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Sun Tzu - “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of
a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but know not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
suffer a defeat.
If you know not the enemy or yourself, you will succumb in every battle”.
Henry Ford – Strategy to reduce costs. Note the contrasting strategy of General
Motors – niche markets, frequent model changes.
Timeline – Great depression, 2nd World war, reconstruction, oil crisis
Chandler: Strategy is the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives,
and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for
carrying out goals…
Ansoff: divided management decision-making into three: strategic; administrative;
and operating
Quinn – Emergent Strategy Development – Strategy by implementation and learning
from partial commitments.
Omae – Strategy is about achieving competitive advantage - the 3 C’s Company,
Customer, Competition
Mintzberg - Emergent strategy originates not in the mind of the strategist, but in the
interaction of the organization with its environment.
Ansoff: The contingency approach

Uncertainty – economic upheavel, terrorism

Strategy Planning System
The cycle:
1. Planning guidelines – Forecasts, assumptions & targets and directives
2. Draft business plans – from different sections of the business
3. Discussion with corporate
4. Revised business plans
5. Aggregation of business plans to create corporate plan
6. Approval by board
7. Set targets and monitor
8. Performance Appraisal
9. Back to 1.

Gives structure to complex problems
Encourages long term view and encourages managers to question and challenge
received wisdom
Provides a means of co-ordination
Also aids: communication, monitoring progress, co-ordination of resources.
And: Provides pyschological benefits such as ownership and security
But: 8
People may misunderstand the purpose of planning systems
Recognises that the realised strategy may be different from the intended, prescriptive
Emergent strategies are the result of activities and processes within the organisation
and cumulative decisions which become the realised strategy.
Logical incrementalism –
•The development of strategy through experimentation and learning from partial
commitments rather than through global formulation of total strategies.
•Generalised view of objectives
•Sensitive to the environment
•Requires a strong central business which provides the opportunity for side bets.
•Senior management draws together an emerging pattern of strategies

•Also see Resource allocation routines – an internal market for ideas

•Cultural processes can bring about strategy through the organisations’s paradigm:
The predominant application of the familiar! This can lead to Strategic Drift, so
organisations need to challenge taken for granted assumptions
•Multiple processes of strategy development are likely to be needed if organisations
wish to create a learning organisation and cope with increasingly dynamic and
complex environments

1. Intended strategy is implemented
2. Strategy does not come about in practice – unworkable, environment changes,
uncooperative managers or workers
3. The strategy actually being implemented (different from 1) develops over time
rather than being planned up-front.
4. Monitoring progress


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