Ford Production System. PDCA, plan-
do-check-act; QTIPS, Quality, Time, Inventory, Productivity, and Safety; RCA, root cause analysis.

interventions taken to correct performance failures, antici- Post-Gemba Walk DM Expectations

pated completion date of the intervention, current status While gemba and post–gemba walk exercises were an
of the intervention, and responsible personnel. The second effective way of handling defects and evaluating processes
table was a preventive action table that identified similar on a day-to-day basis, the long-term follow-up of our met-
information for derived PDCA-based projects being tested rics required a formalized system for review of efficacy by
to eliminate root causes. leadership and its communication to the employees.
Rows 1 to 5 were printed on separate A4 paper sheets As an expectation of manager standard work, we require
and mounted in a linear fashion at individual workstations. the technical leaders to review their DM information on a
Depending on available space, these took DM boards the monthly basis with their physician leaders and on a bimonth-
form of wall mountings with plastic inserts to hold the paper ly basis with the entire PALM product line leadership at our
forms or mobile rotating columns with plastic inserts fas- quality technical team meetings. This allows for identifica-
tened by magnets. tion of common themes and issues and leads to faster and
more efficient dissemination of solutions and best practices
DM Gemba Walk across the entire PALM product line.
The practice of the gemba walk has been a part of sys-
tematic quality improvement for decades. The term originated
in Japan, where it was pioneered by Toyota and inculcated
in their philosophy of “go and see.” It requires the team to
spend time and observe work as it is being performed. The During the first year of DM implementation (June 2013
underlying idea is that an effective study of the nature of through July 2014), eight laboratory sections at Henry Ford
problems and appropriate resolutions can only be made by Hospital employed 64 unique daily metrics ❚Table 2❚. The spe-
those actively involved in doing the work, followed by face- cific daily metrics used and categorized by domain in Anatomic
to-face discussion. We selected this method as a daily means and Clinical are shown in ❚Table 3❚. All laboratories consis-
of reviewing and acting on our QTIPS DM metrics. tently participated in the discipline of DM throughout the year.
The team involved in the DM gemba walk typically Most metrics (83%) were assessed long term (≥6
comprises medical leadership (pathologist directors) along months) and the rest used for durations of 1 to 6 months.
with the technical leaders (managers and supervisors) who The most frequent category used was a metric of quality (n
have reviewed rows 1 to 4 and follow up on the interventions = 22), followed by inventory (work in process, instrument
and projects listed in row 5 on a daily basis. Depending on availability) (n = 15), time (n = 14), productivity (n = 8),
the preference of the local laboratory, the gemba walk could and safety (n = 5). The highest number of metrics used was
be followed by a subsequent in-office meeting to discuss in the clinical pathology disciplines of the combined Core
issues in greater depth or any sensitive or personnel-related Hematology/Coagulation/Urinalysis and Clinical Chemis-
matters. Our daily gemba walks revolving around DM met- try Laboratories (20 metrics), closely followed by Surgical
rics have come to form the basis of leader standard work. Pathology (19 metrics) ❚Table 4❚.

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Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

❚Table 2❚
Distribution of Daily Management Metrics Used in 1 Year by Laboratory Sections According to Domain (QTIPS)
Laboratory Section Quality Time Inventory Productivity Safety Laboratory Totals
Hematology/Coagulation/Urinalysis 1 5 6 2 14
Laboratory Support Service 1 1 2
Clinical Chemistry 3 2 1 6
Microbiology/Serology 2 1 6 9
Transfusion Medicine 5 5
Surgical Pathology 10 4 4 1 19
Cytology 1 2 1 4
Molecular Pathology 4 1 5
Domain total 22 14 15 8 5 64

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QTIPS, Quality, Time, Inventory, Productivity, and Safety.

QTIPS daily monitoring resulted in 42 process improve- could begin cutting their own morning workload of blocks
ments, more than half derived from the larger laboratories from overnight processors. The teams theorized that level-
of Core Hematology/Coagulation/Urinalysis and Surgical ing the workload across the three workstations of accession,
Pathology that employed the most metrics (33) and used gross, and histology could eliminate this work defect. Each
targeted short-term metrics of 1 to 6 months’ duration. We workstation devised its own goals and metric of daily suc-
noticed that while most (53 metrics) have been incorporated cess to monitor the effect of changes that would be tested.
as long-term metrics that help the laboratory monitor the For accession, the goal was all rapid processed biopsy cases
stability of its processes, a minority (11 metrics) related to to be accessioned before 9:30 pm, and the metric was the
specific defects that were targeted with focused corrective number of cases left over unaccessioned at cutoff time. For
and preventive actions and were subsequently retired after gross, the goal was to deliver all cut biopsy specimens to
successful, sustained resolution (Table 4). histology processors before 10:15 pm, and the metric was
The physical arrangement and style of the DM boards the number of rapid biopsy cases left over uncut at cutoff
were innovated by each laboratory section. Often, space time. For histology, it was all rapid biopsy specimens to be
dictated the location and the form of the board. Parallel embedded and cut by the evening shift with nothing left over
operations, typified by the core laboratory, elected to use except for the blocks processed on the last batch. The histol-
separate DM boards on rotating kiosks for each subsec- ogy metric was the number of blocks and slides not cut and
tion of coagulation, hematology, chemistry, urinalysis, left to the day shift.
and morphologic fluid examination ❚Figure 2❚. In contrast, Numerous root causes of delay were identified that
a serial (sequential) operation, exemplified by surgical affected each workstation and cascaded along the shift. One
pathology, found value in co-locating the visually tracked cause was that large courier specimen batches received after
daily metrics of each laboratory section on a wall display 8:30 pm could be grossed but not cut in time by the histotech-
DM board ❚Figure 3❚. This was especially useful for met- nologists since processing time required 75 to 105 minutes
rics that were shared across sequential workstations such until blocks were ready to be embedded. An additional root
as accession, gross dissection, histology processing, and cause with negative downstream effect was the large volume
histology microtomy. of prostate biopsy specimens that were deferred to be cut by
For example, in this manner, load-leveling problems the pathologists’ assistants until the end of the shift. This
across work domains could be addressed more readily. The caused a very large bolus of 72 slides per prostate biopsy
work goal of the Core Surgical Pathology Laboratory is to case to be cut at the end of the shift as each prostate block
receive, accession, gross, and process all tissue specimens contained but one needle core and required six slides cut
from all Henry Ford surgical operating rooms and ambula- per block. Through a series of interventions described in
tory procedures. The first example is that of applying daily ❚Figure 4❚, the teams were able to make effective change
metrics aligned and owned across serial workstations in within 4 months to achieve their goal by applying Lean
surgical pathology to inform process changes that ensured principles of reducing batch sizes from hospitals, optimizing
a balanced continuous flow across two shifts (18 hours) and courier delivery times from remote hospitals, promoting ear-
prevented work backlogs from spilling over to a subsequent lier delivery of prostate cases from clinics, establishing more
day shift. In the baseline condition, evening shift histotech- defined standard work for all three workstations that pro-
nologists were unable to finish producing slides from the moted continuous flow, and frontloading prostate specimens
same-day biopsy load before the end of their shift at 12:20 that required more work at the backend. ❚Figure 5❚ shows the
am. This leftover work fell to the day shift to cut before they actual daily monitor and ease of assessing attainment of the

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❚Table 3❚
Specific QTIPS Daily Management Metrics Employed Over 1 Year by Laboratory Sections
Short Term Long Term
Laboratory Chosen Metric Domain Target Condition (1-6 mo) (>6 mo)
Clinical Chemistry Turnaround time for cardiac troponin I Time 90% of results reported within X
from emergency room 30 min of specimen receipt
Clinical Chemistry Turnaround time for cardiac troponin I Time 90% of results reported within X
from emergency room 30 min of specimen receipt
Clinical Chemistry Defect in notification of critical value Safety 0 defects/d X
(including documentation)
Clinical Chemistry Modification of previously released Quality 0 defects/d X
Clinical Chemistry QC outliers (C4, cholesterol, alkaline Quality <2 QC outliers/d X

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Clinical Chemistry QC outliers (vitamin B12, free T4, Quality <2 QC outliers/d X
Transfusion Medicine Availability of O-negative units Inventory >50 units should be available X
Transfusion Medicine Availability of plasma units Inventory >50 units should be available X
Transfusion Medicine Instrument downtime Inventory No instrument downtime X
(Neo 221, Immucor, Norcross, GA)
Transfusion Medicine Instrument downtime (Neo 228, Inventory No instrument downtime X
Transfusion Medicine Number of expired platelet units Inventory <2 expired units/d X
Microbiology Serology Reported result modifications Quality 0 defects/d X
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(Vitek, bioMérieux, Durham, NC)
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(MALDI-TOF, bioMérieux)
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(WASP, Copan Diagnostics,
Murrieta, CA)
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(Tigris, Hologic, Bedford, MA)
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(DSX, Alere, Waltham, MA)
Microbiology Serology Instrument downtime Productivity No instrument downtime X
(AMP/TAQ, Roche Molecular
Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA)
Microbiology Serology Quality control outliers on PCR Quality 0 QC failures/d X
Microbiology Serology RPR turnaround time Time 100% reported by 10 am of X
next day
Laboratory Service Center Call center wait time of <60 s Productivity >80% calls to be answered X
within 60 s
Laboratory Support Rehabilitation of orders from a specific Quality 0 defects/d X
outreach laboratory client
Coagulation Turnaround time for PT/PTT/INR from Time 90% of results reported within X
emergency room 30 min of specimen receipt
Coagulation Instrument downtime (Stago, Inventory No instrument downtime X
Diagnostica Stago, Parsippany, NJ)
Hematology Turnaround time for CBC from Time 90% of results reported within X
emergency room 30 min of specimen receipt
Hematology Turnaround time for CBC from inpatient Time 90% of results reported within X
and ambulatory sites 4 h of specimen receipt
Hematology Turnaround time for differential counts Time 90% of results reported within X
from emergency room 45 min of specimen receipt
Hematology Pending differential counts transferred Inventory None; all differentials reported X
between shifts within the shift
Hematology Instrument downtime Inventory No instrument downtime X
(automated analyzer)
Core Lab Manual Fluids Pending vaginosis screens Inventory None; all screens reported X
within the shift
Urinalysis Turnaround time for urinalysis from Time 90% of results reported within X
emergency room 30 min of specimen receipt
Urinalysis Instrument downtime Inventory No instrument downtime X
Urinalysis Incorrect specimen submission Inventory <10 urine specimens/d X
accepted in the
nonpreferred specimen


© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol  2015;144:122-136 127

Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

❚Table 3❚ (cont)
Specific QTIPS Daily Management Metrics Employed Over 1 Year by Laboratory Sections
Short Term Long Term
Laboratory Chosen Metric Domain Target Condition (1-6 mo) (>6 mo)
Hematology/Coagulation Defect in notification of critical Safety 0 defects/d X
values (including documentation)
Hematology/Coagulation/ Modification of previously released Quality 0 defects/d X
Urinalysis results
Outreach Timely callback of stat testing Safety 100% of stat tests results X
results notified within 4 h of
specimen pickup call
Surgical Pathology Specimen misidentification Safety 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Standard batches for routine blocks Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Standard batches for macro blocks Quality 0 defects/d X

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Surgical Pathology Pending blocks transferred between Inventory None; all blocks should be X
shifts processed within the shift
Surgical Pathology Pending blocks from biopsy rapid Inventory None; all blocks should be X
microwave processor processed within the shift
Surgical Pathology Nonreadable block barcodes Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Time spent in resolving defects Time 0 defects/d X
related to orders in EMR
Surgical Pathology Correct date of service on placenta Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Specimen containers that did not Inventory 0 defects/d X
have correct information
Surgical Pathology Time spent resolving consultation Quality 0 defects/d X
order defects in EMR
Surgical Pathology Time spent rehabilitating specimens Time 6 h/d X
from outreach laboratory
Surgical Pathology Number of slides restained Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Turnaround time for case sign-out Time 80% biopsies signed out in 2 X
by pathologists days; resections in 3 days
Surgical Pathology Incorrect orders for slide recuts Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Batching of autopsy blocks Quality None X
Surgical Pathology Incorrect EMR part type orders Inventory <3 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Autopsy workflow issues Quality 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Tissue discard log issues Time 0 defects/d X
Surgical Pathology Accessioning of consult slides Quality 0 defects/d X
Cytopathology Turnaround time for gynecologic cases Time 100% signed out within 5 days X
Cytopathology Complaints concerning HPV orders Quality 0 defects/d X
and results
Cytopathology 5S weekly compliance Safety 100% compliance X
Cytopathology Timely review of Papanicolaou Time 95% reviewed by assigned X
smears personnel
Molecular Pathology Duplicate EMR orders Quality 0 defects/d X
Molecular Pathology Missing EMR orders Quality 0 defects/d X
Molecular Pathology Repeat testing Quality 0 defects/d X
Molecular Pathology Pathologist not entering LIS orders Productivity 0 defects/d X
Molecular Pathology Neurology LOH blood specimen Quality 0 defects/d X
5S, Lean workplace organization process; EMR, electronic medical record; HPV, human papillomavirus; INR, international normalized ratio; LIS, laboratory information
system; LOH, loss of heterozygosity; MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PT, prothrombin time; PTT,
partial thromboplastin time; QC, quality control; QTIPS, Quality, Time, Inventory, Productivity, and Safety; RPR, rapid plasma reagin.

goal from initiation of the project in April 2013 and when million clinical test results every year. Of these, on average
positive results were achieved in July 2013. This monitor 150 test results per day are of a critical nature (ie, they are
was retired once 3 months of consistent process stability significantly outside the reference range and reflect a poten-
was achieved. tially immediate life-threatening situation). The ordering
The following is an example of successful long-term provider must be immediately notified so that prompt clini-
monitoring and reduction of critical value notification cal intervention can be initiated for the patient. Furthermore,
defects in the Core Laboratory, composed of Hematology, these results must be released and documented according
Coagulation, Stat-Chemistry, and Urinalysis. This large to the requirements of regulatory agencies in accord with
laboratory operation of parallel sections reports more than 8 National Patient Safety Goals.8

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❚Table 4❚
Duration of Daily Metrics and Process Improvements by Laboratory Section
Laboratory Section Long-Term Metric Short-Term Metric Process Improvements
Hematology/Coagulation/Urinalysis 12 2 8
Laboratory Support Service 1 1 1
Clinical Chemistry 6 4
Microbiology/Serology 9 6
Transfusion Medicine 5 2
Surgical Pathology 11 8 17
Cytology 4 1
Molecular Pathology 5 3
Domain total 53 11 42

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As part of safe laboratory practices, our objective has
been to communicate and document these results in a timely
and consistent manner. Any deviation from this defined and
standardized process was considered a defect. We designed,
implemented, and improved on a system of visual daily met-
rics that focused on tracking and trending defects related to
critical values while also focusing on employee education.
Both actions were aimed at reducing critical value defects
and improving patient safety system-wide. Our target condi-
tion for critical value notification was to expect zero defects
each day.
At the baseline in December 2012, an average of 25
calls/month (out of more than 3,700 calls/month) were
defective, in either notification or documentation steps.
Apart from the patient safety and regulatory compliance
aspects, the follow-up and closure of a critical value defect
consumed significant time for our personnel (conservative
estimate of >12 hours/month for supervisor and >18 hours/ ❚Figure 2❚ Kiosk-style daily management board of the core
month for technologists). laboratory composed of parallel operations.
A multidisciplinary team of medical technologists,
laboratory management, and pathologists focused on stream- any preexisting bias. Vague assumptions and generalized
lining the critical value reporting process using daily perfor- or punitive corrective actions were strongly discouraged,
mance metrics. Each day, delays in critical value reporting and the follow-up was progressively transformed from a
were reviewed for root causes and were followed up by the personal blame and opinion-centric activity to a process and
laboratory supervisor. data-centric activity. For example, if provider on a certain
The initial evaluation of defects revealed multiple root hospital floor refused to divulge a full name (a requirement
causes including difficulty in getting in contact with the cor- of documentation) because he or she did not feel a need for
rect health care provider, lacking standard work for critical it, the laboratory would notify the details of this event to the
value reporting process, and knowledge of the escalation provider and the provider’s supervisor through our institu-
procedures. tional patient safety monitoring mechanism. Similarly, on
We noticed that the initial response toward any detailed our outreach stream, if a certain site or provider group had
investigation of defects or proposed resolutions was often a notification or escalation defect, our laboratory sales team
too vague, with intangible factors such as general shortage members would liaise with the site manager for a refined
of staff, lack of space, and a resistant attitude of providers. It process and contact details. Both these activities were exe-
was our observation that such attitudes resulted in minimal cuted devoid of any blame. Since these events were entered
or ineffective resolution of defects, leading to disengage- and tracked through our DM system, we could now target
ment of the technologists from problem solving. Therefore, the high-frequency offenders and defect types, maximizing
the management team had to resolve that it would evaluate our gains with minimal investment of time and resources.
each defect as a unique event with an independent root cause Over the next 8 months, this process was effective in
and trend the frequency of such root causes independent of reducing the defect rate to roughly five per month, an 80%

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Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

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❚Figure 3❚ Wall display–style daily management board of surgical pathology. Note at this time the various teams aligned along
the path of workflow have the freedom to focus their specific metrics on the critical few that, at this time, spell out STQIQQ
(Safety, Time, Quality, Inventory, Quality, Quality). WIP, work in process.

Interventions Tested and Adopted

Batch Size Reduction and Specimen Organization
1. Reduce community hospital batch sizes
500 Cassettes left over 2. Advance last courier arrival earlier to lab
450 Slides left over 3. Work with suppliers to have continuous delivery of
prostate biopsies from clinics and ORs
4. Organize rapid biopsy specimens into same trays
Load Leveling via Standard Work Across Shifts of 3 Lab Sections
350 1. Accession all rapid biopsies before 9:30 PM
2. Prioritize gross cutting of rapid processed biopsies
300 3. Deliver all biopsies to histology for processing before 10:15 PM
4. Cut prostate biopsies early in shift, not at end
5. Defer gross of endometrial and breast core biopsies to end of shift
250 6. Log size and time of batches for histology notification of work coming
7. Dedicate only 1 evening histotech to embed blocks
200 8. Second histotech to flex time between embedding and cutting
9. Presort cut blocks by hospitals for day shift to expedite searching
150 10. Second shift to run only rush special stains, kidneys, livers, transplant lungs

00 00 00 00 00 00 00
April 2013 July 2013

❚Figure 4❚ Successful reductions in backlogged biopsy case work (measured as histology blocks and slides in process left for
the next shift) achieved by three work sections of accession, gross, and histology testing 14 different interventions between
April and July 2013. ORs, operating rooms.

improvement in performance ❚Figure 6❚. However by month before they realized a gap or variation on their own end. It
9, the defect rate started to increase. We noticed that this is important to realize that in large system-wide changes,
degradation in performance coincided with the introduction the loci of process variation and defects are often external
of a new electronic medical record system, and laboratory from the laboratory’s “control” (eg, order entry by providers
staff were now often faced with incomplete or incorrect lab- into the new electronic medical record), but the existence of
oratory orders—this delayed reaching the correct provider. a DM system allowed our laboratory to exercise the more
In a broader sense, our laboratory’s daily metric was now effective use of “influence” (eg, providing objective defect
reflecting the performance and variation among all other data rather than opinions) to our clinical departments and
clinical departments as they transitioned toward and adopted drive focused change. For example, the laboratory was able
novel workflows in their individual practice environment. to detect and correct this drift by first standardizing pro-
Our indicator was now the proverbial “canary in the mine,” cesses with emergency rooms and then replicating the same
reflecting failures (sorted by individual departments) even corrective actions with other supplying locations.

130 Am J Clin Pathol  2015;144:122-136 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

AJCP / Original Article

Inventory (WIP) Inventory (WIP)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Owners: Accession 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Owners: Accession

Histology Histology
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Month: April 2013 Month: July 2013
Meeting time: 12:30 PM Meeting time: 12:30 PM
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Metric: Biopsy case 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Metric: Biopsy case

work not work not
completed on completed on
second shift, second shift,
29 30 31 left for AM shift, 29 30 31 left for AM shift,

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causing delays causing delays
on AM on AM

❚Figure 5❚ Visual display of daily success (green) or failure (red) in achieving the work goal of no biopsy case work left over
between shifts at baseline month (April) and month of initial success (July). PAs, pathologists’ assistants; WIP, work in process.

Deployment Sustenance and Continual Improvement

Initial Performance
Defect rate = 0.7%
3.99 σ
Critical Value Defects/mo

Implementation Reduced comprehension
of new EMR staffing of procedure
Standardization Replenishment Simplification
of EMR orders of staffing of procedure
15 and retraining


Initial Improvement Sustained Improvement
Defect rate = 0.11% Defect rate = 0.08%
4.57 σ 4.66 σ
Ja 12
Fe 13
M 13
Ap 13
ay 3
Ju 13
Ju 13

Ap 14
ay 4
Ju 14
Ju 14
Au l 14
Au l 13
Se 13
O 13
N 13
D 13
Ja 13
Fe 14
M 14
M r1

M r1



❚Figure 6❚ Reduction in critical value defects using daily management from 2013 to 2014. This graph represents the
improvement in the performance of our laboratory’s safety (S) metric related to notification and documentation of a critical
value notification to an ordering provider. It represents the initial gains in performance during deployment (December 2012
to May 2013), subsequent monitoring of performance (April 2013 to August 2014) affected by various root causes (↑), and
improvements through countermeasures (↓). EMR, electronic medical record.

Thereafter, the DM system was useful in addressing two inpatient floors, ambulatory sites) staff in day-to-day prob-
distinct root causes (low staffing in January-February 2014 lem solving and monitoring. This effort has been recognized
and limited understanding of the procedure by new staff in with the receipt of multiple patient safety and quality awards
July 2014) through targeted intervention such as redistribu- at the institutional and national levels.
tion and standardization of tasks and simplification of our
escalation procedure.
Through this monitoring approach targeting new root
causes with countermeasures, we have greatly improved the
sustained performance of the core laboratory without adding The simplest definition of DM was offered by Liker
additional staff and have eliminated wasted time and effort and Convis9 as “the process of checking actual versus target
due to nonstandard processes. As a bonus, this exercise has results and engaging the team in creative problem solving.”
engaged our own staff and our suppliers’ (emergency room, But their reflection that “the goal is as much to develop

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Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

people as to get the results” is key in understanding how DM Function of DM

reinforces the cultural expectation of continuous improve- The DM subsystem visually holds managers and
ment at the ground level of any organization. The concept teams responsible for executing their piece of the strate-
and practice of DM may, therefore, be viewed differently gic plan at the local level by providing structure and dis-
based on maturity levels of Lean adoption, so we will frame cipline for managers and work teams to link work group
this discussion along several lines as DM is a management performance to departmental metrics and organizational
subsystem for leaders, managers, and the workforce to pro- objectives. The business systems of advanced and suc-
mote engagement and continuous improvements aligned cessful Lean corporations like Toyota and Danaher rely
with corporate goals. on DM to make visible each team’s contribution, success,
or failure in achieving corporate goals so that adjust-
DM as a Subsystem of a Mature Lean Enterprise ments and countermeasure solutions derived from sound

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After a decade of practical experience in adapting problem solving can be addressed sooner and in a locally
Lean to laboratories and other clinical domains in health meaningful way.
care, we have come to appreciate that Lean is first a man- One of the most important structures for continuous
agement system that structures and incentivizes leaders, improvement from the base of the organization is a daily
managers, and the workforce to align their efforts to con- visual management system. For example, the Toyota Floor
tinually improve the work systems, services, and products Management Development System focuses the current
for which they are each responsible. We have further come performance of the work group relative to expected targets
to know that success requires creating effective and aligned organized by major key performance indicator categories
new management subsystems that support the philosophy of Safety, Quality, Productivity (delivery, service), Cost,
and work of a continuous improvement culture. The main and People (human resource development, engagement).9
business subsystems that enable this culture of continuous The DM boards of Danaher Corporation’s business entities
improvement to function at all levels are policy deploy- revolve around Safety, Quality, Delivery, Inventory, and
ment at the leadership level, DM at the managerial level, Productivity. Through our interaction with Danaher, we
nonconformance (deviation) management at the level of evolved the DM system of the Henry Ford Production
the work, and the PDCA-based continuous improvement System laboratories to focus process improvements in the
system at all levels. DM is the subsystem responsible for categories of Quality, Time (delivery), Inventory (work in
aligning people to cultivate a culture of problem solving at process, batch size, instrument availability), Productivity,
the level of the work. and Safety. These DM measures are represented by the
acronym QTIPS.
Prerequisites for Effective DM and
Continuous Improvement What DM Is
For Lean to be successful as the basis of continuous DM is a powerful visual management subsystem that
improvement, leaders must create and then support grass- provides managers and teams with local structure, align-
roots improvements. This requires that the ground has ment, focus, and accountability for continuous improve-
already been prepared, the grass has been fertilized, and the ments of their group’s product or service. When structured
root system will be continually watered and fed. by sequential workstations along the path of workflow,
Success in using a DM approach to continuous DM serves to make visible defective work design resulting
improvement with workforce engagement is predicated in substandard quality. In this fashion, DM also serves to
on the foundation of a preexisting and functional sub- break down barriers of control and isolation that preclude
system structure of work groups with respective group the achievement of continuous flow that is so vital to Lean
leaders (manager), team leaders for quality improvement, success. This is illustrated in the surgical pathology labora-
and work team members. Liker and Convis9 describe this tory example of inventory monitoring of work in process
structure at Toyota, and we have described this structure to achieve load leveling. Here, group examination for root
previously for laboratories.5 The other prerequisites are a cause determined that specimen batches left over between
trained workforce who understands the goals and rules of shifts resulted not from excess work but because practices
continuous improvement and the establishment of a blame- adopted unknowingly upstream greatly magnified down-
free culture that enables work defects to be consistently stream work and batch accumulation.
identified and analyzed as the basis for daily improvement
at the level of the work site. The last element is a dedicated What DM Is Not
and aligned manager without whom the DM process may DM is not a display of stable production or operational
die on the vine. efficiency numbers or a posting of weekly collected data

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measures. DM is a daily problem-solving tool for managers DM provides managers with structure for tightly manag-
and teams to identify daily countermeasures and opportuni- ing areas within their control by assessing performance com-
ties to eliminate work problems that miss local area targets pared with benchmark goals within a 24-hour framework.
through data-driven problem solving. Therefore, philosophi- Close examination of critical elements of performance allow
cally, DM measures should not be fixed but should change for better analysis of root cause, implementation of immedi-
as teams identify opportunities, understand root causes, ate countermeasures to correct the deficit, shared account-
improve, and bring the situation under control to stability. ability with the workforce, and development of team-based
The visual trend of “red” days transitioning to “green” is the PDCA process improvements as corrective and preventive
simplistic signal to all that strategically aligned goals have actions whose impact can be assessed and sustained.
been achieved in a stable work system. This simple color- We had previously attempted to assist our managers’
coded designation of a successful “green” day allows all to abilities to manage by creating managers’ weekly check-

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visually know immediately at a glance whether the operation lists or a manager’s standard work. These were helpful in
is stable or requires intervention, a “red day.” creating an expectation of uniform discipline, but as with
any checklist, it can be ignored, periodically skipped, or
DM in Advanced Lean Transformation truncated. This required the use of audits to ensure compli-
We believe that DM is a higher order systematized Lean ance. The flaw in a checklist is that it is not visible and that
activity that requires the cultural attributes of managerial it requires rework in the form of an audit until the behavior
ownership and blame-free, team-based accountability for becomes rote.
continuous improvement in a work system that has already Although each of our laboratory operations had been
achieved reasonably standardized and stable process flow. using regular metrics of performance, those metrics varied
Many are enamored of the highly visible results of DM, but in quality of measure related to criticality of operational
it would be a mistake to require the discipline of DM in a success; frequency of monitoring and corrective action
chaotic system of work, as this would surely court frustra- taken, if any; and assessment of effectiveness. Therefore,
tion and failure. Stability can be managed by DM; perpetual we approached the use of DM with some trepidation, under-
crisis cannot. standing fully the requisite role of managers to buy into the
Liker and Franz10 have described the natural progres- process for success. That the managers at our main campus
sion of Lean business transformation in three phases as Lean core laboratories readily adopted DM after only 1½ days of
evolves from consultant lead application of tools in kaizen training can be attributed to the stability of our Lean culture,
events to middle management ownership with Lean thinking then in its eighth year of maturity; the constant push to seek
and problem solving to enterprise-wide engagement with opportunities for improvement; and the functionality of the
local ownership of Lean by leaders and all employees. The DM system to effect meaningful change.
mature result is an aligned culture of continuous process We have found that DM is a superior system of manage-
improvement. Notably, Lean does not progress beyond ment in that it provides a daily visible update of an area’s
consultant lead efforts until middle-level managers buy into progress toward goals and objectives to all who pass by
the culture change and model new behaviors that result in the board. The state of affairs of a work area is apparent
problem solving with their staff. This is why DM is such at a glance as to whether the problem is an opportunity for
an effective management approach for the conversion and improvement being addressed by a countermeasure and the
continued education of middle-level managers in securing current stage of problem ownership and resolution. We have
Lean from top to bottom in the organization. designed our DM system to incorporate documentation of
corrective/preventive actions and PDCA problem solving to
DM Standardizes How Managers Manage assist managers in engaging and developing their employees
Of the main subsystems that drive quality from top to in Lean thinking and ownership of local problems within
bottom in a Lean enterprise, DM is targeted to managers the day.
who are directly responsible for work outcomes. In effect,
DM, if properly structured, defines the “standard work” DM and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
of the managers and assists them in succeeding not only The vital role of DM in continuous improvement is best
as leaders but in achieving corporate and departmental grasped by understanding the culture of Toyota. According
goals that are cascaded to them. The managers’ role in to Liker and Convis,9 “Toyota believes that improvement
Lean is to understand the reliability and consistency of cannot be continuous if it is left to a small number of pro-
their work product or service and to know the variability cess improvement experts working for senior management.
or lack of control in their processes and then how to right Continuous improvement is possible only if team mem-
that condition. bers across the organization are continually checking their

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Zarbo et al / Daily Management System of the Henry Ford Production System

progress relative to goals and taking corrective actions to transport, accession, processing, testing, and report genera-
address problems. Continuous improvement starts at the tion and transmittal. In other areas of health care, that place
work group level, where value-added work is done. At may be closer to the patient at the registration desk, the
Toyota, that is at the level of work teams, where group lead- bedside, the clinic, the operating room, and so on. To offer
ers and team leaders facilitate daily kaizen.” another manufacturing analogy, all along these processes
According to Liker and Convis,9 kaizen is often misun- in all aspects of health care, there are handoffs between
derstood as a special project team using technical approach- “customers” and “suppliers” that can be redesigned and con-
es to improvement (Lean or Six Sigma) to address a problem tinually improved using Lean principles. The idea of Lean
or a weeklong kaizen event staffed with select members to design is that the problems in the gemba are made visible,
“make a burst of changes.” and therefore the best improvement ideas will come from
Kaizen, according to Liker and Convis,9 consists of two going to the gemba to see.

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types that require daily activity: maintenance kaizen and The DM board provides visible and strategically mean-
improvement kaizen. Our approach to DM and the boards ingful opportunities for leaders to build stronger relation-
we have created support both types of daily improvement ships with managers and team members by engaging them
activities at the level of the work. where they work in conversations about their work process-
Maintenance kaizen is the initial assessment of success es, by coaching for deeper Lean thinking, and by praising
or failure in daily adaptations or reactions to unpredictable them for work well done.
work variations. These are the metrics of daily work stabil- Consistently high levels of quality depend not only
ity of performance that we have categorized on our DM on defect-free tangibles related to product or service but
boards as Quality, Timeliness, Inventory, Productivity, and probably, even more important, on the invisible intangibles
Safety. Immediate and urgent countermeasures (corrective involved in local problem solving and decision making.
actions) taken to bring the work system back to stability are Here is where DM excels as an opportunity for leaders and
documented on the board and then followed by a root cause managers to educate the workforce to see and clarify issues,
analysis with the intent of preventing recurrence (preventive as well as identify those that need to be addressed by an
actions). immediate countermeasure and those that must be resolved
We have integrated into our DM boards the second and eradicated using systematic, data-driven PDCA problem
type of kaizen, improvement kaizen, based on PDCA prob- solving.
lem resolution that is intent on preventing the work prob- Gemba walks are an opportunity for those leading a
lem from occurring or testing innovations that raise the Lean enterprise to go and see to observe in order to become
performance bar. In truth, the improvement kaizen is rarely better leaders by promoting managerial accountability and
a daily accomplishment, but the presence of this category employee engagement in the continuous process of improve-
on the board maintains the team focus on the ultimate goal ment in the Lean culture. The fine distinction in this walk is
of problem elimination through PDCA-based change. that it is not the leader’s job to fix the problem. Walking the
In a Lean culture, the role of leaders is to support daily gemba is part of the leader’s participation in the “Check”
kaizen—to add energy, to ask questions, to encourage, and aspect of PDCA. On the gemba walk, the problem review
to coach without taking over. In this manner, the leader, is prompted by the leader with involvement of the manager
by coaching the team through the improvement process and the team. In this process, the leader can assess how well
and recognizing that the answers lie with those doing the teams can see, analyze, and clear issues using root cause
the work, develops the abilities of his or her people and analysis and testing countermeasures to solve problems
reinforces the approach to problem solving. The conversa- based on data. The weaknesses identified in this dialogue
tions of effective coaching become easier for leaders who are the leader’s opportunity to now teach. Leaders should
understand the work, and we have found that daily rounds consider the gemba walk the physical and mental examina-
at the DM board are the perfect place for leaders to gain tion to check on the health of the management system and a
that deeper understanding and to support daily improve- human development opportunity.
ment efforts of staff. DM serves as the data-driven conversation for leaders
on their regular gemba walks to develop people and reinforce
DM and the Gemba Walk Lean thinking and behaviors for continuous improvement
Gemba is a Japanese word that means the real place with simple questions such as, “What happened here? What
where value is created and the work activities are actu- are you doing about it now? What more do you need to know
ally done or products are used. In manufacturing, that is about it? How do you propose to eliminate that root cause?”
known as the shop floor. In the laboratory, that may be any- According to Liker, “The more clear it is in the work-
where along the production line from specimen collection, place what the standards are (reflecting what should be) the

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more easily the manager can see the gaps and have produc- Time variation is attributed by unstable and failed pro-
tive discussions with people in the process. If there is a chart cesses that may require further sharing of information or
it should be clear if the process is in control (green) or out of questions that arise at the DM board with initial conversa-
control (red). It should be clear where inputs used should be, tions about next steps or subsequent root cause analysis or
how much should be there, and when they should be arriv- interventions to be tested. In addition, senior leaders who
ing. It should be clear (without flipping through many com- incorporate the DM board meetings into their gemba walks
puter screens) what the technical worker should be working may prolong the regular daily huddle with additional con-
on versus what they are working on. This is called a ‘visual versations with the staff.
workplace’ and the more it is clear visually what should be
happening versus what is happening the more productive
the Gemba walks will be” (J. K. Liker, PhD, written com-

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munication, 2011).
We have found that DM is the key accountability sub-
Challenges system for managers to continually improve their operations
As with any new behavior, there was an adaptation in a structured and visible manner. Strategy and policy can
phase to DM as managers and employees became comfort- only go so far without quality delivered every day at the
able with a daily exposure of their work system failures. level of the work. As Henry Ford said in 1918, “Quality is
This required the blame-free Lean culture to be functional in what counts, and nothing but quality.”1 We have found DM
every section so that challenging metrics (failing measures) to be an essential means of delivering on our organization’s
could be chosen as a visual focus for the work team to quest to achieve ever higher levels of quality.
direct improvement efforts. Strong managers who engaged
their employees and were adept in team-based approaches
Corresponding author: Richard J. Zarbo, MD, DMD, Dept of
to improvement adapted to DM as an immediate problem-
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799
solving tool quicker than those who preferred the comfort of West Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202;
offering mostly “green day” metrics. These strong managers Acknowledgments: The authors thank the leadership and
were more likely to select new metrics throughout the year educators of Danaher Corporation and Beckman Coulter for
as former problems were resolved. Most adopted a rule that sharing elements of the Danaher Business System that we have
3 months of all “green” days signaled problem resolution adapted to develop our staff in fostering higher levels of sustained
continuous improvement. The senior author gratefully recognizes
and stability so that the metric could be retired. Laboratories Rita D’Angelo for her contributions over many years in defining
that performed their work in a serial structure of worksta- and operationalizing the structures, processes, and systems on
tions connected along the path of workflow and could which this Lean laboratory culture operates with a focus on its
co-locate their DM metric boards and more readily work people.
together in a true customer-supplier fashion, as illustrated
for Surgical Pathology, made improvements that spanned
across the value stream and had great impact on the down- References
stream work result. 1. Albion MW. The Quotable Henry Ford. Gainesville:
Let us address the perception that a process of daily University Press of Florida; 2013.
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the Henry Ford Production System. Am J Clin Pathol.
tured process, that may be the case. The approach to DM
that we describe provides a structure and process to a daily
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