Sessional 1 Assinment PDF

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Name: Ihtisham Muhammad

Roll no: 12-B

Instructor: Adi Abdur Rab

Task: Sessional 1 Assignment

Due Date: 28 Mar,2019: 00:00

Letter Addressed to Father Regarding CMS course

Hey Dad,
Hope everyone is doing well at home. Yesterday, while I was trying to get some sleep after a
tiresome day, a random thought haunted my mind. I remembered all those long and random
conversations we used to have about our everyday experiences; you being a university
teacher, me a being a school student. All these discussions helped me being a better student
and probably aided you having a better understating of students.
Having moved a hundred miles away from home, finding nobody to talk to, I started to (in a
manner) feel alone and somewhat depressed at times. The conversations on phone and
WhatsApp could never be a substitute. This is when I came up with this brilliant Idea why
don’t I just write to you. Like you used to say, writing is the purest form of communication.
So be it.
Talking of communication, our university has introduced a three credit-hour course on
furnishing Communication Skills. While enrolling for the course, I wondered what could it
possibly be that they will be teaching for three hours a week. Anyhow it was a relief,
knowing that we will get some time off those annoying and uninteresting Metal-oxide
semiconductor field-effect transistors and Differential operators.
Speaking of the first class, seated in nice and warm environment of odeum, we were
anxiously waiting for our mentor to arrive. As he walked in, settled down, he introduced
himself to us. Turns out he is the co-writer of Oscar winning cartoon series co-writer. The
name was Adi Abdurab. The first impression had to be overwhelming.
While we were thinking that he may be another High profiled individual who would do
nothing but to read out loud certain slides in front of the people, he asked us to make groups
and think of some technology that is common and successful in the foreign world but is not in
practice in our country. Before we could start, he told us how to you proceed with your idea if
you have what it takes to get things done.
Let me have a sketch of my understanding…

Reflect &
Set a Then
Time Action
Separate frame
Organise the

As a part of this activity, we came up with the idea of Promoting genetic engineering in
Pakistan. Our way of approaching the idea was lauded Sir.
Sir maintained a smooth atmosphere in the class with just the right amount of humour.

The Second lecture was also equally exciting and educative. It was basically about verbal
and non-verbal communications. We were given an activity where people would bid on
business pitches. Two types of groups were made; Investors and Pitchers. Investors had to
specify a budget while pitchers had to come up with an innovative idea to get the best deal as
As the activity proceeded, Sir pointed out various positives and negatives in the manner of
communication of the groups. We learned some of the basic techniques on how can we get
what’s best out of the circumstances.
We learned that investors have look firm, bossy and questioning in order to maintain an
overwhelming presence. On the contrary, the idea pitchers have to be confident about their
product and their work no matter what the situation is.
The Third lecture had us back to the traditional methods. It was a presentation on the
Gestures (voluntary and involuntary). Being humans and thankfully so, we were already
aware of when humans look sad, happy or surprised. Seeing that on computer slides with
manga illustrations made no difference.
One informative thing was some of the gesture we could avoid being a professional. Also
some of the gestures we could use to show our concern, disapproval or anger in a polite and
refined way.

One thing you might have noticed, is my improved letter writing skill. Well, thanks to Sir Adi
Abdur Rab. Our Last lecture was about the formal/written means of communication. Sir Adi
gave us a brief workshop on minute writing, formal and informal letter writing followed
by an activity on minutes writing. This was a highly productive and informative session.

Engineers are creators, inventors, problem solvers. As long as they don’t know how
document and communicate their solution to the people, there is not much a difference they
can make.
Let’s think of an engineer, supernatural intellectual powers, introvert nature, comes up with a
revolutionary idea. Let’s say the product is a cheap, biodegradable substitute of plastic. Goes
to a business pitch and loses the bidding to another engineer who invented just another type
automatic switching system. Now imagine losing to a normal product when you have what
could start an industrial revolution; just because you don’t know how to communicate and
Same might have been the case with Galileo and Tesla. If only did they knew about MLA,
the law of inertia might have been called as Galileo’s first law of motion and Electric Bulb
would have been an invention of Tesla.
The importance of having nice and sound communication skills is undeniable in the modern
world no matter your profession, which walk of life are you associated to.
My Expectations from this course are such that I learn better, effective, precise and
professional ways of organizing, drafting and documenting, communicating my Ideas,
researches, products and dealings. I expect to learn what simple norms that we can adopt in
order to be regarded as successful professional.

That’s all from me for now. Say hello to mother on my behalf. Write a response whenever
you are available. Goodbye.

-Your Engineer lad

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