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Proteomics and applications within the drug

development pipeline
René Houtman and Ian Humphery-Smith

ence and current approaches can be classified as

Introduction either traditional or array-based PROTEOMICS. These
approaches will be discussed in this chapter.
Rough estimates at the end of the last century pre-
dicted the existence of approximately 100,000
human genes. However, with the completion of the Traditional proteomics
draft of the human genome in early 2001 came what
many had already suspected: the actual count Traditional PROTEOMICS is based on the separation sci-
reduced this figure by 75%. A shocking conclusion: ence and involves sample preparation by extraction
humans have only twice as many genes as a fruit fly of proteins from the tissue or cells of interest followed
or roundworm, and the gene count is comparable to by quantitative (expression level) and qualitative
that of a mouse! The big question that arises is: How (identification) analysis. Technologies employed for
in theory do we manage to operate at a higher level separation of the proteins include capillary electro-
of complexity? The answer: It is proteins, and not phoresis, liquid chromatography, one- and two-dimen-
genes, that are responsible for an organism’s overall sional gel electrophoresis (2DE), continuous flow
complexity.The interaction of proteins in a complex electrophoresis, and variations of mass spectrometry
network adds up to how an organism functions.This (MS), namely single or tandem MS. The latter can be
is further complicated by lipids,sugars,the dynamics expanded to MSn and is based upon repeated ion
of molecular shape changes, and the intra-cellular selection and increasing more refined screening of
compartmentalization of specific reagents and their the breakdown products of a particular polypeptide.
respective concentrations.
Indeed, proteins are referred to as the ‘molecular
workhorses’ that determine a phenotype which 2-Dimensional electrophoresis
makes the PROTEOME,the protein complement encod-
ed by a genome, an important object for scientific Although 2DE was already introduced in the mid
research, i.e., PROTEOMICS. Post-transcriptional mecha- 1970s [4], various modifications over the years
nisms that control the rate of synthesis and half-life helped in improving this technique into the powerful
of proteins [1] are responsible for a poor correlation tool currently employed in PROTEOMICS research. To
between mRNA expression levels and protein abun- date,2DE has been the mainstay of PROTEOMICS,but is
dance [2, 3]. Moreover, the importance of CO- and increasingly being complemented by a variety of
ulation of protein function demands that an Protein samples are first separated by ISOELECTRIC
improved understanding of molecular systems in FOCUSING (IEF, 1st dimension) as illustrated in Figure
health and disease will depend upon access to tech- 1A.This is referred to as charge-driven separation. At
niques that provide both quantitative and qualitative a pH above their ISOELECTRIC POINT (pI), amino acids
information derived from complex protein mixtures. (α) behave as proton donors and hence become
The complexity and number of samples to be negatively charged.When an electric field is applied,
analyzed makes PROTEOMICS a technology-driven sci- these negatively charged residues migrate to the
214 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline


A. Proteins are separated in the 1st dimension based on their isoelectric point (pI), i.e.: isoelectric focusing. Subse-
quently, B. these proteins are separated in the 2nd dimension based on their molecular mass (Mr) by SDS-PAGE. Sep-
aration based on the combination of two protein characteristics enables analysis of complex protein mixtures.

(positive) anode until they reach their pI. At this forming chemicals. However a major improvement
point the residue’s charge is neutralized by proton of the technique was accomplished with the intro-
uptake from its environment resulting in an arrest of duction of immobilized pH gradients (IPG) in the
migration.Alternatively, at a pH above below their pI, late 1980s. The latter, formed by ampholytes cross-
amino acids (β) behave as proton acceptors result- linked to a plastic carrier strip by acryl amide, result-
ing in a positive charge. Accordingly, in an electric ed in enhanced resolution,improved reproducibility,
field they move to the cathode until their pI is higher loading capacity for preparative gels and pos-
reached. The pI of a protein is determined by the sibility of separation of basic proteins under equilib-
average of the pIs of the residues of which it consists. rium conditions [5], but is usually practiced in the
Proteins with different amino acid compositions presence of ampholytes and thus referred to as
therefore have different pIs. Originally, IEF of proteins ‘mixed-bed’ electrophoresis.
was performed in rod-shaped polyacrylamide gels Following IEF, proteins are separated with respect
with mixed-in synthetic ampholytes, pH gradient- to mass within a polyacrylamide sieving matrix,
Traditional proteomics 215

One of the inherent qualities of 2DE is its ability

TABLE 1. CLEAVAGE SITE OF SEVERAL PROTEASES to separate and quantitatively visualize PTMs of pro-
COMMONLY USED IN PROTEIN IDENTIFICATION teins, because accompanying changes in mass (see
also Table 2) and, most importantly, accompanying
Enzyme Cleavage site charge, result in altered migration and a visible shift
on the gel.
Asp-N X-D1 Procedures for protein characterization following
Arg-C X-R protein isolation have been reviewed by Humphery-
Glu-C(i) E-X Smith and Ward [6].
Glu-C(ii) E-X
Lys-C K-X Protein identification by mass spectrometry
Trypsin R-X
K-X One of the major breakthroughs for PROTEOMICS
research has been the advent of soft-ionization MS-
For amino-acid coding see Table 3; X, any amino acid based techniques to facilitate analysis of macromol-
ecules (polypeptides) by mass spectrometry. The
instruments used, which enable protein identifica-
tion from only a few femtomoles of material, can be
namely SDS-PAGE in the 2nd dimension. An anionic grouped into two categories: single-stage mass spec-
detergent sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) within the trometers producing peptide mass fingerprints
electrophoresis buffer is employed to form charged (PMF) and tandem MS- (MS/MS) based systems.
moieties encompassing the polypeptides needing to Basically, MS is performed by three consecutive
be separated.Hence proteins previously separated in events. First, the components of the ANALYTE require
an IEF gradient become saturated with a negative ionization/ desorption; second, the ions generated
charge. Application of an electric field induces are separated based on their size and charge; and
migration of these proteins towards the anode from third,the separated ions are detected.Internal resolu-
the IPG strip into the PAGE gel where they are sepa- tion of peptides can be obtained by enhancing frag-
rated by means of their molecular mass (Mr), small mentation by post-source decay, collision-induced
proteins migrating faster through the maze of acryl dissociation or electron-coupled dissociation of a
polymers then large proteins. parent ion of interest.
Once separated, proteins can be visualized by
various fluorescent and non-fluorescent staining Ionization
The power of separation by 2DE,based on a com- There are several ways by which the PROTEOLYTIC
bination of different protein parameters, is illustrated FRAGMENTS can be ionized, of which matrix-assisted
in Figure 1B. Proteins of identical Mr (I and III) can laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and electro-
be distinguished with respect to pI due to different spray ionization (ESI) are most commonly used, illus-
amino acid composition, while proteins inseparable trated in Figure 2A. In MALDI, the PROTEOLYTIC FRAG-
by IEF (II and IV) are separated by PAGE due to dif- MENTS are mixed with a crystalline matrix, spotted
ference in Mr. In this manner, mixtures containing onto a solid surface and dried. Next, crystals are tar-
thousands of proteins can be resolved. geted by a laser. The energy of the laser is absorbed
For identification, protein spots are excised from by the crystal,causing it to vaporize and leading to an
the 2DE gels and subjected to in-gel digestion by an ‘explosion’ and subsequent desorption/ionization of
ENDOPEPTIDASE with known specificity as listed in peptides, which then enter the analyzer in gas phase.
Table 1. PROTEOLYTIC FRAGMENTS diffuse out of the gel Using electrospray ionization (ESI), ionization is
and are analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). achieved by a process referred to as COLOMBATION.
216 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline

per droplet size to a critical value, at which time the

TABLE 2. MASSES OF SEVERAL COMMON POST- droplet explodes into naked ions carrying charge.
Separation of ions
Modification Mass
Ionized peptides are separated with respect to their
Acetylation 42 mass according to the principle of time-of-flight
Amidation –1 (TOF). As illustrated in Figure 2B, in an electric field
Biotinylation 226 (V) the time (tD) it takes for ions to travel the dis-
Carbamylation 41 tance (d) between the ion source (t0) and the detec-
Carboxylation 44 tor is inversely correlated with their mass-over-charge
Deamidation 1 ratio (m/z). Of two equally charged peptides the one
Deoxyhexose 146 with the highest mass travels more slowly and arrives
Formylation 28 at the detector later.A typical TOF mass spectrograph
O-GlcNac 203 is shown in Figure 3 in which each peak represents a
Glucosylation 162 parent ion of particular m/z ratio, calculated from tD.
Hexosamines 161
Hydroxylation 16
Methylation 14 Peptide mass fingerprinting by MALDI-TOF
Myristoylation 210
N-acetyl hexosamines 203 Protein identification can be achieved through pep-
Oxidation 16 tide mass fingerprinting (PMF),usually performed by
Palmytoylation 238 a single-stage MS instrument using MALDI linked to
Pentose 132 TOF (MALDI-TOF).The resulting spectrum resolves a
Phosphorylation 80 peak list of masses corresponding to PROTEOLYTIC
Sialytation 291 FRAGMENTS of the excised protein of interest and auto-
Sodium 22 proteolytic peptides from the protease that was used
Sulphation 80 for the digestion.The characteristic masses of the lat-
ter,indicated with * in Figure 2B,are used for internal
calibration of the raw mass spectrum, enabling the
generation of a high-accuracy list of molecular mass-
Here, the peptide solution is sprayed under vacuum es, or peptide mass fingerprint (PMF). The PMF is
from a gold-coated glass capillary directly into the then compared with those derived from databases of
analyzer.Before the analyzer is reached,fast evapora- which all proteins have been digested in silico with
tion of the solvent induces a rapid increase of charge the same protease that was used for digestion of the

FIGURE 2 (following page)

Protein identification via single-stage mass spectrometry is performed in three subsequent events. A: First, proteolytic
fragments are ionized. This is usually achieved by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) or electrospray
ionization (ESI) B: Second, ions are separated based on their molecular mass by the principle of Time-Of-Flight (TOF)
and, finally, detected. This results in a mass-over-charge spectrum (M/Z) spectrum C: A quadrupole can be used as an
ion gate so select an ion with a particular M/Z. Tandem-mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is performed for peptide sequenc-
ing. The selected ion is fragmented by gas collision. In the resulting M/Z spectrum of all fragments the mass difference
between adjacent peaks represents the mass of a terminal amino acid that was lost due to fragmentation. Hence
MS/MS is performed for peptide sequencing.
Traditional proteomics 217
218 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline

quadrupole coupled to TOF (QTOF),as illustrated in

Figure 2C, by which information pertaining to the
amino acid sequence and composition of peptides
can be extracted.A quadrupole consists of four par-
allel rods or poles and serves as a gate for ions, pep-
tides, of interest. The poles have a fixed direct cur-
rent, DC, while alternating radio frequency voltages
are applied to them. Depending on the electric field
produced, only ions of a particular m/z will be
focused on the detector (resonant ions), while all
the others are deflected into the rods (nonresonant
ions). Using QTOF, peptides are usually ionized by
ESI before entering the instrument,which during the
analysis switches back and forth between scanning
and MS/MS-(sequencing) mode. During scanning
mode, when the quadrupole is switched of, the ANA-
FIGURE 3 LYTE is separated by TOF.When an ion is detected that
Schematic representation of a quadrupole ion trap, which meets predetermined criteria,e.g.,a proper signal-to-
is used for ion gating. The total mix of ionized peptides is noise ratio and having a mass that does not belong
‘trapped’ within the space between the ring and end-cap to an autoproteolytic fragment of the applied pro-
electrodes. A combination of a constant trapping poten- tease, the instrument switches to scanning mode.
tial (VAC) and alteration of the radio frequency (Vr.f.) When the quadrupole is switched on, it creates an
amplitude enables selective elution of ions for analysis by electric field that selects the m/z range for the ion of
TOF. interest, i.e., parent ion gating. The gated ions are
then led through an argon-filled chamber posi-
tioned inline with the quadrupole, the collision cell,
excised protein spot. A probability score for protein and are fragmented by collision-induced dissocia-
identity is calculated by an algorithm that takes the tion prior to entering the TOF. In the resulting spec-
percentage of overall peptide sequence coverage trograph, as shown in Figure 4, each peak represents
taken across the undigested protein and the extent a fragment of the parent ion and the mass difference
observed: expected mass errors. The success rate of between two adjacent peaks may correspond to that
this technique can be improved by the use of more of an amino acid, the masses of which are listed in
than one protease so that results from more than one Table 3.These peaks are derived from the parent ion
PMF can be used to increase the statistical confi- on the right (Fig. 2C), each having lost varying por-
dence extracted from the search results obtained. tions of the intact peptide.The sequence of m/z dif-
[7]. As a general rule in PROTEOMICS, whenever ferences between each consecutive peak in the
orthogonal techniques and/or orthogonal algo- spectrum can be deconvoluted so as to determine
rithms are employed on the same sample or experi- the actual sequence of the selected peptide. After
ment, one can enhance the associated statistical fragmentation of the parent ion and detection of the
confidence in the conclusions through concordance ion fragments, the instrument switches to scanning
of research findings. mode until a new ion meets the selection criteria.
The amino acid sequences obtained by this process
can then be employed for use in protein identifica-
De novo protein sequencing by QTOF tion by database searching. In addition, MS/MS spec-
tra can be used to study the location and nature of
PROTEOLYTIC FRAGMENTS can also be analyzed by tan- PTMs by focusing on mass differences between
dem MS instruments (MS/MS or MSn), such as the adjacent peaks that can only be explained by a net
Traditional proteomics 219

Quantitative mass spectrometry-based analysis of protein expression by stable isotope labeling. Comparison of pro-
tein abundance between two samples is performed by labeling the proteins of the samples with different mass tags.
This labeling is mainly done A. metabolically, B. chemically, e.g., isotope-coded affinity tagging (ICAT, see also D.) or
C. proteolytically. Subsequently, labeled samples are mixed, digested and subjected to mass spectrometry. In the result-
ing spectrum, identical peptides of the different samples are separated by the mass difference of the two isotopes and
the ratio of their relative abundance in the spectrum reflects the ratio of protein expression between the two samples.

mass of an amino acid and a PTM as listed in lar and regulatory proteins; however, only highly
Table 2. expressed proteins are detected and identified with
current 2DE protocols [2, 8, 9].The tendency of 2DE
to detect only highly expressed proteins is caused by
2DE drawbacks the intrinsic limitations in dynamic range of various
stages of the technique on one hand and the enor-
Although 2DE is unsurpassed in its resolving power mous dynamic range of protein expression level
for separation of complex protein mixtures, it is not across a PROTEOME on the other.
without difficulties and shortcomings. Low-abun- The dynamic range of detection by classical
dance proteins are probably the most interesting methods such as Coomassie Blue (low sensitivity) or
ones from the point of view of understanding cellu- silver staining (non-linear at higher protein concen-
220 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline


Residue 1-letter code Residue mass Mass of most abundant immonium ion

Alanine A 71 44
Arginine R 156 129
Asparagine N 114 87
Aspartic Acid D 115 88
Cysteine C 103 76
Glutamic Acid E 129 102
Glutamine G 128 101
Glycine Q 57 30
Histidine G 137 110
Isoleucine H 113 86
Leucine I 113 86
Lysine L 128 101
Methionine M 131 104
Phenylalanine F 147 120
Proline P 97 70
Serine S 87 60
Threonine T 101 74
Tryptophan W 186 159
Tyrosine Y 163 136
Valine V 99 72

trations) is too narrow and therefore fluorescent tion of all proteins during sample preparation virtu-
staining methods with new probes with enhanced ally impossible. To reduce complexity, samples can
SENSITIVITY and dynamic range have been developed be pre-fractionated for specific subsets of proteins by
and are becoming increasingly popular. In addition, affinity enrichment and application of specific
the number of proteins that can be separated practi- extraction buffers and methods. Still, hydrophobic
cally by 2DE is limited by the physical dimensions of proteins such as membrane receptors often precipi-
the gel itself. One solution to enhance resolution is tate during IEF, which prevents transfer into the SDS-
separation of a protein sample on multiple 2DE gels PAGE gel and are thus lost during separation.
of consecutive partially overlapping narrow-range 2DE also suffers from high variation that is intro-
IPGs. Subsequently, the images of generated gels are duced during sample preparation, protein loading
combined in silico to construct so-called ‘ZOOM GELS’ and the complex nature of the staining procedures
[5, 10]. employed. In order to obtain statistically significant
The high variety in protein expression levels is quantitative data from which valid conclusions
illustrated by the fact that 90% of the PROTEOME of a regarding biology can be drawn, it is necessary to
typical cell is made up of only 10% of the produce a number of replicate gels from the same
10,000–20,000 different protein species. An addition- sample [11–13]. Furthermore, qualitative and quanti-
al factor that adds to this complexity is the large vari- tative analysis of 2DE gels performed by dedicated
ety of biochemical characteristics (hydrophobicity, software is still difficult to automate and requires a
charge, pI, etc.) of proteins, which makes solubiliza- high degree of human intervention.The latter step is
Traditional proteomics 221

therefore time consuming and currently the rate-lim- by linearly altering the amplitude of the radio fre-
iting factor in 2DE-based PROTEOME analysis. These quency applied to the ring electrode so as to elute a
shortcomings have been ostensibly overcome and particular ion series from the trap, after which they
fully automated image analysis is becoming a long- are analyzed by TOF.
awaited reality in the discipline.As with any process, The MudPIT method was shown to be effective in
when one bottleneck has been overcome, the goal- identification of proteins with a wide range of bio-
posts are transposed elsewhere. Independent of chemical properties and expression levels, including
method employed, the major challenge for PRO- low-abundance proteins [14,15].Although MudPIT is
TEOMICS is that of total proteomic coverage, which easy to automate and harbors the appropriate reso-
remains low, except in microbes. lution and dynamic detection range needed to man-
age the complexity of global PROTEOME analysis, it
will only generate qualitative data.This is a restriction
Qualitative MS-based proteomics of all MS-based techniques because the relative
abundance of a peptide in the spectrum depends on
Because of the limitations of 2DE, other techniques its biochemical make-up and subsequent ability to
have been developed for qualitative PROTEOME analy- become ionized and is not necessarily correlated
sis based on liquid separations coupled to on-line with its concentration in the sample, i.e., relative ion
mass spectrometry. In general, complex mixtures of intensity at the detector may be significantly differ-
proteins,or peptides,are separated by microcapillary ent from that entering the mass spectrometer.
format liquid chromatography, capillary elec-
trophoresis or hybrids thereof prior to ESI and subse-
quent mass analysis by MS/MS. This approach using Quantitative MS-based proteomics
one-dimensional separation is sufficient for the
analysis of low-complexity samples; however,its reso- Several alternative methods have been proposed for
lution is by far inferior to that of 2DE.To date,no stud- relative quantification of protein expression between
ies have been conducted on multiple analyses of the paired samples, of which one has been subjected to
same sample set, but initial indications are that vari- stable isotope labeling, which can be achieved by
ance due to technology and biology will mean that several methods (Fig. 4).
large numbers of replicates will be necessary to
allow valid conclusions due to significant popula- Metabolic labeling
tion variance in both test and control groups.
One approach to obtain a higher order of resolu- In this approach (Fig.4A),two populations of cells or
tion of separation prior to MS is termed multidimen- organisms are grown in parallel, one on a normal
sional protein identification technology (MudPIT) source of nutrition and the other on a source deplet-
[14]. This orthogonal combination of cation ed or enriched for an isotope of N, C or H [16–18].
exchange and reverse-phase chromatography con- This process is referred to as stable isotope labeling
sists of sequential step-elutions (~15) from global with amino acids during culture,or SILAC [19].Next,
styptic peptides from a strong cation exchange resin protein samples from both populations are mixed,
with slow ethanol gradients inserted between each digested and analyzed in parallel by MS. The incor-
salt elution step. After ESI, eluted peptides are ana- porated isotope induces a mass change reflected by
lyzed using a quadrupole ion trap (QIT).This instru- a characteristic shift in the resultant MS spectrum.
ment consists of two hemispherical end-cap elec- The mean ratio in relative ion intensity of correspon-
trodes,spatially separated by ring electrodes,illustrat- ding peaks is employed as an indication of that of
ed in Figure 3. The trapping potential, AC voltage, the relative difference in protein expression
applied to the end-cap electrodes, is used to confine between the two populations (Fig. 4E). Unfortunate-
ion species with respect to their respective m/z ratio ly, peptides from the same protein show much varia-
for subsequent analysis.A mass spectrum is obtained tion with respect to the estimates of protein abun-
222 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline

dance derived from ion intensity measures, due to Mass coded abundance tagging
differences in a peptide’s overall charge and associ-
ated willingness to enter the gas phase and ‘fly’ in To avoid problems associated with poor quantifica-
the MS. tion derived from estimates based on ion intensity
measures, mass coded abundance tagging (MCAT)
Isotope-coded affinity tagging has been introduced [22].The methodology is based
on guanidination of C-terminal lysine residues on
Another method is isotope-coded affinity tagging tryptic peptides, corresponding elution times, direct
(ICAT) [20] (Fig. 4B) or variants thereof based upon peptide identification by MS and a predictable mass
isotope tagging of sulphydryl groups, amino groups, change of 21 m/z units. Here, however, ACCURATE pro-
active sites for serine & cysteine hydrolases, phos- tein quantification can be achieved from a recon-
phate ester groups, and N-linked carbohydrates. The structed ion chromatogram for comparison of ‘areas
ICAT reagents (Fig. 4D), consist of a protein-(cys- under the curve’ for differential screening. The latter
teine) reactive group,a linker region and a biotin tag. is somewhat limited by the resolution afforded by
The linkers are composed of either 8 deuterium (d8, the liquid chromatography system. Another variant
heavy reagent) or 8 hydrogen (d0, light reagent) of MCAT is absolute quantification (AQUA) internal
atoms, resulting in an 8Da mass difference between standard peptides [23].
corresponding peaks in the MS spectrum.A reduced
protein sample from one population is derivatized, Proteolytic labeling
on cysteine,with the isotopically heavy version of the
ICAT reagents, while the other is derivatized with the A third labeling method is performed during protein
isotopically light variant. Derivatized samples are digestion (Fig.4C).Two samples are separately digest-
mixed and subjected to digestion, after which the ed in either H216O or H218O.The oxygen atom derived
mix is enriched for cysteine-containing peptides by from the aqueous solvent is incorporated into the
affinity purification using the biotin tag of the ICAT newly formed C-terminus of each peptide, providing
linker. This results in an approximate tenfold reduc- an EPITOPE tag for relative quantification [23]. Differ-
tion in sample complexity. One of the weaknesses of ential resolution can be achieved in a similar man-
this method is the fact that 1 out of 7 proteins does ner by incorporation of 15N [24].
not contain any cysteine and thus does not react
with the ICAT reagents.These proteins are lost during
affinity purification using biotin and therefore Array-based proteomics
missed in the analysis. Furthermore, the ICAT
reagents are relatively large molecules compared MICROARRAYS provide the potential for determining
with the peptide to which they are attached and thousands of different binding events in a single
thereby influence chromatographic separation prior experiment in a massively parallel fashion. The
to ionization and peptide ionization itself, which genomic revolution of the last decade which has
complicates data interpretation. A detailed compari- delivered information on whole organisms at the
son of 2DE and ICAT technologies has shown level of DNA sequence and transcriptome analysis
healthy complementarity of these techniques,where- has been based notably on parallelization, miniatur-
by together enhanced proteomic coverage was ization and automation – all of which become possi-
achieved with the latter demonstrating a bias for ble in a protein biochip environment. Usually, a num-
high-Mr proteins and quantification based on the ber of different molecules with distinct binding char-
sum of the protein species, while the former showed acteristics, CAPTURE MOLECULES or ligands, are
improved resolution of low-Mr proteins, post-transla- immobilized in a grid-like fashion on a solid SUB-
tionally modified polypeptides, processed polypep- STRATE, the array.The latter is incubated with an ANA-
tides and identified cysteine-free proteins, otherwise LYTE solution containing the molecules of interest,
invisible to ICAT [21]. TARGETS.Detection of binding is usually performed by
Array-based proteomics 223



fluorescent staining methods either before or after Microspot

TARGET binding.
The microarray format was originally designed CAPTURE MOLECULES are immobilized at high density
for studying DNA dot blots and later mRNA expres- on the solid support and localized within a very
sion levels and is currently being extrapolated for small surface area. During the assay, the TARGETS are
applications to study protein expression and func- captured by the MICROSPOT in which the absolute
tion.The origins and applications of array-based PRO- number of capture-TARGET complexes is low owing to
TEOMICS have been reviewed by Humphery-Smith its small area. As a result, the capture process does
[25].A number of practical problems are associated not significantly change the TARGET concentration in
with the setup of high throughput parallel binding the ANALYTE solution, even for TARGETS in low concen-
assays involving proteins. Proteins are far more tration and/or for binding reactions that occur with
diverse with respect to their biochemical properties high affinity. This remains true whenever <0.1/K of
than their nucleic acid counterparts, whereby each the CAPTURE MOLECULES are captured, where K is the
amino acid combines to rapidly produce an incred- initial concentration of potential TARGETS in solution.
ibly large potential variety as to properties of the Under these ambient ANALYTE conditions,the amount
final polypeptide, i.e., the number of amino acid in a of the TARGET captured from solution directly reflects
polypeptide string to the power of 20 (Fig. 5). its concentration in the assay system. Such a system
Miniaturization of systems allows for less ANALYTE is independent of the actual ANALYTE volume and is
consumption. But perhaps more importantly, capable of high-sensitivity concentration measure-
reduced spot size associated with the area devoted ments with low sample consumption.
to CAPTURE MOLECULES on the array will concomitant- The SENSITIVITY that can be obtained is high for
ly allow for MICROSPOTS with high overall density of two reasons. First, the binding activity occurs at the
binding sites. This results in enhanced SENSITIVITY highest possible TARGET concentration. Second, the
compared to the use of larger spot areas, i.e., CAPTURE MOLECULE-target complex is found only in a
MACROSPOTS. This phenomenon is explained by the small area of the MICROSPOT, resulting in high local
theory of ‘AMBIENT ANALYTE CONCENTRATION’ [26, 27] signal (Fig. 6).As demonstrated in this diagram, CAP-
and is explained below. TURE MOLECULES are immobilized in a constant sur-
224 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline


Capture molecules are immobilized in a constant surface density in all spots. The largest spot harbors the highest total
amount of capture molecules and overall signal. Here signal density is lowest because of the limiting amount of tar-
get, evenly distributed on the area without saturating it. With decreasing spot size the overall signal will decrease but
the signal density will increase for smaller spots. Below a certain spot size, the signal density approaches an optimum
(ambient analyte conditions, unlimited amount of target) and will stay approximately constant with any further
decrease of spot size.

face density onto spots that have increased spot but the signal density will increase for smaller spots.
size. With increasing spot size, the total amount of Below a certain spot size, the signal density
CAPTURE MOLECULES in the assay increases,as does the approaches an optimum (ambient ANALYTE condi-
sum of the obtained signal in the spot. The signal tions, unlimited amount of TARGET) and will stay
density, however, starts to decrease with increasing approximately constant with any further decrease of
spot size because the amount of TARGET starts to spot size.Therefore the highest signal intensities and
become a limiting factor.The capture process leads optimal signal-to-noise ratios can be achieved in
to a significant reduction of TARGET concentration in small spots. Small spot size also allows for dramatic
solution and at the same time the probe-TARGET com- parallelization on a low-cost biochip format.
plexes are distributed over a larger area. As a result Furthermore, when conducted in conjunction with
the maximal signal that can be obtained from any grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance, real-
spot in the spot is decreased. Decreasing the spot time association and dissociation constants can be
size will decrease the overall signal per MICROSPOT acquired in parallel so as to provide still greater
Summary 225


insight into the dynamics of biomolecular interac- with the progression, prognosis and early detection
tions. of disease and are also being applied to patient
To date, protein biochips have been employed to cohorting during drug trials, i.e., pharmacopro-
examine a wide variety of assay types, see Figure 7. teomics. Protein arrays hold equally great potential
These include detection of interactions between to improved lead development and optimization as
antibody-antigen; protein-protein; protein-nucleic a means of verifying TARGET SPECIFICITY in the presence
acid, protein-small molecule, membrane-bound of numerous potential recombinant binders and
receptors and TARGET,domain screening,and analysis thereby working towards reducing adverse drug
of enzymatic function. In addition, a parallelized for- effects as a direct spin-off from increased knowledge
mat has been adopted for a variety of other applica- of the human genome.
tions in PROTEOMICS.These applications include tissue
arrays, EPITOPE mapping via peptide arrays, reverse
arrays for the examination of naturally occurring pro- Summary
tein isoforms found in cellular extracts as eluted
from liquid chromatography,cellular arrays for bioas- Here,we have set out to demonstrate that PROTEOMICS
says, and immobilization of various chromatography in its various forms has demonstrated its utility
affinity capture reagents. The latter are now being across the entire drug development pipeline from
used extensively to seek out biomarkers associated initial TARGET discovery and validation through to
226 Proteomics and applications within the drug development pipeline

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