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Nemesis House Rules

This is a list of rule tweaks that can be used in the scenarios included at the end. The inspiration
for almost all of these tweaks came from playing the Untold Stories #1 Campaign which proves
this game can be easily modified to fit any story you desire to create.

Pick and choose any or all as you prefer:

- Camper: if you haven’t moved from a ship space for a complete turn, you must roll for
Noise as soon as you pass.
- Creeper Control: if a character dies from an Infection and becomes a Creeper, instead
of using the Intruder Player cards, the player controls only his Creeper. Event Phase
remains unchanged. During the Intruder Attack Phase, they are allowed 1 action: either
one Movement in any direction or Attack one character in same tile. The controlled
Creeper is not affected by Event Cards (example: movement, Lurking or Regeneration).
It can be transformed to a Breeder by the appropriate Intruder Attack card if drawn
during an attack (Transformation).
- Dangerous Eggs:
1) Anytime an exploration token reveals a malfunction in a room: in addition to
placing a malfunction token, if there are any eggs on the Intruder Board, place
one egg in the room.
2) During Intruder Bag Development, if a Larvae token is revealed, remove the
token and add an adult token as per normal rules and also do the following
additional step: if there are any eggs in a ship room: destroy and remove the
eggs and place a Larvae miniature in each of the associated rooms. It makes
one single surprise attack as normal if a character is in the room and has no
3) During the Event Intruder Movement Phase if a Larvae is on the game board and
is not in combat: it will always move in the direction of the Event Card. If the
Larvae enters the Technical Corridor: remove it from the board and place a
Larvae token into the Intruder Bag. Larvae cannot move thru doors, nor can they
destroy them.
4) Intruder Eggs: once there are no more intruder eggs left on the Intruder Board or
in a ship room: the Nest is considered destroyed even if there are Larvae on the
board or in the Intruder Bag.
5) All eggs have the following rules: 2 Action Cards to pick up plus a noise roll.
When the egg is destroyed, remove the egg from the room. The egg is destroyed
with 1 hit.
- I Know My Ship: when characters start a game in the Hibernatorium, apply the
1) Evacuation Section A and B tiles are placed face up (explored side). Place in
position 005 and 009 on Nemesis ship board. If using alternate ship, then place
in already highlighted spaces.
2) Randomly place Tile 1's and 2's as per standard rules.
3) After tile placement is complete, reveal all tiles.
4) Place exploration tokens randomly face down on all revealed tiles.
5) While a revealed tile has a face down exploration token on it, it is considered
unexplored. Event cards do not affect them.
6) For added difficulty: add exploration tokens to the Cockpit and each Engine

Nemesis House Rules and Scenarios v1.3

- Interrupt Intruder Attack: the Interrupt Action card can additionally be used to cause a
revealed Intruder Attack card to be discarded and draw another Intruder Attack card then
apply that card instead.
- Perfect Hits: no dice roll required for shoot or melee attacks. Apply the damage as
though you made the highest roll. Shooting still spend the bullets.
- Quite Escape: no Noise roll for entry into actual Escape Pod or into Hibernation
- Recoverable Items: When a character falls unconscious or dies: all items remain on the
body/corpse. A player can make a trade action to claim any number of items from the
- Targeted Healing: beneficial items can be used on another character in the same room
even if they are unconscious. Apply the benefits as written on the item card to the
targeted character. For an unconscious character, if their health heals below the
maximum wounds limit, they are revived and can stand up at the start of the next turn.
- Unconscious Character: a player character who exceeds maximum wounds, falls
unconscious. Place the miniature on its side in the space they fell unconscious. This
character can be revived by either the standard Revive rule or Targeted Healing. This
does not apply to a character who dies due to infection and turns into a Creeper.
- Unknown Ship: characters can come on board the Nemesis from another vessel via
Nemesis’s Evacuation Sections A or B:
1) Evacuation Section A and B tiles are placed face up (explored side). Place in
position 005 and 009 on Nemesis ship board. If using alternate ship, then place
in already highlighted spaces.
2) Players choose and place their characters on either Evacuation Section A or B
for their starting position. The team members can be split.
3) Place exploration tokens randomly face down on all unexplored and explored
tiles including Cockpit, Hibernatorium, and each Engine room. No exploration
tokens on tiles that have starting characters on them.
- Utility Belt: each character starts the game with: 1 Energy Charge (red item), 1 Medkit
(green item) and 1 Tools (yellow item).

Nemesis House Rules and Scenarios v1.3

Scenario: XO’s Folly
The Story:
You are a crewmember on board the spaceship Nemesis enroute to Earth after a routine
exploratory mission to sector LV421. Somewhere during the 18 month long hibernation flight,
the ship’s security system awakens the crew due to the ship coming out of hyper jump and now
apparently adrift. The ship is due to automatically re-enter hyper jump in 15 cycles. The
Executive Officer (XO) and two other crew member’s hibernation chambers are found empty
and they are not answering any intercom hails.

Crewmembers need to:
- Reach the Comms Room signaling the company to report their status, current position
and with an updated time of arrival.
- Reach the Cockpit and confirm the destination coordinates to Earth.
- Inspect the engines and ensure all three engines are operational and repair if necessary.
- Enter the hibernation chambers in time to hyper jump and resume course.

Winning Conditions:
- Ship must reach Earth. All crew members must survive whether onboard or in an
Escape Pod.

- Standard setup rules for a Coop game except as noted below.
- Standard game Objectives cards are not used in this scenario.
- Tiles: apply the I Know My Ship rule listed in the ‘House Rules’ section.
- Place the following Story Event tokens:
Event 01 and On Entry tokens: in Hibernatorium, this is a reminder to apply the event to
the first explored tile when leaving the Hibernatorium.
Event 02 and On Use tokens: in Laboratory. On Use is the same 'Analyze 1 Object' two
action card action and happens at the same time.
Event 03 and On Use tokens: in Comms Room. On Use is the same 'Send A Signal' two
action card action and happens at the same time.

Special Rules:
- Apply the Dangerous Eggs rule listed in the ‘House Rules’ section.
- Feel free to add additional rule changes from the ‘House Rules’ section to spice things

Story Moments:
- Event 01, On Entry, first explored tile: Place the Blue Character corpse token in the
room. The crewmember finds the Executive Officer lying dead on the floor with large exit
wounds in his chest. There is strange acidic slime around the corpse's chest. The team
considers they could pick up the body and carry it to the Laboratory for further analysis.
The crewmember also notices the XO wearing a Utility Belt. Any character can make a
Trade Action and pick up the following three items from the belt: 1 Energy Charge (red
item), 1 Medkit (green item) and 1 Tools (yellow item).
- Event 02, On Use, Laboratory computer reveals XO's log: you come across computer
entry logs from the XO outlining details of what has happened... While we were on the
planet's surface of LV421, the science team had found an unidentified alien egg. The

Nemesis House Rules and Scenarios v1.3

egg appeared to be long dead and fossilized. It was bagged and brought onboard. It was
placed in a Stasis chamber to be studied later at the company research center in orbit
around Earth. The XO was the leading Science Officer and decided this was a harmless
object and did not find it important to notify the Captain about it. He did notify the
company of all his findings during the expedition. While enroute, the onboard Android
was signaled by the company requesting to make some further observations and minor
tests with the egg. Due to a mishap in the Laboratory, the Android woke the XO and
explained something came out of the egg and is now loose on board the ship. Thinking
this was not too serious, the XO opted to not wake the Captain. He woke up two security
officers to deal with the minor nuisance in an attempt to find and capture the small
unidentified creature, if there actually was one.
- Event 03, On Use, Comms Room signal sent: Signal to company sent. Company informs
the crew they can evacuate Nemesis with Escape Pods or return to Hibernation
chambers. Company lifeboat vessel will be enroute if required to recover escape pods
as per quarantine procedures. Earth company station can assist any survivors on board
the ship. The company has also made updated calculations and state that only two
engines need to be operational from your current position to get to destination.

Hosting Tips:
- If an experienced player is teaching the game to new players, consider acting as the
host where you are not actually playing the game, but telling the story and answering
rule questions as needed.
- Read the story description and objectives to the players.
- Explain how the objectives are attained from the story.
- Character Player board: explain basic actions but skip any explanation of wounds,
signal, slime and crafting. These can be explained as they are needed during game play.
- Explain class specific quest cards as they are unlocked.
- Action Cards: explain all the basic shared action cards such as Search, Rest, etc. Then
lightly explain any class special cards as needed.
- Explain how actions are spent during the rounds. For example: players are allowed 2
actions per turn, but each action can have different costs associated with them.
- Begin the game and then explain any necessary rules as it comes up during play.
- Monitor Story Events.
- It should be emphasized early on after the first encounter, that this is a not a combat
game. Focus should be on survival and tactfully obtaining the objectives as quickly and
efficiently as possible.

Nemesis House Rules and Scenarios v1.3

Scenario: Nemesis Found
The Story:
The Nemesis has been lost for several months. Another ship picked up the Nemesis distress
beacon on their long range scanners and forwarded this information to the authorities. After
receiving word, a company ship has been dispatched to intercept the drifting ship located
somewhere near the outer rim of the solar system. No one responds on the radio after repeated
hails. A special ops team is dispatched over to investigate the drifting Nemesis. The team gains
access through one of the Evacuation Sections on either side of the ship. The company has
also assigned individual tasks to each of the team members.

- Standard setup rules for a Coop or Semi-Coop game except as noted below.
- Standard game Objectives based on game type.
- Tiles: apply the Unknown Ship rule listed in the ‘House Rules’ section.

Special Rules:
- Apply the Dangerous Eggs rule listed in the ‘House Rules’ section.
- Feel free to add additional rule changes from the ‘House Rules’ section to spice things

Nemesis House Rules and Scenarios v1.3

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