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Victim Impact Statement Defendant: William Wood Victim: Stephen Gudknecht (Brother) PSR: 2019-3422 My brother Stephen Gudknecht wasn’t just any other guy. He wasn’t just a manager, or a cook. My brother was my role model. | saw him grow from a troubled teen, to the hardest working, most caring, and compassionate man | have ever met. He was a father who showed that he would do anything for his kids. Day in and day out | watched him go the extra mile for those kids that he loved with everything he’s got. | couldn’t help but be proud him, Steve literally taught me everything I know. He was who | went to if | had an issue, he was my blunt voice of reason that | needed to keep going. The love I have for Steve can’t be replicated, and | know for a fact there are a large number of people who feel the exact same way. See, what the defendant doesn’t understand is he didn’t just take Stephen Gudknecht and Kris Hicks. They took a FATHER from two amazing children. Two children who idolized their father because they saw how hard he worked to. support them and when he wasn’t working, he was giving them his full attention. | hope he is haunted by those children’s faces every time he closes his eyes. To know that because of his selfish, despicable actions, two amazing kids are never going to be able to see their father again. Those kids can never hug their father, play catch or watch football with him. They're going to graduate school one day, and never be able to see their father standing up with the look of pride he would have had. No amount of sleepless nights will ever make up for the sickening act that he did, and no matter the outcome of all of this, it will never be enough to pay for what he had done. The defendant broke my family, and | do not want to give him that satisfaction but there is no other way to describe it. Steve was the rock of my | family. Family gatherings, Steve was in the kitchen helping my mom. If my ' disabled father was having a hard time around the house, or if he needed someone to get him something. Steve was the first person who would be there, he had a heart you couldn’t measure. Steve was the one who taught me that family is everything, they’re the ones who will always have your back. Me being in the US Army I was very comfortable with my upcoming deployment to Africa, because | knew for a fact that my family was in great hands because Steve was there. The defendants took that security away from me and my family. But | want the defendant to know that Steve did teach me everything, and because of him, even in his passing my family will not suffer. | want them to know that while their sitting in their cage, and everyone in the world is forgetting their miserable and pathetic existence, that my family will move forward and be the best we can be in honor of Stephen Gudknecht. Very Respectfully, Christopher Chappell

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