Enhancing Methane Production From Pre-Treated Sugar Cane Bagasse Through Co-Digestion With Fatty Dairy Residue.

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“ a r a v r y, vr m a a ca va ”

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© 2018
a m r ca Sym m a r bc ( )
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SS : 2 1 -2 3
S Wa a R c v ry r y 11

-r am a r bc 85

a r bc r a m m c Wa wa r 140

B ra a R ca c ra m 190

M cr b a c ya M c ar B y 241

ma a r a r bc r c 277

F - ca x r c 299

B 306

S Wa a R c v ry r y 313

-r am a r bc 450

a r bc r a m m c Wa wa r 520

B ra a R ca c ra m 542

M cr b a c ya M c ar B y 583

ma a r a r bc r c 617

F - ca x r c 645

B 648
Enhancing methane production from pre-treated Sugar Cane
Bagasse through co-digestion with fatty dairy residue.
Jenny Carolina Rosero-Henao*, Beatriz Egerland Bueno*, Rogers Ribeiro*, Alessandra Lopes de Oliveira*,
Catarina Abdalla Gomide**, Giovana Tommaso1*

*Department of Food Engineering. University of São Paulo, Pirassununga, São Paulo, 13635-900, Brazil. (E-mail:
jcrhenao@gmail.com; tommaso@usp.br)
**Department of Zootecny. University of São Paulo, Pirassununga, São Paulo, 13635-900, Brazil. (E-mail:

Vegetable crop residues, such as sugar cane bagasse (SCB), are by-products with great potential for
the production of biogas because of their low cost, high availability and high sugar content.
a previous treatment, the recalcitrance that limits the microbial hydrolysis of the material can be
overcome, interesting characteristics such as adsorption can be gained into the material and higher
methane yields can be achieved if combined in a co-digestion process. Pre-treated SCB (T-SCB)
with supercritical CO 2 (SPC-CO2 at 0 C/200 kgf cm-2 was studied for the adsorption of fat and co-
digested with fatty dairy residues (FR). Results showed a greater adsorption capacity in the raw SCB,
however, a higher adsorption rate for T-SCB. BMP tests inferred a higher capacity of the
inoculum to degrade T-SCB in co-digestion of fatty dairy residues (FR).
Supercritical pre-treatment; anaerobic digestion; solid wastes; biogas; renewable energy.

In anaerobic digestion (AD) processes, SCB is a promising substrate since its contribution of sugars
to the medium can favour the microbial consortia and its adsorption properties can help to deal with
problematic compounds1. However, its use has been limited due to difficulties in the hydrolysis
stage2. Different pre-treatment methods have been developed with the aim of reducing the
recalcitrance of lignocellulosic materials3,4. Supercritical CO2 at 0 C/200 kgf cm-2 is one that has
proven significant effectiveness at this purpose improving methane yield by 23.4%5. The aim of this
work was to evaluate th s re-treatment in the adsorption capacity of SCB and its use in co-digestion
with fatty dairy residues (FR).


Raw SCB was obtained from a sugar and alcohol processing company, while FR was collected from
the grease trap of the effluent treatment system of Tavolaro dairy plant, both located in the state of
São Paulo (Brazil). SCB was pre-treated with supercritical CO2 at 0 C/200 kgf cm-2 (T-SCB) as
stated by Henao et al.5. Inoculum was obtained from a UASB reactor of a poultry slaughterhouse and
later ada ted n an anaerob c reactor fed w th a m lk and cellulose based substrate w th 3 g.C /L.
All materials were characterized by chemical composition6, solids and Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD)7 .
Adsorption Test
Adsorption of fat in the raw and pre-treated SCB was determined following the protocol described by
Brandão8, with adaptations. Thus, amounts of SCB ranging from 0.25 to 1.2 g were added to 30 mL
of a water-butter m xture (10 at 1 C and then st rred at constant s eed for 3 hours. t each set
time interval of 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes, 3 vials were sacrificed and the mixture was
separated using sieves. The obtained SCB was dried at room temperature and weighed after 48
hours. By weight difference, the mass gain of the bagasse and the percentage of adsorption was
calculated. A modified Hill model, was adjusted for the correlation of the results, with the aid of
Origin 9.0TM. Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) tests
ethane roduct on was assessed b tr l cate batches follow ng the recommendat ons of ngel dak
et al.9. Thus, 120 mL reactor vials were fed according to Table 1, and incubated at 37°C and 100 rpm.
The inoculum was degassed until negligible production of biogas and vials with no substrate were
employed as control. Kinetic data were obtained through the Gompertz model. Biogas yield
was measured by pressure transduction and its composition was analysed by gas chromatography.
Table 1. Composition of BMP tests
T-SCB Fatty COD g.CO / Inoculum Buffer Macro Sol. Micro Sol.

(g) Residue (g) added (g) g.VS (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
T-SCB 1 - 0,903 0,017 25 20 0,2 0,1
T-SCB+FR1 1 1,4 1,181 0,021 25 20 0,2 0,1
T-SCB+FR2 0,2 1,4 0,458 0,008 25 20 0,2 0,1


he kinetic analysis of the results obtained through the adsor tion test showed a higher adsor tion
capacity in the raw SCB (R-SCB), requiring a greater amount of T-SCB to approach the maximal
percentage of adsorption expressed by R-SCB of 84.574±3.953 (1.0g of T-SCB vs 0.75g of R-SCB).
Nonetheless, the saturation constant obtained, suggests that the maximum adsorption rate is reached
more rapidly when T-SCB is used. In the BMP test, the condition T-SCB+FR2 was proposed
to simulate the quantity of SCB necessary to adsorb the fat contained in the FR. An
accumulated methane roduction of 30.44 37.01 and 32.94 mmol CH4 was obtained for -SCB,
TSCB+FR1 and TSCB+FR2 res ectively. he kinetic analysis of the results allowed to infer a higher
capacity of the inoculum to degrade the substrates when presented in co-digestion, as the lag phase
( decreased and the rate of methane roduction (k) increased. Methanogenic production relative to
the amount of substrate improved in the condition T-SCB+FR2 (40.98 mmol CH4/g QO while in
T-SCB+FR1 was below the ex ected (19.34 mmol CH4/g QO robably due to unbalance of
the relation between Carbon and Nitrogen, combined with the presence of lipids. Lipids present
an energy otential su erior to rotein and carbohydrate based residues and are also known
for presenting difficulties in AD processes by the generation of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), which
may inhibit methanogenic microorganisms10.

The methane yield achieved in T-SCB+FR2 suggests that by guarantying the adsorption of lipids into
a convenient matrix, as SCB, complications of dealing with fatty residues can be overcome. Residues
from the dairy grease trap showed high methanogenic potential, increasing the yield of methane
produced, showing potential to improve the economic viability of anaerobic plants when combined
with the right amount of T-SCB.

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