Costas Receiver and Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing

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Costas Receiver and Quadrature-Carrier

Costas Receiver and Quadrature-Carrier
Multiplexing Reference:

Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of

Professor Deepa Kundur

University of Toronto
S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction to Analog & Digital
Communications, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. ISBN-13

Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Coherent Demodulation Output

v0 (t) = Ac A0c cos(φ)m(t)

Costas Receiver I To maximize v0 (t), would like φ ≈ 0.


I For v0 (t) to be proportional to m(t), φ should be constant.

Thus, we wish to synchronize the local oscillator.

Let A0c = 1 for simplicity.

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver Costas Receiver: Coherent Demodulation

Coherent Demodulation

Product Low-pass Demodulated Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator filter Signal Modulator filter Signal
v0 (t)
local oscillator output

Voltage-controlled Phase Voltage-controlled Phase

Oscillator Discriminator Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave DSB-SC wave

-90 degree -90 degree

Phase Shifter Phase Shifter

Product Low-pass Product Low-pass

Modulator Filter Modulator Filter

Goals: (1) Coherent demodulation of DSB-SC input signal.

(2) Tweak the local oscillator phase such that φ = 0.
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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Phase Lock Circuit Costas Receiver: Phase Lock Circuit
φ > 0: Freq of local oscillator needs to temporarily decrease
Coherent Demodulation

Product Low-pass Demodulated carrier local oscillator

Modulator filter Signal
v0 (t)
local oscillator output

Voltage-controlled Phase
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave

-90 degree 0
Phase Shifter
local oscillator phase is ahead
of carrier and
must decrease
Product Low-pass its frequency to
Modulator Filter wait for carrier
Circuit for Phase Locking

Goals: (1) Coherent demodulation of DSB-SC input signal. 0

(2) Tweak the local oscillator phase such that φ = 0.

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Phase Lock Circuit Costas Receiver: In-Phase and Quadrature-Phase
φ < 0: Freq of local oscillator needs to temporarily increase
I-Channel (in-phase coherent detector)

carrier local oscillator Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator vI (t) filter Signal

Voltage-controlled Phase
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave

0 -90 degree
Phase Shifter
local oscillator phase lags behind
carrier and must
increase its vQ(t)
frequency to Product Low-pass
catch up Modulator Filter
t Q-Channel (quadrature-phase coherent detector)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector

s(t) = Ac cos(2πfc t)m(t)

Product Low-pass Demodulated
Modulator vI (t) filter Signal vI (t) = s(t) · cos(2πfc t + φ)

Voltage-controlled Phase
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave e jφ j2πfc t e −jφ −j2πfc t e jφ e −jφ
cos(2πfc t + φ) = e + e
δ(f − fc ) + δ(f + fc )
-90 degree
2 2 2 2
Phase Shifter

e jφ e −jφ
VI (f ) = S(f ) ? δ(f − fc ) + δ(f + fc )
Product vQ(t) Low-pass 2 2
Modulator Filter
e jφ e −jφ
= S(f ) ? δ(f − fc ) + S(f ) ? δ(f + fc )
2 2
e jφ e −jφ
= S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
2 2

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector
repetitions repetitions
e jφ e −jφ
VI (f ) = S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
2 2
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(−φ) + j sin(−φ)
= S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
2 2 repetitions repetitions
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(φ) − j sin(φ)
= S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
2 2
cos(φ) sin(φ)
= [S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )] + j [S(f − fc ) − S(f + fc )]
| {z } 2 }
| {z repetitions repetitions

≈1/2 small

for φ  1.
baseband components baseband components
add coherently cancel out

Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector

e jφ e −jφ
VI (f ) = S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
baseband components 2 2
add coherently cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(−φ) + j sin(−φ)
= S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
2 2
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(φ) − j sin(φ)
= S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc )
 2  2
 
cos(φ) 
S(f − fc ) + S(f + fc ) + j sin(φ) S(f − fc ) − S(f + fc )
  
2 } |  2 } |
 }
baseband components | {z {z } | {z {z
significant baseband negligible baseband
cancel out ≈1/2 small

for φ  1.
The closer φ is to zero, the more significant the baseband term of
vI (t) and vice versa.

Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: In-Phase Coherent Detector Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector

Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator vI (t) filter Signal

Voltage-controlled Phase
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave

-90 degree
Phase Shifter

Product vQ(t) Low-pass

Modulator Filter

For φ small.
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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector

s(t) = Ac cos(2πfc t)m(t) e jφ e −jφ

VQ (f ) = S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
vQ (t) = s(t) · sin(2πfc t + φ) 2j 2j
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(−φ) + j sin(−φ)
= S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
2j 2j
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(φ) − j sin(φ)
e jφ j2πfc t e −jφ −j2πfc t e jφ e −jφ = S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
sin(2πfc t + φ) = e − e
δ(f − fc ) − δ(f + fc ) 2j 2j
2j 2j 2j 2j
cos(φ) sin(φ)
= [S(f − fc )−S(f + fc )] + j [S(f − fc )+S(f + fc )]
 jφ −jφ
 2j 2j
e e | {z } | {z }
VQ (f ) = S(f ) ? δ(f − fc ) − δ(f + fc ) ≈1/2j small
2j 2j
e jφ e −jφ for φ  1.
= S(f ) ? δ(f − fc ) − S(f ) ? δ(f + fc )
2j 2j
e jφ e −jφ
= S(f − fc ) − S(f + fc )
2j 2j

Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector

e jφ e −jφ
VQ (f ) = S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
baseband components 2j 2j
cancel out cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(−φ) + j sin(−φ)
= S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
2j 2j
cos(φ) + j sin(φ) cos(φ) − j sin(φ)
= S(f − fc )− S(f + fc )
2j 2j
   
cos(φ) 
S(f − fc )−S(f + fc ) + j sin(φ) S(f − fc )+S(f + fc )
  
baseband components 2j | {z }  2j | {z }
add coherently negligible baseband significant baseband
| {z } | {z }
≈1/2j small

for φ  1.
The closer φ is to zero, the more negligible the baseband term of
vQ (t) and vice versa.
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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Quadrature-Phase Detector Costas Receiver: vI (t) and vQ (t)


Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator vI (t) filter Signal
v0 (t)

Voltage-controlled Phase
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave

spectrum -90 degree

Phase Shifter

Product vQ(t) Low-pass

Modulator Filter


For φ small.
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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: vI (t) and vQ (t) Costas Receiver: vI (t) and vQ (t)
spectrum spectrum

Product Low-pass Demodulated Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator vI (t) filter Signal Modulator vI (t) filter Signal

Voltage-controlled Phase Voltage-controlled Phase

Oscillator Discriminator Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave DSB-SC wave

spectrum -90 degree spectrum -90 degree

Phase Shifter Phase Shifter

Product vQ(t) Low-pass Product vQ(t) Low-pass

Modulator Filter Modulator Filter

spectrum spectrum

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Low-Pass Filter Costas Receiver: Local Oscillator Control


Product Low-pass Demodulated Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator filter Signal Modulator filter Signal

v0 (t)
Voltage-controlled Phase Voltage-controlled g(t) Phase
Oscillator Discriminator Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave DSB-SC wave
v’0 (t)
spectrum -90 degree -90 degree
Phase Shifter Phase Shifter

Product Low-pass Product Low-pass

Modulator Filter Modulator Filter


Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Phase Discriminator Costas Receiver: Phase Discriminator

Two components in sequence: Two components in sequence:

(2) time-averaging unit

(1) multiplier

Ac Ac 1
v0 (t) · v00 (t) = cos(φ)m(t) · sin(φ)m(t) g (t) = φm2 (t)dt
2 2 2T 4
cos(φ) sin(φ) m2 (t)
= A2c 1
4 | {z } | {z } = φ m2 (t)dt
≈1 ≈φ 4 2T −T
| {z }
power of m(t); for T large is constant
= φm2 (t)
for φ  1. Therefore, g (t) is proportional to φ, and is the same sign as the
phase error φ.

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Voltage-controlled Oscillator Costas Receiver: Voltage-controlled Oscillator

Product Low-pass Demodulated

Modulator filter Signal

v0 (t) I If g (t) > 0 (or φ > 0), then the local oscillator will decrease
Voltage-controlled g(t) Phase from fc proportional to the value of g (t) (or φ).
Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave
v’0 (t)
-90 degree
Phase Shifter
I If g (t) < 0 (or φ < 0), then the local oscillator will increase
from fc proportional to the value of g (t) (or φ).
Product Low-pass
Modulator Filter

Professor Deepa Kundur (University of Toronto)

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3.4 Costas Receiver 3.4 Costas Receiver

Costas Receiver: Voltage-controlled Oscillator Costas Receiver

φ > 0: Freq of local oscillator needs to φ < 0: Freq of local oscillator needs to Coherent Demodulation
temporarily decrease temporarily increase Demodulated
Product Low-pass
Modulator filter Signal
v0 (t)
local oscillator output

Voltage-controlled Phase
carrier local oscillator carrier local oscillator Oscillator Discriminator
DSB-SC wave

t t
-90 degree
Phase Shifter
0 0
local oscillator phase is ahead local oscillator phase lags behind
of carrier and carrier and must
must decrease increase its Product Low-pass
its frequency to frequency to
wait for carrier catch up
Modulator Filter
t t
Circuit for Phase Locking

0 0

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3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing 3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing

Multiplexing and QAM

Multiplexing: to send multiple message simultaneously

Quadrature Amplitude Multiplexing

Quadrature Amplitude Multiplexing (QAM): (a.k.a quadrature-carrier
multiplexing) amplitude modulation scheme that enables two
DSB-SC waves with independent message signals to occupy the same
channel bandwidth (i.e., same frequency channel) yet still be
separated at the receiver.

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3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing 3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing

QAM: Transmitter QAM: Transmitter

Message Multiplexed
signal Signal

s(t) = Ac m1 (t) cos(2πfc t) + Ac m2 (t) sin(2πfc t)

-90 degree
Phase Shifter


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3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing 3.5 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing

QAM: Receiver QAM: Receiver

Product Low-pass
Modulator filter

I Costas receiver may be used to synchronize the local oscillator

Multiplexed for demodulation.
-90 degree 
Phase Shifter

Product Low-pass
Modulator Filter

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