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Chronology of the Jews under the Persian (Achaemenid) Empire
560. Cyrus the Great becomes king of Persia.
550. Cyrus the Great conquers Media and subjugates them.

539, Oct 12. Darius the Mede (Cyaxares II), king of Media and subject of Cyrus, conquers Babylon.
538. Daniel and the lions' den (Dan 6).
538. Daniel's vision of the 70 weeks (Dan 9).

536. Darius peaceably gives Median Empire to Cyrus, who is king of Persia, Media, and Babylonia.
536. Cyrus decrees that God’s house is to be rebuilt and appoints Sheshbazzar as governor of Judah (Ezra 1,
2Chr 36:22-23). Sheshbazzar begins the foundation but does not finish it (see Ezra 1:8-11, 5:14-16).
536-530. Daniel and the story of Bel and the Dragon (see Dan 14 in LXX).
533. Daniel’s visions about Persia and Greece (Dan 10-12).

530. Cambyses II succeeds Cyrus the Great.

522. Darius I succeeds Bardiya, who had succeeded Cambyses and reigned a few months.
520, Mar-Apr. Zerubbabel’s contest with the bodyguards. He is appointed as governor (1 Esdras 3:1-5:6).
520, Mar-Sep. Zerubbabel and a wave of captives return to Judah (Ezra 2).
520, Aug-Sep. God through Haggai commands to rebuild the temple (Hag 1).
520, Sep-Oct. The altar is built and sacrifices resumed (Ezra 3:1-7).
520, Sep-Oct. Work on the temple is progressing (Hag 2:1-9).
520, Oct-Nov. Remember the folly of your ancestors (Zech 1:1-6).
520, Nov-Dec. Promises from God, poverty turned to prosperity (Hag 2:10-23).
519, Jan-Feb. The first four visions given to Zechariah (Zech 1:7-3:31).
519, Feb-Apr. Opposition to the temple; Tattenai becomes a friend (Ezra 4:1-5,4:24-6:14).
519, Apr-May. The second four visions given to Zechariah (Zech 4-6).
519, Apr-May. Foundation finished (Ezra 3:8-13).
518, Nov-Dec. God's promises and instructions on obedience (Zech 7-8).
515, Feb. The temple is completed (Ezra 6:15-22).
515 or later. God's prophecies and the future of God's people (Zech 9-14).

486. Xerxes I succeeds Darius I.

465. Artaxerxes I succeeds Xerxes I.

462. Artaxerxes removes Queen Vasti and looks for a new queen (Esther 1).
459 or earlier. Esther becomes a candidate for queen (Esther 2:1-14).
458, Mar-Apr. Ezra and another wave of captives leave Persia (Ezra 7:1-8:31).
458, Jul-Aug. Ezra and the wave of captives arrive at Jerusalem (Ezra 8:32-36).
458, Nov - 457, Apr. The matter of Jews who married foreign wives (Ezra 9-10).
457, Feb-Mar. Esther becomes queen to Artaxerxes (Esther 2:15-23).
456-453. Previous inhabitants of Judah have Artaxerxes halt the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Ezra 4:6-23).
453, Mar - 452, Feb. Queen Esther foils Haman's plot and saves the Jews (Esther 3-10).
445, Nov-Dec. Nehemiah hears about the ruins of Jerusalem (Neh 1).
444, Mar-Apr. Nehemiah asks Artaxerxes I to be sent to Judah as governor (Neh 2:1-10).
444, Jul-Sep. Building the wall, opposition to it, finding Ezra 2 (Neh 2:11-7:73).
444, Sep-Nov. Reading of the Law by Ezra, celebrating Festival of Booths, sealing of Levite vows (Neh 8-10).
443. Resettling Jerusalem and dedication of the wall (Neh 11-12).
433. Nehemiah returns to Persia (see Neh 5:14 and 13:6).
? Malachi prophesies against unrighteous worship (Mal 1-4).
Sometime between 431-424. Nehemiah returns to correct various sins (Neh 13).

424. Xerxes II succeeds Artaxerxes I and reigns 45 days.

424. Sogdianus succeeds Xerxes II and reigned 6.5 months.
424. Darius II succeeds Sogdianus.
404. Artaxerxes II succeeds Darius II.
358. Artaxerxes III succeeds Artaxerxes II.
338. Artaxerxes IV succeeds Artaxerxes III.
336. Darius III, the last king of the Persain Empire, succeeds Artaxerxes IV.

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