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Prepared By:

Mr Ragab Ahmed
Objectives of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in
the Primary Stage
The objectives of teaching English in the Primary Stage are intended to
familiarize the pupils with the language (orally and in writing) in a stress-
free and fun-loaded atmosphere to prepare them for more demanding tasks
in the subsequent stages.
Below is the general statement of the performance objectives of teaching
English as a foreign language in grades one, two, three, four, five & six in
the Primary Stage in terms of language skills for convenience.
The aims in the early grades are:
• To assure that learning English is easy while developing a child’s
enthusiasm for, and the desire to learn a new language.
• To develop positive learning habits such as turn taking, organizational
skills, and cooperative learning.
• To enlarge children’s horizons so that they become familiar with different
cultures while developing an understanding of their own.
• To experience language awareness in terms of how English works and
differs from Arabic.
• To enable children to communicate simply but effectively through the
development of oral proficiency in English.
• To lay solid foundations for the development of literacy skills in English.
Course Components
"Connect " Year 1 consists of the following:
a) Student’s Books (First Term & Second Term)
b) Class Audio CDs
c) Teacher’s Guide
"Time for English" Years 2 and 3 consists of the following:
d) Student’s Books (First Term & Second Term)
e) CD
f) A Teacher’s Guide
Course Components of Years 4, 5 & 6 Primary
The components of the course for levels 4, 5 and 6 (Time for English) are
as follows:
a) Student’s Books (First Term & Second Term)
b) Workbook (First Term & Second Term)
c) CD
d) A Teacher’s Guide
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Connect 1 ‫ز‬
‫اإلنجليية‬ ‫توزيع منهج اللغة‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اللص ااألو ااالبتاا‬
ً ‫ أربع حصص أسبىعيا‬:‫الخطت الدراسيت‬ 2019 /2018 ‫العام الدراسي‬

First Term
Connect 1 - Primary One
Student's Book

September Units 1 + 2 + 3
October Review 1 + Units 4 + 5 + 6
November Review 2 + Units 7 + 8
December Unit 9 + Review 3
January ( 2019 ) Revision

‫* مع األخذ في االعتبار مرونة التنفيذ نظرا ً ألنه العام األول لتدريس الكتاب مع مراعاة تغطيه‬
‫جميع الوحدات في فترة الفصل الدراسي األول‬
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Time for English Primary 2 ‫ﺗﻮزﯾﻊ ﻣﻨﮭﺞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اﻟﺼﻒ اﻟﺜﺎ اﻻﺑﺘﺪا‬
( ‫ ﺛﻼث ﺣﺼﺺ أﺳﺒﻮﻋﯿﺎ ً ) ﻓﺘﺮة وﻧﺼﻒ‬:‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ‬ ٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬

First Term
Time for English - Primary Two
Student's Book

September Revision + Unit 1

October Units 2 + 3
November Review 1 + Units 4 + 5
December Unit 6 + Review 2
January ( 2019 ) Tests

Second Term
Time for English - Primary Two
Student's Book

February Units 7 + 8
March Units 9 + Review 1 + 10
April Units 11 + 12 + Review 2
May Tests
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Time for English Primary 3 ‫ﺗﻮزﯾﻊ ﻣﻨﮭﺞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اﻟﺼﻒ اﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ اﻻﺑﺘﺪا‬
( ‫ ﺛﻼث ﺣﺼﺺ أﺳﺒﻮﻋﯿﺎ ً ) ﻓﺘﺮة وﻧﺼﻒ‬:‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ‬ ٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬

First Term
Time for English - Primary Three
Student's Book

September Unit 1
October Units 1 (cont.) + 2
November Unit 3 + Review 1
December Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Review 2
January ( 2019 ) Tests

Second Term
Time for English - Primary Three
Student's Book

February Units 7 + 8
March Units 8 ( cont.) + 9 + Review 3
April Units 10 + 11 + 12 + Review 4
May Tests
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Time for English Primary 4 ‫ﺗﻮزﯾﻊ ﻣﻨﮭﺞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اﻟﺼﻒ اﻟﺮاﺑﻊ اﻻﺑﺘﺪا‬
ً ‫ ﺛﻼث ﺣﺼﺺ أﺳﺒﻮﻋﯿﺎ‬:‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ‬ ٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬

First Term
Time for English - Year 4
Student's Book & Workbook

September Unit 1
October Units 2 + 3
November Review 1 + Unit 4
December Units 5 + 6 + Review 2
January ( 2019 ) Tests

Second Term
Time for English - Year 4
Student's Book & Workbook

February Units 7 + 8
March Units 9 + Review 1 + 10
April Units 11 + 12 + Review 2
May Tests
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Time for English Primary 5 ‫ﺗﻮزﯾﻊ ﻣﻨﮭﺞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اﻟﺼﻒ اﻟﺨﺎﻣﺲ اﻻﺑﺘﺪا‬
ً ‫ ﺛﻼث ﺣﺼﺺ أﺳﺒﻮﻋﯿﺎ‬:‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ‬ ٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬

First Term
Time for English - Year 5
Student's Book & Workbook

September Unit 1
October Units 2 + 3
November Review 1 + Unit 4
December Units 5 + 6 + Review 2
January ( 2019 ) Tests

Second Term
Time for English - Year 5
Student's Book & Workbook

February Units 7 + 8
March Units 9 + Review 1 +10
April Units 11 + 12 + Review 2
May Tests
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Time for English Primary 6 ‫ﺗﻮزﯾﻊ ﻣﻨﮭﺞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ ELT Counsellor's Office
( 2018/2019) ‫اﻟﺼﻒ اﻟﺴﺎدس اﻻﺑﺘﺪا‬
ً ‫ ﺛﻼث ﺣﺼﺺ أﺳﺒﻮﻋﯿﺎ‬:‫اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺪراﺳﯿﺔ‬ ٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬

First Term
Time for English - Year 6
Student's Book & Workbook

September Unit 1
October Units 2 + 3
November Unit 4
December Unit 5 + Review
January ( 2019 ) Tests

Second Term
Time for English - Year 6
Student's Book & Workbook

February Units 6 + 7
March Units 8 + 9
April Unit 10 + Review
May Tests
Objectives of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
in the Preparatory Stage
* General Aims:
1.a : To acquire and develop the four language skills integratively.
1.b : To help the students communicate in English within the limited scope of the
number of hours allocated to the course.
1.c : Consequently, learning the first foreign language may be considered as a basis
the students can build on at a later stage.
* Specific Aims:
2.a : To enable the students to understand the lexical items, syntactic structures,
phonological features and functional items they are exposed to within the limits of
what they have acquired.
2.b : To enable the students to express themselves orally in English through the use of
simple expressions and sentences, taking into account the correct pronunciation.
* The Four Skills:
Teaching will aim at acquiring and developing all skills in an integrated way for
most of the time.
3.a : Listening:
- Distinguishing sounds and words.
- Understanding a limited range of vocabulary items.
- Understanding simple sentences, questions, instructions and directions and
responding to them.
- Understanding a wider range of vocabulary.
- Understanding different forms of questions.
- Identifying topics of situational dialogues.
3.b : Speaking:
- Producing words and sentences.
- Producing short utterances.
- Taking part in simple dialogues.
- Producing questions and answers.
- Re-telling a story.
- Making simple requests.
- Telling a story or dramatizing it as a play.
3.c : Reading:
- Identifying a range of vocabulary items.
- Responding appropriately to simple sentences and short paragraphs.
- Scanning and skimming texts for information.
- Answering questions on a text.
3.d : Writing:
- Completing and constructing simple sentences.
- Writing a letter following instructions.
- Writing a paragraph by answering questions or any other kind of guidance.
Ministry of Education
ELT Counsellor's office
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف األول اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
First Term

New Hello! English for Preparatory

Months Schools The old man and
Year One (SB + WB)
the sea
September Check your English Test + Unit 1 ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
October Units 2 + 3 + Review A Chapter 1
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Review B Chapters 2 + 3
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 + Review C Chapter 3 Cont. + 4
January 2019 Final Revision Revision
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف األول اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
Second Term
New Hello! English for Preparatory Reader
Months Schools
Year One (SB + WB) The Iron Man
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 + Review D Chapter 1
March Units 13 + 14 + 15 + Review E Chapter 2
April Units 16 + 17 + 18 + Review F Chapters 3 + 4
May Final Revision Revision
Ministry of Education
ELT Counsellor's office
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف الثاني اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
First Term
New Hello! English for Preparatory Reader
Months Schools
Year Two (SB + WB) Robinson Crusoe
September Check your English Test + Unit 1 ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
October Units 1 Cont. + 2 + 3 + Review A Chapter 1
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Review B Chapters 2 + 3
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 + Review C Chapter 3 Cont. + 4
January 2019 Final Revision Revision
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف الثاني اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
Second Term

New Hello! English for Preparatory

Months Schools The Red Headed
Year Two (SB + WB)
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 + Review D Chapter 1
March Units 13 + 14 + 15 + Review E Chapter 2
April Units 16 + 17 + 18 + Review F Chapters 3 + 4
May Final Revision Revision
Ministry of Education
ELT Counsellor's office
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
First Term
New Hello! English for Preparatory The Reader
Months Schools
Year Three (SB + WB) Black Beauty
September Check your English Test + Unit 1 ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
October Units 2 + 3 + Revision A Chapter 1
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Revision B Chapter 2
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 + Revision C Chapter 3
January 2019 Final Revision Revision
‫تىزيع منهج اللغة اإلجنليزية‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي‬
‫ م‬2019 /2018 ‫للعام الدراسي‬
Second Term
New Hello! English for Preparatory The Reader
Months Schools
Year Three (SB + WB) Black Beauty
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 + Revision D Chapter 4
March Units 13 + 14 + 15 + Review E Chapter 4 Cont. + 5
April Units 16 + 17 + 18 + Review F Chapters 6
May Final Revision Revision
Objectives of Teaching English as a Foreign
Language in the Secondary Stage
* General Aims:
1.a : To acquire and develop the four language skills integratively.
1.b : To help the students communicate in English within the limited scope of the
number of hours allocated to the course.
1.c : Consequently, learning the first foreign language may be considered as a basis
the students can build on at a later stage.
* Specific Aims:
2.a : To enable the students to understand the lexical items, syntactic structures,
phonological features and functional items they are exposed to within the limits of
what they have acquired.
2.b : To enable the students to express themselves orally in English through the use of
simple expressions and sentences, taking into account the correct pronunciation.
* The Four Skills:
Teaching will aim at acquiring and developing all skills in an integrated way for most
of the time.
3.a : Listening:
- Distinguishing sounds and words.
- Understanding a limited range of vocabulary items.
- Understanding simple sentences, questions, instructions and
directions and responding to them.
- Understanding a wider range of vocabulary.
- Understanding different forms of questions.
- Identifying topics of situational dialogues.
3.b : Speaking:
- Producing words and sentences.
- Producing short utterances.
- Taking part in simple dialogues.
- Producing questions and answers.
- Re-telling a story.
- Making simple requests.
- Telling a story or dramatizing it as a play.
3.c : Reading:
- Identifying a range of vocabulary items.
- Responding appropriately to simple sentences and short paragraphs.
- Scanning and skimming texts for information.
- Answering questions on a text.
3.d : Writing:
- Completing and constructing simple sentences.
- Writing a letter following instructions.
- Writing a paragraph by answering questions or any other kind of guidance.
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
First Year Secondary ELT Counsellor’s Office
First Foreign Language ‫ﺗﻮﺯﻳﻊ ﻣﻨﻬﺞ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻹﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬ (2018 –2019)
٢٠١٩ / ٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﺼﻒ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﻱ‬ ‫اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻷﺟﻨﺒﯿﺔ اﻷوﻟﻰ‬

First Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 1 (SB + WB) Oliver Twist
September Unit 1 Chapter 1
October Units 2 + 3 + Revision A Chapter 2
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Revision B Chapter 3
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 Chapter 4
January (2019) Revision C Revision

Second Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 1 (SB + WB) Oliver Twist
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 Chapter 5
March Revision D + 13 + 14 + 15 Chapters 6 + 7
April Revision E + 16 + 17 +18 Chapters 7 Cont. + 8
May Revision F Revision
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Second Year Secondary ELT Counsellor’s Office
First Foreign Language ‫ﺗﻮﺯﻳﻊ ﻣﻨﻬﺞ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻹﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬ (2018 –2019)
٢٠١٩ / ٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﺼﻒ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﻱ‬ ‫اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻷﺟﻨﺒﯿﺔ اﻷوﻟﻰ‬

First Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 2 (SB + WB) Gulliver’s Travels
September Unit 1 Chapter 1
October Units 2 + 3 + Review A Chapters 1 (cont.) + 2
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Review B Chapter 3
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 Chapter 4
January (2019) Review C Revision

Second Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 2 (SB + WB) Gulliver’s Travels
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 Chapter 5
March Review D + 13 + 14 + 15 Chapter 6
April Review E + 16 + 17 + 18 Chapters 7+ 8
May Review F Revision
Monthly Distribution of EFL Syllabus Ministry of Education
Third Year Secondary ELT Counsellor’s Office
First Foreign Language ‫ﺗﻮﺯﻳﻊ ﻣﻨﻬﺞ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻹﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬ (2018 –2019)
٢٠١٩ / ٢٠١٨ ‫اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺪراﺳﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﺼﻒ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﻱ‬ ‫اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻷﺟﻨﺒﯿﺔ اﻷوﻟﻰ‬

First Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 3 (SB + WB)
The Prisoner of Zenda
September Unit 1 Chapter 1
October Units 2 + 3 + Revision A Chapters 1 (cont.) + 2
November Units 4 + 5 + 6 + Revision B Chapter 3
December Units 7 + 8 + 9 Chapter 4
January (2019) Revision C Revision

Second Term 
Hello! English for Secondary
Schools - Year 3 (SB + WB)
The Prisoner of Zenda
February Units 10 + 11 + 12 + Revision D Chapter 5
March Units 13 + 14 + 15 + Revision E Chapter 6
April Units 16 + 17 + 18 Chapters 7 +8
May Revision F Revision

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